The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, September 16, 1869, Image 2

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' -"Ti Centre Daily Record.
. 'Hire, J lilirs lu, Sept 10.
f. Ji J' A , Art it or.
41io or CloNluft idalls.
I. O., PE'PHOI-TrirM CKNTI!. Va ,
' Jew S7il, it--, j
:l farther noMco Ihc nuiiis will nrrivo at and
' 1 f om thls ollice ja follows:
oath nnd Eiwt, Tin. Inrlnvton, 10. !S A. 51.
.i. tli nnd West, " Mralvlllc, B IS I'. M.
Mii-!a and Rant, " Corry, 3 55 "
"i.iith and West, S.46 A. M.
i'O'ieb., Kant awl Wont, 3.30 1'. jr.
iiMh, Kiwi, nnd Wait, 10.00 A. M.
E.MtuiUTrov to tub Wkst. It is staled
that emigration to tho West has rcouivod a
groat impetus from tho completion of tho
I'ncilic railroad, nnj from tho work furnish
ed to laborers on other railroad routes to
California. A smaller nmnortion t!nn
ever of tho emigrants arriving from abroad,
it is believed, remain in the Atlantic
blatos Tho passoncor on thn
ships no sooner land at Casllo Garden than
News From Sir Jou.v Fbaxklin The
report from California that a 111 e98nco
from tho long-lost explorer's of Sir John
1'iaiihiins expedition, committed to
tho waves by them years ago lu tho Arctic
Seas, has been picked up on tho I' acilic
coast, will bo rccoived with (kepticism until
moro authentic details are obtained. It Is
not Impossible not evon improbable that
such a desnairinc memorandum, dronncd
Divine Services.
Proaehin? at 11 o'clock A. M., and iy,
lock P. M.
Rev. J. T. OxTonv, Pastor.
. w- n ueepamug ntcinorauuuin, uroppcu
they commence makincr inimlripn Minih. ... ... , . ....
... " - "lu ' vivors or mo cooincu com pa-
shortest mil tea tn thn IV .ar i,,,i ,,..i ..... '
. - -- - i"v-u uu ny into tne icy waters or tne 1'olar tea
beu jwirney with U littlo delay as possi- may Tmvo drifted among the floes and the
b!o. II IS be loved that, ilnrinrr lh., n..t 1
' o muuenja, uueii irozen ana ireou again, tose-
twelvo mouths, fully a hundred thousand ed hither n;.d thither with ebb and flow of
persons, both ,f i,.,, .,,,,1 (,,.,.,. ,
"-o- -j " uuu uuiutvs huu iirrcuis, to escape at
remove and settle in Kansas and tho States last through tho narrow gateway of Bet-
springing up in every direction where, a its way. with manv devious wanderings, at
year ago, thero was nothing but nrairio. tho nn,1 nf ,.,. .
without n vill...,n ... .. 1". . . . .. .. . '
. umii- iiAiuuij vujiiuium siraou. luero is no lm-
mio, live hundred and seventy-two miles probability in it yet tho thought of this
west of Omaha, thera was not a house to L-hostW m ,,.,. hi'i ,,.1. n,i.
bo seen two years ago, and now tho travel- of tbo lost and perished crow out of tho
bervlces overy Sabbath at 1 1 A. M. and
H P. M. Sabbath School nt!)'' A. M
entree. A cordial invitation extend- IZZllt , S DW 'U ""'- t "d perished crow out of tho
ed to nil. ; , , , ',"u " "UU118U'"S town witn i,o00 dread myslory of twenty years, Is so thrill-
iiiuuuiLnnia. a. una foi t-nai .1 , .1 1 t . ... . .....
, .N.,.VHu ujui,, gugu iiiy huu o eu'BDgo matneaonot soem true.
hotel atld l&nrH tttnrna ! t-.)..j a 1 ...
