I a i a ii t e i a 1 i a t D in to t rh w tbi jy st ol 80 i K ace ur ler. bta igbl )at wg fort Ion! velli irin fun ut j ; n set ' amp I tcltic ' 10 Wl J -tho I IMS' liMic :lorn ;ting !u'e " tbo I 'rum i'lwibc 'r-Hod e us1 to ho luok tllllOe Petroleum Cervtro Daily Record. t'et. atcmre, Tnf lo, Aug itl- .4. ZT. Jiditor. I. (., MTMitrrM r -stii, Ta., ? .ItlLT "7ST. 181H J Pittil Strthot notice the wails UI arrive at and depart from this office as follows: Anwvic. South Mid East. v!a. Irvtootnn, 10 S8 A. M. Booth Mill WiA Meadfllle, 5.1S P. M. North atad Kaet, " Corry, 3 56 " TcrnT. Iooth and Wert, s.46 A. M. Bona rial imil Wei. S 30 P. M. North. VMt and Weal, in.03 A. M. L'tvlue Serviced. PRESBYTER-IAN CHDRCn. Preschinn at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7j o'clock P. M. Rkt. J. T. OxTonr, Pastor. WETnODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Penioee every Salhnth at' 11 A. M. and V F. M. Sabbath School at9! A. M. Seats free. A cordial iuvltatioa extend ed to nil. Rev. C. M. ITf.auii, Pastor. STS. FETER AND TACL'S (Catbollo) CHURCH. Miss nt IOJ4' a. m. caper and Reneflieitoo of tho. Blessed Siframent nt 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. oi. JAMES DUFN, faster. Wuat Is always offered at cost? Tbo Jaw. The retrcleum rroduoeri' Association meet at Oil t ity Wednesday (to-morrow) at 10 o'clock a. m. Tl: Fi.U Term of Iho Pitliole public school will commonce about the Brat of September. Ai yet no teaptier has been engaged. The Good Tomplnra wilt not meet in their new hall to-night, as was anticipated. A. S. Smith advertise to sell bis en miner tot It of boots and shoos at cost. He desires to raske room for a winter stock. This ettre.ne hot weather seems to be the most rev i re upon, infants. We bear of very mauy tbt nrj sick with cholera infantum, ml Bever.il d.'atbt,. The remains of two or tin-', at 'ended by the friends, went away on tl'e cira to-day. T. W. Lonowell will give you satisfacto ry pries and explosions of Nitro-Glyscerine in your wells if yon will but call on him Tdk scnteneo of Thomas Mu'lball, who was to bo hung ta Cleveland, August 26th, was commuted to iinpiisonment for life. Mulholl was twice convicted of aiding and abetting the murder of David Skinner. ..oanyana Snsqiiertaiina Railroad, James risk, jr BUI, lWHr aBud-i. . eotifcreiica on Thursday ami settled sub- atantia. y tcplr eno'rovcrsy. Tub drouth is so bad la the vicnlty or K;c!nrond. V., that (be frost trees are 'lying. Yesterday waa the seventyelght d?.y s.nee rain enough fell to thoroughly wet the ground. Thermometer yesterday 101 ! . Pbttty Womek. A comparitively few Ladies monopolize the beauty as well as the attention of society. This ought not i be so, but it is; and will be while men are foolish, and Mngle out pretty faces for companion. Cheap Milk. The question of cheap coal, has Iwd to the agitation of that ol "cheap milk." A puiilio meeting was held la Syracuse rccent'y, mid domelniii.lre.l nf r mi lies agreed pot to purebnso milk unluss It c"uld bu procured for six ceuts per qiiart. W hat next! . Some or the groat moneyed people of New York are u-n nJmi-ers ol gay uud gorgeous 'li:rn emtt.." Thu Anlura ride in very shab , by. vobiaU'4. a also do the Livingstones and t1-.. Roosvelt:,. if ti;y ride gt all. The G.h lou p,y B 'x 01l lbruiI niilIioI1 Uoars, v-.-nb or rem .... xl in Nn,, Yo,.k . u, nnna Tua Ne. y,rk filar iM:,ks that Mr. Bige tow tbe ..ewed:torofthe Times, ought to cherish the mcmon, or apoplexy, as be bas tv ico proli -d by ilg attaeks-.nce beiue ! valedto vhe post ofjlinister to France or. the death or Sir. Dayton, and now sue ctv'liig Mr. Raymond, who died of the "amo disegke. Kor every ,Uj co.nlurt, c, Downefs Wreat Yosetilla Bltt. .S.,aday Comfort J - gooj. I.ut Y3 mi.e ia better. nuK2tt ''1.1 ' , !., ?,ni:. v.