The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 02, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record,
I'd. I'euire, Silltlir.tiiJ, Oct. i.
Time of Mumnf! Walls.
JIXI 27.-T, 1S0H. i
Cnlll nirlher notlco the mniln will arrive at mid
il epnrt from UuY offlco as follows :
South iind East, Tin. trvinetnn, 10 AS A- M.
South nnd Wut, " Mcndville, 5.18 V. M.
North and Bast, " C'orry, S.W . "
fr.mli and West, . A. M.
Snutt, Knt nnd West, 30 l. M. ,
North, Fast nnd Went, 10.00 AM.'
Olvine SorviciK.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. nnd
o'clock T. M.
Key. J. T. Ostodt, rastor.
Services every Snbbnth nt 11 A. M. nnd
t)i P. M. Sabbath School al9' A. M.
eats free. A cordial invitation extend
rd to all.
Rev. C. M. IlnAun,. Pnalur.
Mass at lO1. a. m. i
Vesper and Benediction or, the Elessed
Sacrament at 4 p. ro.
Catechism at 2'p. m.
JAMES D1TKN, Pastor.
Change of Time.
;vt,'. Nortliward Trains
Lfflve Pet. Centre 7t.H a m , nr. at Corry D-IO a m.
' u 10-11 a m.. nr. "l.25ii m.
" " " S:W p. ni., nr. " feiti n. ni.
' " 1:05 p. m., nr. Titusvt11c5:-.!0p. ni.
Soullm-nrd ''i-a!ii
Le.avj PctfCentro. 7:W a m., nr. nt Oil CltyS:t0 am
' " " tl :0i n. nt., nr. ' l:4t p in
" " " 7:M i. in., nr. " 8:.i p ni
' ' " ft.SOpin. nr. " 6:50 pin
This Train will fltup 23 minutes for dinner.
IThoao arc Freight Trnlus and go to Titusvillc and
OU City.
t:i5o trtlns pi nt this piint. The Foutliwari
Train toplng for breakfast
Tho 2:5') p m Trim going North and tile 7:"3
Train going Sonth rim on Sundays.
If you do not fcnoio that yon are rejister
od attend to It to-dpy. Saturday Oclober
21 is the Inst day on which 7011 can pet on
the lists. Get registered r.t once.
Tim total number of taxablo inhabitants
r.itnrned in Philado'phla, for ISC!), is 145,
571 a decrease of 16,000 compared with
NATun.n.izATiov TIih Court will bo in
session at Franklin, on Friday, October 8lh,
1(-G9, for tlio purpose of attending to natu
ralization papers.
There will be preaching to-morrow Bt the
Methodist and Presbyterian diuretics of this
place by Rev. . J. S. Alberaon and Rev.
Crowell, ministers of tlio Erie Conference,
now in session at Franklin.
The borough authorities of Venango
City have granted in perpetuity sufficient
ground at the foot of Ferry street to the
Allegheny Valley Railroad Company to
eroet their depot 11 pen, in consideration' ol
their locuting it nt that point.
- V t
The Oil Cteek & Allegheny liivor Raib
road are building a now bridgo at the month
of Pilholo Creek, just below the old bridge
thereby straightening the track nnd improv
ing It Muerwiso. The old bridge was tiuilo
Beriously injured during the summer freshets,
but is repaired and perfectly eafo, . , 5
Dr. Lushington, Lady liyron's adviser,
just at this critical moment when people Hre bear .the aw.ii! seciet which Lady
B. told, 'hjin, has one ad got s.ick, ' TJbis
is the most unparalleled case of conlravincss
that has transpired lately.
One of tbo sons of Joe Smith, the '-'Original
Mormou Prophet," bus Written to one of
the officers of tho Union Paoifio Railroad, re
questing him to furnish pusses fjr two hun
dred women, now in Utah, who desire to
flee social iniquity for homes in tho East.
Mms Fa.v.v IfKBRiiio. A lafgn audience
libteiied to Mit-s llerriut's delineation cf
the t-renchjipy last evening, iu fiubol's
Opera IIoiism, nnd all wore highly 'pleased.
