1 SOKE PRINT OBSCURED 1 1 ciro'r-um Centre Daily Record. cm. i.eiu.e. Mou.lui, ' .-I. ;'. J'Al, JJttitor. jimo or nonius Matin. V. O., CKIHOIEVM CvlTllT. V,l Jel.V T, MS i Viiilil further notice the mail will arrive at mid ill nun from this oHIco n follows: akiuvk. Sonth And Kurt, via. Irvlnnmi. 10 28 A. M. South ami Wirt, " Stcatlville, 5 .W !' M North and Eat, " Corry, 5 .53 . " DF.l'AItT. South nd Went, B. A. !. J'oiitt i:art and Went, 8.30 P. M North, Kant anil Went, 10.00 A. M. mvlno Service. PRESBTTERIAX CHURCH. rrenchin!- at U o'clock A. M., and 1 o'clock T. il. Kkv. J. T. Oxtobt, Pagtor. METlIODIfT EPISCOPAL CTllTnCH. Services everv Sabbath nt 11 A. il. and 7 P. M. Sabbath School ntV2 A. M. eats free. A cordial iuritation extend ed to (ill. Pev. C. M. IlK.Mtn, Pastor. STS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catbolie) CnURCU. Mass nt d a. m. Vesper and Benediction oVm thej Blessed Sacrament Bt 4 p. m. Catechism nt 2'p. m. JAMES DUN'N, Pastor. Chansrc of TIsne. OILCHr.KK & ALLKUllENfcY HIVEli RAILWAY MONDAY, SEPT. i th, ISM. TitrUa?& Trains 1.."ive r-t. Outre 7:tl a ui.. nr. at Corry 9-40 a.m. o lilllft in., ar. ' I.'J.'ip m " " 2-f p. m , ar. " fi:li) n. in. ' j;t:e.", p. in , iir. Tlt'.ivi'ik5.-Jp. m. Southward Troiiia Leava r-et.Cortre. 7:M a. m., ar. at Oil CltySrtO am " " il 01 1), m . ar. ' 1:4. pm " " 7:'.:j ii. in., ar. " R:'I5 P m " ' " SI30p ni. nr. " 6.60 pin tTii's Train will stop 20 minutes for dinner. II These are freight Trains and eo to Titusvillc and Oil City. 'T'.iso tnln pass at this pilot. The Southward Train utoplng for brcnkfmt Tin! 2:3) p m Train coin North and the 7:33 Train going South run on Sur.da;s. ISakm m ix Phixt. P. T. liirnum, c.vp, of showman und huuibti,; notoriety has fallen Into tho book writing minia and ha, produ ced a volume that will bo read with interest It is entitled 'Struggles and Triumphs; or Forty Years' Recolloctions." It is the story of a very remarkable lit'o and gives an aeooiint of his slrnirlo for n livelihood, Ills imprison ment and release, tils earlier ventures as a showman, his encounter with Captain Jud kins, bis successful European tours, bis fail ure in buiiinesi, his museum and its attrac tions, bis hair-breadth escape from tho mob, bis war witb Connote and tbo Herald, bis paving the lifo of James (rordon Bennett, and various other matters iu bis eventful ca reer. It will bo comprised in a laro octavo volume ol nearly 800 paes and illustrated witb 33elej;aut full paje engravings. From tbo specimen illustrations and advance BUeeU before in wo believe this will 1'0 ono of the in ist successful books of tlio year. Tlio work will be sold only by subscription, and agents sro wanted in every county and own to canvass lor il. rorinrtnerparueuiiirs and terms, address the publishers, J. Ii Burr & Co., 13 Asylum St., !1 irtlord, Conn. IIo(a)usk Case. A case was before Esquire Douaghy this morning, over the re covery of a borse strayed or stoleD from a man named Montgomery, nnd afterwards sold by a Doctor ness, of Mecbnnicsvilte, to one Richards, which has caused some little excitement and seems to bo decidedly mixed. Richards fays that If Jloutomery will makooath that the horse ho bought of llesss is his, ho will deliver lip, and both parties left lor Mechnuicsville this forenoon to cousult with Hess, to seo how he came in possession of tbo animal. Presume mat ters