The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 01, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pet. t.ontrv, Thuraluy, Oct. 1.
A. Ji JA r, Jiditor.
Time ot Closing Klailn.
P. 0., PrraoLKitM Vr.mut, Pa , 1
JrLT 7sj, 1888. $
Until farther notice the mall will arrive t and
depart from Uiis.ufllce follows :
Booth and Eut, via. Irvineton, 10. W A. M.
South and Wast, " Slcndrlllr, B 18 P. M.
North and Cost, 11 Corry, 8 56 . "
South and Wcat, 8 46 A. M.
Ponu. Gait and ffmt, 2 30 p. M.
North, Kant and Wait, 10.00 A. M.
Divine Mrrviie.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7)
o'clock P. M.
Ret. J. T. Ostobt, Pastor.
Services every Sabbath ot 11 A. M. and
1)4 P. M. Sabbath School at9! A. M.
onto free. A cordial Invitation extend
ed to all.
Rev. C. 51. Heard, Pastor.
Mass nt 1( a. m.'
Vesper anil Benediction of.' tho Blessed
Sacrument nt 4 p. m.
Catechism at 2'p. m.
JAMES DUNN. castor.
Chnnrtc of Time.
MONDAY, 8KPT. nth, 1809.
Northward Train
Leave Pet. Centre '"tlO a nt , ar. at Corry :-IO a.m.
" " " 10.44 a m . nr. " l ain m.
" " " :fn p. m , ir. " 5:111 n. m.
" " lr5 p. 111., nr. Tltusvlllc5:!iUp. in.
Southward Trains
Leave FotCeiitre, 7:UI a. m., nr. nt Oil City 8:10 am
" ". tt 11 p. m., nr. " 1:41 p m
' ' " M-80 P m. ar. " 6:60 pm
iTM Train will stop 20 minutes for dinner.
Hfhesonre Freight Trains aud go toTitnsville and
Oil City.
These trains paw at this poiut Tho Potithward
Train sloping fur breakfast
Th 2:5J p m Train goliiR North and the 7:53
Train going South run on Sundays.
Turtle Soup Turtle soup and stoak
"will be served at Sutherland & Tavlor'g re
'taurant to-morrow.
A photographer or Simla, In Hlmloostan'
has discovered a largo vein of meerschaum,
aid to be mperor to that in ordinary use
for pipes. It does not fnBo wboo exposed
- to beat, but Increases in hardness.
Butter is selling iu Philadelphia at ninety
- cents a pound and scarce at that.
Mrs. Twitchell, wiloof tbo murderer,
intend miiltlnjf apppliestinn to tbo next
IVniry.iuuU Les;sia;uro for a cbango of
At Chicago a botlla has been found on
the bank ol the river, labelled '-lo diod or
Palasum." They are dragging tho river for
the body ol 'Io."
"What nre yoH doing there, Jano ?"
"Why, pa, I'm going to dyo uiy doll's plna"
foro red." "But what have you got to dye
it?" ''Beer." "Who on earth told you
that beer would dyo red T" "Why ma said
that it was boer that made your nose oo red,
"! " "HeroSusau, tako this child
Changs in tuk PnorniEToiuiuip of tub
On. Exciianue Hotel. Mr. Samuel Rey
nolds has assumed the proprietorship of the
Oil Exobango Hotel, having bought on!
the lato proprietor, Mr. M. V. Millor. The
new proprietor has already taken posses
sion, and bis many Iriands will bo pleased
to learn that in his now calling Sam fills tbo
position with credit, and with the dignity
of an alderman. The new proprietor baB ;
our best wishes for bis success.
Tueatiib First Apaearaxck of Miss
IIerrino . An Interksti.vo Bill To
MiiiiT. An appreciative'' audience assem
bled last ovening at Sobers Opera House, it
being tho first appearance of Miss Fanny
Herring in tbiB place. 'Leah, Tbo Forsa
ken," was personated by Miss Herring In a
manner not often excelled, and tho audience
told their satisfaction in rounds of applause.
We have never seon a more perfect represen
tation oi the difficult character of "Leah,"
and all are free to admit that Miss Herring
lias few superiors as an actress. We cm
congratulate our theatre gulug people that
iu tbo company now perforforuiing here, we
have one of unusual merit, and wordy tbe
patronage of tbo public. Tbe entice caste
U worthy of special .mention. To-night
will bo presented tho roiuantio military
drama in tbree nets, entitled the "French
Spy," in wbicli Miss Herring will persnuate
Vie tbree great characters of Mathildo Do
Merle, Henry St. Altue, nud Unmet, un
Arab boy. The evening's entertainment
will conclude with Miss Herring's great
speciality of Ragged Pat, in the dram of
Ireland as it was, in which tbe young actress
will appear with song and dance.
