JS3e f 1 r ' 1 4 I f 1. J H t D in w th: h, St el 80 B ace ter. A. . MILLER & CO. '3 COLUMN. A, D, MILLER & CO. Wholesale nd Retail Deal era In DRUGS, MEDICINES, &G, Washington Street, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. TboJr BUxfc consist u everything In fht Brags & Medicines ! rOB MEDICINAL PURPOSES, whaiMtfe and lietadl Agents fo XOeSMITB BTOWACH BriTMlW, JOHN BOOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, ALISMA FOR THB HAIR, 8BWARD & BENTLEV3 COUGH 6TRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO'3 GOLDEN PILLS, WALK Kit t HAZE'S CIGARS, JATNES' MEDICINES, ANDERSON'S DERMADOR, SPENCER'S MIXTURE. , j SPENCER'S OINTMENT, Ac, PILLS. Ayne, Maradenra, SelTert, BrMi.lsth's, McLane'a, WBson's, Cephalic, tloAats, Wliharu's, Herrlclrs, Mott's, Wrigh'ts, Hooper's, Bad way' B. ft JaTne's, Hoback's, Judson't, Schenck's, Clark's Female, Oneeseman'a Pnponoo's, do, Tsrpan's, do, Ac, Sto Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, soaps, iiruslies, &c COUGHS, COLDS, &. - Ayr's Cherry Sectoral, J stub's Expectorant, Maradcn's Balm,? ohsncts Syrup, i Universal Syrup, Exoelilot Syrup, , KansomVlHire, Syrup, , ueuerarsyntp, Cos's Syrap, Hall's Balsam, 1 . . Denton's Balaam, Bryan's Wafers, Olfre Tar, Brown's Troches, WiabarTB Pin Trs Tar, Seward's Cough Cure, Batemsns Syrup, . Cough Candy, A Cigars and Tobaccos ! The Best Frer Brought to the OH Region. HAIR RESTORATIVES. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S. RING'S, CHEVALIER'S, HALL'S, MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRETTS, ROSSETTER'S, LYON'S, STERLING'S, B&BBY'S, Jtc, ia BITTERS. HOTPB, CONSTTTUTI' ON, ROBAOrTB, Ttmil.RV'M URAKffe. XIAOAKA STAR. ft, noSTRTTKH'B, SPEKK'S. D1 CALIFORNIA, ATTWOOD'S. uuwfivrnD tuat avn AWVlVJs UHTa OtV WALL I-A.IELRS, CsurtoJas and Rustic Shades. rAINTS, OfbS, TARNISHES. OIiASS, PUTTY, GLUE, TjirpenUne, Bponae; Dye Stuffs, Dryers, REFINERS' SUPPLIES, Lard Oil, Ker!iene Oil, &c. LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, 4c Scotch Ale, Kf unett Ale, Consress Water. PRESCRIPTIONS COM POUNDED AT ALL IrtT HOURS OF THE NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATIOKEHY, ENVELOPES SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, ' TRUSSES. in hIoiik, ciinio one, (Kiinu all, it don't cost any thioir to Jook at tudd, and wu will try to troat you all uuil. A. r MIU.KR A CO '.'cuo'.outu.Cniu, bc-pi-a, lbito u MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, IS TUB BEST LINIMENT IN THE WORLD For Man & Beast. SO Years In t7e. Is Roodfor Rhenmatlsra, Chilblains, Coma, Whit lows, Caked Breasta, Sore Nipple, Cramp. Boil, Bites of animal. Weakness of the Joint. Crnitnus lions of the Muscles, Burns and Scald, Fnut Bites, Painful Nervous affections. Chapped Hand), Lame Back. Fain In the Side. Swelliniia. Turners. Tonth Ache, Old Sores, Hemorrhoids or Piles, flush Woirnds. Galls of an kinds. Snralns. Ttrnlio. rrnlt ed Heels, Ring Bone, Pole Kvil, Wind Galls, Cal- on, ppavin, Sweeney, fistula, surest, fixtcrna Poisons, Scratches or Grease, Springhalt, Sand Cracks, Lameness, Strains, Foundering Feet, Mange, Horn Distemper, Garget In Cows, Cracked Teats, foot Hot In Sheep, and man other diseases inci dent to Man and Uenst. It D. Tatloa. of Concord. Rt.. snva tharianrlim? Oil cured a horse of his. inlur-U while olouehiuir 1 attempting to step over a stomp, almost severing hi V. I h UaM tuul. . I -.- .U -1 V. - 1 .. . .. .1 I, 1 LI. . w.p," .U.U Ujg WU, WW I II Ut l D una II I" I. VI 1 1 1U II IB family for fifteen years, and is the best remedy for luis, Bums, onuses, rrost lutes, strains, Itneum atlsm, etc, he ever used. en From Cmnrr Bros., Cochrane Landlne, Ohio, Not. SO. 185H. We are Dieased with Tour medicine. It has been the means of cnrlmr a sreat number o different diseases npun nereons. a alf o noon horses. we i it cures ail yon recommend it to uo. want you to send us the larger proportion of the variety tor "runuiy Lao,' in small ootties.jafjJits , ,.m ...a niin &n.w. i . i s kkkum warren, iuu., murcn 1868 I am eneaced in the Dractlce of medicine. and and your Gurgling Oil an extremely etlicient remedy in an casus wuero an external application ub luaionwo. From Db. G. B. Nxal. Bnrrls. Iowa. Dec. 10. 185H. I haTe practiced medicine In this county seven yean and cheerfully recommend your uargllng Oil ue uie veefc uuanieni w uao. 4 from Da I. W. Ellis. Ga , Jan. 8, 1RS9 If I could receive both hoses of the Ganzlinn Oil it will not be too much, as Mliink I could soon And sale lor It all. the Inoulrv belmr freouent since It is sun nosed thst I b ave it fcr sale:. r rom ua nx. d. Aiouau,, vnamois, mo., aot. n, 1RB8. Your Gargling Oil la taking the shine off from all the llnlmeiite nf thA dftv. If vnn deMtrerf thnm. I eould procure dosena of eertincates from those woo usw neen oarea oy a. Messrs. McLilif A Bros., Wholesale Druggists, that they can safely recommond the Gargling Oil ur inviv uieease. tnau u I recommenuea lor. From J. K. Fisher. Unlontown. Pa.. June 31. 18A7 Yonr Gargling Oil is doing mnch better here luaa lunneriy, siliee us vinues nnve Deonme Known, ahd the bottles out ud for Family Use. without IMUI, KIT IUUCO BOUgQl Hir. en Extract frnm ft letter from Hnn Nathan T mnaitr. County Jndtro of Shelby Co., Iowa, dated Harlan, April is. iwf ii is aeciueaijr preiorrta to any lin anient sold in this fvcrton. Extract of a letter from SAMuit 8. Hupp, dated Fallbarff, Ohio Jalv 17. ISflfl, In June enrv Shame had s yearling colt that bad what was sup posed to be Dyptlteria for mere than tm days so that it could not eat. and the throat ewolen almost shut, and the nse of three or four applications of uie uonar Domes ma mo ueeirea enecr. F.om A. a. Niil, LuwiaTllle, Coechocton Co.. O. March. 1859.-1 have used vour Gargling Oil for the Scratches on my horse, and$tciired it with the first sppnesuon. From ESos MaTrmt, Mlddlenort, N. Y.. JuIt 'iS. I860. I purchased a bottle of yonr Gargling Oil of or aRiiDf, a. o jtaaer, jniuuietiort, and as yot ave used but half of it. I think it has given mo more relief in a case of severe Hhcumatism, of long wuujug, una any wing i nave ever used before. Extract froo a letter from J. O. Pratt, dated QaincT. Chestannna Co.. N. Y.. Ammat li 1K.M i have been sctnainted with your medicine Onruling ,11. tiai iifuriTCN yvnra, n una proveu a snrs cure for Font Kot in Sheep for which I sold the last bottle and have calls almost dully for more. i wv uwweru as souu aa couvument. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And take no othen Betall Price, ft.OO, 60 Cts. aid as Cts. Shaks Tfell before using, and rub on tuorouchlv MmthnlHunaiim. u ..m...l..i . uv-u.v . i . w u.vu. nmu II 1.1 III Dlllioiltllu. TheOarclinir Oil has been in it.. . MmmMtt Wi years. All "we ask is a fair trial, but be suie auu luuow uirocuuns. Ask yonr nearest Dmgist, or dealer In Patent neaictnes lor ona oi our Aimunscs ami vnde Me uras, and read what the peoplt say about the Oil. Thn Gargling Oil Is for sals by all respectable dealers throughout the United States and other countries. Our UttimnniaU dato from lSUS to 1868 and are HmoliciUd. Use the Gargling Oil and lull your Deiguoora wnut goou it utu aouu. We deal fair and liberal with all and dory contra diction. Munufiietiwerl tit liockport, X.' V., by Merchant's urirliii Oil io. JOHN H00GE, Secretary. Bold by A. U. lUILLUU cV CO., ulyvi-Dm. PeUoKcui 0n:tc, P HARDWARE OIL CITY. ZEtOBSOHNT'S Oil i nmi I'ipe Works. C1IAUL.K.-I IIOJISOA' A: Co., Corner of Sencrn A- 'rmtre "J"-, Ilsuit sia Ull Creek, tin .! Dealers in Morris, Ta-krr A CVs OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, At.0. WORKING BARHm." AND VALT STUFFING IIOXKM, 01-AMI'S. TONGS. SUCKER 110DS, Ac Machinery for Oil Wells & Befineries BORING TOOLS, DRIVING PIPE, COLD WATKK PUMPS Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BRASS GOODS, TEAMS AND OAS riTTTffOS, BMLT1XO, bACKINQ, and BOSS; HARDWARE, HOUSE TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' Tools, Rope, Uakum, Nails, Axes, Coffee Miltf, Table & Pocket Cutlery: I Full Assortinent of Everything in tho HARDWARE LINE. J-mse runlshlng Goods, su lamps. Chimneys, No. 1 Winter Strained Lard On, . No. 1 KeHned Oil, Stair Mods, Table an d Door Mats ; Champion Clothes Wringers Mannfactnrcrs of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. Especial attention given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored to merit the patronage nf me puDiic, ana snail use every exertion to lusure Its continuance. Our facilities for furnishing ererythlng In onr line, having been greatly increased, In the erection of our New Building, are now SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT eutfU-Sm. IN THE OIL REGION. ' Oil (M Rue Works CHAR. ROBSON CO., Corner of Seneca and Centre Sts, east side of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. Having added s powerful Steam Engine and three large LnvntE.8, to our aireaay extensive Aitinufac taring Establishment, are now prepared to do all toe necessary wyra, in mung up, aua repairing ENGINES. BOILERS, IRON TANKS, REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS In fact do'all Machinery Job Work entrusted to as with neatness and dlsDatcn sag Slmos NEW HARDWARE STORE HEATING AND COOKING STOVES! In largo variety. jfABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. HOUSE FURNISHINB BTODS. T11MWARB, LAMPS.LANTERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. NAILS AND IRON Wooden Ware, &c. For sols OHE-A.I 1 At the store formerly occupied by Biirchlle'd and Casterllne, OIL CITY, PA. j a nut IS. CiECUIE. O!l;0lty, Jan. 4, 186u tf. John C. Welch, Sencca-St., Oil City, Pa., Dealer In Uibbs, Russell & CVs Roiing and Fishing Tools, Innis' Sucker Rods, Driving Pipe, Derrick Irons, Grate Bars, Balance Wheels Ac Pullies, all size. My connection with Meadvillo and Pittshnruh fninulrlu. is Hiu-.h that I euii gut out sll kinds of i.atliugs nt short order. JOHN C. WELCH. Oil City, Feb. 17, Isc'.l it MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HARDWARE STORE! HOIIKHT BRIAN Sc CO., Ileg leave In announce to the citizens of Potrolrum Centre and vicinity, that they' have opened a new store in Ihr- rear of tho ofiloe of (he Central ttfrm mat Company at the railroad crossing, where they will kp constantly on hand a full assortment of everything In the Hardware line, such as TIN AND SHEET IRON WiJlE. GAS FITTINGS AND .BRASS GOODS. Vr. Bryan having been sncagenMn th biislnc with Messrs. W'lnitT Hro's. lor lour years past, will; attend particularly to tho business of manufacturing SMOKESTACKS All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM PITT1NO, AC. t They have Now Machine lor CUTTING GAS TIP fTUh an end SB ..." 8ET OP IfEW DIES, And will warront all wort rn'tMrllna. " Apr A'' Coal! Coe.1.; Coal! fJJHE luiderslgned, kavtiuj mttfblMieS sranet Yard at Rynd Farm, ars urw prepared to famish MME50ICoalh,.rJ At the Very Lowest Prices. Operator from Cherrytme Ron, and TtclnMy, Bring st Petroleum Centre, can leeve their orders at our omce here, and haw Rism promptly filled iron tie Kyud Farm Yard. , i AT LESS COSt fBA H" USUAL. DON'T FOBG'TTIIE PJLACE SEARLES A CORNWKLL, Ofllce on O. C. A A. R. R., Petmleam Centra, Branch Office at Rynd Farm. N. B. We bold exclusive control of the bawns ST0NEB0R0 COAL." at both the above named points. . Juufl-t , A. T. LEGGETT, . Maaalaotarar and Dealer In - HARXVTSS.S, Seed Bags, "Valve Caps, fec. Axpenericca wor. meii nro empioyea, wa iinr- nes of sll kinds kept t aatsjitly on hand sad made to oruer. P. C. Heinz Pat. Seed 'Bag For Sale- Repairing Done at all Times t Call and eximlne ear stock and prlaea, Jw Main-St., below ti e IHoClln- tock Iionse. retroleats Centre, Pa,, Jan. 7th, 1W -tl t 4 J. A. PLAIMTE, French Boot Maker Washington Street, THREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. MIL LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, PETROLEUM CENTRs3, Pa., Is manufacturing to order FIK8T CLAH8 FINE wuhk, sucn as Patent Isealher Boots, Pump Sole Boots, French Cork Sole Boots, Scotc Welt Boots. HEAVY OR LIGnT WORK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE. V Call and see samples. . . J. . PLANTE. Petroleum Centre, Pa., Jaly a Sm, , , ; NOTICE TO OIL 0PERAT0ES. The undersigned, agent for the Metropolitan Oil Company, now offers to lease the territory or said Company, In lots of two acres escbi fcr one-lburtk royalty. This farm Is situate on Cherry Tree nun anauesonthe ,.. , , JUGUIAR VEIN Which connects '.. Wood and Plenon Farms ' with . . , , CHABX1T RUN TERRITORY. For fartberfiartlcular apply to the original D. iVV. KENNEY, Allemagoozelnm City, Cherrytree Ran. Or oddaess, "BOX 117, Petroleum Centre, April 16 1m. ' Penn. A KIN'S HAL1 This Hall is now roodr for theatrical exhihitlnna concrrts. lectures, Ac. The llnll has been refitted and streiiRtheueil. No pains and expense has been spurua to maae it e nrsi ciase SHOW BUILDING. On the flrst floor Is one of the best Blllinrd Uoom iir tne eniru vAU miucr 0119 uiauairumvuL itilyiltf. H. H. FISHEB Petroleum Centre, DEALER IN PCRT3 FRENCn, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAS DRUGS, MEDICINES 11 CBEMICAIS, f II CHOICE FOllEiTJN '!'.. . i V- AND bOMISHTIP Toilet Articles! Fancy 'Groods. ' , IMPOHTEli i J ' PBRPUME3S ! SOAPS, " - . ! ' BRUS1IES, AND s "Sundries! V Drugjdsts Sundries! PhTslftjinB' Piwr1ptloni romrTinOl fprjin. pun gfJks VsWtyaw smiSil,Tatia-S il YOU DAV'NTJ GO; AND SEE IT- The Magio Match. 1 ' Pctrolewm Cgttin, June, ISA jU)1 T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Centrul House, ; PJTBOLEUM CE.NTRB PA. TBI best Stock of DRfVINO AND SADDLE HOUSES on the Creek, are to be found at . M'Donald's lilrery. HAMUBES t CHTTIBS 70 It ' ' LET At ALL TIMES. HORSES FED Sc BOARDED on Reasonable Terms. Toamlnj '6f all kinds at tended to Promptly. ryoiva nieseejl. T M'DONAb ; Petroleom Centre, Rnr. If, ISSs LIVERY t FEED 'STABLES, Washington Street, opposite the Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENNM. I bare put In s good stock or Riding ana Driving Horses, which I will let on reasonable terms, . , Also, Cutters, Wagons, Spring Wagons, ice. ROR8B8 boarded and fed and best of cart gov an teed. JaoB-tf A. SMAWLET. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESH Jfei ALL THE' OYSTERS! -"piX LUXURIES! Received jf oF TnE DAILY! S E A SO H I ' Washington Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa., next door to Is ham A Co. ' jawelry Store- T. W. SANDS, Proprietor. Day Boarders accommodated. Meal" served all hours. Oysters, and every description of g"' urnisbud (roosts. M No pains will be spared to sccommodat IB"" who favor us with their patronage. . ,,, T. W. BAND , Pretdlcum Centre, nnv0, 1869. tt r