W t'-' -4 ,it t 'i;NS-i;a;.,:.-.i l". v. v . ; kj . N (!. vrTs rii. 'J VOL III.- NO 64, THE PETROLKUM CENTUE DAILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, '(Sundays excepted. ) W. n. LONGWELL, Proprietor. TLKZIS. Per year payable In advance, 8 no l et montn, ... I'lsrcE-nvr or advertinik;. (Ten lines of nonpar.)!! make one. eo(iiure.) No. llW'TttOtlS. 1 y so. . col. One dsy. Two (1'IV4, Three c3, Four days, I- ive days. One week, Two weeks, 'I hrpo works, One month. Two month, Throe months, Six months, Niuo months, Oue year, If 1 IK 1 V i in f 1 1 1. II fl ii. t I :U R Mi 6 ; 1 IK) 8 IK) 8 SO 14 IK! 2 Mil iml a r't a nil 3 mil a so' S 2 .-1 s m 8 N: 4 f . o ihi 7 m B 00 10 Oiji lorn Kim 11 .VI 15 lit) is oj is on lit dl 30 Ml 4 m no 7 (l 10 IK) St) IK1 3(1 IH) 41) IX) K (X) do IK) 1(1 I IJ u SI offl i" tr. So 0t)j 4'. Hi) 4S W U) (K) llltl IK) Special rotlcs 20 cents per lino, each Insertion. Advertisements pHyttMu i;iuriony In rdvnnce BUSINESS CAl'-OS. J C. ELLIOTT, 1TTOR."EYATIj A Wj BAND NOTARY 1'UIU.IC, l'ETI'.OLEl'Jt rESTltH, l'A. Unstnca In the CourU at Franklin r romp'.ly at tcultM In. HFftUK In liB,fll CoM Krick Bank Jlnlld Inp, flip Ptalrnl. V. pn)iiiiT!on-St. oi'l 2'.'-tf. ALUI'.llT U I1AVEES, ATTOIJNEY .t COUSELOK-AT-LAV.', OFFICE" Iir tha.-liocl:etrr Honsc Euildiny.on uhiMlua und liiiH S.ro:t., 1'CTHOI.El'M CKNTKE, PESK'A. ny 1!), lfiliS. tf. 'tlOSlZAto & S.ISJT1X, J ATTORNEYSiCOUXoELORS-AT LAW, 0(1!'-.' Il'au Street rran'lln, end Puirnlenm Con- r,., pn. Matlti-tf. V. itlcALI'lML, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST.; OCPICK Berry's new BnlMinc, corner of Wash luijlou nnd Second sla., Petroleum Ceutro, Pa. tnaylU'tr. t. ;. ciiuisTiE, n. o., PHYSICIAN AND SCTtOKON; OPlci opposite thnlcKlnuey Ilottso, Pleasantvltlo, Pa. Persons from distance will ijenerally find him at his onieoon riaturday frein 10 a. w., toil p m. se;l l t GEO. II. I5ISSi;2iJi & CO., 13 j. 1ST 7JZ. EES, PETHOLEVn CENT1SK, P.i, O. II. BIsjell, M. C. .Vartin Christopher Meyer. We ofTiTonr pi'hich for the transaption of a GHNKItAf. liANKINil, EXCUANGK and COL LECTION BlIblNKSS. Any hitniui'ss cnuusted to our caro will receive prompt attention. jull tl'. B. r. WILSOM. H. B. VAN VEieOH M El, SON it VAN VELSOII, GAUGER3 AND INSI'ECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, OFPICES, Meioar.ttle lluildln?, Oil City Pa., and with Owston lowers; Peiroleuin Centre, Pa. July J.rnli, 1H"8 tf. James Robinson, Tank Gr auger, BOX 3S!, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. jimlOtf HE. O. Jarvis, Dealer in CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. LOOKING GLASSES In -(Treat variety. Lookinc Glass PWtos replaced in oM Frames. I'lcturc I'r.iinjts miiilo to order. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall I'tiper, H'intlow Sinuls, . FIMK STOCK. rjVOEUT.lKIAO, COFFINS nfb!l Bizca on Imml unJ trimmed to oruoron flioi t notice. PETROLEUM CENTRE. HOTELS. M.V.MILLER, Proprietor. Ilie lanreHt nnd most commoOioua Unto in tlm oil riifioii. Fair on tliu llrldne rwliicwl to liniirdcr-. Tliin liouao Is jiIciiHnDtly Hilimiml, rK)iim coolnitd pifiHiiw, ina ki lift li a aeiiLTiiTiui noiui in uu ic.-pftl- i'utiuiL'tiui ccntiv, April ju, istwi. II' Wnohlnirton itroet, Petroleum Centre Pa. BRAUSTRliKT BHEHWOOll, PaoiMiiKior. . TIM? Houfo l cpntrnlly locited, and the enni ; iieacltiuai'ttiM of oil nrnn. retmlMiiui t'ontie, Pa., May 10, ISCS tf. QI.NTHAL HOUSE, PETHOLKCU CBNTltK, PA., Near Oil Creek Allegheny Klver Ka'.lway I' j-. tt !t9yt9-tf O. i. CKOSH, Pr.,i.rlc'cr jj-cCHrSTOCK HOL'SE. PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. 1Vi populai Hotel, aitnatcd Corner of iTIalu & WnT::nr;to-j .sm., T"ar the I)oio has lieen r"flt'cl nii'l l'nrn'.ii'-d ihron!:hout, and the proprietor will pj.i'.io uo r.:.i:i to make it a FIRST-CLASS noUSE. ect8 tf. C. Gi:iSV,"CU.D, P:oi r!o.nr. A MESIICAN KOTES., "PETROLBUM CHNTKR, l'A J. R. BAKNBS, ... PropMf.or. Thia Hnmi! i !n a pleasant l'tcal'ty. and li'it n fliort walk fromiWa Jlnut. 'Vhar.oiji ftro lurL'.y end comfortable, and ttio ta.ilc supplied v !th tl.e dflicni-li-s of the Bctuon. piCANKLIX MWSK. SIlI.LElt 1'AP.M STATION, On 01. Creek Railroad. TIIEnOESE AND FUKNllirRS R. BDl'EFF, Junol-tr. Proprlolor rNTENATIO?IAL IIOTKL, MILLElt FARM, PA. JOHN E. ROWB, - Prop r. Good aecommo1ftti'ins for trnnsieiit cusomerJ. Day Itoanl and Bnnrd with rooms on riTtnonAt'le terms. The proprietor will spare no pains to make his Home attractive to gues'.s. JuneS tf TJMON HOTEL. PLEASANTVILLE, PA Thi. House havlntr rocently been enlnrKCd and re fiirnisln-d. I am now pn jvuv'U to accoinmuiiate two liitniircd Liiests eom'bnnlily. Singes leave this house three times a ity for Ti tusvilic There is also a line ol'Stai'rto l-itltolo. Ju8-tf. TIIOS. McKlNNHlf. Prop'r. pOX IIOUSE5SASIPLE KOOItt, FRED. C. HYDE Proprietor. FLEAS Aft TVILLE,' PA., f)pp sito tho Preshyiorian Chuie'i Fehlltf. OH CITY, PA. ITavInij recently taken po-clon ot the aiin: llonse, vvcwould most ri-fpect fully inform tli trtiv ollnr imlllc that vfepropot-o o "keep a Hoicl," atui to convince them of tho act, we nvite ail who ui; h Hie comforts ot a home, to c;t!. e.iion us. U v. ill be found Tito Hotel ot the il jr.p;:is;t!. Our Samplo Room is supv-'ied with the choicest Wines, Liquors anil Cienr-i, mid .Mirt.iiile Hill te found laden with the very l.est fie nmrket r.flor.ls. Thero Is connected with tho llo'.l.