i I 4 ' ). I I . 't i. . a ; I i ' 6 I 2 : p id , (t . ft in to tW 1 ril . ' tbi ' . St. 9ll 10 JEl . ;e bl t ' ;e II It it . I , Ji D t J. e i Daily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office; ai a i x st in e t , pktkole:i51 cextiie. "W. XI. LOTUWEll, 9'roprletor. NEWS DEPARTMENT. Wc receive Wegrapidc despatches up to 4. p. a., and present thein to our rcadora evcrj evening, em- urging news or great interext rroin oil octiui of Hie country. We liayo mado special arranemcuts. whereby wo recelro reirnlar Petroleum, Stock and Produeo Market Kcporu every oycnltigliy telegraph, from New Vork, l'hilodclplda, and lMtUbuijf, which, together with Editorials nnd LocaJ matters, make it one of most desirable newspapers published in tno i.iii Kesiou t As an . Advrtlsing Itlcdiiim, The KltCOn T) has no superior, as it cironlalcs hercver an Oil Operator or Doalcr can 1 found JOBBfflS DEPARTMENT. We have a laruo and well - Mooted assortment ol now Jobbing material, eniDracing the very latest stylos. Wo aro therefore, enablod to eiecnte Joo Work of overy variety iu a satisfactory manner When desired, jobs will be, neatly printed Iu Colo-is Shipping Kills. Posters . . Hniitf-Bills. ;.. Piosritrntnt's, Bills of Tare. LiUbuiH. AND ' BioineM nnd VlMithig Card LETTEIl-DEADS, BILL -HEADS, BILLS OP LADING, Etc, Etc liso . IIAI.t, WIINTINO, P.ain Funoy Btylea, neatly and promptly exec leu. oiubrocluc NVITATION CIRCrfLAKH PltOGKAMMES tAUUS, TICKETS, Ktc, 'acVevcry variety anc sn-lo of work in prium pr.utii.jj:. twtter, norchant, lAwyors, .Indices of the Pcare. i,,, A?enU,CilBoa!er3 ar-d Agcnlii, Iiuaraiu-u Exprwsmen and other parties In want, are InfonncJ ' Exprossracn and other parties In want, are tiilor 'T.'". M?-orc pr',c1 to eiecnto to o -der ail Mai I'., i. b':4lu,:--"r b',-al, reiiuireJin tils ; ntjuuy 'ltli of MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, IS THE BHST LlftJMSNT in 'i in: woki.d For IVTan & Beast. 30 Years iu I'"'. CO CT3 la ,u,ilf..r llhniiniati.m. Chilblains. Corn. Vt lilt lows, Inked Hrcii'ts. ore Nipples, Crumps, Toils, Hites of animal. iukl.es, ol tno .101111, i omiac- tion, of the Muscles, lhii-ns ami bcalds. rrot bites, lii-.fiil Nervous mhs'tions. Channel) Hands, Liiiot Back, l'ain In the ide, Swellings, Turners, Toutil Actio, OUI Sores, llciuorrholus or Piles, Hustt Wounds, Gall c.f all hinds, Sprnins. Hruiscs, Crark l Heels. Rin ISone. l'ole fcvil. Wind (ialls, Cal. !mts, Spavin, Sweeney, Fistula, Sil fast. Kxlern i Foisons, Scratches or C.reuse, Sprinehalt. Sand Cracks, Lameness, Mrnlin, t ouiMlorine, 1'cm. 11 initc". Horn Distemper, Uiugi t In Cows, t racked Teats, Foot Kot in Sheep, and many otlier diseases iuei deut to Man ami Ucust. SO SO , It. D. TATion, of Concord, Ky., say UieGarKllmr Oil cured a horse or his, liritir'.u while pionunins; ny attempting Kisteu over a stump. almost sovertic,'his thiirh from tiiQ body; also that ho hn lined it in his family for fifteen years, anil is the hcsl remedy for t uts, Ilurus, Ilrllises, trost IJites, Mraius, tiucim- atiam, etc., no ever used. C73 era From rnrrp .fe linos., l-'orhmne Lnnilin?. Ohio, Nov. ill. lHr.li. We :ire rlensed Willi' your medicine. H has been the means of curing a nre;it nuinber o ilifrurciit diseases upon iiersons, as asm upon norjes. U'i, think it chips nit voll recommend it to do. fc want you to semi us tlifl laiwr pioi ortiuu of the variety lor "Family Use," in emnll bottles. I From Dn.J. K TBrREri.. Wnrron. Tn1.. "Mnrfh 185f. 1 am emrnRcd in the pr.u ticp nfmcflirino mid It