'ULL. L !.R.aV 'JJ "U U M.li1 jlUw J'. 1 SCKE PRINT OBSCURED i 1 ( ' I A. D. MILLER A CO. COLUMN. A. D, MILLER & CO. Wholesale nil Retail Dealer In DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C, Washington Street, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Their Slock consist of everything In the line of Drugs & Medicines ! PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, WkoMnli fend Relsll A.cnta for YOSBMITB STOMACH BITTERS, JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, ALUM A FOR THE HAIR, SEWARD JtBENTLEY'S COUGH SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS, WALKER A RAZE'3 CIGARS. JAYNRS' MEDICINES. ANDERSONS DERM ADOR. SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, Jko. PILLS. Aver', Brandcth's, Caplialtc, llemck's, Hooper's, Maradcn's Mcl,anc's, MoflM's, Motl's, Railway' H. R. J miser's. Heller's. Wilson', Wlsharta's. Wrigh'ts, dayne'a, Hcnenck's, Dtipouco's, do. l(otck's. Clark's Female, (Thecseman's Velpan's. do. 4c, c Perfumery. Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, Brushes, &e. COUGHS, COLDS, &. Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral, Ji.jne's Expectorant, Mars ion's Bnlra, Schenck's Syrup, Universal Syrup, Excel .lor Syrup, Ransom's Hive Syrup, Seller's Syrup, Coo's Syrup, Hall's Balsam, ' Denton's Balsam, Bryan's Wufers. Olive Tar, Brown's Troches. WUbart's Pine Tree Tar, Seward's Cough Cure, Bateman's Syrup, Cough Candy, Ac Cigars and Tobaccos ! The Beat Ever RrougM to the Oil Regions I1A1U RESTORATIVES. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S. CHEVALIER'S, HALL'S, MARTHA WASHINGTON BARRETT'S, ROSSETTER'S, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, Ac., ic. BITTEBS. Wyr- CONriTITTTtON, KOfiACK'H, IH. KrS, NIAGARA HTAR, Ufni.BV'B Ml' tllkK ft, rlOSTKTTSHT), PKRH'H. 1100(1 AND?, CALtlt'RWA, ATT WOOD if I'HOTOilDIt IMS, AC W-tYXsJlf CARERS, Cnrtalm und Rustic Shades. PAINTS, OILS, VAltMSIIES, GLASS, I'I)TT, GLl'E, Turpentine, Sponge, liy StnHs, lryers, ESEFiXEKS' SUPPLIES, Pjf il Gil, Hel lene Oil. &c. -..! PS, L AMP FIXTURES, Ac. Es?fltf h aSp, ' Ken?.? it Ale, Coiigreta Water. PRESCRIPTIONS ' COM POUNDED AT ALL UOVIW OF THE NIGHT AND :-.! PuK .Alt iNJTIiV'.n'N'vs k'-e. I" nlO"g, r-i m'iu.i all, it. . , 't ;l.y bl' ill. t 0ill. SOU fcWl til -"n 1 true 101 MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, IS TUB BEST LINIMENT IN Till; WORLD For Man s& Be&st. 30 Voura In I o. I good for Kheumatistn. Chilblains, Corns, Wlitt lowa, Caked Breasts. Fore Nipples, Crumps, Bolls, lutes of animals, Wcakl.essof the .lotiit-, Contrac Hons ofthe Muscles, Burns and Senilis. Frost Itltes, Painful Nervous affections. Chapped Hands, Unie Hack. JMIn In the Side. Swclliuga, Turners, Tooth Ache, Old Soros, Hemorrhoid, or Files, Flesh Wonnds, Galls of all kind. Sprains. Bruises, Crack I'd Ueela, Rln Bone, l'olf Kvll, VMnd Call, fill- LV", ' "I'""'". "noy, r-ntiiiti, BiMniit, Kxtivna I olainns crnlches or r.r-uin, Hirlni:hnlt. Sand '.racki. Lauiunuss, f Iralos, Koiindnrliifr flu, Manue, ....... , -,,, ,. ,n,K..i iu torre, rarkco 'jeau, root not in Sll.HT, mnA tnanv nth. .11 1 1 dent to Man and lit. D JT10"- of Concord, Ky., ear tkUarirlinir Oil Cllrvd a horse of hi. Inlur. d whif. nl.,l Jz attemutlin to ti)i over a .tump. almost nevoriiihf 11 viu me oouj ;aiM mm ne nas used It In nie ramllyfor fluccn years, and Is the bmt rcmitdv Tor Ctita, Duma. Brttlsw, Kroet Bitea, Stniius, Rheum atiam, etc., he ever naed. From Cnrw A Bnoe , CVx-hmne Landing. Ohio, Nov. 0. 18.it). We arc pleaMd with your mwlli-ine. It ha bei'o the inpans of cnrlni; a great nnniker o dllloient disonses npon rwrsotm. aa alo upon horst ne th'tik It cures all yon rec ommend It to do Wt want ytm to send ua tho Urner proportion of the variety tor "family Uo,' in small bottle. ua From Dn. J 1'. Teiirklu Worron. In.l., Jlnrrh 1B5I, I ,,! ensng.d in the prat tice of nndii-ine. and And your Garijllns Oil an extremely effic;e t remedy in all uisua where an external npphca.iou Is Indii nte.t From Hb. G. tl. Nkai, Hiirrl.. Iowa, Doe. l. 1S6'I. I have praotlccd niL'diult.o In tin eouutv seven years and .-heerlullv recommend vntip i:ur..iti,., to aa the best linament in use. - ttotn Da, T. W. fcu.is. G , .Ian R, ISM If 1 eon id receive both boxes of the Uarirling Oil it will not la too mnch. as 1 thli k I could soon llnd pale lor It all. the Inoulrv b int.. r.entu,nt iit.r it l posed 1 hat I h ave It frr sale. r rom 111 in. n. ,mci.:ali inamois, Mo . Nov. , 1HCS. Venr (jamllmroil ieialtWiL.thpM:.ii,i.f,tt-ri..,in all the linlnienti ofthodav. If vim deeirni lhm. 1 coniii procure duiens of certincaui from those wno nave ocen cored uy it. Wesara WcLiim Runs., Wholesale Drnrll., Wlieellng. Vn., say, under d te of July 24, im, thnt they can safely recoiniuoud the (In-cllnj; Oil lor mine diseases than It Is recommended Tor. From .1. K. r'tsnan. ITulontown, dnno 31, 181.7 Yonrtlanrllng Oil la doing umch better here than formerly, since Ha virtues have liecnme known, and the bottles put up for. Family without stain, are much sought for. S3 Fxtract from alcttorfrom lion Nathan liansKr, Cotuity Jtidtn of Shelby Co.. Iowa dated Harl in, April 18. ISIfl It is decidedlv nreferriid to anv lin. ament sold In this section. extract ol a letter from bamiiil H. Hi pp, dated Fallskunr. Ohio, July 17, 1H66. In June last, Henry fcbaffle bad a yrarllnu; eolt that had wlmt was snp pesed to be.byptberia for more than ten days so that It could not eat. and the throat ewolen aim.Mt shut, and the use of three or four applications of uin uuutu uuiiiiw uiu we uepiroi enecu F.om A. O. Nuu Lcwisville, Coschocton Co.. O . March. 1859 1 have need vonr Oargllng Oil for the Scratches on my horse, and It cured it with tbe flrst application. From KKos Matuktl Mlddlmnrt. M. V .l.,t. . 1880. I pure ha fwd a bottle of your Oargllnn Oil of uur Kent. a. d DHKrr, at aiiuuicnort. and aa yet have nsed hut half of It. I think it has given me more relief in a ease of severe Klienmatlsm, of lonx euMMiug, ftuan uj wing 1 uave ever used Delorc. Hxtract from a letter fro-rt 3. O I'.jn itii,l Qnlncy, Chaatauqtia Co., N. Y., Ain?iist 1, ISM I have been acquainted with .vottr ituKlirfue OirMn Oil) for the last fourteen years. It has proved a sure enrefor Foot Hot in Sheep for vh.fh I sold iou out ooiuc ana nave cans amioet cally fur nittre, Please tnward as soon aa couwuient. Always Inqnlrc for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And take co other. Beirut Pike, ) I. OO, SO Vi., and 'J3 Cls. Shake well Iwfore uslnir, and rub on thoroughly befoTe the Are or some warm substauce. Tlte OargHnir Oil has been In uso as a linament an years. All we ink la a air frtal, but be sure and follow directions. A your nearest Dniirdst, or dealer In Patetii Medicines lor one of our Alutaiiitcs and Vade M t ciims. and rend what lite pwpU sav about Iho Oil. The Garilini till la ir sale bv ell respectable ddalurs tbtouKbotit the Cniied States and other euuutrle'. Our tntimofiiuh date from IK-Sf to WW and rn muoliciud. mi lite Uart;ljiir on uU(j tch your iieiKbbors what good it bus done. Wn deal fair and liberal with all and defy contra diction. Janttrticluretrt ftt Lockport,X. V., Uy Verclitint's GuirgHnx 1MI Vn, ' JOHN HOilGE, Secretary. HARDWARE OIL CITY. ROBSON'S Oil Cbfek Pipe Works. CIIABLES UOI.O.-V A; Co., Corner of Krnrt-a A- t'entre Ma., i:aat aide OlM'rerl-, ll ttlty, I'n., DeahTS In Morris, Tnakor A t'o's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, ALSO, WtlRKINO BARRELS AND VALVKS, M'tiFiriNa UOXKH, CLAMI'S, TONON, SUCKKU RODS, Ac Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries BORING TOOIJJ, DRIVING PIPR, OIL I'UMPS, COLD WATKK PUMPS Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, Bit ASS GOODS, rys axd gas Firrrxes, BELT1NO, I and BOSSi HARDWA1IK, noCSB TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' Tools, Rope, Oakum, Nails, Axes, Coffee Mills, Table fc Pocket Cutlery; A Poll Assortment of Everything In the HARDWARE LINE. ivM6 Vurdnhlnfr floods, Lamps, Chlmneve. No. 1 Winter Strained Lard Oil, No. 1 Kenned Oil, Stair Hods, Table and Door Mats; Champion Clothes Wringers Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Kcpairina of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. tspccbJ attention given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored to merit the patmnaze of the pnhiic. and shall use every exertion to insure Its conl Inuance. Our facilities for rernlshing t'orytblng In onr line, having been greatly Increased, iu the erection of our New Rulldjlitf. are now BUPRKIOK TO ANY OTHER KSTADLISHMENT nngSl Sta. 13 THE OIL RKliloX. & I (M Pipe Worts CHAM. ROBSO! cV CO., Comer or Seneca and Centre Sta, east side of Oil CrwU. Oil City, Pa. Having added a powerful Steam Enaine and three large HT11HS, to onr already extensive Mimntac tnrlng Establishment, r now prcmrod to do all the necessary wyrk, In fitting up, aud repairing ENGINES. BOILERS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS In fact do-all Machinery Job Work entmstcd to ns with neatness and disnatra ang Slmos NEW. HARDWARE STORE H HATING AND COOKING STOVES ! In large variety. TABLE AND POCKET C utlery! SHELF HARDWARE. EQ 1SE FURNISHING IT BBS, lamp.?,lanterns. and fancy articles. SABLS AND lQK Wooden Ware, kc. For sale CHEAP 1 At the store formeily occupied ny Rurchll.'d and Casterllne. OIL CITY. PA. j awes n. ir.ui;iE. Oir.Cltv, Jai'.4,18M tf. John C.Welch, Scnccii-St., Oil Hy, Pa., Dealer in Gibbs. KasseSl '& Co's llm-in Innis' Sucker Rods, llrivlne Pi!, I tri k Iron. '' i- ?:!, IliVhllH'i! VVtlflta : I'-Iwlils, MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HARDWARE - STORE I itottl:i( r ituvAiv co., lleg leave to announce to the citizens of Petrolennt Centre end vicinity, thnt tin y have opened a new store In tite tear or the otlleo of the ('antral Petrol- t.ra (.'oiepanv at the railroad crosslnt', where Iht y wilt kcopconilHiitlvnn hand a rnll assortment of everything in tlte ilatdunru Hue, such as TIN AND SHEET IIJON WARF. GAS FITTINGS AND BRA.'-S GOODS. Mr. Hrynn having been em-aged In tlio liulness with Messrs. Winter Itro's. lor tour years past, lll attend particularly tolho hu.-iuess oruianttl'itcluiiug SMOKE STACKS All kinds or Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. They have a New Machine for CUTTING GAS PU With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant aft work iu this line Apr .9. Coal! Coal J Coal! rjMIF. nndersignsd, having estitfilished a branch Yard at ltyii.1 Farm, are now prepared to furnish AE Grades of Coal At tlio Very Lowest Prices. (V'riitnrs TVom ( lnrrtui limvard '.irinity, Mvirjc At PvtrolMtni(Viitit, (011 lcrtvj. c'r onlvts i v.ir offict h'TiMitul hiivu Ihfin prniiiptlj IllU tl fn in i.u lfynJ Fana Vnid, AT LESS COST THAN r-VTAI,. D O X ' T FO 11 G ' T T 1 2 K V I j A C K SRAHLEH & (V'iSW Kf.K OlTcii on 0. C. te A. R. !(.. 1 tui'v m euirv. BmiK-UOtlli e m Kvrd i nut. N. We lioM rxcliisilvp conro! of tho fiimoi: STONEBORO COAL. at both the altove named IHdnts Jim? t , A. T. LEGGEIT, Mann'actitrer and Denier in Seed Bags, "Valve Cui.-?, &o. Kxperier.ced rkmc are employed, aud Her iiess of all ki'id Kopl r 'antly on li.tnd at d madi to order. P. C ll.'va Put. Seed -llais I or !alf- Rcpaitincr j")one at all 'I inies ! Call and cxtmtne onr stoci, aco ) nc -e 1Iuiii3f., ba'oit' tl Wet Un tuck HMI. Petrolennt Centre, I'a Jan. 7th, W - tl J. A. PLATTE, French Boot Maker Waaliing-Jon St, cc J, TI1REE DOORS WEST OF A. o. MIL le.k uu. a uhi'j aiuir.;, PETROLEUM CEJVTIlE,va.. Is raanafacturln? to order FIHST CLASS kvi WORK, neb as Pr.tsnt Lralher Boota, Pnfsijs oli HooiN, l'reiich Cork Hole Hoot, !po Welt Roots. UEATYOR L'Glir WORK DONE IN FRENCH clVLli. Call and see samples. .1. A. HI.ANTK. l'.'.trolcmtl Centre, la., Jely 'tin. MfiM&MZuta city Terrlory. N0XIC2 TO OIL OPERATORS. The nt icrslpnod. afent for the Mctrnpiliiun OH' Company, now offers to lense the territory of said Comp'iny inlets of two seres each, for one-fourth rojalty. This larm la situate on Cherry Tree Ban and lies on tlte JUGULAR VEIN Which connects . ''Wood mid Tiersou Farms with CHARLEY RUfJ TERRITORY. Vvr fiii tlu r I'arilcttlar aj ity to the original D. W.KENNEY, Alleni3rcozeluia City, Cherrytrce Run. Or eeidsese, "BOX 117, Puli'ulftiiu Centre, April IB 1m. Penn. k:n' iih.i.. " J" fli.s II tit !s -iv !;. fir ;htstr;i.i! .rvliiltitloita cotiorrU. leetul'is, vc. Tl;',' "tt.l hss In" it letitl -d tiij.l HtrcnLTtliencil Nu i;tin t'tij e;n me has hci-n v; 1 to 'ili It a Ii: -I- s Petroleum Centra, DEALER IN PURE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMEBKuf- DRUGS, MEDICINES I'j'i CHIMICAIS, ('HOICK KOKKIO AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles AND Fancy Goodt! IMPORTED SOAPS, BRUSHES, AND Dni" risfs Suudricx! rhyafclnns' I rierlptlons e'M.nnilnl ligm ; 11 ltd choice iimiertals. IF YOU HAV'NT SEEN 1 11 GO AND SEE IT" The Magic Mate lYIrolonni Centre, .tunc. IslKI. T. McDonald. LIVERY, FEED & SAL STABLES ! At the Depot, opMsitc (I Central House, PETROL ECU. CEN-TRK I'lllt lies! Ktnek of DltlVINO AND Ml' I. iiui.nivn on the creek, are lo be fuuuil (kl M'lionuld'a Llvry. ? RARRIACES A CUTTERS Til LET AT ALL TI3IES. f? HORSES FEU 4c BOARD! m Kensonable Terms. ' li Teaming of all klntfx f tended t Promjttly. tVuive me a call. T M'lKIWt, ''""Hut Centre, Nov. II, 18fi. LEVIS.R Y FEE Waskington street, prH the opti Hoiitu, FKTKnr.EITM niMTtur I'1?CX.I. .. 4 11. I liavn put In n ''nod a.k of I!vJ'" Driving Hors'e, vh,., 1 wilet(i reasonable irtns. 1 Alio, Cllttem, Wn,aii.M IIOIWEe boarded and fed andtof Jiui tf. HMXffll Petroleum Exw hotel! ON THE EUROPEAN PUS 4 FRESH OYSTERS RceeiTi-il DAILY!1" 3 E A iw..n.vH.-saj .V;il'irvril Plrf :'of, ... - -v. . .,...wtah' 1 vi.roivoni . -iiui. . u.. - Iwcirj eton.- T. AV, 8A.VIW, rr vraT' Day Hot. d. m !.; ..I'llli'iliiU'i. ' ..v,, I hours, ovsf-s a.vervdew'-." ' all hour iav Mv ctineec'lnii !-. y. . .. .l 1 . i , . 'i !!.. ili'lle a:.il r"'..l.-. .1, : uthi lhet C' N" P'"": ' 1 I Wl:o ftilui t . ... .' , ;ut(.C'int l'a !(-e.