McvEowen & Co., (Coracr Spring and Mooroo Streets,)' TSTUSVIEAE . ' e Oil HojiioTu tothc fact that they have ;yta'-lipitil for the accommodation or the trade n A strictly Wholesale Grocery House The only one of the kind in the Oil Hesrlon. YW een the necftitv of such tin utbli.-h- -t)t-jt lur along liiuo. Tim Retail Dealer .uo pnyg his taxi and licences and ventures his l.itllt in hi hll-iir.nan . . Shoi Be We W. (nit. We propose to d it by i Selling to Dealers Only. Wo have in store a LARGE AND CAREFULLY 'SELECTED STOCK. ' colnpruung everything that la required iu a FIKST - CIASS STORE. Which we oiler at prices that will ' Compete with any Market in the Country. We cordially Invite fia cx amination of our poo nnd Btuiafy yonraelvea U:8.n UENRY E. WHIG LEY, CIVIL l:i(ilM3i;n AND SURVEYO R , IIEIIALU BLOCK TlTl'SViLLE, . .... pA, .Surveys or level Maps, Tracings, Building Flans, and Patent Drawings. ON II A N D f A lfuge sl ock of his sunsoucd and pniutcd Lease Stakes, OP LARGE SIZE, AND WITH PAINTED NUMBERS, Which nrc being universally used. THE NEW MAP OF THE ENTIRE OIL REGION IN I AKTIS. 1WKKTFOKM, 18. ON ROLLERS. $12. juu!5:3w. POULTRY. POULTRY. tockeo"UCntl0n f ,h S"'WlC ' ta"'1 t0 0,9 1,,rt'c Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys, Geese Which will bo lound at my plnce at the mouth of BtNNInGHOFF RUN, Those wnntlrur or tnlng loultry will Bnd It to their advantage to purchase of me. jul29-3ui. JAMESLraPES. BCWALO AN EUIB it All.ltOA 1. On and alter Monday, Nov. itlil, nan, 1 assengor Trains will run on this road as follows : LEAVE HUE T.OWO EAST. lS40 A,' f1' KIdllT KXI'HKSH, stopping at Hlpley, Westn.ild, Dunkirk and Bifrer crock, arrivinijat BuflUlo at 4.1S A. M. A- M-' NBW KXl'UKSS, Fl fingat WistBeU, Bracton. Oiinklik, SU vorcrook, i nd Ansola, arrivins iu Uullulc at 2,10 y. M J' M- C1N0INNATT EXPRESS, o, ping 8t nortlu.iiat, WcsitluUl, liio:ton, Dunkirk and Hilvercreok, and anives at liuffiilo at to,4ft P. M. :410A;1' MA'L AND ACCOMMODA u.w TION, atopping t allstutiou,arriviuEal IluBaloatlolo A. M. 6 ;I: I5 t m ' 1)A,Y ,Ki'KEia. stonplns at a. t iorMi.,at. Ripley, Wostileld, Dunkirk f Ji J mk?K M.'AIlguI',, "rivlB8 " ml J.BAVB BUFrAlO Rntlta WFST. K DAY EXPUKSS slopping at An "" pln, Kilvcrm, Dunkirk,' Brocion wi field and Northeast, firing at Brie at o 4i x . m. il'IMl'"' M WAIL AND AI'OMMfiDA 'i.WWTlON.Kl.oppiurtiil all .uit,u,; "nil i Ci'llti A' w- TUI.1S1K) JiXI'ltKSK, gnmi,, ,,, a' MBU"'"' "Ud U,'liVl" if ' lo. ' WW) JJ, M., S'I'EAMUOAT EXPKESS. np. ' I'"B t Aiiiruhi, Hilvercroek, Dunkirk llroiton. Vt,i.trlHld and Northeast, un-iv' ilia at Kiluat l,2.i A. M. ' - S l Mciivk, Dunkiikand Weatlic.J, ai-ii-ii -living al Lii.i at 4, lo A. M. ' "aiiroud time i lo miunu liwtr than K, io time H N. mows, (iwi'l s,,i All aocouate nt acttled Immediately, will u, Ut ? ith an odlcer forrcullecliou. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, JS TUG BEST LINIMENT IN' THE WOIILB For Man &: Beast. 36 Vonr 111 I no. era era Is itnotl for KhouniatiFin. Chith!niin. Cum. ui,u. Wit., a if n niniu 1- U'l.oL- ...... .. , I ... , . .... tion of the Muscle. Hum- iul S.;ili-. i- f.-t P-iini'o Nurvim MVctk'., riinppi-fl ManU.s. J. nine m-uf, win t'ru, iU'iiionnoiiiH tr t ilv, Flush Wounds OrtlUof aUJiinds. Snmhia. H.tii rw.i. Oil Ho. -la U li.l. t..,. , '.-. I. ' . lolls. hUflvill. Swci'iwv. Kkiuln Sin-.t 'nii,,n:, Ht-mlchea or (nwrn.-, Spriiinlinlt, Saiid lorn DiMi-inper, (inrget iu Vow, t'rnckod TVtiM, i . " "W'1 uiny oini-r Ulseaica tUt- ce-ir R. T. TiVT.nn nf fVni.f.t.,1 1ZV Oil riirrfi n hnwo.if hiu t.i.i w ...hi.. ..i t.: .. ? .meinptini to st over a stump, almost wvitIiil' lii's tine: i I mm thn l.iwlu ntan i,nt . i . . fiimtly for lliuen yearn, and N tilt best remedy lor flt inrn "i 1 , ?k -""v si i7i i mil?, lUieuill it uvun; I'll itt-u u till villi r iiiiiri i'lnt ........ t upu puini!., t mco npun nor(. want you to tend uh Uic liinur pnnmrtion of the Frnm Tin. .T I i-, w .... - . . . l urren. inn., inarch ,m,i i,i ;.f,--v.": "i"' .... ".......i; wu lul t-xirHinuiy clilc et t it I id1?nt"rt C:,auS Wl"-''B an estu'ual uprlicaiion PriMil 111) n n X-w,. T....:. T t. I- niiVfl ikrnfiHi'ttfl iwft..i.... i.. .1.. . ' ywirs nnd cWrrnlly rwonunond your Gar -Mini OH as the Lest linaTUHtit in iu.i Prnm Tin. T W Pit.h n 1. h.,.,. . conld roceive both boxos of the Gaiglinn Oil it win not be too much, m 1 thlrklconhl soon iln.l sale ill1 it nil. tlln iniiiimr 1. . t J- Mc(!AU..ChmoK Mo.. Nov. fl, all till 1 ntmofitn . if thn .t.. tr l -i. ... icouia procure cinzens of cortilicaten from those .... i.t vmu uy U. , wh!itt..r. v ..v ::' " " " s that thy ciin eafi-fy roeommend the Cii'iMht' Oil for mom diu-nac. Minn it If roconinicndcd fur. .. . ";, 1 ' '"VJ:. 1 "t"wn, fa., Juno 31, ISO, ,- our CurgllnK Oil Is dine much .hotter hc- CT3 era ; ,v; i ' '""v allied itnrl'n tiXL1' t. any to hxtrnct ut a Inter from Samuei, S. Ilup. latod Pa I nliunr. Ill, In .!!,. 1-! ui: t.. i.. , . . u - , j''... ...ii nun nuu wnar win sini' in,.Mt .,7.Tt.r' ; :..,"":." lvu " lOHU.l Til I... 1 l.'n. hnri . IV... .. .... . al, t A I I v lurUHl BWOIL-Il nilllUHt v , D , ,,,,,, uijniciiuiis O the dollar liottk-s did Ite d.vm.d .-lluot: I.'.,.,,, a rj i.l.. r ... iv . ...... March. lS..a. I have used Vi.ur (jsigllnt; Oil for the, ,t tlllUll lb wiin ine UVBt application. a. lh5U. I nurithnsnfl A hntt n .it vnt, ,,,.lln.. .ill ni VOUr aireilt. A. S link,.!-. ,.t. AHilrtl.m.-, n..A ... . ... UII , ,,. . linn., u iihn iri.'en mc ,..... i. u.-i , n a ukiii scveru uiieunnitisin. or Ions s.uu...t ....... u.ijr mmy i uave ever usca iiorore. Extract from a Mter from J. O. I'hatt dalerl Quincy, Ohautimqua Co., M. V., Auirnst 12, IKMI have boon annminted with your lndiclne Oar-iin.. Oil) for the Inst fourteen y..nrs. It has proved a sure cure fur Eor.t In bh.iep for wh'i h I sold the last liottle and hnvo calls almost dally for nioiv Please forward us soon as convenient. u Always inquire for . Merchant's, Celebrated " GARGLING OIL And take t,o ut! nd take t,o uth.-ir !!! Ii CtH. ' liONttl lfi.( 111 h,.i!'.!;!.'i,0h ,"'f'"'e ril1' n tlmromdily bef.iielhe Incur some Harm Milisiauce. atid'Sw d!rccUo,rk 18 " U"- " ' Ask your nearest Dnti,-,'lst, or dealer in PiiUut Modicines J,r ouo or uiir Almanacs and VndeM'.i' cuius, and tend what thC'peojUe say about the Oil. The Oilnjliu!; Oil is fur sale by all respoclublo couutrie?. " l"""su ""t0 l""ur Our tritilHuniatt d:it.' f. MMfiCj!. Use the liarullna Oil and tell you? ntigUuohi uhaluoud it hiis donu We i!,-.-il t ,;r ,..! 111.......I ...,.. . diction; ; ' a" "uu uul' touira- 2VIaiuXUcturt!i.l tvt lucktui t, 2V. V., by ffiwihiisit's aiSiisi- il Co. JOHN HODGE, Sccielary. SoUl'V A. il. MltLUil Jt CO., HARDWARE OIL CIY. Oil Cbfek Phe Works. CHA1U.,E5 lEOHSOX A: Co., Corncr'of Koncra & !ontro St., Emit ldo Oil Crock, oil Clly, Ha., Dealers in Monis, TurUcr A Co's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASINO, ALSO, WORUINt IIAUKKLP AND VALVKS, sTcrpivo iioxts. OLAMi'ti, IONOM. M'CKnit RODS, Ac Machinery for Cil Wells & Refineries HOKINf! TOOL!?, OIL t'l MI'S, rmviNn pti'R, OL)LO WATLlt PU1IPS. Kvrry desoriptien of SL'rrLiF.y for on, wells and he- Also, STOVKS, TIXWAIU:, 11KASS OO0D3, TEAMS Ayi GAf FJTT1X0.1, BKL fXG, tACKl.XG, ani HOSE; HARDWARE, UDCSB TK1MVTXG?, Ciirpentcrs' Tool?, Hope, Oukum. Nails, A.tpk, Coffiw Mills. Tulile & IVcket Cutlery; Full Assortment of Kverythiu, in iho HARD WA RE LINK inay Kuniahini; GnoJ;, LJLjj's, CliitimoyH. No. 1 W' Stvuincvi I.ard t-ll, No. 1 Kfilmti Oil, Stiiir iiod, Tnoio mi UJ uor Mitts t iiui:: jfi;3i Clothes Wringers Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. iiepairinc of all kinds done with neatness ami I'.spatch. Especial attention yiven to - STEAM AND GAS FITTING. W( linvA onitnnvncn.l It V . the public, ana ulmtl asc evry exertion to injure ite continimnco. Our facilities for fnrnlshimj orflrythina in onr n(. rmvtiwr lu All rrri.utlu t...,A -.1. .. tiUi'KKIon TO ANY OTURfl FSTAIlUSIIMENT auLl-8m. 11 THE OIL KKGION. i's Oil Creek: Fife forte CHAS. KOBSON CO., Corner of Sen.-ca and Contrti Sta, oust Btdo oi un ureeu, uil Ulty, fa. fl'ivitip r.rltlrd a nownrnl St.m Pnlnu dn.i I Inre L aTII l::S, to our already extensive Muiiiil'ue luring Eslabli.-Iiineiit, nrr now prepared to ,h, ui; the necessary wyrk, iu Ruins up, and repairing ENGINES. BOILERS, IRON TANKS, REFINING MACHINERY, COFFER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS "ir f dn'nll fnpl,i,iM, .T,,K U'w ...a . . .,u.a ,.ii iuiii:'i iu as wn h ncatueas and iltsoatcfl ami 21mos NEW HARDWARE STORE HEATING AND 0O0KINO In largo voricty. TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. EOUSB FUSKISHINB GOODS. LAMPS,LANTERNS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. NAILS AND. IRON Wooden Ware, &c. For sale Atthcstoro fnrmurly occupied hy Biirchfis'd and v,u,l0l"u' i, ' I t i, 1'A. John C.Welch, Sciiera-St., Oil Cy, pa., Dealer in fcifebs, JIussi'll & Cr's Komi" and mmng ToIs, Innis' Sucker Rods, lirivliiK Pi,J4;, lu-ii j;k Irons, all slues, ' Mv , r.i,i.rli.. , . .........,, n, j.iuhUv i, Htm i' i . ...... i. OUCily,F,h.lT,I.-tf,W,TXC' VVKini- MISOKLLANEOUS. NEW HARDWARE STORE! ftOHKKT HHVANA: CO., Ketr loftvc to niinnnncn to 1h clti.Hi of Pi-troh'nm tt iitrt' find viclnitv, tliat they hiive upuncU titv Ptuve in til; n Mr of the ulllce of tho Central Petrol nm (.oniiriny ut the rnilrond croinir, whfr tliey will kt.vj o-iiBiaiitlv on hivud a full iwortment of cverythiiitf in tliu Unrdwarc lino, such us TIN AND SHKET IRON WARE, GAS SITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS. Mr. Hrynn hiivlnm hren enprtRpd In tli lMtfilness UMltl M .luru Vl'l.x. II,-.. U l'.,s ...,n ..rtt tll nttond pitrlidiliiiiy lothubuMuta of U)nuliictming SMOKE STACKS, Ail kinds 01 Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. f Tliuy Iiuvh a New M.iciiine for CUTTING GAS L'lL' With au calire SLT OF NEW DIES, Aud will warrant all worfcjn this line. Apr:ll. Goal! Coal i Coal! r!lE undersigned, havin.; established a bnmcli lun! at Farm, nrc now prepaiud to furnish All Grailes of Coal At tlsii Very Lowest Prices. 0;.iratnv, from ( herrytnv Kim.aifll vicinity, living at IVtrol. unii'entie, i nn leave their orders nt our oflic,. here, and l.nve ilu-m pri.tmitly filled from the HytU Farm Yanl. AT LESS COST THAN USUAL. lO.VT FOHO'T THEPliACE . KEAHLES & I GRNWELU OUloe ou 0. V. A. 1! It., Petroleum Centre liraiicliOillco at ltjnd Knnn. N II We hold exi lusive control of the famous ST0NEB0R0 COAL. at both the nhovo nnincd pointa. junfi-t . A. T. LEGGE1T, Manufacturer and Dealer in Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. ne-s of ail kimis Kent c r.itantly on linnd and made I. C. Hcifl'fs int. Seed -Hug For !;ile- Rcpairiug Done at all Times Call and czimine Bur tock and prices, Maiii-St., below tl o McClln- iock iionse. Pctroloura Contrn, Pa Jan. 7th, 1809 -tl. J. A. PLANTE, French Boot Maker IVusfiijigton Street, THREE DOORS WEST,F A. X. MIL LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, I'BTKOJjEUaiCEiVTItE, Pa., Is inanufucttirlnc .o order FIKST-CLASS FINE v una, aacu as Pntent Ijal!ier Roots, I'miiji ole Hoots, Fccncli Cork Sole Boots, !cot Welt Boots. HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE. Cail and see samples. Petroleum Centre, Pa,, July V 2in!1'AN't'E . Miapozeiii City Terrtory. JIOTICS TO OIL OPERATORS. The undersigned, a;ent for tha Metropolitan Oil Company, now oilers tf loaso tho territory of said Company, in lots of two acres each, for one-fourth royalty. This (ami ia situate ou Chorry Troe r.uu nnd lies on the JUGULAR VEIN Which connects . Wood aud Piorson Farms with CHARLEY RUN TERRITORY; For further pnrilcilar apply to tho original D. W. KENNEY, Allemagoozelum City, Cherrytreo Run. Or oddaess, "BOX 117, Petroleum Centre, April 1C lm. Teim. PLOUR 1KB FEED STORE, AO. .'IT CETRE-ST., Oil. CITV, PA. This is tleb.t establishment of tho kind (nth Oil It iiit Flottr uud Feed .old at wholesale and Petroleum Centre, DEALUK IN PURE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN 9 muviimiM CHEMICALS CHOICE FOKEION AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles! AND , Fancy Goods. BIPOjtTEl) SOAPS, nuusiiEs, AN I) Drujwists Siuidries! Physicians' I'rescriptlons compmin.Ud 'fiomri nre tnud choice niutenals.J if you iuvnt:: SEEN ITJ GO" AND SEE IT The" Magic Match, Petroleum Centre, June, lHflH. itiiiT T. M'Donald. LIVERY, FEED & SALE At the Depot, opposite the central Hon e, i PETROLEUM CENTRE PA TDB best Stock of DRIVING AND SADDLE DOUSES ou tho Creek, aro to bo found at M'Honald's .Livery. "ABRIAGES 4 CUTTERS TO U LET .T ALL TIMES, i HOUSES FED A; IJOAKDEH C4i Kcasouablo Terms. . . Teaming of nil kiiitK at tended to Promptly. t3"Givo mo a call. T M'DONAI. Petroleum Centre, Nov. II, 18118 LIVERY & FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite we upera jiousc, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. I bave put In a good stock of Riding du fiiviuy norses, wuicn i win let ou . MBtnnolila tamta Also, Cutters, Wagons, Spring TTOIISRH rtnnwtnH u.. r.l .... K,.t n.t t-avA mHC' " vvwauvH HUU ILU UUU UVCl V. C antecd. JunO-tf. A. BMAWIiEY. Pianos ! Pianos !' AJuunfactiircrs, JAilKSTOWN. N. Y. Also, cx rlllMlVli Ain,i,ru itin ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Sheet Music, Strings, &c. raj" Hum! fur n?nMtr,iK..i i"nt(li,i,.n Ami urlcc ltoT. GAOHGI & 13HOWN. Wnroroomn 41 Maiu Street. Factory Brooklyn riMlIC DAILY RKCf)It, Is th w rtwMW I na,4 !,,.. I ti lk nil