t ' "i 7 Petroleum Centre Daily Record. pel. tlentre, B-tur.taj, Sept IK A. . FAT, Uttilor. Time of Closing Mall. P. O., finolKii Ckhtrb, Pa., JOLT S7sT. IS. i Until further notice the malts will arrive it and depart from thla oflice m follows : AHBJVB. South and East, via. Irrtneton, loss A. M. t South and West, " Mcadrlllo, 6.18 P- M. North and last, Corry, a .58 . " DET1RT. South and West, 9.46 A. M. Sou. East and Weat, S 30 P. M. Sort h Boat and West, 10.00 A. M. Divine Servlrea. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and O'clock P. M. Ret. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 7j4 p- M- Sabbath School at!).'. A. M. oats free. A cordial invitation extend ed to all. Ret. C. M. Heard, Pastor. STS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catbolle) CHURCH. Man at 104 a. m. Vesper and Benediction of the. Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. m. j, JAMES DUNN, Pastor. Cliaiifte of Time. OIL CREEK & ALLEOnENEY RIVEIt KAIL WAY MONDAY, 8EPT. Uth, 18GB. Northward Trains Leave Pet. Centre 7:10 a m., ar. at Corry 0:40 am. " " " 10 44 am., nr. " 1.25 p m. " " " 2 :6ft p. m, nr. " 0:111 n.m. u u u (4:06p. m., nr. TltusTllleS:S0p. in. Southward Trains leave Pot. Centre, 7 :10 a. m., ar. at Oil City 8 :10 am " " "tliOOp. m., ar. " 1:45 p in " ' " 7:63 p. m., ar. " 8:35 p m " J4.30 p. m, ar. " 6:50 pm tThls Train will storj 20 mlnntea for dinner. (These are Freight Trains and go to TltusTlllo and Oil City. These trains pass at this point. The Southward Train itoping for breakfast .Tho 2:53 p m Train going North and the 7:33 Train going South run on Sundays. REPUBLICAN MEETING. Thero will be a meeting of the Republicans of Cornplantor Township, In Sobd'a Opera Ilonso, Sit- nrday evening, Sept. 11, nt 1 o'clock, to organize for the campaign, nnd place In nomination a township ticket. Found A small wallet, containing the salaries of forty editors. The finder is ru incd. A iotter is held for postage at Buffalo. ddrosBed to Charles N. Priest, l'itholu City. Tbe Etie Annual Conference of tbeMetb. tidist Episcopal Church meets at Franklin September 30th. A Southern paper advises Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe to go to tbe "Erring Wo man's Home" in Chicago. Yanderbilt is mortified at tbe alliance of tbe Erie and Lake Shore roads, which was perfected while be was of getting married. Robert Sellers of Franklin, fell dead while in tbe act of dressing himself on Monday morning last. He was eighty-five years ol age. A petroleum company in Louisiana has struck sulphur. Wonder how many petro leum seekers in this section will eventually do tbe samo tbiug. A new issue of pottage stumps bearing the fumiliar faces of Washington, Jackson, Ffauklin and Lincoln, aro ordered to su percede tbe late designs. Tbe mare Flora Temple, formerly Queen of the Turf, is atill halo and hearty, not witbBtauding she has reached tbe advunced age of thirly-tbree years. Peaches may be reliuvod from tbeir coats in a way superior to the uso of tbe knile, by droppiug them into weak hot lye. ThiB process will greatly fucilitute tbe operation of preserving this delicious fruit. Tbo Directors ol tbe Oil Creek and Alle gheny River railroad have declared their usual quarterly dividend of two and one half per cent, payable October 1. ,Tbo uarnings of tbe road for tbo quarter end lug August 31 are $550, 000. Brief, saucy and very Western is the fjl lowing martiago announcement in a Chica go paper: "l'rido, Stillmun Galenu, July 8lh. No cards. Presents, $5,000. Spe cial train. Letters from Grunt, Sherman and Sheridan." There will liu preuchiug at Hie Methodist Church this evening, coinmeiiciug ut eight o'clock. On Eundoy nexl, Comsiunion services will be held. This will bo tbe last eaera menlul service for Ibis Conference year. A full attendance of tbe iiieiuberd ol the Church aud cjugicgulion is very much de sired. Luuimeis & Alden are sulliug olf present clock at coei, Accidents. Tbo wife and