nd juitr (.tirKlins; Oil an cxirmely e'.Hchv t remedy In all casea wheiu an txttnml application is muicmca. - . Froin Dr. CI. Ii. eal. ITurrls, Iowa. Uec. 2;. ISoH. I hftvo prHCtiml nteuictuo Inline comity m-Tun years nnd chcertully recoinmeiid your Giirlirtf Oil a tno ueti unumcni in uan. ; i. From Dr. T. W. Ellt Oft., Jnn. 6, 1S.T! If 1 conld recoivo both boxes m the tiareilnir OH It will not be too much, ah 1 th.Lk I could soon find trnle for it nil. the inniry belni trequent tjliico it Is sup ix)pi1 llmt 1 buve it Tor Pftlo. From Dii. Wm. K. McCall. rhmnoN, lo., Nov. fi, IKVi Y.iur (uri:lhi'til iHtiikinirthcul'intioff fro id all tlio liniments of the day. If you desired them. I could procure dozens or curti&catft from tho.- wno have beuii curuu iy u. losrfl. McI-AiN ts r.no., Wholes ie Prnr-'riVp, TVIiLtlliitf. Va.. pay. under dito of Xuly 24. V;i r tli ut they can safely rueomttientl tho (iiirjclini; Ol for inoro uij-eascm tinin n l n.'comincii.'ica mr. From J. K. FifiiKB. rniontown. Pa., Juno 01 181,7. Your (i arc line Ji i la dnir.e much hctW "h-m thitn formerly, h'iiico its virtue hnvc hocnniu known. and the bottles put ii) for Family Use, witlnut stniu, are much soutit fbr. era Kxtrnct from a let tor from lion Nathan I irmsrv, County Jtid'je of Shellty Co., Iowu dated Itailun. April 13. inn It i- decidedly jirufurrud to any lin amcnt wild In this nection. Kxtrnet ol a letter from Samuel S. ITi ip, dated Fallfhunf, Ohio, July 17, lsfifl. In June 1. tt, tiaiiry shiitHi-hfid ti vfurliii-' colt that had whai ....a Bitn- to Vio Oyptlieria for mnr than ten days bo tti.it H ffiuM ill it out. nuil tho tbroul ewolen almoat phut. Aid tho iiso of threo or four applications of , the dollar bottlm did the rtvi (! lVct. I F.om A. . Niei.. Lowiavillo. CoRchwton v?o., (., March. 1BTU. 1 have uped your tmrirlint,' OH for the HemtrlieH ou my horse, and it cured it with the first application. From Knos KUTiren. Miil.ll'nort. N. Y., July KL 1850. I purchased a IkiiIo of your (larpllnK Oil of .our uireiit, A. n linker, at .miiuioport, anu as yet lavo iisoAbut half of It. I think it has elven me more relief In a ease of sovoru hheiimailsm, of Iouk standing, titan any thine; I have ever uued before. Extract from a letter from J 0. Pratt, dated Ouincv. Chaiitatiima Co., N. Y., Aurust li, 1 -" 1. I have been ne.iiiainted with your medieine (lajirlin Oill for tho lint fioirleen vear. 'll 1ms ljrc'.vd a sure cure Cor Foot Itot-lti SlN-ep for whicli I sold the lust bottle ami have tails almost ihiily for more, l'leaiie forward fti soou as convenient. tta Alway? Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And take no other. Ilctatl Plicn, ll.Oi), CO CU., uiid 13 i Cts. Shako well heforo nIricr, nn l rub on thcronhly nctoivtuc urunr dome Wttim !uiMiftncc. Tle 0 irfilinir Oil has been In nso a? a litiament yiiiirn. All wi aiiU in a fair trial, hut h cure unu loiiow airccuoiw. Ak your nearest DruHt, or dcilorin Patent HU'dicines tor nno of tur Alinanan.4 and Vudc M:- cum a, r.nd rend uimt the people, my about Ihu (il Tho Oarjrlinii Oil i fur fnla hy all re-pectaUe (Jetiu-M turoughout ui Uuiicu EM.ui.-a unu oiuoi countries. Our t.