The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, September 27, 1869, Image 2

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    Ox i r i. n P.-irr, J
Petroleum Centre Daily Record-
eel. ;emre, Monlaj. Sept 27.
Timn of 'loilfiC WlnH".
1. O., Pmoi.r Cr-ernr, Pa., I
Jul m. lsw- 5
Until ftirtlw notice the mails will arrlvo at ami
depart from thU odico a follows:
South and Kst, via. Irvliwton, 10. S A. M
Month and West, " Veaddllc. 5.18 I'. M.
North and East, " Corry, 3 56 . "
!oiith and Weat, 8.46 A. M.
Moat. East and West, S 30 P. M.
North, East and West, 10.00 A. M.
IHvine Service.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A.M., and
O'clock P. M.
Ret. J. T. Oxmnr, Fastor.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. ana
7)4 P. M. Sabbath School atO)"j A. JI.
enls free. A cordial invitation extend
ed to'nll.
Fev. C. M. IlEAitn, Pastor.
Sfaw at IPI4 a. m.
Vesper and Benediction of tho Elcsft'rt
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catechism ot 2 p. m.
' JAMES DUNN, Pastor.
t h mice of Time.
' MONDAY, HEPT . ' th, 18C9.
NorflnvorA Trains
Leave Pet. Ccntic 7:in a m , ar. at Corry 0 -in a.m.
." l'M4 a m , ar. ' I 2" p in.
' n J :"." p. m , nr. " r:1ii n. ni.
' 5 p. ni , ar. Titnsvllleft.jtfp. ni.
Sontli-.vtirl Train
Lwivj PotCentro. 7:ID a. m., ar. at Oi;ct 10 an
' ' il :0'1 p. ui., ar. 1:4 p 111
" " " ":S'l p. 111., :ir. " fin p 111
" ' ' J 30 in. ilr. " 6:60 pill
"This Tm;n will stop 20 minutes for dinner.
HTlieso are Freight Train? and go to Titinvillo and
Oil City.
Taise trains pi's a this piblt. The r'eiitbwar-"
Tniiii si opine for b-wikfant
Tiic 2:5i pm Tntin -ln North and tho
Train KoIngMouth run on Sunday.
Wanted girl to do general lions:!
woik. Apply nt this ollice. , .
J. F. Oakley, of New York, a tailor, has
fourteen suits against him, started by his
lialf starved femnlo employees.
In Chicago, husbands ore said to bo so
fearful of curtain lectures that they add to
their Announcements of future movements
te letters W. P.," which means "wifo
ueneral .--pinner i.s said to be so pioluue
that ho Bvveurs at a murk when be bus no
thing else to swear at. II9 cm rin-j the
bell at forty yards every time.
A chap in Hamilton, Ctnn la, promises
iQ croes tbo Niagara with wingn. The a -par&tus
is now constnicting in that place,
and tbe attempt will bo made, before long.
A bey at Uoaver Creek, Vu , riding a
mule through a piece of woodijwus attack
ed by seven wolves', but was saved by tho
initio, who kicked tbe wolves all ever tlo
Miss Anna Uickiuson snys that a majori
ty ot tho. first feiiulo uinigraulu to alifor
liiaweto of that class which comts under
the head of "no better than they ou,:lit to
bo. ;'' Ned Euiitliiie says 'Bovei-ni,;htl,s of
California's population got drunk;" George.
Ftuucis says California is biukrnpt and ut
terly "played out." The evidence bo'nj
all in, the jbry will now sit on the corpse
and batch the vnrd'ct. Murk Ticain.
Di i'ies. Every man ought to pay his
debts if be can. Every man ought to help
Lis neighbor if bo can. Every man und
woman ought to get married if they can.
Every mun should do bis work to suit bis
cuslouivis if ho can. Every man bhouid
pieaso bis wile if bo cau. Every wile
should please her husbuud if she can. Ev
ery wile should someiiuics hold her tongue
if she can. Every luwyor Bhould some
times toll the truth il bo can.