daughter of John Purcell, who wcro severely burned while lighting a fire with kerosene oil at Ti tusvillo, on Wednesday last, both died yes terdoy from tbeir injuries. Another acci dent Is reported as oceurriug yesterday morning te a man named Newton, an engi neer on the Barnes & Breton well, Cadwal ladcr Tract, Churali Run. He was washing tbo boiler with beuzlne, when it took fire and exploded, enveloping biro in firo. New ton was bafsV burned, and tbo engina bouse was destroyed. A Lock-Up. Wo aro pleased to know that a subscription is in circulation in this place to raise means lor the purpose ol building a lock-up, an institution much needed in any coin in unity, and particularly in Petroleum Centre. Much of tlto noise which is occasionally beard on our streets in tbe night, and oftentimes during tbo day, caused by weak minded and degraded pec plo who have an overplus of ''benzine'' aboard, would in a great .moasuro bo silenc ed, did they k .ow that a "cooler'' was erected especially for them by the thought ful pcoplo of the place. We hope our citi zens will subscribo liberally to the fund, that the building may be put uuder way ut once. We noticed a woman yesterday, a disgraco to tbe name making tho air hid eous with her idiotio tonguo, poisoned sitb tbe worst of whisky, who should have found if not a final resting-place an abode 'wbero the wicked cease from troubling," to remain until reason is restored. Our officers will see to it that all such are pla ced in cells, if otir citizens will furnish the required establishment. Fihk. A fire broke out this afternoon in tbe refinery of Baker & Moore, located in tbe rear of George K. Anderson's botiBo. They were running off tar into the bucket, when tbe fire in tbe furnace Ignited with that vessel, causing the eap of the bucket to blow oft, and setting fire to the still house, which was entirely destfoysd. No further damage was done. Didn't Do It Considerable amnsemont wag furniBbed a small ciowd of spectators this morning on the shores of Oil Creek, up street, by tbe actions of a man known as "Dutch Henry," who contemplated sui cide, and plunged into the creek, ''ca-chug" probably more to amuse his audience thau from Berious contemplations, He bad "suicide on the brain," as everytody haB been talking it since Thursday. As be floated ho swam, end upon being admonish ed that it was contrary to the rules of Btii Cide, he made the reply "It isb cold." The cold water sobered bim up, and be who was drunk Henry but a moment before, came to the shore a shivering, sober man. Ho was immediately ous ca spieled. The Oil City and Petroleum Bridge Com pany deelared a semi-annual dividend of 8 per cent recently on their bridge stock, and in addition to this bad purchased plank to entirely relay the roadway, which hat since been done. Tbe business Is constant ly on Ibe increase. We aro glad to Bee the enterprise making such good returns. It is a great benefit and convenience to tbe place. Iron Gate, Wheat Bheut, Globe Heaterr, Oriental, and Parlor Stoves, at Nicholson & Blackmon s hardware store. A bat and cap manufacturer in New Lon don, Conn., has .discovered a new way ol advertising. Ho makes bis three eons go bareheaded winter aud summer. Benevo- lont people buy caps for them, and they throw their custom into thoir father's hands. Tbe self-same caps are purchased for them six times a week on an average. Farlor and Cooking Stoves at Nicholson & Blackmon's. A Western town has a new society, form ed by tbe young ladies, tbo object- being to redeem young men whoso habits do not suit thorn. Tbey pledge themselves not to receive the attentions of any young man that swears, smokes, chews, loafs on the street comers, or drinks. Tbo amount of "sitting up with tho girls" dono in that re gion sinco tho society went into operation is "nothing worth speaking of." An agita tion in favor of "suspend! ug tho rules" lor two evenings a week Is expected. Tinware, In retail and jobbing lots, nt