V I I, i H1 i t . a ' i ' R .1 t l i I i ( i 1 ii t D to ' R' rh th h, 8t ol 80 1 nir lei hct ifib at tng foi-l ion. vii irm far ut a m ' ni Kill 10 TO ; '-the fUlH . liilli ;lera 'Joxa i -no ;o da ; to h. y loo luro " 4. D. MILLER A CO.'S COLUMN. A, D, MILLER & CO, Wholesale aoU HeUfl Scalers in DRUGS. MEDICINES, &C, Washington Street, PETBOLCUn CENT11E, PA. Tbclr Stock cooatsta of everything In the (lino of Druga ; & Medicines ! PUKE LIGiXJOHS, FOB MEDICINAL PURPOSES, Wholesale ana Jsetsrtl Aarenta lot XOSKMITE BTOMACH JMTTBIffl, JOHN B00T8 BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, ALISMA FOB THE HAIR, SEWARD A BENTLEY'S COUGH 8YRTJP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS, WALKER 4 RAZES CIGARS, PAYNES' MEDICINES, 'ANDKRSON'S DERMADOR, SPENCER'S MIXTURE, , SPENCER'S OINTMENT, io. PILLS. Marsdon'a, Ayer1., BraucMh's. Holler's, Wilson's, Wlshnrts'n, Cephalic, ifoflat'a, jiici.nTiu-a, IIHHDH1, SOU'S, IIPoiMir'i, Iadway a II Jayne's, Rubac'. JudsOnV HrhanMi'. w ngnxs, Plvk'i Female. Choceoman'a TJnponco's. da TJnponco's, do. Valpao's, da, &o.. A. Peifiimery, Toilet Ar ticles, SSoaps, Brashes, &c. COUGHS, COLDS, fc. Ayrs Cherry Pectoral, Javne'i Expectorant, Mtvredeo's Balm,; Sobenok's Syrup, Universal Syrup, Excelsior Syrup, ' " Ransom's Hive Syrtrp, Boiler's Bynip, Coo's Syrup, Hall's Balsam, Denton's Balsnm, Bryan's Wafers, Olive Tar, Brown's Troches, Wiaoarfs Pins Tree Tar, Beward'a Cough Cure, Batenan'a Syrup, Cough Candy, Ac Cigars and Tobaccos ! The Beat Erer Brought to the Oil Region. IIAIH RESTORATIVES. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S, CHEVALIER'S. HALL'S, MARTHA WASHINGTON, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, ic, Ac BITTERS. BOOTH, CONSTITUTION, K.OTIACK'8, IhKI?9, KlAOMtA STAIl, PUDMCY'S IIHnLei H, HOSTKTTRH'S, SI-HHP'S. H0OF1.AN1TS, CALIPOHNIA. ATTWOOD'H PKOTOXIUB IK).-, AO WALL PAPEES, Cnrtoiai and Bastfc SliucJes. PAINTS, OILS, VARJVIME, CI,ASS, Pt'TTYj UldUE, Turinnlin, gponun,, T Stuifs, IJryertt, JJEFi.'ERS' SUPPLIES, LnJ Oil, Kerosene (HI. &c LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Ao. Scotch Ale, lieiisiett Ale, Congress Water. -Jf PRESCRIPTIONS COM- ffSTTwa POUNDED AT ALL W::f HOURS OF TUB jp&A NIGHT AND 3J SUNDAYS. Sl'&'flCSflSY, ESfVElBPES SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES. Con along come one. rome all, il don't tnt any t'l wel? ' ""d W '" lry tu PvWlw C.:.,. stl JLilu'i-i ' MERCHANT'S GARGLING oil, is ma BEST LSfclEY IK XII K WORLD For Man Beast. 36 Years In I'so. CT3 C73 If iroodfor Rheumatism, Chilblain, Corn, Whit lows, Caked Ilreasts, Sore Nipples. Cramps, IJoil., Kites of animals, Weakness 01 tho Joints, Contrac tions orihe Muscles, liurns and Scalds Krot Hill's, Painful Nervous auctions. Chapped Hands, Jme Hack. Pain In the hi,!,,, Swdllnju, Turners, Tooth Ache, Old Soroa, Hemorrhoids orPiloi, Plwh Wonnd. Hfill of nil kind cd Uotli, Ring Bone, Pol Evil, Wind Cinlls, tal- iwur, cpuviu, Dwcunry, risuun, viiiatiT, Externa 1 oisons, Hcrntchca or (iniiso, Spriutrhalt, Sand Cracks, Lftmcnoss, Strains, Foundering tVvt, Manso, Horn Distemper, Garget In Cows, tracked Tt-its, r oot Hot in Sheep, and many other diseases iuci dool to Man and lieatt. R. B. Tatioti, of Conoora, Ky., snys thoOnrglln? Oil cored a horse of his, Injurtd whilo plonKhini; hy attempting to stiT ovor a etunjp,aldnost severing his thigh from the body; also that lie bus used it ia his family for flr.oeu year, and is tut hest remedy lor Cuts, Burns, Unifies, Krost liitus, Stiuius, Klieutn atlsm, etc-, he aver used. era era Prom Cru ft Bnos., Coehran Landine, Ohio, Nov. 20, lhUi Wc are pleased with ymr inidiciae. It has been the means of