-ond-r" ij kept ailCh a, Mf -.wofr-ni.. ,r.,s. ,eli5In. "V"'1- r-W" k, : bi.jll is ,ow -.' " ' ';? the p. w, 8o ,m8 to Ihi n luw fliM at Horace Greeley a perforniancoa in Mr Chapio's Cbureh. An Klopemcnt c:nao nt Pioneer. The fools are not all doBd yet. Tbo lat est exemplification of the above ancient proverb lately transpired at l'ioneer by the elopement oi a young couple from thence. The parents ol the young lady have lived at Tiuneer some time, uro we!l known and very respectable. Tho iimaway daughter is young, and like some other young girls, her bead can lie as enally turned. A little attention, a little (lattery, und may bo a judicious investment in ico croora occasion ally, puts some girls in just the frame of mind to be induced to bolleve the world Is mude of green cheese. Perhaps, In this case, a soutiuientalily imbued by dime ner eis, has had its ioSucnce. Tho young man who is responsible for the rash act has been employed as an engineer on wells In tho vl cinlly of Pioneer for several months. It is about as much as be is ablo to do to take care ol himself, and we are ol the opinion that be has no more necessity for a wife than a dog has for two tails. The young lady seems to bave bad a previous lover, of whom everybody speaks highly, who of course is now left out in the cold. To the auporseeded lover we have a word of advice to give: Don't make a fool of yourself, if the others bave, by getting in a rage aud swearing vengeance on your rival, and tbreatcnlug to shoot him with a pistol without lock, stock or barrel. From what we have been able to learn of the young man who is the author of all your unhappl- nets, be isn't wortb the powder and ball that it would cost you to blow bim to a climate of very wnrvn renown. As for the girl, you bave reasons to congratulate your self on being thus early Informed of the bias of bor mind, and thus saved from a life-lung burden. Console yourself witb the thought that there are just as good flab lo the sea as were ever caught out of it. Traveling Okk Hundred Ykaks Aoo.- Tho advertisement, oi which wo here give a literal copy, is deserving of preser vation on account of the quaintness of the inn-signs, the peculiarity of tbo spelling and diction, the ''shifting" of tho passen gers which it announces, and the genoral idea which it gives us of the way in which traveling wa? performed in America at the time it was issued: "Philadelphia STAGE WAGON, and New York STAGE BOAT performs their Stages twice a week. Jobn Butler, with bis wagon, sets out on Monday from bis bouse, .at the Sign of the Death of tbe Fox, in Strawberry alley, and drives the same day to Trenton Ferry, when Francis Holman meets him, and pro ceeds on Tuesday to Brunswick, and the passengers and goods boing shifted into the wagon of Isaac Fitzrandolpb, be takes them to tbo New Blazing Star to Jacob Fitzran. dolpb, tbe same day, where Rubin Fitzraa dolpb, witb a boat well suited, will re ceive thorn, anu take them to New .York that night Jolu Butler returning to Philadelphia on Tuesday with the passen. gors oud goods deiivored to bim by Francis Hulmau, will again set out for Trenton Ferry on Thursday, and Francis Holman, Ac., will carry bis passengers and goods, witb tbe same expedition as above, to New York. Commissioner Delano holds that Asses scrs bave full power to investiffato r.tu..n. and to judge whether gentlemen who live ai mo rate oi teu tbouaaud a year and puy taxes only on one, making honest statements of their income. This will bo a disagreea ble sort of thing for some peupli. to submit to, but tho .Commissioner is right. If we lave the law at all. wo ought to eurorce it. Without