The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 31, 1869, Image 1
IL f -RECORD 2 DM t . - VOLi III. 'NO 81, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA., TUESDAY EVENING. SEPT 1 1869. 25 OTS. THE PETROLEUM CENTRE J) AIL Y RECORD. P , PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, '' (Sundays excepted) W. H. LONQWELL, Proprietor. ' .TERMS. Per year .payable In advance, , er momn, PRICE-LIST OF ADVERTISING (Ten lines of nonpareil make one squaxa.) 18 00 10 No. Insertions. 1 eg. ') eg, 8 eg, M eul, ilneriay, Two days, Three days, four days. Vive days. One week, Two week, '1 tareo wceka, One month. Two months. Three month) Blx montha, Mine montha, Otoe year, 76 1 (HI 1 SO t 00 1 t SB a Mi Ml II 0(1 1 mil 10 0(1 13 SI Oil it oul 30 (M (1 out I so , ou Si) s m t Ml 6 01! 8 00 10 00 II Ml IS 00 001 tl M 00 1IM $ ou S M) 4 Ml I Ml 10 OU 11 00 IS 00 u oa so ixi 36 0U 4S00J 48 ou) mooi HOTELS. QlLEXOHaNUK HOTKI. M. V. MILLER, , , k; Proprietor. The Unseat and most commodious Hotel In the oil recion. Fair on the Bridge reduced tu boarders. Thla home I, uiunsantiy situaieo, rnunis com una pleaaant, makltiR- It a delightful hotel iu all respect. 1-euviemn ujuhdi ipm 4 Ml i 50 M) 1 00 e oo 8 SO 14 00 is no moo 80 00 40 00 ao oo 80 III) 100 00 JOCHESTEH HOUSE, . Washington street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. BKAD8TREET & SHERWOOD, PaorniEloM nTlila Honae la centrally located, and the general ncartquftrter uf oil men. Petroleum Centre, Pa., May 19, 1898 tf. c PETROLEUM CENTOS, PA., Knar 00 Creek Allegheny tttver Railway Depot. maylS-lt O- L CROSS, Proprietor. Special noticee SO cent, per line, eaeb taaerttoa. AdTertlaameute payable quarterly In advance BUSINESS CARDS. J . U. ELLIOTT, . ATTOttNET-AToLAW, fAND NOTARY PUBLIC, , FBTHOLEUM CENTRE, PA Imalnee m the Court at franklin frooiptly at tmded to. OFFICE In Btasell JtCo'a Brlok Bonk Build )n. fnp stair , W ashlngton-Bt. , oct 80 If- jycCLINTOCK HOUSE. PETROLEUM CENTRE) PA. 1U4 populai Hotel, eltnated Corner ol Main V Waahlugton-St., Ua tun n.4At hna been refitted and furnished throughout, and the proprietor will spare no pains to make it a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, oct C. GHI8WOLD, Proprietor. ALBERT S, HAVER, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFIOB In the Rochester Honse Building, oa WasbUigton aud Mean uuoout, ' I PETROLEUM ay 10, 1868 tf. CKNTAB, .1 . PENN'A. DUNHAM & SMITH, ATTORNEYS&COUNSELORS-AT LAW, Office High Street, Franklin, and retrolenm Cen tre, i-a. mayiv-ii. V. ITIeALPINE, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE Berry'a now Building, eorner of Wash lagton and Pocond ata., Petroleum Ventre, ra. maylBtf. ANTRAL HOUSE, A fflEUICAN HOTEI, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. J. R. BARNES, - Proprietor. ti,u rrnnan la In n ntpftaftnt lnenlttv. and bnt -I. . II. . V, nnnnt Tha vtlfimfl ftTft lttHZe mnirk wall iiuiii -,.". ,, , Tul tv and comfnrtai lo, and the Jable aupplied with the aeiicncice ui uu bvubuu. n ju20-tf- ri"'' " JjMtANKLIN IIOISE. MILLER FARM BTATION, , On Ol. Creek Hallroad.l THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW, R. SUrKFF, Proprietor. Janeltf. ' TNTEIINATIONAL, HOTEI, MILLER FARM, PA. iOIIH E. ROWB, Good aceommodatlona for transient customers. Day Board and Board with rooms on reasonable terms. The proprietor will spare no pains io his Uonse attractive to gnosis. j'"""1 A Romantic Mory. Wa have just heard ol a rather romantic story which bu transpired in this city, tbo Irutb