jn! SCMJi PHINT OBSCURED Daily Becord NEWSPAPER, AND Job P Office, MAIS STUEBT, PETOLEOI CE.YTltE. W. M. Lomwejll, Proprietor. NEWS -DEPARTMENT. and them ,o our roa.br, every racing new, of groat .merest from nil .octr oi lie country. We have made special arranls, whereby we receive retrnlar Petrol,, stock and .rmw, and ...LfaScb Adrrllslng Jllcdinm, Th. KECORD has no superior, a. it circulates wherever an Oil Operator or Poalor can he found. JOBBING- DEPARTMENT. We have a larsa asd well - selected assortment ol now Jobbing material, embracing too vorj latest styles. We aro Uiorcforo, enabled to execute Job Work of overy variety in a satisfactory manner When desired, jobs will bo neatly printed injj Cjiobs Shipping Bills. Poster f Hand-Bills, J. . Pi ogrammcs, . ' Mills of Fare. Liabcls. AND Oiulncss and Visiting Cards LETTF.lt -HEADS,- DILL- HEADS, BILLS OP LADING, Etc , Etc BALI, flUNTING. Piain bt Fancy Hlyles, neiiiv nr ted, KmiiiJiug """"P1 NV1TATION cinnriMts Himcm-MMFs CAKDS, TU.'Kb'i'.s, Ktc. act, every variety r,,,,: of 0,.l: ia 1BltM Mn-chr.ni,, l.nvy;,;-, 7uvc, , of , jw ASem..CllP,,,, Aj'rr.!f, ,,nn.r A,; fcxprc,..,u, .uCtthwitUs. ia ,.;, ;...;,..uj munltv " ''V"'. r5uu.J;u tli.j,.u MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, IS T11K BEST- LIPilMENT For man SBsas,-i. 36 Yearn In I'se. GO C73 Is goodfnr HhiMimatisni, ChilMainfi, Cornx, Whit lows, Caked Ureai-tH, Soro Nij.pK , Cramp, Iloiis. llito ofsnimaK Wcnktcss i.r iho .loin's Cw u-.i -. Hons ofthe Muscles, Hums and Scald-., Front Files, I'liiiflil Norvou. titiertlon.4, ('hamml Htuiiis, ix-ne Rtr-k. Pain in il.n Kl.l.. no. .... a' .. . .. Ache, Did fore, Hemorrhoids or Files, I'losll 3s 5c Wonnd. Rnlls of all kinds, ?;irln,, lni.., Crack c.1 U.'i'li. Kiri' ll.'ii.'. Ci,i- y.vil. wtn.i i-. i- ll)U4, Sllilvill. S'.VI'l'tU'V. Fi-Ollla. siiri.it i.-t'....,,.,. Poimms. iVi-jitehi.. rir. .. y,...t.. i..i. ..,'i '.'nic'.S.I.atiien'':!, Strnir.4, i-'iiitli.U ri::it I-', v, :diu:.:' nnrn lii.4t'lilicr, UniTtot In ti.ua, Cracked K .its, 'ODt lint in Sliii-,.. nuil n...n. n'l 1'. ...... dent to .Man ai.d tie.irt. TX3 K. D. Tatuih, of Conconl, Ky., ;.v. ihoCsrslir.' Oil cured a luirsiinf hi., iiijiu: d wliifc pliniu'Liic by atlnnipting tosicp over n flump. almn-.t tfci r;n:;irw tlHKh from tin body; al,. that h. h:n nsd it in !ii ramily fur flftocn years anil is the lust ronu'dv for i'uti, IJitrni. r,nii!i(s Froit Hiti-fi, Strains lliiimn ntlam, etc., he irvcr iifvd. T9 era From Cntrar niwe., Cochrann Lnndin", Ohio. Sot. Sti, ls",ti Wc aro i.Uasul y.ih v.nn Ri'U(.inv. It lirtH htitm tlatmi aiH 01 t'liriTiij .i frrViii iniiiilicr u dilliirent. dijia-'te. npou ii.'r.-t'ni.i, a- nin ujK.rilioratM. We lbinl; it curi'L all y.in r, f',T ",ir.f''.1 it t i d.. We wnnt yon td iicnd im 111.' 1 tii-r tn (jLicitiiin of lie vuiicty. fur "Family U?e," ii. email U-ltU. ...j, 1 From Cn. J. 1'. 'I eiissil, Wnrrcn, Ind., y.irr-h iHo'i. I am onimfri'd in thn nrwtiM ..v rt.(J,ii..i.,. and lino your tinrxlinc. Oil an extremely oiilcioV-t rempily in all casiw whero an CXKNUl apn)!ca:vn Is Ir.dirati 1 From lilt. O. B. XkaT.. Pnrrl. Tnicv ni. OO 1ar.n I have practiced medicine in Hits c.ntntv'scv.'ri ywirs and (h-iH-rfutly reuonimend your tMrrfiir- oil as the bi.vt litumiout In ii.'c. Prom Tin. T W ria Tn r. twii r conld recelTo both bo.-rcs oi' tie (Jmciiin nil it vm not. betoornncb, n I think I could ro.,u Und n!o lor It oil, lite inquiry bctnx freouent ?inco it is b.id pwed that I have It for sale. From Dn. i7m. S. JIcC'au.. rharanli, ?.lo , Nov !. l.-V TPIIP l4r.'li,irT f It) 1U flit'.,.. ttw.al.In.. r. all the ItnimeiitiTof the dav, Ft you desired th. .ii I could procure dozens if cortifloatcn from tl:.Ke who have been cured by It. Mcmrn. XcLain ft Ilitos., Wholcsnic Urtvlil Wlicclins. Va., av. tindr d.tn of duly !J4, 'i.-n;, that thy can wtfcly r.-comn:: J t'.e (vi,-;l;t". oil for mot u diseases than it U recount. d lur.' Fiotn J. K. Fimiku, Uni.'t.rovii, Ft.. ).,-.o V ltl7. Yoiir(?uii;iii.r tiil is d-ini; much Ivut hot than formerly, since, its virtues iivr ijecniio kn'mT and tao lvittlni put up f.ir I'ajnily U -, vituou: stain, are uvmU fo-uih: tor. 73 CT3 Extm-t from ni. tti r froui Ilor N.M:t:.?t r.ir.:i County Jttrlim of l?li"ll,y Co., Iowa, d u.lll.-,i April l.i. . Jit It I. decidedly jircfcmti to anv anient s..K! in this ai'i .n. F..-:tract id a lettur from S.'.miiei. S. lit tT .".ted rnii'inm.', Uluo, jniy 17. 1. TO.-Iti .imio l.-,, ! Minimi unit ay.aiitn.; colt that iiie! w!ia- v.ih ? pound to b4 Ijyuthcrla for more than tun .1 iv that it eouU! m,t eat, unl the threat pwolen alV shu. and I'le tine of three or tour a I 'iaitoj. tli. dollar bottler did the de'uvd im.-ci." F.om A. 0. Kisl, Lcvrisvtlio. (.'osehorton i'.i.. alarch, li;.V2. t have used vonr (iiu-lii - i (., '. !;e lirat nci-atciica on my noro, nnj it, ctucd it with titc appiicaiiou. C3 C3 From Enoi-. Watuto, nliddl.'-nort, N. Y . Julv 135H. I purchased a hoitlo of veer Ceirifliiu' 4til of your aipnt, A. 8 Hiker, ut Mi li!!cn,tt. ami as vet have nd but half oi it. I think it. im ,. !... ',.. more relief In n cuseof aevmi Khcuinati-in. nt totia euiudins, than any aing I ha. t vcr u:-r"i t.e.oie. Fttntct frota a letter fro-n .1. 0. 1'uatt, daied (iuili'ly, (thaiilautua Co., N. if., AllLH-il li.', 1S5I. I have been acq, e.irittd w ih your niedi' ina IJariite Oil! for tho lant lonrtcn years. It. hits proved a sure cure for Font Hot in Kheop for wliii.li I sold the lat bottle and havo calls almost r:eily for mo.v Please forward ad fcoon aa convenient.' Always inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, Anil take no otlic-r- Ketall lrSc:c, l.o, 50 CU. and 2p3 Cts. Hli.ikn woil lofiMHiiKf, an-I ruT on tlioron -lily beioru Uio Uiuor sonic wurm HiLb:tancL. , TheGnrpl!nL; Oil has Immi iQ nun n liimuinit al yMM. All wo nsU ia a fair trial, tut bo ewe and 1'vtlow direclioiis. AW your Tioiiret DniifaUt, or t-.tiilor In JMtuni Medicine lor oip of our -tUmmrir hmi! V:ile M; cmuis anJ read what tlie h"jU ,iv u'.ioiit tlie OH. The GumlluG. Oil Is fr nalo !v till n-.-i.t.ifilt-dmlorn tluoiiIiout tlvo L'iiii.cil Ktutti? mul other couatrlo?. f)nr v?t.;mii(il$ dute from i1', tn 1 ;i'- ninl two vt.vUH d. L'hi) the (X'lri.'lmrjr UU ami U;ll suv.l neighbors what goutl it v.i Uon-.v HV d-al nir and llbovnl with ull ;ilJ djfy cotna t!i?ii..'n jVliinur: turvd rvt Cot: K :'.!?, IV. 5y. ViTf A II t ... rf't I Sold by A. i. PiiCi.l-ti iV t ;., HAItnWARK- OIL CITY. tiornor of senrrtt .V (Vntrs .,.'t., t"rt;t nljo Oil irncki tiil V.ity, I'M.. 1 alias in MorriH, 'I'.i -Iter IVa oil vn-:i.,L Trnisvi and c.vsrxo. Also, WORKING KAlVtCT! AND M.Vi'W, STI KH-NO il"XKS, tlLAMl'S, TtlNC'l, K-c:En nops. e JSachiaery for Oil Vo'Ih & refineries HCIUNO TOfH,.i, OIL I'l'Jirs, i ; iv:;-, pi;.;?, UOi.U WA'l'Kti I'.JMl surn.iv? rvt ir. wki.u. a:;;j i:k- Aim.', 8T0VF.A 'nrr.VARK. Bit.M'f (.(." .1, TEAMS AXD OAS r 77T' V. .t. HARDWAHB, Cmrponipra' Toolti, l'i'po, tiakiiin. Nail?, Axoa, Col'pn Jli!!?, ' Ta'i'j .k Pocket Cf.t!.;ry; 4 Fall A'RtHTrrietit of cry'.'.iDR ir !ho HARDWARE LINK. No 1 V, i? . Simin.M La:! O!, 1 IU ih.c 1 0.1, JMari:ir:ict.::tT!' of TL Chet Iron and vDppor Wr.r:;. Vo;i:iinn nf nil kin. ilm? vMb TKTfiv:'j ft" rt'.spati'.Il. ii.-iV,i:U i.M-ii'Ioti i;':vcii ly STE4M AND GAS FITTING. Wo have pTir!iwrc(l tonu'rittho pn'mnce tl thi' pub.!?, niui h:ill k.'u cv.ry cxi-rtiou to h::re iu coi: hnnrrc. Oar f.-'riM'.ic f(ir fi-nii-lilr m", t!r,!i:j iu o:;r line. li:.vi!!T f.v-Ti ::iv;.l v in.r-:icii, iu the orr-cTijn of '"ir N'.w ili-iliiiii;;, ;uv n-'W SU1'1-;KH;U TO AS V OTIiKft r,STAllI.TSiiY';--:T a'ii:-:i-:i:.i. IN Tb ii OIL iuriU 'N. V.r,m Hi! fV?pr pjna vjv lilWuil d I'll W(jifi ilr'j i f ii 0 Cornar of Scrvm unj Centre ts. eafi aMe of Oi! Cio' l;, Oil Ciiv, n. llavil c a.'iied a pov..rfli ! Htcam T':'.,. .v I tlticn 1 l"':e l..v'rfK. to cur already eTtt" -i'.'l i i. ; a i." ii-tiihtkhnu nt, P.r n-r..; pTi pa-u.l to itj,.:! tii'3 neccj -in y vtjtd, in lit'.iL;; 'i, ! ,.aji..- IVJlLTI'tS, IRON TAN'TM. l vr::?.L 'xonz,?, cIti-vac?. " ' r''MiTrriil M.T-.'rr-.rc .,'0 ' ;iO: U wi:h ni::iri:c(s mid titi'n 'V hAiiu vAtic 1 lliAUSO AND CCOIil.-,'". n-., t.-c .r.e j w if ' In ..i.-;; : vai 'e'y TAI5LE and rOCXET CJ 11 tier y ! HARDWARE. '7n-Trr' vt'T'T7TTTt,7?Tl7rr rT'iTf i'l '.-i -CA V-r. -ts 6m U t.w idcJi iL "A 9 LAiirS.L.VNTI-nNS, an-d FANCY AUTICLES. NAILS AHlDJOi! tv Woollen Ware, &c. For salo At the store fornie'lv occuni' il hy rturcl.fleld lt d C.itterline, Id I. CITV, VA. J 4 -W C. uiiaciE-:. OitjClty, Jan 4, :3f.-.i tr. fJolm C. "Welch, ScnciJi-!?t. Oil t ltj-j l;it.. Dealer in awd FiMi'fj Tools, Imiis' Sucker Ecd.3, rvivs-.:!j : !.;; t.i liavs, I -iiu 5 -iifO Vv'tjfels 4 I'rUj... Hll rlZ''s. ' ? mil' Til. ni t-'i'li .Ve".'!v;Mf. poi ,',,. .'n : I-1 ..i.i .1 11 ,. . 1 c.ia -el ea' ... Ci. !.'-! Uliri.t thouotuer i -ii City, '.-'eii. -,..r li -: r. v"..:.( . MISCFLLANEOUS. NEW HARDWARE STORE ! UOti:iST imV.UA; CO., Hp-i leiivo to annmiiicfl to the citizens of Petroleum Ci iiliv mid irlnity, Mint they Imve opened a now re in the nw ii ilu- otllct ol' the CVntnil letnl cum ('uitin:.iiv jit tlie r iilrond r.n i n i. whore thov u hi kn-'.i t-ii-stjiiitly ni 1i:uk1 a full (wsottineut of CYi'i'vi ii nit; m i no jt:Lruw:irc nue, iucn as TIN AND SHEET IKON WARE, GAS TITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS. Mr. ITryftn h.ivIiiR hcon cncrfif-od In tho hmlno3 vith VitM-i"s. Winer HioV inr lour ycarw putt, will itt:-iMl i-nrih ularly totlie ImeiueM of niimufacturiMg SaIOKE stacks All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order GAS AND STKAM FITTING, &C. C Ttiey have a New Machine for CUTTING GAS PIT .T'.th in entire i?ET OV NEW LUES, 'n.l i ill warrant all wirk In this lino. Aprifl. Goal! Coal! Coal! 'pilB underiilgii' d, having ostnblilied branch Yard at Iynl Farm, aro now prepared to fumh t iks Very' lowest Prices. ip.Tair.tr p.nm Oie.Tytrce Hnn, and vicinity, living ai I'etroh.r, in Centre, fan leave their ordora at our ..fi' -e here.und have iliem promptly filial from the Uii.'i F.nui Vaid. AT LESS COST THAN USUAL. DOS'T FOECI'T THE PLACE SKARLKS & COHNWKI.U twice on o. C. A- A. U. It., retroliiim Centre. Ilran. ItOlilee at ltynd Fann. N. Ii Vo hold exclusive control of the fiunou? STOMEBORO COAL. ly-th Uic uhovo nanu'd points. JutrS-t . A. T. LEGGETT, Marm'iicturur and Dmler In ",i.-l tjliiil) Civls Ul Seed Bags, Aralvo Caps, &c. I'vpiTlprce-l worftmc.-,-. arc rmployed. and IIht r 'fuii l;iud LLi'. n.tiintly on L:md and made ' '. :or. . C IILt Pat. Scod-Biig V ;;a:rin 1)0110 at all Times! t 'ill and cximino ouritock and prices, ; t. '.-j centre, r.i.t jnn. 7th, w -u -J. i. PL 1 jxencliBootMaker Wsifcliinglon Street, Tliald.': DOORS iVET OF A. I). MIL LER CO.'o di;ug 6TOIIE, PST.-SOIjB UJ1 tEXTEE, Pa., Is njr.-tf-.rti.rto8 to order FIl'.ST CLASS FINE WUIIK, Mich as "i'.ili'vl Ijn:ii5Itv ilouts, i''Si;r.i g.!e I3'(its, H'l-eiioti t'rlt Solo Roots, f'rote Vv'clt Itoots. HEAVY Oil LIGHT WOEK DONE IN 1'IiENCH STYLE. Call ar.,1 rtrr. namplce. Petroleum Centre, Ta., July J. 2m. feln Cily Terrtory. II OIIC 2 TO OIL OPERATORS. The undorileitf d, a:;ent for tho Metropolitan Oil Company, nuw oil'ore to lease tho territory of said Coiiipany, in lots of two acres each, for one-fonrth riya'ty. ThU larm ia sltnato cn Cherry Tree Hun ard 1. on the JUGULAR 'VEIN Which connects .. Wood and I'lcraon Farms with CIIASLEY RUIff TERRITORY. For fiutiier iarticnlar apply to the original P. W.KENNEY, Allemagoozelum City, Cherrytree Run. 0- odiacf.. "BOX 117, rctroleum Centro, I'cnn. April li Ira. T Or. 00-3DE3ST, mm ID i .ieii. ililU i'UUlf 13 IVii. at CKrVTIIE-ST., i 4JII V, PA. '.'l .il '. d Crttiilili-hnicnt of the kind In Ml Foui audi cut aoUiat holw.ale and wg aj-tf. JR. H. FISHER Petroleum Centre, DBA LEU IN PURE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRUGS, MEDlCra CHIffiiCALS CHOICE FOKEION AND D0MKST1C Toilet Articles! AND Fancy G-oods, IMPORTED SOAPS, BRUSHES, AND Drngsists Kuisilries;: ITiyairifm' Trefpripticns conipoumhdjjrioiT.piinrc t,iiiiu wiiuu t ixiairnuii. j It' YOU HAVNT;: SEEN IT. GOAND GEE IT The Yimc Matcli, iVtridcum Contrf;. June, 1JC0. T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES I At tlie JlejJiit, pjis.tc iif tcutnil !Eme, PETROLEUM CESTHB PA riniK benstncK nf DlilVINO AMD MnnujM A. llultbhs on tho Cm.lt. are to he found at n ill'BonaUl'n JLlvery. LET AT ALL TIMES. riOItflES I'ED fc boak;U, on licasoi.nblo Terms. Teaiulns 1 553 kin;.' tended to IHoiiiyil' rgOive mn a call. T AI'POXAt Pctrolcnm Ceulro, Nov, II, 1SIIS. LIVERY FEED STABLES, Watibington Street, oppoit( tlie Opera House, TETROLEUM CENTRE, TENN'A. I Lfiva put In a good slock of RitllnR Unving lioiees, wbicli 1 wliuev w reasonable terms. Also, Cutler;, WtiRons, Sprl HOUSES boarded uud fed and best of cart gf anteei). Jiui9 tr A, EMAVi LIT. Pianos ! Pianos iiinuuuKiurcrs. OA il l,M ? " ' cluaivu Anta for the AnAir ESTEY COTTAGE U ,.ii.iii AND WHOLESALE AND iJ"' DEALERS IN Sluet Music. Strips, CiAUlf l ,J rr m t nt c. ....... lftnrv WT?j I lJlock, foot of aiuin-Bt. nu - milK DAILY KKrO(il, t tUM ,v', X tuodiuui tu the oil reiriop