Nicholson & Blackmon's. Tue Bvnos Story. TUo excitement in regard to tho article wiitlen by Mrs. Stowe ou tho subject of Lord Byron has not abat ed. The newspapers mill leem with corro apoudenco. A loiter in tbe London New says: In no instance in history has nny one told a most unpalatable truth nnd re penled of lis handiwork when the liii-.t flush of indignation has subsided. V, e thank tb author and publishers for telling the truth Mrs. iSiowo unveiled u st-tret lirineriy care fully guarded by a few, and restored' finite and vice to their proper places. l:i future It will be rcmombcred that, by her couiue there is one lets imposture ia the world. .ma 1 1 1 niimi iw .wi w-w nrr '- - -1 A Bank Note Swindle. A gang of swindlers are mnkiug money by mutilating bank bills by the following process: The dodge consists of tanking ten bills out of nine, and is so managed that there is but one pasting to each of the inuntifuctuied notes. Tbe nloo wholo bills are taken. and from the right of tho first one-tenth is siiced off; Irom the right of the second two tenths; from the right of the third three- tenths; and so on to number nine, from which nine-tenths are taken from the right, or, what amounts to tbo same thing, one tenth from the left. Number one is passed as it is, with a tenth gone from tho right; tbe one-tentii taken from number one is pasted to tbo residue of number two, from which two-tentbs bad been tukeu; these two-tenths aro made to answer tbo place ol the three-tenths taken from number three, and so on through. Thus, nine five dollar notes are completed, leaving tho original number nine, with a tenth gono from the left, as a tenth note. It will le seen that but a tenth gone from each bill, nnd on a different place on every one, and a little ingenious pasting makes tbo loss impeicep tible to ordinary observers. It is certain that largo numbers of theso mutilated bills have beuu circulated, and our readers will do woll to look out fur them. Fine Silk Huts at Laiiinicrs & Aiden'e. We see it stated that a "class In journal ism" is to be introduced into Washington College, Virginia. The Idea is to educate young men for tho editorial profession which will provo one of the largest of the many humbugs with which collegiate liio is being "doctored" these days. The only graduating class lor a journalist is a news paper office, and w hatever of porfeclaliility is attainable must come through bard work and dear experience. James Gordon Ben nott, Horace Greeley, Robert Botinor, and a dozen others will toll you that. A col lego may turn out a herd of essayists every year, but thore won't be a single journalist among tbem. And who is to be tbe Pro fessor of Journalism? Hero is one great difllculty. Nobody but a Brst-claes journal ist would bo competent, and we doubt If a first-class journalist could bo persuaded ii nto f tbo business of pedagogning. It is sheer nonsense. If a man wantB to bo a journalist, let bim serve ten years in tho ofuco ufa first-class newspaper like tho Kn quirer. At the end of bis term he will be an editor or dead. C'incinnaCi Enquirer. Lammers & Alden have a new stuck of all latu styles Of Huts nnd Cap?. tf The Philadelphia Critniuul Court bus iu its bands a notorious churauter named Jim' my Haggerty, charged with murder, whom they are unable to try on account of the Commonwealth's witnrst?s being spirited away. Four terms have passed, and bis counsel on Saturday moved for his discharge from prison, when bis case assumed a now phase, and this time one which involves a law poiut of much importance. It uppears that some years ago be was granted a con ditional pardon by Governor Curlin. The condition was that ho fcbould leave tbe Cjuntry, which he did not do. Tbe Dis- trist Allot acy now asks that lie bo temuuu- ed to prison to serve out tho unexpired term of bis sentence, on tho ground that bis con duct has worked a revocation of tho par don. Per Contra, it is contended that a pardon with such