will be amicably settled between the parties, but there is a beginning to the transaction somewhere. l'Kl'OHTED roll TUB DAJUf HKl.'OKl), Clark Mills is busy in Washington upon a cjloisal bronzi equestrian statua of Prrsi dent Grant. Tho general Is represented on the battlo field, in full military costume. Tbo Detroit TrUiuae thinks that the new moon, talked of, will nut be of much service unless it is different from tho old one, which Is never stun on dark nights when it is moat wanted. Jiitk'K. Mr. Fred, tchutts having sold out his butini-ss iu lVtiol-utn Centic, desiics tiioso who may have nny claims against him, to present them at once for Mtlli;niont. if we know the man, wo think theie will bo lew callers of tint kind, aa Frnd is one who pays alibis obligations, lie is a f,ood citi zen and there are others that Petio'ieum Centre might Letter dispense with. The Benefit or Advkktisiso. A mer chant in ono of our northern cities, lately imt an advertisement in a paper, headed : "Boy Wanted." T hn next morning he found a bicd'iux on bis door-step, with this inscription on the to;) "lluw will Ibis one answer?'' Oa opening it bo' found a nice, tut, chubby looking specimen of tho articlo he wanted, warmly dono up in flannel! BustNKs3 Cit.'.xoE. Mr. Fred. Eehults has sold out hisMilonn to John II. Coiu lyou of this !lnce, nud L'-niaJ. Vuucher cf Buf falo. John's many friends in this vicinity will of course give him a call, and although he does not intend to e,ivo tho buu'ticss his piiiticular attention, still ho fa on hand ut times, and his partner, who is uu 'i l l hand at tho bellows, will always bo ready to re- ' ceive customers nnd form tho acquaintance of t'uu patroiiB of tho place. Wo wiso. tho now proprietors success. The CittTTi'.xiiE.v Hui-kb Pa-hty. Every arrangement is perfected lor ono of tho grandest parti, s of the season to bo given at the Crittenden House, Titusville, on Thurs day evening n xt. A large attendance is anticipated, and nlroady rooms are engaged ut tbo houBO for a large number from dilt'er ent sections of the oil regions. Spencer's Land, of this place, i to furnish music lor the occasion. About ono hundred feet of tho co.Terdum on tho Upper Rapids of tho Mississippi river, at Maline, broke away on Thursday, entail ing a loss of about one hundred and lifty thousand dollars and delaying the work one season. Work on t,e Rock Island Rapids bus been suspended and the coffer darns Hooded: Some eight hundred men havo been thrown out of employment. IxiiiAX.vcoi.is, Octobrr 1. A terrible aeoident occurred at th" Slate Fair this afternoon. The boiler of Sinker ,fc Co.. cf this city, exploded a few minutes before four o'clock. Tbnr-j was an iimivnso crowd on tho ground at tho time of tho ucei dent and it is difficult to get parleulars. 1 1 u known thnt twelve persons weio instantly killed, and tho number of wounded would probably reich ono hundred. SECOND 1I:M'ATCU. The accident at tho Fair grounds, this nltornoon, is tho most heart-retidinj that has ever occurred in this vicinity, and has east a gloom over tho entire city. Tho ex plfliioa occurred a Lw minutes before four o'clock this afternoon, when tho grounds , . .... mi... 1.,: 1.. were crowned Wita vir.iior. mo inusi was attached to a sawmill of Moiy.u. Sinker A Co., of this city, and had just been lixed for" a' test of f need with aaother sawing ma chine. Arrangements