Daily Record NEWSPAPER. AND Joe Printing Office; MAIM STREET PETKOLEUM CEXTSIE. W . II. LONUWELI,, Proprietor. NEWS 'DEPARTMENT. We rcceivo telegraphic despatches up to 4. r. M., una present them to our renders every evening, em bracing news of (.tout Interest from all section of the country. We have made special arrangements. whereby wo recelv. reiriilar Petroleum, Stuck and Produce Market Keporta every evoulng by telegraph, from Now York, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg, which. together with Editerials and Local matters, make It one of the moet'desiraulc newspapers published in the Oil Ucgtoii. As an Advrtlsing SIcdiiini The UBCORD has no superior, as it circulates wherever an Oil Operator or Dealer can be found. JOBBM BMfflT. We have a large and well nolocted assortment of now Jobbing material, embracing the very latest styles. Wo are therefore, enablod to exocute 'Jo'o Work of every variety In a satisfactory manner When desiroi, jobs will bo neatly printed In Cjlobb Slii piling Bills. I'oslcrsT. j Ilaiul-IIillN, VlV t os ruiuiuesi , Wills of Fare. Labels. AND Uiuiiiufcsi and Visiting thirds LE'l'i'EU-HEADS, II1LL-I1EAU8, lill LS OF LADING, Etc , Etc Hsu. BAM. VIIINTINC, Pinin r tancy Bl.yl.is, neatly and promptly execu. ted, umbruciug NVITVI'KIV r'lltcni.AUH PliOUKAVMES CAKDS, TICKETS, Kle. & net, every variety ant style or work In ittor press priming. Merchants, lawyers, .lasttcos of the Peaco, Land . A;cnt,CII Dohxts atd Xgenu, Insurance AKJi,i )v fcip,-e.n...n Bud ether rt:es iu want, are informed V ,. v l'l'"r" 'o raeeute too iter all uiua of mitD t v. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, IS TftE BEST LINIMENT 1 TJ1L WOULD For Man & Beast. 30 Years In I'nc. CO i ' fX3 Is Rood for IthnmatiBtn, Chilblains, Corn-., AYhit Iowa, Inked Hrert-t!, iSore tlrples, Crump-, Itni'.it. jtites of animals Weakness ol the .Joints, Cciii tac tions oTtlie MuhcIch, Ibnus and Scalds I'ru -it Kiti'S Painful Nurvou aH'celum-.. Chapped Hands, Lame J lack, I'aiu in the Sido, Swelling, Tututirs 'fuuth Ache, Old Sure:), Hemorrhoids or X:iv&, i'iesli Wounds, Gall? of all kinds, Sprain, Bruises, Crack ed lloels, King Hone, Polo Evil, Wind Calls Cal lous Spuvin, Sweeney, .Fistula, Bit fast, Kxtcrnt 1'oisons Scratches or" Uiwe, Springhalt, baud Cracks Lameness, Strain, Foundering Feet, Mang i, Horn Distemper, Garget in Cows Crackei Teats Foot Hot in Sheep, und iuuuy oilier dis-easts inci dent to Man and iieant. SO It. D. Tavloii, of Concord, Ky., pays theCJarRlini; Oil cured a horse of his, In.liir'.d while ploughing by attcmiitiiur to sten over a sttimn. almost severiiiL'his thigh from the body ; also that ho has used It iu hit family for fifteen years, and is the best remedy for luu, JJiiras, Jlrltlsos, rrosl liites, strains, jimum atisni, etc., he ever used. CD era From Crump k Bnos , Cochrane Landimr, Ohio, Nov. iiO, ISoti. We arc ploused with your medicine. It has been the means of eurinr a groat number o dilTorent dUtn(s unon nerou;. a nlio noon boracs. We think it cures all you recommend it to do. We want you to send us the larger proportion of the variety lor "j-awuy use," m simui uosiiw. I From Dr. J. Y. tzhrkm Warren, Ind., March 165ti. I am ensaged in the practice of medicine, and Hud your Garullm? Oil an extremely clttci.1 remedy in ail cases where an external application ia maicaicj. From Db. G. B. Kkal, Burria, Iowa, Deo. 20, lS5f. I have practiced uiediciue in tin county aoyen years and t'liuerfully recommend your Gurgling Oil as mo bebt iinamuiii in use. From Dr. T. W. Ellis. Ga . Jan. (5. IS:') If 1 con id roeeivn both boxes of the Garirlimt Oil it will not be too much, thlrk I could oou find Bale for it all, the inquiry b 'ins ironuunt B'uco it 13 sup uoMed that I have it fcr sale. From bn Wn. S. McO all. Chamois, Mo., Nov. fl. 1S58. Your Gar-'linj: Oil in taking theshiueotf from all tlio linimeiita oi the dav. It vou desired ilioin, I could procure dozens of certlhcat'js lrom Uiom: who havo been cured by it. Messrs McLaiv P.nos., M'holes.no Druirgi-ats, Wheeling Va., sav, under dite of July -4, 1! ili. that they can safely recommend the hrs'lin Oil for more diseases than It Is reeommcnil' d for. From tl. K. i- i.-llKit, L liioutinvii, i ii..luuo ill, 1SI17. Your (iargling il is duing m;ieh belt.ir hero I ban formerly, since iis virtues have beennio known, and the b.itiles put, up fur I'anuly Va-, without stain, are much euughl for. CO Extract from aletterfromlloiiXATMANliNn-s'KV, County Jud 'o of Shelby Oo., Iowa dated Iliui in. April vs. xmi it h ueciueuiy preicrreu 10 any nn anient tmld in thin section. Extract ot a bitter iroin Samuel H. Htpp, dated FnllHlmm, Ohio, July 17, 1MU In Junr-. lnf t. Henry Shallle b:id n y'H'liii'.; colt that hud what wiu sup pimeit to ba uypinerin lor more man u ni ijpibo thtit it eoiiid not eat, nnd Iho throat h widen uliimst phut, and the two of three or four applications of tlie Hollar liouies uia uie ue.irou eneci. r.ora A. O. jNiel, JiewHvine, L'os ;bocton i n,, ()., March. 1852. 1 have, used vour Gurgling Oil fttr the Scratches ou my horHe, and it cured it with tnu Urdt application. C3 C3 t"From Enos Mather, "Middleport, N. Y., July 1830. I purchar.t,-d a lintllo of your Jari:linK Oil of vour agent, A. S Biker, nt Jliddleport. urnl as yet have useii hut halt "til. I tniiiK it ju jiwu me more reiiei in a cascoi aovore nneutnr.iiim. ot iomk standing, than any llaug I have ever ued be lore. Extract from a letter fiom J. O. Pratt, dated Ciuincy, (JuautaiHiul Co., N. Y., August id, l.S.'i (. I have been afijiiainHid with your li.i dieino tiailiny Ulli tor tn! lint, lourieeu ye:ir.. n ni! trova a sure cure for Fotit I'ot in bhuep for which I cold the lant bottle and have calif almost daily for more. Picade forward aa suou as couvemtut. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And take no other. Iivtall Fi-icf, $1,U), 50 Cls., and '25 Vis. Shako well befuro uslnir, and rub (n thoroughly before tho lire or some warm substance. Tho (l.irglinir Oil has been In use as a linament 8ll years. AH'wh ask is H air trinl, but bo sure and follow directions. Ask your nenrest Pruijuist, or dealer in Patent Medicines lor one of our Almanacs ami Ynde He cunis, and read what the euU say uhout the Oil. Tho (!ai';:lincr Oil is for sale by all rivpcctahlo dealers iliroirhout tho United States and othor countries. Our IritimauiaU dato from 1m33 to luflK and are unitvlifiinl. Use tlio Garnliirj: Oil and tclt yuur neilibors what gooj it nas aouo. We deal fair and liberal with all and defy contra dieiion. Munutucl.ured at Sleicluint's Uanslliii!: CJii Co. JOHN 1I0DUE, liiecretary. Isold by A. . J1ILLEH A. CO., U'.V-3U, ItUn'.illn CeU.le, 1 HAKDWAK..-0!T.j cm. ROBSON'S Oil Cbfek Pipe VYoiiks. ClIAti lifts HOilXOA' .V Co., toruer of Nriio:i & Centre mm., fcan kiau lt;rcii, Oil t;iij', 'a. Healers In Morris, Tusker 4 Co's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, ALSO, WOUKINC, HAiniHI.S AMD VALVES, B'l'lIKl'IXU iioxi:s. CLAMPS, TONOS, suciiEi; hods, c Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries HOMING TOOLS, DRIVING PIPE. Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, 11IIAS3 GOODS, TEAMS AXD OAS FITTI.VGS, ELLT1XO, hACKlXO, and HOSE; HARDWARE. HOUSE T1IIMMISG3, CarpontorB' Tool?, Kope, Oakum, Nails, Axes, Coffce Mills, Titble & Pocket Cutlery; A Pull Afsort.ment of Kvci-ytlnrg In tho HARD VA HE LINK Jiuae Fnfiishing Ooods, Lamjta, Chlmncva, Ko. 1 Winter Strained Uird Oil, No. 1 HonuedO!!. Stair Kods. Table an ODoorMata ; tliampion Clothes Wrinsers Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Hepairms of all kind, done with neatness and dispatch. ipccUtl attention given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We havo endeavored to merit tho patrona?" of tho public, and shall use evory exertion to insuro its continuance. Our facilities for furnishing e'erythlng in onr Una hnvinfz heon preatly increased, in tho erection ,.f V. Mll, I;,,., tiro ' SUPKKIon Tl ANY OTHKK ESTABUSUMEST auei!l-Sm. IN THE Olt UBOION. C1IAS. KC15SON & CO., Cornor of Sonocn, and Ontro Sts, oart sido of Oil Crock, Oil City, 1'u. Ilnvin? added a poverful Slcam Enjihio ar.d tl.rei lili'o L- 1 1IJ-J, to our a;reaay extensive Manul.i taring J'-tiilirblinient, nrf now prepared P do all tlio nicerisary wyrk, iu fitting up, and repairing ENGINES, LOILKKS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS I In factdo'n'l M 'eWnrrv .Tub Work entrusted to us. with ue.itne.sji and disnuten ciiu iilr.iM3 NEW HARDWARE STORE HEATING AND COOKING ST -23 S In laro variety. TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! S!1ELS? HARD WARE ecuss rraisaiKs mm, LAMPS,L AN TERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. NAILS Woftdun -Ware, For sule At the store formerly occupied by IhirchfieM and oslerlluo. oil, ri rv. l'A OilTity, Jan. 4, 18b! tf. John C. "Welch, Seneca-St., Oil City. Pa., Dealer in ' , ilbs, Uussell & IVs Boring and FifeEiEiij? Tools, Innis' Sucker Rods, Oriviiig Pipe, Derrick Irons, rat Jtars, Halance AVlttrtf A". Ptiiliet., " all sizes. Mv eonnectlon witli Meatlviilo and Pillsl-uruh loni..lil" i iuh tleit I can ;ct out all Kinds ol (.'aliiis at short order JOHN C WELCH. Oi! City, I'd. IT, I-st - U AMD. IRORS MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HARDWARE STORE! ICOirlllM' III! VAN A: I'O., It leave tn aiiuomic" to lli" citizen? of Petroleum I Vl.tr" and vicinity, lliat lliey have opened a iiow "tore in the n ar ol the othee of Ibe I mitral Petrol rum Company at the railroad cniliir. whwo they ill kee cxmalantlv ou hand a full ansorluient ol evcrytliins iu tlio Hardware line, such us TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. GAS FITTINGS AND l'.UASS GOODS. Mr. Pryan Jiavlns hi-en eiVeaeed In tho business Willi towrn. Winter liru's. for nmr years st, will attend particularly to the business of uinnulaciuriuK SMOKE STACKS All kinds or Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. r They havo a Xew Machine for CUTTING GAS UIL With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work In this fine. Apr:!). Coal! Coal! Coal! riMlR undersigned, having established a branch lard at Ityntl Fann, are now jircpareJ to fnrnisli All Mbs of Coal it the Very Lowest Prices. Oneratom from Oierrvtrce llnn.and