i it k os w aic k Krs. is ? rnmisvst a om; of - ''' WW t 1'i.niui.Et-M Ckntke. Sept.. 10 S REMOVAL OF 2M i PIOTC! Tlio nmrkot ia tinner to-day, with u up ward tendency. 18 cars at 5.fil), and 1, 001) barrel at 5.60; 600 at 5.5;.. Tlio ties is confined to tho lower road. Shipments, 20G9 barrels. J. H. CHEISTIE, DEALER IN 7 r i paints "Varnishes, Grass, Putty. ' Swaps, Efjo Stuffs, ALL MPS. OF PA7EWT &1BD303f3ES. PURE WISHES & LSOUORS ! f Jj-ivSL SELECTED EJTPRRSST.V 1,1 ' " ' " - - w -1 ,J iwivwui.-'. & E-- Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. Xo. i:J Wasli!ngton-st., Petroleum Centre, Pa. tar Otvo mo a call before purchasing elsewhere. T hero is a groat rust) Clothing Store. Tho arriving every day. COR. FRANKLIN j . J. A.LOSEE, TITUSVILLE, PA. Extensive Assttilmesat of EFoFsigjn and Which I am prepared to Make C. IS. WILLIAMS, DL'ALEU IN COAL I TlUVUnponedn Coal Yard at tho end of th noya ViiLui Lridge, whoro will be constantly hop V, WEAM AND STOVE COAL Teams oom'.ug to aiy yard for Coal, will hnvo o I'ussaKo Over liie Creek . Uriugc. OPERATORS ;..., . . (lim it W"U enquire at tho orllec, and will i. "eir nitvanlai;e to dual with me. Iietroluum Centre, Pa. PUSK ttOAB NOI K i: I V,TW1" mratiinr on Monday, Aiitiiisl I'ltli fwl ,.!'?" "I WilliarilH, Say & Co., over the " Du-i',,1 a ' 'thu ceininissioncrs aiHioinldl NS, A',:t "' l-'ilaturu, to open b.nk and l'h Y"? '" ,1,u c;ll'h"l Block of the oil ipuny. Win. W. Williams, .1. M. howerti, Kid llixliim, J I'. Uirr, A. M Uuaiy. July SO, 'Hi) EDICINES. m& . vnn Mpnm.i. pirnnnsra J. II. CHtil.STIF. to tin) Jamestown reason, New Good., Sept. 13th- & SPRING STS., Uomo tic up to Order on Short Notice Hill! I'll. retrol'm Exelianse &&lim AND EESTADKANT. SUTHERLAND & TAYLOR, PROP'S FRESH ALL THE OYSTERS I JlMgV LUXURIES Received SSESf. OF THE DAILY! .i, V SEASON Washington Street, Petroleum Centre, Ta., next door tu la ham & Co. J'jwelry Store- Tiny Boarihu-s aecoiauioduted, Mcu! served nil hours. Ovstera, and ovcry deuoripUOn of i.;auie iiiuisneu guedis. No piins will ho Hpared 1o accoinniodat those n uo lavor us Willi tueir pairouugo. 151). SUTH KI!L AND. ClliO. TaY 1.0 It Petroleum Ccutro, Sept. I I, '69. If. lisKOllltion. 'IMIH C l'artnc-i-Hlii heretufi.ro cxl-tiiii; iindur 1 tliellim nameoi'A D. Miller A Co , i ihi Jay llririnl vil by inlnnl consent. All Ill-counts aii.iiiist Ilin lulu linn will be sullied byl. S SinnuriiiK nl ihu oldslMid. M. H. si M .ions Pet. Centre, Sept. 9d, '09. A. 1). Mli.l.Kl! HIANtl. A,- 1 -iiTond haiij ri.mi. PETKOLEUITI ITIAJtIl.IiTS.-ltV '1'KI, EUItAPil. Special Dlnpatchos to the Dally llt-cord. PlTTSKl'nuu, Kept. 10. Spot U-?i First water, . S. (). nil tho year W-. i. u. an me year lo. Oct. & Not. 147;,' Market Quiet PUII.ADM.rHiA, Sept. 19. Spot 324'rt?33 asked. Sept. Oct. 32333 asked. Lima, . Oct & Dec. S2V Uruilu 17. Market quiet. London, Sept 10. 