An old matt in Crawford cou:ily, culled
Cruiy Od.'ll,'' has, for twenty yems, with
O-'ccssary iuteivals fir sleeping and eating,
walked, in suieihine uu 1 i 01111, trout Mead
1 i II 0 to 1 Vim Line, u Uislaiict of twenty
miles. No matter how hard it rains, snows
blows, be continues bis inoessant tramp,
tramp, trump. The old man iiu igines bim
m lf to be tbo Duke of" Wellington, and Is
always inurchlug to the battlu field ot Wa
terloo. A block of buildings in Chicago belotig
ng to ElishaSpragiio, who was u terribly
alUicted with 'arysip'.ase,'' was 6old ou
Thursday, for the mmios-i of' raising foiuls
1o soutl e the lacerated feelings ul Amanda '
Craig, who got tho SlU:i,tio'J verdict (or
breach cf proinite. The block was worth
$40,000, brought $20,000, and Elislia cau
re Item U willi ia tilteen months ot the day
of ia'.e.
Pi-icim:. The crimo of scir-murrU-r bus
(hn larUn2 form ofnn ppi.
dcmlc throughout the country, nnd in every
I day's telegraph matter, and in thj columns
ot nlmost every ono of our exchanges, arc to
be found tho shocking particular of some
caso of tbi kind. Mr. Jones becomes down
hearted at tho continued appearance of
hash. at his boarding house breakfast table,
and severs bis jugular wilh a ra.-ir; Mary
Jane repides at tbe ticklenen of Iho chnr
coal man, and ends her miserable existence
with six pennyworth of gum opium, kindly
furnished by a neighboring drug clerk; and
so on, ud Infinitum.
Ja-mkstown Racks. The luaniigeis ul
tho Jamestown races promise an unusual
entertainment on their grounds,
ing October 13th, and continuing threa
days. Some purses are. -.ilfered,
and several prominent botscs ate to partic
ipate. Those of our citizens who may be
ia attond.1100 should not tail t call upon
Mr. A. M. Sherman,, of the J nuestuwn
House, when- everything is ahvajs conveni
ently arranged for tho accommodation of
At tiik Oi-eka lliiu-SE To-Nioht. -The
Associated Artists (lulo Kelly i Leon's)
Miotrels will hold tiutb this evening iu the
Opera Ilmife. This is one of the most pop.
ular minstrel troupes now traveling, and
ia, everywhere received with crowded hous
es. T bis troupe is st-lected from tlie first
class artisti ot the country, ami the mana
gers assure tho public that the pcrform;i'ic;
is not to Iw excelled, and so f ivs tiio lits"
wherever they bikie been. They are de
serving of a crowded bous.i, and no doubt
vi ill meet their just derbrt. They give an
other enlettaininent to- norrow evening. CHownEit 1'o-NmiiT. V are re
que t d to i-tate that aontlier cliim chowder
w II be served this evening at 41 Washing
ton street, next ilior to (!us it'iiol's. Tbe
propiieti.r prides bim.-elf on this .ip,ciuliy,
and, no dcubt, will be liberally patrcn:zod
RKTfRNED. M. S. Situuioiis liiis just re
turned from New York, where be has fteeu
spending a week nr mere making enc'iil
selections of drills and toilet articles, paints
uod oi!t, etc. Tb's old drug louse will
suon bo teeming with Hie tisel'ul, beautiful
aim most needed of every article usually
kept ou hand.
Detbmt Tunnel. The experimental
borings tor a site for the proj :cteil tunnel
under the tiver at Detroit have now virtual
ly been concluded. Not only have tbe in
vest'gations proven tbo entire practicability
of'liiii itupcrtan: project in question, but
lt:e physical faii,r-s of all tbe sitrraindiogs
relating Is tho question cf its mcej.aful
consiuimation aro found to be all thatcould
bo desired. Tho main channel runs close
to tiiu Canadian tiiiore, which is t ha only
feature iu the who 0 enterprise iu which the
least change cjul.l be wivied ler. involving
as it mint the irceesily of a long
tion upon tb'.t shore, as the tunnel cannot
comtnenco too ascent until the deepest wa
ter is passed. The greatest de,ih of water
is found about 1,200 feet, fnjin shore, where
it is about 43 foet, upon the Detroit side.
Tbe depth ubovo named (43 feet) umy be
considered the maximum, except sofar us it
is varied by boles. The depth of the bor
iius is CS fi el from the surface. The
aouudiugs of the rivr vary somewhat from
those which biveboen made under t!ie aus
pices ol government, but this is very natu
ral iu view ot the difficulty of t king accu
rate soundings with tbe lead i.i a current of
three and a half miles n:i hour.
A 1' KitiiiTExKii Bo.viiiiiiLDEK. Tbo Now
York Sun says that when the developments
iu regard to the alleged fraudulent transac
tions in the Melliodiit Uouk Concern be
came public, one of tbo holders of i'lO.OOU
of these bonds nibbed to Dr. Carlton, with
misery in his Countenance, to know what bo
should do. Tbo Doctor quietly usked him
how many bomls ho held. '-Ten thousand
doilars," replied the frightened victim,
"and it's ail I have in tho world, I'm a
r. lined man." "Il iveyou your bonds with
you'.'" usked tiio Doctor. "Yes, hero they
are," bo replied. "Well, sir," said t!io
Doctor, l'il give you my cnock for the
a'liouutor' tlieiu. And I will lhauk you to
say to anybody else whom you may meet
having claims of any kind .igain it tills Con
cern, that they will bo paid on preeu'a
limi." "Why, Doctor, are the bonds good?'
asked tho astonished bondholder. "As
good is they ever were," replied the Doe
tor. "And bas.i't tho concern been heavily
bwiaiiie-i?" .ot that I Know ot, rerncit
the Doctor, "at.d if it lias been swindl 'd in
the maun' i r charged, it dots not uMVct ils
linuncial tend. turn to the extent ol oue
cent," "U'i, well, then, I don't want to
sell my br)ir.K," onswered tlio bondiiolder,
as he took up his lut and depurted.
, "LainuieiB & Aider, ure -idling ell' leseut
I afvgL at cost.,.
A Novel vd TI10 latest novelty
in railroading, the practicability of which
has heen thoroughly demonstrated in
France, 1s that of n single track railway, j
The novel fealure or the invention consists
of a single rail, like a long ribbon, extend
ing along ono side of the . One wheel
placed nt the forward pirt alone bears on
the rail, whilo the other two rest on the
ground. The cars are lurnisbed with two
wheels, placed underneatb in their lun
axis, wblch rest on the rail and support
thoir weight, while two other wheels, des
tined to preserve their equilibrium, aro
placed on tho outside. The experiment
with n lilipulinn locomotive, drawing a se
ries of cars carrying sixteen petsons. each,
is thus described: The track was nbont
I nir miles long. While th? train wns run ning
Rt a speed of ten miles an hour, it
reached a grade of f.irty feet to the mile,
which it aseeiuh d -iitnmit nny nppnren'
slackening t.f speed. Tbe lirst result was
coucIu.mvo in f.ivor of tho systenT proponed,
as it showed beyond a doubt tho possibility
of overcoming t'.m difficulties Inherent to the
ascent of very steep grades A portion o!
th: road f resented a series of very short
curves, of a radius of only sixly-ffvo feet;
thesu t!,e train followed with marvolous
smoothness and regularity. On tne return
trip thi brakes were si perfectly adj iHed
that the velocity on tbo r,ipid descents was
kept even at nil times. For local purposes
the sys'om seems to be well adapted. The
locomotive ued un tho occasion weighed
only three tons. The cost ol such a line in
Franco U cHliauteu ut about $.i.K50 per
Victor Hugo lately r,ave a new proof of
bis modesty. It is the annual custom of
too l'leech Academy to give a p::rse to
whoever of their number h ippcns to need
a'sisl.inCH. In order to render the recep
tion of toe purse as little cblmrr nt as possi
ble to the membsr for whom it is (i.-i.;,:iied,
it is l UVri'd m the lirs! placo to the oldest
member, lie doclias, und it then goes, to
the next oldej,!, and so un to the member
previously agreed "poa. This year tho
purse wns to go to M. Jules Sandeau. It
bad ro'.-uUrly passed down the list to the
next preceding M. Sandeau's, which hap
pened to be that of M. Hugo, who, instead
of declining with thanks, kept the money,
and sent a letter full of gratitude for tbe
liberality of bis fellow HCaJoruiciuLS. Tbe
disgust of tho Acurtetny uiay be imagined.
