The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, September 07, 1869, Image 2
1 't 9 : 0 h P id , . I ; "? 'to. .gfl Tfl I tni , !l St. e l so JEi . in let, beat igbt at tnge iortl iouh vii irnj f faro ui ll g icliid. ,' 10 we 1' -thoi liilll'Dj loro i iing tut'ed i lio n roin t i'llfibol o say to bet. ly look turned Record. pox. wiiix', luM.'a') Scplft ji. Ji. Jiftitor. Time ol VIomIiir ! J'. O., VKTnu.rx-n I'smn l' i Juit Wet, ! S CW further notice the wails will arrive It and depart from Uil office us follow! : A1UUVB. South Mid East, via. Irvlnelon, 10.38 A. M. South and Wnt, " Meadvllle, 5.1H I. M. North and Kant, " Corry, 2 85 " DKrAltt. South and Wont, 8 4 A. M. Sou Kust and West. 2 " P Sorthj East and Wait, lo.OO A. M. ilivliio Service. PKKSBYTKIUAN CHURCH. Preaching at' 11 o'clock A. M., and li o'clock P. M. Kbt. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 7)4 P. M. Sabbath School al9,'' A. M. rvatsfree. A cordial Invitation extend ed to all. Ekv. C. M. IIb'ard, Pastor. ST3. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catbolie) CHURCH. Mass at 10W a. ui. Vesper and IScnoJietion of tbe;fllosscd Sacrament at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p.. in. ' JAMES DUNN, Tastor. CiiuiiKo of Time. OILCKEKK & AI.LEOHENRY RlVKIl RAILWAY MONDAY, 8 KPT I'th, 13Cu. Northward Train Leave Pet. Ceutio 7:.0 a m., nr. at Corry V 40 n.m 1U41 a m . ar. " 1 v m " " " 4 sr, p. ui , iif. " 6:H1 ii. m. ' " rl:0C p. in , ar. Htusvillco.20p. m. Southward Train Laova PetCentre. :10 a.m., ar. at Oil Clly ":10 am ' ' tl oop. ui .ar 1:4 . p m " " 7:63 p. lu., ar. " B:" p III " 4.30 p m. nr. " 0 :50 p ui tl'liU Train will atop 20 minutes for dinner. IThese arc Ficight Trains and g toTltusvillo and Oil City. These trains pom at tills point. The Pouthwurd Truin sloping for hreakfnst ,The 2:55 p m Traill gulag North and the 7:33 Tralngolng South rim ou Sundays. . Poorboer makes 2,000 England. idiots a year for Henry Clay's cradle was a bread tray on rockers. Senator Lowry, lu a card lo the editor of tbe Titusvillo Herald, contradicts tbo ru mor of his luleuded resignation, and (ays bis hearth is improving. A young man loot some money to a Now York firm to got something good ''for those contemplating matrimony." Ho received etvoral bottles of soothing syrnp. Notwithstanding tbe wuniUcent gifts of land to railway corporations, Uncle Sam is still a protty large real estate owner. On tbo 30tb of June last ho had, not counting Alatka, more than a thousand mlllioo acres undisposed of. New Wkh, A uew well was struck yes terday on tbe Clairmount farm, adjoining tho Wood Farm, and is doing about seven barrels. It Is not considered in good work ing order, and will probably do better. This farm was recently purchased by Geo. K. Anderson, S. A. Woods, Frank Andiews aud others of our prominent oil men. Remove Youn Cokns. Dr. Frauklin, the uecetsiui corn doctor extant, goes about curing tbe afflicted of their "green pastures," extracting corns from tho ilosh, anu curing tbo aches of the loet. He is wol come everywhere, and many of our eitizcus nave availed themselves of his services. He is stopping at tho McClintock House for few days. Tbo Allegheny Vally Butlroad Company are about to erect anew and handsome pas senger and freight depot for their road in Venango City, Boar tbe new bridge across tbe river. It will be thirty by ninety.four feet in size, covered with a projecting slate roof, and nicely finished throughout. The great yield of wheat and tbe finan cial necessities of the farmers is