were mauo to take it .,, b.1.111 n the trial was over, to Inr as "e 'can bo ascertained to-night thore were nine teen persons killed. Tbo excitement and confusion to-nirht is SO Croat that it i dinicull to obtain a correct list of the wound ed, but it is thought tho number will proba bly reach one hundred. Later. Tho morning papers ivo tho number of killed at twenty-eeven and wounded lilty-six. Tho 'former ilunbtUs exceeds that unrulier ns n-.nny wore uw u immediately to their homo, and nniepoii has been made. The inns I dau,:eri.iiy wounded were talun to ill.) Indiana rVrgical liistiiuie, and all are doin well but three. John White. Win. Windfall, Kathan Albert- son, of Plainneld and John A. MoVey. of Marion county, will probably die. Toe remains at uver a unuertaser o.kco nave all been recognized. A Rahe Chance. Mr. Barker, having eii.'i'god tho services of Mr. E. Howard, vluo reputation as a colorist ranks with the tirst artists of tho country, is prepared to furnish photographs beautifully colored or finished In India ink. Tlwo defiling such work, either from lile or copied from small pictures, should embrace the opportu nity at once, and cill at Barker's photo-: graphio gallery, on Washington street, Po iroloum Centre. aug25-lm FOli THE J list received Sept 2S-U -our Oriental Parlor Stoves Nicholson & Blackmnn. State, county, borough and township clcc. lions Tuesday, October 12. lbi). Fiu tT Cans! at Nll'UOl.SOS & Bi.ackmon s. Iron Gate, Wheat Sheaf, Globo Heater Oriental, nnd Parlor Stoves, at Nicholson & Blackmoti's hardware store. La miners & Aldcn are selling oft prcsen stock nt cost. Tinware, in retail and jobbing lots, nt Nicholson Ai Blackmons'. I.ammcra .t Alden hao a new stock o all lute s'vles of Hats and Caps. tf CAN IIID.UV AN-NOr'NCEM KNTS. lr. lCniTae: ''le.ife arnouncp the name of Mkr r.i'i " H. mootii, us a c.iiiiliiliue for JuMIre of the i Vice n I oriio hurt owus up. a m """""a to'',.r el..e!;ou. and ..Mi".!. .MANY C1T1.H.XS. I'oencr. Sept. 1... 1 . !:c;s. CAIlPJi lTS AND OIL CLOTHS ! TUST lil'CKIVl.P, snnp vice patterns nt ,5 TU B FCHNl HIRE STOKE. The Medical Association of Washington, D. C, have adopted lesolnliona recjiiesting Gov. Geary to suspend the execution of the sentened of Dr. Paul Solm-'tuie, convievjd ut Carl'slo, Pa., for the murder of Miss tlteiu necks, on tho ground that tho chemic-l evi dence was Insufficient, and failed to provo satisfactorily the presence of hydrooianic acid or any other poison in tho stomach vl the deceiiFed. Blessed are they tliot are ignorant, for they aro happy in thinking they know everything. I!!e.seJ ate tho orphan chil dren, for tliey have no mother to Fpauk them. Biased are they that do not adver tise, for tLey are not bothered with customers. New Yor.K. Oct. 2. Mr. Lockwood, tho banSer, makes the following statement: I retain tho treasury ship of the L ike Saoro Railroad Co., bat shall resi;;ti at I ha next meeting of the Boatc'. Tho company owe ono firm largo amounts for advances on Wabash stocks, end our indebtedness to L ika S'loro and Michigan Southern JhUilroaiM ut the preser.t moment is but a moderate amount. No stoclis or property of any kind b'donin.; to tli'i rail road company have been used by the treasurer or his firm. in an Improper r,:nnT, and I'i'x'Ireciowo' '.'