i ! DAILY- VOL III. NO 72, THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY HECOKI). PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted. ) W. II. LONGWELL, Proprietor. TUIt.TIS. Per year payable in advance, . $s oo Per month, ... 75 viuji:-iist or acvuiitisiivo. (Ten lines of nonpareil make one square) No. Insertion. 1 s. V ,. 8 -uv One day, t 7'i 1 00 $1 M Twodav. 1 hi 1 S i i no Three On), 1 3 00 S l K..ur days !vi 9M 3 00 Fire day, 9 e 8 00 8 511 One musk, S Si 1 3 Mi 4 &K Two weeks, 4 60 6 (10 7 50 '1 hreii weeks, (' Mil 10 One month, ' 7 (hi 10 tin VI 00 Two months, 10 on M t 15 no Three months ISO' IS 00 l.-i ihh Six month, 91 Oil in no CO UK Kino months, iff IKI 86 mi 43 00 One year, M ( 43 Hi HO HO; l4 COl. f I 60 3 Mi t no 1 eo H (HI tj 50 14 IKI 10 00 90 0" 80 110 4(1 HO 60 UO NO UO 1IHI 00 ttpoclal notices UO rente per line, esch insertion. Advertisements payable ttliivtriy in advance BUSINESS CARDS. J ELLIOTT, ATTOItNEY-AT-IiAAV, f AND NOTARY PUBLIC, PETHOLECM CENTKE, PA. Ilu.inesa lu tlio Courts ot Franklin 1 romptly at- lenaeu to. OFFICE In Itlssoll & CVs Brick Hunk Build ing. I up flairs, Wanhina-lnn St. ort g9-if. ALIiKltl K, ltAVli, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE In the Itochcvter limine Bnildta;; Washington and Midi Streets, PKTItQI.ECM Ciliil'im, 'FENN'A. ay 19, 18(i3 tf. "UONalA.1I dc SMITH, 1 ATTORNEYS &COUNSELORS-AT LAW, Otllni Tllyli Struct, Franklin, and Petroleum Cen tre. I'n- Milvld-lt V. ncALI'lMJ, RESIDENT BURGEON DENTIST OFFICE Horry's now F,"ldln2, corner of Wash ington and Second idd., Petroleum Centre, Pa. may!!) tf. T. O. OIK I Villi, HI. D., PHTSICIAN AND snitOKONt Office opposite tlioMcKinney House, Picasnntvillc, I'n. Persons IWim a ilistnuie. vlll Keuemlly find hlra at Ills OiUcoou riaturdnv from 10 a. m., to 8 p.m. sepMt GEO. II. ItlSSEIiLi V CO., B A N K E R G , PETnOLEUiTI CENTRE, I' A, O. II. nissell, M. C. Martin Christopher Meyer. We offer our semens for the tninaction of a OENKUAf, BANKlNd, EXCHANUB and COL LECTION BlTBINKSS. Any mialnosa outrustod to our caro will receive prompt attoutlou. Jul7 tf. a. . wiuoh. B. n. tan vxison WIL80N A VAN VELSOH, GAUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, OFFICES, Mercantile Building, Oil City Pa., and with Owston Sowers; Peuoleum Centre, Pa. July 96lh, 18118 tf. James Robinson, Tank Ganger, HOX 380, PETROLEUM CENTUK, PA. juulOtf O. Jarvis, Dealer in CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. WOKINO GLASSES In prea variety. Looking Glass l'latea replaced in old Frames. Picture I'mnius niudc to order. Carpets, Oil lths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, A FINE STOCK. UJVWEKTAKIAO, COFFINS of a,!l sizes on band and trimmed to order on short notice. SASH, C1A2S AND DOORS, sizes. Varnish, n. 4c. No. 10G WASIIIJCTOK-ST. Perolouni Centre.'gept 1M IfS, FETRGLEUM CENTRE. HOTELS. (I. CXC1IANUE HOTEL. M. V.MILLEK, ( Proprietor. The Inmost and moat commodious Iloiisl in tlm oil roirion. Fair on the 111 (due reduced to boarder. This house 1b Dlcnsiiutlv situated, rooms coohuid pleasant, nmkliiK it a doliehllnl hold in all repoct. i-einneuni venire, April jo, iMili. JOCHESTEK HOUSE, Wrtslilnjrton street. Petroleum Centre, Pa. HlLADSTllEEr & SIIEHWOOI), PnofRiKToBs Thin House h eentiullv located, and the eeneral henthpiai-teii f oil mi u. retroiouui cviutra, I n., May 1 a, isss tr. tENTaAi. iiojm:, PETROLEUM CENTKE, PA., Near Oil Cret-k 1 Allegheny Klvet Itailway Depot. riay!9 If. O. J. CltOSS, Proprietor. M cl'EIMTOCK HOIS!:, PETliOI.EfM CENTKE, PA. This popula! Hotel, situated Corner ot .11 a in & Wcniilnctoti.sm., Near the Do ov, let l.en refitted and firni-Owd throughout, and the proprietor will ipnru no paint. to miiKe 11 a . FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. octS-tf. C. OltlSWOI.D, Proprietor. 4 IHEKICAN HOTEL, " PETHOLEUM CENTKE, PA. J. R. IIAItNUH, - - - Propriiti.r. This IIoue Is In a pleimant locnlliy, ami hut short walk front the Oeiiot Thu rooms are laru-e and conifortatde, and tiio taldo snpplieil wiih the iii'iicaciia 01 uiu eeuaou. JniOtr- . J. It BARN EH. jKANKLIX HUlE. MILLER FAItM STATION, On Ol. Creek Pallroad l THE nOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. Tt. SUTEFF, Proprietor. JnnoS tf. f NTJ-.tt-NATlONAI, ISOiE L, MILLEK FARM, P. JOHN E. KOWB, - I'rop'r. floort afcommodrttlnns fr transient cn.tomor. Dny Board and Itonni witli rumns on rrjisDiiiibU tornifi. The propririnr will spure uo pain? to oUo 111a numc atir.iciivo 10 piorfis. juuc u PLEASANTV11.I-E, PA Thlt Uotie havini! rt'cenrly Imcn nularpci nnd re furnished. 1 om row prop!!.l to ftccommoUnttt two hiindrod Lniwt! eonil'ortahly. HtKea letive th.f lnmHe three time n drt; for Ti ttiHville Thetd it &o n line or stntreo to I'itholn. Ju8-tf. THOfcl. McbUMNfcY. I'rop'r. FRED. . HYDE Proprietor. PLEA8ANTVIM.E,.rA.. fPp silo tho Prusbytrtriun Church. FcbiMf. PET110LE1151 HOUSE, oil nrv, PA. Hnvlnt; reoonily taken pofsei'einn ni the ahove Tlouso, wcwoiihl mot repei'tnilly infonu tlie truv ellngpulflie thai we. pnipiMo p "kix pn llokl," and to convince them of the act, wo nritc all v.lio wUh the comforts of a home, to cal. upon us. It will bo found TlieHoCc! aS tiitv Oil ICcgloHs. Our li'anni.e Kcimu 1 i Mr-i-'ld v ith thn rl',r"--t Wine.-, I.in't.n au'i Ci:nu, irid i-ur t ibio m-iii ho ! found lwi,:u will, tUe very t!.o n.kot afl.n-Us. Thpro l,' connected utlt tho fluue four Hrst claw l;i;n..,l T.' i,., .v.,. i..i.... i ..... i 11 1 i.iii, r mi.. I till n 1 too m- ii n fill. it. A roil :iuo yourselves ot the tniltilului.'fi oi out u-s-iMiirii U. VIC 1. 1 s vy. Ttvrs .lAl'li. . Wlii'IL.. oclti tf t). l'roprii-tor of tlie Buftao Bakery. Dealer n ciioice VIour, Putter, V'jf and Cheese. Also, choice liroceries, IVtroleuiu CfUiie, Pa. OhleM loft will he prouiiHly ailei.dod to, :in Uoo'la delivered. Pojinilko VCn 2ii J. niyhi. V. I. TIIOHPSOV, KCLECTIC PHYSICIAN, no. i, i;i ji(to siiii:i i, (I'li-Slalrk,) TITUSVILLE, JPj. PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPT. 22. 