Although in thin character theto ig- not tho
faoilities in tho way of scenery, etc., which
neeessarily dispenses will) at least two
scenes, mill it interesting, and ruceivei the
nndivided attontion of all present. For tho
conveniences at hand, the play was as well
performed ns any troupe cjuld do it. A8
Rigged Put, in the dintna nf Ireland 8 it
was, Miss Herring displayed a ciunical gi -uius
which might be better purtravej in
some uioro prominent cbaracinr of the same
nature. The entertainments
iroupo a are well worthy tbo patroufige of
lue puuito, ana we are pleased to know
they are well patronized. A grand bill jB
on tbo boards lor le-nlgb. As it. is the ins
appearance of tho troupe, the Opuii lain -e
will be filled to crcjlluwiug.
'.a.e, e.Mialy, boi-ongh lov. iis'.ip cli
tics Tue. Octooer 1-'. 1809.
Anotiikr Fksulk Ji-.MPixn Match. The
Boston Timtx, of September 23 J, says: For days fun excitement attendunt upon
a match to jump for $200 a side, between
Ratio Murphy and Maggie Fisher, has been
at n boiling point in South Union. On
Wednesday afternoon, both ladies uiut at
Savin Hill, Dorchester, end) attended liy
her "aiders and abettors," and o goodly
number they were. Katie Murphy was
dressed in ted, with a fuinll American flag
around her waist, a while meiino skirt, nnd
a lusseled btuo Tclvet cap. Her competitor
wore jsreen trunks, buttoned at the knees,
while stockings and laced gaiters. She also
wore a while linen frilled bosom shirt, and
a yellow cloth cap. I'etling was two to
ouo on Miss Murphy. By a toss of a cent.
Miss Fisher was entitled to jump fiis!, in
which she cleared ten feet nine and three
fourth Inches; Miss Murphy cleared eleven
feet throe inches. On the second trial. Miss
Fisher leaped eleven feet and one-half
inches; Miss Murphy clev-u feet two and n
half inches, thus winning the match.
D.Ni'B. liiJIs are issued for a dancs to
come oil' at Akiu's nail on Mondny evening
yit, by order of the lvu-Klux. Admission,
fill? cents.
First Vk.-tiu. Our luck-ip, which is
now liu!Uod, has received its liret prisoner
since completion a TilusvMlo man, whose
namo wo will suppress, lie l-rouslil his
own benzine with Mm. so Til::slllo man
and whisky were cntiiined. Our neigbboi
tng town wears its bonns with dignity.
A coteinporury sees Infinite troulile in the
future in Rolling Ilrighnui Young's estate.
The old fcilow is very rich, but then when
ho dies each of bis twenty-Uvo widows will
expect her third.
Elder Taylor, ono of tun twelvo npostlrs
i.oin Salt Lake City, r reached a sermon to
the saints in Brooklyn, New York. In reply
to the question, what bo would dn if the
United States put uown the Mormons, he
said the Mormon religion was established
by the Lord, and if the Lord had notn'inind
to sustain his own ptinciplis. he might let
iheiu go by tho board. Exchange.
That Mormon Elder was of the "Sjun!;er
sort of Christians. Old Sprakcr lived on
tbo Mohawk, ami built a church. 17 is
friends iold him to put a lightning rod upon
it. Spraker euid: "Ivix; if God wants to
strike his own bouse tnit lightning, he may
do it."
Strong hopes are still entertained by our
government that Spain will eventually ac
cept some proposition which will tseenro the
independence ol Cuba. No 1'tais are ap
prehended of a collision with Spain, ns no
cause fur odeoce has been or will be olTored.
Minister Sickles' note, which caused so much
cemment, was s-mply a reminder (hat, n
Spain had formally accepted the United
States as' n mediator betwee'n t hut country
nnd Cuba, our government was ready to
enter upon negotiations. The Cubans huve
determined sooner than submit to Spnnihh
rule to render ihe island nnU nablo for the
Spaniards, and will destroy all their crops
rather thai) huvo them seized by their ene
mies and used as a means with which to
carry on fho war against them.