! La'.'o Shore o:i:p:!'i" are ia lull acjord and a;:pr jve v.y e..nr- l.i their stocks, and th n:t in:! i.e.tital wealthy mctnheri cf the Beard in-ist o:i firm of Lookiv.io.! & C". resit -u ins bu?inct.n nnd t'.io ia?p!jicss ol True tarrlnRC IiSAYS for Yonie.' M"n. cn'.the Errors Aliu'H i .m l I..;-' aes vl.ic!i itustroy the Manly I'ower an len-utn impediments of MAltHIAtiB, with sure ,,.f.nn . of n.lr. Sent In sealod tetter enve'.ncrs free r.r din' ,-... Address Howard A oelatlnn, Ilex l'l,i'a:le'::.!lia, l'a. Sep-II :.'lia. Fall i rade SEW WASHINGTON ST., Petroleum Centre. Pa, HAS JUST OPENED A LARRE Avn 0 COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN IDHESTIC 1TII For tho Pall Trade, embracing full Lin HLACK AL.irACAS, rOFLIX ALAVCAS, run.ixs, silks I'so 7IirHon' ;oiiuirio I'ino Tar nnd I'crsian IScaitiiR Soar. TVesc see;- are ItiijiresnatisJ with exotica ef the m!!et aial mo't TUlsamic natine, and are v.-arrant. e,l peifecily iniioeeat and free from mineral and otli er perel'j'.o.'.s ad:nl:;tiiri'8, anl are selected by the l..i!ics and :Ue j.ilj'.'x Im 'noral in prwi'erer ce to all ol' ev se v,-:f as ij;e rre.lt nvoee.irers and pve-crves of a tiir.'thy purity of complex', o l, and a c.mservator off l"M'.'.tv. l' tlio "ottueia and delicacy which l ay ir.dix to tho lir-nds and face, their capa- SHAWLS hlllty of Jiii, !ieii i:'.oi, and r. movlr.R tuulhily Ml'-r tlr'iu liuli: pi tvsil lc to ovcry toil ::: '.;t!ie p'li ltc to t-y the vtrte.rjl o .1. !.. il .t. c ., Prnprlet"r. ('.. , i i t..l A ;e:;H. ja!i: :!.a. Ciu'pcts', Oil Cloths, Chintzes Calicos, Muslins, and a choice assortment of ADIES Alii") GSNTS Ffl HiBHISS ITUL'JO, t Dr. J. C. Ayer, of Lowell, ia fpnkco of a? u candidate for Congress from the Seventh District. Tho New York Hun calls tl.is "iiutsins oo Avers." t.h.t nt nil; the Doctor ia ono of tho principal pillers of tho Com monwealth. 'Can you tell me," arked a blooming laps of a suitor, "what thip canies more parpen. gets than the Croat Lastern ; wen, Matia. I really don't think 1 can." '-Why, it's cotirisbip," replied the taaidon, with a conscious blutli. Brigham Young has Bent un order to a Button merchant for ono thmiMnd dollars wortli of cosmetics and flavoring cxtraots. That is what comes of having a hundred or two of wives. , A voting lady explained to a printer, tho other day, tho distinction between printing and piiblirhing; and at the conclusion of her remarks by way of illustration, she said: "You may print a kins ou uiy cheek, but yon must not pubiith it." Wholesale Gitoctitv IIoise. Some ihin,' long needed in thisseclio-i is n whole t-jlu grocery house, where good can bo pur. ulusod at prices as choap, aad 111 many in stances chopper, than tan be found in Pills burgh, Erie, liunalo, and other points wheie our grocsirynieu have been in the habit of purchaning their goods. McEoweu .t Co., ot Tilusville, tiro prepared to meet till the wants of tho trade, and have one of tho lar gest v.-holesnlo houses to bo found in nny of the large cities. Tho proprietors enjoy u r ... r.. : M .1..., I i u ,r ,. ml ni-i. pv good reputation ioi nn ur....B . .. im,,,, !.niii.lv Lnr.v.n to Iho trade. Their tales tiuco opening too house havo Lu-n l;it'te i nnd we aro pleased to know mo rnpid'y la en as'.n;:. Send I'.r their p'.icej. und v.o feel rSMIlid tUl the utloL..; y ol the trade .!!1 'ij'low. ... j During tho recent tornado in Providence, a lady fell into onvulsions and died, becaiiso her two littlo children did not come home from school. Sliu fancied they hud been killed by tho tempest, broansc tho school teacher kept them lu E.ifety with heis.