-tUmoninls dam from 1K13 to1W AvntolicitrU. Usu tho Oait;lin Oil and t. WHand ore toll your I ucighborti what good it has done. deal fair ami liberal with all and defy contra diction. AXnnuiUcturucl at IiOckpirt9 !V. V.j by JtilN 1I0JJ(U:, Seriutarv SulJ by A. U. ?1SSJLLIS A: VQ. ulji .'Ji:i. Pt '.iokv.'u tVu'rf, HARDWARE OIL CITY. P.OESON'S K, Ckit.k Pipe works. CIIAUbffS ISO IS .SON V Co., " Corner of Sonera A- nre M., I.as utile t'rotik, Oil Dealers in Morris, Taskcr Co' OIL WELL TURING AND CASING, WOltKINO BAHREIN AMI) VALVES, bTLl'TlNll ItoXKS, CLASH'S, TONti". u J Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries r.oniNU tools, on, PUM1, DiuviNfl vwr., COLD AT15K l'UMl'S Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE EINBUIES, Also, STOVE?, TINWARE, muss goods, TEAMS AXD CAS FITTISQS. BhLTlSO, i-AOClXG, avd nosxt HARDWAHE, HOfBB TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' Tools, Kopn, UaKitm. Nails, Axes, CoOVe Mills, Taljle & l'ootct Cutlery; A Full Apsortmcot of Everj tliing In Uio 11A1U) WA HE LJNK Jrnso Fnriisliln'; Onods, ijtrJlM. e iitmnrvs. Mo. 1 Winter Strained Lard 0!1, No. 1 Kellned Ol, Stair KihIs, Taldo ami Door Mats t'lKEi jii-iin Clotlscs V'rir.Tr Maunracrr.rcra of To, Giiect Iron and Copper Ware. :erairin2 of all Uimls rlonc with neatness and dispatch. Espeuil attention yivea lu STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We l.nvr- endaavoretl to merit the ratronaire of the public, and slulli use evory exr-rtiou to liisars lis continuance. Our facilities for frrnishins e'orythini; in our lino, having been greatly increased, iu tbo erection nf r,nr Vow l'.iiildin.r. are now SUI'KHIOU TO ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT ansrJl-3m. 1M Tilts oil jiEijiui. ufo Oil Creel Pis furls CHAS. ROUSON & CO., Corner of Seneca and Cent Sts, east side of Oil Creek, Ou City, ra. Ilavir.c: a.Weil a jiowerful Steam Endine and three i.a'I'HKS. to onr alroft'lv extensive Miinui'.u: Inriiii; Ilstaliliahnient, ar. now piepare.1 to do uii tho necessary wy:K, 111 umii;; up, auu miwitais ENGINES. BOILER", IRON TANKS, REFINING MACHINERY, COrPEK WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS I i . 'Mdaf all Machinery Job Work cntni'ted to us with neatness ami (iisnat.cn am: -Jlmos NEW HARDWARE STORE H RATING AND COOKING STOVES! In largo variety. TADLE AND POCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. LAXIP3, LAN TERNS, AND lAStl ART 1(J I.E."; 39 6sS Wtl?3i Ware, &c. For rale CHfEAP 1 At the store formerly occupied hy nurclifie'd and uiiatsriieo. oil ci i r. r.. j. nv.s h. (muiiii;. OiljCity, Jan..l,lS6J If. John C. "Welch, eeuccaSCj Oil )lty9 Pa., Dealer in Gibks Russell & iVs Httriiig and Fisliinjf Towls, Innis' Sucker Hods, Orivhts Pipe, Derrick Irons, ;r.5to l!:irs, Itulit'.ice AVImvIs .V PtUUi'N, u'.l si."' Alv eonltei'tl-.n villi M' I. ami lJii 1st ifiiiflil.'s is hiicnili.it 1 e:.;i f dir. a',1 t.ii.U Cathitt? at bhiirt. orer JOHN" C , LL Oi! City, I'Yb. IT. ! (;:". -if MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HARDWARE STORE! KOKKTIHIVAS0.i to lenve to announce to the citizen of IVtroleum ( ,.utr.Mi,diciiiit.v. 'bt th-y have opened a lew -lore in II tear ui Ihe olllee of Un-Central IV ol i. m ( "n.inv iu ti.e railroad crossly., where lliey will k.H.p c.iisiaiitlvoii hand a full assortment ol cm ryllilng in the Hardware line, such as TIN AND SHEET IRON WARP. GAS KITTIMJS AND UKASS GOODS. Mr. Tiyan having been enpnccl in tlio 1iuinc with Messrs. Winter Uro s. tor ioilr years p t. will uiiend rartli ularly totho business of maiiHfucturliig SMOKE STACKS. All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. OAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. 