IiAiutoiu Accident. An accident occur"
red on the Pennsylvania and New , York
Railroad, at Atfiens, Pj., on Monday last,
by which, un engineer natm-d May bee, of
Towanda, nnd W. Ackley, of Dushore,
Sullivan County, were killed, Mr, Ackley
ws lately nominated for the legislature, by
the Republicans of Bradford aud u!liva:i
Ciuuitie-, and was a genlleinai tvull known
in-that part of tho State, for muny ooblo
and generous jtrails of charaetor, aud, Uia
sudden death Is gre itly regitled.
Ii'oh Gate, Wheat Sheaf, GIoIjb Uoatr-'
Oriental, ond'l'arlor Stoves, at Nioholson &
Bluckiion's hardware store. . 4
I. art week ant- columns cuninlned an c
cmint of a it 'innrkablu caao of inislakcn
idoutily. Nvt long since n uegro was ar
rested in Dresden, Tennessee, for doing vi
olence to a young girl. The Infuriated
people accepted without reflection the!
evidence offered, as true,- and
proceeded to suspend the accused ir.un
fior.i thn limb of a tree, where be hung un
til dead. It now turns out that tho victim
neither committed the outrage nor knew
anything concerning it. The real off.hder
is at large, and foils ail endeavors lo ascer
tain his whereabouts. Circumstantial evi
dence is at best imsalis.'iiciory, and Bhould
ut all liuiu bo received w itli cunt ion by a
jury; however apparently strong, it should
never bo noted upon by an angry multitude.
jV. )'. foul. .loV.
Laimuei.-i ,t Alden uie selling olf proeu
tod: at co?t.
Sechutaky ok Wat.. 1 1 iu tho iinpirs
sion in the bobl ii.fonued circles that n-j
Secidaiy of War will be Dominated by thn
PiohideiH unti! after the unuu il leiuit i
uiatio ii;.. General Shenuun, being lii:.iil
ii . v.iiu t' ditty, will at'end to it i:t pu:
f .- a.
l'VfOinm) FUU THE DAILY HRt'OItl),
Afternoon Plsmlches
Fimtest Time on Uecord.
Boston-, Sept. 30.
The races To-day nt Mystic Tark, were
attended by 4,000 people to witness the
double team race. Tho races for 2:20
horses, unfinished yetterdnv, was won by
MeClellan, brt time, 1:23. The rarv for
doublo team was well contested by nonePt
Allen nnd Jesse Wales, Julia Rubber nnd
Lady Walton, lilnck Harry and Belle Ptrick"
landrfommedore Nutt find Sorre'.l John.
The l'liise was $l,0i)0. j'Iij race was won
easily by Honest Allen fttd mute in 2:"t
2:32, 2:29?4, tho fastest limo on record for
a double team of trotters.
Accident at McCi.intockvm.i.k. A
correspondent of the TUusviilo Jleruld siys:
A sad accident recurred at McUliutucki ill n
on Saturday, whereby n named James
Kelley rcoive-J inj iriea liiiely to rtsull latal.
!y. The uu!ortn:ni!e man was iu ,ti.e net
letting tools down a well, wl.ea the --clicck
rope'' bloke, m:d in end-uvering lo lesren
tho coasoqueat dangorous velocity if the
'bnli-wheil." Ihe board be employed lor
the purpose ;ns whirled around with I'ij;!r
I'ul force, In Its descent striking Ihe pour
fellow so severely on the top of his head as
to brnr.k his skull and render him uncon
scious, in which stati) he has coutinued v.-ith
but slight hopes of his ultimate reeovry.
'f ho sufferer ban n wr.'e. whos-j nflllcMoti ;it
the unhappy fa! 3 of her hiitiand may i.e
New AVei.i.. - Mr. R. Sutton, of Tnrr
Farm, commenced testing a well on the
Curtin Farm day before yesterday, and it is
making a good show, and will probably be
a thirty or f.irty barrel well. Mr. SuUon
owr.3 one half the working interest,- and
Thompson & O'Rourka own tbo other half.