..0 w, it) iuueeu, iuu yeniy Oi u 00 proved, wbat
Merchant's Gauouno 0,L.0r fT! f 8 Wlrd nd.toneWD al? lDle"3'
una uu vutiiijr DUUWU i
Ebv. C. M. IIeabo, Pastor.
1 as. .f HI.
.ut..-o ..I. ti. uj. " .ue auvei visement Or
Vepper and Benediction of, tho, Blessed GarBl'ng Oil appearing on the second page
Siirrnment at 4 p. m. of the paper. We have already Bpoken of
Tatecliism at 2;'p. m.
era will have noticed the advertisement or
ie second page Lamniers & Alden have a now stock of
uuiier. tve nave already Bnoken oi all late stv ea nf ITni ami r,,no ,r
till! tlftVV hllil.linn arnnl...! 1.. 1 1. . I
-"'"6 ncfcivu ujf tuu uuiupany in
"liaiiire nt Time.
JIOSDAY, S1C."T. IUh, 18119.
Nortliward Train
Leave Trt. Ontje 7.".(1 n m., or. at C'orrr 9-40 a m
L " ln ta m., ar. " 1.35 pm
" 8:f5p.m.,r. 6:11) n. m
IK:C5 P-in , nr. Tltii3vllle6:20p. m
Soulhward Train
I.iva Pct.C'etitro, 7:I0 a. m nr. at Oil CllvR:10 m
" " , "iwp: m.',r'. Bapm witU the medicine as the oil itself, and the
iThi.Trf .in ..... " "v. " " lulufl. ana tue
i-ph,. v "'"'"' """" '"n.r. benevolent and publio uses to which ho de.
JThono nrc Freight Trains nud go to Titusvlllo and i "'"""u
on city. votes 8 lnr8e portion of it, presents him in
These trains pnm at this point The PouthwarJ "e "&ht oi B Puu"0 man outsido of hid rc
Trnln sloping for breakfast eponsiblo relation to the company of wh ich
......, P, uF,nB iionnana tn 7:53 no is tne authorized representative R0ch
Train eoinc South rim on Snnilnro . " lucn
Eockpart, N. Y.. of tho handsom nrnhit
lure anu tdo costly desiens. ol thonnnnlnrr
ty of tho medicine, and the income which
it returns. A few years aco this oil wr8
littlo known, but now, owing to the energy
uu capacny oi tne secretary, John Ilodge,
it mis uecomo Known tbrouirhoiit tha Unit
ed States and in different portions of the
civilized world. Tho name of John Ilodge
18 becoming as well known in rmmnMi.,,.
ester Express.
CIKCT: I Will ba in Petroleum rnlro .t
On Friday alterncon, while two clerks in
8. A. Newman's druir store, in Rochester.
were engaged ia drawing alcohol, a light
wnica one or tho vounir men held in his
nana came some way in contact with the
cbd, ana mo fluid was ignited. In a mo
nient the blaze was communicated to tho
alcohol in the vessel, which contained less
man a pint, and a fearful explosion follow
ed. The head of the can was blown out
and bent double, and the lee of a stool wna
broken off, as was also the top of a faucet,
by the force of the blow. A skvli iht over
head was blown into pieces, a class narti-
tion was shattered, and Anally the largo
panes ol plate glass in one of the windows
were shattered into pieces. Mr. Cheese-
man was knocked near a hatchwav. and
tumbling over fell into the cellar, and the
T . ... ,,. i viimuuu over leu into tne col ar, and the
Lammers & Alden ore selling off Drcsent i. rc:.. , . .
lock at cost --iv . ouiuunuat uurneu aoont tbe
limbs by the fire, but both ncvcrthol ess fR-
caped without serious injury.
Fine Silk Hats at Lammers &, Alden's. .
