Daily Becord NEWSPAPER 2m ' AND Office, M A I IV STREET, IV. II. LOSOWELl, I'roprlojor. NEWS DEPARTMENT. :.' Wo'octIvo tolomphic Urepntch unto 4 r m mi- .-resent then, , our readers ttYcry J. mclng new, nf .reu. interest f,oni 8ectiorsm w h c T W "llld.il arrangement. AIvr Using Medium, Th, , B1ECORD htt nn spr,ori ft Wherever an (ill Operator or Dealer can be found. JOBBING BSPABTSSNT. Wahnv.a tarKo ,niJ wo .Ral(ctcd MI(ltfmcut , now Jobhliisr mntnrini. m...i . I " . v.kwiuviiih uiu Tfll ItltCSt 3,ylc atu 10K,furo enaMe(, w Meej Joo W ork of every nu-lety in a unUsfactory mtuui.r When dalrel, J01b will l uoiUly priutcj iu; Coldbs .Shipping mils. Posters AND H-.uSnoH iii!i.l lsiiins C:ir!i l.ETTKli-linAUS, BILL-UKAns, , ' MU.LH 0? LADING. Etc . Tin-. ' L80 ?.;iin or Putiny HtylM. nwttly ni prnipiiv rmti tod, omlimcioi; NVITATION CIIK'T'LMM ruOGHAMMF tAKKS, TICKKTH, Em. ar.t, every vnrlrrv nr(. p'v1' of w-irl; !n u-i:r v!rcr.ar.t. Ijiryw., .lani'.iwa of h Vrvt, ttiil in'.. r.n Slrman itwl A,.-?n!. Ii.mnuici A -. ' C.Tpri--.n,f"i ini ctWrp-netSt In vnt. nn- iiil-.irrai -J u'.!M.'J,r rP "' 1 OX"ltO ''lir-l-I .til M .rtiol MERCHANT'S GARGLING- OIL , 18 TH E BEST LESL'IK2R5T SN TIJK WOULD Fo? EZan 5 Beast. 30 Year in I'ho. CT3 CT3 I? (rood for rh-Mtmitism, ( M'l I bU: ns. Corns, Whit lous, r.tki'il lrrv:.'ts. Sore Ni;ipl'S, Crumps, l'.oils, Ihtes of iliiiniuts, cnl.'l esa ff the ..:i:!s. I X titnc: lions nt'lnc .Mnsrli"i, funny at il Scalds, Hm-u 3ti t--. Prtiniul Nurvinis utly-ctions. Chapped llmnls. Inline Hack, l'ni.i tn the Siijti. rAv. 'Minus. Tuiinrs. Tonrl, Ache, 0I1 Sire:, LlL'iaiirrtundj ,,r Ml"., 'ksh Wunni)., C!:ill? of all kind, Fpr.in. Bruises, Criul: pi HecR Itini: lime, Till,' r.vil. Wind Lulls, Cuf ions. Spavin, Sivi'i ney, I'imiiiI.!, Kuiiist, Kxtoiim I'liiHOii", Scmii-hoa oi (IroiHe. . Sm im hull . Kutoi Cracks. l.;imeiiess,Ni'uiiis, eoinideriiij; l-ei-t. ?I:in'v. Horn Utslenipc)', (iuret m Covs, Cra ked Teats. Viivt Kot in Sheep, and many other discusi-a inei- lt to Man ttuU lil'USt. . ISO so U. D. Taylor, of Concord, Ky , snya thnG.v:;lim. Oil ennd il horse ol his, luilirMl while iiloil-'Mu:: If atlmuptiim torilip uvor it el itniinlinwt i-vi.'i-ii:u-l.i8 tniKii Hum UHi.i'o iy; ni? trial lie luii u-i-d it in i.i.- fiimily lor liliuen yt-ars. nni is the lu'nt riiinedy 1'. r Cnta, ltnnis, llrir.y, Fnt Ilitos, Strain.-, J-.liI'ii.n-atliiiu, i-tc., Hl' ever used CO CT3 From Cut; ip A P.n.s , rothnno Jin?1!::r. Ol.ii. Nov. is.,t We ar. plc im-f si:h yuur nuri inc. It Ivt heen the in' flu- .f rurln;: a t;iv!! muhImt i lilleivnt di-t.i?-i.fs i r tin, u. ,'U-ti u;!on tifi-v. 