vicinity, llvlun nt I'etroleuinfentre, can leave their orders nt our onicc liore. ami nave liieni prompiiy niieu iroin uie tivud b aim laru. AT LES3 COST THAN USUAL. DO.VTFOItG'TTIIRPLACE NKAULES & fORNWKLI, Olllce on 0. C. & A. R. K., Pitiolciim f'entre. lhauch Olllco at Hjnd parm. N B We hold exclusive control of tho famous STONEBORO COAL. at both the above named points. Jntrt t . A. T. LEG GELT, Manufacturer aud Dealer In Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. UxpTh-ncwl wjrkmcr nro emidoyed, and Har- r.ws it nil kinu- fcojri ti. r..tantiy on nana ana uiaae to ordci". I. C. IIc;jil?s Pat. Seed-Bag r'or 8alc- Ucpairing Done at all Times ! Call and examine eur stock and prices, 'lain-St., below jl o JlcClin- Petrolenni Centre. Pa.. Jan. 7lh, If -tt J. A. PLAOTE, French Boot Maker '.Washington Street, three poors west of a. d. mil li:r co.'s drug store, PETi'OfiEUM CEXTJIE, Pa., ts maauEictitrln to order FIRST-CLASS FINE W ORK, ouch as Patent Tiuather Hoots, P 11111(1 ssttlc ISoots, 1'i'ciicli Cork Sole Hoots, Scotc AVclt Hoots. HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE. Call and fcee camples. J. A. I'LAMG. Petroleum Centre, Pa., July 2 2m. IIOTICS TO OIL OPERATORS. The undersigned, asont for the Metropolitan Oil Company, now offers to leaso tho territory of said Company, in lots of two acres each, for one-fourth royalty. This farm is situate ou Cherry Tree linn and H is on the JUGULAR VEIN Which connects Wood and Pierson Farms with CHARLEY RUtf TERRITORY. For further particular apply to the original D. W.KENNEY, Allemagoozelum City, Cherrytree Run. Or 0 ldaoss, "BOX 117, Petroleum Centwi, Ptinn. April 10 -ha. J. O. OG-3DE3ST, KO. ar CKXTHE-ST., Oil. C I I V , I' A. Tlliu is the l i-i t estahli'bmer.t of the kind in II: OnUcjIuu. 1'iour Ulid t cd bOiU ut Vihoie-nloaiid l '..ill I'lii.Mf Petroleum Centre, DEAI.Elt IN PURE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRIB, HEDICIXES B CHEIHICAIE, choice poiticinN AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles ! AND Fancy G-oods?. IMPOIITEI) PERFUIKB33 ! SOAPS, r.RusnEs, AKD Sundries'! Druggists Physicians' Prescriptions compoundedfrom pure nuu ciioice maieriiis.j IF VOU IIAVNT": S EE 1ST 1 Til GOT AND SEE IT The Magic Match. retrolenm Centre, Juno, 1SII9. .inn' T.' M'Donald. LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, ETROLEUM CENTRE PA T 1IIR best Stock of DRIVINO ANT) SADDLE HOUSES ou the Creek, aro to be found at M'Donnld's Jivery. CARRIAGES & GUTTERS TO H LET AT ALL TIMES. HOUSES FEU V HOAKWiiP on Reasonable Terms. Teaming: of all hinds at tended to Promptly. tiTGIvo mo a call. T M'DONAL retrolenm Ccnlro, Nov. If, 18(58. LIVERY C FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite the Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. I havo put In a good stock of nitliiiR onl1 Dnving JlorscB, w hich 1 will tot on roasouablo lerins. Also, Cutters, WnpotiR, Spring IIOltSKS hoarded uml fed uud best of care gimr- h' itood. janStr A, SMAWLEY. Pianos ! Pianos ! Manufacturers, JAMESTOWN. N. Y. Also, ex- elusive Aleuts tor tue ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE DEALERS AND RETAIL. IN Sheet Music, String. & tTr-Send for Illustrated CataloKUO and price GAOKGI & 1IUOWN. Wnrernoms 41 Main Snect. Factory llrooklyu llloek, fcMt of Maill-St. vSI-tf All accounts I ot teltlcl lm:nec!ialel , 1:1 be k" r.tli an olfcer fi r'eullctlioii. A.i.!4:.". PLY.SOl.LS tl CO.