The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, September 28, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record
VU t eulre, TnesJar, Sot 28.
Time of (lowing Mall".
r. O., Pbtbolriih rr.mtin.VK ., I
JULT i!TT, J1". i
ViM farther notice tlio malls will arrive at aud
4f cpirt from this office u follows :
South and Rest. vl. Irvluelun, 10. 38 A. M.
South and West, " Meadrlllc, S.J 1'. M.
North and Baft, " ('wry, S.5S , "
Sooth and West, A. M.
Houtt. flirt owl West, S 30 1. 51.
Northi East and West, 10.00 A. M.
Divine (tprvlccti.
nnhinf nl 11 n'olnplr A M mill ft
. 1 . - ... , , y
O'clock P. M.
Kev. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor.
Services every Sabbath at II A. M. and
P. M. Sabbath School atO A. M.
eats free. A cordial Invitation extend
ed to afl.
Kev. C. M. Heard, Pastor.
Mess at 103,4' a. m.
Vesper and Benediction of. the Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catecbism at 2 'p. m.
Change of Time.
MONDAY, BEIT. Cth, I860.
Northward Trains
Leave Pet. Centre 7:10 a m., ar. at Corry 9:40 a.m.
" ' " 10.44 a m., ar. " 1.25 p m.
" ' " S:ttp.m.,r. " 6:10 D.m.
" ' " H:06p. m , ar. Tltils1lle6:)p. m.
Southward Train
Leave Pet. Centre, 1, ar. nt Oil City SrlO am
' " " JltWp. m.,ar. " 1:41 nm
" " " 7:63 p. m., ar. ". R:: p m
14.30 p. m. ar. " 6:60 pm
tThls Train will stop 20 minutes for dinner.
(These arc Freight Trains and go to TitusTlllo and
Oil City.
Those trtlns paw at this point. The Southward
Train stoplng for breakfast
Tli2:S5 pm Troin going North and the 7:53
Train going Sonth run on Sundays.
Waxtbd. A girl to do goneral house
work. Apply at this office.
Tho Mississippi Valley Telegraph Com
pany have sold their lines to the Pacfflo and
Atlantio Company for $360,000 In stock.
Dexter Not to TnoT. Bonner denies
that Doxter Is to trot for the benefit of the
Avondalo sufferers or in any other race.
Th Troy, N. Y., Times otters a reward
or $25 for proof that will lead to the con
viction of a man who eont that paper a
logus marriago notice,
Hallway baggage masters are exhorted to
be oarerul In handling baggngo now-a-days,
for there is not unfrequetitly a box of nitro
glycerine among the trunks.
Tue Fanny Hkiikino Tkoitb. This the.
atrlcal troupe with which is the exceedingly
popular actress, Mies Funny Herring, will
commence an engagement of three nights at
Sobel's Opera House oo Thursday evening
next It Is needless for us to speak la pratoe
of Miss Herring, as nor reputation is well
established. Soo advertisement.
Tau Minsthels Last Ntuur. A largo
and appreciative audience assembled at the
Opera House last evening on the occasion
r the first appearance ut the Associated
Artists (late Kelly mid Leon's Minstrel.
"Wo proiiounco them ouo of the best troupes
tiavniing or locutod, and all preseut iust
night wore more tbau pleased with tbo en
tertainment. To-night is their last appear
ance in this place. Go and hear tliein.
Tub New Diii'o Store. -The now drug
store of li. II. Fisher, just ouo door below
tho old stand, is now open to the public,
aud is very neat and couvenieut in Us ap
pearance. Tho good, tuute of Sir. Do Vin
noy is everywhere apparent, and the gene
rul arrangement of the goods preaeutH an
exceedingly inviting appearance. .
Considerable excitement was created yes
teruay ul'lernoon in tbo bunking droit's at
Hamilton, Onl., caused by the absconding
of Gales Ledger, Keeper ol the Bunk oj
Moutreal. He is reported to have Ukeii
iifty thousand dullars, obtuined by certified
-checks, &c, and gone to tbo Stales.