8C, ' fr m 10 r9mt0 T'' t20tb A" W6 to ths R" . to
al! nil n k P- Bn1 iDVUe uominate low crs Is in session at the
all persons wboie names are not nwfeioiH.,1 r. ir .. . . ue
(see list EsoHlro DonaEhVa omo, tn -..V.i. .t. V. .P .. - tlmo I Daniel Shafer, a brakeman at the New-
meet me and have their names registered. "contrt h ZXZ " -gaged on Thursday
al. To . ' o-rda, ,ce o, ,oe v- . " morning in his usual ocoupation of shifting
tjeptomber 18ta, and at Plumornn Woiin
Cay, September 22d. . ZT " -o-IW for ing to 8top fron ,he "
a. a. liixoN, Assessor.
A chastly lawsuit in San Francisco rested
upon tho date of tho death of a man whose
body was found iu an advanced state of de
composition on the mountains. Ha lind
wandered Oil' insane, and lieriahril nf stnrva
tion, and meantimoa $10,000 policy on his
lile had run out, Tho insurance company
claimed that it took him five days to starve
to death, and the widow that ho died iu
four. Tbe jury said tbe widow was right,
anu mat tne policy was good.
Iron Gate, Wheat Sheal, Globe Heaters
Oriental, and Parlor Stoves, at Nicholson &
liinciuuon s Hardware store.
Very best ense-hatdenrd working i orro
Nicholson it Blackmon's.
Mr. Mcilann, tho former trainer of Flora
temple, and present owner of Lady
Ihorne, boasts that if he could drive Dex
tcr a few weeks ho could drivo him a mile
in two minutes.
Local XoticeK.
A Girl to do co uoral hnnscwerk. En.mlrnof Mr.
li. V. Uvans, in Wild Cat. Boiitll
A fine assortment at the Furniture Store.
u fli ri: i.i in:
A fresh supply, just received at It. li. F.shcr's Druj
Cso MorrlHoii' (Genuine iiue 'far
and Persian Ileal i ng Sonps.
These eoans ore liunruunited wlHi ,.-r,,f,n. r n.
mlldoflt and moat Bulsamlr
cd pcrfecllv Innocent
er pernicious admixtures, nnd are selected by the
iiiuioa nna ine puiilic tn gonernl In prrvrer ce to all
other soaiM, bk tho "rcat nroilncnrs nurl i,.,.j..r.... ,,r
a healthy purity or complexion, and a conservator
of fcmalu beauty. For tbo softness and delicacy
which they Induce lo tho hand and fnrn. thphnm.
bility of soothiug Irritation and rtmovlng unsijhtty
ernptions, rendur theui iudlspensible to every loll
et. We kindly nek tho nubile In trv Hia -riri,,.
tieso oan. J. L. U. Co.. Pronrletori..
A. D. Sillier & Co , General Agents. JulS3-3m.
McEowen & Co.,
(Comer Spring and Monroo Streets.)
Special Notice.
W.'HDS OF WIHDOM for vnim ....
Roliu- PasMou in Youth and Early Manhood, with
.mbr ior uio err;ng aija unfortunate. Ben
in nnjilnrl h.tti... r .. ...
,ruu oi cimrpo. ioures8
May ora
innilcr. fpll Iuft tvnnri h,.m nn,l
.... . . . . ' --- , fcu Vui9
fcuiio coin wn or nn I rmopl nrcr h a hrt.ltr 1. .
me -tuira payy:- "The National Tem- could bo stoDned. Both his l n,i
If a man is murdorod hv bia i,ir.i
j ....w uicu, i . .wm- vUiuviuihjvu, uia egs aim one 01
should th coroner render a verdict oi "kill- PeraDcet oaveDt'un a' Chicago i likely to his arms wero cut oU', and he was terribly
ed bv hia nwn hanfia I be remembered, mthnr fn. .....ik... ... 1 1 . . . . , . ... J
be remembered, rathor for its excellent in
tentions than Its wise nerformana u-,.
doubt whether the formation of a tempe
rance party in opposition to tho lnn,iin
of Allegheny" until Wednesday, when he p.olltlcal PartieB now 1 existence is either
departed for Wushina-ton. Ptt . i,. .i0:t . "meiyor practicable, and we cannot but
relative. regret that the wiso counsols which worn
urged at the Convention did not prevail."