'A'e think it cuuv ail (u i i-'ouuiietKl ft to ii . wr.nt you to poiiil u- ilic I tri r proinri:un 'f no vmioty iur fuiuilj r.-o," in buttli. From Dr. ,1. 1'. 'rtrnisij, Warron, Intl., Mir,-h lboii I am entraR- d in the prMd ice of mitlicino' anil Hud your Gurulii Oil an extmniuly rlllrlc. t i-HiiiivW in all casus wliure aa exti.rnul npplicalloii iii indiraK'J. From Dn. O. D NEAr,, Tlnrris, Iowa, Deo. l5il. I lmv pmciict-d nicdici'ru in tlun coiiutv tieTi'n yunrs and clu'erl'iiliv redoimnond jour (inri.'lh'n U:l aa the best liuuiuunt iu use. F.-nm Da. T. W. Vii.w, (3a., Jan. fl, 1S.VI If 1 coald rweivo both boxes of the (nirjrliiiK Oil It will not he too nilu-li. us 1 ihii k I Coilhl soon Hud sale for It all, tho inquiry b-i nir l'reiiuent hIuco it ia mip pwrd tint I liaye It. frr aale. Fiuiii Dn Wm. S. McC'au.. Clmmol", Mo.. N'ov. Ij. IW-Vi ur (laryllnnliil ialukini.'ihi-shiueolf from all the liniments of the drtv. If von desired tliem, I could proeure dozens of certificates from those who have been cured by it. Wer. ,Mcri! Tnoa , Wholesale Drn?r;j. Wheellnn. Vrt.. say, under d .to of July 24, "w, that they eao wifely n i-oinineiid the iiii'uliiig oil for more diseases than it is reeommenihil for. From J. K. Fi-iikii, ruiontown, I'n., June S, 1W17. Your (hiiirlinit Oil Is dollar much better here than fennel ly, since lis virtue have become known, an the b. tiles put. up for Family Use, wilhuit stain, are much sought for. 73 CO retract from nlet'erfi'om Hon Nathan I ixr.sny, County Jud"o of Shelby Co., Iowa (laiei! llarlmi, April 13. iMi- It Is iltiiiedly prel'uri'Ld to mv lia ainent sold in this section. Kxnaet ot n letter frmn fiAMt.'Br. H. Ilrpp, dated Fal'shiirv, Ohio, July 17, l.Klli. In June last, Henry Shuttle had n y arliii! colt that nad what was snp 1l.Hed to be Dy;ithoriil for mere than ten ils' s so that It c tlhl uot eat, and the tiiroat swnlen a.n.o.-r shut, nnd the use of three or four applications of the dollar bottles dill the deired ell'ect. F an A. O. NlRL, Itwlsrille. Coselloetrn 'V, ()., Wan:?t. 1851. I have Qsed vour (jartcliufr Oil for the Hcrntchos on my hoisc, und it tunsl t( with the fitbt application. Prom Ens JlATiiun, Mlddleport, N. Y.. July 43, WW. T jjurehased a bottle of your (Jort'llnR (ill of ynwr ureiit, A. 8 Fiker, at Xlddleport. ami an vet have usu l bin lulf ol it. I think it has eivcD bia more relief In a ease of severe liheiimatlrm, of lomr aUUKilii', than any tlilug 1 huve ever used before. KK.trrt from a letter from 3. O. PRAtT, dited Ouluey, Chant itunia Co., N. Y., AtiLMat 1i, IKr,l.I h.vc tieen ni'Otalnted with