:.! ' Proleum ContfO Daily Record. "WiidnM !'.'!', Sop el. t'eutvi- ?. 7:'. S A T, Miter. . 0-, I'uriiOLFl M IV.ST.lC. l'A.,1 Jul. J J ft.::hcrt6U-i IK'- mall will uirlve at and i.-,.,ait ir-.m udi.o&JC as follows: Soi :h rod East, vi.. Irvinoton, lD.iS A. M. South '.-nJ West, " Metarule, 5.1a 1. M. Korth and IC-at, " Corry, 9.35 . " Tir.rAr.T. Smith pd Wert, 8.46 A. M. fr-aMi But and Wcit, 2.3tl P. JI. North! V-wi Slid Weill 10.00 A. M. UivtMO Service. PRESBYTISM AN CUUKCII. IVaooing at It o'Jock A. M., and Vi o'clock P. M. , Rkv. J. T. Oxiobv, Pastor. JJETUPPtST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Sabbath lit 11 A. M. nnl lj, P. M fvnts. free, cd to all. Sabbath School otO.'ij A. M. A corillol invitation extend Rkv. C. M. llEAnn, Pastor. STS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catbolle) CUURCLL NaES at 10V w- Vesper aud Benediction of. the,, Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. in. Catculiisui at 2'p.lm. JAMES DUNN, Pastor. CHianeo ( Time. OILCKEHK & ALLl'GUENEYRIVEH RAILWAY MONDAY, SUIT, t.tb, 18C9. Northward Trn!n Irmo T'H. Centre T:in m , or. at Corry 0:40 a.m. " " 10 44 a m . nr. " I as p m. ii ii 2 :firi p. m. , nr. " 0:10 n. m. ' ." ::05 p. in, nr. Titusvillc5:20?. in. Southward Trains I.ou.o rot.Ccotre, 7:1I a. m., ar. at Oil CitySilO ra . " ' 1 :00 p. m., ar. 1:11pm " " 7:1)8 p. m., or. " 8::;3 p in i. " 4.30 p m. ur. " 6 :50 p in tThia Train will slop 20 minutes for dinner. ; .'hesj arc i'ldrjlit Traiui and go to Titusvillo and Oil City. ".hcae tivins pass at thin point. The Fouthwnrd "rain top!-ig for broakfast Ti:o l-M p m Tram going North and the 7:33 5'ruin'r.oing South inn on Sundays. Three prisoners ia tba prison at Lancas ter, Pa., mutinied yesterday. Tbey bound the koopeis and escaped. Flora Mclver won the four mile running rnca at tbo.Faahlon Courno yestordsy. Two minors drawn up from the choked Avomlule inino were found to bo dead, and it is feared all have Buffered tbo Earns fair. Tho Oil Creek and Allegheny River Railroad, has put on an tccomracdatloa .tiaia from Oil City to Tilnsvilie, to connect with tbo .'.llegheny Valley Eoad. It loaves Oil City at5 p. rn. Mb. Rosa, living on the Elmrt Farm just below tho br'dsP, was obliged to aban doa Lis Ijoiise car!y this tuorning on account o! the Hood. At noon the water completely souvroiinded the building aud a con jidora bio amount of water wuaon t!ie f.rst flsor. David Wagmir. a well known contracltr and ex-supervisor l;i Rochester, was found tic-id oa Friday last, below the " Genesee Fulls. From mniks of a weapon upon his forvhead, it is supposed tht.t ho was mur ilironpiy aafauiied and then thrown into the liver, but the nivsicryia yet unepiaiu ed.' " One of the latest novelties In Now Yorli ttieatrisals U at tho Old Bowery, where an e.clresa in tho course of the play sings Hie nomewbat popular air koown as ''Up in a Ualloon." Wiion she fmishes Uio firf.t stanza she says to tho audlonco: "Now, boys, will yon join me In chouis?" Of course tho boys joia In, and cs overy nawr bny and bootblack is fumiliur with the air and prluos himself on his musical 2""ms ebb has plenty of assislanco. BF.TntiNd Pknatoks. The torms of sis teen I nitud Stales Senators expire in 1S71, and several of their successors' will bo elect ed dining tho present year. Tho names of tbosu wh'.se terms txp;re aro o follows: f.Tl. V. Wilier, Georgia; Richard Yales, 11 linoifj James W. Grimes, Iowa; Edmund 0. Loss, Kmsas; Thomas C. McCreery, I-iemucky; 'Villiam Pitt FceBenden, Maine; ileniy Wilton, IJassacljuaolis; Jacob 