ally Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office; JIAIJf STREET PETKOLEHI CEXTRE. W. II. LONRIVCJM., Proprietor. NEWS DEPARTMENT. TVe receivo tolo,Tnpliie"aciiprtcho9 up to 4. p. m., and present thorn to our route every evening, em bracing news of great Interest from nil sectlor. of the country. We have, made special amusements, whereby we receive regular rctrofcnm, Stock and Produce Market Kcporta every evening by telegraph, fmm New York, Philadelphia, aim I'litalinnj, which. Wither tilth Editorials and Local matters, make It cno or tho most desirable newspapers published in the Od Jtcgion. As an - Advr Using Medium, Tho ItECOItD 1ms ;io superior, us It circulates wherever an Oil Operator or Dealer can bo found. JOBBINS DEPAETHSST. Wo have a large and well - selected assortment o, now Jobbing material, onunnclns the very latest styles. We are therefore, enabled to execute Job Work of every variety In a satisfactory mnnner When desired, jobs will bo nontlyprlntod Inl Colobs Shipping Bills. - Poster' Hand-Bills. Programmes, mils of Fare. .Cjiibels, AN Rniicuitts and Visiting Cnrds 1-liTTEH-IIHADS, BILL-HEADS, BILLS OP LADING. Etc , Etc . also BAM. Ir'UIJiTINCJ. V.nin or Fanoy Styles, neatly and promptly execn ted, emluacim; NVITATION rlRCTILAIW VKOORAMM11S CAUDSj TIUltETS, Etc. act, every variety ar.o my'e of work in tetter, press prnting. Merchants, Lawyers, Justices of the Peace, Land Amenta, f.ll int,er and Apcnta, Iiunirancn Aonts, K-tprc-Pmen itA ether vartk In want, are informed tjnt we are prfparal to execute too der all kinds of u.ianivs, U'.itiness or Waal, required In tl is w oiinily. MEBCHANr'S GARGLING- OIL, IS THE BEST LINIMENT IN riu; WOULD Pox? BX&n Beast. 30 Years lit I'mc. era era Ts Rood for Rlioumatimn, Chilhlnina, Corn?, Whit lows, Caked llroiiMti. tSoro Nlpplts, Cmrup, itoils, Jiitusof iininiiil.s Weak, i-ds of tho Joints, Contrac tions ofthe MiihcU1, rums ami S-tuliK r'unt liiiuH, Pain ft. I Nervous affection?. Chapped Hands, Lutue Dark, Pain in tho Side, Swelling;, Tuiiior, Tooth Ache, Old Sores, Ucmon-hott or FllvA, Flcjh Wound?, Gall? of all kinds, Pprnini, Brutacs, Crock od llnela. I..11K HuiiC, Pole Kvil, inri linNs. Cal" Spavin, Sweeney, Fistula, SUfast, Kxterna Poison:, tarutclioa or Grease. Snrin-'linlt. Sand Crack?, Lameness, Strains, KounderiiiK Ket-t, Mange. uorn Distemper, ttnrget, in Cuwt Cracked Twu. Foot hot In Sheen, and muuv other dU(afa inci dent to Alan and lkaiU SO ' 3D K. D. TatloHi of Concord. Kv.. navs theOrm-Uni? Oil cured a horse of Ills, iniuml while plou?hi:ijj: by attempting fo step over a stump. almost severing Ms thigh from the body ; also that lie 1ms used it in his family for fit' tn vuars, and is the best remedy for Cut, Burns. PiruiVe.. Frost Hites, Strains, Phi-um- !em, etc, uc ever used. ere From CntjMP A linos , Cochrane Lnuditi2, Ohio, Nov. 20, Sr;(i Vte arc pleaded with your medicine. It has boon the mean of curing a ureal number o dillei-eut diseases undo person?, as aNo upi hordes. We think it cures all you recommend it'to do. We want you to' send no thu l.uror nrouortion of ttic variety for "Family Use,'' m small bottles. From Dn. J V. jnutm.i.. Warren, Iml., 5'nreh 18511. I am enznpd in the practice of medicine' and Und your Oarislini; Oil an exncmolv eltUie-1 remedy in all cas.ui whore an external apnlicmlon Is ii.dkntoj. From Dit O. B. Neai.. Bonis. Iowa, Doc. ls,vi. I have prac'hvd medicine in this county seven yeais ana cuoeriuny recommena your CJariiling Oil as tne Dcst iuiumuut In use. From Dr. T. W. Eu.ts. Ga , Jan fi, IS.. ir I conld receive both boxes of the Gargling Oil It will not be too much, m I thlrk I conli poon tlnd sale for it nil, the Inquiry b hiz frequent since it is sup posed tlmt I h ave it fT sale. Prom rn W. S. McCaii, Chamois, Mo.. Nov. B, 1SB0. Vonr Gargiint'Oil Is cnklnq the shine off from all tho liniments of the dav. Ir von desired thorn, I could procure dozens iif conilcntca Horn those who have been cured by It. -zp Messrs. NcLain Bnos., Wholesale Druiriists, ; Va.. sav, under d ,to of July 24, ls.:n, WlieelinK that thoy can safely recommend the (himling Oil for more diseases tliun it is rjcommt nded for.' From J. K. Fisher, irniontnwn, I'n . .lone 31, 18117. Your Gargllns: Oil Is dolnc much bettor here than 'ornierly, since ils virtues have become known, and the botlles put up for Family Use, withou! stain, are much sought for. C73 era Extract from nletterfromnonNATiiANTixDsEY, County JudL'e of Shelby Co., Iowa dated Harl in, April ltf, 1K67 It is decidedly preferred to any lin ament eold in this section. Extract ot a lettor from Sami'el S. IIiipp, flited Fallsbure, Ohio, July 17, ISOO. In Juno last, lloury bliaftlo hsd ft vwirliilif colt that tad what was enn-'.tto he Dyptheria for more than ten days so that It cKuild not and the throat swolon almost shut, and the use of three or four applications of rue uomir Domes ata t-no uesiroa euoct. A. G. Kiel, Lewisville. Coscbocton Co.. .. Mama. 1852. 1 have used vour Garcline: Oil for Ihe Scratches on my horse, and it cured it with the first application. From Ewos Matheii. Mlddlcnort. N. V.. .Tntv iSL 1850. I purchased a bottle of your Gargling Oil of yonr agent, a. b ismer, at jUtujiioport. and as yot nave useu out nan ot it. 1 lnitiK it lias elven me more reiienn a case or severe tthcumntlsm. oi'loou siuuuinj, limn any iniog l nave ever useu bolore. Extract from a letter from J. O. Phait, dated Quinry, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., All'M8tl2, 1854. I nuve oeen nc(uatn:eo w,tn your uieaicino daretlng Oil) for tlie last fottrtoen years. It has nrov'ed a sure core for Foot Rot in Slieep for wiiirh Isold me last oottie anu nave cans almost daily for more. i tense lorwaru as soon as convenient. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GAKGLING OIL, And toko no other. Retail Price, ftl.Ort, GO C'ts., Shako well before mine, and run on thoroughly i,iti'.i; uiu moui sifiuo M nun HOOianco. Thefl.irgllne fll has been in uso ns a linatnerit a . years. All wo ask Is a Jair trial, but bo sur and follow directions, Ask your nearest rtruslst, or doalor In Patent Moiclnns tor one or our Almanacs ai.d Violo Mo. cuius, end read what the people say alx:it the Oil Tho Circling Oil is f,r sale bv all respectabl drnleis throilLrhout tile United States and nihoi couiitrlC". On- t stimnniatt dato from lS'B to IKMand ar unMivi:.rti. i:se tile liiiralin oil und tell you UIUUUiS WlOil gOOll 11. IK1B UXIIU. y i dral fair and liberal with ail and defy contra OICUOU. Maimfiicturnd nt JiOcttport, X, V., !y JOHN HODGE, riticrrtary. So'.d by A. D. nlj J ain. PIILLtli ic CO., HARDWARE OIL CITY. IROBSOlSrS Oil Cbfek Pipe wonus. CHAltLES WOISSOiX .V Co., Corner of Senora A- fientro Ntw., Kast ildo Oil CreeK, Oil a-u., Dcnlcrs In Morris, Talker t Co'a OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, al.SO, WOllKINO IJAHKEl.S ANDVALVES, B1WMX IK 'XI'.. CLAMPS, TONUS, ht CKUU RODS, 4c Machinery for Oil "Wells & Refineries BORING TOOLS, DHIV1NO PIPE, COLD VVATiiK PUMPS, OIL I'UMl'S, Every description of SUPPLIES FOK OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STUYES, TINWARE, 1J1JASH (!OODS, TEAMS AXD OA." FITTING -ft, LELT1XG, tACKlXO, ami 1JOSK; 11ARDWAHE, 1I0U8E TKIMMING8, Carpenters' Tools, Kope, ibikum, Kails, Axes, Coffeo Mills, Tablo & Pocket Cutlery; a Full Assortment of Kvcrjilnng in the HARDWARE LINE. Lampi, Ctiimnoys, ' No. 1 StrnirM Lard Oil, Ko. 1 Itelluod Oil, btalr b'ods. Table an I Door Mats ; Mamjfitctnrcrs of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper 7are. Hoimlnni; of ail kinds d'ine with ne.'itncei and di.usch. Er-poclal attcu'iun j;vcu to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored to merit the ujare of tlie public, and shall use cvory txeriiou to insure its continuance. Our facilities for ftu-ntsiitnii oforvthin!? in onr line. haimr been ereatlv increased, in the erection of our New Building, lire now SUPEKIOK TO ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT auJl-Sui. IN TUE OIL REGION. Rote's Oil W. Pips aiis ciiAs. rtousorj & co., , Cornur of Seneca and Centre Sts, east siile ol' Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. ITavina added a powerful Steam Enclno and three lat-Ke L VTL' ES, to our already extensive Mannfac tunniz Estaijlishnient, nr. now prcparerl to do all tho necessary wyrk, in rirtia up, and repaiiiug ENGINi:S. BOILERS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORJI3 AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS '"irtdo'alt Machinery Job Work entrnstod tons with neatness and disuatcn ' aua tlmos NEW HARDWARE STORE HEATING AND COOKING stoves : In largo variety. TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! 2I bV HARDWARE. HOUSE PIIRNISniNS BrC23, LAMP3,LANTERNS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. MAILS A8D.ERON Wooden Ware, Lc. For enle . CHEAP 1 At the store formorl v occupied by HnrchfieM and Casluiline, Oil. CITY, 1J.. JAMliS U. liHGUIK. Oll'City, Jttti.4. rm-it. eJoh.ii C. "Welch, SeMcp.a-St., Oil City. Pa., Dealer in filbbs, ilasscH & o's Boring anilJi'.shh.'K T;!s, Innis' Sucker Rods. Oriviiifj Pijic,' ISerricU I ton, tJi-iiSe ESai's, I3a!ati:8 WI;'C'Is & Pi'.Ilis, all sizo ly eonnoc'inn with Meadvllle and Pittsl.iueh loui'diios is h'i'-'i Dili loan gut on: nil kind, ol t..uthiss al snort order Oil C'ily, r ob. IT, 1.-3'") .-tf MISCELLANEOt'S. NEW HARDWARE STORE! IIOHICHT HHYAN & CO., Beg leave to announce to Iho citizens of Petrolenm Centre and vicinity, that they have opened a new store In tne lonr ol the office of the Central 1 ctrol i nm Cotupimv al the railroad cnwlns, where they will keep constantly on hand a full assortment ol everything in tlie Hardware line, such ns TIN AND SHEET VRON WARE, GAS FITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS. Mr. Brvnn having 1-oen onenffod in tho l)iisiness with Messrs. Winter Bio's, lor lour yews rasl, will attend particularly lolhe business of mimiiliictuiing SMOKE STACKS All kinds orTi and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. Thoy havo a New Machine for CUTTING GAS PIP With an enlitc SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work In tills line Apr :t. Coal! Coal! Coal! riHE nnderMpwd, having established a branch lard at lijirl Inii, are now prepared to furnish All Grafles of Coal At I.S3 viy Lowest Prices. (norators fi't.m ( hi rnli-Pi' Unn.and 1rinify, llvinp at l'cti'olfMiiit'cntiL', ran luavtr their orders at otii odire hi'i-t', mid havu Wwm promptly filled from the Hji.d l'flim Y:nd, AT LESS COST THAN USUAL. D O ? T VO HI IT T58 E P L A V E SKAKl.KS & C0!lXVKTJH ni U. C. & A. K. H ,,1'i'lroionm Centre. lIiaiiL-hOlUcf tit Kynd Funn. N- B Wo hold I'xeliihn control of the famous ST0NB0R0 COAL. at both the above named points. Jun2-t . A. T. LEGGETT, Maiiuracturcr and Dealer In . Seed Bags, "Valve Gups, &c. Ksrfrior.rcJ workmci. Pro enmloved. and Ilar- nt'Ht of ull kind' kupt ct r .tantly ou band and made ti nrrU.r P. C. Heinz Put. Seed Bag For Sale- Repairing Done at all Times ! Call and eB'imine our stocU atd prices, tfaiii-ij., lctov )I e .l!;('liii lock IIOHMC. Petroleum Centre, Pa Jan. -7th, li:M -tt J. A. -PL ANTE, Frencli Boot Maker Waaliliiglon Street, ' TnREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. MIL LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, PETliOIjEUMCE--VTIiE,Pa., Ia manufacturin" to order FI'.tST CLASS FINU WOKK, such as Patent Leather ISootSj Pump olc Boots, French Cork Sole Hoots, cotc Welt Boots. HEAVY Oil LIGIIT WORK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE. Call and seo samples. J. A. l'l.ANTi:. Petroleum Centre, Va , July 2 Sm. MemapozalM City Terrtory. ironsa to oil opehatohs; The imdcrsi'uud, aer.t for the Metropolitan Oil Company, now oflurs to luaau tho territory of said Cumpaiiy, In loU of two acres each, for one-fuurih royaltyt Thlri larm U nltuato on Chorry True r.uu and lhn on the JUGULAR VEIN Which comiecU Woo. -J and rit;rson Farms C3IASLTSY VJJiJ TEUBITOUY. For fui'thor i:articular a;iply to the original D. W.KKNNEY, Alleiaagoozchini City, Cherrytree Eun, Oi oJdaotis, "150X 117, Petroleum Centre, April 16 1m. J. Or. OGDBW, FLOUR m FEED STORE IV o ST CI3ATTUE-ST., oil. ci Tl, l-.v. t!w bet ot.i'ilisl.iiicot of t'.io hind in a I'i'ju; -ad tuyd solCi'. Mho'.o-ai.. u n'.l.J -u It. Tbl Oii Hi H. li. FISHES Petroleum Centre, DEALEU IN N URE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICA BRIGS, . MEDICINES ID CHEMICALS IIOICE FOIIE1QN AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles ! AND Fancy Goods, IMPORTED SOAPS, BRUSHES, AND Brtijrgists StitKli its ; 'hystchin? I'reseriplii'U coiniiouiaU'drroivsfpmc. "l.U IlIillLl hlil. IF YOU HAV'NT 1 T.i GO AK'D SEE IT The Magic Match, Petroleum Ceiiti?, June. ISO!). m T. M'Donald, LIVERY,. FEED & SALE STABLES ! t the Depot, opposite thi? Central limine, PETROLEUM CENTRE IA rpHR best Stock of UKIVINQ AND SAPDU X ou me irccK, ure iu ue louuu .i M'Oonnld's Xiivery. 1ARRIA5ES & CUTTERS TO EH LET AT ALL TIMES. HOUSES FEB & llOAKDED on Itcnsonablu Terms. Teaming of all Idti .it- tended to Promptly. fjfGlye nie a call. T M'DONAh Petrolenm Centre, Nov. II, 18118. LIVERY FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opi"Ue klie Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PEXN'A. I have put In a pood stock of Rid ins owl DriTltig Horses, wlileU 1 will lot " "( reasonable terms. Also, Cutters, Wagons, Spring Wagons, A;c. HOUSES boarded and led aud beat of euro Blia'' anteml. , jana tf A. SHAW bFjj, CHAMPION REAMER ! We desire to inform Oil (ty erators and the public generally that we are prepared to receive orders for our Champion fc'x Cutter Reamer. This is without doubt the most perfect tool fur reaming that has ever hecn in troduced, (live us a call ! B isher, oi lis & i