DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL 7: F111" p. 1 m A T RE 0 O KD. . VOL III. NO 68, , THE l'ETKOLEUM CENTRE " DAILY JIECOKD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, , (Sundays excepted. ) W. II. LONGWELL, Proprietor. o TKI11HS. Per year pnybl In advance, I'er monili, 18 00 11 . I'ljicr.-I-IST Of ADVUHTISTOG. (Ten lines of nonpareil make one square.) io. Insertion-l. 1 ri. it sq. 8 pp. Sj col. T. 1 (HI 1 Oiw (4 60 ' 1 111 1 Si' 3 fi 3 W 1 ri 3 1 -J s im 11 .hi 2 m 2 wi a jm 1 on a a mi s 50 8 (io 2 so 3 no 4 fi ' 8 no 4 si- 6 m 1 o-d u no li on 00 10 Oil 111 no 1 uo 10 (hj )i 00 at no 10 ih- vi on in 111 an mi V3 0I Ili-Un 1 .111011 41 in- til in at wn A o tfi ! if 01' Sit OH 4"i not J so ml . IM 4S IH 00 00; lml 00 Iineiluy, 'fwadays. Three oays, Four rtayts FifO hje week, Two weeks, 1 tireo weeks, One mouth, Two moiiilH, Three inonlii, Six month, Mno months, 0e year, ipfctal notlcus'JO cvnu per lino, eacli InBertioD. A.iverliHt-iiiuuu paynlilo nuurtt'riy III adviir.ce BUSINESS CARDS. - J i. EEI.IOTT, iTTOUSEY-AT-Ij.4. V AND NOTARY I'L'BMC, , - - ; l-ETHOLEUSI CENTItB, VA - OnulncM in the Cnnrti at 'Franklin ironiptly at tended to. UVKlrB In rrll .tro's Brick Uank r.nild Inn. Till" rtiitrs, N nhin(!tnn-St ck-i 'j.i-if. t ALBEItr S. IlAVliU, , ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, l OFFICE In tlm PocliiVter llono P.uildlne.on PETKOI.EITM CENTIiE, 1'ENN'A. nylli, 1S('3. if. ,i..u.;u ac s.fiSTtc, s ATTOIINEYS&COUNSELORS-AT LAW, Odlrn lltli street, FianUHn, and lViroieum Con tro. l'fi. tivv10-tf. v. nioAi.riNi:, EESJUENT SURGEON DENTIST " OFFICE Berrv's new Biiildlfiir, corner of Wash ington and Second nts., Petroleum Centro, Pa. mavlt) tf. T. a. C'ISItlvriE, HI. D.t PHYSICIAN AND sriSCBON; OPIee oppoalto tlinAlcKinuey House, Pluisnntville, Pa. Persona from a distance will generally find him t hia Olllcc ou salunhiv fiein iu a. in., to :i p.m. sepllt GEO. II. IiIS?iKIil. &. CO., B A. N K E BS, PETIIOLEim CENTKE, PA. O. n. Blsiell, M. C. Martin Chrlalopher Sleyer. Wo offer our wnvn Tor tho transaction of a OKNHHAf. BWKINll, EXCI1ANOK uo CllL 1ECTION BUflNKSS. Any business entrusted to our caro will receive prompt attention. JuH tf. wilsoh. n. B. van visison WILSON VAN VKLSOK, GAUGER3 AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, OFFICF., MereniitllcUulldlnir. Oil City Tn , nnd with Owaton Sowers; PeiruU-iim Cciitre, P.1. July 95th, IS'-H tf. James Robinson, Tank Gauger IIOX 389, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. junlOtf O. Jarvis, Penlcr in CABINET FURNITURE I A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. I0OKINO GLASSES tn great variety. Lookins uiass tiiiiaa rupiaeud in old frames. Picture Frames made to order. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, UJVDEJITAKIMO, :f? COFFINS of k!l sizes on hand and trimmed to order on short notice. SASH, ;iA2S -AN3 BCQIIS. "fs. iiini-h, n, 4c. No. 100 WAMlliilVroN.ST. UToletim Ctmlroei t 1SI II lf, PETROLEUM CENTRE. PA.. FRIDAY SY2NISSKS. SEPT. 17- 1869. HOJtSXS. IX EXCHAMltt lldTEIi. M. V.MILLBH, . J- Proprietor. TJ10 largest and most oommodlom Hotel tn tho oil r,yi"n. Fair on tlto Uridine reduced to honi-dcrs. This house is pleasantly situated, roonm cool nnd pleasant, making It ft dclighllnl lintel in nil respect. Petroleum Centre, April 10, WW. JOCHESTEU IlOUfE, Wfteliingtnn strcrt, Ptrolonm Contra, Pa. BitADSTBEUr SIlEtlWOiH), I'roI'iuktori Tliln !loii!o lrt eentruily io'inti-d, nnd tho genera! nentlqiiMrtiirM ii t-tl men. Polroleuin Ci-ntru, i'a., M.".y 10, 1 If. PETKOLEUM CESTKE, TA., ' Near Oil t"r-k 4 Allelieof lilvei" I'. iil-riiv Pepot. mnyl9-tr. G. J. CUOSS. Proprietor. M CCMXTOCK ISOISU. PKTKOLEUM CESTUI PA. Ihii populiu Hotel, BltuatC'l Corner of iTIaln A; VnIilriptonVt!i. Near the Doio lias lieen r'.