Saily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job Priottoq Office; v MAIjrSTREET W. H. I.UTTU1TI0I.L, Proprietor. NEWS 'DEPARTMENT. Wo rueeivo tolegruplilu dotuatihes up to 4 i: and priWFt them U) our n:iulg'vTy cvoniu;;. em bracing news or great Interest from nil sections of tho coiinlry. W liavo nmilu special arrangement, whereby wo rccolvo regular Petroleum, Stock and Prodnco Market hYporta every ovenine; by tohraiih, ftom Ncw.Iorit, Philadelphia, and l'luibaii;, which, together with Kdlteriala and Local muttera, mnko it uuo of the most desirable newspapers published Id tho Oil liejioa. As an AdvrUKliig m edit! in, The KKOOHD let do tiupcrlor, as It circulates hewver an Oil Operator or Dealer can be found mmE mm. We have ft large nd wall - mil uo tod MHOrtmont of new Jobblliif Mntortnl, omnraclng the v.:ry latcat styles. Wo aro Uiernfore, enebltal o eecnte Job Work of evory variety In a satisfactory manner When daalrI, Jow will lw neatly printed InJ Coione Chirping BSlli. Iliinol-IUIN. Pso;;raniisics, Bills oi Fare. 1 j ain't. AND nn?tns nnd Visltliitf taiitt LETTKU- HEADS, BILL-HEADS, 1 KILLS 0V LAUUXO, Kit, Etc m. LUIO -- Fatii m Fancy Stylou, neatly av.4 proieptljr ted, cmbrttclug NTITAT105 Oin.(TI.AliS FKOGIUWMCS CAHU6, T1CK.KTS, Kic In fact, etery variety atiq ity! of rwk in mMr, Marr.hanta, Iwyarn, Jisticet of t&e Fe, iAiid A?:U, Cll I?:fTii uxd A?utB, TnMuntDce Agtit, ilxnrcm. tart othr purtics iu wu1, are Irfornied u.r.t wu urc frejtrol to oxecute t,orr;dfir all ktudu of F.liA-KK.r., mihteii or rafpitrt-d lnUt . MEItCKANT'S GARGLING- OIL, IS THE BEST LIRH&IEftT IN i II H WOKIil Pop Man & Beast. 39 Yearn In lTfl. era ere In cofxl for HheiimntUm, Chilblains, t'nrm, WMt lowu, caked Jirtvut;, Nipphv, Crump:. I'otl-, Hit en of iinlninK WYfikt-fss of ih'a .Joints, Cuon-acs lion oft lie Muscles, I'uriis and hcald-. I rn-t Ititut, ruin fnl NorvoiM allt'Ction, Clumped it.'.nil-, hamo Hick, rain in the Swi'llhi-. Tuiii'-i . Ttrjth Ache, Old Sores, Uemurrholdn ur Fill-, l'U.ih 2& Wounds Gall of all kind. 8pr-.ii. Bruhv., Crack ed lloclfl, King Hone, I'olo Hvil, iinlis, Cai- iqv, ppuvin, rnveuiey, ritutna, ifitiasr, j.xieriia I'oUonrv Scratches oi" (it-ease, Sritnt'liall., Lameiie Mrnine, VmiiidetiiiK Ke.ei, Mainiu, Horn Disti-mper, Oarjet in Cows, Cracked 'lYit:t, Kuut Kot in Shorn, and many other diriwwus inci dent Man and liens t. S2D It. D- Tayuh. of Concord, Ky., pay ilic Oarnlinir Oil cured u borne of Ms, inpir'd while plough intr hy attempting to step over a Htump,almo-t severing his tliih from tho body; also that lio lias uned iMn his fatuity for flfutou years, ari'l in tht remedy fur t'nt. Hums, JtruirHV, Fru.