Vuvit Cans! nt
Nicuoi,on & T.i ackmon's.
t'lanklln Kxpedltton Melancholy
Heport of the I'nrty.
Mr. Hall's detailed report of his Arctic
expedition is published. It appears that
there is no lunger even a shadow of hope
that any oue survives out of Franklin's
company. It is ascertained that none of
thorn reached cveu as far as Montreal Isl
and, and their bodies lio '.scattered along
the coast of King William's Laud, some in
isolated gruves, and others in tbo camping
places, wheru they fell and died iu compa
nies. Tbe melancholy history has lie
crowning horror in tho knowledgo that they
died ot slurvation through tho biso behav
ior of the Esquimaux, und that in learning
their fute Captain Hall wun reduced to the
awful necessity of taking the liln of ono of
his own mutinous inn 11. Mr. ilali states
that the same your that the tatuo year that
tho Ktebus and Teiror were abandoned, una
of them consummated tbo great northwest
passage, having five men aboard The
evidence ol the exact number is circumstan
cial. Everything about this northwest pas
sage Bbip ol Sir;John Franklin's expediti on
was in complete order. Four boats wore
banging up at tbe ship's side, and ono was
on the quarter-deck; tho vessel was in its
winter housing of sail or tout cloth. Thr9
vessel was found by tho natives near Oreil
ly Island; latitude CS deg. 30 in. ; longitude
911 deg. 8 m. west, cariy iu tbe spring cf
1819, it being frozen in, in tho midst ol a
smooth and unbroken Hoe of ice of only onu
winter's formation.
FIrther Failures Threatening. The
Times says "the crash in gold stocks yester
day afternoon has, it is said, affected many
bouses which escapod tbe crush in gold Inst
week. Hon?, b which suffered by tho tall in
tbe gold market and were brought utmost to
tbe verge ol ruin, could not be expected to
withstand tbo double shock, and It is ex
pested that to-day will reveal tho fact that
a very large number of firms have gone
under. If tbe Gold Exchange Bank should
fall to meet its obligations, or if a run should
be made on that Institution it is expected
that the ras!i in Wall street will be entire
ly overwhelming, That the bank is in a
oritical condition is felt certain; that it has
lost the confidence of tbo brokers is a fact,
and with this support withdrawn rroni it,
the end of that iLBtiluti' n must suou fol
low." Gakoi.ino On, W0 copy the following
well merited notico frn.ii the Saginaw (Mich.)
Courier: No Patent Medicine has succeeded
io tbiB country unless It und real merit, and
not tbeo unlets business sagacity was used
in bringing it before tho public. The suc
cess of Morcbout's Gargling Oil is sufficient
evidonco that it has both or these elements
behind it. It has undoubted virlnolor the
proposes for which it is recommended, and
In its business manager, John Hodo. esq..
it has a directing genius who knows just
how to make use of a good thing.
Tbo men who recently robbed Weils, ;
Fargo & Co.'s Express, en route from Helena
to Uorione, about seventy miles uorth ol tbe
lattor place, have alt been caught. There
were two robberies near together an! in
tie sail e locality, tho first of $25,1)00 hU(l
tbo second of $27,000. Tbo latter wag ac
complished by Frank E. Long and John P.
Stone, the formor of Mormon extraction aud
an old driver on tbo EoBton line, tbe latter
from tbo sunny South, assisted by tliroo or
four dummies.
A Joke on Admiral Porter. IdmJnl
Porter was riding in a street car In Washing,
ton the other day, in which were two or
three drunken national sailors. They be-
carao so obstreperoiiB that the Admiral ex
postulated with them, and finally, telling
them who be was, he asked ono of them
what ship ho belonged to. With a twinkle
of the eye and a swugsering air, tho sailor
hiccoughed out, "Admiral, you have
changed the names of tbe ships so oflcn tlia'
I really don't know what ship we do belong
Notwithstanding tbe introduction of petro
leum the prlco of whale oil continues very
high. It has nearly doubled in fifteen years,
and had not the Pennsylvania oil wells been
discovered, whale oil would now be worth
three dollars per gallon. The discovery ef
petroleum has been to oil consumers just
what tbe discovery of coal was to the burner
of wcod. While New York was a city o;
250,000 inhabtiants, it still used wood,
which bad become very scarce 11 ml dear.