conditions is a pardon iu lull, for tbe Governor has nu right to ap pend conditions. Iron Gate, Wheat bbeuf, Gl ibe Ileat ia. Oriental, .aud Parlor Stoves, ut Nicholson & Blackmon's hardware store. Duatu in the Minis. The terrible col liery catastrophe at Plymouth, Pa., dgtails of which are sending thrills of horror through the country, is by far tho most ap palling of tbe kind that has ever occurred in America, and almost equals the frightful disaster in Saxony. Whether it was duo to a proven table cause, and may be charg ed, as so many of the accidents in mining arc, to a want of precaution on tho part ol lliofco whose ftiuiiliurity with - the ever haunting dangers of lire in a colliery pro duces a forgetful curelusauusa, dues not yet appear. The scene ol tbo cutastropho is a station ou tho Lauttawtuma ttud iiloomsburg rail way, tweuty tulles southwest of Scranton, aud some six miles from Wilkcsbarre. It is situated on too western bank of the Sub- (lueliauna river. Tho town is in the heart of tho V"yoming Valley, and is 0110 of tbe great coal turning depots. . It litis now uu awful episode "in iis Lieiury to luako tbo town noteworthy and meinoruble. Oen. Kawlms leaves three lijiluivn, an infant born lait week, und two duugbleis, ton and Iwelvo years old, ny u lornn'r mar riage. Mrs. U-iwIiui; is a naiivo of Danbniy, j Coun., where fiio now is. .She wan UMihle bv louson ol sicklier to btlettd his lus1 ! bolt 13. put! it CX.-! ul .Nioii(ji..si)v A; Ulackmox's. -svjrrf qi - r - ni. - rjujp. - Ircii Cute, Wheat Sheaf, Globe Heaters, Oriental, and 1'iulor Stoves, nt Nicholson s Blackmon's hardware store. Vety best case-hardened working barrels Nicholson & lilackmon's. CAMMlMt'Y ANNO! M I.;ill:. ITS. Mn. EniToii:--! Iiiwe announce the name or Imln Ilollowav. of IMnnier. lie a niudidnlc tor .III, lice of the Peace . mlMcct to the mages of the Iti'publlciiu Party, at tbe primary e'ectiou, Mask ITrizMi a Eoitoh: Please announce the name of Mna niTT S, iIouth, ae a candidate fit Justice f the Peace iu Coniplantcr township, at tlie eosiilrg Oc tober election, ami oblige. MANY ClTIZIISS. Planter. Sept. 16, 1.-S0. Lorul .oti'Ci. WANTED. A Ctrl to do gcnciitlhoiisewcsk. Enquire of Mrs It. V. Evnns, In Wild Cnt. sopllt- ( III I.DRI.N 8 CAKKIAtir.S A line assortment nt tho Furniture Store. 1 w A Show Case for Sale. A good second-hand Snow Cos for side at the Jewelry establishment of 1SIIAM Jt CO. 8cpt.4:3t. WHITE MTIE A fresh supply, Just received at R. n. Fisher's Drug Store. Tiao florrlaon'a (.611111110 Pino Tar and Peralan Healing Soapa. These sonps are impregnated with exotlce of the mildest and most Etlsamlc nature, nnd are warrant ed perfectly Innocent and freo front nilnoral and oth or pernicious admixtures, nnd are selected by tho lauio nn J public in general in prvferer Co to all other snap,, as the great producers and preservere of a healthy purity of complexion, and a conservator of female beauty. Pur tho softness and delicacy which they induce to the hands and fucc, theircapa billty of soothing irritation nnd r moving unsightly eruptions, render thorn lndlspenslhle to every toll ot. Wo kludly ask the public ts try tho virtues o tlicso soaps. J. L. II. A Co., Proprietors. A. D. Miller & Co , Ooneral Axcnts. Jul22-3ra. Special Notice. WORDS OF WISDOM for young men, on the Ruling Pas jinn In Youth nnd Early Manhood, with SELF HELP for the erring a-nd unfortunate. Ben In scaled letter envolopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION D .x P, PmnnEMAIA Pa. May 24, 3m cw Flour, Feed and Grocery Storo i J. S. PIlATHEIt, At the OLD BANK BUILD1NQ, ON MAIS-8T, opposite tho McCllntook House, has on band a lag-n and fl tat class stock of 1' lour Feed and Groceries, which he Is selling at a low figure. fjn. Don't forgot the place where A, D. C'otto & Company broke up. Jn2-tf. Hard v. nrO A large assortment of which Is lji-iup clope.l out at reduced rates at REYNOLDS BHonilEAD A CO'S, No. 11 Contro St., opposite the PortOtrico, Oil City, Pa. Urocliorv For all kinds no to REYNOLDS BKOPHUAD A CO'S, No. II Ceatro Street, oppo site the Post Onice, Oil City, Pa. t'nrpct'i, of every quality and description, at REYNOLD.-., HKODUKAD CO'S, No. 11 Centre Street, opposite the P. O., Oil City, Pa. The Mr eat Yoaemlte Bitter. All hall I (.'rent benefactor, Who 10 cure us of our ills, Glva life to the dlcconsolnte. Without 'loxlnus rintKsor pills. Pnvcs dUuuitc from out the t item. Kills fie lusirt wl'h life and light, , Will, the hcot of all the ton'cs, Downer Great Yoscroitut With root from out tho vallevs. Wht-io California's sun doth shine, Giving wealth tons poor mortals, Riivond the riches or her mines. Wealth of health and happiness, Its Mi-ssintrs nque should slight, Dn 5011 want It F Would you have It I Uo Dowuer's Great Yoaemlte. Come ye sick, tllensed, disconsolate, Why should you pine aud diet Ye fuchle, faint and languishing, Come, tho-ie glorious Hitters try. Sec how thc-e quacks and tingtruiuaj Floe from the la-id In fright. Giving place to this puro tonic, Downer's Croat Yosemitul InlMtf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Roy Lost. nt'GII LIVINGSTON, a lad between T and 8 Years old. left the house ef his TTncle end JIUMI, I'll tllo 0'1KJ 1 HIUI, 4UUIIIU1J ailCTIKJIJU IDSI.. Tue Ikit was clothed in llht colored stilt, and ware a brown hat. Whoever will give Information of hia whereabouts to John Jackson, btorey Farm, will confer a favor on the parents. A . .... .1... Otn..n. if .1 r , . Story Farm, Sept 10, ltus. , 8t. S50 Howard. OKAYED or stolon, from the farm of 8. Morrison kl on ' licrryiree Jinn, Hnndey, (Sent. 6th. 1WI9, a Chtinnt horse, eight bears old, white stripe In his face, stylish In appearance. Tips on lite fore feet and tender footed- No shoes on his hind feet. The above reward will ho paid fur tho recovery of the horse, and t & atldidonal lorcnnvlctlon of the thief It stolen. SCOTT, lit AN 15 CO. Storey Farm, Sept. 6, ls9. aep9:9t DlKWOllltiOlt mllE Co-Piirtnersh:i heretofore existing between I James MeCrea and A. O. Furnham, Is this day dissolved bv muttfil consent. A. O. Farnhnm rctlr ing. All debts due tho hue linn will be paid to A. o; Farniiani. JAMKK MrCKKA, A. (. FAKNUAM. Dated Pci. C'onlrc, Sept. tib, 1809. aept7:4t Two .oteti IiOnt. r til k s I. IWc, mi: s -rih" -t Iwti no'es some time ho- 1 tin--Mli or Aiwiist and the 1st doy of r. l -'iu. ;o. I Holes wore drawn in lnvor 1 nl'j. n;vei: hy S P. Needhillll, and en . .). V. Intel and .1. L. Uotl'uiao. tno giv- :i iliivslimc. ncd (he olhoi six uioulhs. s.o 1, the .a!,lic aeuinst purcliasing smd tU !.!!' lit. I It. J.r.-.d Ii e,i 0:1 tilt 1 h.-i..!.y 10. n -.I. 1. t. .11 I Hi y pn-Miii innin g tiicni will be liber 1 by leaxilu rhclii w f III J It. KEMP, Storey Farm. LV the I!. llov..,r.l American Waich, the des ai.ul.., of 1SUAM il CO. .. -y jrjyTfMi -aci-, w j. si MERCHANT'S GARGLING- OIL, is THE BEST llaMBEViElUT IN THE WORLD Fop IVI-tn & Beast. 30 Yearn In Vnc, cn en U (TAtHtlWr Hlioiimntlam, CMlblnini-, (Win, Wliit Iowa, t'tikis .tirn-t, Hutu Mipplc!, Cnmit. hnU lines if niiimnl?, inki.ess vf the Joint;, Cuntnic' Hons ofthu Mtittclcfl, Hums and Sculdi. Fm-tt Kit est, I'll i nl ill Nervmi atltM-tUm, t 'liuppifl llumlrt, lJtn,c Hack. Tnin in tho Mde, Swrlliti, Tinners Tooth Actio. OKI Nures, lU-morrholtls ut ViWi, Fknh Wound. Gnll of nil kinds, Sprnhit, Hrwi-ion, Crack wl liwls, ltlni; lttino, 1'oln Kvll, Wind (ialN, fal low, Spnvlii, Swetuny, Kintulu, Bit runt, Kxlertia 1'oinonH, KcrittchfM or lireusi;, Spriuulinlt, Nuiii CrncKPi I-BDuneasj-Mraliia, Kontidcriiin Kwt, Manci-, Horn DMetnpiT, Garget iu tWfl, ('racked Tints 'oot Hot in Micimi, Hiid many other difuisia inti dvnl lu Man And lkait, 2D a. . R. D. Taylou, or Concord, Kv., s.lvs theCargtlni.' fill cured a horse of hi,, injur. U whife plouL'liin; l artemptine to step over a etutnp. almost severing' hip thth from the lod; also that he has utcd Itiu hi family fur llficen years, and it the hitit rcmeilv lnr Cuts, Hum llruisi, Krost Ditcs, Strain?, Klii-imi-atlsui, etc, he ever mod. ... . CT3 C3 From OitCMP A Bnos , Cochrane Ijimllnp, OI1I1, Nov. u. lB,iti. We are pleased with your medicine. It has heen the menus of curing a groat number u dltrorent dlsuasee upon persons, as nl.