of which we can vonoli for, notwith standing its sunsittioaal prool ivilics. A few years since, a girl living as a domestic in an aristocratic and wealthy family of Liver pool, England, won the affections of the bos ot that lamily. ine young man oe- oame smitten of bis Inamorata, anu receiv ed upon marrying ber. When be made bis intentions known to his parents, serious op position was manifested. The girl, al though a good one, virtuous and honest, was not in keeping.witu the family's stead ing in society. To marry such a one was col sidered a disgrace in England, especiully when the family of the young man was of the highest blood. Notwithstanding all this, tue young man cast aside all family ties, and married the poor girl of his affec tions, who was only a servant in his fathers bouse. The result was tbat the boy was driven from tbe paternal roof, and took up a bumble abode with his wile, iney uvea together in peace and happiness a long while. A son was born out ot this wedlock, filially, tbe husband ol tbe girl was taken sick with tbat tarriblo disease, coBsumt- tion, and died, leaving the girl a widow with ber child. Dining tbe illness of ber husband, the latter received kind connidi rations at tbe bands of bis parents, al though they never, in person, visited IiIb bedside. Soon after tbe death of ber bus- band, the widow and her child came to this country with ber father and mother. Tbey settled In this city. Tbe father and mother took up a home lor themselves, while tbe widow went out to service in a well-known family living on Washington avenue. She has been there for a lon- time, and was honored and respected by ber employers, Last week she received a letter announcing the fact that tbe whole ol tbe estate of ber husband's father, amounting to' 500,000, bad been bequeathed to ber son. Arrange ments were at once perfected, and oo Wednesday last tbe servant girl, accompa nied by ber father, sailed from New Yoik for Liverpool, to look after tbe fortune com ins to them. What a windfalll Suob is Prap'r. life cn this srent American continent. Al bany Knickerbocker. (," ' OIL OPERATORS Can always find the genuine Plymouth-jo Cables and New York Belting Co's Belting and Rubber Goods, both of which are acknowledged to be unsur passed in quality and manufac ture. Of Well Furnishing Goods, we have the largest as sortment in the Oil Region, and can refer to our customers for evidence that we keep nothing but the best of goods. F.-W. AMES, HARDWARE DEALER, TITUSVILLE, PA may&Orn FISH Ell & AIORUIM, GENERAL MACHINISTS, Bed Seniors in all kinds of WELL. TOOL, FIXTlli;S ecessnry tot nutting down snrt opomtiuir Oil Wells. In connection with onr MACHINE bllOi' we have a large and convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Our facilities for MANUFACTURING an not ear- celled by any Shop In tho Oil Regions. Shop 3fain-sf,oposM6 AlcUllntock flou.t myar tr fimueu a norms. . T. G. CHRISTIE, M. D PflTBICIAN AND BURGKONs OfHca opposite thnMcKlnney House, PleaaantvUle, Pa. , Persons from a distance will generally find him at bis Office on Saturday from 10 a. n , to 3 p.m. aepl4-t a. r. wiuioM. b. a. tan vbuor WILSON 4V VAN VELSOR, GAUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, OFFICES, Mercantile Building, Oil City Pa., and with Owaton A Bowers; Petroleum Centre, Pa. July jstn, 18S8 tf. James Robinson, Tank: G-auger, ' BOX SI0, ' PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. JnoIOtf GEO. H HfSSEIsIi CO., 33 -A. 1ST TL B 33, S , PETROLEUM CENTRE, fA Jamea Btahon. ' 