Prosidont Grant arrived in pm.h.... -
Tuesday, and was tho guest of the "State
bruised about tbe face, llo
o'clock tho same afternoon.
died at three
Tiuwaroj in retail and jobbing lots, at
fiicholsou & Blackmon's.
It seems, after all. that the statement
(at InO Pone hail invilml PrntrnlanI Ttict.
f-. . 1 .v.lUU u,u IIIJkIU'tttU. ' 1 i.lCM,
100 Champion billiard mnfoli Ul. . OnS and Clercvmen tn ntfnml ttiA iniM..I,
John Decry, the present chamninn nn,i raam tbB "nuraory of great men," iue Ecumenial Conncilln Rmn w, mio
Melvin Foster, for the 8eal 01 Venango county, polled take. Tho I.m,.' i i,.Hra . r..v. a
$1,000, was commenced last night at the U T !!' Md r"Sist H voters. Protestants are published ia London: but
nippotheatron, New York, and tho scores iu"u "ulu uul Mgters moro votos than while they affectionately urge Protestants
shortly beroro twelve o'clock stood as fol- J . b0r0UEl1 or c"y ia that county- to seek tho Catholic chinch, they say nolb-
lows: Decry 1,215, his greatest runs being
14, lo, IS, b9, hi j Foster's score was 1,021,
nis greatest runs being 154, 135, 70.
LvruarEUANt'E. -The Probo, a newspa
per piibiisued at lue Sanitarium, near H!e
ilia, Pa., states that one-third of the whole
mituuor ot patients in the institution no
quired a taste for strong drink in attending
bb.j, against a voto of 815 last fall. Picas- ing about thoir attending tho council.
nn r .1 ha, rtn 11... .
-...M..v uuu uivh men. nna rnniaint-D
now only 2H2. Kynd Farmrogielera 1,493 our First class llorscs for ealo at J. M
If... Mil T. ... ' ' Idl . . ...
jueauvute tiepttbltcan. onarp s uoai lara Those wi3hiugtopur
ThoAlbanv 4f-, I cnase wi.l find it to their iuterc.1 to cll
a ,, ,niiii. " -..u. uuu stB luem- 3t
-j a in uuauiugion county nas
fallen heir to Sl7,000,t00. left hnr i,
yuuug raiigiisnman who bosame enaraorod
01 uer while travo ling In this country. Sin"
At Girard, one dav last week, a vnnn
. - -i-v
man named Lloiner Roberts attemnted
PAinmir n vo in r.n k 1 T I 1 I 1 .. I it
b - -w..4JiS - - -..v..Ub in twin tummy, biit " ,v rw "u ,t'l' uvo jears oiu
i'mutauu" muer social gaiuorings; tLat "ua jiromisea 5,000,000 in Ducomper . a "aughtor of Mr. James LampLera. Tlo
III llUllili llrn.lliTv.7. .1 , J., . I n ml I in 1.. .... . l . ' I .1. !l .1 ...
v. as noou toereaiter as poeul- "uuu, aner a severe struggle, escaped fr
nam to no aoout thirty years of age. She
hat a mother and sisters to bniov it win.
