Lester need not bo called 'poor!' Colonel Nichols haB lon licon paying her atten tions, and when I llt port, livo monlliH ago, tlio story wus ttiut they wero ciikoklvI ! Tbo Colonel told mo himself Hint hu loved her and mont to ninny Ii r . No doltut by this time limy nro mnrried !" This cruel thrust Hi ruck homo to tlio poor husband's heart, nml uterine a pent cry, Jio Ml forwnnl with liis fueo upon I lie table, will Id the Captain roKnrdeil liimwltli a look of minified hatred nml exultation. The Now York Ledger cviituinino; tbo con tinuation of this glory is for salo at all tlio bookstores anil news depots. Ask lor tlio number dated Sept. 18, and In it you will gut the next iiistultrTient. The 1. diner bus tbo bcBt stories of any paper in the woild. Till': on. i5 a it ii i; rs. Omen op ) Tiik Pkt'm Ckntub DAit.r Ukcoko. I'ktuoi.kvm! Ckntue, Sept.. 10 Tbo market is quiet and lower. 1000 barrels wore sold at $5.13. Shipments, 6ft barrels. FtTisoi.Kif i m AttRirrsH mi, IK.KAPil. Special Dispatches to tliu Dally ltecord. PlTTSIIl'RUII, Sept. 10. Kpot M. First water, H?. S. O. all tlio year WiOiH. 11. O. all the year 1!i.'4'. I Oct. Nov. M:l.i'(!t'?8 Market Weaker. l'lffLADKLrillA, Sept. 10. Spot 32 i;,'t3. Sept. 32?j. Oct. Lines, . Oct. & Dec. 32,' JCi ;.i Crude 17. Murket nominil. Nkw Yoiiic, tiopt. 10. Keflneil..T2. Crude. 16. Market tiulot. Western I'tilon 1.1110 mnrkct It c port. Now York. Sept. 10 Crude.. 104 Gi Dbls. 2:i'4' Kenned. ?,ti. Aur Sept. (5) Spot. Market Dull and drooping. Pittsburgh, Sept. 10. Spot 14?.,T( Market Dun. l'hiladelpbia, Sept 10. Crude m.. I'. L. S. toY, 30Jii S. W.11?; Market -Quiet. Antwerp, Sept. 102 p. m. Crudo Cft.'n. ;!. i in r,s:v vn;tt. Nkw Y'ohk, Sept. 10. GolC Viol.;. can ii s ":v a.u i:i;.ui. vs. Vn. KlHTnn: leant flr.t'Oilnro tlie nnwe rr bijln II illnwuy, of l'lun.i r. us n e-ii'liii:o tor .IiiIIm of thu 1 Vner, rulnei't t" t) e mn-a or 'l Hepnli iciin 1'iiriv, nt the piiii'iiry e'vetlun. Many OmiiMs 1 Loral Xotircs. vif u i.uii i:nn CAlt it I ACJ ICS A fine assortment nt tlio Fnrniture Store. !- A Slitiw Cav for Sale. A jwod gecond hnail Snow t'as for salo at the Jewelry c tablUlnueut of ISflAM & CO. . Sept. 4 :3k Ki;t:t coot. By purchn'ina one of tluso KlJvUlGKKATOnB at the Pariiltinc Store. wiin r. i.tiir A f rc?h supply, jujt received at It. I". Fisher's Drug Storo. Vuo Morrison' ;eiinlno Pine Tar and rcinlnii IIcnlinK Soii;ih. Theito sonpn aro linjireRiinted with exotics of the mlhiust and niOHt U'dsiunlc niitiiro, nnd are warryit ed porfectly inuocont ami free from tulnoral and oth or pernicious admlxturi'i, and aru selected by the Indies and the public in general lu prefcruico to all other 8oapa, ax tlio great producers and pro servers of a healthy purity of complexion, and a cnnitcrvator of femalu beauty. For tlie softness and dolicacy which they Induce to the bands and face, their capa bility of soothing irritation and removing mulithtly eruptions, render theni indtapenslblc to every toil ct. We kindly aak tho pukllo to try the virtues 0 those soaps. J. L. II. Co., Proprietors. A. D. Miller & Co , Gonoral Agents. JuU.'