11. Howard, M.ohlgan; Daniel S. Norton, Min- neeol .; John M. Tbaycr, Nebraska; Anion JI. Crngln, New Hnmpahire; Alexander G. Catttll, New Jmcy; Goorgo II. Williams, Oregon; Ileniy B. Aulhony, Rhode Island; Joseph S. Fowler, Tennessee; William T. 11 lllfy, itw-fc T lllUltl lOiUl, 10. A It ARB CHA.suB Mr. Barker, having engaged llie sei vices of Mr. E. llowat.1 wbosu reputation as a colorist ranks with tholi'st arlislg of the couniiy, is prepared toiumisli photographs beautilully 'coloied or Hnlslud iu ledia iuk. Those desiring mch work, either from lilo or copied from email pictures, should einbrade the oppui tu nW.v ut once, and call at Bafke;'s ,ho:o giV.b:o gallery, ou Wa'hingiou eiieet, Pe 1.0 eum Cei 1 e, . . air :n The High Water m Oil Creek! A i.TERUIFIC STOKM AND b ITS IUiSULl'S. FAMILIES DRIVEN FROM THEIR HOLIES BY limit WATER 1 INTENSE EXCITEMENT ! The heavy rains of ibo pest two days have res.iltcd In a tremendous Hood, d stioying ivciytbiug In its reach on Oil Creek, and causing intense excitement along tho shorej, llio water driving families from tueir homs, destroying a largo amount of property, and causing great con stcrualion as tho dashing current advances pown the infuriated stream. Tbc water raised to merelv a moderate height last night, but dur.'ng the forenoon of to day il proportions swelled to untold brcudtb. such as has not viailcd the oil regious for a pert odofveaiB. It is remaikablo with what rupidky tho water raised in tho Croek and families who had perhaps an bouf be fore considered themselves above high water mark, in that short enaco of timo were i drowned out by tho advancing flood. Enuiuo houses, timber?, oil tanks, and in fact, all soils of property, valued at all sor;s of prices, amounting in tfie n'gregat to a lame sum of money, float with the swift current as wo write, regardless of ex pensei Tho bridgo leading to Egbert Far is thronged with people watching ihe pro-J gress of the flood, and buildings along the lineofmaieh of the dashing watois, that have not already been swept away, are threatened with inundation on tho fiats everywhere along the crock. In Pelroluuin Centre, one or two families, were forced to ioave their houses, one dur ing last night, and auolber, that we of, during today. Between the :ailroad and Wnshinglon .slroet there is one vast pond of water, many buildings resting upon their founduiioos Ijgbtur than ever before, and many first floors are now under water.. O. F. Sedonblom'a bakery, whore business, is such that nothing but death or tiro can interfere with the usual routine, workmen aio toiling knoo deep ia water, and the tho (i,votk goes bravely on!" On tho Boyd Farm the water lias been equally as ruin ous in ila course, cjvryiug ou pioperly to a great extent, andt Kom every pjint above heio wo bear of tho'samo resuH. We write ut 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and the creek is raising, if any thing, nnd lumber is Hooting down the . exasperated stream without stiut. Dorrioks havo been biought to tho level and aia floating in pieces lowrrd tho 'Allegheny, in a man- nor cover bef.j ;MJc'od since th spring of 1SG5. and not even then was the flood areoter tbuj to day. The mad watvj finds new channels, and t'"Oi'Qd that has hereto fete bueu above its reach is now entirely inundated. Ths lateneiJ of tho boor prevents us from givfbg su'uber details. Railhoad BnniiiU Dows. Tne railroad bridge at Sparlansburg was injured to that exlent by the !iih water last night, that the 7' a. m. I ain going sou in. did not reach hero until ten o'clock to-day, aud the 12:40 train was delayed niilil 3:30 this af:unioon, Tho road below this place Is not injured Wo learn at the depot that the biidoal. ludrd to above has been repaired, and llie road ie aguin in good runuiug order. Who Owns 13 1 hi New York Coircipondouccof the Syiacnie Journal. 