Just at tho time of great demand coal was
brought truj the Lackawanna mines, und
the wood ti ido gradually tiled out. In this
way it seems that a divine Providence
watches over the wants of mankind.
Tho Grand Lodge of Odd fellows, in ses.
siou in San Francisco, adjourned sine die on
Monday. Vico Pre.sldunt Colfux was pres
ent and was Introduced to the members.
The Grand Sire, Mr. FariiBwortb, was pie
preseutod with a 'diamond ring set in gold
from tbe filings of tie last spike. The
I Grand Secretary, .Mr. kidgely, was present
ed with a cine by the California brethren.
A Goose Race. Tho Chicago Evening
Post of Friday s;iys: The "goosisls," Rob
ert Hart, Georgo Morri and .Tames Mane,
decided the championship of their respec
tive steeds in the race on tho Lake Hasiu
yesterday aftornoon, in tho preseuce of
about 6,000 people. Tho contest was one
of tho most novel and laughable ever wit
nessed. Tho distance was throe hundred
yardsfrom, the foot ol Adams street to the
pier south. Tho "teams" consisted of six
geeso each. Tho birds were harnessed, and
attached to a board shaped like a banjo, on
which a wasbtub was set. A paddlo aud a
long whip wersi allowed each driver.
Shortly after three o'clock a sond-otl was ef
fected, Eorris lint, Maas second, aud. Hart
outside. Mua' oll'-wheuler turned over and
faced bis driver, and was pulled along in
thut position. Hart gut ahead ol bis com
petitors at tbo start, but Morris toon over,
hauled him. . The latter's loam undo for
the shore, and be bad to resort to much
paddling to koep them straight. Morris
finally reached the goal lour feet ahead of
Hart, Ma;is bcinj lolt considerably behind.
The distance was in ado iu sovon minutes
aud thirty seconds. Tbe purse of $200 was
awarded to Morris. The sport was Intensely
laughable, aud many who witnessed it shook
their sides to aching.
AIMumphis paper shows, or attempts to
show, that a cotton factory iu that city will
clear $32.76 more on every bale of cotton
woven into cloth than cau bo realized by
tbe mills ot Lowell, Massachutstls: aud that
$3,000 bales at Memphis would produce a
profit of $248,000 In ono year against the
$20,000 million of tbe mills of Lowell, buiit
at nearly tho same cost. Tbe New England
manufacturer pays $16 to got a bale to his
mill, and loses entirely the profit of tho oil
from tbo cotton seed, $110 per bale, all of
which, with tbo advantage uf labor at lowei
rates, enters into the gains ol tbe home
manufacturer. ,
Iron Gate, Wheat Sheaf, Globe neater
Oriental, and Parlor Stove?, at Nicholson &
Bluckmon's hardware store.
Uerzog, the famous running horse that
made a ni'le in 1 :43J.j at a Buckeye raco at
Cincinnati, tbe best time on racord, died on
Tuesday morning at f tbe Buckeye track,
where last May be nchioved that- tilumph.
On Tuesday last he wun tbe li 1st raco. It
was his last. A cold, taken that night,
settled on bis lungs. The best medical
sulll was procured, and on Monday he was
B i uuu 1
refused fifteen tKiuand dollars for him with
in a weclc.
Lamuieis & iildru are selling off ptesen
lock at cost.
A Goon Nioht Kiks. Al ys send your
child to bod happy. Whatever circs may
trouble your mind, give tbo dear child a
good uigbt kiss as it goes to its pillow.
Tho memory of this, iu tho stormy years
which may be In store fur tho little one, will
be Betlilehem'B star to the bewildered shep.
herd, and swelling up In the heart will
raise the Ihouijhl '-my father and mother
lovod me'.'.' Lips parc!.td with fi-ver wiil
become dewy a( this thrill of youthful mem
ories. Kiss yonr little child before it goes
to sleep.
A domestic romance comes from New
York. Twenty-two years ago a couple
were married, bad one eon, lived (ngctln r
ten years, and then, after losing ail ihrir
property, procured a divorce. Tho woman
married again, nnd got n fortune;, the man
didn't, and remained poar. And now that
the woman has become a rich widow, site
has re-mnrried her first husband, and they
nre going to Boston for a revised hoaov
noon. A man named Stephen Tupper, in Indi
unupolis, attempted to drink from a creek,
but was so drunk that be was unable to
ruise his face afterward:', and was drowned
in tlircc iucbos of waier.