-Om. Kpevtal Notice. WORDS OP WISDOM for young men, on the Killing Passion in Youth and Ear'y Manhood, with SELF HELP for tho erring and unfortunate, gen in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge, ddres, 1IOWAKD ASSOCIATION Bjx P, 1'uii.Amai-Ai l'A. May SI. 3m Sew Flour, Feed ami rocM-y (store ! J. S. IMlATIIESi, At the OLD BANK IJDILDINO, ON MAIN ST, opposite tbo McL'llntock Honse, has on hand a logo and first class stock of t'lour,l'eod mid Urocerlos, which he Is selling at a low figure. 7!. Dou't forget the place where A, D. Cotto & Company broke np. Jn2 If. Hardware A large assortment of which is being closed out at reduced rates at REYNOLDS BUODtlEAD Jb CO'8, No. 11 Contro t., opposite the PostOfllco, Oil City, Pa, C'rorkory For all kiudi go to ItEYN'OLliS I1KODHEAD CO'S, No. 11 Centro btreot, oi;io- -site the Post Olllce, Oil City, I'a, Tte k the Only WHITE CLOTIMS STGE ii Pair ton Centre. O O Our Stock of First Cl:iss Clothing isCoiii .lete ! f Evory Style, COLrliAiiSi, S'ECK-TIES, WHITE SmitTS, sijhI Everything for AKtiN AVonr. All of which wo wiH still than any Boston or IatfaloO CALL AND EXAMINE CUR STOCK AND PRICES, junc annuo. LAHKEKS & AU)m. .DliUUa A N't) MKDiCIWEs! " J. H. .OHEISTIE DKALI.'.K 1N' Paints V amislios, Gass, P atty. fej;;5j:s, Dye Sf sills, FacF and Pellet Mziole. iii: i:lectei) !ixnu:si;LY you medical pckposes. N. D. -. - rrwerlplior.3 carefully coinpoautictl . at all hoars ()lvt me : r;i:l t)-;fore .nvt'jiAf?!.nt; oleAvhcro. fMyie-tr.) .X. 53. WiaSTtt'. rd B tt a htxa MljilbEMi liliiiill COH. FEANKLIN & SPHING STS., TITU5VJLLB, ViL Extensive Assaitiiicat of . , , . ,T , ncli 1 am preji.-ived to .'.Iakt. Ax A u msm i iuU Which COAL I TTIAVRnpcneiln Coal Yard at tho end of th Itojd K inu Urid'e, wliere will huconstuutly keji all kinds of STEAM AND STOVE COAL. Teams com!cg to my yard for Coal, will have Fri'C Phrhoijo Over the CrocK OPEEATOBS W011UI do w-'ll to ei'(ji:ire at the ofl'K t!, and v ill find it tn tl'olr ti.ivantftre t fir il vtiii m: l'otroleiuu Ctmtre, Vi. T)fUK ISlAU MHICM t Thi-rn-.vill hn n inecthn; on Slomlnv, Am-iist lffhl'"- rewarded t.y hiavi'i lneio weii 1H!W,i tluiomf of Wiiliiinn. -iy .V. C ,, il.o 111 ' ! KI.MI ,t-iuieYr.lrm. iioHt olllr.;, CHI 1'it;.. ofilie com iiii-iouTrt ai imi'iti-n- " by sl.;el.u A "t i. ;"-.-l-l i r , i i. , I.-. uimu iv..'.v. i-.n.l tf ";i r "e t ;, i i' evi r7 .'I'i'.lil V and lh'?crl!ti'.'n, HI i-etehv .H.'iwcM. i"i- i" t'i,. c.i.ial .lock of f,e oi.. ,..::kn(,:j:-) cm :);.-1) . .-o'S, n c..:.u Win. W. V ilii -.Ii,-, .1 M S i..-i , t-i-t iii-;.-:., .1. II It.-r. A. zl L- .1 y. Oil City, July '."'i, i.1'.' l'tY - luM 3 O Wo?ijj Pc? ue-IIor.se concern dare sell. Vie' 4t ti USZ ief rl P L Vem ? f , , XT . , up to Order on Shrt iSottoe. A . . h'Umum ys &&V Keward. SH AYKT ni ntolmi, from the farm of S. Morrtnon on 0.crr-irct Hun, Kundny, Hopt. 5th, iw;!t, ti t'lifwtnut liore, ciKl.t hemn old, white etrlpr tn hN mcc, tyi,fu in avpwri.!:'-'! j ip on Iim loru imi nnd tt:iidir fooitii. Ko allocs on his lihxi fi;tt. Thu lilmvtMi'M'.-.vd will lit? pail for iim recovery of iht Jiursc, and p15 additiunii! (nrco".virtitm of tlu tlri'jf if tol.Mi. S( 'OTT, CUANK & CO. Mlorey Farm, Snpt. 0, lW. ui.U:t l?;oliitioii rt"-ir Co-T'irtivr.-'irp !KTotof(rn cxirftiiiy; hrtwtvn limit h Mt Uroi and A. U. tr';inth;im, iA tlud day Ui.i -olvr l ltv i 'ir i .mh:.-. tit A . K-:riitia n ivtir iti'". AM ibiadue Hip kite :Trm will l .'n id to A. if..' Fnn.ltaiu JAaII'S Mp iiluA, A. O. KAKMiAV. Dutnl I'c). Ccnrro, S.:ti. 4th, lM"a fc;,!;:!,,. Th IVolos JTii4 friiT2 J..1...I..I,.. ! Inr I.V( lire.i ann,n mn l.r tiveen me Villi ol A.ii.l-l aitd ilnt 1st l'i'o!I.M- . ot J. K. 11 all'. -r veil "y i - .t..iiiiiiin. ana in dnrdi'd hv ... 'A Iniel i.ii'i .1. I.. lti::i:un. toni iv en on ftlieui lil'v lime, aud ihe oilier fix tnuiitny 1 lleroev v.-i -i lb'.' p'Oiii" tiv::iii-l. piiieliaiii; nine n-it. in d iiiiv -..i nneir.' i n:: i win lai ill or rn..l, . i p. Ai! t.. . I: I'. II., t-il i'ilv. . I .11 I'.ImI illlLH'llialCI V, Will l,. 1. .;v;m ' I,-; u - n!W!tyl,..w.rlo,.1., , 1 Hr?1W.r-XtiH KEMOYAIi OF e'JJ FAaH V a TO Til on ) O C TITTCY V U X JL TITUSVILLE, -J Where the patrons oC tlio house will meet .wit 11 all the couitey characteristic of tw establishment. A complete assortment of fiiurit ;oiis .JiiMt HeVivc'il, ATiiiie BDiie't tsi.3fi, I:i3cst f?1yto, lltim it lncK Sit It n in ;rcut Variety, Jj5:o n Pti-1!i in Every Style A Sk-nili.l TfJC PT f The laiysst in the Oil Kegion. sided over by one ot the best and Most l1itlnon tiblo Cutteiii m the State. OI:-KE!lKI) AT e-rsatiF Hediiced Prices! For th! Next Ninety Days, to enable tlie Projirietor to oj:en Jun STORE, In course of Construction on the lot l.-itclvoecupied by him, or' ner of Spring mid Franklin Streets. Keuiembt-T that the stock of HATS AND CAPS I '. large and that such another assortment of IP U B jST I S PI IMG- GOODS' Was never before, tuvsented to the jmblic in Titnsville. S. S. Ghris-wold, IOi.!o.r 1:1 5" Orders :.y the Car or Ton pi'omptl; Filled -- - ILEKL KIBIi HIASi! OFFICE n f,.,TOd Strc'-t. near K. It. Tra-U PETKOLP.PM CEXTUE. I'A. Jir.iJ-ti', 131 .naiaen J nise, M. V.. '1 1 ! ot n r i" t T 11 1 .07! 4 'frif1 '.'(ill ta ill 1 I' J ,t jyJliili.5oW.l lliJji.V- $.! l U. n,-n nr,.!mr,..i t wy,P on e,-'.,, niake l.ibeiai A-lvai..st. lieii:' ban Crude .met liltilK'd oil :.d lKal.rs O-lL Jij.j . . . fhi linl.El M t".:vt l'A , j OIL, VIT!MOi..l1ri':rETwlVtTE PAJN-T. cai:s no. smi v imi glue. 1 ' , i ' ' Ar 1. imi- 1 mi 3 ,. ,-.1 . -isrount to fer CAM). ii will uot : iiiMh-rsaU w a:.y ot PTOTTOI -i 1 iJS b t r j? w4 I 43 i Cjtt. : at Mk 3FIUSS & SAVIBS0N, Diamond Nt., rirt't.vii.i.n, Va. (Opposite Herald Oliice Winilti ii.viie n:s o.d latrnu. :in-i tile prl-li'" ?ener ali' to i-nil nn.l e:i!iiti:o h-, rrT7 rv,"r.7r rusmiuiis C? ALL Parlor Suite. tCUMi.bor Sots. Bink C.i si.:. b,ils, Lineup. c .i'-;ici. Wim", and every He- S Tr;itieri o' I l.:i;.i;r.?, p .ilr will lasiuonunte nine. jn'i Mouse t Kcwt r fur Ma!c! A I(Alr.,cnrirjrWh1ca'id cnmnio-llourt iiuuse vili bu sold 01 louifd. It i JocuU'O hi tlw BUSINESS rOHTION OF THE TOWN. "ii. i . -r ii i'r;iin.''il''d to ruiaou' c;ls', aid w.''1 i.jij nr rental a ;n r.lice. A lluod It3tiiiH!ijs r?l;uKl. I .,.! ..f I'lll :.('IPJ IT, nyi..tf Vi 1 "k'lin t'.i.tei . 1 - CARTER, 10 LOT L GOIUNTJIIAN" HALL, Assortment of ACQ' MERES, The custom department is pre m wx BHEAT BARSAI33 1 Pianos and Organs V f0.r .:i54Lt x 1 i'i :,;:-; 'i.KJ:ifeCT 1 piip"t : hi 4- fo mlE OliKATEST KAUfJAIXS IN PI VMO" 1 l'OKTKS AND OltttANS THAT I I1AVK F.VKU UK KN Of- 1 tli Kl) TOTUIS PUIiLIC. ' ,IR' s"lllnerorra-liri!Bafew days onlv. Plane. I I ad Owm selMtN fn.vi the h. st stoJk ot in i-iiuuu-iiis in Hiel'liitM Slnon, nt 20 per ccn' .....i'les than iiiaimfiict.irorh' Drlrew. Tho Ipuii tr nr.. fn"itnl In cull auil he convinced that I hit ' i-'llrrtnT Ofltcr bfir'!urs tlian can bo had cLi'vliio. 1 instrument varranted to give Batisl'uctfuu. I I ' ( l N III S SI'I) Ii j 1 m X-n cer.u . ,t , Oil 1 U;, K W. K. SK I NNEU v t have the cmlusivengcnci' f-r to EBieuii Pianoi, ' ,;.B'! "'' amuhtiianoiioan . n tho emu ttt;i"'tn, t.-r.f. V.iin'jo and I'iarifn; and a (...elfe.,, i, for ei!herof Hi .. art. 11BUUftoni. M. u coiintiin of till oilier e abovo E. ti.. fl ill DEALER IN OIL CITY PAINT AND YALL PAPER STORE, HEAD OF CENTRE STREET'. SASH, DOOR, BLIND WlKiraS. liEABY EL HID i'tO'i'l UK I' itA.1I r- (J 1JJ5 ts feitiJN 1'AIiNllJNU GLARING ft PATICK UAXGIXK 10 oiu:;u Quid; SALES, SMALL PROFIT L. D. KKLLOGO lin.-Hal' niMV ready for Ihentnciil exhibition cniicrrK leiluri.:, (.. Tim lla'l has been leliilnl mid sir. I'.'jtlii ie'J. No puln 1111J e.jKJlo ha been -;i.ud l irur.e I! a .!r-t vli..i SHOW BUILDING. en t:- L,i liner is Olio of the but I'.il'iilrd li,.li. 11 liie ' "Ul All enil.T iJle' II' Oiil-'eillel.t :,'. 1 I ,V t ( ' I