-t Uitcs, Sirniug, Witum atiHtttt etc., he ever used. ' C3 From Ohutip A Bww, Cochrane LnrrJirs:, Ohi.i, Nov. 5(0, Wo uce pleaded with miieiuo. It has been the uitau of curing u ronunttnbor ilitlfioiit dirji'asrs '.hu ptTfOii?, ue ulto iipuTi h'tr-( We think it cmw ail you rccomnichd it to d 't waut ym to wr.nd us the Ui'yor i:-onmtion of ti;v varioty for "Family t'o,'-' iu suiali Iwitli.y. I From Dlt. J '. i eis.rt.i WnrriMi. InJ., Mnrch Ififai. I am on trilled in tho prtrticn of mctiiiiim. mid 11 nd yimr Gaivlintr Oil uu cxlitmit'lv t'lliciuM rtt:nedy In all cuu whore an eMU'iul ar-plkatinn id maicaros. From Hit O. B. Nkai., Knrri. Iowi, Doc.W. ViM. I liave nraciuxd mudiciiiu in hia tnunty hwvii yearn irnn cuemtaiy rucoiuuK-iiu your uargimg vu Ur3 tho btt lh:amt!iit in usp. From I)R. T. W. Ellis. Ga . Jim. 6, If t could receive both boxes' of tho GrtrirliiiK Oi) it will not be too much, in I thh;ii I could soon tlud !a!e lor u an, rue inquiry imu ircptcut yiueo it is e;ii po.-od Ui-U I h avo it f-r nnle. 1858. Vuur GnrxHiu;011 is taking thustitiiootf ritna all the linhiienta of the day. If you desired them. I could procuro dozen of certiUcatt-B iroui thorte who have bucu cured by it. Men Br. ycLAlN Hhoh., Wholesale Dnji.s. Wheeitns Va., Kay, under dMi of July 24, ;st il, tliat they ean enfely rwommoiid the (Jailing Oli for nuuu dtHeascH than It recorniiiLiiilcil fnr. From J. K. FiHiiKR, I'niontowu, Fa., Juuc v,l, 1 87 . Your (iarliiu; Oil i doinc much better hero than formorlv, siuec ila virtues liave heroine knnwn, and tho botilns put up for Family Uv, without dtulu, are mucD poutit lor. GO C3 Extrnct from a letter from Hon Nathan T ind!ev, County Judcre of Shelby Co., Iowa, datcl Kaibin, April ia, It it decidedly prulbrml to any lin auumt wtld in tbli neclion. Extract of r. leUi-r fro in samuet. S. Hupp, dated FallMhuru. Ohio, .July 17, istifi, lu Junu lut, Untiry bhaillt) had n yearling' colt that Imd wh-a wim Hiip jmhwI to bo Dyjiilieiia lor more than tPti diyrf no tliat it could not o&t, and tha throat gwoien aimo.t phut, and th-.i two of throe or four fipplieattous of tins ullar boitku um toe uevirea ( ,um-x. A. O. Jvisl, Iewwviiie, t.oHChocton f.-, v., Muicli. 1H52. have lined your Garelinir Oil for the Scratche.4 on my horse, and U cured it witu the urst application. j VFrom Rkos Ma tiibv. "Middlcnort. N. Y., July i3. ISo'j. I purchased - bottle or your oarviing uu 01 your aueni, a. o jjaiifi, hi muhu:jui i.. hum jim jui have Urod but half ol it. I think it b.'v given um more relief in a caeof ttevero lheiiinaliem, of tons etaadiu, than any IJuiik I have ever uted before Kstrart from a letter from J. O. Pratt, dated Ouincv, Chauuinnuft Co., N. Y., August Vi, IH.jl. I liave be-eii acquainted with your medicine Gargling Oil) for tho hiiit lonrieen yearn. It ban proved a 8 arc cure for Font Hot in Shoep for wlmh I sold the Irwt bottle and have calif almost dally for more. rleue fur ward an dooii im ronvuiiicm. Alv.