-l'tted and fm-nt!1hed tliroteleint. and tliproprii tor vyill di:t:-H no i ulna to make it a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. ectS tf. CCHISWOL.V), Proprietor. "petuolecm ci::;T!tn, fa. J. B. BAIIN'KS, : . - Proprietor. This HotMo ii in n ple:iant lnr;'iitv, nud hv hf,i-t u-nlk fnirn llie Pi not T!u i-tMin.s are lur''' ond coinforiat ley and the tV.'e -H.-plii'.l v'.tli me Uelieilc'i-s 01 Ills fleiu-oo. jnjo-tr- J. i;. r.ADN'E'.'. M1LI.EH FAKM KTATIOM, On OI. free1; Railroad. 1 TI1E HOUSE AMD FURNITURE NE'iV. B. SLTEFi', Pro.irietir. JnneS-tf. JNTEKSAX1UXA1. IIiiTlit, JIlbLElt FARM, PA. JOHN E. ROWn, . Prop'r. Cood areomniO''atloni f.ir trnrster: rnstoTiiers. Day Board and Bi-nrd wild rooms on rirasonal.le terms. The proprietor will spare no pulns to tnuko hia Ilounc attl-oellve tn ftesta. Jiluc2tf u NION HOTEL, rj.E. NTVII.I.E, PA This House havini: recently heen en'arced nnd re furiiished, I am t.ow prepure'd to accommodate two hundred enesis eomtonnlily. Stapes leave this hmiso three times a day for Tl tllavillo Thore ia ulso a line of ShtL'et to Plthole. JuS-tf. TilOS. McKlNNEY, Prop'r. jpox not st; sAuri.E itoo.i;, FRED). C. II YIJE Proprietor. pleas.:;tvii.le, pa., Oi,n silo tho PrCsbytcr'.an Church. F.Mitf. H'ETEiOLEUxU HOUSE, Old CITr, I'A. ' Faring roci-nt'y taken jjossessioti o! the atiove Houae, wowor.ld most respeetrully inform tlio t;nv. oltng nhlie. Ihnt va proposo o "ko.-pa If-ttel," and to convince Hu m of tho act, wo nvito all who wih tlio comforts ol a home, to cal. upon us. It will l e found Tho Hotel off tlio OU i:cr;ioiis. Our Pamplo Boom is auppMcd with tho chotc it Wines, Liquors and Cigars, and oiu'tiihlo will bo found laden with the very host tho nwkct atTords. Thoro Is connected with the House lour first claim Billiard Tables. Also, B-u-h. r t-'hnp nnd Bath Hnoms. (itvo us n v-dl, nnd convince joursohua ol tho truthfulness of our aase.-llou. C1I J.ni,ES W. ST 1 ATS, ja.ti;s it. win i t:. octo tr O. F. SCIIOAJJLO.M, Proprietor of the IBuffao IBakery. Dealer n choice Flour, Bui tor, U'g;.;s ami Chi-osu. Alao, cU',ie tirou:i ies, Petroieuui l-nt:o, Pa. Ciders 1,-lt will he pvomp'ly altendd to, i-,n (ioods delivenid. Poihillleo 1X iiiili- inylJ- V. It. VJKii'.Ii'SoX, KCI.KC'i li' PI! VSK'I N, NO. I, IX A.1l) 3) STIIEET. r-Miiirs) There comes from Switzerland n etningo sensntiona! story, which In horrible If true. There Intoly passed through, tho Canton of Berne a large troop of gypsies, sccompaniod by eight or tci hoars, largo nnil smnll. About that time a young child had mysteri ously disappeared ia tho Canton of the Gr'iF.on", and it is stated that tho band ot gyppies in q icstioa had with thorn a little fair girl, answering to tho description of the lo one furnished to tho BurnePO polici O.l firrivin;; In the Canton of Berno the lianil divided, and th" division with whic!i tho child traveled was brought to a halt by theiolice. For tome teasr-n or other not staled, however, tho chief of police ordered Hie gygsies to bo lot go, nnd that without notifying