1863. q WMat.ammM.BjBEM mtsfv 1 '11 i.m 11 m in Sixu Sini:, N. Y. Fiicta which have re cently come tu liht indicate ttut a Urt number ol'Sin;; co: victs lave oljtuineil discharges 1k1o;o llie piriitiou of tboil sentonces. It appears t ist a wuvict nanitd Cantor, vint.ioved lot .lany ycara in tlie olerlt's office, mid whe .o ilutv it wus to make out a mu.iihly re;. Jit of liuniE'juiciils, from tvbiaii 19 ascertain il (tie coniuitttatioii of sontenw in tlio case cf each cuuvict, has been in tlm lia'oit of fru idulently teportiug men for iliFCbargi? long before their time had cxplied. Tho discovery was made a day or two u'ci, &8 u convict named Miller wan about bein discharged, when suspicion caused tlio records to be examined, and it wai luiind that he had yet ninn months to serve. The couvict Miller lit first denied any l;nowlede,e of the fraud, but subsequent ly stated tlr.it tie ngrecd to puy Cunter a certain tutu of money for his services. It is believed that this truflic in fraudulent dischiirtft's has been going oj for years in tho prison, mid rumor states that others besides co.'iviuia have benoiilted themselves thereby. :u ecoiiotnical leiljw iu St. Louis mur- ried his sweetheart secretly a year ago, in order that be need not assume I ho expense of hi r suppott mail belter able. lie has jiiKt aceiimulntcd money enough to take, u bridui toiii'. A 'douies'.io iulidelity-' case has been decided in the Sundwiuh Island. The false wii'o hud her ears cut oil', and the gay decoiver lost Irs fingers ia the samu way by the executioner. A woman' was biuughi in a wheelbarrow, di uiik, to the New Orleans police station, tho other night, bet three children follow ing, her iiifaut by ber side, and the papers say 1-it is not a very rare instance." The man who could have bought Omuha thirty years ago lor a shol-guu id there, lm wuiling toe fact that at the lime he didn't own the shot-gun. A Ftoncli lady was delected in trying to smuggle six poodles ibrotib the New Votk custom bouso tho other day, stowed a ber pOClvOLfl. Iron Gate, Vbeat Sbewf, Ulobe IlcuU? Oriental, and Parlor Stoves, at Nicholson & Blaclimon'H hardware slorn. Tho t.reat I'oMomUo Iliccern. AH hnil ! pnnt benefactor. Who to ouio it of our llltf, Give lift; to tho diiM'Oi.!ol nit?, Williout uoxioti (Ji-hh or pill. Dru'in tiieip! fiom tmt Lie yntt iu, Fill tlio hoiirt wi'h Mfi nnd li-;ln, With tho bet of a!! the tnnir. Dovvuur Groat Tosuiuitul With root from out tho valley. M heie ('H'U(oriiai sun dotltHhlno, Givitifc wealth to us poor mortal, Tievoud tho riches of tier niiuiH. W'Oulth of healih and hflppine, 1th hli-flrthi noui! should Hlitil, Do you want it ? tt ou'd yon have U J Ues Uttwner'r flrc:it YunoiuitH. Come ye !rk, dlfented, diftronNolto, Why'iiiioiild you pine Hint diet Y fut'dile, Taint an lani:iniun;Tt Cmiift, tlio-ie E:lri'iu Biitors t.y (!ef iiow ihcL quiiflm andu'f.ruiu, V'.vc. iV tn the In id in fri'it, fitviinj pHre t" t 'ti put t; tunic, DuwiiwV Gte:it Yii-mito ! Juli4tf. STORE. T Iho nndeinned hnvinir littod np . now store on WAKUIiXiTn.H cY MK;M M'N., Petroleum Centre, no pusMriHl in furnish hi cu-tonien with cv jihi.u: la to., iiau-o l...-nii.iur lo.e I giUn.,.u .in Wlirft ' b ....i,,.... I -ia t l-'tusty .4 rtirleN, I 1;ittrfN-ct, PruKsed I ku5 .Ij: ;iti;it:d VVuro, I A!: ll liiirijo t!ii;k Ol I$r;is. A; (rotl 1' iliius UUM. PIK'IHX AXI 1IKMP PrtfKINO. I.ACB l.BA'I'll Ell, eie. Till! CIIAMl'lnN AM) NOVKI.TY CI.OfllKi U'lUNIiKKS, WA'l'tli t'O'iJ.EUS ol'nll SIZES. All .T1 Work promptly atten ded to with neatness and dis patch. Particular attention paid to Gas and Sterm Fitting, hav ing a (vx-i Fitting Machine not excelled in the Oil Jiegion, lor cutting CJas Pipti. JAMES