-e f. ur f.'st e.!ivs Billiard Tallies. Also, Bnrlv r Khrp and lt.ith Itooms. Givo us a cilt. ap.,1 ronvitice yoi:rt.e!ve3 ol the truthlulness of our uerlion. tmiif,:s .v. ntaats, JA.IIl.s WftlTH. oct9 tr O. V. SCIJOEILOTI, Ptoprittor of tl.e Buffao Ilakcry. Il:.ll(T.ii choWo Flo?!.-, V: I it ft: Also, flioicu Uro"cric.-4, Onlcri left iil ' 1 ' "''J- Good duUvoiM'l. C. I), i.-t) . : Ed. I.' NO. 1, t..i : . ('-- 2? A.. MONDAY EVSHk'H-G. SST. 13- 1CC9. ",i"'V'vi",",fl"r'Tf The Avoixl.ilo tsissniior ETnucrals of the illiiicr; KeBponslMlitf of the CatautroiHio. Nkw York, Sept. 10. A Scranton dis patch says Mr. Eciijiitniu Iluirhos is quite califOeil no more bodies ri'main lielow, atul Ilia opiuid'i is supporicd ly "t.'ir- lur.t aiulicr iltes. iCeriirVi"!'!?!-', tu'r-itin''' cvorvi.-oilT, I ho V-r':: i'tn;i: 111 ;i.i (.'. OR8 ?S.i.) tt;-tr. "' '!,'.v :mJ n:r:y 1'lOt'i!. T lu-j;iy rn. - Vila ' o i,.. u i n '. . l ii'icriii fjr-.r" oi fa.-.-i, siWc- c . and or:;i't i-s-I o!' rrSy.'Viv::' I'lir.WK eV'.rjt ol i i n ' 1 1 : r ! i t: ; ; ' l .-: -i y - o!.'t..it lcr.if.'ui ira.1 tolki! hy Use C n- v.'.i h'-.mj ui bulf-Siiii:, ilorjp '.vc;c- clop.vl, t'.it" piieeipnl strcelailO" fcrt "d. t;n- ntitiei '.): U'loiuolivca dipped ;a Mir.', i.rid all tin wo: l.iii:; piKinljilion '.! intcy uj-ji.b.-rc 1 fo li.ivo In-t'ikon thi-Li-fc-hva to Avyttd.t!o. Jno traia of !ilr:y-3fi B iUlfoitn cars c .p:od Ibiily Hve ti.:v:cd ju..4cre.rj to ih1, scene of tho lain UiiMi'T. So ..i.'it Wis ik:; cru::b liiil :i wen wo.e koccUcii if . i) c.ir.i on-J cut r, yiwxi. Tilt) tlT.tlg uv AtOtttliilc T.r.S" if.ijT.cas-:-. und o.vloiidod ti.,v.n tho raiii'Xid for Kill's. A infjorily of thotu ptw- e'.t caiiii' iucrcr!y fruui tnolives .if r.unoi.Hy Tlro wore hr.".di0ii? !' women ilicfje J in :oi'!ttti.cs more iiulitliug a picnic tiui.'i a tioral, und ntoouj; many of ike men thwe win a levi'y and rndeuefa of manni.v betU'i iiJajilcd to tl.e ui'ij.-!:bo' hood of a piizerin than r. solemn scene of sue!) fcroal griol. A poal clet-.l of cont'ovpijj.' is guir, ca in Ic.vn on t'ae qiiRi:un of wlo ia to blauiefor iSii! pieiHMit iuefucioriL sj-KlnrorvcuUlttUng mine and pivta;,- protjction io ll.ti :iu.ut?. Oiiti si do tcsi.iW i: m ir n,i:iffS wbu ata to bltiuui, fr if .lie;.' c!:oor:o to .uy wy will r.nt v.oi!. io any miuo wliici i.s n,'. rovii.cd v.ilit r uio;.i:h of eiCii in c.ito of accident to liia Iiiiri, Ike owscra ot