your im-dicine tut'lintr (Ml) for the last fourtw'4) years. It hae proved a sure cure for Knot Hot In Sh-ep for whit h J sold t'ie la.st bottle and have calls almost daily for more, l'leaee forward aa boou ad couVtLKui. Always Inquire for IVbrchaiit's Celebrated GASGUNG OI And Dke no other. Ket;iU Prico, SO Cts.. :ifj 'JJ. Ci... Sluike uil! Ijtifnre n-'ln?, and rul on lliuruifhly hefure the lire or au'm- v.uvi i fijl.-:t;nicc. T!' Givrl'i'? 0:1 Jma liccn in u.i f 'if tinii-nt .'ill yi'iirs. Ail w aiK is a ji.r '.iMii! bw he i and lullow three; iniw. A-k yar nonrit Diiiuii. or c!t::il.'r 'ti I's-'l MfJifiin. s fr ohm of" umi' AlmnnniM hu1 Vimc cif.us a.ii rt.id w hat ; iit. p-.'tju't r,v uWoui i.iii 0.1, Tiu-sjI'hl IK U f-r .-:ih bv nil vpeinM.. d.-iiit'H tlii'U,,ia' it t iii.nl otit.iS aii-i titlun eouiitrln. x Our t"?tt:nvi i?x "tti f Din '"'-'?. lo V rt.mml vnmficit'il. ltu t hi tiio:!tii! Mil liiJ :'. jc,(r iu igblmr.-i wlint i it li3 il' iu-. V,'o di ul liilr ami lilioral w itii nil nC i ; .ii.' :t dU't:.n. Munniin hm-fi at "Icrdiaisrs r'3 CM! .i;i'-i." ii ic.i" : ii- u v - : - v iv y.ii.t l :r : i. . HARDWARE OIL CITY. rROIBSOIST'S Oil- Vpsm Pipe Works. CIIAiSIiESi TlOttSO'V V Co., Uornor nf sriiorn .V (Centra M-'-, !::' irto : 1 1 Ciuc't, (tii t'Hy, '' Dealeri. in MurrU, Ta-Wur Co'" Oil. WELL TUBING ANT) CASiy.;, SVOr.KTN'O UAKItK!- AN! VAf.VS'i, ; I l' I'iMl "l'Xr. Liyis, Ti'.N(-j. Machinery for Oil Veils & Refineries i;ohino TOO!.;), OIL t'l'lii i4, I'ni.ii w .vi im;vts Kvrry (Ift'Ciiftii'Ti of isi;rpu!-;s 6n ott, v.t.i.i and m Also, STUVEi?, TINV.'AKK. liKArt (itxyiy, TSA.V.1 AXD (IAS FITTiyax, JU.I.TIXO, 1 ACMXG, t'' noK; ,HAK11WA!(K, HCH.'HH Tii'MlN.';?, Carpontrra' Tiio'j. C;:t:, Ttmunf (if Llvcijth'ni: In HARD IJX1C. 1 tin aim' ' " (. Nil. i , ; J'iinuf.Kdircrp of Tia, Sheet Iron and Copper vTarc. K''.ninn nf all ldrtd dopo with tidiness ami (ii;;nucli. lpcciAl aLttniioii Ivcn lo STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We 1 .:ivn rncavnri'il to nu r't tl p.iTTii':i:-c of thr pubVic, hihI :iuii use e'vy vs rdmi tr- iuiii v i . cMiliiiU!,n;'0. Vnr t";4cilit'0. for f"ro!rhin'.' nr-'tiii:.- fn ivy litu Imviny: hcon rn.-:'.t.l;- iicrt'ii.st;I iu the ertrction n f nnr Ntnv lH'ibiiiv, ur'. n't'.v hUrK'ilOit T ANY o'Miif K-'.TAiJUSliMKXV Rate's Oil . tel .orSs Corner or jirra nnd C"r.fn StHt vrflt ri,iu of Oil Croc!;, Oil Oily, Pa. !nrr t L . Til '-S, to in-r alr.niy t,.;t.i',vc ,i;,v.n i( 'n;iuir I"-1: V:-Iiriov (!- t;cv.' "y'l : 1 Liu ucc. 'y 'iri., in f'.u'.m; u;i, ixr.i: i.i-.i.:- BNOiNES. no:;. e:js, ;;lo.n t.n ;;.;. hemixo .'.i.(;;ir::i":v, COri'El: V0IUI5 and stills, OIL V,"ELL TOOLS AND FITTING?. ' i r"'do'r.'l Mach!Tierv .Ti:! Work e.t' -t. i1, to us with u.itiicsis and tlii'iiati'o uu.4 NEW IIARDWAE STORE nr.ATixa and cooiusn 3 In lanro vrriety TAHLE AND P0"KET Cutlery! SHELF HARD WARS. 1 ii ?.) j - i''.i k. l. v-Vl ti-w i.... t:..fc tii-'-x: q LAMK.LANTrilNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. VI For s.il CHEAP i At. the rtere fortneilv (n '".ti;:t H t.y f !eri.:r'..,d ,tn( C:!terlim, Oil. I '!'.'" '. I'A. J4.iJ it. sii:ii;iK. Ciil City. -Ti.n 4, mi if. MO. ri. MSHSMj A; 't'O., 33 .A. XsT IS 33 2 ra : c:-:ri! r:?:, pa. (1 II. Billll, M C. M.u!!:: Chriatopii' l' Mi ynr. Vr cfv r .t".1r,.l f.,r tte ti :i.. ( i l-.tf A i. l.lNKINti, IJXCiiA ir-Ti of cm.. I.WTION I'.I'MiS'VK Any I n -1;., . 4 oti iHti d lo iir li.I'O e it! i i.r.-.'U;!' , ','.'! jtuT t;'. ili', I' I 's r. ...lv f-.r "".i'r:. .! I"' l.il. t, A. . ' 'I'll.' ll.ri has i -'ii in-!. 'o i.'.l.'. loi.i I-,! i - m il c li a !!:-! .''-ii' - -:!: il. GHOW BUiLDING. oi 11 -y. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HARDWARE STORE! ROBERT BR Y Aft CO. IVc leave to Announce to the cltlzoftt of Pott olcnm ( vhtreatid vliinity, iliat they huve oiwiied new tore tn the inr 01 the nfllce of Hie Centra! Pclrol- win t.)Tnpaiiy at the rnilrond crcpinir, where thuy win kiM'p c"ntiitly nn hand a full aftsurtntout of pvi-mhiiuT iu tho linrdwure line, iuch ns 7S AND PITKET IIION WAUF, GAS FITTINGS AND miA&S GOODS. Mr. lvnn hfivttie locn encflscd in tho hitlnp"f ., 'fi-ri. Wltiirr Hro's. tur intir vcni-! punt, will Kiiticnlarly lothc hu-iiiHt uf ni:muf!tcliiriiig SMOKE STACKS All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. ' GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. Tl.ey have n New Machine for CUTTlNCt (iAS VW With an entire SET OK NEW DIES, And will warrant all work in thla line. Apr:9. Ocal! Coal! Coal! 'JIIE nnderrltrncd, having estnblijhed a branch lars! at Kyn:l EuTsi, i-n t).rv jirrjiari'J to fmnii:i 111 Oracf Coal At the Vitv Snvest PrkiT.. i 'n'r:ioiT ."rum f hfytrpc UiiTi. avA vicinity, livirjr :i' i 'rlr"!ciinH Vlitii'. ""in leave : ifir iif.U-i-i nt tin: . ;itor h M'l-, nvA h iv i iia-m primiptly llllcil iV"in iso u-i frtiiii Y:tn!. AT LttfS COV THAN tVtTAL. 2; o?; ' t r' ?-Xht the pla c k (.'lHouon (', A. t. ii., IVrnVinn Ci-ntrc. liime.itOiiU'e at lijnd Knrtu. B Wo hold fxi'liiMve wmtrol rf the funons ST0NEB0R0 COAL. il tjnth the above nami'd pointd. jun2 t . A. I. J,PGGE1T, MiQii(rturcr an.i J)ea!cr In Seed Bags, Valve Caps, &c. I'pfioricotl nnrkmci oro rn ployed, and TTnr-i-f ail Uiod? kop'.c, n.nully on hund and mndo in oruur. C. Ilprna Pat. I "or ynlo- Sccd I5;ig Uep.iiring Done at all Times ! Call and examine our tock and prices, ".In::s-1., below jl e .f5oJ!li" UK-It JJoill:. lVlroleura Centre. Va Jan. 7th, i-- -tt k Haw i 11 iiUSillil IIOIIOS TO OIL OPSEATOKS. 