tho other two-thirds becamo drunkards from
constitution!,! tendencies, inducing insanity
in some, aud reckless disregard of moral ob
ligations in others. Of tho first class,
iweuiy-iwo wore cured ; oi tho eocond, only
eight. Two-tbirdB of the whoio had the
benefits of Christian and temnoranco train
lug, while only twenty-throo had boon nog-
AVe paid a visit to the
houso of ilcEowon &. Co., corner of Jlonioo
and bpring streets, iesterday, nnd i'uuud all
nuncw uusy lining orUorB. We wora sur
prised at the immonso stock of goods they
now have In Btore. Mr. (J. C. McKowi n
... , ""S"'i a view oi niaKing proncr
t e son o member of tho Arm, .Mured us ecommend.tions to the L-gl.Iaturo .HU
: --8"'H vo.voo a u.x, meeting. Tho miners and workmen
flflf nml tnro tlmr. m nrrtimnl a ii,1ia U I i
j .,,..,. 11U uavu wuo werfl assembllid (ht,rj Kcuiveli bim
uuuu iu iue uaoitoi Bonumg on lor llieir most coidii.llv
L'OOds. fiml that thev can do ns well u iih . '
thoir Arm, und are patronizing tbetu very 11 is In"lineud to cut a canal trom the fjvu
liberally. A strictly wuolebaie house has . Caiolina forming tho bond
mui-i poem- 1 nuum, efcuapcu iron
Miua Gray, tho iorlunato heiress, is his clutchos, aud informed Lor parents
whereupon the father hunted un
rnd-gave him a torribie cowhiding, and
warnea Mm to leave the neicrhhorhnnil in
shirt v minutes, lin
tico in short order, not ovon stopping to bid
arewuii to nis parools
been long noeded here, and we .are glad this
one is Uuing so well. TUasvllle Herald.
The adveniotiuout of tlitu new litm wil
bo found eiiicwhere in our paper fo-day, and
wo cummeu.! them to dealers on Oil Creek
as men ol fair dealing, ai.ii from their stock
em be selected all kinds of goods usually
louud iu a wholtsilo giocery houtu. Give
tbeui your orders, "
An Englishman is to patldlo himself in n.
oanoe all iue way from New York to Texas.
tou in oo wun mm as it was with thn
luioe wiso men of Gotham" who "went t :
to sea in a bowl," snokea of bv itrniimi. . , . .. "Mfii
Goose in her melodies " ,ual' a".U 1 arlor Slove8' at Nicholson &
Iu'iivnuiwn a uuniwaro eioro,
miuoulbvvduvs ano. Ho eatorad tlm tn... . .RB. ClMSfCB Mr. Darker, havin
hh nml Av...:...wi h- a.. . m,"Sufc ourvicea Of Air. K. 1 uvvnn
. MduiiMuu ,uv euuiiu ui lUd UlSftSInr . . '
throughout, with a view of making proper fl , . . ' Cl0liSt rBnk8 wUh
ecommendations to the LflBislaturo at its . , , , S S f tho uutiy, is prepared
wu -uiuisu pnotogrnphs beautifully colored
or huisued in India ink. Those desiring
suci! worn, either from life or coniid from
nuiun piures, Should embrace the onnoi I...
mty at once, and call at Barker's plioto
giaphio gallery, on Washington stroot, Po
tioieumentre. aug25-liu
A New Orleans paper relates a case of
absent-mindedness. A gentleman writiug
, a letter at tho breukiuot table dipped his
pen in his coli'oo.'ond continued his letter.
Noticing hia luiatuko ho put a largo lump
of sugar in tho ink, and then, notieiiu- bin
second blunder, poured tho oonlentfl of tho
luu-siaiia mio tiij eou'eg cup to set it right-
waters of tho Ashley vVPr. to tho uuvigabl
portion of tli.. river, in order to render
easy trauiportation fo; the phosphates re
cently dkcovend there. Tho cost is esti
mated al 35,800. and it Is said over $(!,000,-'
0.0 worth of il,o deposits can by its means
be transported cheaply to Charleston. '
Parlor and Cooking Stoves at
Nicholbon ii Ulackiuou'Sd'
Saw Flocir, Fcctl and Grocery
!!iro :
opposite tho Jlct'lintock House, has on band a'
lago am! first class stock of 'Iour,Fccd and
;roccrlcn, wliich he Is selling ot a low fljure.
ttH. Uou'i foreot the Blaco where A. n. fott
& Company broke up. jani tf.