Siar. .
Fruit Cans! at ,
Nicholson it Blackmon's.
Tho New Hampshire Lngislulurehas com.
mitted tho foolish act of passing h law for
bidding tho mniriage of lirst cousins on and
af;er the 24th of December, 1SC9. How
about tho validity of-existing contracts de
clared sacred by theConstitntiou? But the
legislation won't amount to inucb, r.s New
Hampshiro is k very small State, nnd easily
got outside of, "in such r.n emergency as a
contemplated marriage, uvea between f.rst
The UoIla(Mo,')jKnnv.?i bavinL'said that
Judge Aaron Von Wonuer of that State
jn'tly regirde-J ns the bead of the lege! pro-
lesaion in hontbwesi Misioiin," the tit. Louis
llrimhUcan replie?: "As he is the Jn.lvo
who uivorccd hiraelf from his own wi'e in
Insown Oil. t, wo rii.n-r thlnU hu is one
ahead of any inembs!-of tho !e-l plofei'sibn
in Southwest M:siiri, or iny whura el.---.."
Chief Justice Connor, of 1'euduras, v,-a
one of tho party with Captain Morrill, oi
the sterner Trade Wind, who were pieki-l
up by the Steain hlp Clinlcn. They were
three dny8wilhout water, and their fuf!W
ings we:-o gtvat. Some 0! tho men bera-,11.1
diliiioiis, nnd rne jumped overboard aa-1
was drowned.
. . . , . , ii. mimit
. A Hare .Gmamk. lir. J'srkcf, having
er gaged the services rf Mr. .. Howard,
whoc rr!p;itntion as a Colorist' rsni.a win
the Di-st ai tiil8 of . the cou Jtrj-, is nrepmeil
W ftirn'.olr'photographs beau I it oily eolored
or finished in India ink. Tho.-o desiiiug
juob work, either from or copied Iroiu
s nail pictures, should embrace the nimortu-
fnity at oncf,' ard call at Barker's phcto-
giaphiii-gallery, on Washington street, l'o
tru'.euin Cout re. t' ni);25-!m
A correspondent of tint Toledo Comnier"
ciuliom Fi:idli-.y,, has stated that
Father Hill, u Methodist prenehcr. who
died recoil! ly, nged st-venty-niup, 'preached
forty-five lliouaaiul,- eight l.nrwlrud and
ninety sermons doring his life, which would
bo between eleven and twelve sermons u
week from birth to death.
Just received onrOrVntal Parlor Stoves
Sept 2H-4t Nicholson & Blnckmon.
Biddy Cox, who for many years sold tripe
in the market, corner ol Thiid and. Green
'Ireets, Si.. Louin, died Sutiirdiiy, nt an
udvanccd age. On searching her premises,
-.; tii)!) in g-jtd nnd $4.l0U in greenbacks v.e:c
! 'oni.i.1 cnic.ulod iu b: r ce! iar.
(ieo. W . (Jnriis 1 i 1 -1 . s tlio Itepuliiieun
n-jtninution f-.i J?-ctelary of Stale of New
Will i'TLKSE C, iVll.-WN-Uli tin. 2i)lh ln! , l,v
I,-, v. J '1 ).-. , Mr II. -n v Wl.-f.'. - j
bd ' . l.-:.i'c U 'I- .'Ii l l!ti C'-uo.
I v ami; aki oh. ci.-s-:;s :
! 1:T ItKCLIViK. n'ei- .i.t,. i.t
' " iix".::.i i ukl stoki:
Tinware, iu retail and jobbing lots, nt
Nicholson A- Itluckmons'.
Lsmmers t Alden have n new stock m
II late styles of Hats and Caps. If
candid icy ANNor.n:Mi-:vrs.
