DAILY of mm pnmim bajzt umoomdj VOL IILJ- NO 74, rETEOLEUM CENTRE, PA., MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST 23, 1669. 2SCTS. WEEKLY CORD, TITB PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY JiECORD. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, (Sundays excepted. ) W. H. LONGWELL, Proprietor. TEHlhHU Per year payable In advance, too i'cr month, V PRICE-LIST or ADVEBTMINU. (Ten lines of nonpareil ana dm aqnare.) No. Insertion. 1 so. fa,, eg. ieol. t tne day, Two da vs. Three days, Four days, I ire days. One week, Two wueka, 'I hree weeks, One month. Two month, Three mouthy fclx months, Nine month, One vmr, I 7 1 uu 1 Ml $1 ou IN t Si sw at uu ( 10 11 H is oa 7 nil M ts 48 l1 fl Bl 1 40 I fill 80 7 00 8 Oil 60 14 DO 1 0U woo toon 411 89 60 00 l 00 I II M 4 M I loort 12 IO IS 1 ot w im 40.OO 60 IO 7 tW in ml l'J (K n ot a (M till IMi 80 IMI 1(10 00 special notices 0 cent per line, each Iniertlon. Advertisement, payable quarterly In advance ' BUSINESS CARDS. J . EL.L.IOTT, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, f AND NOTARY PCULIC, PETROLEUM CBKTRB, PA. finetnosa In the Courts at Franklin, f toeaptly t4iril In. OKKICK In TMaaull X Crfa Brtok Bank Rutl- I"'-', (up stalrsl W sshlnglonwt. oft TOtf- ALIIERT , HATER, ATTORNEY COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, UFF1CK In the ltorliester Hons Building, oa w uiaiugiou ana mam ntraeu, PETROLEUM CKNTttH, VSSVA. ay Id, 118 If. 'UOMIA9I snrru, I ATTORNEYSitCOUNSELORS-AT LAW, Ofttce Rich Struct, Prankllu, Mid Petroleum Cen tre. I'll. siayia-tl. V. WeAUPINE, ttSblDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OPPICK Borrys new BalMlng, comer of Wash lngtini ana secouii eu., retroteutu ventre, l -a maylll If. t. g. ;iini8-riK, n. o., PtlVSK'IAN AND 8UHORON; OWro nnndalte ilieMcKinney House, Plcaanntvllle, Pa. IVrwiw from a distance will Eonorallv find him at hit Office ou Saturday from 10 a. , ton p.. aupUt a. r. wnaoM. m. a. tan veisoh WIMON VAN VEI.NOK, G AUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, OPfll-BS, MercnnUle Ruildlnv, IHI City Pa., and with Owatoii A Howerat Petroleum Contru, t u. July lafia If James Robinson, Tank G-auger, BOX S80, PETROLEUM CEyTliE, PA. Jno'.Otf GE(rII. BI89EDL fc VO. B A. N KE RS, PETROLCl'n VENTRE, PA. onrge II. Iliuell, Jnmea A. Williamson JamiK Bishop, M. C. aiarliu. We offer our aervteea for the transaellon of a OENKUAf, UANKINIi, KXCUANUK ana fol. IKITION IIUHINEgS. Any buslnesa entrusted to our care will receive promjit altentlon. JulT t f. H. C. Jarvis, Dealer la CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. LOOKING (il..'.SSKS In (rrea- YarletT. Ixwkluu Olaas I'latna rvplRCMl in old Flumes. Pictarc l-'rimen .- tit; to rI:r. tamts, ou tiotlLS, Va?l raer,Vlijl wSh.uf's A flMi STOt'K. VAKINO, COFFINS of tU sIrm on band ami li lmuiod to order u.i ghiirt notice. SASH, fflASS AVD V. -..."h, ii ac. No. 106 W -HIN'aTON-aT. Parol ranaCKent'lwil-tf,! HOTELS. o II. EXCHANGE UOTE1. M. V. MlLLKlt, . . . . Proprietor. Tha largest aad most commodious Rote! In the oil region. Fair un the Bridge reduced to boarder. This nousn 1. pleasantly situated, mores cool and plcaaanf, making It a deUehtfiil IhKoI In all respect. Petralcuin Centre, April 16, UM. JOCHESTKK HOUSE, Washington street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. BRADSTKRKT A BHKKWOOU, Paonatnoas This nouso Is centrally located, andtba general headiartrs of oil m-n. revoieiiai venire, i u., nay i, ioob ii. QaUITBAL HOtTSE, FBTHOUCK CRNTRB, PA, Nvar Oil Creek Allegheny lllvul Railway Dopot n-jiylttf. O. J. CROSS, Proprietor. lcULiINTOCK HOllGi PETMOLKDM CBNTUfi, PA. IVitpupnlal Hotel, aitaatcd Corucr ol Main 4c WaaUliigtontW Nrarthu l)eno haa beun refll'ed and fnmintied thniniihwut, and th uroirlctvr will KjKirv no pains to iiiuati u a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, ocia tt C. ORISWOt.n, Proprietor. i nenicAH hotei, PKTIIOLED54 CESTKK, PA. J. R. BAKMBH, Proprietor. Thla llnA.e ia In a nliwtant Inealitv. and but ahnrt w.ik from ihi Drnoi The rooma are ler'e and comfoTtHhle. ami the table auppltcd with the delicacies ot uie avaaon. Juao -tf- S- U. BARNES. piHANKLIX HUtraE. JIILLER FARM BTATION, Ob IL Creek Railroad. 1 THE IIOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW IT. SuTBFF, Proprietor, aanettf. rNTERNATlONAI. HOTEl, MlLLBIt FARM, PA. TOIIM B. ROWS, Prap'r. flood aecommodatione ftir transient mtnmers. I)v Roard and llsird with rooms on nwMinable term. The proprietor will spare no pains to make his IIouso attractive to piesla. JuueS tf. u NION HOTEL. IM.EASASTVItl.E, PA Thla Hmiao harlne recently lren enlarf ed and re furnlnhcHl, I am now prepared to accommodate two hundred imeata comfortably. Niairea leave this house ihrce time a lay for TV tnsville I'here Is also a line ot Kiacsato Kiiuoie. J us-if. THO.H. MoKlNNSV, PropTr. JjHX HOt'SEt8A.nPI.E HOOH, FRED. C. HYDE Proprietor. pleasantvillb; pa., Opp alia th Presbyterian Church. FuM-tl PETROLEUM IIOISE, OIL CITY, PA. Raving recently taken possesion ol the above House, we would most respectfully luibrm Ih trav eling public that w propose o "keep a llotel," and to convince them of the act, wo nvltc all who wish tho comforts (4 a home, to cul. npon vs.. It will be found The Hotel of the OH Jtrslons. Our Sample Room Is snpplieJ with tl, choicest Wines, Uiuursaud Cigars, and our table will be found laden with the fury best tho market afford. There is connected with the Uoosu four first class llillmnl Tables. .Mho, IfaMicr Shop and tl.it h Rooms. Olvo us a ell, and convince yol'teclti;,, .it tliv U'ul liluluesa of our ass . ton. 'iiAni,t:s w. n' a sl JAItll.N win it. octO-tf O. F. HClIUBLOM7 I'roprielot or tl.e 13uffao Eakery. Dcn'er ii efc.r. e V nir, Btuter, Egya and Clieesc. Also, choirs (irnr , ies, Purulunm Centre, Pa. (M-ilcrs left v-ill be iiotn)i'ly attended to, an UoikIs ilellverii'l. Pu'lolllee lltn KUil. mylJ. c. t. tiiompsow kci.ecth; i'ii vmciAX, NO. 1, !I.ViUOU STREET. jpai.ulrs,) TITTJSV X LiI-iE, PA AGENTS WANTED F011 CHAMBERLAt'H j h'.' FOR THE PEOPLE, fantalnitiff rail tnitmetlona and Practical Forma. J adaiiled to every kind of buelneaa, aad to all the Maieaoi ino pinion. BY IHANKI.IM ri!AMllKKLl, -(IT the United 8tteaBar. "Tliare l no l-noW of ii kind whl' U will take rank wltli it for anthi-ntlclty, Intelligence, an) cooiplele- neini- xprtnfttcta t jran.; nepuotican. Thin la the only new book of the k.n pnMIed for niiinv yiura. It la preparijd by an aMe practical lawv.T, iif 25 .vnara' exierii nee, and la Jut what uv- rvnoax nenn lor obi t nnc It i lutrUI v noininendcd hymanyemhent Indies, ni liinlni' the chief lualice and other tuduea of Maaa- achunoita, and the chief Justice and eutke bench of Connecticut.. 8oiil only b iilCTintton Aiscnta wanted e fifvwiiere Head for circulars. v. it. L'AMS ortv., pntiiidiicn, iiaraira.vonn. , .mi. t piirueeel.K. i.j Cincinnati , am VTueaso, III-. CAUTION, i ha;.Jiii.t hecn hastily re-iaiiti An old law book, nub- llHhed manv Teara am ianned as "a new book." wuiioui even a suiiante rcviiiionot 114 oomera ataie, nient. 1j not confound Ihnt worn wlttAlmmner lin e Law Book tor Ihe Peopel. w )4)w. CHAMPION REAMER ! We desire to inform Oil Op eratorfl and the public generally a. ; . that we are prepared to receive ordere for our Champion Six Cutter Reamer. This is without doubt the most perfect tool For reaming that has ever been in troduced. Give us a call ! Flslier, Xon is & Co. "VV. W. RTTSS as Diamond Mt, TITIISTILbB. PA. (Oppojite Tlereld Ofllee) Woald Invlt. maaJi patrons and toe pobllc feae. ally to Call aad examine DM sriEimni SniHB 8TCC1 cr HRIflTUEBBF ALL USDS. Parlor Sail, Chamber dels, Book Caaot, 8ide boarda, Iange, Carpets, Mirrors, and every do serlptloa of furniture, niala and ntshionanl. T.rmi rensonable. JanB. Cuii plwi..aMt tin worth of vonr motiM-Is at the NKW rutin A.ll FKKII s-nir MU I.UM BKU TAKO of l St. STERNBVRO A CO., where there Is fllw.v a MAN ready to show their customers their lare FIAIUK. HAY. and all kinds of PUS place also where muy lie FOUND I of an the 1 Int'e a- ortineat of first rlass ROrf1 AXI iKRSgl b l.UAWIKK, LATH, HII1NOLEH. ftC, a tt lie very lowust eash prices. Too, whe an not DEAD &i their own Interest, and wlvnlo deal with men jrlHido Iwlness on tliennre, will And II to their interest to five us a ran orinro purcnaitag aire where, and are what we can do for you IN" our line of business, f 7 All Orders and leoiuiaj nnmmtry nuebded to. Do not forqel the place. I P I'osrrK TIIK ItOCUKM'KII HoUHk, WAKU IN0'fi.'N BTKEBT, Petroleum Centre, Pa. OIL OPERATORS Can always find the genuine Plymouth Cables and New York Bkltino Co's Belting and Rubber Goods, both of which are acknowledged to lie unsur passed in quality and manufac ture. Of -Well Furnishing Goods, we have the largest as sortment in the Oil Region, and can rerer to our customers lor evidence that we keep nothing but the best of goods. F. W. AMES, HARDWARE DEALER TITUSVILLE, PA aaayM FOUND AT the VARIETY STORE of J. W. Beatty, A large aaaorttnent of Fire Works, consisting oi Flag", Rorketa,' Roman CandM, Mine", lo, Choice Cottfeclionerjr, FruiU, Toy, Sla Water, and tbe BEST ICE BEAM IN TOWN. Gir Dia call, second door In Opera House, Washington Street, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN. J. W. Beatty. jnintr. Pianos ! Pianos ! GE011GI UR0WK, MaaalMtnrera, JAMKbTitWN. tf. T. Also, ex elusive Agont for th ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND DEALERS IN RETAIL Sheet Music, Strings, &c. rjTBend lor lllnatrated 'JcUlngae and price GAOIKjI A SHOWN. Waremoms 41 Mala Street. Factor) Hrool.-lyn Bloelt, foot or Jlaiu-Ht. mt.; if isha vi ac co., Vat( innii' as & JeweleUs, IN OPERA V.'Wili BtMLDrNG, WASH - 1NGTON etREET, PETh01.F:i n rEKtRE, FA Eeep eonslantly en hand a larye assortmraV WATHK!. JEWfl l!T. 1'IVJOI -, 1!n0I,iTsm'nTACKLR Cartridges,.? , niui will sell :it easl-fi pr't-es. A I' watch work wartime-.! toclve wititr,,,,,i FLflllt h!l MB STOKE, NO. 3T waTHB-BT., oitirrt, r. This Is IhA' ii' ib"haieiit of tli kinil In I'. MI h etion 'i.n J"'' 'eettsotlat tunole le, ret i-ll t 1HK miry RcoRn.io tnhtadtsiiisir ntbtouretTSP: DISSOLUTION. ... . . nndfl the roe eoparmersnip neraoiare lld m nam. of Wachter k Oo., la dl-.'.":'...'..: parties InduhUid to the firm, .rivwre. onn IVthe old and, llesa Fann. or at Pat I enire. oppo site the brick bank. Jaif . -" GENERAL MACHINIST b, and Dealers la all kind of WELL TOOLS 4k FIXTURES eaarf for pittinx down and operating Oil lis. In connection with onr MACHINE 811H11 w have a lar-e aad convenient BLACKSMITH SnOP. Onr fndlltlee for M ANTTPACtURINtl imiu mc- cdled by any 8 hop In the 011 Region. Shopilain-at,oppoiitt McVllntock Jim e atyS7 tf FIflBBR A NORIUS. CALIFORNIA. WHEAT FIELDS AND STOCK RAN- CHOtt I hat Hanchoa or Farms for sale, thrmieh out CALIFORNIA, in tract of One IluiutrHl- Acres no to TWelilv TTioiiMlud. Terms to snil mir chasers. These lands will urow Thirty Ave to Fifty Bushels of Wheat to the Acre, with ordii srv farm Inc. and a Volunteer (Too of Twenty Five luishela pec. Acre. Wt;nrrsponaenca roiifiiea. Aaaruee iir.iY MeKGNTY. Dealer In Ileal KsUte, ddlre 304 Mob gum ccyHiioc St unFrauvclae oCal. . J.-.1-. RAILROADS. fJtFFAMv, tORHV At WTTS11 17 HO RAILROAD TIME TADLE, Takes effect Mtindar. November 23d. ltOH. ROItTnwAKO. Accommodation leaves Corry n,3tr. v.; Clvmcf 4,i 6 -t Panama 4,111 Sherman 4.'J."t bumiiiit u.oo r. it. ; Mayvnnj o.o amvinar ni vrocion i.oo p. o Expreta trafb leaves Corn- H.ilo a. si-; Ctytut r !,1& Panama lo,lo t Hherman HI.3J; anmniit in,00,May villell.lo, and arrives at llroooo Vi, o x. Mall leaves Corrvl.ISr. m., atnpplns at ail sta tions, arriving at Brocton 4.SU p. aotiTiiwanD. Mall train leave Hntcton at B oo a. m., stopping at all ai.itinna. arrives nf Coitv at f-J.2 r. m. - Rxpresa leaves llroetoh .it rliy r m ; M:i;i Jl 8.2S j Hammltfl.4u' fleiuiSti I.oo; I'nusma J.i'i. Clyniar mid n -rlvlnc at Corry at 5.ot r m Accomnodatlon leaves Hritrton 7.oo p. m., s'st vtlle 8.10. rluininlt 4o, ahermsn ,&. Panama $ u i Olymer 9, IS, arrivies: at Ourry at lo,lo p. n. ci'varimoNa. Paasenpers leti Buffalo en tho Tdleaa Eaire,e or Day Express, cono clltin at Hroeton with Ira.na for Majvilfe, Hherman, Pfluama, Clvnier and Cony, connecting at Corrv with trains en ihe OH Creek It. H. for Tilusvfile, JIiMer, I'lonof and Pet. Centre, OllCllyandPittsbttili Also, connecting at Corrv with trains on the Phil adelphia A Erie Road, for It.itadclehlu aiid Harris bufg; and on the Atlantic and Ureal Weetr.ru Hull . way for t'nlon, Sleadvllle, lreenille, l'a., and Warren, Ohio, and Jitmestowtt and Randolph, V. Tralus lenvlnu Oil Cilr at A, 13 a. in , l orn at B,a a. m.( connecting at Broclun with train on B A is. it. rt., arrtviinr in iiuriiiiii at 2,10 p. m. Tra'ns leaving Oil City at ,l a 111 will oann t with Mail Train linvlim U'rry nt 1.1S 11. m n. nectlngwlth Express Eu'toD II. it K K H , aiiiv; Ing In Buftulo at Kn p. in I"vi c UuuiUo st 4,0 p. m , hrrivln? at Corry at ln,T0 p. 111 Also, connoct at Wayvllfe wiih r-tiaietii'stso" Cliaiil. '.uiua Lake dm ing tHeu uj 1 uu; i-u JautaslowB and Uaudrlun. A. H. ' 1 1 V. . ! 1 1 1 Jant. JUjv.l e, N Get Beet. WeMer's WW DictionaiT. 'nrr suario 10,6X70 aV tanatn(;xii other VietivHaritf v " a whola, we are confident lhal nootlier 11.1. n.v-,e has a diet lunar j which so fally and r filv sets forlli Its present condition as this last !iV n iif Webster does that 01 our written aud spu f"'r..rl,h liini.ue. tfmfr'l ilattazinr. hese tliree mmba are iha suss 'oral niirr.jt W to""' rAS'V'' $2J!X 1 Wtb"'r' ,tt distances aud tlefli'a.ciuntiotitir.n il leaves roiliintf tnbede.lre.1-. XT. Kagtiani, L L 1 Pmiiltt Vhuht Cull -.!H. The ntuxt useful and remarkable eowni uii' " Auiann liimmlt'luf. in our Isuniatc lr. a ftr Fittidnit Man. Jg ic t. irnl Vull'g' I UK IMI" 11 iiitbii n j.,liur,'u" i nit t 1 WEBSTER'S rtATiOKALPlCTORIALDlCTlOWARf 1041t Fhgtf OtJtAvo. SOU Vllrat lllt IJICF 0.- TI.a mnrit a reut'v s tt.-m'oi'tt D t'i thiu lor the laill'eu " Antrim LJi ,'tifa .,Hvr'v. "it! uriuy iisEn s. -ti.is D-e lty I,. ibe ":'?l cnv. i.ien: ev.r r .) .ien lit, 'A n msiiiiAl j r -Ion ' 1 i t. ,4s fo.' we :i'"a,,'e nd ki alunretc.-'' ih sirs u , cu i'ic. KngiiHU la.i-une I. lr ev ' J ' Published " eiigJ-laT StTY the E WnitaA nrert made,"f IIlAf t"'.- Oe-t" TM W. a racd abci.n'd hmuf Vbrnttftitisie ej sl' at'la '.sl Uwrae. Apily rbrt.