Just received our Orlentul Parlor Stoves
Sept 2iJ-4t Nicholson & Bluckiuon.
A Japanese step-mother boiled dowu nor
husband's two children in a hot bath. Her
punishment was to be slowly boiled In a
cauldron of oil to which each Btep-inother
in Alaska contributed a portion.
A Roman padre hns been burning testa
ments nt Muhlitara. Ho terrified mothers
by exhibiting a panorama of hell, In which
children with ProtcsUut, bool.B in their hands
were luin tortured, by fiery devils with
Tho now cat ol dress waists, extending so
far down the front, is anything but n modest
one, Hi tiis display fully indicates; but if
tbe ladies fully approve of it, it will bo of
little use for tho men folks to say a word.
Tho Now York Exprtus snys it is a liigb
compliment paid to l!m moral sense of tho
Republic thut Hie vigneltes of tbo ten und
fifteen cent stamps are the likenesses of tho
two most notorious u well us beautiful
eourte!iua of VashiD"tt".i
Tinware, in retail and jobbing lots, at
Nicholson fc Ulnckmons'.
Lnmtnris & Alden have n new stock o
all Irtte styles of Hats and Cnps. tf
can if j uicy anno- Ntr.;i-i:ntsi.
Mr Kihtoi:: Plcne nmiimnce the r.anle of Mfs
niTT s. ltooTii, a!nto for Jiwttre of ihc
I'eare in foriiplnnu r township, nt the ensuing Oo
tohorehei.on. nn.l, .MANY cn'IZKNS.
I'lunier. Sept. 16, l-Hiu.
Tttonl Notice.
and the Kapplnena of True Iflarrlafio
I ASSAYS for Young Wen. on'llie Error. Ahn'fl
j nud IJ i seases uich destroy the Manly Power
niel create impediments or MAKItlAtiH, with ure
mean of relief. Sent In scaled letter envelopes free
of charge, Addres toward Association, Ilex P.,
1'hilndclphln, Pa. sep24:3m.
I ho mrrloii' Oonnlno Pino Tar
und I'crnian lleallii-r Soap.
These soipn arn Impregnated with exotics of tho
mildest and most Ilalsamic natiuv, and are warrant
ed perfectly innocent aud free from mineral and oth
or pernicious admixtures, nnd are selected by the
Indies and the rmlilic in general In prefcrcrcc to all
other soajis, as the great producers and preservers of
a healthy purity of complexion, and a conacrvator
of female beauty. For the softness and delicacy
which they Induce to the luinds nnd fnce, their capa
bility of soothing Irritntion nnd rmovlrg nnslghtly
trillions, render them ludlspensildo to every toll
it. W'e kindly nVk tie- .i:l,ic to try the virtue o
thenc soaps. .1. I. 11. Co., Proprietor.
A D. .Miller & Co , (lencml Ajunt. JulM-Sm.
Spoelul Nolloo.
V .;,1)S op WISDOM for young men, on the
ltniite.' l'mn,m In Y iit)i and Kirly Manhood, with
SKI.l-' 1IKI.P for the erring and unf ortimntc. Sen
In sealed letter envelopes, free of charga. Address
!'A May Si, 3m
Xcw Flmir, Feud nud Grocery
Sloro !
I. !?. S'K.ITJIEK,
opposite tho McCliutock Ilonse, ha on hand a
uga ana ti:-t class stocs of Iour,t'eed and
f Jrocerlen, which ho Is soiling at a low Bgnre.
Don't forgo", tho place whose A, D. Cotto
& Company broke up.
VrncKnrjr For all kinds go to REYNOLDS
nitODHEAD & CO'S, No. 11 Centre Street, oppo
site tha Post PlUce, Oil City, Pa.
Carpctx, of every quality and description, at
REYNOLDS. BUODllBD CO'S. No. 11 Centre
strevt, opposite the P. O., Oil City,.T1.
A fine assortment at the Furniture Store.
War Sitl.
ONK i:::eri.r ri horse ?.nta1iiArK Fnirfno,
and rnio 10 hntse lJort:0le Wood tfe Mnnn Kn
pliir, bull, in torfVct nrdt-r. rmitmig; nlsoone 10
1-arm, nirrytino. 29:4t T. FHOTUINOUAM.