Mr KniTon: Pleano announce the nnnie of Mkb
niTT 8. Hootii, an A CMuliitutii fur Jnntli-e of llh
I'lco 111 t'ornplanli-r towimhlp. nt t!u- i-n-nlt'i! Hi
totwr election, and oMlgo, MANY cl'l'l.KNS.
l'lumer, bi-pt. 16. W.
and tlie llappliieim of Tnio Itlarrlngo.
rp.f AYS for Young Men. nn'tho Errors, Ahnsi-i
i suit DIhiimi-h which di.troy the Manly Powers
and create impediment! or MAHrtlAIII', with mire
mean uf n-ltrr. Sent In senlpd letter envelopi fi-e e
ofi-tinrpe. Addresa llqward Asportation, II'X 1'.,
I'hil.-idelphla, Pa. wrr!.n
I no ninrrlson'ii (iciialno Pino Tar
nnd PerMan Ileallnir Soapx.
T'lpe ponpn nre bnpreirnated with osotie of the
mil'L-st a:id most ftUsauiie nature, and are wamml-i-d
p'Tf.-ctly innoeont and freo from mineral and oTh
ui puriilclous ndmixttirrs, and are selorted by the
Initios and the public In general In pruferereo to all
o1:it soajw, sm tho great producers and preservers of
a 'I'-n'-hy i -irtty of complexion, aud a comenntor
ol ri!:ii:i'.u t-r:vnt. For the softness nnd detiency
wtiirh they induce lo the hands nud face, their capa
bility of soothing Irritation nnd rnieving unsightly
enip'ii.ns, lender them liullspcnsitile to every toll
i t. W'o kiuuly ask the pjildio lo try the virtues o
tl:t"oaonps. .1. I,. H. & Co-, Proprietor.
A V Miller JS Co , General AjeWs. Jut i-3m.
Special Kotlee.
V.- t;t OK WISDOM fer.yoimg n-en, on the
lailinu' Passion in Youth and Early Manhood, with
KLb" I! KL1' for the erring and nnf nrtunate. gen
:u S'-ulM h tti'r envelopes, free of charire. Address
IlOWAItl) .-0nAllON E X 1', rilll.A1lRI.eAI A
Pa. Mav -.'I, .?m
cw Flour, I-'cpI anl Grocery
Stor !
uie-osUc the MctM'ntock House, has on hai.d n
l.ixo 111 1 fest r'asA stock of FIour,l-'eed and
Krofcrlca. which bo is selling nt a low flg.irc.
Jw Don't forget I he place where A, D I'otlo
3s Company broke up.
OocttorK Pr all kinds go to KEYNOLDS
r.IUlDtlEAD Jb Ca'S. So. It Centro UUeot, oppo
ltc tho lot tllllca. Oil City, Pa.
CerpotH, of every qiiiltt y and descrlitlon, nt
REY.'IOLDS. 11I0D1IBD CO'S, No. 11 Centri
Strom, oppo-ito the P. ()., Oil City, l'n.
For Salr.
upJ one Vi Iimivi- i'lH'Ulilc Won'l fc Mnnu 'Pn
ntip. h UvrTnvt irlor, and rtmninj;; nl8nnns 10
li V.'-iIihur'nn St.-iliurm'y. tl.w .T. ricrwn
I-nnii, fborryirci. 2:4t T- FKOTHINCiUAM.
JSiitUislIna; House tor Sale.
'I'uIE e'L:hjcrilt-H oflrs fur stale his hoiirio on 'hr-
n'M1-: iiun, id iin;Lcii tor a Jitril;ntf Uon'.
w'AU k v'thdiit ftirritusv, on tlio mti t ivinniiithV
tiin-t f,'i2i! ih .inw with liiu.'oom n'tiifhl.
I'ur -ii'iir uiqTjH.-c ut this ofWfG or fit ('lia-li
Kinu !.': SJarkirt. J. C. LKONAkU.
rtic'-ryir-f Uimi, &yt. 20. '00. lvv.