-lt, and perishod fiom the excitement of a purely imaginary evil. Most oi tne anxiety nnd worry of lifo Is from equally unreal causes. Wo beliivo thin;; will Xo verj liad with us lc rrow, or at soii.e fnfuj t'ue. nnd mako ourselves unhappy over f.nic:l.il gi'.eis and disasters. It wool! b.) a great dea' better fur lis if wo could b:;t nnder-itand' tho wislcinof tlio divine siyin that tho evils of tho day uro Htilficieut for it, and keep our minds from b-ooding upon tiilst-otuuea that , are possible perhaps, but after ail may never ion. Arrangnraents for the il.iilroal Ccnven tie.n to ba held on tho C:h of October at Oi wego havo been perfected. Tho Convention v.iil bo held in Doolittlo Hall. A map has been constructed, sixty feet in len.-lh by eijtlit feet iu width, of Iho widest parto; tho continent from Nov Sclii a to tho Pa cific, iironiiuen'.iy e'j e.vio nil lines of nt il roid and cmal nnd water n-tvigntion. Ar ringenients have been mado lor the trans portation of delegates to and from the Con vention at half faro. A lar,; number o! public ofliiiii'.s, including Governors o1 States, Courepj-nen, railroad ofli jials, r.nuii hers oi' Boards of Trade and persons ii.trtvi.l- ed in ocean eteauurs havo aUv .dy siguilied their purpose to uttend. EepresoiUatives from various cities and towns on tho route are also expected. Tho question wheiher it ii a sin to sleep in meeting is being discussed in some of the journals of Connecticut. Tlio Killinly Truiwipl puts it in a general and iuiper- j hooai r.tauuri, "ji u.m...., l , . for Mr. Smith to sleep ui tneeutig; aid noes on to answer, as follows: "We should call it a sin of infiiiuity, not of intention, end regard it as his duty to ui every means in his po.ver to ovoroina this inlin.iity." Wo refer to tho subject to ex pi -of s a hope that when lliaSeu ttori.il oiectiun in Virginia is over, Mr. Greeley will give us Iris views upon sleeping in meeting. Wo suppose there m iy be men in'tho Ignited States who liavo bad more e::p 'riviu;e in thin matter than lie, but certainly tho:i: ia noouo who-" opinions concerninj it would ba listened to with m) much wpect ns his. r -t.I.l'' Ii! ti iti, t ;pec!nl e'otiec. ','!t:)"V. (Or yoii::e'ioep, o i the i n in Y it'.i nod F.ir'y "Manheid. v ith l.l'foi the r'T;:i; nd urd ol leaaU'. t ner eevt.'n'.i'., Ii,-1 of ch'itV-'. Add-'es HOWA'.ft) ASMJCIaTIOS li l'A. , 1:h.mf:i...ua V,y 01. Sia ;,"c'.'.' Flottr, J'cJvI i;:ui Grocry Atthe'H.n ti :- :c unu.'iTNc;, on matv-kt, iy,'O:-:'t0 tl'.e tcrilntoe!-: Hone, l.ls on liar.d r. l-l-.. .i-.d fo -i ei.-. st.;-k of Flour, Peed and UrK;ev!co. wh'cU he Is llHig at a low ligitro. t . D.iii'l to: iet tho ptacOf where A, D. Cotto A; I'o.epari' hroiio tip. And tilsoa eh tie. as.rteieni o FLASN'. very cheap. )ur Line of Alp .c is u:t 1 1 : lin Alpacis is the finest a:;d e'ie;ip..ist i''-11' place. sept!3: Tho Hew York Meat Market! & W. P.VItKE't havo fitted n;i a nn.v halld- :! U-ry For all WatU to ItKYN'OLUS r.iOi.'Hi'.Ai) : J'S, !.o. 11 Ci.ntru .treol, oppo. site li-.e !'o-t O.tlee, Od City, l'a. IT W il. In,' O" On ?,Iiii! slrcot, Opposite t'M KlcC'tintock XitOHH! And Int-nd keonln v.ha' Potiolrtim Centrf Ioi.l- nc. d. d, a flrst c :r.ss Meat .Market, imif r.MC!CST AND BEST MEATS u lU