-ayri Iiitpitre for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And take ao other. ttctsUS Vi'Uuiy 1.00, 50 Cits., tut l55 Cts. Shafca well bofire ubiu;;, an-i rt'h on thoroughly before the tire or boiuu v. urm siibstauue. The Online; (til biw bf-tu In nay h-a a litiantent M yearn. AH we ink ifl u fair trial, but bu ante Mud Ullow direntitnia, Ask your nearest Tni?'l, or dealer In Patent Muliciucr lor ono of our Almaiinca and Vade Ha cunu, and read what the pcvyU suv about the Oil. The G;m:lin; (il is for wile hv all reomntnlile d.leiM tliro;ij.:liinit the United Stat.ti mA utmc countries. Our tratiini.niiil due from to ISt'M and are vnaolicitrtt. IVo the').'iin'; Oil and tell your neighbors what "'i it h:m douu. W: dc:.! fair and lihural with aV, uad defy coutra dictlon. SIunutu::tur4krl at JOHN HODGE, Secr-taiy. . hy A. J). .1ML.1.J-:!! A: !.(., "in !' f.l HAUDWAKE OIL CITY. ROBSON'S ihh Vrvym Pin; Works. Corner of Keiiora V I'cutrn t.tx't Hide Oil CreuU, Oil H Vu. Pealcrs in Morris, Taskcr & Oo's OIL WELL TUCIXG AxND CASING, WORKING BAKVfLK AND VALVBS, fclUl-riMt IUF.S. CLAM ra, TONiJ. bCCIiEIi KOUH, Ac Ifiachir-cry for Oil VTclIa & Uefincrics DitiviN'd I'ln.-, tulu wateu lrvi-H Oil. I'l'Ml'S, Hvfry oweription of SUITLlEt! FOR Oil, WELLS AND KE- Aim, STOVES, TINWAKK, jiKAa ooims, TRAMS AXI) OAS HffljVM. jn.i.Tiyu, tAcaisa, and rtoss; HAHinVAKE, Carporilcr3' Too!. Kopu, Oul'.nm, Jfuils. Axe. Ccffcp Milin, ' Ttt'.ilo & I'ocket Cutlur; : A Pull A?wrtment of Everything in the HARDWARE LINK Smite Fnr:ii?liiit Goods, liii.i;, Ci'Soiiioye, No 1 Wim.T t-anr! I.'uU Oil, 'o. 1 Hcliiied Oil, Tubluftn ti!),Kii-At.'.. ; Alanufiictnrera of Tin, &hoot Iron and Copper Ware. Kei'fdrinir of nil kin.L done vitN neatn(t3 unj iliaih. Kiieciul attt-ntion iriven 1 1 steam a::d gas fitting. Wo have endeavored to ir-rrll Iho jiitronaL'c ol the public, and riiull uu evury jxyriion to insure it coiiiinnuuce. (Mil farilitiefl for fiTniiluni? t,rerytliiue In onr linu, luiving hwn sreat'.y iucrif.s.G, in tut droction of our N'v JIuildiiH.'. nr.? nov SUi'BKIOK TO ANY OTIIKR ESTABUSI11IEST au -Sl-3in. IN TUii OIL 11K01ON. EoWs Oil M Pp forfe CtiAS. BOBSON 4: TO,, Coruiir or Seneca and Centre Sta. east fiiiju of Oil Creek, Oil City, l"a. Havlr." fid-i.'d a Dowerful Hteam Ens'me nr.d three laro ,T1U:".S, to our airway extrniv. luring Klllbiishini.nt, ar now Jiniourod to do all tho iw,ce8:ury wyrk, iu fitting up, ami rciuiii ENGINES. I30ILKRS, IRON TANK?. REFINING MACULNEST, COITEU WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTIXG3 In f.ift do'aH Miichinwry .Toll Worh niitm?tfd to us wilh miuiu.Tf.3 and dii:i;ulc.(i au'4 Siiafl NEW HARDWARE STORE nJSATISCJ AND COOKING In largo variety TADLE A"ND POCKET Cutlery! ?Zh? HARDWARE. us ciiii ViiJ bliuj Irz2 tf If A M PS, L A N T E R N 3, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Wooden Ware, &e. For enle - CHEAP 1 At tlni atoro formerly occupied by IJiirchfio'd and CaBlwliui". OIIj ('(TV. I'A. Oil'City, Jan. 4, 180'J tf. John C. "Welch, SeccaS.j Oil City, Vu., Dealer iu UHhs, Efcwsseil & t'o's ln'hig usid FisSiiia ri'oisi, Iiiiiis' Sucker Rods, Druviti;; I'i.ot., OerricR IroikS, IJitluiu-.e Wlai'tls 4c l-SiUU's, all, alv Conner! ion willi MuudvllU: and l'illnljurjjlt liiui'dm' is siu lt I ( ;:u L out ail kiinis of (Ja-rL'.Uti: at t..ufl oriicf l 1 .in i'v, v. i, r r1 ii MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HARDVv'ARC. STORE ! Kat::T KlSlilKJr CO., Ikir t; niin.mtii ' to t'u. iIMri:ii of I'ntfolr n'tl ) , :'. ..h-inilY. 11. at (Ih.y hae oponod a :i(v .-nue 1:1 t! ! "i lln- t'f.ii'i'.'i.f in." Ontral l'i'trol- ti-Bl t '.l ut Ihr i" i 'ri.:nl flu.-ini'.. tlli'y . : I ' . i i (',)"- i in ' y on 1 1 i (t i l lull UHHortnifUt of cvi.':yli'ii ; m iiw ll'.trilwuio Uiumuk'Ii TIN' AND tflll'ET IRON VI Mi?., (JA- I TITINOS AND J5KA.-3S GOODd. lr Bvyan Iviviim lu'Mi ciiL-accil In lh liusinonri w,ili Mi'-n. Wiiner Uro'n. lor lour yravs 11:11, will attiud piittitulnrly lotlic lu-.sHuvf j of uiamiluttiiring SMOKE STACKS- All kinds of Tin and Slicct Iron Waiv to ordoi. GAS AND STEAM KITTING, AC", vl Tti. y liavo a w Y..i;hino fm- CUTTING Vx AS TIP With .11. tutirii SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant ill work In thin I'ido: Apr II. Coal! Coal J Coal! rjilli: nrdprstanied. havlnjj est'ili'.l.-hod briuich Yurd ttt Ryiwl rami, aro now prpiirotf to furnish All GraSos of Coal M the Very Lowest Prices. Oi'tia'nr" I'rcni I'liorvjtroe Hun, and vicinity, living '11 I'otoU'lliiK ontrn. van louvo trelr oi-dci at 'out ..fnro lu-rr. :ii"l luivo U:rm I'romjilly lilltd from the i:ym! Fiu Y.-.rd. AT LESS COST TIIAN USl'AL. !0.'T FOli?T TH13 ILACE SKAKI.KS A t'Oli.NWHI.I,, Clllw on 0. I', .'t ii H 1? , lViroioum Cenlre. ItninohUiUcftut lly nd i'ann. N. 11 We l.'.ltl oaoliiivo cintml of the fumoil:' 3TCNE30H0 COAL. at h('Ui the above named r obits Jun2 t . A. T. IiEGGETT, Mar.ti'net;irer and Dealer in m A W 2 AiJ ddj f-i w f Seed Bags, "Valve Cups, &c. EKp'.rieT.cPd workmeu re employed, and Har lifter of all kind? kej;l ct i:,Untly uu baud and made to ordiiv. 3 Seed Eiifj Repairing Done at all Times ! Oil and eiaui'.Uf aur stoclt and prices, "iIaii;-S?.. le!w ti e MeCllsi- I IVtroL ma Centm. IX. Jan. Tth, 1" -: 'J ti k a Ac French Boot Maker Wiisiiiagton Sii't-cl, THREE DOORS WEST OK A. D. MIL LER CO. '3 DRUG STORE, 'ETIIOZjSU.H CK.TIlii, Va., U Qaaufuotnrlns to ordur KIKST-CLASB FINE WOItik, tjucu na "utt'iil Ij en. titer I2aoJs, I'ttiap !ule Buo(m, French Cork Sole Hoots, Bactc Welt ISi4la. UEAVYOU LIGHT WORK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE. Oil and me uruplu. J. A. PLASTE. retroleuni Ccutre, Pa , July 2.2in. 1 rv, Terrlury. iUUiUdi!!. JT0TIC2 TO OIL OPSHATOHS. Tlioutulcmigned.iifjnt for tin) Mctrop, lluin ')il Conijiany, now offers to loaso tho turrltory of nai.1 (Jonipaay, in lots of two acres oacu, for one-fourth royally. This lann id situalo cn C'liorry 'J'reo Kua untl Ilea on the JUGULAR VEIN Which connect,' Wood and Tieraou I'aims CHARLEY EIT'I TSE,RITO!ilY. For further particular apply lo Hie original D. W. KKNNEY, Allemogoozeluri City, Cherrytreo Sr.n Or o ldate, "BOX 117, I'olroleittu Centre. ArnillG 1m. Perm. PICOB 1KB PBEB jjo. :tr cEXTUK-sr., oti. t i rv, r.. Ti i i y I'm best estatili-tlinient of '.he kind !r 'he i i: ;iou. i'leur and i'uuii bold at v uoKisal, it.-i ' auijis-it. I. JR. FISHER JLli Petroleum Centre, DEALEK IN PUKE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMEUTCAy mi !1 if? (i m cuor'IS I'oitiiiaN AND DOyiWTIC Toilet Articles ! AND Faiicv G-ofds. IMPORTKI) P! SOAPS, BRUSHES,, AiD 5)ru2;:ists Stmdrles ! I'hysh Kins' Preirrip!)on compoundt d . ho u'iaue t,and choi.-e lnatermlri.J IK YOU ijavnt;. SEEN IT.' GOAND SEE IT The Maio Match. l'ctrol.'um (Vutn , Juno, v-n. T. M'Donald. LIVERY, FEED Eh SALE STABLES ! At the SH'pwf, qijHwite Central IUki PETROLEUM CLNTUI3 I A 'pill! best Stoel; of Dl'iVlNd AM) il'.l.Li X UOliSE:! on tu IV tk, lire to Le loui u l LET AT ALL VI... 55 V on IU"; -or..' Tea rah M ti wt t3TGi' -.0 n,c i r.'tiolocia Ce' r?, A':v. II. iWti tVjt.'iUiiif;l'ii ritfcot, pj..'.-i!i- it . Uflcrd ISoe-.K', ri;. T:i.0i.KUM ci::NTKr:, I':. A I hu vo )n;t in n i;nuii itoclc of H.irthi.2 iinc Driving lf'r-ifc, which 1 mil L ( on toatonnhln t r:i.s. Al, ei'iftf, WS'.n, SfiprfiiSi . a;to, ace. ' iiii-deu ::i,l ied ana o.-l o? .-an no1:-!i . jl) nil if n M.rii p.tiTri iJA'oiidli-,:'. "j.i.:T " "" "'JT" T" ON TIIK KUIiOPKAN PLAN. ! ALL TilE t)YrtTKRiS I ,,'.i"-6V LUXUBIKd! .V,c,ilu.l OF THE PAIL ' !--:;: t-'M if5ASON! V ..,-.t:u!i-J Wa'atJitttntHE (Slri'fS, 'olr .'leu'il ie, li.. r.i'At to l.s mi A' I ". .i:::.iiy t-tn,,i- 'V. U". SlTirn, Ii-(iM'jr ir v Oay H..i.rdr m.-. j...:..-1V !. :.i U. r..f- ill (.'iur,, Ov'ti I'B, ui; ow.-i i' liftit. ipa- ii or ti' he;: ne-'t .. Mo i .ii,. w : ' '. ' '.r' 1 i v . i h ... . t -' A, fivor tV I i blohmiii C'eiiire, 7. it' -