some such inquisition the burden 'alls on tho honest men, and tho rogues got uu i.guuy. r,ei us try a rigid enforcement, and then wo shall soon have a repeal. TllS PH7.E RlNO Sbttlbmkxt ok tub Ai.i.kn-Gallahheh Fiout .St. Louis. Aug 21 Alien and Gallagher, wilti thoir urn piro, and Harry Wessels, rufeno, held a meeting last nicbt for the mir (.Am. i t ..... u - - i - i vt uiuu, Ing a final decision of the lieht ufTi.. last. The referee said Hint. i. .,. .... the sponge thrown up; that when time was caiieu Alien camo to the scratch, Gallagh er met and struck him, whore unon Allen loft tbo ring. He thereupon declared the battle a draw, although by strict adborance to the rules of tbe ring be might give tho light to Gallagher. Both parties expressed satisfaciion with tho decision. Tbo stakes and excursion toouoy will be divido.1 tn. dny. The Clarion Republican says there is no abatemout in tho excitement m p.rir..r-. Lauding. Every train ou the Valley roml ia loaded with paiisenireis fr tlint m.im wid the hotels are crowded to their utmost capacity. 1 ,er are now ,.,, ,r,,lVi ,.,. during wells at that place, the latest yield uione wen, we understand, boim ,,1,,.,,, forty barrels per dny, whilo the average yield of tbe whole territory is sbout four bun lied barrels. TELEGRAPH KRI'OKTBI) P)K TUB DAILY ItKCOIti), Af ternoon Dispatches Havana, August 24. Col Nicolan, witb two 'hundred men and two pieces of artilery, attneked and routed four hundred fnsugents near Jioota. in tbe Central Deportment. Tho latter left twen ty killed on thu field. Sakatooa; August 24. In the trot to-day eloundaiu Boy beat Lady Thorn in three straight heats in 2:27, 2:14l, and 2.25J4. Commodore Vander bilt and wife were on the ground and at tracted much attention. trier Mention Philadelphia bas shipped 15,754,470 gal lons of petroloum during tbe present yoar. Tbe female suffrage question is to be submitted to the Vermont Constitutional Convention next February. Tho New York Sorosis is to present to Ida Lewis a breast pin beariog tbe legend, "To Ida Lewis, tbe nerotne." Children In Iowa bite rattlesnakes in ordor to prevent the toothache. Probably tbe cure would be mare permanent if tbo rattlesnake bit tbe children. Mourning relatives visited the grave of a friend in Dis Moines to find it a burrow of gopbors. Tbe mourners went for him, but instinct bad suggested to those, other creatu res to gopher bim previously. From everywhere tbe report comes up, the Great Yosemite Bitters is a success. It can't be excelled as an appetizer. Its action upon the kidneys is fine. Lawyer O'Couor, who, it will be remem bered, was divorced from Edwin Forest many years ago, has got bis alimony at last. It amounts to C0,000. But be bss given it all to Mrs. Forrest but $56,000. The finest tunic in the world the Great Yosemite Bitters. Ic cures liver complaint, general debility, nervous prostration, and evory lortn of indigestion. It is said that "Josh Billings dresses after Greoley." This disposition ought to be curbed, while it Is as yet only moderate ly presumptuous. He will be undressing before bim, next. The finest thing in life the Great Yose. mite Bitters It cures dyspepsia. An English magistrate baa fined a poor fellow for carrying chickens with their heads downward. Ho can l-getevrn"by carrying them by the neck hereafter, if be is smart enough to think of it, but these parties oever are. Speakiug of the groat pianist's concei ts in Rio Janeiro tbo papers say. the public pay $2.r premium to see Gotttrbalk. It is not by any means a secret that two or three exasperated fathers and brothers in San Francisco would pay more than that to see bim. 1 Tbe foreign gentleman who has recently located bimseir on the opposite sidewalk