h,. l..,,t. II will lie nnr aim to mrvc.nn' ' " tomrs with nroniptaess and to lueir croit l.eiion. soi.tt::tr. t'arpoti, or every nuailty nd description, at I'.KVS'iM.I)-:. lt!HHKM'.t Ctr!, No. 11 Centre Street, ,.; o-ole ttie I'. O., Oil City, l'a. N L V' A DVEliTJSEM EN'TS. T.T-UANOW A MtTSHKLlK i ti . , i i n- 'i'liis vnri: is an linprovcmfet upon the syitcni i i... ,1 ..,..,,; t.rs oft lie Hrilidl fill liainellt It u li i ''(!,.. i i-oo fir . e-i -ihort nnd e'l-y 1 sn',ns and can l,i in io,-r..d l.yanvono. It is f.e ere.:. st nroiltie ti.oi ot" tlio i-ije. Kni'l' . o :i the roMiplete work. Add r-i .1. A Oil Y, Lox t'V'J, N. Y. t'. . JMiifi-iitr lii hnrf-c i'liilnliif V vrl ini 10 hor rorVt1c! Wnorl & 1,: ',ll ill l-rM'i.'Cl h-'V-t; Vn-liintrtfi 1 ni-m, t;hi'rryiMi. d -r, iiii'J luiiiiiuc; nlnotino 10 sjiitUnirrv. .1. Picrsuii :4t T. l-'KUl'liiXGUAM. rs fir sale his jl0i.T On Sul'iaih uitereoon lasi, an Onyx SiocveLiittou, on which v. as eiiEiaved tho letu-r J. The liuder will bo" rewarded by IcUug the :itn-.' a'- H. C. .larvis' I'urtii tM.i ,!,, Oct. Pat A scamp pretending l" a iiewspajior re portor w.is arrested for perpetratinic u num ber of lorgeiies iu New York. Ho ov.'tied no to his vil.tin'es, und said he "wanted to go to the Penitentiary to 'redeem his ,,,, .,,.,.. ' 'I'but was adding insult to injury, und the wound re I des. rves to be! piiucLed ro death wiib reporters' peuci s. Ar. i ;;,.lo?iou iu the oil refinery of Edward IWner.'nt l't ca, N. V.. on Thursday erc- 1 ii'tng, resulted in terribly Lurmr.g l'hinp I Uailiek, and the deslnMioa of the main re lini iy htiild'.n r. Losii Co'J.C'J'J. Sawby k I M-Clure'.s l'oitudry was pi.ttiallv bureei. I Loss SpU)"". rn.i I, .-l, ,.ril,r oft'TS fir sale his lioilso on ner- X i d l,,i- a r. . ii' l'ie' Home .. .1.. .., (i, iifi, ltd I e I in-1 1 ,.;nii.." l.inee Ho ims wiih luiroom aiiie!i.-d i.. .!,.!,., ni. I i solle-e or at i iinriun kiiie sJleo Nhe-M". i-V. LUONA.U). Coirryirun linn. Sept. W. 'l. tw. wit ti-rius tile ; c ;"e in ll.leie I i.v 'lie e. . I 11k' Wite iii'.a n id l"! o.d sUU'i 1 el. Oiitro, S' P'' IJlvsOlllttOJi. I'ft.lr.eivtii'i tieri'''if..re II. & W. r-!t!vE- AND UESTAUEANT. UTHcRLRND & TAYLO?., PROP'S 3 ERESn OYSTEP.S ! All THE LUXUK1E5 OF TUE SEASON Iteceived t-, I 4 Mm DAILY'!'- .X V,v-J . . CO.- Petroleum Centre, Ta., next door lo i.iw J3Welry rv.n Tt.w Hiardors nccnmmod ited, all lmies. Ovsters, and every ni'"l"- ui liislied gliosis, , , (jo NopalnswIlibP ;isred to ncuni. who favor us wilh their patronage. ET. BtfTII F.RIiAND. CEa ' ,,. Petrol, urn Centro, Seot. 1 1, ' istincr under A 1). Miller A" 01, i- uu" ""J i.i-i .i All eeoitiit nt ims' olili'l by M. S Simmons .it Hie M. S. SIM U INK, 2h Tl. A. D. Mll.l.l'iit. Seiieca-St., Oil CUJ': ra'' Dealer in and YishhiZ TooIn Tnnk' Sucker Bo iroi'Al Jl i-' TV'" I'lie eo'Virtiiciv-li'o luri'torre i xi-'t ill - liv.der the Prill lelini' o( Wnel.tiT ., ii- Oisolvrd, and a' I l',ir ir- iieW ljI.-l to Me- tii'lll, are re im-miit t ueltle ft lie' "I 1 n'aud, I'ebs farm, or at IV. Out:-", oppo uito the Illicit ltoh. Jll'Sllf 11. (J. W. Driving INpc, irciric! tJrtito liars, Wlireli & " ,1 l';t " nil size". CIIt!.!l8'iS'S CAKBIAtiEN A tin" i--TOii:nent at the 1' truit'ire siore. Jty connection with '''"'hI!'' '! n mni i i in t.1 ' ..,,,, di.'M i" Mill' (;a-tliiat short order Oil City, l'eb.17, leW.-tf. all kW'1' JOHN f- VV RU'l'