11 a. in. Pa flood 20. Spirits, 8d. ANTWERP, Sept. 163 p. m. Crude M' VCBtern :ilon lano inarKct Jjt jxirt. New York. S"pt. 15. Crude.. !C,3- Dbls. 22V "lu lined. 32)4'fj32. Aiif (ii Sept. (fp Spot. Alaiket nothiui! doing. l'ittsLnirrh, E'tit. 1C. Spot HtiiRlS Market oironr. Philadelphia, Sept 15. Crude 17 toy,. P. L. S. to V., 82 i S. W 32 :.( Market -firm. SOU) IN ISKW 1'OItK. Ntw Yoke, Sf.pt. 16. II E N 11 Y E. W RIG LEY, iivse Er.tii.xr.Kii .?;o SURYSYO R , Hl.liAl.i) KLOl li r:-rvsvii.i.n:, ..... PA, Surveys or Level Haps, Tracings, Buiidi'-g Plans, aucl ?aient Drav7ius-3. ON HAND, A laigo slcc! uf hii Bisonnd ai.i! piiinted Stakes, aso Ct' l.AKllli SIZE, AND WJTH PAINTED NUMI5ERS, Which are being univeiva'iy eied. THE NEW JiAl' Or Tilt: ENTIRE OIL REGION 1C4 FAB.HS. PoeKHT roiia, $w. Junli') :2v. OA UOLLKliS. tit MACHINE & BOILER SHOP WASlS13iOTOI ST.. PE T ItO Ij E t;?.i t ' E T u a: , Pa. EOH.KR8 AND ENGINES REPAIRED " AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Mnehine Work done (.ruiuptly and warraiiluil tt uive btuibiacllou. antciio-tf F. . TIANNA ft O ) rjlhe nndiTslnnril tinvinL' tllteit np i n utare m Petroleum Centre, Is now prepared to furnish his rnsuiuicrd with cv er;tu n.ir in the house furnishing liue. Stoves and Tin ware, IjUiilei'ii. J-'uiK'v ArliJes, Kilfl .J jatiuanjUMa mire, Also Si Ji js .-tn:K hi iii asM A- Fi trii I'Hlil,'J' UUM, l'lsl'.iNAMl 11KM' l-..CK!N(i. l.ACE LKATIIKU, el'-., 'I.'IK CIIAJll'I'O ASI) MovHi.T ei. or i iks vi;iN(ii:it.s, WATKU COOi.Ulii) ul ail S1KKH. All Job Work promptly atten ded to with neatness and dis patch. Particular attention paid to Gas and Sterin Fitting, hav ing a Gas Fitting Machine not excelled in the Oil Region for cutting Gas Pipe. JAMES HUTHEKFOHD TO TIIIC LOT OPPOSITU COIUNTHIAKF HALL, TITTTS'V'IIjIjIE , : PA., When! Mm jKilions of the liouse will meet witn all the courtesy characteristic of the estalJishnifeiit. A completes assortment of. fiincu Gouit! .IftKt licct'ivcil, WIiHe UucEi SufcJs, JLutcst Style, lirowu tfiifk Suits in (Jresit Variety, liiuen S;ttki In Every Style A Sjilendid Assortment of CLOTHS ii CASSIMERES, The largsst in the Oil Region. The eustoin department is pre sided over l iy one of the best and Most Fashion- able Cutters in the State. OFFERED AT Greatly Redeced Prioes! For the Next Ninety Days, to euaUe tho Proprietor to open his ZLSTIETW In course of Construction on the lot lutelyoccupied by him, 'cor ner of Spring and Franklin Si' roots. Remember tliat the stock of Is large : and that such another assortments of ITiRIiSriSX-IIjTG- G-OO Was never before qreser.tfxl to t?u p;:T:'c in Titusvill S. S. Griswold, Dealer In r5?" Orders by .the Car or Ton promptly Filled Also, Agent for the cclchrati-d KluEh CAL! OFflCK on Second Streot, n-.