causing a wonderful movement of grain ioto Toledo and other centres, tbe warehouses of the city named having for a few days past re ceived about 100,000 bushels daily. A Sunday School teacber was giving a lesson on Ruth. She wanted lo bring out tbe kindness of Boaz in commanding the reapera to drop larger bandfuls of wheat. "Now, children," sbo said, "Boaz did an other very nice tbing for Ruth; can you tell me what it was?" "Married her!" said one of tbe boys. Tho suu camo out so hot on the chores tbe liar ol liiecay-U a Bbort lime since, Petroleum Centre Daily to kill millions of eels which bad tbo bud habit of burying themselves in the sand at low lido. If pronija measures bad not been taken, the decomposition of their bodies would hLVo brod a pestilence; und as il ' was, tbo odor was dreadful. Over four hundred curt luds were removed. H KMi OX F1KE. The Amvltl tt Vhiuhii Tl't 'f, on the -Mid-lory Farm, Ajain oh l'irt Oil J'ons Above the Derrick, and the Well mjuin in a Jilnze aa the 1'ools arc wilhdruwn. Wo noticed in Tub IIkcoiw of tbo 3d Inst, that the Arnold & Pbinney well, on tbo Mullory Farm, bud been destroyed by lire, and last evening at abimt four o'clock, as tbe well bud bceu thoroughly put to rights from llio late disaster, and tbo tools were being withdrawn, another combustion occurred, which was distinctly bcurd for half a niilo.arouud. Caro hud been taken to put out the tiro in the engine houtio be fore the tools were withdrawn, but us the lust tool lelt tbo casing tbeie came with ila tremendous lurco of gus, followed by a How of oil which reached fur above the derrick, forcing its wuy up the run, and notwith standing tlio precautions taken in reference to lire about tbe well, the gas ignited from the beat still in the furnace of tbe bo ilor, aud a stream of lire soou spreud over u lurgo territory,, sotting lire to everything within its roucb. It is a roiuarkublo fact that tbo gas gathered in such quantities in tbo eugino house, that it was literally oiowu io pieces, una mo engine iu an in stant stood without a covering. Tbo scene is said to have b eon grand lo look upon, and, iniruciilous as it muy seem, no poison was injured. Mossrs. Arnold & Phiuuoy have been unfortunate with Ibis well, but that it will prove aying investment when it go!s into working order, no ouo doubts. Tbe indications are decidedly in its Livor. ltoulh if Meerctary Rawltne. A dispatch nnuouuees tbo decease ol Gen. Rawlins, tbe Secretury of War. His health had been rapidly failing for ccverul weeks past, und on Suturduy President Grant was culled from Saratoga by dispatches announc ing that there was no hope of bis recovery. Ou tho afternoon of that day Gen. Rawlins, at bis own request, was visited by a Meth odist olergyman, by whom be wag baptized, and with wbom, at a subsequent hour, be partook of tbe sacrament, lie bus, through out bis sickness, been conscious of bis real condition, and bus signed all 'the papers which may affeot tbe future circumstances of bis family. Officer liaio started from Filchbure, Mass., on Wednesday afternoon, August 25, with a fellow named Frank Francis in charge, who bad just been sentenced to tbo penitentiary for four years for pocket pick- ug. a an coutici was naaucullou, ana sat in tbe smoking cur, two seats from the door, the officer sitting in tbe seat opposite him, talking with tbe cunductor. All of a sud den Francis started from bis seat, rushed to the door, opened it, and jumped Irom tbe platform, while the cais were goiug at the rate of forty miles an hour. Tbe officer started and grabbed bim by the coal just as bo jumped, but bis bold failed, and tbe fel low gat away. Tbe cars were at once stop ped, when they found tbo ' bushes and a telegraph pole where bo jumped off covered with blood, but though tbey searched lor hours, they eon Id not flud tho prisoner. The pluce whore he jumped was near Lin colu, iu tbe woods where there is a thick growth of nuderbrush, in which be probably secreted himself. Both of Senator Fussonden's physicians bud given up all hopes of bis recovery on tbo night of tbe 4th. lio was gradually sinking, ami appeared to bo In a tielirious stupor, lie was taken ou Tuesday turn ing with a stoppage of tbe bowels, since which Jiiuo the disorder has been more vio lent, irom ulceration having set in. It was thought be might live until morning, but l bIa doatD " a mete q'Mon of time, A Saratoga jewollor last week sol a dia- mona ring lor S 11,500. The weight of the magniflcent jewol Is 20i. karats, and It is suld to be tho largest diamond in tbe Unit- Stales. Fisk, Jr., of Erio Railroad fame, owns the next largest. Tbe purchaser is a gentleman residing in New York. Tbe President bus appointed John H Stewart, of Pennsylvania, United States Consul at Turk's Island, and Isaac Jenkin son, of Indiana, Consul at Glasgow, vice James Ilnggerty. Tbe well of Garvin, Dimond &. Mutiha'l on tbe upper end of Coroplantor farm above town, which wub reported a fortnigh siuce at 30 barrels, bus increased, und is now doing 85 barrels per day. A leller from Jeff Davis Btutes that his health is better than reported, and thut bo will pcn.1 tho ronmlridor of his days iu tbo of as United Kingdom. Over 1,000 bushels of blackberries buve already been gathered iu Forest county the prestnt season. For every diy comfort, usa Downer's Great Yosouiito Litters. Suuduy Comfort s goo-l, but Yoseuiite is butler. ajZtif TELEGRAPH KKl'OKTKD rOlt THE DAILY KECOltD, AU riMMiii Dispatches. Appalling Calamity! TWO HUNDRED AND ONE PERSONS IX A 1JUUN1NG COAL MINE. SvliiXTON, Pa., September 6. Tiiere is grout excitement hero in cousc vui'iico of the burning of a coal break at tbo Avendule mine, Plymouth, about twenty in 1 1 er south of Ibis city. Tbcte are two hundred and ouo men and boys iu the mine, and tbe shaft, which is the only means for escape, is cbokod by forty feet of burning coul and rubbish. Ventilation is totally stopped, and there aru grear fears that some, If not all, will be suffocated. BECOXD DISPATCH. Plymouth, Pu., September 6. A lire bioko out this morning in tbe Hue aud bottom orStoubeu shall, owned by tbe Dulu wiin, Lucliuwar.nn and Western Coin puiiy, in Ibis pluce, aud in a tboit lime tie whole imukcr und outbuildings were in flames, und tbe hoisting apparatus, tbe only uvanne of e.-cauo for the miners, do slroyrd. Allelforls to stay tho llamus were unavulliug, and tbo whole strucluro full, iilllug up the shaft. Some two hundred men ure iu tbo shult, and buvo no commu nication, and with co cbaoca for air, as the only wAy for getting air into tbe shaft was through tho main opening, aud thut was filled with burning limbers, debris and ilumes; it is feared the whole number have been suffocated by smoke, or perished for want of air. The Ore departments of Sctan- ton, Wilkesbarre and Kingston are playine streams down tho shaft for the purpese of quenching tbe fire tbcre, so that tbe rubbish cun bo cleared out, and the condition of tbo men ascertained. It will probably take till to-morrow morning before tidings onn be received from them. Tbe eceno is heart rending. Families aru congregated in grout numbers, and miners from all parts of the country are tboro at work merchants, and, lu fact, tbo whole population of the towu have turued out to assist. Tbo loss by the lire will amount to about $100,000, partly covered bynnsurance. All tbe physiciuus of this vicinity have been summoned to at lend when the condition of tho men is as certained. Tbe affair bus cast a gloom u j- on tbe whole community, and business is almost entirely suspended. Tbe miners only commenced work to-day, after a bus. pension of about throe months. Among the men in tbe niino is Mr. Hughes, tho Superintendent, Fucit Cans! at , NlCUOLROX k Bl.ACKMOX'8. CuiNAJiEN for Ukoruu. I'lio Savau nah Republican says: "Wo understand that sotno fifteen hundred Chinamen have beeu ordered through the agency lie:o Chiefly by citizens and planters along the coast. The greater portion of them are de signed for the rice and cotton fields, thot!rJ quite a number have boen ordered by our citizens for cooks, honso servant.?, washerc tc. Tbey are expected in Ja:tiary, aud our people appear to bo confident ol tbe success; of the experiment." Tinware, in reluil und jobbing loin, ut Nicholson & l'.lac!tn:on's. What's in tub Wimi The Sew York Sun of Wednesday nays: Great activity prevails in tbo Brooklyn Navy Yard. More than three thousand inea are now at work thero, and an additional reinforcement was put on yesterday. Frigates, sloops-of-war und iron-clads are being got rady fur sea with extraordinary energy. If wore getting ready to luteriero in Cuba, and lo risk that awful war with Spuin which tho New York Times so deeply droads, w should make just about such preparations us are now coins forward. Whal'a in the wind? Parlor and Cooking Stoves at Nioholson & Blaokmon's. A periodical says that a tall Ivastcrn girl named Short, long loved a big Mr. Little, whilo Mr. Little, thinking little or Short, loved a lillle lass named Long. To make a long stury Bbort, Little proposed to Lung, and Short longed to bo oven with Little's shortcomings. So Short, mooting Lon, threatened to marry Liltle before Loug, which caused Little in a very short time to marry Long. Query: Did tall .Short love big Lilll.i less bocauso Liilie loved Luug? Table aud l' Cut!er' ut Nicliolsoa & Rluekmon's. Full liuo ol Carpenters' Tools at Nicholson ii UiucLuiou's. Vciybeet case-hurduued working barrels ' Nil-liaison A- BlucUmcn's. .tMHSi.U 1 iII'.NT. Jin l-'.DiTon: Mensc nntionnrp tlio mmr: or Tm'a HolttiM'nv. oi IMnmor. a i':ia'liiliio lor .luMiru of tli Peace , ruhuwit to the ituue of th liKiulillcna 'iirly, ui Ihepnninry e'citlon, MAH'mi!ri Local Xotico. CHILUItEN S CAKKIAUES A Pno ajsortmont at tho Fiirnituro Slotc. 1 w A Show Cnie for Sale. A good socond hnnd Hnow Cass for aula at Die Jewolrj r?Ul.lihmi-ut of IMIAM & CO. S.-lt 4 lit KEI3P COOL By piirctiiM'inc. ifflo of Uicmo HKFHIGEIl ATOBS at the Furniture Store. WHITE M.1IE A f r h supply, just received at U. It. fisher's Drug store. I no piurrlNou'a ueiinlne Pino Tar and Pcmlaii IJoullnfBoapa. These soapb are impregnated with exotics of ths mltiliwt ntul most naturu, and are warrant cd perfectly innocent aud free from mlnoral and olh er pernicious admixtures, aud are selected by tbe ludies and tho public in gcnural In praferet ce to all other soaps, an the great producers and preserve! of a linilliiy purltv of complexion, and a conservator of female beauty, tit the wrftoesa and delteacy which llu.y lndece lo the hands and face, their capa bility c f eouthine; irritation and removing tiaslghtly eruptions, reiidur them lndispcnaible to every toil ct. We kindly ask the public lo try the virtnes o tbuse soaps. J - II. A Co., Proprietors. A. I). Miller Co , (it-ncrai Agents. Jul-Sm. Special notice. W"RlS OF VISDOM for young men, on the liulini: fWi'.m iu Youth aud Kurly Manhoed, with ShMT HELP for tboerrine nd nnf ortunate. 