RUTHERFORD. I'ctrolcuni Untie, J'dy ll'i if ,'i ;3 Ctl'.l ulVil'S illld lilt; (IHNI'INE PrA'.MOUTII C'a!!LKS illltl NiCW York Bating Cos Bcltinir unci IluMiCT (ioods, botli of w liich fire, ackuowk'tlgotl to ln unsur passed in quality and manufac ture. Of Well Furnislnncr Goods, we liave the lartrcst us- sortnvnt in tlie Oil K'on can rcter to our customers lor evidence mat ive Keen notlimir but the best of .got)Us. F. W. AMES, TITUSVILL , PA. PIPS GUTTIN2 TINWARE. GAS CUTTING. TIN WARE auuGtf. House to llvnt or for Na J 8 b R; 1 P a ffi m n ft M 0.!RH W VliA K(iF. coiiif"ril'U: nnd coniiiiOtliouK ?iuiie will he HulJ or luoied. It it lot a.'e.e n iho PIMN SS POllTION OF TIIK TOWN. "'ho owner i compelled Ut reinovo east, i.ud will sell or rental h iicrilitx. A ;ool iiiiiiichH Statu!. lu-iirUu or F1;KU SCIH TT, muZM l'lll oav.iu (.'tii'-tr, I'u 25 CIS. WE1CKLY GENERAL MACHINISTS, !Ud DtMl'-iii in a!I kibdrf of NtH't'SHory fur putting down nnd opcrjitiii l)it A'ello. in coniiiciou with our .MACUiNb, btiOl' we have a luru and conveiiieut ELACKSM1TU SUOP. Our facilities for M ANnKACTtlltlNQ urenot 02.. celled hy any Shop lu the Oil Ucgiout. tihop .Uain-s(,ojiiosi(e McClintusk Ihni.t inyi7tf FISillJll NOaltlS. A. (1. .hi elm o: .. trc? tin. wnvili of vunr money ip nt the. NEW FLObK AM) FKKU KTo:k AND IXM HEU YAKU of rK iSTLKMU KG A t'.t where there i alwuva a MAN tfdv to nhtrv their nistimicv their 1 or t cl' ' Kl.til'i:, HAY, nnd nil kiitdd ui:d the place nUo whovu tuny lo FOUND V assortment or fint cla-s Tto'-oil AND MiKSiiKI) l.f.MUKK. LATH, SIIIXKI.KS. Jt(! , in lie vei7 lowest eash price. Th'j-jo who a-e not DEAD their own interest, and wish to deal with men !m do Im-ines on the suimro, wtfl find H to their mtoMj-it 1i alvvi im n cull ln-ioro purcbasiuis elso whore, mid see what we can do fur you our luip of Im-npflH. J"7?" All Orders iuid Itenmimv nnnniiiiv HMi n.Utl io. Do nut furei the pl:ire, PtiSlTK TMK VOVHICbTEtl 11UUME. WASH lOTON SsTttKET, Petroleum Centre, Pa.. L.'M STKUNTIfFO, 11 II. WAKKlili. Fibci-if MACHINE SHOP AND IJrass Foundry -For Kale. RTESSRS LEAKI) ,t WRIGHT boin- L about to reinovo to Tennissco wonlu. oiler their well known shop for snlo. To a s;ood niacliiuent n ruro opnot tvinity is olfered- Terms reasoniiliie. Address LEARD & WRIGHT. ri thole, I'a aii"2.i-tf F. .J. & VJ., CENTRAL, MACHINE & BOILER SHOP" WASllI.JTO. ST.. IE TIlOIiliL'M t'UXTKE, Pa. COIJ.ERS ANI1 ENGINES REl'AIRKD AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Machine Work done promptly ami wiiiTilnte l Ij liive diitislucllolt-anK-41-if f- . IIANNA CJ CHAMPION REAMER ! We desire to inform Oil Op erators and the public generally. tho we are prepared to receive orders tor our Champion Six Cutter Keumer. This is without . doubt the most perfect tool foi -reamincr that hits ever been in troduced. (Jive us a call ! Fisher, Morris 5c to. 1) IMNOMITtO.N. ri....... ,,i, ,it, l.fif oi iio exi-nne in oiT n, t llnnii: n( Wiiohti-r '., 1 ihs-el."'. and a I I, II'.'"'- ili'Jfl.l. 1 lo ill'- li-MI, Itltr rripnHil lo i'l' ' M Ihe uld .iO'll, I ronil, . r at I'-t t ''l'"e, lr'J -le the llii K l-Ki.l, id IM, I I t i ! ! -A - ti 1 s l!1 : i' luisiii'iiiMj3gmMM- C'Ui't''WWWiuiBiBiil jk 4ji ,I ?r.-5T "T 'J.ifCi .