Dull Tihks. Our disconsolate Locul in
a mournful strain, thus bewails tbo scarcity
of matter of Interest to the public. He is a
bora philanthropist and is falling Info a
visible' decline on account of bis Inability
to furnish more Interesting news to tbo
community at lurge:
No news, not an item, not even a fight,
No mysterious murder the Locals' delight,
The police couit's deserted, there nothing to do,
Our reporter Bays d n, he c;in Oud notniug new.
Tho Squire Is downhearted, tlio olilcer growl; '
The detective Is sleepy, tho coronor bow),
If some friend to roporlera would wish to doll;u'
Let him blow out hi bruin and u.a'.o tucm uu
What Tiiky Deservc Several repre
sentatives of the delegation which vlsitod
Petroleum Centre on Saturday and Sunday
night last, alluded to in another place,
were In Fisher's drug store on Sunday nitfhl
using the most profane language, when they
were Informed by tho manager of the store,
Mr. Do Vinney, that such language could
not be tolerated In his stoic, whea they
made a tush fur him, bruising blm quite
severely. They Suddenly left tho vicinity
of "Oslikosh," however, doubtless thinking
it might be too warm for tbeia in a short
space of time. Such lonfers and disturbers
of the peace uVsorve the most severe punish
ment the law can give,and a little of old
'Geueral Lynch" would be a lesson. Don't
know when the will honor our town with
a visit again, but when they do, they should
meet with a warm reception.
The Accident at Miauara Falls
Another Victim. Miss Mary Ana Ballou,
who was one of the Injured at the accident
at Niagara Falls last Friday, Is dead. Her
remains and those of Mrs. Smith went cast
on Saturday, by express. Mrs. Tillinghast
and Mrs. Fisher, the other two ladies who
were involved in the calamity, with Mr
Tillinghast, were passengers on the eastward
bound train Saturday evening. They bad
a sleeping car to themselves.
Some Calf. We were shown this morn
ing a nice specimen of meat from the New
York Market, opposite the McClintock
House, on Main street. It is Indeed a
beauty. The calf was four months old,
weighed four hundred pounds, and was
raised in Cbatauqua county, New York.
The new market Is becoming celebrated for
its splendid specimens of meat, and its va
riety, and the proprietors are deserving of
Rough Crowd. Rather a rough crowd,
said to be from the vicinity of Rotiseville,
visited Petroleum Centre Saturday and Sun
day, and during the two evenings mado
several attempts to get up a muss, but sig
nally failed, we are sorry to say, for if any
party needed a seveie thrashing, it was that
ciowd. They made the nights hideous In
their drunkenness, but didn't get anybody
particularly excited. At least they kept
away from the right quarter.
- The Avonhalb Fund. The appeal to
the sympathies of the people on behalf of
the Avondalo sufferers, has met with an un
expectedly liberal response. The contri
butions now amount to over two hundred
thousand dollars, and additionul sums are
being constantly receivod. Tbo probabili
ties ure that at least a quarter of a million
of dollars will be placed in tbo bands of the
Scran ton committee for the relief ot the
wives and children of tho murdered miners.
Parker's Tho v larion Demo
crat of the 2Mb inst. suys:
The excitement at 1'arker's Landing con
tinues to increase, and now wells are begun
duily. If land owners iu that aud all other
new territury would lease on sneh terms as
would require all wells to be cased, and on
ly allow one well on each four or Dvo acres,
then it might be reasonably expuoted that
it would take several years to exhaust the
oil. But with derricks almost as close to
gether as trees in the forest, and no casing
in the wells, a few months will leave the
district like a sucked orange.
George Poabody has just given an addi
tional $100,000 to the Feabody Institute, or
Baltimore. Is it nut about time he was
figuring up to see what he bos got left? The
tirst thing lie knows ho will have. to bo bor-
owiug money to get homo on.
The following inscription is on a tomb
stone in.. Sun Diego, Cul. : ''This year is
I sacred to the memory ot William Heury
Shaken, who camo to his death by being
shot with a Colt's revolver one ofthe old
kind, brass mounted and of such is the
kingdom of Heaven."