1 ' M. C. Martin. Christopher Meyer. a We offer oar semeet for the transaction of a OKNEUAI. BANKING, SXUUAWUB ana tAL LECTION WTHINRSH. Any business entrusted to oar ears will receive prompt attention. ji i u. H. O. Jarvis, , . . Dealer la CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS QN HAND. JLOOKING GLASSES In (n-ea variety. looklna Glass Plaiea replaced In old Frame. Picture Frames made to order Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall raner, Window Shades, A FINE STOCK. UNDERTAKING. ' COFFINS slees on Hand and trimmed to ordor on short notico. SASH, C1A2S AND BOORS aiaea. Varnish, n, Ac. No. 106 WASHIN'TON-ST. "eroleum Oentre'opt 1SII tf 8, TJNION HOTEL, PLKAHANTV 1 IjI.K, r Thia Nmim hnvlnir rneenttv been enlareed and re furnlshfd, I am kow prepared to acoomroodate two hundred unosts comionnniy. Sunns leave this hmiso ihree times a day for II tnsvllle There is also a line of Slnjres to I'lthole. JuB-tf. TtlO. MChlAKKIi rrujii. -piOX HOliSEISAMfliE Milts Jl, FRED. C. HYDE Proprietor, PLEASANTVILLE,' PA., Opp site the Presbyterian Church. Feb6tf. Wasts to See Them. Stebblns, of the Cuba (N. Y.) True Patriot, is alter the fair sex, we should judge, by tbe following: "Girls come come one and all I From sweet sixteen' to twenty-live. Bring yon crochet, tatting, or any other small work you may have bandy, and spend an after noon with us. We love you all, and love to have you call for an aflornopn visit. We arc still susceptible, and we'll let our Irre pressiblo 'devil' entertain you." PETROLEUM HOUSE, Oil, CITY, PA. Bavins recently taken possesion ot the above House, we would most respectfully Inform the trav ellng public that we propose a "keeps Hotel," and to convince them of the act, we nvite all who wish the coroforU o( a home, to cal . upon us. It will be found The Hotel of tbe Oil Regions, Our Sample Room Is supplied with the choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars, and our table will bo found laden with the very best the market affords. There is connected with the House four first class Billiard Tablea. Also, Bsrbtr hop and Hath Rooms. Give us a cll, and convince yoursolvea ol the trutniuineea or our assoruon. oota tf CHAIII.Ktt W. STAATS, JAMES U. WHITE. T . O. F. BCIIOAIfliOM, Proprietor of the Buffao Bakery. Dealer n choice Flour, Butter, Eggs and Cheose, Also, choice Groceries, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Orders left will bo nromptly attended to. nn Goods delivered. Postoiilco Box 203. iiiylJ C. D. THO MPSOIV, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN, NO. I, DIAMOND STREET. (I p-Slnlrs,) Prof. C. O. Cleveland, son of Father Cleveland, ot Boston, and during Mr. Lin coin's administration Consul at Cardiff, died at Philadelphia on Wednesday, no was known io literatute as tbe editor ol several classical text books. FOUND. - i AT the VARIETY STORE ot J. W. Beatty, 1 A largo assortment of Fire Works Consisting of Flags, Rockets, Roman Candles, Minis, also, Uuolce uoeiectionery, fruits, Toys, Soda Water, and tbe BEST X CREAM IN TOWN. Give me a call, second door to Opera House, Washington Street, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN. J. W. Beatty. jinn tr. A. n. placets not tin, worth of yotif money Is at the NKW FWK AJiD FKKD HTOKK AND 1,UM RER YARD of I., m. hTERNHCRU A CO., where there is always a MAN ready to show their customer their lartf F1.0TTK, UAY. nnd all khids of FEE) place also wneru may ne Fou3srr 1 larmi assortment or flrat clsss ROt'OH AND (KKS8KD