Iron Gate, Wheat cheat, Giolie Heaters
Oriental, and Pallor Stoves, at Nicholson &
U'iiekmou's hardware store.
F-mr dredgiii-t; boats p used St. Louis on
Saturd-iy, ou t'i ir way to m-.sist in c.itting
tlie c tTiul from the Mississippi to Bor-
ti;e, b"low New Orleans, by which ship
ments in bulk cm be m id 1 to Sliip I.-l ml
in K'.l weath -is, and there trarslerrud to
vessel. '
V' ty'-'intder.ed woiking barrti
ichoison i. DlacUiiiou' s.
TwtNi The other di7 a lady in uot
a lnndrod niil'ja irom this county, guvo
b:rth to twinu. On tho samo diy and in
tlio sano bouse, two of her daughters
brought forth twins all boys. Mx boys 111
one family ia oai day, Uravo! Juinti
iaten Prtfs.
Ftiday, October let.
the registration.
is tlio Ji;st day for
Tho great J agger-nan t f-.-j'.ival held at
ramporo, lnoia, wn3 a failure this, j
The wo:'-.hi:nier mil only refused to be
'Mind up, but ulso left the car s'.ickiu; iu
'ie mil l. ,
A photographer attached to the war of-
lice in England has succ c led in measuring
distances und heights by means of tho cam
era, thereby making it a formidable agent
in tulitary operations.
A Liverpool wotuaii, doubtful whether
tbe Ore in her stove was out, poured gun
powder on tbe embers to ascertain tiie fact.
Tbe llro had not gone out, but she did out
of the window.
Fi.trtT Ca.vs! at
Nicholson & ULAfKMOx'ti.
Tlio elitor of the Louisviiie Coutie:
Joiii'iinl inloruiH bis renders that uTv,tnty
oiie hundi'iid and nitiety-otie years ncro to
day (Thursday) our distinguished friend
Demosthenes died by pei.son."
A good thing is done now in writing au
tograph loiters ot Iljtnbol It. They bring
liily dollars apiecn in tho market.
A Il.-.itB Ciianck Mr. BiMkor, taving
engaged tho services of 51 r. L. Howard,
whose lepulatiou as a colorist ri;r,k with
the lirst artihis of tbe con try, ia prepfiigj
to itiiriish :hiitograi!i.s beautifully colored
or I'nislied in India ink. Tiios-e desiiinU
J flu Wl'i k, either Irom li to or copied from
i-iimll pictiii'i s, bboulu ciu'oiitco the oppoitu
mty ut ouce, uud cull ut lirlor's phoUi
gtapbic gallery, on Washington stroul, pc
'lulutim Centre nngSo-lu
Atr-i'i mooi il)rhcs
NtAUAitA Fai.i.-, Sept. 25.
A party of one geiilleinati und four ladies,
all belonging in Providence, 11. I., stopping
over here on their way home from Duli'alo,
after viewing tlie sights on this side, crossed
over nn tiie Canada side, While their car
riage was pur.smg the cutve opposite tlie
precipice in front of the Clifton House, tlie
poises became 11 nmaiingeable, nnd it was
Evident ttiev would go over the bank, The
il river and Mr.Till'ngliust.a Providenco gen
tleman, jumped oil' and escaped with slight
injury, but ti.e limses and carriage, togeth
er with the four Indies, went down the bunk
some fifty feet, iliss Malinla Smith was
horribly mangled and iiislantly killed, and
Miss Mary Ann UaIIoii so dangerously in
jured she cannot recover. iMrs. Tillinghast
and .Mis. r isner were oauiy iiriiiseu, out
not dangerously. The accident bappeued
while nil inquest was being bold on the
hody of tv man who committed suicide ut
tbe same pia-jo n day or two previa: s.
I.nmmrrs .t Allien have a new stock o
all late styles of Hats unfl Caps. if
VA N 0 1 1 C Y A N V N r l; J I K N D Si.
ta KniTon: IMenni aimourm the name of II '-:k
11 itt ". CooTit. ns a e.n.d'il He fn .IiifUeo of ile
I ence In Coillplanler towi-shii'. at tb e istilliu f ic-to'-wr
election, ami nMiye, MANY C'li'lZH.NN.
l'liiiner, Sept. 15, l.Sfiii.
PL-yaif...,Ft.MByi'.wiij,,MliyswrMrjvli a i,ua,wlw
j:k-:1 JVoHcc'.
iiii:l tiie napptnesB of True ITlari Inpro
AVV- for Vyii-i Men en.llie Vrror, Ab'l-
L j an 1 li.s n-es whieli desl:u- tiei M.mly PcoveiB
an I cre vte lni:ie,lbae!it3 of MMiHl A'.'K, ivitli inire
:nf.:ui of relief. Sent in rv.i;"l I, iter envelopo- f e:
,it' ehaiiie. Address IlovarJ Ad:Oi:iatiou, 15o:; V. ,
M.i!n.l.'!.biii, l'a. svjni!:::n.
l"ie elrriHaii'K (.etiitijio k'liio Tar
il'i.l t'crxlmi tlea;lil; Votins.
t!ce soar-H nro im-treniu-d with enotlc of th and :a 't Ital-iainle nutiuo, ai.d are arinnt
ed pe f'City imioxMit and free from mil era! and otli
er pernicious admixtures, and are selected by the
ladies nr.d the public In general In proferci ce to all
other soajis, as tho -Treat producer? and preservers ot
a healthy purity of comp'exion, and a conservator
of female beauty. Far the softnesa and delicacy
which t'.ey lnduco 'o the rcuiils and face, their capa
bili'y of soothing irritation and r moving mislfchtly
eruptions, render them iudlspi nsible to every toll
it. v.'e kindly ask the pnbllo to try the virtues 0
thee soups. J. L. II. A'. Co., Proprieters.
A. D. Miller A Co , Gontiral Aents. jni'jMim.
Sleclnl Notice.
W iltns CP WISDOM foryounv men, on the
KuMns Pas-ion n Youth nnd K-ir y Manhood, Willi
SELr HELP fir the cit'u-s and unf oriuuate. Sen
In Belled letter envelopes, free of cli:;re. Add..
riOVv'AHI) A' 0(:i AXIOM U P, !'uii.-.-mi.eAi A
PA. May 34. 0:n
A'ctv Flivitr, Feed anij Grocery
!r-lore !
AttheOT.n BXK BriLniNU. (IX MAtX-fT,
';ios'tc the JlcCliutock House, lias on band ft
1 ue. and il; -1 class stock of If Ion r.t'eed and
t;rocerlos which lie Is sclliiaj nt a low fl','!uo.
Ct Uoirt forgot the placa where A, D. Cotto
& Company broke up.
CYoc'tcry For all kinds no to HEYwL1M
HItonilEAD CO'.S, Su 11 Contre Ulniot, oppo
site tho l'oit Oitl-j-i, Oil City, l'il.
Cnr;)nt8, of every quality ond dcscrljitton, at
KRYMOLD.-;, i;'ODIIKT A CU'S, No. 11 Centre
Street, on(ioite rtid V. ()., Oil.'City, Pa.
A lb assortment at tbe Furniture Store.
Monday and Tuesday, Eve'g-?,
Sept. 27 and 28,
AT Sobel's New Opera House !
tu;; associat:!) artists ok
K-llv ana Lean's MiMrers,
"Trim "I'd Brendwav. New York, in New Hons,
llanres. Il lll, Billies itc. T ver entei-tsinniimt will
be -iiven iin ile'idei-d. rriio Tute Enttmblr in point
efi-le-ranee will l-o the same which Inn estAiilndic-1
'heir tti'ie; in New York diirln; three years stay.
Cmulpill'H with tlm fuilefrjiie Opara Urillid Dutch
es. A:lmi:t n 60 cents. Keserved se-its 75 eoutn.
liiM:rH ejiei, nt fo'cioolt. VorforitiiuicKtu coinmuiice
at ; U. i-:r ii-n-li'-iilar. see proKniinmes.
Oil KLKS MBIA II.LK, ItiHilless ManHTrr
OYSTEK-5 t 4a3-l:'fN LUXURIES!
. . V?iJ.zStj.
tleceiveij v Ul' tiik
VunJii iijgtnn Struct,
Petroleum Centre, Pa., nnxl door to IjUuiii C'o.'s
,Ijwi.lry Storo-
l)lv I!.aid 'is nccouimodited. Monls serve 1
nil le urs. Oval --in, and every docaripUou ol g.11110
uriii.-liec- -iiiosw.
No pains will be spared to nccomuiodat tho P
who favor us wilh tliuii patroiiago.
liii hL'TUKKLANU. GEO. T.WI.Oit.
J'elrj!..uui Ccutr -, Sc-)',.U, "i9. tf.
Dramatic Opening
dramath: and m:i!i.ns(irK
i-pt. 3tli ami )ei. 1st ami 'in,
ManaLvr. . - - - K. H. Way
riHIR Mannrrer takes event pleasure in nnimtuHn,.
1. Unit he has coiupieled an eni'-inciit with '
Miss Fanny Herring.
Ttio rlnrinlni? ninl dfihit' yoin nclro-s. Into of
W'niKli XhiMiMiiti who will njipnir m (.-ich itfrUirm-iin'-c,
c'.ippui toil by n lull
I It A math: CO.UPAW.
TI10 ivrlbrniinr-fts w ill 1r o!r-tiil fn,m tiir, f(l
?tViTitf rcpurtnirr rf ih IVunm :
'I mil th Knr;ik n' l-'rin ili: llotoctlvp,"' 11,,- ..
hn? Knr n Vif,' "Ix.f.n.'' "Tin Slfinul lli.i Vbf."F"
nd p ayod hy F.intiy !It. in-ir nl Wnn-i
n m. over nn liitiidrt'd iiivh. " I 'iiclr Tnin' ( '!,
hi." "I ittio Unr-i'ltiot,'" -"Dumb !y id-.V;(iirh("'n
'.!:ir-k SliMjipiird.'
!i ii.'ro mi Inv:r mnno pt v nlit .
Ftr l'riv.'nuniiin sn1 iilh of llur tiny.
Ai'mvsTn M v'n, lufrxvil nn 7"ift-. frr 3!il
fit . II M.-IioIh-hi & C'oV. I'riv.itf lura-H, ftiiM
Hrj2ltt W. li. r.i'i;.(SiN.
Fall Trade
Petroleum Centre. Pa.
complete: stock ok
jiii buu
For tho Fall Trade, eni'.ricl lg a full Line
1 rorux.i, silks
Carpets', Oil Cloths, Chintzes
Calicos, Muslins, and a choice
assortment of
And also a cboico assortment of FLANNKH,
very cheap. Our Lino of Alpacas and Pop
lin Alpacas is the finest and cheapest in tho
plivce. septl3:lf
Tha New York
Meat Market!
H4W. I'ARICE't have flltod uti anew build-
On Main slrect, OpiKixile tlio
IcCIiiittxlt J io ii-ii',
And Intend kcepiiu; what Petiob-u ii Centre Iiu
long needed, a caiss JI.;at Siai ket. Only tlie
will bo Iiipt- It will bo our a! in to i.trvo onr cu
totiiri Willi rompluu uud to their entire iti
factimi. tti)tir,:tr. H. & V. PAUKKK.
ei.. f.ftiv.,rlnl.l.. l........r...... ,.vL,l,i., under the
llriii iiaine of Wacbtir Co., is dissolved, and a I
pariies I11deta.1l to 1 he firm, are re-nieslnl to settle
M the old aland, Mess Farm, or nt Put. Colore, oi'jio
ail 11 I he brick lauik. Jil'illt' II.
C. II YIE I'roiH icliir
O1.11 siio tbo Prijdijteriau t:liui'-:li.
FebO lf. .