'i".o nndenlpied, aient for the Metmpolltan Oil Cumpnity, now offers to lease the territory of said Cene witty, In lots of two acres mcb. fbr one-fortrth ro. i.ty. This larm Is sltnite on Cherry True Knu and Ilea nn the JUGULAR VEIN W tick connect, VV'ikkI and ricrsou Farms with C3AELEY jLVs! TEEEITOEY. I. 'or lurtUer panlcolar apply to the original D. W. KENNKY, Allemagoozelum City, Cherrytree Eun. I Or o Id-teas, "BOX. 117, Petroleum. Cmitre, Afril IS 1 in. Fenn. s A. PLATTE, French Boot Haker TirLLi-l P'lOitS WRST OF A. D. MIL LEU CO.'S DIU'G STORE, iri-rr.oriu. cumtjee, Pa., Is n: i.'wtr.ctiirlm? to order KIIIST-CLASS 1'INK VS'uHii, .iuch as fait: ut fifjilljcr B5oots5 ti'iiii'iij SjsSc SIooJs, tVfa!li Cork JSolo 15ots, H c:'C Welt Ulst. HEAVY Oil LIGHT WOUK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE, '"l"! and s?e .s;nr.;i'.et. .j. a. I'LAvrso. i' -I .'oleum Cent!-?, Tn , ilit'y i :3nf. J". Or, 5iS FSiSD STORE, 3 . J l.i'j., 1 b.iM - il ;ll. (.'!':'V, I'A. II,.' l. it. 1'. lit of . !. , ' ie- Itiuil ill til : 1 1 i) 1.-. .'il.'.uid Petroleum Centre, DEAM2U IN rUUE FRENCH, GKI1M AN, KN0LISI1 AND AMEniCAX MISS, HEDU M choice I'oiieion amd domestic Toilet Articles ! AN 1) Fancy Goods, IMPORTED SOAPS, nnrsiiEs. AND I hy.-ici.inp Pieci '.p,ion cmnpniiniletlrrcminirc and chuiue luiUei i:tlr. IK YOU 1IAVNT S E E 1ST IT. GO AND SEE IT The Maic Match, T. M'JDonald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE At tSao D5i?, (ijjjMHe flic PETROLEUM CENTRE PA rpiIB bett Stock of Tt?IVlNO AND" SAPDI.E i. UOHStS ou the Creek, are to he found u M'Uonnld's IJvery. CARRIAGES & CUTTERS 70 U LET AT ALL TIMES. HOUSES IT, I) & BOAKlfc'l on lleasonahlo Terms. Teaming of all kimlv at tended to Promptly fy Give mc a call. T JI'DONAU IWrolentii Ccu'rn. Nov. It, 1SH. LIVERY tt FEED STABLES, V:!h;s!ii Sis-ret, oppol 1 Sec; Oycra Iloime, PETROLEUM CENTRE. TENN'A. I liM-o put in a gwnl floolc of Ri'linp nl1 Driving Ilnifcs, u Licli I willU'ton reusoiiulilfi terms. A!:o, Cnilcr. Wiijrons. Sir:S 110i::-KS lH,aided und led and best of caro guar "'iltr "champion beamed V ilesiru to inform Oil J' crators find Uic u!.lic geneva!! that vc arc pillared to iw' orders i'oi- our CliawpH'U t'--Cutter Ftcamcr. This is v.-itlnnit doubt tho most itcil'cct tool fi voamiuLr that lias ever le' 111 lioducetl. Give in a call !