V. usiiuiitoti tUruut,
I'-lroii um Centre, Va.,next door to la ham & Co. 'a
Jewelry SioiL-
' ty tt.-tr-t'-rs icommod ited. Meats served
nil hours,, tuid ever description of game
il:iiit-lii.d giu('(.s. ,
No 0 liari 'vill h. Miiari.Kl to necommodat tho
uli'. fa we- ns with their patnungo.
no.r'.T.aK'ttLAXB. , geo.tayl'k.
l'jr-'.ti-inu cYutro, Sjrt, 11, '09. t'f.
r)HE Cii-Paitnur-iliIp existing under
1 rtii-firu n tui'-ol' A D. Miller & Co , ts this day
illisiilveil hy mutual eonsitnt. All ilecountR against
tin-Ian-linn will husettled hylM is Slmmins atthe
mi! "tai-d M. . STMMONS,
Pet. fisilro, Sept 2a, 'Ml. A D. MILLEK.
tTolin O. "Welch,
Scncra-SI., Oil City, Pa.,
Dealer iu
rtml FisJijiiij; Tools,
Innis' Sucker Rods,
:j-tviits Piii', IlcrrJck Irons,
liirxle Bars,
;j.tliii:ce WJu-vIsi A: fudie,
all hi .os,
.My i miiuvii.iu with Moadville nud Pittsburgh
Imnnli'it-s is u-li thitt I eau get out all kiuda of
I'll ut r.ii'.rl order
jou:; (t. welch.
o;i ciiv, rt. 5", ipso tr.
.-1 1 i urn i on ' ca it u i a u j:s
A no. r..-.;u:t:neut at the I'nmiterc S!o:r l i
Dramatic Opeaj
rRAMATH! AND llCltl.Esni i
Fepi. 301 h nnd . Ut BI1JJ
.ilJ.117tLtr. . " " It
Miss Fanny Hsrrin
The rlini,nin fttnl (!:iMrtc vnmc ncir.
V'..(.ld MlKO.IMI 111.., t..l, ..'
iinoo, supiioilfd ty 11 full tv
Tho perftirni'iiirs ill Mn-trti ff,l7 ,.
Inwniit n'rutrtdin1 uf ilin Dintmi
"I riili lii l-'orsnkcn,'" I'Vnnlr Itcoctlvr
Inc Knrn Wli'i," Ixir.n' "Tim Mnimti'hM
11111. nvtr hi r niuiuriMi ihl'Iiw l hi- t..-
in," "Little llnrvOwl." litimli UuyofMui
Vur I'rdriuiiiiHJ hvv MIIm tif tin- Utiy
ArliiiVtiloli 50 (!t. l-tcsrvirtl nrni 7.rnt
tit W, 11- Nlcliolrtuu A loV. I'rivrtti- lmiH
Fall Tr
Petroleum Centra Pa
For tho Full Trade, embracing a full L
rupjjss, sim
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cliiiii:'.
Calicos,'' Muslins, 'aiul u clioit't
assortment of
i . . r
And also a choico assortment of FLANM''"
very cheap. Our Lino of Alpacas and Pur
lin Alpacas is tho finest and cheapjat In the
place. septwiu
The New York
Meat Market!
IT W. PAUKEll have fitted up a no hi
11. Ingon i
3lcCIiiito:k IIoiino,
. ... . . i-.mlrn ll
in " neepniK iii.i . , ,,IV lUU
long ncuiil, a ursi-u.oas .noai aiurui.
win nn kepr. it will no our aim m "
toiniii's wlili promptness and to their 011111"
... nr oi-
idution. .. .,,,-rn
se;.til:ir. II. & W. PAllKIJt.
. . r. .WInanildrt
Arm name of Wachter A Co., 1s illsselw , i""
,.,rll.,d iliilftl.l .,1 t,. Ih.. ,1. .n liril teiOH-Steil t'l 1'
'.. i..." ."...... ,. ... ' iviilie.!."!"1-
i iiiu ,iiu si. urn. iiewrt ritiiu. ! ... . . , : ,.
..i, ..... u.i..,. , ... i..i.n.r II. I. . "
pox iiaisr.ini'i.ii boo"'
i.)mi f m-in ti-iiiti-set or
. . . ' . j ., - - - -
0,p eiio tho rreshyturian Church