Baily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office, MAIJI STREET PETROLEUM CENTRE. J W. H, LOXOWEU, Proprietor. NEWS DEPARTMENT. Wo racslve telegraphic despatches up to 4. p. a., and present them to out reader, every evenlno-. em. gracing news of grout interest from all sections of the country. W's have niado special arrangements. whereby we receive rcsnlar rotrolenm, Mock and rroauco Market Ucport every eveuliighy telegraph, from New York, Philadelphia, and FUlabunr, which. together with EJiterials and Local matters, make It one of the most desirable newspapers published In the oil Region. As an Advrtlstng Medium, The RECORD has no superior, os It rlrcnlatcB wherevcr nn Oil Operator or Dealer con bo found- JOBBING DEPARTMENT. We have a large and well - seloctcd assortment of new Jobbing Material, embracing tbo very latest styles. Wo are therefore, enabled to oiectitt Job Work of every variety in a satisfactory mannor When desired, jobs will bo neatly printed In Cjlohs Sllippius Kills. Posters i "t ., Bills of Fure. AND Bnsiness ami Visiting Car1s LETTER -HEADS, B1LL-UEADS, BILLS OF LADING, Etc , Etc IL30 BALI. 1CK1NTINC, r Fane, Styles, neatly and promptly cjeca led, embrac'.u; .m NV1TATION flirtCDLAHS PHOGHAMMIfs set, every .y1e of work In tetter, Merchants, Lwyers, JctiCM nf th. v. , ... AsemfcCil Dealers and Agents, Insurance AKent. exprBa8ra.B ,nd olh mx n wauU uf(j lnroraied "J-ANKS, basinessor lel, required In at. w JIERCtfANI'S ' GARGLING OIL, is the ' ' BEST L6FUiBf!ER9T in thk ivoui.n 30 years In i:o. CD CT3 Is cood Tor Khemrmtiimi, 'Inn'iin.. f 'uin.-. Whit- lows, i'ftked UreiittA, bore Nipples, (.'rumps UoiK t.OUH OfttlC MlWl'W'. Illiril! AVt JSchIU-', I'To-it lilU'S. J'aitiiul Nervoii' allt'ctioii-'. Omunitl liainin. Limit Back. Pain in tlit Side, Swelling, Tuiikts. Tujt'.i Ache, Old Sort'!, 11 JiiionhoiUa or l.!' Vvh Wounds. Gnllr? of ail him!. Alridna. BrnisiiM. Crack mi iii'elrj, King Hone, Vo! Kvil, Wind Otu!;, Cat 1011, cyjiviii, &wetney, i-wutift, BUUtT, Jt-.xterurv PolsOny, Scratches vv Omino, Kprlnirliftlt, Kind Oracxt, Laiueiiorts, fctraiiiH. FuufuL i hip; I' cot, Slanej, Uoru DitciiiD'T. Gnrvct in CW.. L'racIttJ TWtu. Foot Hot in Sheep, and many oilier dir-easta iuu dcut to Xan and Ikosu ISO tit R. D. Tatwr, of Concord, Ky., pave tlieOarwHnp Oil cured a hurseof hi., in) tin. d vrhliw pluiiyhhiK ly attempting to step over n httirup, almost Mivennichts thinh from the body; al&o that he Ims used ft in hit family for fifteen ycurw, and is the bent remedy for I'ntB, Bitnirt, Uruiw, Frost Bites, Strain?, liheum atiein, etc., he ever used. 73 era Prom CitOKP Bnos , Cochrane Landlntr, Ohio, Nov. 110, lSuti. We are pleased with yotir in'uibciuu. It has been tiie means of a i;rrat number o different discuses nnon person, os also noon horse. We think it cures all yen recommend it to do. We want yon to send us the Urger proportion of the variety tor "t aunty use, in small ootues. From Dn. J. V. tiiwell, Warren. In,)., Jilnrcli , 18511. I am entrazed in tbo nractlco of medicine and find jour GarKline Oil an extremely etlioicnt remedy in all cases where an cxtcruiil opplicalicu 19 inoicaiea. From Da. O. B. Nnxt. Bnrrls. Iowa. Dee. . I bavo practiced medicine In tin? county seven years and cheerfully recommend your Gargling Oil as me uvst imuiueui 111 ura- From D. T. W. Ei-lis, On., J.n. fi, 1SS0 If I conldrecoive both boxes of ths Ciur.-Ilnir Oil It. will not be too much, n I think I could foon Hud sale for it all, thu intpiiry btiint; neuent siuce it is sup posed I b ave it fT sale. Prom In- Wm. S. JIcCall. Obsmols. Slo.. Xov. C. ISM. Your Gargllna Oil Is taking tkesbinc off from an me nnimeiiis 01 tne cay. 11 you acsirca tiioin, I could procure dozens of cortiflaitci from' Uioh wtio have been cured by It. . Messrs JfcLiix Bins.. Vbole-nie Drne"t?t. that they cao saffly recfimmond the (warding Oi for moiedi.-tenses tban it is rLVon-.r.n ndd i'ir.J From J. K. Fifnmi, L'niontowii, I'a.. Jnne 51, ion. iuur vtiiri;iii.i; ni is uoitik muctl tnan lornmriy, su:ee us virtues tinve liemme known, and tho battles put up for Family Use, wiili.,ut SIU1U, 1UU U1UCU BOUUl lOi, era C3 Extract, from ft letter from Hon Natiiam I.ikokvv. County .Tudje of Shelby Co., Iowa dated April 18. 11T It is di cidedly ureferred to juv lin- atnmit Bold in this section. Kxtract ot a lottnrtrom Sami'sls. Hltpp, dated FaiMmrtr, Ohio, July 17, 16, In .June lat, lioiiry bhnfUuhad a ypni Hn colt that had what was tij p( ted to bo Dyptheria for more thua ttn d;;i6o imit it coukl not eat, auu the tnront swo I en aluuiir phut, and the mo of three or four applications of mt- uuiiar uoTiin a nunc ueMnm cnecr. A. O. NiiiL. LiiwNvilln. Coufhorton (.. ( . March. Ib52. I Imve U:td vour Gamlini OH fur 1 1m Dcn.icnr on my nomc, una it cured u witn tL.c crut CD CD KJProm Bkob MATHRn. WIddiort. N. Y.. ,7ulv 1H5(J. I imrchiicd a bottlo of your (Jarylhi Oil of ytmraoni, a. b ijixct, tu .'ttiuaioport. iuil an v(: nuvc ujt'ci nut nair oi it. 1 thins it hax irivi-n mo more reluTin acaeof pevere It'iciiinuil'ni. o; loiiu standing, tium any thing I have ever used before. Ptrnct ftoin a lctt(T iVo-n J. O. Pkatt, d.itcrl y;imy, thatiuuiua t o.. IS. 1 ., A:i: ist J--, it-.'. Imve been acqii;iintd with vour nu-diclno H;:r'l:i, Oil) for the hu't fourlocn yenrrt. It h:is irovi d a snru cure for Foot liol in Mi.'c-p for which I fcohl the ui-t i(Mtle and uavo culls almost Uuly lor nioie, 1 iUUoU lurwLTU Uii HOOU US CUUVtJLtK'm. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GAEGLING- OIL, And tike no other. Retail Price, rfel.OD, 5t Clt., ana as cis. Fhafeo well before usini;, anj rub on thoroihly before the fiieo, some warm eubsiance. j t ne uargnru n nas neon in use an a linamrnt 1 la ...... u All '... 1 .. . 1.... I JJ, ,. .... T. 'J .mn. .11 U IMUI, IIUMIJU and tollow airccitous. Ask your nearest Drucrplst, or decder in I'atent Medicines lor one of our Almanacs and mi:; Me- cams, ftni road what tho people i-a.v about tiie Oil. The (larsllne Oil i sale by nil re?p?ctablc dettlei's turoimhout the United btateu and other countries. Our testimonial date ftoin 1;'3 to lRCS.and are unsnlicitril. Ti-o tho G:tr;rlini7 Oil and tell your ueiboors what good it Ima dono. We deal fair and with all aud ditfv centra diction. Muuafaetunid ut ' IiicUitu't, X. V., by 5ifrc'i.i5U's GarK.!.sjr toll Vv. JOHN I10J)(1K, tn-re!arv. Sbld by A. p. lrlILL.Cn & CO., n'.yi Sm, I o in !, i m t u tu.. HARiv.y.vnfv-oir, city. ROBSON'S (Mrnrr of Sr.' neon ; i vntvr. f.r., tiu o 4311 Creek, n Ml, WELL TUIiJNG AND OA. AI.PO, :iNG, WORKtN'O ItAlMtKLS AND VALVES OLAMl'S, ItlN'CH, SL-CBi:i l'.OIlS, 4c Unchiscry for Oil Wdh & F.cfincries Bl'IdXr. TiKtLS, Iii'.IVINd I'll COLD WAT! VIIj l c Ml Every il.crii.tii-n of tTJiTUiiS i'OU OU. V.'ELl.'J AND EE- Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BKASS GOODS, J TEAMS AXD OAS FITTTXOS. IIAMDWAKB, BOCEH TlilMAll.NGS, Carpenters' Tools, Itope, Dnknra. IJuiis, Axes. Co!Ton 'Mills, Tftblo .t l'ookot Cutlery; a Full Assortment of Evoryth'.ng la the BARB WA RE LINE. Swap Kiirnhlne; Good1?, jjurjpH. uiunncy, No. 1 Wir.tcr StrMm-d Lard Oil, No. 1 H'-'iintd Oii, Stair HndM, Tabic an dDoor AUt ; i'lianipion Cl6tl.cs Wringers Mrr.ufHClurcri of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Itep-Jrtnir of all kinds done wirli neatness and dispatch, tspecial atteu'ton given to ETEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored to merit the patronane of the public, and euli use evory exertion to insure its Contiuiltviiee. Or.r tacilities fwr frrnihlnfr eTen-tliinir in onr line, liavmg tx'en greatly inor':i.:eL lu tiie erection of our New HuiMi!!?. are nov MJl'DlUOK TO AN V OTl'.K'.X E"TAnLIU:iEJ!T aurfiam. IWTliEOlLUlSUiO.N. 1 Eota's Oil tM ir,n liiiiJ HUM ; CSIAS. KOTJSON l CO., Corner of Serr.-a ar.l Centre east side of Oil Creek, Oil Ci!y, l a. Ilavin? f iMcl a powi?rr.i! S'.?.r.i Fr?'r;? v-rl t'trec larira I. TH.';;. to i hv.:y i.-: ,. y.:j r .-in;; K-f'ihlBtj ,C2t, ar l.ow p.. f...u-j lo do aAi U;e ucctfi.viry vjrK, in uiiiu t;1, i.-'niiiriU;; ENGirn. iiou.Ec.s, luON TANK, ncKiNj-N'o ;.!Ac::ir:i:ur, C01TEK W0RM3 AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS " '-Wall J! .Tob W;rk er.trtstel Ion? wit!' uonthesa and dlrtiiutcn an;: ?tr:i:i NEW HARDWARE STORE HEATIInG AMD COOKING fiJ -ia W W irjt la large variety. TABLE AND POCKET O u't 1 e r y SH'Ebl? .HARDWARE. f rs A H'.-ii si i. iua toil t.Jd tiMi j LAMrC.LANTLRNS, AlvD . FANCY ARTICLES. Lila il Woacleu Ware, For sale CHEAP I At the store fotmerly oerunled tv liurchfit 'd and CiW-terliuo. oil. f 'IT V". PA. .1 tii.x is. f.;;!i-:. OiiTity, Jar.. 4, 16011 tf. John O. "Welch, ScaccrvSt., Oil City, Pa., D cnlcr in anil Flshm ToK'ls, Innis' Sucker Rods, Dvivic). Pijo, Dcrrifik Irons, Crnfo liars, Halaticc Wlii'ola & PctMics. Ull S'i-tJ. Mv oonnc-ctioa with Meadvlllu and Pittst.ur-.ii louu Iiils is such lh:it 1 can get out all kind. c.f i;a-iiUh's ni sii-jll oruur JOUK C WELCH Oil Cily, Fi b. IT, ISW.-li; V.ISCEI.LAMKOUS. NQ.W HARDWARE STORE! I' ISIS VAN cV CO., lie" leave In mmoiinre to the citizens of Petroleum I'eutre nml vicmlly. th-it tin y hove opemsi a new store in tne n-nr 01 the ollice of the Central Petrol inin i'o:Tip-uiv at tiie lailri'.id crosslnir. where they lil I."'. :i . !. jmmty on hand a full ansoriiuent of lsiI)I Liiiig in t!i ll'aidivart: iir.e, such as TIN A XI) SHEET IKON WARE. GAS FITTINGS AND URASS GOODS. Mr. ll.ynn having he"n enL-neyd In tho bnslness with M'ensrs. Wluier llio's. tor lour years past, will atund p.iniiularly tolhubu'iness ormauiifacturlog S5I0KK STACKS . All kinds ol Tin ami iShctt Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, C. i They haven New Machine for CUT TING GAS FIL With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will wanant all work In this line. Apr Coal! Coal! Coal! rpiIE undersigned, having established a branch lard at Jtynd Ftuiu, fire now irepf.rod to fainl All GraiM Coal At tho Very Lowest IMlcc?. Oprato7 from Cborrytree Tiun. and vicinity, living at Vetroleum Centre, inn leave their orders at our office here, ai.d h ive ihtm promptly Cllcd from the UjnJ l'arni Yard, AT LESS COST THAN USUAL. DO.VT FORG'T THE PLACE KKARLE? COWNWELL, Offlco on 0. C. & A. It. R-, 1'emiloum Centre. Branch Olllce at Ilyud Form. N. E We hold exclusive control of the famous STONEEORO COAL. st both the ohovo named po'uUi. JunJ t . A. T. LEGGETT, Maoufoctcicr and Dealer in &ii M & 9 Seed Bags, Valve Caps, &c. Fxp.'.ri',. A w'.ri. idot. are einp'.nyed, and Har r." ot ::'. kijdf liert ci r.ttantly on baud aid made tn orl: r. I. C!. iUtlM' Pat. Seed -Rug For Sale- licpr.iring Done -at all Times ! r 11 R.irj tximinu our; and prices, CEaUt-Sf., Jm;Imv fl o .inCli foek IIiisiku. l'otrolenai IV. .'ro, Pa Jan. 7th. f -U I. A. PLM4TE, 1 ich Boot Maker Wa.'.Jtsisgton Street, TJIREK DOORS WEST OF A. D. MIL. LKIt CO. '3 DRUG STORE, 1F.T rt 5 E V 51 C IL TI2 13 , Pa . , Is inr,i;:;l'.ictuiin to order FIKST-CLASS FINE u 01; h., such as Psitout S.-i'ailicr Boots, fiSBlp SOlC isOUtS, French Cork Solo Boots, S.o Welt Boots. HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE. Cull and t-:ce samples. J. 4. PLANTS. Petroleum Centre, Pa,, July 2 am. AllBmapozsImn City Terrlory. U0TI02 TO CIL OPERATORS. The nndershieil, s'eut for tho Meti'opr.Iilin Oil C:e,t,i,-.iy, now oilers to lease tho territory of said tYuijfitiy, in lots of two acres oach. for onc-fonrth royalty. Vhls larni is fiitualo on Cborry Tree Uun ni.d lies nn tiie JUGULAll VEIN Whi'ih conuects . Wood and Pierson Farms with CHAMEY TvUS TEEPJTOS.Y. For further particular apply to tho original D. W. KENNEY, AUcruagoozelura.City, Chorr)itreo ltun. Or ojdaess, "BOX 117, Fetroleuru Centre, April 10 lm. renn. j. a-, ogdeinT, Mil MB FEED STORE, J.O. ST CEXTIIE-ST., oil tirv, PA. TlibMs (lie hcvt . tstiiblishinunt of tho kind In the Oil U-ejiou. Hum and Keed sold at wliohihile and 1'. aim -ii-lS- XI, Tl. FISHER Petroleum Centre, DKALKIt IN PURE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICAK CHOICE IOKEION AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles ! AND Fancy Groods. IM POUTED SOACS, BRUSHES, AND Physldans' rreocr'ptitn compouniiei'ircm pnrc rum. enoice luaieriais j if you uav.nt;: SEE N IT.; go:and see it The Maeio Match. rotmlpiim Centre, JaTif, IPttft. juv7 T. M'Donald, : LIVERY, FEED & SALE At the Ropot, opposite thu Central Iloao," PETROLEUM CENTRE PA rpiiK bet stock of rmviNo A:n saimu.e X llUUSliS on the Creek, are to be lound at 3I'Donald''!i lAvcry. CARRIAGES CUTTERS 70 U LET AT, ALL TIMES. HORSES FED & BOARDED on Reasonable Terms. Team i ntr of all kinds at tended to Promptly. tSTClve me 8 call. . . T M'DONAL ; Petroleum Centre, Not. II, 1868. LIVERY & FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite the Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. I hnvo put In a good stock of Hiding and Driving Horses, which 1 will lot on reasonable terms. Also, Cutters, Wagons, Spring Wagons, Vo. HOUSES boarded and fed and best or caro guar anteed. jan9tf A, BMAWLEY. Pianos ! Pianos ! Momiractitrers, JAMRSTOWN. N. Y. AIM. oc clusive Agents for tho ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Sheet Music, Strings, &c f-B'-Seiid for lllitstrnted Cataloguo and price GAOUHI & IlliOWN. VVnrerooms 41 Main Bireet. Fsctory-l'roo''')'11 Ulock, f.wt of Muiu SU ni'iya' " All accounts not settled ininiodiutcly,will talc" with an officer forjcollectlou. Apia If. IIEYNOLDS 4 W