1 te.ird a capital story with regard to the control obtained over the revenue offl- c,j;.satorokeepois, I believe by tto d.s- tiller in whose establishment they arc pla ced. The story comes to me by one who knows, and is an apt illustration of the re cent ''penny wise and pcund foolish" policy which has cut down the pay of assistant as sistant as3ef.30ia and other officials. A su pervisor of Now York recently removed one of those officers from one distillery to an other. Perhaps he suspected collusion, but if so ho said nothin;. Tho distiller was a Germnn we'll call him Mr. Sehm'dt. He waited on the superior, and began an iu- teroFting conversion with him: 'Vat fur you move Mr. Shonos? You links Iown him, eh? Supropo I does: how's voir coinir to help it? I own t'other man you sende, .tc." ' "Quite likely," web Ibo supervisor s re ply, ' but then I'll move him." 'Veil, you can't help il; I own them all. Dooa you want to know how it'sdono? Veil, I tells you. Saturday's come; 1 say to Shones, 'You got a wife, eh ? Live in a tonoment lidiiee?' He says yes. I says, Does you eve:' go to du Central Pmk and take do family for a d '.ve? Never take du 'v i) ,i"t ,i. oi V lie - '.i .'-'le t- ?' lko I 1 says. I cs, no s-,ys. . . - , , that letter to your vile' Ui goos noma n nud says, 'Vife, here's alottor asnenneuian sends you.' Sho wonders what It is. opens it, nnd there's von, two, three, six one mm dred dollar greenbacks nil new. They never sea so much money before. I hey go to do Purk, and buy lots of tings for do children. You pay him four dollars a day, I uivo him six hundred a w: :k. Y ho owns him you or mo? How are you going to heln? I do not say riytblng to mm. i onlv sends tho envelope lo lis vife. lis ikes to own horse and buggy, house oi nis own, ana enjoy nirrwii. nu h i j j vent it?" Mr. Schmidt was Irark, lor the forego ng was eubPtanlially tine. Can llie govern ment expect to bo faithfully seivi-l in im portant positions of t.ust when it pays in sufficient wages aud cfters no career or se curity of position to honesty andinle(i,.-il,Y? FUrOK'iED FOB TI1U DAILY 11ECORD, Afternoon DsSHUfJjes. The Mining Disaster ! THE SHAFT OPENED-TWO MORE VICTIMS. Scbaxtox, Pa., Seplombei B. The latest lnfoimation i om thi Avon dalo mine Btutes that the slinit was cleared, and two men went down and ponetialed li.yy or sevenly yards to a gangway door, which they oull not force opon. ihey found three dead mules outside tho door, nnd sulphurous fumes were pouring out through the door. No signs of li to were discovered, and it is leaved all are dead. ' Plymouth, Pa., September C. . After the rubbish from the bottom of the TELEGRAPH jiearJshaft was cleared away, two .miners de scended in a bucket, ana sent, worn tip to send down a pick and shovel tb clear the doors with. The bucket was brought up, nnd two men started down with the tools. As they started, the mon at the boltoin re quested them to buuy, and on their read -iug the bottom they were found dead. No hopos ore entertained far tho men in the haft. AM aro supposed to have peri3hed Tbo black datrfp lg very bad hero. later. The donkey engine o-id fun wave put in operation about an hoursiue:', driving fresh a'r into tho shaft. Messrs. Pearson and Duvis thon wont down 100 feet, and then lowered tho