- niA it t'" I'rr" "MSiJiWr V- PRINT OBSCURED DUE TO CREASES 4. I DAILY VOL III.;- NO 71, THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, (Sunday! excepted. ) ' W. U. LONGWELL, Proprietor. TKK1IM. t"jr year payable In advance, (8 00 i or month, ... fe lK!GLnT Or ABVKKTNINO. (Ten Him of nonpureil aiahe on eqnare,) Nn. Insertions. 1 w). t w. 8 so X oil. 4 llti liny, Two days. Three oays, Vour days, 1 Ivc days, .1ne week, .Two weeks, 1 hrec weeks, One month, Two months, Three month, eix months, Nino months, , 0-'! year, 1 M i sn 1 (HI Ml IU 8 Ml 6 Ml; S 00 io ml l i 90 in iw 91 Ml' Me on oo 1 SM on Ml 8 M 8 VI 4 60 7 !M 10 m 12 Ml 15 Oil U Ml an ii 41 tlO 10 Ml H Mi 1 60 Ml 1 no 8 UU SO 14 Ml 111 Ml SO (l UU Ml 1 Ml 1 (s'l 1 00 1 IK' 4 M (I IK 7 tW 10 III 1!l III 91 III 40 Ml m no SI) Ml inn "0 SJ ( l Mnc1aI notices 20 eenta per Him. r.r iusertiim. Advertisein- is payableopierteriy m advnuce BUSINESS CARDS. j u. clliott, ATTOUKE YAT Is A W , AND NOTARY PUBLIC, 1'ETHOI.KtJM 1CESTKK. I'A Business iatheCeartsat Franklin (romptly at tended In. rKCK-In RitMl fVe Brick Hank HulM fnc, (nn stairs), ashingtnn St. or Sit if ai.ui.ut m. havi.k. ATTOUNEY A COUNSBLOR-AT-LAW, OPFICE In I ho Rnrherter Home Building, on n aeaingron aim mum oireois, PETIWI.RCM y 19, !. tf. CKNTUK, PENVA. HOMIAKI B.WtTH, ATTOUNEVSACOUNBELOKS AT I.XW, IlllkiIlle atnvt, Franklin, and Petroleum O' ire. i ii viv ' i V. JHcAI.I'lNE, UESIDKNT SURGEON DENTIST.' FFICR-Wfrrya new Bnlldi. eotnw of Wwh KtoH and "eound i mil. wnram iaiiltb. i a. - nwyr.' u. T. ' CHRISTIE, Jit. Ik, PiimKIAM AND BUKOKON: ftflr or' otto IheMeKininy Hmm, Pleaanntville, 1 Pernona from a dlrtance will cencrau ji J k hii Uttloa on Saturday from n a. m " aellt i . r. wyijor. .. vtuen Wll. G4UCERS WlIMN VAN ... AND in' 110 CRtlftB npiJ"EUM, Mi tui m.-- . lanyiHH, lgng tf. Jamp" Robinson, Tar auger, BOX 380, O. II. U ISgjE jli, tt CO.", s A. 3ST K E R s 4 PETIIOI.Elin C'CNTIIE, JPA. ORNiiii a? !:r. "r I?r h. tranMctlrn, of a tRCrriON BUellH ' nAV"WUB rimT..h.lr,r."e,ltru"to,,t0 our ' r prompt attention. ji7 f. H C . J" arvis. Dealer In CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. Olaai Plate, replaced in old Frames. Picture Ffnnet itkaHt to order. Carpets, Oil .Cloths. Wall lH?r, Window Shades, A FINK STOCK. ' DJVIIRItrr A ir kmri COM-INs of gij.es hand am? ta Ofdor on elmrt nnlico. trimmed MSn, 1'IAZS and minus. sizea. 1 t eleiiu- Varnish, , 10B WAlli:iMjv.sT, .''JIU -s ipt U-i:!lt' 8. PETROLEUM CENTRE, HOTELS. It. EXCIIANUE 1IOTEI. M. V.MILLBK, . . . . Proprietor. The largest and niwl commodlnn Hotel In the oil region. Fair on the Bridge reduced to bunt dor. This house ! pluenutl situated, mini coulniid lileMant, making- It a di'llehtfiil hotel In all ii9-pet. rviricurn venire, April jo,.iihii. pUCUKtrrKR HOVSE, WMhington street, Petrnlcaai Ceniro, Pa. BKADSTBBtTA till EH WOOD, pRf.rmKio'm Thin Hortfo in reiitrnlly located, and I ho mmernl honilqMarlefB of oil men. riiroimm vvmrt, l a., mny ii, won tl. PBTlUt.KOM C'BNTKR, PA., Nr Oil CiuekA Alletfhouf Ulvi RrDlwny lit..,l n nyl9 tf. O. . rtlOfiM, Proprietor. M c( I.INTIrCK IIOVCiKt rBTUn.lcUl CICNTKE, PA. 1SI poiirial llntal, IMMeo' flornerof Malu it VBlillt(t(ii.st.., Nur ihw Pmo, had Imimi rcrftiiil nhil liunislied tlinmuliinf, nnd the proprietor will nin ho intiiiK to mak it a FHIST-CLASS HOUSE. od tf O. ORtHWOLD, Proprietor. a mutit'AN Horei PRTItOLRDat CKNTKR, PA. t. K n MINKS, . . . Proprietor. Thit, I'oiho p In il ntiwanilt loenllty. mill hilt H iilmrt wilk Troin the eHil ThHMim H-f l o're nnd rnnl'oria' le, and the Utile supplied with the delleneii uf lliu tfeiwon. 1 Jujn r- S. It llAliVrs.. pUNKO.IK IKIt'HE. WILLRS FARM STATION, r ln.in. Crerk KallnMd.l " T11B HOUSE AND KUKVITito" rKSCrKPK, ' Proprietor. illUHNATIONAl. HOTEL, MILLSH FARM, PA. AJll.f B. ttOWK, . Prop- .nod aeromiiiodatlona for trnnaient ra.i..n...,.d - ho, ZuV"'Z' i j. ; - i"" . nB IIUUae anractlve to meat.. imne: JunuS if. TJiUON HOTEb. PIJtASANTVatR. PA TTita nnniw havinc recently neon fiiriilahed, 1 am i.nw prepared to areon and ro- jiiiriiianni, I am i.nw prepared to acoomamdate two hundred cileM eomfort.hl. 8t)tea hvet! thin hnuw ihreetlmea day forTl tM1lle There In Rloo a line of rilaexa to Plthola. Jn8-tf. THOH. McRlNNBT, Prop'r. pOX HOMtEtRAHirl.E ROOM, Fit ED. V. II YIE Proprl. lor. PLKASAVTVIl.tit!, PA., Frtin SV " U' r,,'",''',r,n W"irth. I'KTllOliEUM IIOllM;, OIL (ITV, PA. nat'ns recently tii'ion prameMlon of the ij,ive Ilouiie, we would mo- l renpettllilly Inform the trav '! imhllc that we propone o "keep a nolel,'1 nnd to convince them or the act. we nvlte all who wl-h the comfort, ot a home, to eal. uoftn na. tl will i, found The Hotel of tlie Oil Region!). Orlr Sample Room Reapplied with tho choicest Wlnoa, Uipioraand Clpira, and mirtalilo will In foilnd laden with the very beat the ireiket affords. There la connected with the House four Drat ctiuw i)!!,'.i.'!r? T5S1''0- A,f"' 1,"n,r SIP "n 'h it , I, ? ""i "Mivlnco youraelves ol the tiuthlulmWK of ou- H.Hc-llon. octo if JAm:s u. white. Oi I'. Stf10.DXOM, I'rotirietor of the Buffao Sakery. ' Dealer n choice Flour, Butter, Eggs and Cheese. Also, choice Uroccrlee, Petroleum Centre, Pa. ni'ti?61"," J"1 1,n pfomntly attended to, an Ghods dolivurul. Post office Box a3. my In. C. li. THOMPSON, M.:. Kci.r.fTK' pnv.1 K iAx. o. i, iM yoit vn(i::'e. (I I'-siHlrs) TlTXJfci VHjLE, 3? A or mm pituolb daily kkoojbj PA., THURSDAY EVENING. AUGUST 19- 7869. ai;i:ms wamid i CHAMliBRLAIM'H FOR TH PEOPLE, lontalnlnu fall lnitnictloni nnd Pmetlenl nrma. YJ ndiiotod to eery kind uf bn!iiiMn, nnd to all the niHieav, too t uiun. Bv FIIANKUN OHAT.tBKnUN, Of the United Krihiiallai'. "TluTe i no I nnk of the kind whi.h will tnko rank v:ith t for anth' ntlcjtv, inteltiifeiic1, nnd complete iu. "Spriiinfirtd Mam.) ItrlivMLian. ThH !h the o.il.y new hook of the kind pelitistinil ''or nnin v year;. It. in prepared livan ahle pmrtieal I" ,v r, of -'ii year' expnritncp, niid Is just what ov er vhoily iH-e'ln for iliiil v np. It i-. liiu'Iity recotnnithOi'd hyinniiyemliient jndep, im-hifiiii;.' the ehiel n.tlee nnd other jevltn's of Mann, .'iclinfoii-, nnd tin: cliiuf ju. lee and entire bench of L'oillieftient Sold cm.k hv anhniTlptinn Au'ents wanted ev erywliere Send for clrchlnr. (). 1). (' ISE CO.. pnhlinh.iivi, Hnrtford, Conn.; No. 1 Hpruee t , N. Y il.'.ncluiiall, 0.,und Cliluigo, CAUTION. n,A.V' old liw-look, pub- IDflDV blirM ft'rii ft !) Ian f-diifiHtml I lull wtirk Willi C:iitmfliHi. l.iiw Koukfnr I lie Vn, el. umr&Ww. CHAMPION REAMER ! We (U'siie to infoi-m Oil Oyy enit'ors anl the public generally that we are preparetl to receive orders for our Clianipion bix 'J'liis is without Cutter ReatiK r. doubt the most-pm-fuct.. tool. for .., : i.i...i i , iaiuiiiy uiiu nas ever ueen in troduced. Give iw a call I Flslier, on1s & Vo, FURNITURE! W. W. KXJSS 'lit Din tnt) nrl Mt TITUSVlU.lj. A. lipoito Herald Offlce) Wou'd invite n' o d patron itnd tho public gener ally to call ninl examine hi SPLENDID SP3IN3 ST0 ,K OF FURWIIURE Cr ALL KIVDS. i Purlor S.iils. Clutniliei' Sol-, II. ki hoinils, liuiiK"s, C.upctKi Mirroi acrlinien of rurnMnr '. plnln and Teriiiy re'isoimhl . Cnses. 8i-li". I anil eery do Ailiiittialilo. jtllitlH. A. jiom ; -jji tl,. k ,nli of von notice '. at t,. M:W Kl.(l II AM) FKKI) x'l'OKf! AN'i' M I t'U., whciv ih:im lh iiiw.-ivs ii ni.H i .mi . oi ,rt. M i:ir IVUI lf A MA retdy to show their customers their larf Fl.dt'lt, HAY. ami all kinds or FK8 place also where may he t of Slid the Inri'o assortment or flr.it-rlasa BOT'OII AND il UXtfKU I.UMBKH, LATH, MIIMU,IC-. Jtt" it:he VUI7 lowest eui-h prices Those wlm are nut" DEAD .'n their nun imprest, and wi'h to deal with men hit do hunm 48 onlhe square. Kill rind it tn their internet tu give call betere piirchnslng else wliorcj and tee what wo can do for yuii iisr our linn of Inlifiifw. JT AM Orclerf and lonmitf Petroleum Centre, Pa. RECORD- ML OPKKVTOKS Can always find the genuine Plymouth Caih.fs and New York Belting Cos Boltinr and llnblier Goods, both of which are acknowledged to be unsur passed in quality and manufac ture. Of Well Fui Goods, we have the largest as sortment in the Oil Region, and e.i.j reii r to our customers for evidence that we keep nothing but the best of goodsi F. W. AMES, HAUmVAUfi I1SALJER, 'ITI IJSVILLE, PA. mays 6tn FOUND. AT the VARIETY STORE ot J. "W IBeatty, A largo n'sortinent of Fire Works, CnnsfsMnjr of nag, uncKPta. Ilotnnn C.lipllra, Minea, also, Cbolcn CoejHotloiicrv, Frpils, Toys, Soil Water, and tho BEST IE REARS IN TOWN. Give DIB a cull, second door to Opera House, Wittthmgton Street, Petroleum centre, penn J. W. Beatty. Jnmtr. Pianos ! Pianos ! l )R(.I imowv Maniiraetiirnis, JAMESTOWN, N. V. Also, cx c';i . Aeenta for tilt ESTtv COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLKSALI! DEALERS AN!) In RKTAIL Shm Music. Siiuji A:c t"y"ri"ii'J f.r Illustrated Cuialonne and price list flAOKilI limiWN, 41 Muln Stteet Factory Brooklvr "Warereoni Hioek, lout uf .Maili-St maysn-tr I9IIAM A CO., War iitiak i s & .Ji wru its, IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH. JNGTON STREET, PA., Rerp construtty on band a large aFsnrtiuent ot WATCH EH. . JKWKLHV. 1'IHTOI.S, 1IKVOI.VEHS. l-isiiifff) TACKLE Cartrld's,Ac.. nnd will sell nt eastern prices. watch work waiuniud ttuive sjitisractiini. J". C3-. OGDE3ST, flcir m mm storii, .o. :s7 ci:.tiik.st.,- OH. PITV, "A. T iiols tlie l'st, est iMVl'ini.,,.' ,.r ,i. 11. ., 1.. .u. (HI If.ei'ion. Fiouraiid 1 ei d n,M hi uf,.,l f.....'.i m ii suit '-li'. i&Ci&. WKEK.'-Y. 1 D IVSOI.LTIUN. i'llC COfiart IPrwIlIll hriornrn nClAllnr nnA. kA llrni mime of Wacliter A Co.,. la dlwolved, and a'l piiriles lndebl.il to the tlrin, are ronueiited to aettle at the old mand, Hons Vnrnt, or at Pot. Centre, oppo site the brick hank. JulS4tf 11. 0. w' IISSII U 0HKIS, GENERAL MACHINISTS, ' - and boaters in all l;ii.d:i i,f WEOiLTOobeV HXTlItES Neeeanary for putting Hiiwn nnd oemlln(r Oil H ella. in toimei tlon with our MACillNfc ilul' we have a large and cotivenieut BLACKSMitH SlioP. Our facilltlea for MANUFACJOHINQ aranot ejt-' ceiled hy any Bhop in the Oil Hcgioni'. Shop-3Iain-3t,opjioaite SlcUUhtoric Boh t mv47 tf FISIJUH A N'oaltw. camkokma; wheat fields and stock ran- Cf1?r:' M"nchn or Farma fnr.aale. thronijh out CAI.IKOKN1A. in tracta or tine llundred Acrea np in Twenty Thousand. Terms to suit pur cliaw-ra. These lands will fmw Thlrtv-rlve to Fifty Bushels of Wheat to the Aere, with ordinary mrm. in", and a Volunteer Crop of Twonty-Hvc Whole per Acre. iy Correspondence Solicited. Address nKVKY MeKENTY. llmler in Ileal Kstnta, oillco 304 Mon iimn nyHiree !) unFrauvciao ot'al. RAILROADS. B tlFl'ALO, OfinV HITTMUUHU RAILROAD TiME TABLE. Takes effect Mondn", Noxejiiher)U lttiS. worth wa nn. Accomniodstioll liwvea Corrv ft.ftn.P-.il P1wtn. 4. 6 : Panama 4,15; Hhcnuan 4,2; Summit A.nu p. j Mayvlllo 6.5o arriving nt Imn tortl.oor. r- Express train le.-ives Corrv1i.au ,.Jt ; Clyo erl'15 Pana'i a lo.lo ; Mherinan l'Viij Siitii.nii 10,60 ;Juy ville !1,lo, and nrrives nt Hroeton Itl, 0 x. I'M lenvos Oorry 1,1ft p. m., siopplnir at all sta tions, arnvlng at ltrorton 4,50 r. M soutiiwaho. . . Mail trnln leaves Brocton at u.no M.,stopplne at sll atntinns, arrives at Oorry at lS.afi r. n. . Kxpi oss loaves Brocton at a,85 r. .Mnjrvtlla S,J; summit 8,4'- Wennan4.iM); Panama 4. t tlynier 4,HS. and a Tlvinft at Oorry at 6.00 r. 11. Accomodution ltsvs Brocton Loop, m., Mny-. vlllo 8,1(1. Snnimlt 8.4o, Sherni in fi.Ki, Piuinmn ,30f Clymor ,4r,.nrrlvlii( at Cony at lo.lo r. at. coanECTlnNS Passci pers lr 1 va BufTalo en the Toledo . Express nr Imv Kxerass. e.,i,..ilnr ltnu.., Mit. ..... for MainlJa, Shennan. Panama. Clymer nnd Oorry; Connoetlnir kt Cnr-pv with twin. .d. ti... ikti A' Oil City nnd Pfttsbmsh ' Also, connlietinfr nt Itorrv wilt, trtitn. on tho 121.11. sdelphl A Kile Koad, for Philadelphia and Harris. "u.s, .no on me Mianttc and lire Wuatirn hall, S!1'' fo"' ,r,"loni Miadvllle, Greenvillo, Pa., ,mcT VI nrren, Ohio, nnd Jamestown and Hniidi Iph.N.Y. Traina leaving OH City at 4,16 a,' m., Cprrv a ,ain. m, eonnectir.a at Brocton with train on & a E. H. K.. arriving in Buffalo at S,lo ii. m. Ju'un" hSv,!"f " " I1'' W' connect with Mail Train leaving Corry at 1,16 p. m., cob ?"ct,lni.w"n ;il",'"' Kt on H. A E K. It., arrlr1 leg in Butralo at two p. in. leaving Buffalo el 4.0i' p. in , arriving at Corrvnt ln.lo p. m Also, cnnr-ft at Wayvllle with Hisnlratsa' t hautaiinna Ijike dring season oj ii.mikiiiii Jnmestowu and Kmdelpl A. R. 'Itl W. Frtit ryvH'c, N Janl Get tho Soot. WcMer's MVM Dictionary. 8,0(10 EiigraviiiKxl 1 810 Png-ea Quarto' fllKJIC liIS. 10,000! .,.Til rfminiii,nof in.thtr DicUonar.irt Vlewrd as a wholo, we are confident that no mlim living ngae.l.a. .dUtlar.T which " hfiy ,S Vuarlo.-Chingn Evening Journal. . Til Smut UBtaaBsDn 1. . .. ' Jo'hi'ovSrS T."'"-""''''1" tavK InnThtai IMV HIT MB, IIHIflll ,t,,1 fii,nl.l.t. ., i FruiJmt Vs... Jorleullurnl v.);.-. -""' WEBRTPPj-.q ynAJ,J2KAL PICT0R'H DICTIONARY 1040 Puge Hcluvo. SOU KngraVln,..- il'Tl!,,, ".'1k.,," rL'f,',ly n tm " iiar'nst' the thi w ir iuc mllliu. -mrncen XdutiZl Mfminiy. "in mauy rc-j eels, this Dictionary talhe meet, nven.cnt ever . piih'l.hed. yjAi,r Oerni. .-is 11 manual or retere'i-n. It ls.inetlr nttrf for use in families and snnools '-v j- TVrta 'It Is altoirellier the best iroasury l words ufal.' i'llblielisd hv 0. C, MPR'tl W ''"l-1" i'riiigls'd, ''!':i l)II,V RKCOIjli I nieit.iiit, it, tint nil r'ri,,. hi sclrei'isii-' .......... . .. . lui o' our wr ttsa and eno- ken English ton-uc ,-Harp,rU Maga.in, pU These throe rmoks are the sum nltil of nnnl l,V )lA.'-ii. .(tie. 1 I ll"li-!'ll MO-winua-,1 ,' ((NH t's'lii','"