Mrs. Stowe finds a champion in the per
son of Mr. George William Curtis, who
sees nothing incredible in the Byron story,
and nothing bullions iu the publication of
A man in St. Josoph was rccuntly doteet
ed trying to steal the sallows. He was
probably modllatiO suicido, and was too
poor to build oue for himself iu these hard
The new Swiss settlement iu Grundy
county, Tennessee, is nourishing. The
Swiss are dolightod with the climate and
with the land, which they bought ut lilty
cents ait acre.
A Mississippi steamboat recently ran
half an hour without an enginenr. Tho
passengers bad a chanco to bo safe for a lit
tle while, at any rate.
Some young Paris snobs have actually
started the fashion of wearing bracelets.
Just recoivod out-Oriental Parlor Stoves,
Sept 28-4t Nicholson it Ulackwon.
Darino Robiiery. The New York Eve
ning Post of Thursday says: One of the
most daring robberies ever repotted In this
city took place about half past seven
o'clock this morning in East Twenty-fourth
street, near Third avenue. Mr. Charles
Simonson, a clerk employed in the Treasur
er's office of tbo Harlem railroad, bad just
left the Fifth National Baiik in Third ave
nue, carrying in bit band a leathor satchel
containing nine thousand dollars, when be
was oet upon by four daring thieves, who
sprang from a butcher cart, having evident
ly been mailing for their victim. The vil
lains knocked Mr. Simonson down, one or
two of them using brass knuckles, and not
withstanding ho Clung tcuaciously to bis
bag, it was wrested from his grasp, tbo
thieves meanwhile pounding tneir prostrate
victim most unmercilully. Having secured
their prizo the three men leaped into the
cart and drove at full speed down Third
avenue. The fourth, Thomas Hart, ran
after the cart,Jbut their capture seemed im
minent, as a large number of persons wit
nessed the closiog part of the daring out
rage, and they would not wait for bltn.
Hart was seized by au Eighteenth ward
officer, and recognized ns ono of the most
dangerous thievos on the east side of the
city. It is reported that lie has Severn'
times been engaged in similar daring rob.
beries. Tbo men ia the cart succeeded in
making their escape with the money, and
the apathy shown by some of the police of
the Eighteenth ward was severely comment
ed upon by citizens who saw the transaction
and joined in the unsuccessful pursuit of
the villains.
The Utah Daily Reporter, alluding to the
Byron Bcandal, says that In' Utah apostles,
presidents, bishops, elders, priests and
teachers, without shame or secrecy, prac
tice worse crimes than Mrs. Slowe accuses
Byron of. High officials marry nieces
tbeir own brothers' daughters, and even
two of them at once marry halt sisters,
mothers und daughters at. the sumo time,
and even sisters of the whole blood.
Latnmers & Alden are selling olf present
a'ock at cost.
A duol was fougbt about six miles from
St. Louis a day or two ago, between Baron
Von Alfeld, from Holstein, and Colone)
Seiver, of tbs new German newspaper. One
shot was exchanged, but nobody was hurt.
The matter was amicably arranged.
A Rakb Chance. Mr. Barker, having
engaged the services of Mr. E. Howard,
whose reputation as a colutist ranks with
the first artists of the cou try, is prepared
to furnish photographs beautifully colored
or finished in India ink. Those desiring
such work, either from life or copied from
small pictures, should embrace the opportu
nity nt once, and call at Barker's photo
graphic gallery, on Washington street, Pe
troleum Centre. aug25-lm
It is understood that Robert Bonner has
co&ented to trot Dexter agiinst Lady
Thorn next week, probably Thursday, at
Prospect Park Fair Grounds, New Yoik,
the entire proceeds for the beneflt of tbo
Avondale sufferers. With a fine day, It is
anticipated there will be 50,000 spectators
Admission, $2.
Fruit Cans! at
Nicholson & Bi.ackmon's.
Iron Gate, Wheat Sheaf, Globe II rat r
Oriental, and Parlor Stoves, at Nicholson &
Blackmon's hardware store.
At a recent Boston funeral tho boss
mourner announced: "The corpse's cousins
will now come forward."
Prince Arthur arrived at tho Clifton
House, Niagara Fal's, yesterday, where be
is to rem tin for a few days.
Friday, October 1st, Is tlio last day lor
the registration.