-o ujmu liursi We think It cureB nil you recommend it to do. We want you to tend us the 1-trcr proportion of the variety lor "Family Lao," iu small butties. I From Dn. J P. "1 anm:u Warron, Ind., March 1R61. I am engaged in the practice of medicine, and ilnd your Gurgling Oil an extremely ctllclu-1 remedy in all cases whore an external application Is Indicated. From Dn. G. n. Nkat., Durris, Iowa, Dec. 911, IRS1'. I have practiced medlcire In Hits county seven years uud cuocrfu II y recommend your Gurgling Oil as the best llnament in use. From Da. T. W. ELt-rs. Ga . Jan. (L is.w.ir I could receive both boxes of the Gurgling Oil It will not he too much, as 1 think I could soon find sale tor it nit, tno inipury being ft-oipieut siucu It Is sup posed that I h uvo it for sale. From Dn. Wi. S. McCau., Chamois, Mo , Nov. II, 185S. Vour GarglingtMl Is taking thcslilneon" rrom all the liniments of tbe day. If you desired them, I could procure doxens of cortiitcati'S from those who have been cured by it. Messrs cLaih Buns , Wholesale Druggists, Wheeling Vs.. say, tinder d ,to of July 24, IWDL that they can safely recommend tho Gu-gling Oil for morediseuses than It Is recommended for. From J. K. Fimieh. rulontowii. Pa.. Jnne 31, 18117 Your Ga'gling Oil Is doing much iH'tter here than formerly, sinco its virtues have become known, and the hollies put up fur Family Use, without stain, are much sought for. era era Fxtiict from aletter from Hon NAtnAK I ransur, County Judi;e of Shelby Co., Iowa datod Harlan, April HI. isili It Is decidedly preferred to any lin aineut sold In this section. Extract ot a letter from 8Avnn.H. Ilrpf, dated Falishnrir, Ohio, July 17,1S. In June lat, Henry Shurlle had a y arling rolt that had wh-11 was sup pceed to be Dyplhcria for more tutin ten dw ihnt it could not ent, nn j the throat swoleu aliou't shut, and the use of itiroo or four applications, of the dollar bottles did the do-Irod etl'eet. F.0111 A ti. Niai.. Lewisvlllo. Coschocton Co., ., March, lsr,-'. I have used vour Garirlinc: Ml lor the Neratcl'e on my burse, and It cured it with the first application. era c fTrom Eios MATttrn, Mlddhport, N. Y.. .Inly 'A 1S5D. I purchased a hottlo of vour thircling Oil ol vour agent, A. S Ii tker, at Mlddleport. and as yet havo used but half o( It. I think it has given me more relief in a case of severe Khetimaiisin. of long standing, than any thing 1 have ever used before. Wti"ct f,-nn. a l,.Hr Trnm J ft T'ftATT. dated Quiney, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., August li, 181. I nave been ncpmintea witn your mouiciue uan"n oil) for the last fourteen years. It has proved a sure cure ror Foot Hot In Sheep for which I sold the last bottle and have calls almost dally for more. rieuse torwara as soon as convenient. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL; And take no other. Retail Price, l.OO, 50 Ct., and US ft. Shako Well boforo uslnu. and rub on thoroughly before tho fire or some worm substance- The Oargllnc Oil lias been in uso as n Hnam1 81 years. All we ask ia a air trill, but be sure and follow directions. Ask your nearest Druggist, or dealer in 'nl'"i Medicines lor ono of our Almanacs and aue cuius, and reud what tho people say ulniut uu. " The enroling Oil "is for aalo hy all respectable dealers thruiighout the United States and otnw countries. Our tssr.moniafs ditc from 1833 to P"1!? VMiitkiiat. lira tho Gargling Oil mid tell jou. neigbliors what good It has done We deal fair and liberal with all and dory contra diction. - Majiufitciturod at Lot'ltport, X. V., Iy Mcifliant's (iai lins Oil !' JOHN HOlKiK, Secretary- Sold by A. D. ulyi -iiu. 1 ulolll u. Llli'l' - gg 1