tho friends ol Ihe lost child. Then there came to Borne n man who stated, on the authority of two boys, that a band of vpg;os answering to the above description IimI stripped and murdered a litllo l'iir- s'.iiuried child travolinj" wi;h tlum, nod led their beiirs with it. Jenkins, of the NewJ"oik World, gives n long account of General Gran'.'B visit to New York. Hosiivr: ''As lio rodo from the railway station he coughed thrice; lour times was the presidential handkerchief ap plied to tho presidential nose; five times tho words -I act I do not speak' escaped tho presidential lips; sis times was a cigar taken from the waistcoat,, longingly gazed at, and then returned to Jits restinj-pkee; and just as they alighted 'nt tho hotel, he whispered to his fellow' tfa-olors, ''Let us have pence!'- 4 John Kruiii was miirdiK'l in coM b'.cod nt Cincinnati by somoimU-.&wa petson yes- terilnv moining. Ho was found king dead tit the door of his stable, with a pisiol ball iu his head. Hid own wil'o and daughter heard tho shut, and first discovered him, There tue no traces of the pet petralor. T', Great. Eastern fteaaisliip. fur laying tho French Atlantic ctible, received &'7,0I)0 ;i Month during the time spent in ilxing the wotli, and 1. nod shares of the e.iblo cotnpn ny, the market vuluc ol wh.ch was MOJ.- (100, or $10(1 a fhure. Mr. T. M. Hiiro, Telegraph .Superlnteni'- entuf tho Erie and I'ittshiirgli iiiiliond at Erie, was presented Inst Saturday cvouing by a few friends with a hundsotuo gold walco chain. Jefferson county Tennessee, experienced an earthquake shock on Sunday evening, the .rlh Inst. The shock lasted nearly a uiinulo, and was accompanied by a loud, rumbling noise. At Shrewsbury, N. J., is a row of ten graves of sisters and brothers, each of whom died when ton days old. ' Already a young man in Clevoland has announced that it is his mision to wed the 'widder Vunderbilt." Lord Byron's steward dtuies tho Until ol Mis. Slowo's statement. CHAMPION BEAfvlER ! re desire to inform Oil () erators and the public generally that we are prepared to receive orders lor our Champion Six Cutter Reamer. This is without doubt the most perfect tool for reamiiif that has ever been in troduced. (Jive us a call ! FisJ:ikr, Xari'is & fl'o. Ail t.ci'fjiiin.H not wilh mi (iiiicer loin Ar.M li". H.-ltlnl iuiuietliiiU ly, v,H fU it ft (lltjCtltJll. J 1 1 Y(. I I ( .1 ) iKwm,i;'jrE.. Plii' cii;):iil!ifT:-lii!i hn'tn!''r t xi li: I!" lll lSl Kill H )1 .ttlld r ifc tl., 'lis-.)lt'tl, itllil it I ! (iiinic hu: i i. I i" ill .i 1 i! , Jii' r.-.ij.-v .ti c.j n-i ile I al llio Itt Hiniitl, iltm A-tlrin, or ut i'oi. (.'uliir', iu- OIL OPEltiViOKS 0 Can always ilnd tlio (ikniine Plymouth. Cables and Kv.w York Di-xtinu Cu's IJelting and Kublter (iixttls, lioth of which are acknowledged to ly unsui'-pa-ssetl in quality and maimfac turo. Of 'Well Funiislmicr Good?, we have the largest as sortment in the Oil Kcgion, and can refer to onr customers for evidence that we keep nothing but the best of goods. F. W. AMES, IIAKDWARE IEAIiElt, TITUSVILLE, PA PIPE CUTTIIffS. TINWARE. GAS CUTTING. TIN WARE fiiigCtl'. J2ius Ut I5(!i3t or Im NaH' VI. '( )!. fii hibiV and ( immnhlit-iM tittiise will U; no!tl ur r!iiiml. H ' i"4:rt iu tw JJUSINMSS PORTION OF THE TOWN. '' ! -".Tl , - 1 , in ; ,1 t-1 niillivil Hist, ruid wlil a, II or i ut ,i; .i k!'- - ili-.-. A ;ood i;iiiiiK Sluiul. Jniiiiroof M&U M Ul'TT, .ui.-'I' d''. 