-ar R. K. Tiack PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Jan-iltV, C11AE As TIIAC2SE1J 111 Maiden I. nne, N. Y., 1)13 1U.1 Ulii are now prepared to rrprU'e on Commission find miike Lilmral Advnce to Kefincrs and liuitlerd in bulb C'rudu aud Kuliuud Oil, oi VITRIOL. CtXASfi, TIIACKR11 tc Co., , PKiitOLKCM CKNTltll, PA, Keep on hand OIL VITRIOL. liLl'E ,fc WHITE PAINT CAUSTIC. SODA and GLUE. Aro prenarud to make libemt di-te.ouut to Iteilners lor CAS1I, and will uot bo underbid in any of the! above articles. Junoia tf. CUANE, T1IAAKEI! & Co. U5&S SUSS & BAV2BS0N, Tifl UinmoiHl Kt., TiTUSVlEtE, PA. (Opposite llcrald Offlix ) Would iuvito nts o.d patrons aud the puM'.c gener ally to call and examine hi mimu speinb stgjR of FUPJIIUHE CF ALL EISE3. Fiirlor Still'j.dliiiniboi' Sets, Hook CVc, I-'idc, Ijohi-iIh, lAiniigu!, Cmiift, Mirrors find every dn-j acription of finiiture, plain uuU faehiomthio. , Tevni. iKiisonnlile. jn-' j 4w C' is T, iTriw jTrii .n rwi-Y. rrr-i 1 in opeua novsrj p.uildiww, vash INGTON STREET, paas'oi.i-:i::ri iwsiii:, im.., Kei.-,! cui.staotlyou Uaud a .M'.'.i a; -oi-i.-.k-ii' oi WATCH 1M. iiiwa'.r.r. CLVHliH. l-IMi! : 1-. s J 1111'-.'. 32EAT SAR3AZNS Pianos and Oreans V-. - '. - ... . - . i VT. THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN PIANO FORTES A Nil ORGANS THAT HAVE EVER EKEN OF FER KD TO THE PUEL1C. Ian, selllnq for rash for a few dajn nnlv. Piaiin and Organs selected IVovi tho lv-st stiw k f,l in-ii-uinen9 in ll'etThiti-d Pimes. at till ,er i han iii.iiiiilnct,.roi-K' irircH. Tim nubile are in-'iled lo call and he convinced thai "I am oilei-iiur better brL'i"s than can bo had elHewhero. livery instrument warranted to give satisfaction. . PIANO STOOLS, SPltEADS, Ac. Ceulro St., Oil City, Pa. N. E. SHIRKER. ffirl bivo tho exclusive Koncy for th Kisici'soii PianoN, Ititl the AMKItll'AN-OitliAN. for tho counties ot Warren, revst, Wniuuro and Clarion; and all other P'irsntts claim intr to la, it-jents for either of ttie abov iiaiui-'l iiiriti-uuieuls, are inipostorj. N. ill. h. sepM-UMi. DEALER IN OIL CITY PAINT AND HEAD OF CENTRE STREET. SASH,D00E, BLIND' AND '7INUQWS, RSA3Y BliSS PKi'TJit; E- til A 52 MS, IIUUSIC Ar.SIGN PAINTING GLAZING .t PAPEit HANGING TO Ol'.Diili jiJUICK SALES, SMALL PROFIT L. J). K EL LOGo- I'ii;-. II, ill i' now vr;i.lv l'-r tli-nliical exltUillloiiSfl Ccilu-.ei Is. 1c, tuns, i.-e." Tie I. -Ill h', been rt,lllli .ml sti.-i't-!': -!!"-1 V t'-'i w mi'! e.y-eu-Ki Il ia Ijter SHOW BUiLDIfs'G. (.ii, ,.. . , , ..f ti.e b,-.i- p.'ni3fi '..'mr aurj 11 JL al the Cvuiral House d-.w ic . ao:k w . AH-..',.:! .u . . i . LJ.fn