lights to wi bin fUer.n feet ol tho bottom of the shaft. The lamp burned freely. Atlar making such observations as were possible they returned, and those who have lormed a commltloe to so down aiO now preparing lo descend to lemove thoob structiona and explore In search of their biotaren. Thousands of ouueis, women and children cover the hills and .rounds u the vicinity. A committee is circulating among tho immeuso throng for subscriptions for tho widows and orphans, who number over s' bondrtd. " Vandekuilt.'s Rijvenuk. It is charged oa tho Commodore that ho is very arbitra ry, and rides rough-shod over smaller men; that he is imperious, autocratic, aud de ranges the tnarkot at bis will. Those men who complain forgot how they treated Van- derbilt wbon ho first ctma to the surface as a financier. Ila was Uoated na an inter loper. Men' were t.ido toward him, and snubbed him oa every occasion. IIo want ed a favor uf tho Iludson River roaJ.Tho President, theu a railroad king, liuated turn very rudely, aud when Vanderhilt left hi ollico ho loid him be would see the day whon ho woald be bis master. Tito threat was fu'tilied earlier than either party sup posed. Tho Commodore n!'tei into the olllcj of Iho President aud gave him his walking oideis. One of Collin3' ships was disabled. Van derbilt woiied ono of his ships put on till the lost steamer could be replaced. CulliDb was thou in his giory, uud ropulsed Vt; detbilt uut veiy graciously, to which the Commodore teplied that ho would drive Collins' Hue eff tho ocean, and he did When bo oamo among railroad men they trenled him with no consideration or fair ness, and obliged htm, before ho could get a foothold, to bring his stock into Wall street and havo it locked up uuder cbaiiro of other purlies. lie took bis losUku wbcu the railroad men in the Slulo con spired to slaughter him ia connection with llailem. lie gained a decided viatoiy. slaughtered bis enemies by liuudreils, be came master of the situation, mid is not ut all unwilling that, men who sought hia liuuu cial ruin should fuel hia power. Fiu.Tr Cans! at NifiiuLsos fc Pla('kmo:;'s. railo Cooking Stovi 3 f.t r:e'dl '-'d & VUi WNBIflCyAi MOUNCEM EN TS. EmT(m:t h, nt-nounce the .mo or Tmbi ownv ot VUm, ma ,.Bndidnte fur Jnnr of the IVnce.uli'iH:tUi the n iea of tho Uepnli'lnin 1'miV. iu llietHiwry e'eenuu, .ua.i - ( lH,U!B.N M CAK1AKS A fine assortment at the Fnrhilnre Slore. I w A Show Case for Salo. A -"h1 second haad Snow Case for enlo at the Ji wolry epUhilhnient (r Sept.4:3t. WHAM CO. Hy pnrclj.'is'nr. ovo or II.opo U KflUOKHATORH nt Ihe furnitnre 3tor. . VI11TK M.TIK . ju-t received at K. H .h '? Umg A supp": i.tme. Merrlou' Jenulno Pine nud Persian Ilcaliiiff Soaj Tar These mum aro Impregnated with exotics of the mildest ami most mimic nature, and are wnr.ant n noiferilv innocent and free from mineral and otu r nornlcions admlxturn, nna aro leiecien ) u in.iieo nnd the i nb'lc ill rjenernl in pmferer ce to all other snaps, as tho great producor and preserve of n h.-nlilw nnrilv of eoniule::lon, ana a comcnaior of femnlo beauty. For the ..(illness and delicacy which they Induce !o tl.elinn.ls and face, their capa bility of fnothinc irrliallon nnd rrninvlng umlehlly eruptions, render thorn imllspcnsiuic to every um ct. We kindly ask the pi'.hlio to try tho vlrti'es o these soaps. J. U II. o., Vreprietors. A. D. Miller ft Co , Oencrnl Agents. Jii!-3m: Special NotSec. wnnns OP WISDOM Torvmmc men, on the Rulinn Passion in Y.villi and Early Manhood, with HV.T.Ti' I1KI.P for tho eirlni; and nnf orlutmte. Een in nruilu.1 teller enve'or.es, rpn of charm'. Addiefs, llOWAitl) ,"-'0 Ia'1 ION l s 1', I,inr.An".LPAi Pa. May J I, 3m CnriMJts, of cTery mialily ami description, at REYNOLDS. nUOlMIBAD H I'O'S, No, 11 Centre Shoot, oppo.'llo the 1'. O.. Oil C'ltv, Pa. tl,L TICKET K't SI i'r K e.t Ihl) ItWOltl) OH'li:. New Flour, rcixl nnd Grocery Store t I. I'itAl IIMi) At Ihe OLD BANK BUILDINU, ON JiAIS-fT. onntiaite tbo McClintock House, has on hand lngomid fiist clo!!? stoclt of a lo nr,i cca aim C roceriOH, wli.ch he le ftlllur it a low ngure. il Don't foraet the place where A, D. totlo ft Company broke up. -Jan'2-tf. All accounts not scttUd Imtnediately, will be left vrit.i an ofiicer for'eo'.'.ectlen. Apr.U:tr. ilKYNOLDS ft CO Etie Great Yonotalte Hitter. Al' hall I great beuefac'or. Who o cnu, n of our H's, Gives l!fe to tt-.edi.'f on.-niate. Without uoVioas dr':cs f:r pilis U'-vs .i a Uom out iiio s.vRti-m, Film I'- he Willi ll'e. ""Wi Ifetit. Willi .lie iK'Bl o." :.;1 the tonic.'. BowLir ('rent Yosetnitet With root .".-om out the valie-.a. Wli.-rcCKili;.iini .'in del n shine. Oivin vciiMi tons poor nn.'rtals, Ii?vcn(i tl'- rlc'ies ofhi r jiiiiu.. Wi'ilth o. heiiiih niidhai;inio:.s, I s hlesiilis nimo .V.iaikl aiirht, Do you want I' ? Wo'i'd yoo have it ; tj- e Dowaer's tlreat Yst'itiUe. Cone yo i,'li, r-ensed. iliaconsoiato, WhyViiouWvmi piiM" ai:iltl'r ? To iMile, fain-, and lapa--iWiir.it, Co.no, ilio-e ','loi ious i:i!tu try See how '.nce (;uat-ks and Tinstnuns, F'otifE'j.u i':.i 'an;t iu l'.-ii;Ht, tii' iui? plac: to tuls pure tonic, Down-r e G-Cni Yosemitol j124tf, Sardware A largo nsriorlment of which is heir.g closed oat at reduced mtca at HEYKOLDS flRODIlKAI) OO'S, No. 11 Centre fct., opposite tho Tost Office, Oil City, Ta. t.'rocltory For all kluda an to RCYNOLDS IiUODIlEAD & CO'S, No. 11 Contro aucot, oppo site tho Post Office, Oil City, Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dlsr.otlllion TH K Co-Pai mersh.p hcrelolure extstu;;: npTw.'en James McOroa and A. 0. Fumbam, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. A. O. F.irnham rollr- in. All di-tits Hue tho la'e iii-m win oepaiu to a O. Fill uluim. .1 A1 KH Mcl 'H K A, A. O. FAUilAM. Dated Pri. Ccntr. Rr.pt. 4th. lKliX senl7:4t. Two IVotest IiOt. rjHIK suhsiuiiiev loft two no'es come Lino he- 1. iween rue u:i in nai:.iM mm mo jm ui.j. ui b.-ptHinher; INi'.i. huid notes wore d'awa In oivor ol J. K. V,'ado. e'voii hy s '. Needhani, nnd en d'.ried hy T. F. Intel and J. L. Uol"maa. Om: e'.v cn on lllieen days Hum, und ihe oi'ier nis months. I heret y warn (ho puhhe nfa!n.-l, pur -asteg sntu notosahdany pevsep iinciir Iheiu will be llhur u!lv rewarded by lea.' iij: tiiein vi'h sodi2 Oc . J, if. liE.Hf, Storey Farm. rjvIIE C'o-Pai-l.noi-shi-,) l ureoforo existion under i. the linn name of A D. Miller & Co , Is this day ,1'ssolveii hv iniiiii.il consent. All accounts imainst the laic llrril will be settled by!M. S. Bimmons at the old stand. It. H. HIMMONIi, Pel. Centro, Hopl. Sd, 'oil A. i M1LLKH. ryiisoM'Tiaj.. Ti... .r.u,iti.f,..i.i.. t...-.etr.f.ii-fv evurmcr ttiaier th" (1 lei'n,,. of Wiii.iit,.i. it Co.. la dlti-oived, ai d all oanies ind.ihi.il lo llii lino, me n-.iun.eil to ecula a. the old ,ud, litis farm, -r al l'oi. Centre, oi-po-sitc th j bii h.mU. Juli'-llf 11. C. W. t'W ...... -4. . r. J- no M BStiUSC UI klZill Mi 64 til' A 1. Midi!. conifeltah'e lied conimodieu" riolii-e will ho cald or rented. 1. is loi-aloe in the BUSINJCSS PORTION OF THE TOWN. 1 ue owror h! t oiiipeiUu lo lenicvc c.t. and will b.:!! or ruilut u fcaerinie. A (Scotl Buiiuc-fti Gtand. li.e.l :e ef viiiin sciirr;', . IV.IO.S mil uu-.'.i Lter, l'n At Circus. ' friin 'he I'l pell tn'icn I:m rm'd'fiafi, 14 , t. opposite tne Actiufiny o: .miiic, .m.w lorK. ,.B. LENT, Director. WILL EXHiniT T TllUJZSDA r, SKPT. m. This cele'iraled tronpn w'.' h l perinnnent y tahlls' d in .1 spli'iuHil iron cd ' on '"nr;wn:,i Street, in the Cilv of .New Y0:'K, w.n iR-enpy nc us ual i"iiiner v.waiion during wh'cli lu l .e 'Lng :. closed, with a cn: and KXCURSON BY Thrnnh the cntinlry, tniviilin! by spe. -ml toe h chailer I '.'or Ihe pai-pose, with tho intemii.n 1 1 fiv- iim tile inh'lllltauls 01 inner eioes ;iik. iii,.ii- "'i'l"'i tuuitiei of wltnessiiii; a can -fully sek f it. v jiw mo of t he -a' Il'illiu, Kxci tins? l (,, c:jiti cji'!J I'ioimu ci:tPr- Which for yea s have piove 1 one of m t poti lllar and siu-eessl'ui fe illires of the 1 H .U:- nin.i .- meats "f Now Yo.-U. It shoi I 1) .li- h-' t yni.-U slool that this lytablishniont is THE ONLY RR8T - CLASS CiMUS, In America permancmlv estabUshrd In a latvo city, ciieihicieu i-.i metropolii-.ui style, nud wh-' -h ha.- ipiircd a metropolitan repmailon. and '.hat THE ENTIRE MAMMOTH COMPANY v.-hichhas perfor'neu for many monlhs In i. iicc,',-sl-',i tn the l:.re-t nmrH-llee' ever iliawn out It) any .'Mil ho-exhihition ill Now Y'ort:. will nupivir at r. ;r; place where emelt lumiCii's aro ntven 'h..el-.' e.e prosent K O-. To thon: v.hn have uvei w .tu.'f-i it the p.a-roiMi -.iieeH of this l r-.iuno. ei! her at t'e- luj pothealii.n .'uiiid'ii'tcs in New Ynrx, i.-r du .;i is lornlol- suieiuer excursions, it i.i c'aly r.:- :: .' te say thai Ihi.- yair A"3 IJSW AXTRAwTiDBIS Comlr.r.o to r'jnd'U' iti nouicoe lor the proi'.ucU'-i (if imvrlty GREATER THAN EVER BEFOR-1:, and tha' it is confidently hellevel thai l-i ti li n sp.e the perl" iliuanees to bo friven the pieienl ii'.i--a:i will he found, n-it only superior lo auytiiir. : oi l,i'..d hitherto wilaosseJ iu Aiacrica, :nt pefUn-.j UN EQUALED IN ANY COUNTRY. A rrctt feitni-d of the Now York (. in-us emisi't' . .10 extent, beauty und perfect training ilw r': of rilttl-'ORMIXO HOUSFIS ANU PON'IKS. iich nro ever used rm' any oilier PBrI'-' scrcises of the ar in . T H F PROGRAM M R. of norfoi'miuiici uiranod for tho present soiuoii v'A comprise MORE AND BETTER ACTS, or rCije.esi rian and Cvmnnsllc sWII thin hive eve before linen 'nciuded in a slnule i" teltau "l''1 toitether wiih an n-tonlshln'.' di-play of ssru-'i ' ... lillilii.Y TJI.MNKl) IIOHSKS, l;-ji"-'. J1, u.id MIM.I'.f, Ihe whole nu-ming en aeeiiuiaiauii" g' aviiMct'ous, iviiieh for NOVKLTY, VARIETY AND INTEREST, will he found lv voud the npp' nicll of rivalry l'l'OR Oil A'- i)OSV.)Li)'S 01M-.1IA BA-y tho fliu-t mil-real oi'anl'--aih n ever allachea v " (Jin us, aecii mmuies the. troiir . ,i,.f.lv ' N. li.-A, ilio Net.- York C.rena trirels en J hy railroad Kuniieiupi is made al outside sho. mliuiieeli-.eut relvnu; lor p.ill-.in -i0 upon oi" iv.ae iuii.ictii.UH of the e.iliil.ilioi., und iu i iu toiiiiroee.-si.ins ol' bag::'r,u Iuisoh and wi--io" rhe le.li'ie -tt-.. eis. e.ui'd NO'CAIClii'KNSY SIDel KHOWS a'0 1,c with ties intaliilslmient. .,. ,.,, Adeibwinn u : Cents I i lii1 I 'en uuderten t I' u standing Ico.un i.eii Sou uu au. liiniis y and 7. Uninii thll 'ee j :; Mil. hoi t tie convenience of hi"!! M v Faun"'! iiekL-H e:m iie pin- u.-ei'. a j'; Dl'lltf St:ui'. 'l'lie New York Circus it. MILLa,ii t l.lUalCil CityW' ... . ... .v 0 8, and al Tilusviil ' Sept. HI. U. W. Fixlei: ono of vs hau L. e I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers