1 ; i ; ' : ft u 'I a 01 A. D. MILLER A CO.'S COLUMN. A, D. MILLER &. CD, Wlinlesial. nd Hctstl Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C Washington Street PEI'KOLKlT.iI CEXTUE, PA. Their Stock consists: of everything In tl line of , Drugs & Medicines! IPTTIEtE LIGlXJ02?vQ FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, Wholesale and Retail Agent for X0SK1I1TE STOMACH lilTTEIW, JOHN ROOT'S EITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, ' ALKMA FOa.TIin HAIR, SEWARD & HUNTLEY'S COUGH SYRU MAC. If! MACEDONIAN nil duponco's golden pills-, walker & razes cigars, jaynes' mk drunks, anderson's dermador. spencer's mixture, spencer's ointment, a PlliliS. Wr Lane's, Kndway K. R. A yor's, Jli-andeth's, flenlirt'iir, Merrick's, lloorfir's. Pallor's. Wielnrts, WriRh'ts, Til VII '.. J .'HS.II. IV -M'-UJU, 1 CIIIIIllTK 1 Claris Female. Cheese man's 1 Drpoiico'rVd, Poliaok'a, VL':p:ui 8, ill r, tve tvr Perfumery, Toilet Ar tides, feoaps, Xirashcs, &c COUGHS, COIDS, &. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, JayDe's Expectorant, MursOen'B Balm, Schenclt's Syrup, Universal Pyriip, Excelsior Syrup, ': Knnsnm'B llifO Symp, ' " ", Seller's Syrnp, Coe's Syrup, Hall's Balsam, '' Denfon's Bills im, Bryan's Wiir?r, " Olive Tnr, Brown's Troches, Wishart's Pino Trco Tar, S ward's Cough Cure, Bateman's Syrup, , Couctli Canily, is Cigars, and Tobaccos ! The S3 est Evor I?ronsal to Y&ei Oil Ic:iiosi. JIATU rJESTOilATIVES. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. AtLEN'S. CHEVALIER'S, RINU S 3IARTIIA WASHINGTON. liAUUETT'S, UOSSETTEU'S, BARRY'S, &c, &o. WITHERS. li(OT, r(';f TTTUTTON, Rn crx-$ VHMW . lAtJ.MVV STAU, JLrnl,KVs4 MTsj; HOSTKTTl'-U'S PI'KKIi.S, UPLAND'S, (I.l;i,XA. ATrwooiyn rKoroxiuii iron, &v Curtains and Ilnstic Shades. PAIA'TS, OILS, VAIt; f SHES, V.Ij tSS, I'UTTVj Gl.UK. Tmfjcutane, Sioi5cs, Uyo SiufCs, . Dryurs, EIKFIKEISS' til PIf Li g-w, Lard Cil, Kc:cr.e (HI, &c LAMPS, LAJIP FIXTURES, &e Mcoti h C(HtTcss Water, ' 0 I'RESCRTPTIONS rrnw POUNDED AT ALL yrf HOURS Of TDK ;' fi'f .. N1(tI!T AND ' 41i.Ua ' xUNDAYS. iv,I:?'J'lL 1 N,T.n.UAIT:NT.S, TK'USL.'.iO'i '-.,-.u,a,,v;0V',:',- ' P,.'ua, c.uu,( t;; nMK . 'I D vir.i v - t , .... MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, IS THE BEST LIMfelESW IS TIIK WORLD Pes? F&an Boas!:. 3d Yearn in l'c. CT3 CT3 N jrtivl fr Mhr;iTn.iti'im. Ch'lhlaiim. Cornf. Whit- I own. I:ikr1 Urea ), Son Nipple, Cramps UniK liiti nl' luiiiimt. Vinl;t:rt nl' llm .lninK . tVnr m. tioiin of t(n' Mitch's, limn ai'd fcaH. I font Itih'ri. fViitil'i.! Nitvuu n:V'.'ct;oit -. i'h:ip,iul llarin, Ljihic kU i'mn hi the Side, Swelliiu. Turner, Touth Adif. Sore, lit ;uorrhf!dtt t-r Fik?, Flush Wounds, drills of nil kind., Spi-rUnf, BmiT, Crack cil 1 lot If , Itin: Mom', l'ufp Kvil, Wind linl.. Cal lous Spavin, Wwei'Jiev. Fistula, Sit fast, Kxtorna Ptiiiioiis SoiaVhcrf or (-rinse, Sti i;i'h:'.lt. Sand raCK. Uiim''iii'-.!.Mrat:ii, Fouucciiu'Feft, M '.iuve, Horn l'i-i.:m(.or, Garget in Cow?, Cracked Twit., Foot 1 ; f t in ItctTi. tui'J nnuiy o'.Lcr iliciwes inci dent to Man n:.d lkatt. Vs. D. Tat tan. ofConcord. Kv.. envs iheGftre.ln Oil cnml ft horse of hli, injured whifo plinnrhihy: by attempting h step over ft btmnp. almost. rHivorhiliis imgu itoni i no uouy; aiso mat no na nscu it in nir familv t'ur fiUeou yi-ar. anl i tht lirst rittntily for I'tUs U::rns, lJruists, Fro&t Kitts, tjiraia-, ltlivura atisui, i:lc, he ever .era C73 Frcin Cr.iMV A Enos., roehran LanOinrr, Ohio, Nov. it I. IS'ti Wc are nlrnsed with your lninlicine. It ha. tK'cn the meaii! of airini: a iri tsit numlu'i' o iliflt' iii (li-i.'a:(B npoa ih'Ihou, a aho tniun horses. Wo liiinii it cure all yon rt-foiiniicinl It to do. We wnri t ynii to ae tut us the larger proiioition of Jlic variety lor "Familv t'e," in small bottles, vj 3 j From Dil J. I. 'i'E pjtTn.i Warren. In-1.. Mfirrh ISMj, I am enf.'acrf'd in the incticool'medfrinn. and lind yonr Garlintr Oil an extremely etiiciei remeny in an cases wnere an external rppueation t. imiiciUed. Froin Un. G. B. N cat,, F.un Is, Iowa, Doc. 2, 185'1. I h;wo niuc-U'M mcdu-ino in tht.- ronntv ffn ta:s fli;d rJieerfnlly rLVominend your Uarlirg Cil as iae best linument in nso. ii From Dr. T. W. Klt.is. On , Jan. fi, If 1 roald receive both boxes of the Gurgling Oil it will not be too much, a- t tHkklcotiht eoon find sale lor it nil, the inquiry b ins treuuent since it Is sup pwoii that I h avo it frr sale. Pr-om Dn. W.h. S. Slcl'Ait, Chamois Mo.. Nov. 0, ISM.-. Your Grtrl'.naOil ismlfhif the rthine off from tll tbe'iniinetita of the day. If yon dc.tirud them, 1 1 could Procnre dozens of certificates from those who have been cured by it. , Mobum. yldifitJb Bao., Wholesalo Dnisls, Vlice'iiiff Vh., say, tinder d to of July 24, lir.li tbit they can eat'eiy recommeiid the tiargllng Oil let moiodiseanei! than it ! rcconihiended for. From J. K. Finrn. rniontowu, Fa., June CI, 1ST7. Yonr (larffllnfr oil In doiiiK much heiti r here t sin fiHiiiorly, sineo ils Virtue huve hoeume known, ind tlio iMtile put ui fir Fumily Uce, -wUho'U atain, a;o much sought for. CT3 CO Kfr.rt from a letter from Hon Nath.xt J indI5y, Coiinty .Tndjo of Shelby Co., Iowa daled Iltn l m April U, i sol It d4eidfdly preferred to uuy jiu a ii tent sold in this si'etioj. lixtraut ot a letter from Samcet, S. llcrp, d-ited FnlHnra, Ohio, July 17, ISOG. lu June laM. Iioutv Miatlie had fl yai Hits colt that hud wuat win stip jk Red to bo Dypiheritl for mere than ten divho that it could not eat, and the throat mvoIui aiiuinl stint, and tiie uho of three or four atnllfitrnu .r the dollar bottles did tUtoderire-d Hoct". j F.om A. U. Kiel, Lewbtville, Coarhocton (V, O., larca. i nave uaeu vimr iaritn; ujt lor tl;o Srraiches ou ray home, aid it cuteJ it uuli Lhe Ural .ppiieatiou. w I From Eko BlATttrn, Middhport. N. Y., July jlPStl. I purchied h bottle of your Gar-jllni; Oil of pmr arum. n. n KJker, i jii luaieport, ana us yet mve uvl hut half of it. I think it ha-t uivyn me morn relief in a caseof aovoro Hhctimatisn, of long iituiuiny, iimii un iuui i uuvu ever Uieu utiloro. Fstr.wt fioni a 1ft ,cr from J. 0. Pratt, f?ited thfmr.y, t'li:mtaiHua o., N. Y , Auunst I ! tve bi-eJi HCrmaUred with your irii in i.u!in'.' Jil) f'i-.f'io l.-Mt fourtveii yoap. 1'. Iu jirovld a ire care for P'out Wot in Sheep for Which I gold 1 e lnt hot tic and have calls a!i.i;t dully tor more, liea.-e lerwtud 03 eoou as co:ivenjeuu Aluf.ys inquire for VIercliant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And tflUo no oilier. ' Retail lri, ftl.OO, SO C'ts., and as C'ts. Wi-tco wAl Ufoio nlna nn'l nih on lliorou"ljly Ucui-j ;ho ilicoi.iomc waniKubHiiuc,'. 1 ... n..... ii , i , i . '';.'' A" wo n;k U a fair trial, but l.e smo A-k yonr nc-uwi D.nsslrt, or dealer In I'ntont SI .clienifs (or cmi of uur Aliiiuimc. nml Vmle cai.ii, read wli.it iho peujile tav aiuuil the Oil. The Ciiilliii! OH u for sain ly nil rn-iiec'.nlilo ilral.'i" turou3Uont tb CiillcU Htat.-3 mil otiitr Onttrtltmwinli dato fimn lolfiitinnrt mo nnitihu'nl. Vta th.i i:ui-li,ii Oil iukI tell your nciguburu wliat good It ln done. Vfp di .-1 fair aud llhoml wiib nil :md dofy conlra- aiunulat tiirna nt IJK:!ilo l,.'V. V., hy Jlcrdiaufs JrairfitjreiH'o. .':JIIN ,S.jw'rc,a:y. J by A. L Hli AAl-U &. CO., i. y..'Jin. l'ctioUttui Ctn:f, V HARDWARE OIL CITY. 3?lOI3S03Nr'S CI1AK M; noT5-JN Co., Uorncr of Sciiern ,V rpMrn M., i:nsl iUlo Oil Creek, Oil l'n,, Dealers in Morrii, Taskcr A Coi OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, WOUUINO ll.M.'HKr.S AXf VALVKS, SsTUtblSa IK'M.S tLA.Ml'n, TOX(JS, SICiiliU ltODH, Jtc achinery for Oil Welh & Refineries litUUNI! TOOLS, VIL I'l ili'S, COI.U WATliK PL'Ml'S Every de.cr:it.icn of SUPPLIES FOR Oil. WF.LLS AND KE FLNT.RIES, Al?o, STOVES, TINWARE, BKASS GOOD?, TEAMS AXD CAS FITTINGS. UElTiXG, PACKixa, ana irosx: HARDWARE, 1I0US3 T1UM.MINGS, Carpenters' Tools. Hope, Oakntn, Nail?, Axes, Coffee Mills, Table & Pocket Cutleiy; 4 Fan A"oitm'nt of Kverytlnng In tlio ihUll) WA UE LINE. tnise Fiiri'fhiniT Good, LiiUi'M, 1'lihnn. vs. No. 1 Winter Strained Lard Cil, No. 1 li tinld Oil, pit-Air Kt"K Tub ie an dPoojy't ; CSsaiupicn CicUiir.s WilKrs Miirtifnctnrovs of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper TTarc. rpnlrms of nil hhul d-mo with Dcatnce ami dispatch. K.-peiiJl attention given to STEAM ANU GAS FITTING. Wchrvve endpavornd to merit thn patronfe of the viblir. ntid -iliali uc evmy exwiiou to iuare Its contiiiuilirp. Our fi'-'ilitle? for ftimUlnn? e'on-tliin!; in our line, haUng been irreatly iuere;wedt in the erection of our N'i'W ltulldio r. tiro now SUl'EKIOK TO ANY OTUER KSTAULISn.MENT aoif!l-3m. IN 1I1E OIL UEGIO.N. inn v nr 'c CilAS. ROUSON & CO., Corner of SenecanO Centre Srs, east b!Jo of Oil Croek, Oil Cily, Pa. , . fTavIn? added a iKiwerrQl Steam Engine and three iartto LATIIF.S. to our iilready extc'iivu Manufac turing Ei-tablijihnient, :ir now iirurnnul to do all the utceiiftry wyik, iu Ctiiug ur.f and retiring ENGINKS. IJOlLKRf.- IRON' TANKS. . REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS' AND STILLS, . OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS ft fact do'nll M.tehlnerv -Tob Work enlrnstl to ua with neati.c..-! nnd dituiatcn nu!4 lmoB NEW HARDWARE STORE . HBAUN-3 AN!) Ct)0INU In lirga variety. ' . TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! ' H2uss fjehissko d:des. l-kj ulTika iuA b LA JIPS, LANTERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. pjails and mom Voudcn Ware, &c. For sa!e CHEAP 1 Althe store formetlv orrnpied hy rinrcliSe'd and t'astcrlini). Oil, C!TV. PA. ,, , , .rnm:s js. oirnty, jus. 4, lsost tf. John C. Welch, Sciicca-St., Oil City, lu., Dealer in Gibiis, ESnssclI & Cos Barins; anj Fishing Tuals Innis' Sucker Rods, Driving'1!!, Ooiricli Irons, tJi'iitn ISars, ISitla.KMt Win-ess Pullics, ail h.oi. ".'v e,i:ilii elinii with Me (lullc end P'tlil u,;'h f I it: : i " t i.' i i.- Mirli tll.,L 1 ion L'ct oui. it'd kimiri ot t,'a."l'..ll;b at .Uutl otdvl". JOII.V f. WELCH. Oi! H.y, Vth 1", !M9.tf. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HARDWARE STORE! ROiir.IET I!ItVA C f., IVi: leave to nnnounre to the citizen? of lVtrolcnm V'litro nod vieiiiltv, tliat thov have oliened R new !toio in the rear oi the oi'ie,.'r the Central l'etrol mm Oonijiflny tit the railroad rroslnt.', where they v ill keeti eoii.tniitly on hand a 1'ull aortnieut of everylliing Iti ttio Hardware line, audi ns TIN AND SHEET IP.ON WARP, GAS FITTINGS AND UK ASS GOODS. Mr. Ilrynn having t een ennnccd in tlie lnini" Willi MerT. WimiT lire's, lor tour year.. ia"t, will attend particularly tolho business of manufacturing SMOKE STACKS All kinds orTUi and Sllect Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. ; Tlioy have a Sew Machine for CUTTING GAS PIP With an entire. SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work in this line. Aprfl. Coal! Coal J Coal! rpilK undersigned, having established a branch Yard at Kvn l Farm, are "now prepared to furnish AI Graces of Goal At the Very Lowest IPriccs. Operators from (herrytrce Hun, and vicinity, UvitiK al iVtrtileumOentte, ean leave their orders nt our riVi-e huiv, and have ihem promptly iilletl from the lnd Taini Yard, AT LESS COST THAN U5LL. OXT foi:g?t the I'Lace 8kahi.es & roit.vwpj.u O.T.ce on O. C. ifc A. U. H., lvtroleum Centre. IJianch Oflko ut Kynd lann. I!. Wo hold exclusive control of the famous GT0NEB0R0 COAL. at lioth tlie above named Points. Jun2-t A. T. LEGGETT, Manufacturer and Dealer in &2 &J, Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. Expirler.eed workmen ore emp'oyod, nnd TTnr ncj!. of all hind? keptt r.'.tantly on hand tad made to order. P. Cm llclm ' rat. Seed "Bag For !ilt- Repaiiing Done at all Times ! Call and examine onr stock and r.rlc .'S, ?Ialii-St., Icl4xv il e .Hut lUi- tni'l ITAm.e. I Pelr.ilenm Cenlro Pa ' .tan 7th. ItCl -tl. J, A. French Boot Maker YTa2iingioii Street, TIIRER DOORS WEST OK A. D. MIL LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, I'ETi:oriELT31CEXTItE,Pa., H manuractiirlni to order FI1IST-CLASS FIXE U'OKK, urh aa l.it;'iit Iicatlicr Boots, I'miia 6i!c ISools, I'i'ciicli Cork Solo lioots, Sr.otc Welt Boots. iiEAvroii LiGnr work done in FRENClt STYLE. Call and see samples. J. A. PIjANTE. PelioUum Ciaitre, Pa., July 2 2tn. Alteapozglm Cilif Territory. none 2 to oil opekators. The undersigned, jicont for the Metropolitan Oil Company, now od'ers to lease the territory of said Company, in lut.i t T two acres each, for one.rourtli royalty. This firm is tituato cn Chorry Tree Hun and lira on the JUGULAR VEIN Which connects .. Wood and I'iersou Farms with CHAHLEY HUiS TEKEITOKY. For further particular apply to the original D. W.KKNNEY, Alleinagoozelum City, Cherrytree Run. Or oJdaoss, "150X 117, Pelrotetim Centre, April 1C 1m. ' Pcnn. KIS'S HALL. 'I in.- Hull In now ready for thealtical c:;llilllionn', ( ituerl't.. In tui t H, A:o. The illtll hurt been relil ted tuid -lieiiih'-iieil. .' puinrt and oxpeuso hug been frpurid tu lirnUe U a lht ehi.m SHOW BUILDING. On tho lit ft Moor U ono of the lxst Uillijud llcom iu lii-f ft nhc.'.VAM in Jcr ui.e Ljauairuiutiil jiilj-JU'. Petroleum Centre, I'UAI.i'.lt IN PURE WRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BRlfiS, 51EBIC11S m tEIMICAI!, CHOICE 1'OltF.lGN AM) IWMUSTIo Toilet Articles! AND Fancy G-ood. IMPORTED SOAPf, BRUSHES, AND Drnists Sundries ! riiysictr.ns' J reirript; n eompoitrded ficu!"mire , ai d el.'i-i'o niatei'ials.j IF YOU nAV'NTJ) SEEN . I T;! GOJAND SEE IT The Magio Match. Petroleum Centre, June, lS(jf. .1 un7 T. M'Donald. LiVERY, FEED & SALE At the Ifrpot, opposite the Central ISuuse, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA rrillF! best Ptoci: of DRIVIXO ANT) PADDLE X HOUSES ou tho Creek, are to be found at Kl'jriouaU&'s JLlvcry. RAHRIASE3 CUTISriS TD U LET AT ALL TIMES. IIORSE9 FE1 A: KOXKHED on llcRsonablo Terms. Tcazulng of all klnh at tcr.dec to i'l-oinntly. Civo me a ca'l. T M'UONAL Petroleum Centre Nov. If, 1S08. UVEY FEED STAELES, - Wasltingtoa Slice t,' oppnNitc t!ao Opera IIoiim;, PETROLEUM CENTRE, TENN'A. I Itavo put In a gootl stock of Riding and Driving Horses, which 1 will let on leosonalile terms. Also, CiiHers, Wasrons, Spring; AViiS'oiiM, A:v.. noiISESboankdaud ledo-jd licit of caro guar anteed. janOtf. A, FMAWLtV. Petroleum Exchange ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESH ALL TIIE3 SI OYSTERS 1 Jfjp LUXtJ I:IKS 1 Reccivotl :'5j ' 0P TIIE DAILY! 'C;jf;fS SEASON! V;:sIaiiiioia Strict 9 rt'troleum (.Vutrc l'n., rex door to Iitham & t'o.'ft Jiwchy t-'toi t T. AV. 81XUS, Pio8 ieUn'. Tlay Hoard, rs m-com ttiml tt.'d, tcrvi'd ftll hcMiv.-. (tr..-um, and evciv d'8i'i-ipi:on ul yfiiwt in niht'd iriu'-t-. No piius wil'ho apai-i-d lo nccouiuiodi.t lhu.tr who favor un with Ihcir natioiiur. . T. W. SAND'a Ptcti.cuiu Centi-i', Jan, 0, 109, --tt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers