The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 31, 1869, Image 2
'- - ,,BTjta; t. jv-' i - I'! i f. .X i ii i D , tr to rh tb 'I : 8a " act ui lei he, ifib at uigi Jon ;oul Will triu fan ut j a sei 1 0,nP I ' icluu i 10 w -tlio I liiiH 1 , liiilin ;lern oing tho i "rom i i'lisbo I 'Mled o saj to ho I y look 'itlliuei Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet Centre-, Tiicb lay, Auf 31. jl. 'Af, Jiuitor. Time of. Closing Walla. P. O., PSTBOLFl'll CKBTO1. PA., I JUL! 97 FT, 186S. ( Until hirther notice the mulls will arrive at mill deport from this oillce na follows: AI1BIVS. Houth Bud Eiwt, via. lrvineton, 10. W A. M !ooth and West, Meadvtllc, 6.18 P. M. North and But, " Corry, 8 Bo km. utb 4 WtU n.4llM.ri I DO MM. lorth, fist anf Vusltto.oAl. M, t-ss services.' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH KET. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. 3Tj .a UlllittUil. &DBaiVi.if A. Si. and 5-1 v ! A. M. od to all. ,., I... Bfv"'(' M:"nABD, Pastor. - A STS. PETER, A" r PAUL 8 .(C holle) luUl YlWR NiPM4Icfc of tbo iklaajki Sacrament at 4 p, m. ..... . ,, -'11 IT i IJ II V JTihlmn - Hrvlmen , ,.V1 .W..JAME8.DUNIf Vastor. j-iiuio;1. A J U ' " -il.ll i;aau uiiinei OILCRKEK MONDAY, & AlyLKQIlENEY RIVElt RAILWAY ', ArftftST Hutu, 18II9. 'tii.i q,(eKtVUa.l ,armOorr': a. A .! I'll. II. s JlslloaBmii'afJt'' "" 'run p m. 1)1(11 Leav. avj OA. Cofitre. P.-Wa. m., ar. lit Oil City t SO am K"i . k-:Wp. m , ar. " 20 ,y ' 7:81 p. m., ar ". Ail' ' l Ji'nif..raia'WpiW'ilnuirrpr'BlIiljl till ' l H i . i I ii ' I'll I. 'I !..'! V;' Tbo Good Templars will .bold their first nie(ti jtf irlielir ier fall o-o iKht. Kl..r, niOiJrJ twaitbs IUrTawlsii )Ib '2 'tb la ; ;; 1W;rWtlbKUVV fttftW.iytWoi'.k ngtb. and six secoDds time. Time of rai t, 22 liilouls jOJ secplia.( .., rfM.PfctWewakfl M.twodaot in the diiilf-l makeiVuiQuMa. nndet' 'tlre'"reSiall(Je-of the citizens, and luxuriate In tbeir garllons. ioucDing uuuuary nonce in a (Jblcago pnper:,.,iAios Pieetorja Vcllk'noDlresl l,,V . uli , j ... .ii.. ..ii . i I ! n ii . . l n -nn ,V.l ,don,( QW,Kjn,nd. flaealnger, whL in stantly killod at the1 TWaibn.' tiousdfisl right, by a stranger who (became angry at ' ,u . i Ullad Tom bas a rival a Ouialia. Vbajr. nave a' ten' year old. there, blind from b ybf The Franklin Spectator says that on ! lon- idk oi on ueur tbo Atluntic and Great .llr-Vm-SW H?R"!.ifl,'WV IPMV'imiM on top or the tank examining a pipe, land on, and fell into oil up to I bis cbio. lie was X I J)he4Wli01VKiff I'118'! HWoaifPrtable 4 gerouBlbatU by a person standing net an. ing near 14 .htultf.M'VUiiLl III. Appointkd Dr. R. Colbert has been' . j.l-.i 1 i.a.;w.. . ...,.., ...1 1. .1,1,1. ,1. it v"i pj"(ii",eisOT't'' tnia place, vice F. W. Uyn. The Doctor will jo eor. 4,r. llays, bin nrvdecessor, has made madvlluiu.frieid8- bhh duHrig'tlrA'dmiial - relations with our citizens, and has alwhye' ,w wiiceuuviauii oaw'HgNeuulo in the discbarge of his duties, uud has sustalLd ''?ul,il.rtfll'W''ftof belts 'a ,CittU'ejUlfJlcro.VMt'y'rffA . I 1 1 I I I ! 1 1 I The Franklin Court has diinpsed of ibe tWs Yv'ilintHtlJbarLd wim coiuiiiiiliug arri)pe upon the persoJ of Miss Bedoe, of Cheirrlree Run. which hliil pened;, maf iI'uikI guillty, aodbM'Uea H'tjttiufcoll .lo-iultiisoniasot ,for a erm, of,saeB iyears,r )Eueueihir 'Mr'arrested for robbery about the last of I I tVV'P. IWifHy. t. io DekuetL! afrebled at uuiub, -wrested ut uu uity lur 5'bjr,,,gttBjr,r ;i Revenj? paniW wire .huerflos i-'Wiliinoriwltlicut license, lli- i 17 r.i "P. Plt) and, batrr; tiib intent to kjjl, wa aentenoed, to a termjol twelve years in fb,eVytefn 'Penituntluy. ,11 , ! ! ' Tr i: , .il ...aiara iwaiu uaa a suggestion to make, to tbe New Voik Sun In the matter of President 1 I I . .. . , I. . ' ' . maKing. itistuis: "ii tins thing goes on, " the New Jork Sun will , lmiu to bo dubbed .it. the 'Mother of the- Presidents,1 and thus) a "' flreiit wrb'o'si" ' Jo'lie uno of Ibe meet venerublo and dcservlnn of the States. ' PrHy let lbi3 fearful fecundll iu' futiife" rl4l- 'dontseease; for ahore is ne jtellin-; but tbe CUU UJUJf lUV4l nvnis,.,lW)A,,.,iA ,ll.'l,.,BIKI f,)r' iho iiu!iu cl' ci.ii.iiion liii'iianiijIt mt cub get old enough to unmsu biiusoif with Kiiui rings uud rattU'S befoiu a frosboaij bf , bJiu. mportaut to Oil Producers, u The Secretary of the PetrulsiiW Produ cers' Association baSjileAied. the pillowing circular letter ff fto4Ucta.i!u' lu tuo several districts clne iil regions: , Opvirirni. tub HlcRKTlAJt.-fL T" . LIUM PBilDl'CtKa AB!0CATION, r Huio, l'-i August UiMSse.- ) . Daaf Sir: The manaiterr or tbe rtrole-'l urn Producers' Association, at tbeiM.eenn held tbis dav. resolved to CDsnnirtnWat once the preparation of monWWfiOrii'or me production or peiroieurnyw.lMsilttats nU liwirefuraes; tas -vfcfr ionns II n Itu4e!fi1 Arty revuiMioo iiwiDeaioani 01 aiananrs,tiT eiibell th Assoi ktion tohe etfeted. t UkljUksWnK i4reptemboWoi(Mr' repifsentntivns will be entrusted hereafter tbe duty ot seenrinrr the - t -r tlbVTH nieTr""'rsi)eciive districts and to- oriing tteaia prom t eaca 11 JKsfiiAiisMsV ii?vli'l!ret tholaHroduoer ers co- taki ug utvuuiii ui on uu uaaa at meir we.lon tbe last calendar day in each nionUh. nnd oillrotu tbo welts duriug tbe monti('nbd- icuuiiing lueui wijbii requirea to llKvtere septolivi'8 0f!.ln afsoeljlidn.'1' PrenuVatory to securing a report for September, and 111 anticipaiion of. the .electien f,mainCdry oT tDft'Boaru next month upon whom tb work will devolve, I take tbe liberty of, Ssking, 4at hi tartful 'tfticWIrtA amount or oil on band at the wells onl 1 ues sbvtral com prising . Wifiihj1"? mtaking Upottg rurnished durine the month. HHP, . It i hopeil thai a regaid for thu ,00 tatiltesls wHl feCfi all Krodacers to ci CC-fOptf- rale beurtily with the Association, ill cfuM):l flM tv iV4iwwtrHljl,M ) 1 C. V. Ci LVti ,tbli !' ' '- a. Epeciui uispaicn irom wasuingion to, IMIVTHI"' MUKieiwysi "MLJII, Sargent, of Rochester, N. Y., has for f .long, tlfps Msoijtid ,hat tlbbl oootoinbliod lcks, used on the treasury vaults were verp.iipp safe, atid;pwid fa'litaiilyiiraiaeb.liiiid yas, Hnally invited by Mr. Muliatt, tho sufibris; irtfef f, A try 1M tanlJin oppLrtij-, icy of doing wbicb be embraced oh JUst, Saturdajr, , was s tbea.-Qflpduflrt jojbe' looms of the construction bureau, anil re7 AT;st'hy!3t frT'" .n one ol riot's uureaa comumauon iocks. iS't litttd ovei an, by making certain carctildtio wUbdn toleftel wWleverf be odened tbe lock, treasurer Spinner was tbetj ent for, and tbo safe was again locked, urlon " it prviiv,i :ii .wiitu miri rvtrcnt was entirely ignorant. To tha.siuprihe ,of s entirely ignorant. To tha imprike of WYfl t3P"f '"fSTof UiATieas)irec, j who exprysiefl bia. opinioa in bis uenaKfoi- citiie anu eh'jiant style, this nmtad lock nKagtnr auTboritiea. feel naiiaally fcerv uiiicu conceruea ai this slate 01 anairr, sua l i , . . . ... 1 i t.. wilt probabiy tlear uo mean's' uneHlrilovl . discover Isefi'r lobk rolllthe'"gtvoriiiiKUt depaaitdries. '" " ' "-! "l" T AjwopoofiiaB-sWP! the Great Yosemlti ej is a success. It lean tbecxtcriodas an appetizer. lieadtisn; can't be ejrt nil . Alt A Hark Opportunity kok MiciiiNiKrs. o willfhvildi a-sv jrrschinc shop in Oil Sj Uyyhe XA. V. R. R. olers all their work to any good ffrnr who wjlj, come 'here and start a large machine sllop. rBesHJM,' -Iro TTave four dluer roads run ding to Oil City; who would be large patronl to orturlj. tor capital which Js.leg timate,..and,,aure. to oe very requinoraMVe, ao 'opportunity ;uo The Mormon deat rat ,iBjrrsatr . tb that ' of Wr , Yorlj ,or, fiew OrleauB, a more ibau twice that of Oregou, while fftnng MHi;kUtreaief Ui saints 'fca iaoc lltj iTlrilitfiil. , Of.sltiy, denths, Ifi .ill LaKe Cfty iu a month, forty -four "were ottlldrfeuv 'ttiiuer' ICiml.ull I.' PHIUIptlul I lA 1 1 , ! C 1 " r 1 , r i - 1 .w ,h,yolurieil forty-eight children dut ' of sixty-tbreo In bis collection; one bisllnp has lost .tweutvcbildrep, another twenty- el8"t, and another seventeen. ... I 1 real loai'imle Bitters rurif) the,,fc!ird nad regulates ' tbe U'eR H 1 nootber.T'i civ": :- 1 11 '.I Est-LiH.yoPB. or. JiowiKt-The Lpn don correspondent ot the Boston Truuscr pi ssys that tho Eflglls'lTthoile of rowliig'is to sit at one Bide of tbe boat 19. go' forward sharply, getting tbe bands over the toes, and taking tlnio to adjust the oar exactly with the blade at 1 right-angles wilh tbe water,"ttt'drdp' It in until the water just coven the blade, aud then, with a trotuiju dois pwipgj ii8bing with! toe feei ud al- uioai rising irem the seal, to cot In all the 1 a. 1 vA-PV 'J'lf i V LV " tvlp. ksttpitig ibe urius straiBJ,Umii Jbe bojjr s eipeiidiqi' lar, bringing tb'e bunas to the Joer puiljul '"W .oJliVSl. .KttJCJtAwivV'isMsljr, 'und' siHCtyg 'Ufivatd again witbuut tuwiuii. " W IiKAOTIFVIji TUOl'OttTH M S AflKP l'OKT fNiA rtis(ljMu:iJ-ViUliil f ullh liW ant has just addressed the AJumni br WtJF liaios Colletten VhracleriHO ortMpn, fremfVshich we extract Uo (yllojylh. Ifn lrrVlaod poetlo' words': afcsjii'seolir- red M toe since IVis.tBW. llneiqriifs cam lolvisU, ttrco.Wo this i:of, an- Yiflg, jfihlcbi our. yoiilS'irt Ira W iM ni on' tie itagrltf 4kt world, ibat: I ain in aeatUSrHjDO pf, one wfl,Wing on a .tltiiti;Iiw and Him Muiifl oulfl be permitted, baiorfof Uni ale', la '1olr htion a ' neighbor iaif . rfcTon. glorfou. : Witlt.tti Abloom ' of spting nd TjfTgbt witb the'team'9 of morning. On the side where I.alaud .are tietbima.iioliis aad 1 fkak A noa iiinnila nnnla a Vi ul 1 1 rrtA uflfri Inn a i frpz to'if, WMhV ibaoWs of aplitbcMirgM Bight,,., On ilw. tW 4e whteh-r-lwrsrTtrff brlVifflHlWi.A-i r springing Wheat, pxc(ia,rd,Mo Woom,.traospata(t'stroitui, nnd AaWAiaii a.uMl)lae.ii Witb ine it Is tbo lute r. . . I .1. 1 r. . 1 .11, . . aii' ... (nr llVAUnl.JlvpelUl-,tlllU)svf, iug Plowwpre put, In ,ithe ground, 1 its coulter 1 VWHlAiiMI o,bs(rM(i-'(l,iy.ib'ica-'beunil 9'd.' 9P vAtailM'lPiMj r .whioh 1 lookl seo'i h to lfensr judicioua..ultLvaUa and 1 iarefu u4w9', retompousod by a freo a4 prom lgtPg grp.wLU., ,1 rejoioe. at tbo ktndliy care ,tu,esMO)ed, ad ,my bepe 'end1 prnVer is, (bat uodero fneh . aaapkos, airtbe pj'ouiis J,)vbioh meets, uiy.Byw may be ftllfrllbfl, and tnal,rooi,lbso iisurlbn.i ileitis- S" Uarvest lujibia gaAiereV ;fiel)eyiaadmore abun- dautitiianilias er..yot been ' stored lu tbe graunies-.orour lami.,j 'i' " 1 1.1 v1"11 1 ' ' For every . any cbmfurt, .usa flpjvner's 'ftfeat'oseoiite Bitters. J' Sunday Cimfort iytoriili'VutA'osemite'is'beer; ''.'' LlUt qill Ii. I 1, j I H ' r ' ' ' " I j ,1 -A foraala abortionisv fa'3pbfysny; lH Una: jjaryiCMtfcssod tbe.otiierddy tbvV'tfj bad .killed a tbeioonrse ura'few1 years 'two) bun jdree and thirteen' infants lhnt'be Hold per. .formed abortions fornTteeb VdnriitlHsl. and bud aMays bait a'rery large numnel1 Al cus tomer. :i TBe l narrrt,'br'ltbd' old tiirfiilan ii Fttbrl; she Is srxty 'ytars V! 86." Som lime ein oe 1 her ow n: Son 1 trad ' t b ' itit'Mjin M'ffy' would" sboot ;fc' tu dfile'r' to' Vrevent her .from anrderlfig'b1s"'b'aby'.' Tb ' lady who ardenlslly'diSWrrtred tbe' fnfsdeeds pf tbe old bortrooase bad'td'aee' froth '(b'eioigb Bhbed wberehe-'had' been liVine, Inas- muoh b ifela tires tl wbhYt'n tin Wb'b'm bbor tion4uidjee 'performed" tbi od tl' 'tp kill ibef.H, r-iua : I -0 '' '" ' , n .4. j,t n !l' 1 ""Everybody sb'ouW have ' Uottle p' Wti Grbul Yoseiiine Bitter's':" "', , .Ml . 'I . llll 1 .ir, IOWi -wait a bottle ot old -nrarirlJ, the ,'i,.brwon,purti'rtiole,, (jo a. ftAPPxnij's. '""A' ferirfitrla'n 'o'f'St. lloiiis recen(ly rejoeiv eu B-ieircr irom cniel, Justice Uhasp, in wbrch ne .ays'i"""I am btit pfall futurb po 'need be jealous of m bertdrteT'.'i '" .":: I ""I "' jBESti.cvnfertipiierjr received 1 every day lTiolli.l-.ill nil" 1 "' J' Wl' BisATTtilJ. .,;;n"tf:ry,i J'-l "' j 'Dbtft-TdrtfeT ' t'stiaojie $.imMt tbe O. C. & A. R.R. The noon train will re moiu bore balf an fiou ,1'pr, d,inoer w iicb w'hrg1v'o''travelers.aintjlp lirue. , Tlififli cb e'ster itpuso' la'but a. sl'.epMfilpm)Jie de ot, ttnd passengers can Dave plenty, of. tim 1 to jto here an'get duueij anil return, be ore Ube'irain leaves.'" file bar iSjfuruialie.? rth the'liest wtn'cs otiif liqu6rs. ' , , n 1. I,,-..,,. w-.'" rSri';KW00j . I Imn ,:lu iii:..-" t -'t " " " 'A on vict'h tbd " M ill '.'hibll' ' peb f hn'tf tjry, moiutd Tifcbcll;'4s en11Ptt"b'aVu' falleh"Ueir to property anldrtnling'td'ulio'ui SBO.OOO rjj ... I the death of bis aunt in the tSate of,( 01 io. He ws seat tb Jti1 two' yehrs ago for cf tie stealing1.. 1 He fs " nearly siily' gear's ai;e. Efforts aire- being' tb Ade to sebure fiis paril a. , ,,,GAr'Vy'a Sunday Conil'ort is used afi erally throughout tbe world) have just; re ceived an order from Hong Kong, China, fof.lwenty-flve asst all es account of Id tha, Rfcooan. ' 1 i ,, :,.,,'t ii. i i,,.i-,'' 0wbn'6apkxby ' -i-j . 1 1 . 1 i. ! .. 1,1 ar-r.'i. ' "The Clearlield Journal snys that pres rich iu Cbnner and zinc arc from tiniu to I lino ! . ' brougntto that town by person 1 who BtajrTlk5iwnz3'" 'XvyiVXlvriT" Vir, thev are lound alonir Cloaiflald cwek, bill. I.,, , ., .ni.rpiTii' TfkWTKTi'.i!' " I wttb'au'air'o'l1 jreat' msti;,, ,tijoy. decllbe1 ti) iM ih'e exact locality. ' Suc.opnm;!! ?; 'lobfrsb1 Yn" the extreme. If tbera toMy ate valuable minerals on Clearfield cr.erk in siiflloiml (iiittntlty'td be ky'rWe prblitabty, It'ts a'rna'tter1 bf" tuiuorl'anoe ' U the whole I .,. .1.- r ,, 1 jv's T 'innl commnntry inai tney snouio, oe ueveiopei'. Any bian "bosBBsing such Information' apd wltbholdlng1 ft'is'fcltber a knave or a fool. ... Hi -'' "1 .,iiTe.aut touicilu tbe .worMtbe" Graa VweiuitaiiUters.'.- Is cures' ltv'e(KnpftuBt, kjeucial ndubility, nervpiui prostration, atd e'vitry loru o( iudigt'.sfion,, ni n-i I i.i.r" 1 'ii ' ' '" "i , Tiio litul.lliing iu liie-r-lbeu(Srviit Yoe. mite iiiiteia .. ll .cures, id vanetwMK' " i ,.. .. i.. ... ., .. ., it...; . , . i,,-nv rn-!", ritl w i 'lMVt.n picKli'Q oysters at Ml J't'i'iil'it- '1"''"P .,.,,1 '..I I'I'I ,1' ' ""l " i ll'.llillll't : Iiiiriil Kotir.tiN. " OOHS TO LET Fnqulrii M yirfS.iujMown Clothiag Ptorc. ivZ HILWKii IkititlAUliS A u.orlinaDt at tho t'urultiire Htorc. 1 UINNOLITIOM. Tkanavtap.lilti hRn.t,,ri,n ltlniv hntWMIl (IrnVflS ifyinM 1 1 ihe mile of dial at the HyudKarin. has sawosv own m"saTreiifiiiiiiuai roiif(j. ii dejll wltledad alaims collectllby J. Thsbneiness of solliBrnnl at mi HjhU I1 arm wiM be carried ou m heri'tofure by 4 Mi UIBIISHW.1- M4aBH4a4Bha)s Byparchwlogane Uiode KEFKIQBRATtmSal lae jrurnirarc piuie. The raIMaMklMaWltosMi- anfl .&! sors-all warranted-at W. n. NlCIlOUSpK'U. Olozed Oil Clotli f fii tlrtJ 1 ' wi-' "' i'"T ni'l.u IV 1, I :.l IhiNlOM ,i,..l..iln -I J. 9. 1 HAlIIIiH) 1 m Mf 11)11 1J.-I L(lt lOll lu At the M.t) BAK lfDILDINa, OTlA-ra-ST, ' au DoTi't'Fbt(!tit' til ,t'ompanjf brok. "Oft. .'I n.l.l-l... JPJ''fiM n llardvare A larire aasurunent of -afukiriils lieuiK closed oefirt Wlhf A rej arflfc'IMOt.ns BHODHEAU CD'S, 11 uoniro ni., qlBpJr tbePcptoaice, 0(1 Citji, Pa, , , , AH.DaiUoi, Wiayics M'4. Msgaslast HM & y AHNHWOBTII'S News Koom. All accounts not Kttlit iromedlalvly, Willi be fen with an olliBlott-olliJpiMr "i I lilA Am .14 If. KEYNOIJ A CO. iWie'Kbfr-Wr nli amd co1 to KEYNWLD BltODIIEAD .qo;rV No, U;snMr.JW)rti ite tho Pout Offlci", Oil titty, Pa. oppo- t'lirnelti. of i'vitv (iimliiv aud d UVn, at Centre Direvi, upimMic uic r . v, uu .ji, u . A. D. MitlER CO., 'havo the agencv or'the' ATnrlohn"V1iIpf o'., and Western WKI'p C.' t'lri gan, at whohwale prions. , I I Hill VI H...1IM I IJAIil, TICKETS ffi up too' 'YlK at 7f.lie JtRHOHOMSFKICK.. ., t JJ, ,,,'.'""'.'!., . ,i .WHITE ifikk" r A traih upiil J, K. R-fihor' Vtni Store. , t.,..i ... : i ..i -n'.-t Use Morrison's Gennlne Pine Tar . and Persian Ileal I liar Soap. These sxinp ers" ttnpfMtanaterl trirh-oxntlla bf tho mlliliHt and moat BitHamic nature, and arc warnmt. cd ptirfMily IbnoeVnt arid fr'ee h-oni mineral anil oth or pernl()iou,ibiiixtiuiij, sod, aro selected ladies and the public In general in pryrerot ce other Srtnps, as tie trcht itrodrrce'rs' aitd p-rtfrfcrvi or a healiy purity of compllp.and, comiiri njr, or femnle hiwuty. For the eortnesavaad. delicacy which they Indnce to the hands and face, thetrpnpa hllitjtof sHili!; tirrtK(lnfiTid rrhoVlrfiriiilkhtly orilplkin, UMiilur , tbci)i aifintnslble to even tbll et. We kindly aak the public to try the virtuoso the'o aoapa. J. til. A Co., Troprletivs. . A D: Miller A'Co., t3tvt-A(mtB.'r'attt4BA.( Special Notice. "" " "" I WORDS OP WISDOM .fprwiiBtt iaep. fa! thp Rulini; PaHion in Youth and Eirly MauliiKxJ, Willi hi.l.K 1IKUP forth err'jiB and mnr ortuuato. 1)01 in sealiil letter envelopes, free of charjreri, Addneria,, HOWAHU ASSOCIATION B'iX V, Ihirt,oi-l,pUiA Pa. . ', ,..r.iMyl, an " 'NEHV ADVERTISEMENTS." in .., t,i'.tr isi iiiirliin l-oIa mui nun otiice it Tyorflo"IBfcAtRAi,D, " i ii i m.PPW MAKERS. WILL hnfMild nt nnctlon. tho prnpftrlT of the Xla .1 II. ll.iUln... a.n..ti.. Il..t.. iiuu iiuii,t:unititii)t ui it iMH FIVE 0001 SECOND IIANT) BOTbEKH, TH1USE nniler VaJia and MaelTinUis 'fools, Tubea I'ipeH, ai.d Iipe Cutifug TimIb, one bouso aud illitri.. wa,Kiiinv naf.f iftrlBOMf 1 1 h tnd fur Trie silo to on ncld on ttie premises eommeuc! Hi ng St uairpait ' wo n cincK,, on J uurur, .kiimti, 'Pript-,; M. TFltMI t ASH. aiiffiiSt. WW to; Bcwt,;,f9r.,Niie A ,LAIGIL.ooiiiorutils,and it. otraaadlooa 'ibnee ill be mid or runted. It is loeatee in.,tt&i j 1 UltoThTnOiJ 1 .lVnTBfnTniXT.-l'armi.l ,'. M mi 'lu.j'PfTK-TnWNri" The owner la compelled .to remve.eaa,i aud.sjrlU aen or reiuui a Siicrmcos u i .,,,, -.1 ,.i ,,i i A (Soaa B tidiness 8u'ul.', Inqn'teattlialtBciMrr) otUce. '' ' "'" ail"! 7TT .irsi.Hi.oixMO Brass Fouiidr .'I "iktmns ' le:rd " w-Rtaiit. 'being XV. uboulitu ivmovs to 'Tennessee would ollbr their wollknown soolijjltjJ'.Ta a good tnach'itiest a'raru utiiiortunity Uollured' I I lll lr1 ll' tOl ' ll ,l IC I 1 ' '"t..l.EVfD iWKIGIIT.j " UliI IV ;j l J ritbW'e Va. WW YOR Circus. From the Ilipiiotiuwtrmi Imn Hdinj;n, 14,1, rector. irin:i v. Tirf ialraio-l trsann'SriTatcay-JB llnont' u. "HrVtot I'W KcMtVVfTrew YorE, will eccunir ih.u,. -nni swumar facaifuuj auriug nuaiiuocui it cluied, with a . , m 1 1 f' 1 1 fir i" . JMlMXCUIMNj BY U, 111 Ui n ,,i ii I ...J.i'i .. ui it A n 11 a 1 v. u WILTTEXHIBIT AT Irrrtviiir v A If ThWtl!'ltKcj oWtinW. tnvelllniyp'nl tmii, I cliartereA lor tie pi6-4f, wirh.llifc lnti ummuf uiv. tix nib Jhhatiiiit,pf bther ertlc ijhd (( oppor- I tmiWoi lo,twuiu(?lug f can'iairjraaiuBg jirujuB WIN ! I ' ..'- .ttklltlMtV 'JfiicVu'ui''.niid el. " t'Kant cqiTBirrtenanTcnTcr .,'ni. infnniMiis Which for years have pioved one of tho mot p,i ular and BucceoifuL aviBttnM.falia''iulln nuiuc. ment ol New York It should liuditiiiliMyuride! slood that this establbilunt'iit Ii, ,,, ,,, , 111 XI Til (If. Hi'.1 CIRCUS, tjllHI. I 1.11,1 I ll. '!' !' "' I I" """'l in AmnnrA rwrmnnoni v ni ni isnra in ft wire cut. mdhutM'ia Betropol'rcini'rAylV). aVtf wtill h has at qatrud a uiuiropollufn rcpMatraiii Bod llnf ,11.1 I II . -I II. !. TIIE ENTIRE MAMMOTII COM PANT l.TA il'l.l, I ''. I ) J. .l.UTIi whirh has norrormod Tor manr month io sucepwloa Utile taet aalltt-TiCfi'' evM iliWn i)ril Withy iiui- Isr MtHtrfflifffln Nftt'TfWkl'WnT aniimr ut cvarr pinco where entertiiinrnentH are given dining ill') preaoutu nr., Jto tlniii,yvliu have twvi witnuHed trV'pwJriirrtiTiVoftbia'triln'ile. either at Hi" Hi poineatron nuiiuinga 111 rrew iotk. 11 1 urmqr nuniuicr excursions, it is ouly nectsarytu .y tluijea tr , ST2, NSW.FUinRSS. SwATTA ACTIONS uii..',.ii . I jiiis.inrl .i...i L ' ' ., rnrubipc is rcnuor Mi resources for t!to .prcluclioa ofuoveUy .tr.ft it GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE, 'I -trM.,1.1 PiW-iiMi'i.-i 'r;'. Itii : i I and that it is rnnldcntly believed that In all iwprct the tierfnrmancri to be glwn the preaeul eiin 11l be mid. W'eply,fitperl6r tb ahy(h1i,g r ibe kladtiKlterte-WttlKAsc f 1h"Ataer)tii But jiusitlvely rJJ EtJuXtttl Wa'n Country. .,in,i ... oi in i;.. i i A trrtn'rttlfi,ri'lb?eoM YOr'lf 'f Hrbu s 'conalsts lu tilt ,auul, lieaaty and parioof n-alnlns ot tbo tiui .uf.,1... .". ..i.'i- ' '1 '" PERVOUMIKH iHOUPKS AX1) PONIKS. aertf which are erer used for atty Othe' l:rp KlIUT.iM'l-..l SRSV. ril.1. I'lll'l or ixirosaiBHcBB ingM tub. feett f?non will comprlBU in ..j-- ... iii4lOiE'ANO''B'HTTEtt,lA(5T... .ul'IiiI . . . U"i !'"" "0 ' . or Eqiteatrian and nymnaitic skill than b ctc nMre ..em -neiuuen in a 'iipo eineuu.."' togliihnr wlih an atonlhin'.a!llnv or siciilit.v by OlfalrZr I'KMNbS HlSKSISl? POSIBS, IMHJrt ana niui.r.n, mo uuae.temilnff an acciiiuuiauou will befautirf riyrMirttdhirproach;li Hl-iHr. A PIKIP. (.'Ha4. (liVl"bU H Ot'KUA HANI), the flnent mtialeal nqniiilsuUoii ever attuiiliod to a Cinms, tomftablth'trofir' rrT-l'" N. bXmhAh Bbe.iNhwfirrkrilrriU:rf"ll'ls nntiroly ilU?ol(tlMrilWt! J5 v. ;ituli' i .t" l vll'l rAib'-'l"'" '''''"''faBK1'''10 ) W$mW$imMIHW ttr'Allovrc. wahiiktaietalillanent. . Admission 60 CqiiUi iJL'hUdpiu.nierar ten 25 Con" Noatfludlrii7hf' Serfrt lbfBir. Doors ppou ai For tho cunvenlepqe of .IiimUpai nnd Pamille". tickets can oeVoi tfrotf Hi1 A Vfi MILLER;. Xi't Uu. Store, ma a HtfriT T "t it . aUu.t'he NeUlfttt t'irVrltr at wvrt, 8,aatl at TituBU.rtcpt iu. '"' rtDliAArf'Pt'tLrrf. Awilt ,11 ii . .', 1. 1 i.-k'i , Vrpt I,