with a hand-organ of two-tune capacity will oblige ui If be will play the other tune sometimes. "Buffalo Gals" is fresh and exciting, but one notices after several days that it lacks variety. This person's orgao is a greater bore than the Hoosac tunnel. Poor Children In New York coiled and soil poach kcraols to tbe druggists at a cent a bundled. Adepts make as mush as thir ty ceats a week at it sometimes. They are fust acquiring hurtful luxurious habits through tbe influence of these sudden aud violent accumulations of capital. Killed: -On Saturday afternoon at a iittlu after two o'clock, a breukman named George Fortius, who baa a familv In Run. io, wus instautly killed at Harborcreck Tf 1. . . uivming a train and bad pulled out tbe coupling pin, tbo cars on tbo rear euduftliu train being in motion. After uncoupling tbo train, bo fell off the nlatform and two or three cars passed over bis body, cutting it iu two. His body was takon 10 1110 city auj placed iu a coffin to be sent lo bis relatives. The unfortunate man bud only recently beon ouiulovod as brakesman and tbo Had accideut is probably duo to his want of forethought in uncoupling a truin without having a good bold one or tho other of the cars. Downor'B Great Yoaemito Bittors purifies tho blood aud regulates tbe bowele. Use no other. llildobraud is oil tbo iucreaae. Tb. Governor bus increased the reward for big capture to $15,000 Ovtr three bundled men ure iu pursuit of hiiu iu tho coiinir It bus been ascertained that be actually euuireu iuto St. Louis ou Saturday, July Everybody bbould have a bottle of tho Great Yotemile Bitteis. Iryon want a good blast of good Nilr0' Glycerine in your well, get D. W. Longwell to do it. CANDIDACY AHNOUSICEnUN'r!. piiOTHONOTAHY. V. r'l itWi 1'Imim! amindiirellienamenf Tmoh m !t iiiv, of rrtrolemn Centre, candidnie for Protlinii:itr of Venango I'ounl), sul'jtt't lo the Duagft of tin Dr'mocritUc party. X)l!NTY TREAStTIlER. yia. EniToa: llease announce hc name of A. .T. KwTmn an a ciinJidsto tor County Treasurer. s- 4eet to ttio amnvt of 1 lie Democratic partr. 3 " MANY crTIZKNrV liitrul Xoticctu HOOHM TO LET Knqtitret the Jamestowa Clotblag Store. augM-if CII1I.DR1.N 8 CAKRIACSKII A Hue aoKortmaut at the Furniture Store. lw DISSOLUTION. TliOpnrtMrshipheratiiforeaxistluifbctwMaUraves ,t Uuzziinl ia lira sale of Coal at the Kjn Farm, hna ibis lav been diniotved ky aiutaal coneent. All debt will ba settled and all vlatme collected by J M. Iluiziud. W. F. OROVER. J M BUZZARD. Vbe business of seirinu Coat at tba Kjnd Farm will be uarrled on at heretofore by J tf. BUZZARD. Rynd Farrti, Aofe. IT, rttfl. U KEEP COOL By purchaaiae ono of Uioao HEPRIOKKATOR8 at the Furniture Store. Vko TOerrlNoii'a eniilne 1'lno Tar and icraluu Healing Soap. Tlieec soups are imnreguated with oxotlca of the nillile't aivl moat B ilsamic nature, and are warrant ed perfectly Imiocent and free from mineral and nth or peroiriou admixturee, and are selected by I he la.llea and Dm imhlte In general in pnifeMi cc t" all nther snapn. an the crcat producer aud preserve! ant a healthy purity of eomnlcxlon, and a comervriinr of female bounty. t r tha nftnena and dei cnty which they induce to the hand; and fnce thi-TiMpa bility of eo'nihiiiK irritation nnd mihitIpc; miMirhily eruption?, render thnm !iidl!pcn1lc toou-ry 'oil ft. We kindly nek the public lo try the virtue o l)ie:eMiM. i. L II. ('., fnifrlcl. r.4. A D Miller A Co , General Aleuts. Ju'VJ 3m. For STAVIONEUV, Ac, call at II DIMES A FAKNSWdltTtl'H News ltoom. CroeKcry tot aU Made ll KKVN.I LDM ItOHlIHM) OO'X, So, 11 Ceoirn ttivet, oppa. eiw me i-o-m iace,!fii ciij. ! . Carpets, .u" every quality aud description, ai .RKVSOI.D.', UKODniAD CD'S, No. 11 Centre Struet, opposite the P. O., OiltClty, IU. BlltDS JAVA.si'AKROWa, CAX.VUY, UBS MAN, nt A. 1 .Mll.I.UIt.tCV 'Clie vt picVe-r.itiefy tlii'B-e and cle H.Ti all .v.unuitel at V. II. NICHOLSON'S. (lazed Oil Clolta Ciir'nlnn t AI) MLLKIIAOO All ityli' of H iuik Rtioks, Note Faper, and ' En vdopea In Jobbing Lm, at W U.NICHOLSON CO. A D. MILLER Jt CO.. have IU axenc of the Auioricn Whip Co., and Western Whip Co. 'a Ci gars, at whoteMlo prkxe. HALL TICKKI" got no taHl'YI.Biit th RSCIlKD IIFFICK The (Inert I'lui; ToMeco nt ' i W II. NICHOLSON Jt CO M." A new lot or ttic etleb ated I. X. L. Kntvea nst received at tho HOST UFFIOE. WHITE LIItlE A freeh supply, JuM received at R, B. flehot's Drug Store. Hardware A large aasortment of which Is beinK rhmcd out at rolueed rates at REYNOLDS HHODI1EAI) & CD'S, No. 11 Ceatre Bt., ppoelte the Post omce, OU City, Pa." All n.HMe, Wroltllea ai d Mapizlnos at nOLMBS a faknhwokth Ne! itoom. All accounts not eettle.1 Immediately, will be loft with an officer foiJrollecUon. '! Anr.U tf. RBTNOLD3 A CO. .special Notice. WGIUJ9 OK WISDOM for young men, on Uie Killing J'ua.'ion in Youth and Rarly Maiihoeil, with hULV II 151,1" for tho erring and anf ortauatc. Ben In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION 11 x P, Puiladblmia 1'a May at, 3m The Crcat Yosemite Bittera. All hail I groat benefactor, Who to cure us of mir ills, Gfvea life to thediennfotate, W iihuut noxious dniRB or pills. Drivivi disease from oul the system. Fills the heart with llfo aud light. With the beat of a'l lli tonics, Dottuer Great Yosemite I With root from nut tho valleys, WheroCailifomin'!- sun dntn shine, Giving wc.rith to its poor mortals, Rovond tha riciies of l!r mines. Wealth ot health and happiness. Its blessings none should flight, D. yon want it t Would you have It t Uce Downer's Orcat Yosumlto. Conic yc aick, diseased, din fitisolate, Why should you pine ninl diot Yo feislil. faint anil la!i?tii.4hin(r, Come, these el'.noua Cittera try. See how i1io!q i;.vka and nostrums, Floo from the Und in friirht, Ciivine plncu to thi.4 pur j tonic, Downor's Oaoit YoHemito ! Jul24tf- VUKY CnEAI SHEET MUSIC, only Ave cents a copy, at W. U. NICUOLbON & CO.'d Utatiouory Store. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. pOR SALE t M he block of Imildln!? formerly owned by Ooodmnn, No t&&w 21 Wa&iiiuctoii Btret, is oifiTed Tor sale, sitr-'lvortotrether. In-ptiro 01 t F. hcnontilom; Pot- Ce&tro, Auj 11, 'uo tf. MACHINE SHOP AND Brass Foundry For Sale, MESSRS LEARD & WRIGHT bei, about to remove to Tennessee woull offer their well known shop for sale. To , good machincst a raro opportunity is offered. Terms reasonable. Address LEARD ft WRIGIIT. augia-tf Pithole, p,. PIPE CUTTING. TINWARE. 1 VALUABLE 8TOUE AND OTI1EK ARTICLES. rpbe nndeaalgned propoaea to dispose ol btsprem! 1 if e and personal property at Lottery, the Draw! Ine to lake pltce at his atore on the Heaa Farm. on what ia known as the Wleraoa Tract, oa Wednesday Sept. Ut, 1869. The f.tllnwtn!? arttclnsnra anion th mra-4 vnlnakla ones to ta disposed of : 1 store, valued, 1 Cow, ; " fsoo 65 CO 55 40 U H 1 Wateh, 7:Watches,' $15 Each 15 8 15 1 phow Case, " 1 Segar ' 14 1 Violin, 100 other valuable articles, frpni 81 to 815. ' M.A mniorllv or the ticket holders will dootde tbeitanneror drawinii. TICKET'S a?. MKr,,a. E M. Huntley. L.D. KBLLOG. ORALEU IN OIL CITY PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE, HEAD OF CENTRE STREET. SASH, DOOR, BLIND 0 1 y ' 1 soap P 2 ski B s or si To be Drawn by AND WINDOWS, READY EL1ZED PICTtRE 1'ltAHlES, ftc. HOUSE ii SIGN PAINTING, GLAZING ft PAPER IIANGINU TO OIHlKlt QISCK SALES, SMALL TROKIT L. 1). KKLLOGG. :. saV- ' " 1 ' ' " "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers