! . I 1 I It i 1 I ii i II ( 0 i tr to i ' R' rh tb 1 St ol 80 l act )UI lei hei igb at xng ton Joui vii irm far ut . a m om wlti. 10 v -the lills i , liidi ilero oing ftti't tlio rum i'lisb i:-Here sa to Iw y Iixj tlurn- Petroleum Centra Daily Record. Pet. Cen ire, Thnm.iaM , Aug 26. . IAI, Editor. Time of Clontiip! HlaUik J. O.. Pcinoi.Fr C'rsTti', Pa., I JOLI S7st, 1808. J Colli milter antics the mails will arrive at and Jit-art frnta Uiia office u follows: Altai vs. South ar.d Enst, via. Irvtueeon, 10 J8 A. M. Houth and (, " McadTllle, 5.18 P. M. Narth a-.d East, ' Corry,3.56 " Srnth Hid Went, Mft A. M. F.-.,il i:nt and Wrat. S Ml P. M. Xi.-'.b, 'tf-titml West. 10.00 A. M. I Ivlnu Sorvleoa. FUEPYTKMAN CHURCH. Preaching r-t 11 o'clock A. 31., nod 7,' o'clVk T. M. Kev. J. T. Oxtodt, FMtor. METtiODIiT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Set vices every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and !)i V. ".S. B! brth School at 9' A. M. .'"eat .'.-re. A cordial invitation extend ed to nil. Ksv. C. M. II sard, Pastor. &TS. ESTER AND PAUL'S (Catbolte)-! Mips M' a. in. Verier and 3enet1!clion of the. Blessed if .icrin.t-nt at 4 p. m. CateeMsm l 2 p. in. JAMES DUNN, Pastor. KpIuth of th "Prodigal" Son and DutiKhtor to Plan ar. A day or two since wo noticed the elopen mcotol a young couplo from Pioneer, their wbetenbouts at that time being unknown, trnt wa havo sinco Uarued they sought roTugo on "tho shores of Chatatitjua Lake, and during tiioir absence sought and obtain el tliesarvicos of a micister, and were duly made man an 1 wife. It having been ru mored among tbelr friends at home that they would return last evening, Pioneer poured outjts enthusiasm without stint, and a cir-iial greeting was theirs at the depot upon the arrival of the train at that place. The locomotive bearing this precious burden back to the place where all was uproar over their sudden disappearance, snorted loudly iind'-r llio task, and rnunlteeted as much de light and anxiety, seemingly, as did the friends who bad gathered together to bid them welcome. As they alighted upon tho pUtfurm, their appearance called forth the ct.-ors oi the throng, not even excelled by the t.'tr.usias:n of. the ' people along the rout., taken, by President Grant and the editor of the Corry Luily litada a few days sine-.-, through this section of Pennsylvania. Tb j oiiile und bridegroom took up a tempo,. res.uouco wuu a friend, and the placid .-. ui un urees nowed down stream, ai usual, a; ..areollv undialurbed bv th nt Oide: do -a not come out of chaos, however livn wbh i.peiiedj but violonen rl,..i i s.e.d oi' suit horda, uod a shriek from the son-iu-law, should be entertained by the pr. rents, because he often tarried at the boms ol bis bride, even until "night's sable shadows did the light obscure." To tho discarded lover, who Is leu to mourn, and travel through (to him) tho dingy paths of lifo, wo Insetidotbe follow ing: I met her at ttie cetler dare, The look the gave wad cold and stiirn; flereyes looked pitchforks into mine, And miDe looked pizen into hern. For we bad loved In daar gone by, Herdaddy aaid that I might take her ; But alas for my dreme of wedded llisl She gat up ami sot with an engineer. No more girls tor me if I knows It, No more frauds my love to dim! In the words of the poet, "Not for Joseph," And he might havo added, "Not for Jiml" Erie is to have another daily newspaper. B. F. H. Lynn, Esq., lati o' tho Erie dis patch, is to be the editor and publisher. Capt. Refer will test bis new well this afternoon. It is the blue walking beam on the Egbert Farm bluff. About 35 feet or excellent sand was obtained. Look out fora gas light this evening. Two now wolls have been struck on West Hickory three days since, ono pumping 40 barrels and one 15. A great number of new wells are going down, and 'thero is a great demand for loaves. The first chapter of a V ostein novel con tains tho following: "All of a sudden the fair girl continued to sit on tuo sands, gaz ing upon the biiny deep, on whose heaving bosom the tall ships went merrily bv. freighted ah! who can tell with how much oi joy anu sorrow, ana pine lumber una im migrants, and hopes and salt Hah." Uxpcnisuadlb Cwmks. There are a claES of offences against which it is not the custom to provide any safeguards in the shape ot ptinishmeut. Among these are the murder of men said to bo adulterers and seducers, the wholesale slaughter of paasen. gcrs on railways, and the killing or folks by tho carelessness of ediuggisis. By common consent, It would seem, these things may lake place without exciting tho least ade quate action ot a retaliatory or reformative cnaracier. There are a number of young men around town who are afflicted with a discaso known as "usolessness." An attempt to start an asylum tor them failed, for two reasons, viz: No building could bo constiucted large enough to accommodate the number afflict ed, and because the d if ease, among the average of them, was considered incurable. . j ""u a uiruu, ana me placid io ugui to to come ou ueiween rnoan wale s of Oil Creek flowed down stream, as Skinner and William Murray on the 28tb UStlal. U .arenllv t,n.Ttu,i.rt.u.l k.. AU.. . tnaf nrllhTn fltla n.ltMnr VI T.l W I 1 .1 i v. . - vvw unt ui caaos, nowevcr, 1 101 uuo uunurau uouars a siuo. ii is creai- and tun scenes that followed turned a bouse in8 1uite 8"' among tho fancy is that vi- .f rr1 ir in. Int r . . I .1 ;t y i" m . UOlhi r nf lint nn I.. . . , AnAknl.nH in 4nnt .1 : ui'mj uittiu urtUO BOul tOr nuu uavnoif 10 tucio, uuiug tuv Dtkuiu puai iior truunt Jwigliter. udU. accompuniod by lioa for Skinner. Tho eteamcr Advance a li ium, tbd prc-uU' domicile wag entered, uS oea chartered for the occasion, aud a ft'id.iduduugbter.dtood tx-forehur "parieatB" large arrival of roughs la expootcd In time - u u uuij aaoiiratiOD, with a 1 10 accompauy tuo expeaiuon. a iivoij IiXtu doLt'tminatioa toiUim HitiiniKQ ua flirbt Is antichmtcd. as both ara said to uai uau I ' set in ugatuit her. She was escorted to a haTe be0D in tne rinS bofor8- .uum ttpuii koiu tliu company by the exas- Iti I'ati'il ninl'ur an I .1 OEVEUK Xlt RK1LANB AT TUE HYXD r AHM. 1 yebicruay suddenly surprised by a severe db fiiU, into the room, upon he T T-"8 T. 'T' .p).enr..Cceot,homthooldladv'KTtil,!liDa: "57 " "S WV- i'jstrritg, epileptic, or some other kind of itd, ttud ceo was takeu from tho sccuo a .- .iselt-s, couriered ut ther. But the sad 1 it dues not SlJ here, neither was "Lov vm' Leap" brui.glit iutu rotiulsition, not I'tthetundiog it was near bv ;" )'i.d there beet, an "Oid .J '.LIU !.;," in n.:i,'liiii( .u "ft "uw-( IUO Ulliur ixivni would havo availed bitnwlf of lc, no ! i. uui wwe things wore not at hand, ur.u .be fatin.. lork t 0 oxt lesia o. W -u. He was found in an out building, mil oi ibe fatal stun; was kindly cared for I'jr I., -tid., KQd lifo clings tc him still with ttto t.uacily of a death of a d.ad carcas.- mi it .hock, and will, no doubt, livt iee W.daU,.Uu,r pro ltij pr.igre. T!,o noisy lumult has partly subsided, uoJ Iney who wire so recently the hero uaj b.-Miuc, ore dosliued to take their Lumble .luces a "happy pair und wonder OliS wito." Ii Hu.nb vi oroildnlght the tnjin, boy lay, lint wti have not "noard whother his "'iroio. fc awung loose at the sport of the w-U."oriiOt, tut the bed in tho ongiuo boii. is exchanged for a downy couch be-n- ath tbe qtilot. roof of a private family, unit lutely wife slumbers at Mb side! Tie fat er and fothtf, we kupe, may yet t- i-ceonei.ed f ;e choice of tueir daughter, " live lontt siuc- realized J ' '.en- uttto iti'f vlitg, and flics ti i- it ore .. tiikes anchor, tl e - i . tl'. ii'i.Jianlf, or ffxi iul)hness etii.: t,t par. canuot cullce it i'tum its uoorius. TLo uowly mudu pair w.-ro toiiiivlal, uud uo eicepCons to the now Several derricks were blown down and one man named SutlefT, an engineer, was com iug out of bis engine houso just as a derrick was fulling, tbe timbers striking him In several places, inflicting serious iujuriea Ho was properly cared for. but at la.t an counts Lis life was dispairod of. Tho hur- rloano Is said to havo been ttuiflc, and destroyed a largo amount of propojty la its course From whenco it camo or wither it went, we are not Inlbrmad. Tbe oil excitement in tho lower cad of Clurion, and uppor end of Armstrong coun. ty, contiuues to increase We lourn thai over COO parsons got off the cars at Ilia1 point on last tticsday. Tho largest wulla are now the new ones about the mouth o- the Clurion river. The Gaily well a half mile up the Clurion is aluio3t through the third sand rock, und the gind tuimn I rin"s up a luri amount of oil. Sliould it prove a good well, It will ultirt developments up lue stream. The land opposite Loxburg is all leased, and now dorticks goiug up rapid ly. AJMITUISII Act'IllKNT t'KOM Ll(iirri.Nj with KhKOriK.vu. Uut yesterday wo no ticed tho bovero burning of Mrs. tkolt, on tbe Storey Farm, with korosette oil. while she was lighting a lire with that dungerou" liquid, und to-day wo havo another siiuilai esse. An Irish fnuilly, residing un tho Wood Farm, bad a little daughter, aged about twelve years, severely Luiued this uorniug. while she was pouting oil ittlo tin stove. Il-r condition is id to bo dattyor otis, tlioti.'h itbo U uut beyond lecovoiy. When will ptjile lnt:T, tu d..'ist iu the ptac::b'eof puuthig o:. iu.j iU li.-er Tba Clarion jDcmocrui says: "It is now an established fuct that a railroad will be built from Driltwood, ou tbe Philadelphia and Erie, to Mahoning on the Allegheny Valley railroad, via New P.othlehein, 1'irook ville and Roynoldsville. The englucrr." are locating tbo road, and it will soon be all put under contract. Work has already becu commenced on tbe eastern end. In addition to this, we learn from reliable au thority that a corps of engineers will soon bo set to work on tbo route from Brookville west across this county It being the inten tion of the Pennsylvania Central company to mttko this a great through route, on ac count of its low grado and direct line. It will connect with t'uo Pitlsburgb, Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad somewhere in Ohio. Clarion county will soon bo well provided with railroads." PAUKliR's Lanui.vo. The oil territory at and near Patker's Landing, la this county, is attracting a Iarg9 amount of capital for investment. Numerous wolls, from Bear Crook to a point nearly opposite the mouth of the Clarion river, on tbo west Bide of the Allegheny, are in operation noarly all of thorn ia successful operation. Many new ones nro being bored alott;; tho river bottom and on tho hill as far back as tbo old town of Lawroncoburgh. Tho west sido of the Al'eghcny fairly bri.'Mes with old nod new (lOi-ricki-. Willi perhaps two esc.-'pi !..!), r.!I the wolls now ;n operation there nto uioiv or less profitable to their ptomk on. Only ono well is as us yot in operation ou tho east side of tho Allegheny, which, as one of its proprietors informed us whiie thero last Satmday, was then yielding 18 barrel a day. Sovcnl olhcis are being sunk below that on the same sido of the river, which we wish may become highly remunerative to their proprietors. Killa ninr Press. Petrolki'.m Pbiuks. In tho earlier days of tbo petroleum oil mania, nothing was mote common than to bear of fortunate borers who, In endeavoring to ptriko oil, went through successive strata of tbe best Orango county butter, pure bear grease, adamantine candle stuck, wanting only the wicks, end at last, instead ol toaching petroleum, ended in a fubtenaneau Inko of the Quest olivo oil. Tbti U'ei.t luck of this sort has happened in Louisiana. A petro leum company which hn.l been boiing since April, lSu'C, has at lot struck, not oil, but, at a depth of four hundred and feily-five feet, a bed of sulphur, said lo Irj two hun dred and five feet thick, tf which oue hundred anl fivo feet uro tbo purest crjs talized sulphur ever discovered, A reported analysis by a compoient chorvst gives 9S.25 of puro sulphur. Cf cour-o the com pany have generously put cow F'jarcs lo tbe amount of $100,000 in tho wiy of a few fortunate capitalists who r.nivo earliest In the morning to subscribe. PUlAarjh Chronicle. A special meeting of the Philadelphia City Council was bold yesterday, to con sider tbo wato: Inmino. Twenty-fivo thou sand dnllais won appropriated lor families of destitute canal boatmen tipcu tita Schuyl kill river. Power has been given to the Chief Engineer to tako any mcas ores he may deem proper to raiso water ioto the basins at Fairmount. Tho experimeut was tried last evening of raiticg water by means of stoatn fire engines. The bill at Fair mount is ninety-six feet high, aud it is doubtful whether tho hose will sttmj the pressure. Tho result has not yet boeu an nounced. C utney's Suudoy- Comfort is used geu erally throughout the world; have just re ceived an order from Hong Kong, China, for twenty-live casos, all oa account of ad vertising in the Rccouo. Owen Gaffncv. TELEGRAPH KKl'UKTKU FOR TUE DAILY HECOltD, Attd tHMni Disp.Uclic. Hong Kong, Aug. 3, via London 25. The Pekin government refuses to latify tbo conveniiou concluded by Mr. Burliii pauio and tbo Chinese EmbnKsy with the United States. Mr. J. Ross Browne. Into American Minister to China, in bis reply to an address of British and American rosi dents In Shanghai, denounced Mr. Btirliu. game's policy, and said he considered it evi dence of Chinese disinclination for progress. Ho declared tbo establishment of foreign re lations with China on tho basis of equality n impossiblo at presout, and thought tbe yielding ntlitudo ol foreign powers would tend to produc3 war, as a resolution lately made proved tho mistaken nature of British Polioy. Tho Chinese te::t or Mr. Btirllng auies credentials differs from the foreign version. KOCHESTEK ITE.HS. A Palmyran was "done" out of $50 on tho cars while approaching Rochester two or three days since. Ho couldn't chango a $50 bill, and therefore advanced $30 on what be thought was good security. The Century Plant will positively take leave of Rochester alter to-day the 26th. Tho prico of ndmissien bas been raised to fifty cents. The Alerts of Rochester intend going to ;to Syracnso l''i Ball Tinirnamont to wiu ':;hat gold ball" for wMch Rochester has itacd so long. Rochester wants a market. The Demo' crat say?, ' It is now generally deeired tiat tho site, of tho Rochester house and adja cent grounds be devoted !o a city market, an institution sadly needed by a wretched ly swindled commuuity. Under the present system, housekeepers uro at the morcy of unprincipled and Iitcsponsibie venders, who may overcharge, use false weights, mistake or cheat in anyway, without fear of punishment." The public School of Rochester will com mence the f.ill term next Monday. A General Term of the Supreme Court for the seventh Judicial District will be held at tbe Court House in Rochester, com mencing on tbe first Monday of September. Mrs. Caiy, tho lady who pr sided at tbo concert of tbe Rochester Philharmonic Society last winter, bas been engaged lo take charge of tbe department of music at fugbam University, LeRoy. A Ka.-,e Cuaxce. Mr. Barker, having engiise-1 the services ol Mr. E. Howard, whose reputation hb n colorlst ranks with the fit st artists iu tho country, is prepared to furoipli photrgra;ih8 beautifully colored oriiuhbed in India ink. Those desiring such work, either from life or copied from small pictures, should embrnco the oppor tunity at once, and call at Barker's photo graphic gallery, on Washington street, Pe troleum Centre. nni;25-Iia If you want a bottle of old brandy, the "fc'iuion pure'' article, go to Gaffnev'u. Tho iinest thing in life tbo Great Tose- mite Kilters K cures dyspepsia. i'i:f,$h cocfcftioriery rccolvcd everyday at JT. W. Bbattt'h. aujj24-lw Fkksb pickled oyster at J. W. Bk.ittt'. To i:k tub Fasiiiox. Tho fashionable appondage of fooialo dress this full will Lo an immense blown leaf, called Wa fevilte morkiV Eve. Although men enoor, and apostate females inveigh against "tho fash ions," thero never was a tiino when vuhk.u dressed with to uuieh genuine pictiiroipio-nc-s aud taste a3 they do at present. To be fine, the styles involve extravagance, but, although in nuny cases people to down to luiti by adopting expenditures they caunU all'ord. yot alter all, tho extravagance of the well lo do i:- tho bread und butter of the iu digeiit. For every day comfort, u.-trt Downer's Great Yosemite Bitters. .Sunday Comfort is good, but Yoseiuito is better. fiii;;24tf Loral AToticce. EOOS TO LET 1 nquiro at tbe Jnmestown ClotblDu Store. aueW-tr CUII.DMEN H CAUHIAfcES A fine as.'ortmont at tho Furniture. Htoro. l-w line Morrlnoii'e tieiinlno Pino Tar mill Perwlaii lIelluB Konpa. Theso iwipn an. ltnprivniitPd with exotic, 0f ml'.de-t aud nuiet lUN'imii.' nature, and are tartanf. rd perfrclly Immeont and fteo from mineral tui oth er puinldima admixtures, and am aolertpd lij tb, Indicia and t Ito public in general In pruleret co to til other ioajw, aa tbe great prodneera aud prmorvm of a henllliy purity ot complexion, and a cotuervatoi of female beauty. F.r f.te soflncxa aud delicacy which they Induce lo Hie hand? and face, thdr capa bility of aitotlilng Irritation and removing unsightly eruptions, render them tndlapcnpiMc to evi-ry toll et. We kindly atk tho intlillo to try the vtrtua a these ioani. J. L II. l'o., Proprietors. A. D Miller A Oa , Uonoral Agimta. jul'WJm. l'ur 8TAT10NEKY, Ac , call at II OLMES FAHNSWOHTll SNews Hoom. JlrocKcry For all kind no .to UEYNOLU8 nUODHKAD At txy$. No. 11 Centre Htreet, oppe Ite the Post Onlce, Oil City, Pa. Car pete, of every quality an) deacrlpunn, at ESTSOI.DK, BRODHBAD 3t CCS, No. ll Centre Street, opposite the P. O., Oil City, I 'a. A. D. MILLER & CO:, have U r.jeucy of the American Whip Co., and Western Hliip Co.'i Ci gar, at wholesale prices. At. I. TICKET?! got up tntWYLKat he KKt tutu nrriuK. A new lot of the celeb- ated I. X. L. Enlvea jna received at the POST OFFICE. WHITE I.I in E A frcrli aupply, just received at It K. Flithor'e Dtnj Store. IlarJwaro A l-irp? ae.,rtmct cf whirti it iitluKelosedout .it reduced rattn at HEYNULns HWUtlUAU 4 CO'S, No. 11 (.'entee St., onjoslte tl.e roit 0tr.ee, Oil City, Pa. All D.iilln.Weeklinatid Mnpulne at HOI.Mliil A FAKNSW'OltTirS Newe Room. All account!) not eettled immodiatdy, will be left with an Oi'lcer foi colloction. .t Apr.U-tf. KRYNorj)9 Ot). Tbe ireat Yoecnitto lllttere. AH hull I great benrfcrtor, Vbo lo care na of our Ills, (jIvoa life to thodUcO(i!.nlAtc, Witliooteoxloua OntgHOT pilla Drve discaBe from out the evetem, Ftllatlie heart vri h lire and llut, TVith the beet of all the tonics, Dowai-r Great Yoscmitef Wltb root from ont tho valleys. Where Calllfornta's eun dotu ihtne, GU1np wetiltU to n poor mortals, Bevond the richea of her mines. Wealth of health -and happino. It t,lcelni:s Done should slfcht, 0 you waut it t Would you have It f Ufi L'ov.net's Gicat Yost'inlte. Come yo ilrlt. dlcaod. dlicnnsnlato. Why ihiuldyoa pine and dlel Yo fofldf. faint aid Un-jolti'n-;, Coui, tl?oe glorious Hitter try ee bow thee quttcks and no-itruma, K'oe iVotn ttic- land in friltt. Givtne place ti, thi- mtiv tonic. Downer's Orcnt Yonumltfl I ul2-ltf. Kpeclul Notice. WOKDR OF WISDOM for young men, on Uie Kullng I'mhIod In Youth and Ear'y llanhood, with fcELFIIF.I.Pfor thee.Tlnj; md nnf ortunate. Ben In scaled letter envelopes, froe of charge. Addres-, HOWARD AS.OCI AT10.N B .X T, 1'lttt.ADKLPilA Pa. May 14, 3m PIPE C'JTTINS. TIN WAHF. 'The blessed ma u that j 'juehed for us lust t-uni,tiy, r' ,aid Mrs. I'uitingtoj, tt ited the Lord for thirty yeats tiiot us a ciicu rider, (circuit lidor) llteu ua a locu.-it-pieacb. or, (liictl .te.icher) ui.il l:iat ts ti'i ei'iiuu1: ter (i'-''Oi ter. ') Uv::,i, i, ijjt, ixceicive bt.t wo.lii'!-. . hnvi- reJuc-.-d the j-fxe if .-iujduy e iuiloit. j G.inxhV ! III"iil,lJT10N. 'I'l-e niu ttipr-hipliereior-jre exUtin-r l,etwpen Ororrs ,v i:t'.-.-.;u-il i;i t'li- tele of Coal nt tiie lyud Fiirm, l;.n lli'H 'tuv been (ti.-..lvrii i.y lntllual c-oini-iit. All Ueiit.H will to suittMluiid a'l lUiruj collided by J M. JAtzznrd. V. V GhuYIM, J. 11. UL'ZXAHIJ. Tin- liu-ib:c! of si-l'.iot; Coal at the Jiynd l-'ann will be cunied on tie hei-jiol.ire by J. Jl. BUZZARD, Kjnd I'.uni, A11.7. 1", l'j'.fl. KICEP Caci, By i.iiic !i;v-iur? -ji 1 nf tlu.so liritlOtlfATOUSat iliu l-'iiruiture htore. Xew a loisi', Feed and Groe-.ery .T. S. PHATHEIl, At the OLD HANK BUILDING, ON MAIN ST, nplKinttc tlio ilcClmlocIt llous-e, lam -in luind a lure? und iiie! via? - lock of Iflour, i'peti and r.rueeriou. wlii.i. ho is stllius m a low figure L);n:-t luru'it. the place wUere A, D. Cotton C.ui.ai.y l.ri ke up. iaul-lf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ;! A1.12 r-1 a t . 8s itirc ii 0. T. nvu'.-iii' -in;