curine a great number o dlflbrent diseases npon persons, as also npon hursea We think It cure all ynu recommend it to do We want you to send us the l.trger proportion of the vajfcty ibr 'Tamily i:e," in smnll tottlca.u21S$l FromDn. J. V. TEniitLt. Warren. Ind., March 1858. I am on;agiid in the practice of medicine, and And your Gargling Oil an extremely ellkieet remedy in all cases wliero an external application la Indicated. From Dn O. R Nrat. Itnrrls. Iowa TW 9fl Iftftit I have urnciieed medicine in thi county seven year and cheerfully recommend your Cuirling Oil as tho best linament in use. 7 From Da. T. W. Ett.is. On., Jan. , l5!l If I cooid receive both boxes of the Gariiir f)i it win not he too much, as I think I could soon lind sale for it all, the inquiry b'dnir frequent since it is sup prated that I h avo it frr sale. From Dn. W S. McCaii.. Chamois, Mo., Nov 0, 1H5B. Tour (JarellngOil is taking the shine off from all tho liniments of the day. Jf von desired them. 1 conui procure uozetis or coruueates from those who have been cured by It. Messr. TcIji fe Buns.. Wiioleantn TVnpMat., Wheeling. Va., say, under d.te of July 21, lscil that thoy can safely recommend the t;aigltni Oil ror more diseases than it Is recommende d for. From ,1. K. Finien. rniontown, Pa., Jute 31, 18W. Your Uargllng Oil Is doing much lie:ter here than formerly, since its virtues have become known, aad the bottles put up for Family Use, without atalu, are much sought for. era Kxtracf from alettorfrom IlnnNArnAM 1 i,,r County Jllduo or Shelby Co., Iowa, dated Harlan April IS. 1H07 It is decidedly preferred to any lin anient Hold in this section. Kxtract of a letter from Samhji. s. Hrrp, dated Fallshurg, Ohio, July 17, 1M10. In June last, llonry niuiinu imu i, v,-miiiiK u'li MIHI lino WIIHI Was Slip- prsed to be Dyptheria for rnnro th-in ten diys so that it could not eat, nnd tho ihrrnt swoleji alunmt shut, and the use of three or four arpMcaiiona of the dollar bottles did the dot-lieu elt'oct. F.oin A. O- Niai., I.owlavillo.Cocliocton Co., () , March. IBiS. 1 have used vour Oarglin; Oil lor the Scratchoa on my horse, and it cured it with the first application. From Kwob Matifbr, Middleport, N. Y., July "I 1NBU. I purchased n bottle of y.mr liarling Oil'of your acent, A. 8 Baker, at Jliddleport, and as vet have used but half of it. I think it has given me more relief in a ease or severe Hlieumatlsin, of long BUwdlDg, than any Uiiug I have ever need before. Kitraet from a letfcr from J. o Phait. datod Qiilney, Clianianipia Co., N. Y , August Vi, lHB-l I have been acquainted with your medicine Our.'IIiil' Oil) for the hint fourteen years. It has proved a sure euro for Foot Hot in Sheep for which I sold the last bottle and have calls almost daily for more rloaw) forward aa eoou ua convuuient. Always Icqoiro for Merchant's Celebrated GAKGLXNG OIL, And bike no othc RmtaJt Price, ftl.Ott, CO CCs., Fhnke well before nsins. and rub on thoroughly w foro inc lla'or some warin aabstaiico i " ueeu in n"rus a Iiimment I SI years All wo nsli ia a , friut, but he wire A" yoar aeare.! I)rugj.-i.t, or doulur in I'atenl ...wb,.,, ii: 01 ,,,, ir.y times ana Viulo .tle 011ms, and read what the pcopU say olMit the 1)11. Thn Gar2llii3 Oil U t-r tnn by nil respectable doalers tUrou,;Uout the r.'nucd Sjtatij end other countries. Our ttimom'uj dttc from IS 3 to ltGS and are ntIUii,4. l:M, the OarKlir.!! Oil ttnl tell your ueiUbora wliat good it has dune. We deal fuir and liberal with all and dufy contra diction. Manufactured tit IiO kjxn-t, N. v., by Ncrcliunt's dar;iiff Oil Co. JoliN IRiWfK, Sccrt-tiiry. g a. a. Tin.L.ui & ( v., "ilyi -.:-.. i'toeu i.,;Xrj, elDaaBMattffywBaKag'CTsu'a 'I'Mvfi-- 1 innni-aa. HARDWARE OIL CITY. ROBSON'S ihL 1'Erriw Pira Wouus. CIIARfiES ROD!iU. cV Co., Cornor of Scuoon St 'enir si., fflnst idt) Oil Creek, (til CUV, Pea I era in Morris, Taakcr A Co' OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, WORKINO nAHDKI.fl AND VAI.TKS, STUFFING lt(iXK, CLAMTS, TONCf. SITCKEU RODS, Ac Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries UOKINU TOOLS, OIL PLMPS, dihvi.no pipe, cold watkh pumps Every description of SCPPLItS FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, AIbo, STOVES, TINWARE, DKAfS UOODS, TEAMS AXD OAS FlTTiynn. BEI.T1SO, I-ACKIXQ. a llOSKi HARDWAME, IIOUSH TUIMMISGH, Corpcntors' Tools, Rope, Oakum, Nrtila, Axes, Coffp Mills, Table Jt Pocket Cutlery; 4 Fan Assortment of Everything in tho I1A1U) WA RE LINK .Iwse Funlshlng Qooda, Lamps, Chlmnevs, Ho. I Winter "trained lard Oft .Mo. 1 Keflued Oil, 8uur Hods, 'fable an dDoor Mats ; Champion Clothes Writers Mar.nlitctnrors of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Kepatnng of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. Especial attention given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored to merit the patronajTe of the public, and shall use evry exertion to insure its continuance. Our facilities for fernlahlnc .Torylhlnir in our Hue, having been greatly increased, in the erection of onr New Hnlldin?. are now SUPBKIOK TO ANY OTHK1! ESTABLISHMENT au-21-ain. INTtlKOlLlllililON. Botson'i Oil M Pips Worls ('.HAS. HORSUN cV CO., Corner of Seneca and Cimtrt Sis, oast side of Oil Croolt, Oil City, Pa. Having odriod a powcrfj! Hteam liigfno nnd three large LaTHK.S, to onr altcadv extviiaivo Manufac luring Establishment, art now preparetl to du uil tho necessary wyrk, in llttiiu: up, abJ repairing ENGINES, BOILERS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS In fact derail Machinery Job Work cntrnsted to us with nuitncsa and dlsnatcn aim lilmoa NEW HARDWARE STORE HEATING AND COOKING STOVES ! In large variety. TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. HOUSE FUHNieHINtr QCCDS. LAM PSjLANTERNS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. UAILB AND IROm Wooden Wjlyq, &c. Ft enJc CHEAP 1 At the store formorly orfupied by BurchfloVl and Caslerlilie. OIL CITY, PA. r,m,-. t JANES If. CEUfJIE. Oll'Oty, Jan. 4, ISO'.) tf. John C.Welch, Sencca-St., Oil City, Pa., Deulcr in (oibks. ISikscU & Co's ISortug itHti Fishinv Tools, Innis' Suckor Rods, Uriving Pipe, IX nick Irons, Grato Ilnrs, B.thilKC AVlK'tis A; Pmllicx. all sine, Vv efile-';'-i villi MeativiUe nod Pttt.nrf.-k tomriri, .1 1-si-.ch I ten I can fet out fill kli:da of ' a- iiiiiiM at uiion 01 jei . , . . . JOltX C Wi-Ull W S'CKLLANEOU? NEW HARDWARE STORE! KOIirUT JvUVAlV Pen li'nv to Riirtuiiiri tn Hi rlilom of Potrolenm rfi'tri' nrd vi; iniry, tl.n: thoy Imvn oponod n nrw 'nrrint'n1 n :ir oi i'.io riYco of the Cent ml Petrol -etim Ctintpnnv nt 11m rfitlrnrrl cfOr!iTiE, whre they wki kcq. onnnlantly nn hnnfi a full M-Mrtiuent uf (.vcryuimtr ill ui narownrc line, mien ns TIN AND gnr.ET IRON WARE, G Ad FITTINGS AND HIASS GOODS. Mr. r.rrmi limine hoon rncuftcA in the tniinpT-p wttn y Wimrr l.ro'n. lor ionr yrnrs pil. will uttend p:iiticulrtrlj tolho hinlii(n of m:i unfile turinjr SMOKE STACKS All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Wnre to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, C. Thoy hnva a New Mac bmc for CUT T1KG GAS PIP With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And wfll warrant all work In this line). ApTfl. Coal! Coal I Coal! rpHB undersigned, hoving wwHIhod a lirmrii Yard ftt SJynct Pariti, aronaw prepared to famish All Grades iff (M At tha Very Uwcst Prices. Cpcrntor rrnm Cherrytrfe Hnn,atMl vleiidty', living at I 'etroletun Centre, can leuvl tls-ir ordijis at our office here, and have Ihun promptly tilled from the Kyiitl Farm Yard, AT LESS COST THAV USUAL. DOA JT FOIWTTHE PtiACE SKA!!LKf? A COKNWKLI, Oftve on 0. C. A. R. K , Petroleum Centra Hnmch OfQee at Kynd Farm. N. U We hold cirlnsivu conhnl of the Bttiiou ST0NEB0R0 COAL. at both the abovo named po'jitH un3t A. T. LEG GE LT, JlomnV'torer and Di-aler In Seed Bags, "Valve Cups, &c. Experienced workmen no employed, nnd Hnr. nes of nil kinds koplot-ruMntly ou liaud and made to order. P. C. Ilclnvg Pitt. 8cedBK For Salo- Repairing Done at all Times ! Cull and exnmlre our slock and prices, UalifSt., befov l o WcClili lock Ilonstu Pctroleuro Centre, Pa Jan. 7th, ISIS -a J. A. PLATTE, French Boot Maker AVn-Iilngion Street, THREE POORS WEST OP A. D. MIL LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, PETUOIiEUMCE-TTU13,Pa., Ia mannracltu-ir." to order FIKST-CLA93 FINE WOIIK, such as i Patent lira t her Boot, Pump $ole Boots, French Cork Solo Boot, Scotc Welt Boot;. nEATYOR LIGnT WORK DONE IN FRENCH 6TYLE. Ca" an-! sec eanvp'.os, J. A. 1'I.AHTK. Petroleum Centre, Pa., July i Sm. AileinacQBZElina City Terrtory. U0TIC2 TO OIL OPERATORS. The tind'orslirned, ajont for the Metropolilan Oil Company, now ofTws to lcaso tho territory of aaid Company, in lota of two acres eaclu r ooc-fonrth royalty. This farm it sitnate ou Cherry Tree Hun axd lies on tbo JUGULAR VEIN Which connects ,i Wood and Plcrsor. Farms CHA2LBY RUN TESRIXOSY. I'or furthor jinrticular apply to the orininal D. W. KENNEY, AUemagoojeltira City, Cherrytree Ran. Or u-JdW!, "BOX 117, Potrolenm Uentro, April 16 lm. Penn. KIN'S ilALli. This Hill is now ready for thMlrioal rahlhitims t.nerrts. I.-, tttree, Tlio Hall has been n fltli-d ind streni.'ilt',neil. No pain:1 tmd expense has heeu spared to nuke It a lirH claw SHOW BUILDING. On l,e fir--t Poor it one of the brst rtfli::rs IIoth .n t':t 1 1 niic iiAil tmder oisb iuuu?eni,-itt Tl. TZ. FISHER Petroleum Centre, DEALER IN PURE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRUGS, 110I(IB AND EHEMICAIS, CHOICBKOIIEION AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles f AND Fancy Goods. IMPORTED !?0Af3, BRUSHES, AND IrTUffMs NuiMiili'H ! PhyjirauK- PreseTljitlons cmeK,orded lioin,'pnrs I and cladce ninterinls. IK YOU HAVNT . SEEN 1T9 vj,J.Ea-. GO AND SEE IT The Magic MatcL Pefnilenm Centre, Jnne, 1H lni7 T. McDonald,' LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES! At the Depot, opposite tie Central House, PBTROL BUM CENTRE TL riinn hest Ptock of DftlVINO AND HAHU1X X UOKHKS on tba Creek, are to be found si Af'Donald's Isiverjr. I CARRIADIS & CUTTEHS TO Bi LET AT All times. HORSES FED A: BOARDED oa litasenahle Tcrma Teamins: of u!l kinth at tended to Promptly. rjGHve mo a call T M'DONAl. . retrolenm Ccnt Np. If, W&. UVERY FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite tho Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN' A. I baT put In a good stock of RM'nR oU nrisinir Horsea, which I will let on roasonable terms. Also, Cutters, Wauons, Spring 7 .IT., in.,,. A' - nf)UHB8 boarded and fed and heat of ears gnar KT A. SMAWLKT. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRF.sn ALL THEJ Wasliinston Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa., next door to Is ham & Uo.'B Jewelry Btoru- T. W. SANDS", Proprietor. Hav Hoarders acconimoil ited. Vual served all hoiira. Oysters, and evcrr deaonptiou ol eninc UrNo'paln" wfffho simrod 1o arcommndat Uiosp tvliohw us with their iittroiisge gANITl rtVtf.wni Ct.'ir'C,' Jan . 6, lW.-l OYSTERS I LUXURIES! D AILY SEASON! 1 1