LUMBER, LATH, SHIftGLKS, .VC , tithe verr lowest cash prlcoS. Those wbff are not I of And the' . their own Interest, and wish to deaf with meft ho do business on the square, will Aud It to their interest to giro ns a call before purchasing elee whero, and ace what we can do for yon iisr onr line of business. fV All Orders and fteaailni ireel OSITF. THE ROCHESTER HOUSE, ret. the pla',e, Ol at'ended to. Do not for 1NOTON STREET, Petroleum Centre, Pa. L.' M. STBRNnrRO, Fcbei tf HI"- WAINr-l'. Pianos ! Pianos ! GE0HG1 ltH0V, MaimftvctQrflr, JAMESTOWN. N. Y. AUo, ex cluiivc Agents for tht ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN CHAMPION REAMER ! We desire to inform Oil Oj eratora and the public generally that we are prepared to receive orders for our Champion Six Cutter Reamer. This is without doubt the most perfect tool for reaming that has ever been-iii' troduced. Give us a call 1 . Fisher, Norrts & t o. AND WHOLESALE AND DEALERS IN RETAIL Another Atiantio cable, to unite tbe United States with Prussia, is projected. Tbe terms of concession Irom tbe Prussian government are published. It is to be be gun by September, and must be finished within two years. FiCty oases Cllquot Mumm Heidsick, and other trends, genuine wines, just re ceived at Gaffnky's. aug25-lw Miss Anthony said in an explanatory speech after tbe adjournment of tbe Phila delphia Labor Convention, from which she was exoluded as a delegate, tbat ber mission was "to help women out of tbe kitchen and sewing room." If she will belp to make them skillful and efficient in both those places she will do a vast deal more good. Tos yoats ago George W. Vilescommittod forgeries in Maine lo tbe amount ol $16,000 and then absconded, leaving behind lilm a wife and five children. A lew weeks sinco be was traced to Mount Pleasun', Michlgar, wbere be had marriedngain, uml had two children. Attempt Was made to arrest bim in bis bed, but be proved too slippery) and escaped. Sheet Music, Strings, &c CJT Send for Illustrated Catalogue and price GAORGI & BttOWft, Warerooma 41 Main Street. Factory Brooklyn piock, loot 01 ninyvi-u. ISIIADI Ac CO., Watchmaker & .Iewelers, IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA., Keep constantly on hand a large assortment ot WATCH m. JEWELRY. PISTOLS, HKVnt.VIMIM. flKMIXO TACK LR Cartridges, Ac, and will sell at ensterh prices. A' watch work waianted to ulve satisfaction. I. D. KBLLOGe DEALER IN OIL CITY PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE, . HEAD OF CENTRE STREET. SASH, DOOR, BLIND AND WINDOWS. READY BUZED PICTURE FRAMES, Ac. HOUSK & SIGN PAINTING, GLAZING & PAPER HANGING to ORnKR QUICK SALKS, "kT I) UMOliUTION. J". O, OQDEN, FLOUR 1MI FEED STORE, 11- AO. 3T CENTRE-ST., Oil CITV, PA. Thlu Is the beet estnhllshmnnt of the kind in the Oil H cjilou. Vlour aud t'eud sold at wholwnle ai d retuil uug -l-t. 11 ANO. A aord second hnd PUnn lot sale Uiei p . at the Central House. Apply early. u kuiMfiAn-u raUlbiff nndfT the (Inn name of Wachter Co., is dbwolved, and all parties indebted to lb" llrin, are reqtslt to Belli. M the old smnd, I 'ess Farm, or at Pet. I out re, oppo site the brick bank. JuliMtf U. t. W . I) lKSOliVTION ! Thnen-nnrlnerihlp hi-ret. fom exlstln" nnilnr tlm firm name ol K M. DoWull & o .i"'1" olvod by mutual consont. K. M j.'J' PctCentre, Aug.11, till, St. -poit sai.i: The block of buildings formerly wnerl by 0,io.-bjinn, No SSauil 21 WashinL'tim strnt, im oll'erd Inr fait, sniL'ly or toeether. ImpiirH of O. fc s choitblum; , l't. Cenlie, Au-i- 13, til. tf ns