mines v. unUl 'luvji ly w. i) v.s i'acir SnuTi'Sl to tn!o;-l tliu pro per iM.ciiii"(iii:i :;a';ns't ili.t dinger t!iit arc tit h apparoai. Ulucr.", t:.ey eay, will ti'.'tin it.c lis!; of vi'orkins anywhere, provid ed lliey u;c paid, cud arc as u.ierly itidil i'are'ic lo -.lahvaltle danirei as tho sai lor who I ' 1 . goes to saa io a leaky ship. Dr. Lighteniellor, who ran over two la dies with liia dorse and buggy la Lock Haven, some lima since, whilo under the induence of liquor, lias been sentenced to a tea yenrg term In tlio Stnlo prlfon. Tbe iossos by do tiiroiijjliont tho UL'ilcd States during the moutii of August, just passed, amounted to $!i,'lCS,f)00. or nearly double, those of August, 1 8T.il. and much exceeding the total of any month during '.be past or presont year. The vuluo of property drslroyod by lire since January 1, lSoD, already amounts tn?27,100,(i(!', while tlio (olp.l louses in 1808 w.ue less than $113, (H)i1,iiii;i. The (iro of Ausiut 0, in Philadel phia, wb''n propdrty valuid nt $4,(ii)0.00( was bunied, win the mc3l destructive one that has occurred in t!.e e uniry slneo July 1, loCC, W.i'.-ri i!.e oily ' ! I'oi '.'i-.'oi. Mnitie. w;is devitslitlcd ioy r.m'.'H Q LI lo ! 10, ! W Km. Wo (k'sirti to iid'p'iu Oil Oj firalors ami vlu' imijltc generally that we are prepared to receive orders i'or our Champion Six Cutter Reamer. 'I. lis is without douU the. inc-;t nfect tool fi.r rtii'iii! 1! t - Can always iind the oknuink I'ly .mouth CAi!i.:-'ri nv.d Nf.v Yojik Bfxtino (Jo's Kolting and R-V.-.v d-b, 1.1.LI. c.X wliich rtra f'cl'iirnvlvji.'iii'u to Lo unimr-.).v:f;t-.J iii quality ami mair.iiac--tarc Of Well Furiiihnu' (iCHjtK vi e Iiave the torecst 13 ' soi"cms:!it in the Oil 11 can rafr to our customers Tor eviJeiitfj that we koep notiiing LuttJie bci't ff goods. AMES, TITU3VILLE, PA. im WTVm. TIN 7AEB . PI n i o A M H o hi P5 0 CD hi 0 hi P hi sl &i n i k & it II f. li M i "T. ' i-iii'. 25 CTS. WEEKLY CLULiu .L iifcuitiii0 I evil Dealers in s'l kinds of NiTcnury fi.r pttttin down and on't:itirtfr (n V, i.l. Ill (.ut-ieptl'in with l"lr JiAI.'UlNE tiUO.' v: : i-. it l l:::;ouj.d i.iav. uicnt i!LAc:c:JMiTri prior. (w f.i!l'tki' for VANI'FAt Tt'HlNG art not cs-clU-'-i !;r .it.v .I'.oji it. l.k' Oil lief.ious. iS'i. j. ."!i,.-.i,iii;,j.o'!";!t! M:( "Unlock Hon. e my.!' tl n-iilKit NOliliM. .-i ;l-.': ,w-:.,l fii. vo-tli of vnnr rnonrv is at the, M-'W ) l,ll(jt A'!) l-'i'i.i) ''I'OIIK N1 I.UM !!..: YiUI of I.. TA. KZiZKUiiV.M ' M ilery tb.iru lllwavs 11 MAN Tf.'i'iv in nhnw thoiv cuitontrrj their !iir. M,(H'!; liAV. r.Ii kmOa ol' ViV pUco itl.'o v.Ia rc m;iy te t or and the ouisrD I Itvt assortment of firrt c!a?s r.or'OlI AND 1". j li;.miif.h. lath, siiinolks. .vrn , ulio vei7 lowo.-it eush piicus. Thuao who nro not ortincnl of firit cla?!! r.O LL.MItKIt. LATH, MIIN'I jwe.-it eah pticon. Those- DEAD A tli."-'rown iotert-t, and wi.-h to d-'al with men irtio do hic-illes ou 1 iic smmro, will tied it to tlelv interest to i;)ve u a call h.'fura purchasing eUo whtiL, mid neo what wc can do for yon X -n:r vv X lupinori X.'V All Ovdr mitlUfflniinC; :r)nip(ly nUcudtM to, )o nut ftirttt thv plnro, Ol I'osvi'K Tin-: itocHHsiiiii uouriu, wash Petroleum Centre, E i , M. sriiUNPrna, It II. WARNER. Bt ri'At.O AND riMG KAIMIOAII. On .".lid lifter M.uidii.v. Nov. iHrd. 1SD8,. I'li-reiifc"'.- Trains will ma on this road as follows: l.c.tve ritix OOINO east. -3l. A. M- MIIHT h..PRESS, stopiilng at ..- Ripley, We.tneld, Dunkirk and bilver rreiik, arrivini; at IhirTalo at 4.-lfi A. M. Ift,.?-: A. M., NEV' YORK EXPltliSK. slop 3t99 plug at Vt esllleld, Iti-oeton, Dunkirk. Sil vercrcek, and Auola, arriving iu Bufiulc at B.10 P. M. 7,- P. U CINCINNATI EXPRESS, atoi P pinji nt Nortlieast, Vestrleld, Rrocton,. Dunkirk and silrercreok, and arrives t Boffalo nt lo.4S P. ill. '.A.li A. M.. MAIL AND ACCOMMODA fiv; T10N, stopiiiiii; at nil stations, anivius at llunnloat ln.to A. M. '? 11 1 P- DAY EXPRESS, utoppieir at 5.-ft' Northeast. Ripley, Westlleld, Duniiirk, S'lvereveik mid Al.gola, iiiriviny ut Bui- rnio t 7.ii p. m. I i:AVK Ill'tPAI-o OOINO WIl.-T. .; '' M.. DAY KSPUKStl stoppInpratAn ..v c,ia. silviTeref-k, Duiiklrk, Ili-oeion,. We.-ifield inul Northeavt, ariiriny at Erie ut U.J& P. M. J.fMV M., MAIL AND ACCOMMODA t j TIiN, f-top(.ieK at all station.., uirivin, nt Tiiu ut ;v-o 1'. .M. fi,'i A M.. TOLEDO FXPRESS. steppinz nt b.'-'v all ft.iuoiis, and arriving ut Eiie at lo,'-'o A. !. P 'I . STEAMIiOAT EXPRESS, sten- pi-;K at AvTol't, .iiver'-'eek, Dunki.s. I'liH tim, ti'.lli.'ld lire! NorUiaitit, airiv- 111- .it Jlticnt 1 . -J-, A. V. ,.)' A. y.., MCI: T EXl'RilSS. stoii-iin? or l.twil' WKviei.'i'-', Diuikirll and WeiilJIolu, tr- riving at Lite tit 4,-lo A. M. Uailroitd time i.s lo iiiiiiu!".i f.wt T linn Ftie fine H N. liltUWN, C.u.'i fcnpt. MAOHIH .YTP. s: HOP W.IA LEARD & WRIGHT bein; oliovt to remove to Tonnei!!ef! woule' cll'er their v.'ell knotvn shop for sain. To a ';oJ H'nrhitiot u rare tipportunily is offered Addrets LEARD J; WRIGHT. Bti?2:i-lf I'll hole, I'd rsuj.TnY. pul'li.: is called to the I i. L.'.ji ill . I I , I I SASH, :U23 AND SOSES. l ' it 1 . if.. ! t-1 sizes. nniWi, n, 4c. Ko. 100 VAMI5 ViON-ST Velultnai Ut Hi, ;cpl lOSi ye,