7 t They have a Xew Machine for CUTTING GAS Pir With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will wnrmnt all work In this line. Apr:0. Coal! Coal! Coal! ri'UFi underslgnisl, liavlnK established a branch Yard at Kyiid Farm, arc now prepared to fnrnih All Grate of Coal At the Very Invest Prices. (iperaior. from Cborr-.tree Hi.n.nn.l vicinity, liv'uiR at I', fi. ."in i (".lire, iau leave their orders at our i.lli.'f h arvl liave l.iem i roinytiy LWc.l r.eiu iiie i;v:ij Va.m li.l I, AT LE3 COST THAN USUAL. SEAI'LFS COI'NWKLU Oiilce on 0. C. & A. Ii. II.. lViiu'eum Centre. UraucliCMUeo ut Kvnd r'ariu. X. Ii V,"o liol.l exclusive control of the famous ST0NEB0R0 COAL. at both the a!ovn named points. jimS t . A. T. IEGGEIT, Manit'ncturcr and Dealer In EE&iKWrSSS, Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. Tvf,..rlrr.rf.t workiot arc emoloved, and Ilnr- nc-s of all kinds ki..:c. r.itautly ou hand and made to oi'Ucr. P. C. IIcfi'!i Iat. Sced-KJig t or SjiIp- Kepairing jDojio at all Times ! C.dl ami examine ur stocU aci prices. tock IIOHsn. Petroleum Centre, Ta., Jan 7th, j: -tt. J." A. PLATTE, FfenchBootMaker Wasaiinglon fStreex, THREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. MIL LER CO.'S DRUG STORH, . exrriioiiLJL.u cestue, Pa., Is ir.aiicractiirlDiT n ord'ir FTliST-CLASS FINE WOUli, sucn a. ruJent Iji'SHlicr Uoulx, Pump olc Hoots, French Cork Solo Hoots, Scoic V'eli Uool. HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE. Call huiI see sample.. J. A. I'l.ANTU. Pe'rolenai Centre. 1'a , July 2 2ui. Allsniapozsle City Terrtory. uaTioa to oil operators. The tindersininl, i-.t'ent for the nletropolitnn Oil Company, now ctTers to loaso the territory of laid Company, in lots of two acres each, for one-fourth royalty. This larm is situate ou Cherry Tree Kun and lh on the .JUGULAR VEIN Which connect Wood and I'lcraon Farms with CIIAHLEY HUaV TES.RIT0EY, I'or further particular apply to tlio original D. W. KENNEY, Allemagoozelum City, Cherrytreo Run. Or o.tdaeM, "BOX 117, Petroleum Centre, April 1C 1m. Ponn. FLflll m tm STORE, so. :iT crsruc-sT., nrli of II. cil, t rrv, lliisl- tl e 1.--I t-stiU-'1' -hiif:rit rf '.lie kin.! In ( i! U e-ioii l';i.ia uli-lljeil miM st liolesale Si-tr XL JR. WISHER Petroleum Oeatre, l)KAI.i:l( IN rUKK FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRUGS, MEDICINES iXD CHEHICA1S CHOICE FOUEIQN AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles ! AND Fancy G-oodg. IMPOUTED SOARS, RRl'SIIES, ANP2? M - Drns'ji'ists " Kwrjiries ! rhydlcianH' I'rescripMons coniponr.didfiQnij,i nix auu ciiDicv nmiciuus.j IF YOL" IIAV'NT'i S EE 1ST 1 T G0"AND SEE IT The Magic Match. Petroleum Centre, June, 1U j nn? T. M'Donalcl, T LIVERY, FEED & SALE Lxm kJ m t tlie Depot, oppasltc tlse Central Ihmw, PETROLEUM CENTRE FA rpim hst. Stock of DUIVINO AND SADDLE HOUSES on tho Creek, are to oe loumi ai . M'Donaltl's lilrcry. lARRIASES & CUTTERS TO U LET AT ALL TIMES. HOUSES FEI A; BOAUIE on Keasonable Terms. Teaiuhis f all Klaitl vt tended ta Promptly. rT-Givemcacall. T Jl'DONAL Potrolenm CeuJro, Not. If, 180S. UVERY FEED STABLE, Waahinstoa Street, oppasiit the Opera Honxe, PETROLEUM CENTRE, FENN'A. I hovo put In a good stock or KlilinR Driving Horses, wnicn i win u" reasotiublo terms. Also, Cutter, Wajrons, SprinS I10USE3 hoarded and led and bet of care guor- Jan9tr, "" Pianos ! Pianos ! imowx, Manurocturem. JAMESTOWN. N. Y. Also. elusive Agents for the ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS EN ShiH't Music, Strings, &c. rr-Hcnd for illustrated Cataloguo and price list r.anniH nliOWI. Warerooms 41 Wain Sucet. Ulucl:, foot of Main-rit. Factor "1,;J uiai-11- th and it. It, the UvHll'! rnllK DAUjY KKCOK V Dieilium In the oil rcuiu