It may be said generally of husbands as
tho woman said of hers, who had abused
her, to an old maid who reproached her for
marrying him: '-To bo euro he's not so good
a husband as he ought to be, but he's a
powerful sight better than none."
, i
A cranky old buchelor says thero nro not
half so many self made men nowadays us
thero are "self-made" women.
Brigham Young's mother-iu-luw is dead.
Very best case-harde ned working barro
Nicholson & Bluckmon's.
Iron Gate, Wheat Sbeal, Globe Heaters
Oriental, and Parlor Stoves, at Nicholson ,t
Blackmon's hardware store.
The Eunirrss of Fashion aud Fiance haB
docroed that "long chatelaine braids shall
succeed cbignous, higj) pull's and frisettcs.
We had been expecting this,,
Ozias Potter, ot Wllliamsport, Pu., who
died recently, boquoated .about $70,000 to
the poor of that city.
All the stories told of the Siamese twinB
hardly equal this of the famous Scotch
double man, of whom the following account
is given In the Iiernm Scotiarum JIMoria:
''During the Reign of James the Third, ot
Scotland, aud at bis court, there lived a
man double above tbe waist, single below
that region. Tho King caused blm to be
carefully brought up. He rapidly acquired
a knowledge of music. Tbe two
beads learned several languages ; they de
bated together, and tbe two upper halves
occasionally fought. They lived gonerally
however, in tho greatest harmony. - W hen
tho lower part of the body was tickled, the
two individuals felt it together; but when,
on the other hand, one of tbo upper Individ
uals was touched, be alono folt the effect.
This monstrous being died at tho age of
twenty-oight years. Ono of the bodies died
several days before tbe other.
Miss Braddon has gone deranged. In a
lit of abience of mind she dipped into ono
of her own novels.
Lammers & Alden liavo a new stock o
all lato styles of Hats and Caps. tf
Ma Em-ron: Vlcnso ntmounre the nnineof Mkr
ritt S. Hootu, m a candidate for dusUce of the
I'uacc in I'omplanter tuwuship. nt the eiifxiini; Oc
tober election, and oMie, MANY CITIZENS.
Fluiner, Sept. 16, li9.
liOCHl IVoticci.
and the Ilapplucae of True marriage
ESSAYS for Young Men. onthe Errors, Almsee
and Diseases which destroy the Manly IWun
and create impediment! or MARUIAHE, with euro
means of relief. Bent in sealed letter envelopes free
of charge. Address Howard Association, P.,
Philadelphia, Pa. ep34:3:a.
t'o KIorrlRoH'a (icnnlne Pine Tar
and Peru I a it Healing; Roups.
These soaps are impregnated with exotics of the
mildest aud tuort Bilamlc nature, and are warrant
ed perfectly Innocent and free from mineral nod otb
er pernicious admixtures, and are selected by the
ladies and the public in general In preferei ce to all
other Boons, as the great producers and preservers of
a healthy purity of complexion, and a conservator
of female beauty. For the softness and- delicacy
which they Induce to the bauds and face, their capa
bility of soothing irritation and removing unsightly
erupt ions, render them indlspcnsible to every toll
it. We kindly ask the public to try the virtues o
these soups. J. L. II. To., Proprietors.
A. D. Miller A Co , General Agents. Juh!J-3m.
Special Notice.
W JSD8 OP WISDOM for young men, on the
Ruling Passion in Youth and Early Manhood, with
SELF II KLP for the err?ng and unfortunate. Sen
in senlel letter envelopes, free of cbonx-. Address
HOWARD ASSOCIATION 11 ix PVI'iiit.aiki.?aia
Pa- May 41. 3m
New Flour, Feed and Grocery
Store !
opposite the McClintock House, has on hand a
Ine an. Srst class stock of W lonr, Feed and
IsrotcrlCH, which he Is selling at a low fluurc.
K. Don't forget the placo where A, V. Cotto
& Company broke upi
Crockery For all kinds k to REYNOLDS '
IIKOUH EAD COT, No. 11 Centre Htreot, oppo
site the Po Office, OH City, Pa,
Carpcta, of every quality and description, at
Btrect, oppojlta tho P. O,, Oil City, Pa.
A fine assortment at the Fnrr.itnre Htorc.
1 w
Monday and Tuesda', Eve'gs,
Sept. 27 and 28,
AT Sobel's New Opera House !
Kelly aij Leon's Minstrers.
From 720 llrnndwny. New York, In New Hone.
Oancrri, liiirl.'Hfjui'H, icn. Thftir rntorUiument will
lir; fflv.:n muilii iiiyfi. The TuU K.mmbU m point
vf cli'L'iuicrt will ttf tho naniP which haa ftnluiriheil
ihf'ir tmno iu Nw York during throe ymr ty.
Oiii'-liifPrnr with ttm liurlcpqiie Op- ru Umml Dutrh
oh. Ailinirij-ioii 5'J o'-iiU. UcTtervH peaia 7."i eeiiW.
Dnnrs ojiot. ;it fn'clnck. rnrfnrmunco to com m unco
Hi i'.ir turtlcnlniM. pm prnifnirnmM,
11 AULKS Ml.T.VIIXIi, ltii-ii.vMBnflxcr
frtrol'm Fxchaiijrc Salonn
U A 1 1, Y 1
Washington SI reel,
Putroleum Centre, Pa., next door U) Is ham A Co.'s
Jawclry Storu1
Day Ruardors accoinmoditeil, Meals served
all hours. Oysters, and every desoriptiou of gome
ui uishud quests.
No pains will he spared to Accommodat tho
who fiivur us with their patronage.
Petroleum Centre, Scat, 1J, 't'J. tf
Dramatic Opening
Scpi. 30ih and Oct. lnt and 3d.
Manager. ...... K. 8. Way
rpnE Manager takes grent ploimire In nnnounclus
.L that ho has completed au engagement with
Miss Fanny Herring.
Tin charming and dnshlnjc younp ctro?9, late of
Woods Museum who will appear nt each perlorm
nncc, supported by a lull
The pcrfgrmt-tiofid will lie nelocted from the fo.
lowtbK roportofrc! of the Drnnm:
.wih th lAmnkn," Kmnnlc IVtectlvo," j)(Kj,v.
tug For a WitV "Ixwn," "Tho M:in nt Hi" Wliccp
a played by Mis Fanny Ilrtrinir at Vn(ni'. Miiiif'.
nni, over orMiundrod niLhitt. (Tnclo Tmn'ai ChIi.
in," "Little Hftrul'oot," uiimb Uoy of Maui'liestur''
"Jack Shnppnrd."
4'hanse of Programme eTry niM.
For Protrrnmino hw billt of the day.
Adoitt-ildii 50 cti. lit'prvotieat-75ct. for mIg
at W, II. Nicholtnm tbt'oV. Irivnte, $ftflo
nep2ltd. W. O. I'&TKKSON,
Fall Trade
i:v(.(Mi)s, ,
Petroleum Centre. Pa.
For tlio Full TrnJo, emhracing u full Litio
ropuxs, fiiLica
Carpets, Oil Clotlw, Chintzes,
Calicos, Muslins, ami a choice
assortment of
And also s cboico assortment or FLANNES,
very cheap. Our Liuo of Alpacas and Pop
lin Alpacas is tbo finest aud choupost in tho
place. eptl3:tr
The New York
Meat , Market r
nW. PARKER havo fitted in a now build
, logon
On .tlain ti't!Ct, Opposite tin;
. ItlrX'liiitock House, '
Aud intend kiwplng what Petioleum Centre hits
long needed, a flrst-c:as Meat Market. Only the
will he kept. It will bo our aim to serve our cus
tomers Willi promptness aud to their -entire satis
fsctiou. senMfttr. It. & W. PARKER.
The copartnership heretofore existing under the
firm tiuiiio of Wiichter Co., Is dissolved, and all
parties indebted to tlie linn, are riquested to settle
si the old sinnd, lless Farm, nr at l'et. Centre, opiio
aite the hrlek bank. Jnia-ltf H. C. W-
I'REl). C. II YIE;. I'ropriftor
ilpn fcite Uio Preebytci'iuu Chuich.