1'cltokliiu Ctutt-r, Pa. 2 GTS. WEEKLY' HNlISt & .lOl.ISSS, GENERAL MACHINISTS, nril Dcnlorfl Id nil kind? of Ni'conry for imttini; flown nml nporntiDT H.; WrIIs. In coiHitviiiiii wilt, uiir ,MACU114i; lRU' v lidvon lai'o ttttd convcuu'ut HhACKSMITII SHOr. nr fflriHtlpfl for NANM'FACTiTHINO nrcnot ps ct-IUd !v ny Minn in tlio UU IEpkIops. $hoi Main-st, ovpoxite McCUnioch Jlou.e my'Ji tf l'Is;ilE:t jb XO.ll.IS. A. C. .i ii!'if.'l ' i.-t tb- worth of vonr monrv if ni tl NKW H.dUK AM) KKhl) SJl'(tl?-; AND U M PKil YA1ID of 1,. 31. SI 1ALH A Jw.f wliLMit tltt'i-e U nlwsivi n MAJST rortrly to show their riiMomor tht-ir l.ir? f lXJl'K, DAY, tinl ;i kinds or FKr pl:tcc iUo wliuru may be FousrD t Inreo assortment of fii-st-clas, TlOrflll AND JKI5S8ED LU.MItKIt, LATH, SlllNliLKS. &C , .lithe vet; lowest ca-li prictn. Tllf-ao wlio aio not DEAD fa tV.nir own iutprpt, nntl wish to tlenl witn hipiu jrhn do im-iiH's.-- on th sounre, will Ami It to thtrfi mtnrc.-t to lv us n cull ht-ffm purchtwing vlw whore, utid hlo what we can do fur you I onr tine o' lj-isinr-rs. y- All til ler" m." " -pinv 'roTi:te!'. iv in 1 1, i'..j.-,-t n, ' I'UM I U TUB ItiiCUthllilt litiL'SE, WASH INGTON ST11EET, Pp.tr nl p.n m flp.rtt.r. Pn.. T STKIJIlfRG, Fbsi-tf II II. V AI.NKli. Bl'f'FAMJ AM) HA!MFfAI.. n and tn'ler Monday, Nov. i:!nl, ISIW,. l ussenger Trailic will rua on this ro:id aalolloua: IEAVR EIIIE OolN'il FIST. 1, A. .M. Ml.HT KXi'ltr.SS, stfipplmr a. Kipley, WeMlield, Iinnklrk nnd Silver creek, arriving ut Petliilo at -f..."i A. M. A.M., NI'W YOltK KXPKKSS. alep 1 ;i,i,,,i -itBel.l. lliiict,,!,. I In ,1 kill.-. SI- velcreek, - nd A'ipilil, arlivin iu JtliXilo nt 'J. 10 I' M. 7'?B N INNATT KXPUR-'-S, nlof pie... R, I.rllmnst, Wellleld, llloilon, liuukirk and silvrcreeli, und arrives a' llnualo ai lo,4S P. M. Ailllk A. M., MAIL AMI ACCOMMdnA' T10N, atopiiini; at allHtatiouui'liviugat, Itumiloitt le.-to A. M. , i P. M., DAY KXl'UKSS, stoppiiiir at, -'"'' Xonliea-t. Kipley. WoMlteld, Dunkirk, Silvercreek nnd Argola. arriving at lliu- falo ut l.llo P. M. i.kavk nrrrALo noiso wet. 1,"i P. M., DAY KX'PhKSS t.inpplntr nt An gola, Silerenji-k, DiuiUhk, llroeiou, V'etileld and Northeast, an i'.'iutf at Eriu t8,-lo P. M. J,lrtP. M., MAIL AXD A('C()MM01) 1,Vr TI0N, flopping- at all stations, nrriviuL' at Krie at M.So l. M. A. M., TOI.KIH) KXPRKSS, stoppinz ni tt'9r nil iHtiona. and arriving at fclrie tt lo,lio A. M. P M., STEAMHOAT ftXPRESS, ,top IrtF phin at Angul.-i, Silvuri-rei-k, Dunkirk. Hroetoii, Westli- ld and Norlliciwl, arriv ing nt Kiieat l,a. A. M. 1J)5 A M., MUIIT KXPIIKSS, stopping n'. r silv..ivr-.-k, Dunkirk and Yt.led, ar riving at I)r!o at -l.-lo A. M. Hailroad time ia lo minule tn-ier thin Kile lime K N. illtUWN, (lell'l Sllpt. MACHINE SHOP AND Brass Fmitadry IW Siak. ESSUS LEARI) & WlilGHT bein- ... ... m . . UMtiiii, iu iv uuiu iu j uiineHson tvnni,, odor their well known shop for sale. To it good inachincst a raro opportunity is offered Terms rcascuabte.. Addross LEAIiU & WKK.J1IT. t"'s23tf I'll hole, l' POUITEY. PDULTKY. Ti.e ntteiiliun or tlio public i lu 1)lc. 4tOCH Ut Cliickeiw, Ducks, Turkeys, ( lecsc. U'l.'u-ll will lie li iniil al my i-l.-;ee nt Ine tneuih in EEnniNGKOFFRUn, Tll.i-o uaet,,. or ii ,im- I'iMiliry will fuel It to th. i'-a.Unetnei- 1. 1 j nit-lM-e of me. jiiiiio-iim. ,j.ai-:s :i."vii-:?f. I . A :..! -.Mousi h..ni Pir.iio:.ii-.alctUi- J, at llic c-ifirul Jluucc App.y .winy. '