RiMnlin? House for Sale.
friIF suii-oribor oftir fur sale hin honee on Cher
L rytif Mil", nrrnppeil tor Bwrtlin,; House,
willi jr without f omit urn, on the mn t reiwonitbte
tfuns Is.rsc Kooint with bedroom attvh-d.
For tiiitkui!iri i nature at thirfofllwj or At ClWlui"n Mc-.t Murker. J. C. LKONAt&D.
Clitirytr n Run, Kept. 29. lw.
Hetroi'm Fxrliaiige Saloon
Received J3" OP THE
W:is!3inf;Ion .street,
Potrole-uni Centre, Pa., next door to la ham & Co.'s
Jawelry Store
li-iy Hoard. 't-s rtccomtnod ittl. Meal sorvnd
all houis. tHutei-s, and every deseriptiou ol game
niui.-hed xuests.
?Io piins will ho siiari-d to ftccommodat tho
v. ":-,o fj;vor us uHli tiie'r putroniiuo.
Pctr ileum Ci;re, Sent, 14, ,'3;i. tf.
rjtliU C'n I'.irtnrrship hore'cifro existintt nnder
1 ti:e Inui name of A I). Miller & Co , In this day
ili-s'ilve.1 hy mill nil consnnt All airouut ainlinst
the late linn will be settled by M. S Simmon al tbe
oidmnud. M. S. siMMONtk
I'et. Centre, Sept. 2d, '6!. A D. MIL1.EK.
John C. "Welch,
Scnoea-St.j Oil tity. PaM
and Fishing Tools,
Innis' Sucker Rods,
Itnvinjj Pipe, lcrri:k Iron.,
K:tl;iiicu AVlieei c I'lillies,
all sizes,
M eonneetli.n with Mi-advlllc nnd I'it loLur-'li
loiuidileii is sin h that I can i'et out nil kinds uf
i.itjttus at short order
Oil City. Fob. 17, P-ti'.i -If-
Dramatic Opening
Sept. 30th and Oct. 1 hi nnd 2a.
Manapor. ...... .
fllHR Manncer take trreat plea.ure In nnnnaM
J. that he ha completed an iiiuiiKetnent with "
Miss Fanny Herring,
Thoclinniilnir and dashhut younj actress titi i
Woods .Museum who will nppun- at WKn K,rll
ance, Hiipported by a full i-triorm-
The-perronnances III be m-lucte 1 fmrn tw ini
lowirip: retiortoireef ihe Diauia:
"l.enhlb p,orsakell.,, Ki-iuale Detective Ji,
ltiR For a Wife." "Ixun." The Mnnat th. whcl
an played by Sliss Fanny llerriiuj nt Wood's Ji,,..
urn. over one hundred niirbts ''ITueli- Tom'i cai'
111." "Little Barel'oot," "Duiub Boy of .ManrheihV''
"Jnek Sbepimrit."
Chance of Prouramtno Qiery nltrlit.
For Programme see bills of the day.
AdmlsMlen rsi et. Hi'STVod sents i.lets. for int.
at W. II. Nicholson & Co's. Private Lot, t?Z
ep2ltd W. (i. PaTEItSoN
FOR Till
Fall Trade
Petroleum Centre. Pa,
ronsisN & tomsstic
For tlio Fall Trade, cm'ir icing a full Lino
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Chintzes,
Calicos, Muslins, and a choice
assortment of
And also a choice, assortment of FLANNES,
very cheap. Our Lino of Alpacas and Pop
lin Alpacas is the finest and cheapest in the
place. septl3:lf
The New York
Meat Market!
HtW. PAHICKIt have llttod no a now build-
ins on
On .Main street, Opposite tlic
McC'liutoctt IIoiinc,
And Intend keeidnc wlml Petioleum Centre has
lout; nuode.d, a Ilrst-clnss JPsit SInikut. Only the
will bo kept, it will be our aim to asrve nnr cus
tomers wuli promplno: a. id to tlu-ir entire riatis
bction. sontpiiir. H. & W. PAItKEIl.
Tlie coiinrlnersblp liorctoluro exisiinir under the
firm imiuo of WuchU-r ft Co., is dis-olved, and alt
(larties hidebll to the firm, are re-ueslisl to set'lo
st tho ohl stanil, HessFann, or at Pol. Centre, OH"'
alte the hriek bank. jue.'ltf II. c W-
jox iitn )(i.;sAi'i.i: ituuiti,
ritED.f. IIV1H1 Proprietor,.
t'llin si,o tbe l'r, litui';uu Chir.oli