8ca lu wailed letter envelope, freo of eharite. Address, HOWAHD As-SOC'lAl KiS 1) jX V,,,l'"ii.oitpaiA V May 24, 3m nrpotx, of every quality and description, at KEYSOLUi, HltODllBAD CO'S, No. 11 Centre Street, opposite tliu P.O., Oil City, la. HA J.I. TICKETS got up tlw KKCOKII OFr'ICK. n STY l B at New I'lonr, Feed and Grocery Store ! J. 8. PKATHER. At the OLD BANK BUILDING, OH MAtN-BT, opposite tho McClintock linns, baa oe band lags and tl:st class stock of Flour,Food an! Kroccrlea, which be .IP elling at a low flgure. t)&. Dou't forgot the place where A. D. CeMo & Cotnpnny broke up. Jaa-2-tf. All accounts not settled iinaicdlaicly, will be left with an officer for .collection. ApiMU. REYNOLDS CO. The Great Tone ml Co Bitter. All hail 1 great benefactor. Who to cure us uf our Ills, Gives life lo the disconsolate. Without uoxious drugs or pills Drives disoa from out the sstem. Fills the ' 'rt wiih life and light. With the holt of a'l the tonics, Downt-r Great Yoiicuiitc! With root trim out tho valley WhereC'uillfoniiu's sun dotli shine, Giving wealth to us poor mortals, Uevond tbe riches of her niiues. Wcultli or health and hnpuiness. Its hlcssinits none should slight. Do yon waul it r Wou'd you have It ' Use Downer's Grout YVseiiiitu. Come ye slrk. diseased. riUcunsolate, Why should you pine and die! Ye fonhlr, faint ard Untrtilshlmr, Come, tho-e glorions hitters try. See how these quacks and nostruns, Flee from the land In fright. Giving place to this nm-e tonic. Downer's Great Yoseniitu 1 JulMtf. Hardware A largo assortment of which Is being closed out at reduced rates at HEYNOLD8 BUODUKAD & CO S, No, 11 Contre fcH., opposite tlie Posiomce, Oil City, Pa. t!roi:kory For all kinds ea ta It BY NO LD8 TifiODIIEAD & CO'S, No, 11 Centre Utreet, oppa site tho Post Office., Oil City, Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Itiaaolutlou mBS Co Prtnersk'n heretofore existlne net I James McCrca and A. 0. Farnbam, is this day dissolved by mutual eoosent. A. O. Farnham retir ing, ah aeiitsuue mo laccnrm win nepaia 10 a. O. Farnhnui. JAMES MeCRBA, A. O. FAKNUAM. Dated Pcj Centre, Sept. 4th. lSHB. seitTtlt Two Notes IiOat. riHIK pul.srrlbnr lot two no'es seme time be- 1 twnun the tlTth of August and the 1st day of aepicmner; ibv.). nam notes were arawo id taver or J. K a1 11. g'veu by a V. Necdbam, and en duri'd by J. F. Iinel and J. L. Uafl'maa. One giv en nn Alieen davs time. And lha other si nmnthn. 1 hcruey waru the public atralnst purchasing said noius anu uny person nnaieg incm will oe liner any rewurucu oy leaving mens von cdt2.0i J H. KEMP, Storey Farm. Uiitoliitlon. rrliU Co l'srtnorship hereiofure existing tinder 1 tlieflnu name of A D. Miller Co., is this day dissolved hy mutnal consent. All accounts against the late thru will be settled byM. 8 Simmons atthe oiasiann. . . nisiMtiMH. xui. v.euiru, nepi. so, ow a. 11. ailLiL,blt. I) ISSOIiVTlON. The cnnurtnershlD heretofore exlslkic nndnr (he ftrni name of Wnchter Co., is dissolved, and all parties Indebt l to the Ann, are ronneated to settle at the old stand, ilea Farm, or at Pet Centre, oppo site thu brick bank. julSltf 11. C. W. House to Kent or for Sale AliAKi.E.coinrotttiblfliind commodfmi floufle will bo sold or ronutl. It Is IncHttsu In tho BUSINESS PORTION OF THE TOWN. Theowurr is compelled to remove east, aud will s-u or n 111 01 a aacrillce. A Good llmincM Stand. Io'iulrc if rilKD SCnUTT, autf IMroliuni Ctxter, I'a. RKW YORK Circus. From ihe l!lprll.uiti n ln.n ltnl'diwes.H'h St. opposite the Academy uf Music, New York L. B. LENT, Director. WILL EXHIBIT AT Petroleum :Ccntre, TllURSDA Y, SEPT. M. This ceiehraled troupe which l permanently es tablished In a splendid Iron, cdini-e on fourteenth Htreet, in tho City of Nw York, will ecenpy ihe us- uul summer vacation curing wuicu me closed, with a GRAND EXCURSON BT Railway. Throngh tho country, travclllnc hj spceii Mm chartered for the pnrpoe, with the intention of glv. lug tho luhanuants oi mer em uu i..u ,ht. timltle of witnessing a can-fully selecting prmiwui ma of those Brillia Excl ting, and el egant eqneitrlenno enlcr tainmcnts Which for yea ra have pioved one of the moat r,i ular and successful features of the pnlillc amuse ments of New York. It should iwuis.inciiy uu urr leed that thla establishment Is THE ONLY 1RST- CLASS CIRCUS. In America permsnenily established In a large city, cnnduclsi iu aviroiHiltun style, and which haa ac quired a metropolitan reputation, and that THE ENTIRE MAMMOTII COMPANY which has performed fir many months In sncrcsslo u te the tnrgesl audience ever oriiwn urn iu ..n; iimi lar exhibition In New York, will appear at every place whore entertainments are glen during mm present tc nr. To thosn who havo evoi wiuivsseil il.., n.,rrnriiisiiees of tills trnillie. cillier at thu lltli nolhealrnn lluildlngs In New Yortc, or during Iw former summer excursions, it is ouly ni necessary to say that this year NEWARTIST2. NEW FEATURES, AND NEW ATTRACTIONS Comb'ne to raider Its resources for the prodaetion of novelty GREATER THAN EVER BEFOO E, and th-tt It Is ostitldentlr believed that In all respects the jierfiraiaucea to be given thu present season wilt no luuno, u'K obiy aupenor 10 unytnipt; 01 ui-i kindhillierlo wilueesea lu America, but positively UN EQUALED IN ANY COUNTRY. A threat fe.itttre of the Now York Circus consists in thu extent, beauty aud )ierfeet ttaiuiug of tbe u 1 of PEBKOnMt.NO HORSES ANU POXIE.t. none nf which are ever nsed fur any other purple tnau tuc exercises 01 mo nrcna. THF PROGRAMME. of ermrmance arranges! for tho present soason wu comprise MORE AND BETTER ACTS. of Equestrian and Oymnstickill than hayo ovo neiore neen -noiuueu 111 b-hi- .i.-..iMi:,i to'ethor Willi an astonlshlnc display of ssyacity liy llTuill.Y TRAINED HORSBS, PON IKS, DOQH and MUI.KS, tho whole forming au accumulation of attractions, which for NOVELTY. VARIETY AND INTEREST, rill hn fonnd hevoad the annmarh of rlvalnr. ' PHOF. t!II.. BOSW.tbD'S OPERA BAND, the II nest musical organization ever attached to a Cirrus, accompanies tho trnnne. N. 11. As the New lorn Ulrrns trn'cls enurely by railroad no attempt is in vie at outsido show, the ninnsgemeiic relying ior wtronsgo uprin 1110 legui ma e attractions of tho exhibition, and not upon long processions ui naggagi norsea anu wngaua 111 llio puli'ic striM'ts- NO CATt'lll'KNNY 8IDK SHOWS are allowed Willi tills CHl.-lhlishiuent. Admission Bu Cents children under t:rn 2oCenta No seiiidim: Itooui Seats lor all. Dkois open at i mid 7. Grand Kntree atilU snd Vj p. 111. h'or the convenience of ladles und Fsmilles, tickets cuu he procured at A. D. MlLLKlt Si UO'H Drug Here. i The New York Circus will be at Oil City feept 8, oudatTitiisvillSert 10. C. W. Fuller Agont. i . i-cTiWj