Baily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Joe Prsswitog OlS.ce3 MAIS STREET V. II. I.WNUU'KI.L, Proprietor. NEWS DEPARTMENT. Wo receive, tokmphio despatches lip to 4. p. m., and present theui to our rcadora every ovenim?. Km. binciiiy uewa of (.'teat Interest from all suctions of me couutry. u uuva mado special iirnuigumciita, wbcroby we rccoivo regular Petroleum, stock and Produce Market ltcnorts everv ovciili.o I, vi,,l, .,-,.,.!. from New York, Philadelphia, and l-iiulitir, which! incomer witu tutorials and Local matters, inaku It one or the most dcsiiublc newspapers published in the Oil Ucyiou Ah an A9 vrlisiiii; irlctlifliu, The KKCOltl) has no superior, na it circulates wherever nu Oil Operator or Dealer can he found JOBBING- DEPARTMENT. Wo have a large am! well - selected assortment Cf new Jobbing fllulcrlul, eiahraelug the vei-j latest 3tyltM. Wit are thereforo, euuhled to OAUCiitc JoV Work of ovoiy vurlety iu a satisfactory inanuor Wheu dcsirul, jobs willbu neatly priuted iu Culobs. iSliipiiiij; IJilli.; I'iisilt-rs ; HuiMi-miis. Hills of l'';irc. AND t IIiuiiicNN and isitiii ':irls, BILL- HEADS, 4 HILLS Ob' I,A.1)1NJ, K'.c , Eic. 11.30 ttl.l. Ir'ICI.NTJM., or Kancv Htvles, neatly anil proinplly cuec.n led, euiifiaoim; NYITATION (MRCIII.AitS 1'UOGUAMMES l.. AlilJ.S rit'Kl'.'re, Ktc. ml, every vmietv fl' ( ''le of ivork in lul.tor, pre 0 into;. Vc'Vc'i'i'its, lawyers, .ir.atice of the Teacc, Land .eut,tll ilea eri Jlld Agents, IiiMiiralieo Airenls, Kxpresfileu 10c nier plrr'ir s ill wnnl, are lliforme.d t ist wo are preMirelV, execnle too der all Wnds ol llJANKS, i."jsiuis or legal, riitlni Iu U. tuu limnily MERCHANTS GARGLING- OIL, IS THE BEST LlftilftlEiMT IN Till: WOULD For liTan Beast. 30 Yoan in I no. era era In gondfor Rheumatism. Chilblains, Corns, Whit lows, CaUod llreasts, Sure Nipples, Crumps, Uoils, llites of animals, Wenkress of tho Joints, Contrac tions oftho Muscles, Ki rnn ami Scalds, brost llites, Painful Nervous atl'ectlons, Chapped Hands, I-anie llacli, Pulu in l lie Side. Swelliims. Tumors. Tooth Acho, Old siores, Hemorrhoids or Files, i'lesh Wonnils, Onlls of aJlkfhd. Sprains, Uralses. Crack Oil Heels, Kins Hour, Dt. Kvil, Wind Halls, Cnl" Inns, t-'pavin. Hwm'rmi, Fistula, Sitfust, Kxtorna- 'oisnns, Scratches ov Grease, rJbtai:halt, Sand racs. Lameness, strains, r oiind.;nh opt.. Maiore Horn Uisloinpe.r, (iarpri-t iu Covr Cracked Tints Foot Kot in sheep, and many other diseases iuci dtat to Man and Beast. 33 It. T. TATlon. of Concord. Kv.. s.lvs IhoC.arirlin Oil cured a horso of his, iujur'.d whilo plomrhiii'r by otlenuitinir ,0 stop over a stump, almost sevcrin;,' his thleh from the budv : also that lie ban used it in his family for fifteen years, and is tilt Just remedy fur hits, hunts, llruises, Frost lutes, Strains, llheum- atism, etc., tie ever used. C3 era I''rnm CiiuMP 4 nnns , Cochrane Landinc, Ohio. nov. Mi. cii. 1 e are Weasea Willi vouf medicine. It has been the mentis of curing n i:reat number o inui-rem iltsenses upon persons, as also upon Horses. Wo think it cities all von recommend It to do. W'e want you to tend us, tiie buyer proiioriiou of Hie vaneiy tor "iainily l so," in small bottles. From l)n. J. P. Tiram. Warren. In,!., tnreh IhiiU. 1 nin enL'flt'fd in t ie tirm-tiea of mi'ilfrioni and find your llarnlins Oil an extiomely elliciet leroeoy ,n nil cases wuero an external application is niuiaucj. From D11. ). I!. Neai.. Riirria. Town. n 911 I have prac'lt'cd uiedicino in this county seven years ami cnceriuiiy recomniond your uaiIh;g Oil ih iiiu oust jiiiuiucut in use. From Dr. T. V. Ellis. Oa . Jan. . lsr,a Tf T conld recelvo both tioxes of the (iarirliup Oil It will 1101 oe 100 iniKn, as 1 11111 k 1 coulil soon tlnd sale for It nil, the inquiry b"in I'retpieut since it is sup nosed tliat I liavo it frr sale. From 1)11. W.M. S. MrCALlt'bamoi, Mo., Nov. 0. 1HW. Yeur (iar'linirOil is Inking tlieshlnnoif from all Iho llnimenis of tbo dav. If von dosircl tliem. 1 conld procuro doens of certilic.ltcB from those uo nam uecu cured ly It. Wc8ra VcLain linos., Wholeanle Drll-L-isIs, Wlioe!ill Va.. Hriv. under 1UI0 of .lulv iM that they can safely recommend the Oar-lini; Oil iui mi,iuuii?i-n tuna il reel nil iiienueu. n tr. P'roiil .1. K. Fisiikii, l.'niotilovvii, l'a.j .Iiino .'11, 1807. Jour (.aiKlunr Oil is doitiK much heller hero than formoi lv, since lis virtues have heromo know,, ami niu ooiues Hii up lor f amily tie, without Slain, are iiiucu souglll lor. C73 I'.xtraei irom a lener irotn Hon Aatiian I.imrv, County JiuIl'o of Shelby Co.. Iohii dated llm ,., April IU. 'Sii'i It Is decidedly preferred to anv lln ani"nt S(,ld in this station. Hxtraet i.t a letter from Bamvet. 8. lfitpp, dated I'lillsburii, Ohio, July 17, lstltt. hi June lust. Henry Shullle leid n ywirlinir colt that bad wliat was sup posed to ho Dy,ilheria for more than lendivsso that it could not oat. and the throat, swolen al'10.1 shut, and the use of three or four applications o'f ine uniiiir uoLiio iiiu Hie ueso ou eileei. F.oin A. O. Kiel. I.ewisvllle. Coschoclon Co.. O March. lttrSi. I have- used vour Jari;!ine; Oil for tbo iwraiciios on my noise, and It cured it with the llrsl appucauou, CD a From Enos Id ATllKIl, Midilli port, N. Y., .lulv 'ii iifi. 1 piirenaseu a ooiue 01 vour l ,:ir"lm l,il i your lueiit. A. S I'. iker. at Miliillenoi-t' ,.... ,i vi have used but half ol it. I think it lias given ine more renei 111 acaseot severe lilieuui'ltlstil, of lomr sutiiuiii, iiiau any unii i nave ever used oolor Extract, from a'p'tler from .1. O. I'katt, iln Vutiicy, ;iiaulauiml t.rt., N. Y., August 1J, I lotvo neon aeiiminiea Willi your medicine Clup.diii' Oil) lor the lust loiil'leen yours. It has proved a sure cure for Foot Hot in Sheep Ii,r which I sold nu; lasr nirtiie ami nave calls almost daily for more. 1 iciiau lornaiu as soon ua convenient. Always inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And take no other. Uctail lriw, gt. Oft, SO CIs. Shake well lf;foro u-lnfr, nnti rnl nu tlioroughly ireiuiu LIIU 111UU1 NUIUU wiuiii ui)siaucc. Tiio Ourj;lln? Oil )m been fn ham n n Himment .1'iyutirs. w iuu la u jutr trial, hut liy sure 1111(1 1UUUW UUU'JIIUIIB. Ask yemr neare-t Druisr, of (IcuUt in I'ntont iMouit-MicM Utv nun v.l our AltiiUMac Jtinl V nhiMi uiinirt, and read iho jmytte tav alout HiotJil The fJarlintr Oil is fir snlo ly nil m-.'v;tfi" 0 UiiUrn ihi-uiihuut U10 Luileil bt;iUH nud (Jlmj Ctlllltl'iU.J. Our t-xtimtmiuls daln frotn IH'-IZ tn lSfSund nr unmlifUrti. tlie Oav;:liif.' Oil and lull your Wo deal lair and Ubm'ul with all and defy c.tra- UK'UOll. MuiiulUctiirtfci n.fc JOHN llODliE, Secretary r-oW by A. V. t ti.4 HARDWAKK OIL CITV. iROrSOisr'S Mil t'an:iv Pipe ronsis. CIIAUIiES lilKiSOA .V Co., Corner of Krneen A: 'ctitro sin., Fast Mdo Oil Crock, OH vny, ' Dealers In Morris, Taskcr 4 Co'a OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, W011KINO HAHKKI.S AND VALYK3, bTUKe'lNO KOXKS. CLAMPS, TONUS, SlCKliH HODS, 4c Machinery for Oil 7eil3 & HeSnerios BOlilNO TOOLS, DMV1NU I'n'E, Ci'LD WAl'Elt l'UMI'S Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BUASS GOODS, TEAKS AXD 67.4 .V FITTIXQS. OELTlZli, 1-ACKlXa, and nOSE; 11AHDWAUE, HO'l'SK T1UMM1NIIS, Carpontrrs' Tools, iope, Oa;;um. Nails, Axes, CnlTi'e Mills, Table it i'ocket Cutloryj Full Assortment of Kverytlimg In Iho JiAlW VA RE LINK inwo Fur H1i!thi Goods, Lamps, 1. 11 ;rniii: 5, No. 1 Wibfr Slralrii"1. I.r.rd Oil, No. 1 H.-'Iui-d Oil, Sua'- liofl, Ta'-ii.'!r.(lDooi-ri!i1; Sl.iiiuriioturers of im. biieet iron ana copper Ware. ilennirmff of n!t kind- rion vitli neatness dispatch, iiiiueial aituutiou given to STEAM AN!) GAS FITTING. We have endonvorod tojnerit-tho pntron.ifrn of the public, and -hali urn evtuy exerlion to iusuro it continuanee. Our fiieilitie for fnrnifhin? eMtrythint; in our lino, ha vine hiwn cratly ineruaaed, in the erection of nnr New Ihiildin. are now suFKinoi; to any otjikt fstabltkhment auiSl-airt. 1M THIS OIL IliitiLON. EofeOB's llii M Pin Ms' C5SAS. ttOSJSON it CO., Curnor of Poneon tirnl Cintro Sts, oast eklc of Oil Creek, Oil Oily, I'a. TIavin" a'!'!.-! a tiowerfii'. Steam Kr!''io atnl tiirei lav;;e L vTH ICS. to oe.r aliL.iiIy c::t, li-i .e ,i:!iuliic inrinir E-;tatiUsliiinnt, m- now pr 'n-iied t,t uij tiio neceesai'y w.rk, in tiltil: op, r.itu rei.4.'iiii ENGINES. IiOlLEl'.S, iron tank?!. r::finun:j machinery, C0l'Ejl WORMo AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS rfe' 'do'a1! Maehtnerv Job Work entrtipd-rl to us with neatness and uuu ilmos NEW HARDWARE STORE ins.vrixu and cookinc In largo variety. TAELE AND POCKET Cutlory! SHELF HARDWARE. d L6JJ LAM PS,L AN TERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. mmis Mm mart Woo.! Ware, &c. For sale CHEAP I At the store formoilv ocenilcd by Purchfio'd and Oasterhiio, Oil, CITY, PA. j 1 n list is. usm tin:. Oil City, Jan. 4, IStiS) U". 3RO. IJ. iEiElili c :., 33 A N IT E Tl 3 3 PETttOLIilliSf t'EN'J'ISK, G. II. l!is-;ell, II. C. Jiaitin Chii dophcr Sleyer. 7o oYermir serines for tbo transnetion of a OI-IvW.tAf. NKIN(J, KXC'UANGIi mid Col.. LKCTION HUK1NKSS. Any leisini'vs eiitrttsie-.l lo our caro will receive I'.rusiipi atteuLion. Jul7 tf. 1'iiis 11 ill is now reailv f ir IbeTlrieai exhibit!. m-d rtuiRFrts. lerturts. ,'.c. Tiie lin l bus ,eeli I" fbtid iuu! s:i'"ie.'!h -n- l N-i and e,p,iHe has been s;iurcd to til ilte 1: a llrsl el:i. s SHOW B'uiLDlNG. On ll.e fir n ti.e pliiei r '. i r.e i.( lb" l.ei: Ililllfd:I.V;a! MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HARQWARE. STORE! HOUKlil' lilt VAN iV CO., Ilcr leave to announce to the citizens of l'etrolcuni Centre and vicinity, that they liavo opened a new store In the rear oi the otllce of the Central 1'ctrol enm Comiiany at the railroad crosslnir, whero they r. ill keep constantly on hand a lull assortment of cveiytlihii; la the llaidware Hue, such as TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, GAS FITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS. Mr. Jlryati bavins been cnuaKcd in the lnislni" with Messrs. Winter lbo's. tor lour years jiast, will attend pavtrculai'ly totht) Business of inantifactuilng SMOKE STACKS All kind? of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. They have a New Machine for CUTTING GAS PIl With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work In this line. Apr:!). Coal! Coal! Coal! rM!U nnduislunied, bavins established a branch Yard at ISyn:! Farm, are r.ow prepared to furnish All Grata of Coal At ihu Very Lowest Prices. Oprr'tnix from ( limytrep Ki.n. and vlrinity. living !ii i'. t'olftiin (.Vntre, run leave tlnir nrdersi at (Mir f.ivi !i iv.tind hrivu i'.u-ia promptly tilled trim the liwiti i';i;in laid, AT LESS COST THAN USUAL. IJO.VT l OUG'TTIIf) PIjACE SRAHI.KS & COTIXWEM CiVice on U. C & A. II. I!.. Fftroleum Centre. ItranehOllU'e at Kynd l-'avui. K B We hold exrluMvu control of the famou. ST0NEB0R0 COAL. at both the above named points Jun2-t . A. T. LEG GELT, Mannfacturcr and Dealer lu Seed Bags, Valve Ouxs, &c. K.vp'-vier.rcd wrkmer nre finliycd, and Tf;ir-nc-.- f ail kimi Koiitct" r tantly tin hand ai.d made 10 oruer. I. C. ilvltws Psit. !?oecl-Ba:; For Suit- Uepalring Done at all Times ! Call andtxitnlno ourHtecU ai:d pnet.-, )Vtrulcum Centre, I'a,. Jan. 7lh, -ti lnorrn ..'Hi. Ul-Ulii. BT0TIC3 TO OIL 0PE,.T0ilS. Tl:e iinderf Ij.'ned, nprent for tbo Metropi'llt.m Oil, now offers to lease the terrlfory of said (Vmpin.v, in lots 'of two acres each, fir one-fourth rovaliy This larnl Is situate oil Cherry Tree Hull ar.d lies on the JUGULAPt VEIN Which connects v'ood and Piersou Farms with CHARLEY H.TJKT TErwUITOUY. l'or furtber l ariicular apply to the oriKlual D. W.KKNNEY, Allemagoozelum City, Cherr'ytreo Run. Oroldjesfj, "IIOX 117, l'olroli'iun Centre, April 10 Im. I'enn. C4 BTOlUi. ivlm? llttei 'pbe under.-Inncd bavlm? lifted up niv store on i. WASlli.(iT. d: SIX'ONU STS., Petroleum Centre,' Is now prepared to furnish bis customers witll ev erything In tin house luruishin lino. Stove ;ul Tin ware, IjilllllTllN, I'silicy A rise Ion, !liitiii.'U, I'ri'ssi't! :ilii3 Jsii;inii'I Wsii'c9 jMn'.i n ijiiri! stuck o!f ririiss A'. Hi-oil t'iilit).'ii HUM, l'IKI' N AND II KM I' I'ACKINC. I.ACE I.KATIIKIf, :., TIM'! CllASII'UlK I XI) KOVKI.TV Cl.orilKS WKINdKlitS, M'A t'KU coi i,u;.s oiad isi.i:s, All Jul Work promptly atten ded to with neatness and dis patch. Pariicular attention paid to Gas and Sterm Fitting, hav iwi a Gas Fittin' Maeliine not excelled iu the Oil I legion l'or cutting Gas Pipe. ' JAMES RUTHERFORD. IV!;''.'" im (.'citrt, July W'. i - p " R. R. FISHER Petroleum Centre, DKAI.KK IN rURE FltENClI, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Dltlb'S, MEDICINES nil EHEMCAI3 CHOICE FOItEIQN AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles ! AND Fancy: GrO(d IMPORTED SOAPS, EKL'SllES, AND Drnjru'Ms Nsiruliies ! I hyiitian.' J'reseripiloti rtnnptniiKTedrronirurc: and cluice niater;;iL-. IF YOU IIAVNT SEEN IT.: GO AND SEE IT The Tvlaic Match, TVtri!tum (Vn'n June. in. T. M'Donald, LSVEBY, FEED & SAL Central li;mse, P E T R 0 L i: DM CENT R E I'A 'fMIK best fuel; of PHIVINC ANI SADDLE l llOKt-l-.rt en Iho I reeli, are to be loillid at H3'I onatcS's liirrry. LET AT ALL TIMES. IIOKSI33 Fi:i & ROAI!I?ED on llensonablo Terms. Teaming of all kimh t.t- teinled ta Prousjjtly. faTGivo me n call. T M'DONAl. . Petroleum Oon'ro. Nov. If, 1SI18. LIVERY FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite tiie Opwi'ii IIo::se, PETROLEUM CENTRE, I'ENN'A. I lave put in a pooil Block of Ridinc uiJ Driving IloiscB, which I will lot on reusumiMo terms. Also, Ciittoi-s, Wilson, SpiiHS Wsigont, Arc HOUSES boarded und fed and best of care guar anteed. JiiiiO-tf . A. SMAWLRV CHAMPION REAMER I We desire to inform Oil Op erators and the public generally that we are prepared to receive orders for our Champion Six Cutter Reamer. This is without doulitthe most perfect tool for reaming that has ever lieen in troduced. (Jive us a call ! i isSser, urris & i V