Croctcory yor all kinils cm I. lllJVVilr no
BKOD.TEAD & CO'.S. No. 11 Citni wtr,.t" ...
site tho Post Olllce, Oil City, Pa.
Carpetn. of everv rmMtv pmi rfn..rinii
- . . j -...j .im.iiiiuii. ab
nEINOLOS, nUODHBAD lb flll'M Vn 11
Street, opposite tbe P. o Oil City, Pa.
T Ol'I.D rnll Iho nttenlion or Ornnery Dealers
y of tho Oil Hoiilnm tn the fact that ihey hare
eetalillshi'd for tho scciinimoUiitioii of the trade n
A strictly Wholesale
Grocery House,
The only one rf tho kind in the Oil lta;lnn
W hire seen Iho liecnrsity of such an osiablisU
nient for n long lime. Tliu
Retail Dealer
"'A' oim iiLvunun cunt winuitjr
caplttil in hh hu-inwt
Should Be Protected.
I n it. We propose to do it by
Selling to Dealers Only.
Wo have In store n
compriiing everything that Is required in n
Which wc odor nt prices that will
compete with an) Market
in the Country.
Wc rnrrltnllv ittvits. o ..-.,.t.,t . .
and natiify joursoives. sepi.U:3ui.
Fall Trade
riio Cireat Yo so mite Itlttent.
All hull I urout benefactor,
Who to cure ns of our Ills,
Gives li((! to the disconsolate,
ilhi'iit noxious uniRs or pills
I)nveiieaHe from oul thesvstem,
...P'J'I h,;irt wl'h life and li.-ut,
i'ith the bout or aU tho tonics, b
l)o nner Croat Yoseniitel
With root fr im out tho valleva,
Vi hero Cu lirornin's aim doth Milne,
Oi v'liis weulib to im poor mortnls
Uevond ih,i rich or her mines.
vi oiilili oi heulih and hnpiiiness
lis blessings none jhould slight.
Do yon want it r Would you havo It 1
Use Jjowncr'i) Great Yosomito.
Come ye sick, diseased, dliramsolutc.
why snoulil you pine aud die
e fisible, I'jint nnd laiuniiHliliiu,
Come, those trlnrious I'lttors try
bej how tlicsn ijuacks and nostruius,
I' lee Inini tli.j laud hi fright,
l.iviii( place to this pure tonic,
...i iui en i loseniltul liil24lif.
Petroleum Centre. Pa
The New York
Meat Markp.1-, !
II.AiuTon'AHKEItllavflttdI, anew b'W-
On Main slroet, Opponite tho
iximiok House.
And Intend keeping what Pottoleum Centre hn.
long nooded, a Hrst-eiaes Meat Market, (inly To
Will lie bent. TI wllli , .
tonieiu i'i. . " "or "" IO rvo our cus
llciion. Pru'!'tai'ss and to their entire satial
!JW'. n. & w. PAnKEu.
C2T To Milliners nnd Country Storekeeper.
ers Knii.. : V, . "r oii'emnors, !' ow
r. T! .""1' "! Sdks. Velvets, lllbbons. ljiroK. Tri.7.
elo ,.,'n "ri": ,ul" Notions, Fancy (luodn,
Pl-e ,Hic;s.'''7i,ynnd,ivcasu.CUt at
Inward Jtidley & Son,
300, 311, & 31 1 Grand, and
6G, 68 d- 70 Allen 6'trcet,,
Coiuer store, lifib block cat r,u,,e Uowery
For the Pall Trade, embracing a foil Lino
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Chiutas.
Calicos, Muslins, and a choice 4
assortment of
And also a choice assortment of FLAN N ks
voiy cheap. Our Line of Alpacas and Pop
lin Alpacas is the liuest and cheapest in tho
VCU s,,ntl?lf