Petroleum Centre Daily Record. !(. Venire, Friday, Auk 13. Ji'. IA I, JMitor. ''line of f'lonlim mat In P. O., PETROLRm crania. Va., JUI.T WsT, lit i Until further notice tho mails will arrive at and depart from this ofllec an follows : Ar.atvi. tlonth mid Kiwt, via. Irvtneton, 10. W A. M. Kooth anil Wost, " Meadville, 5.1N 1". M. North and East, " Corry, M " t)EPAI!T. South and Wert, M6 A. 1M. Sontl Enst and WcH, S CO 1". M. North, Kant and Wed, 10.0) A. M. Itlvitie Nrrvlcco. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. rreachinsr. At 11 o'clock A. Mj, anil 7J o'clock r. M. Kbv. J. T. OxTonv, Pnstor. jUETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services every Subbnth at 11 A. M. nnd "7$ P. M. Sabbath School at 9' A. M. Scats free. A cordial invitation extend ed to all. Ret. C. M. IIbako, Pastor. -STS. PETER ANI) PAUL'S (Catbolt) CHURCH. Man at 10V a. ra. Vesper and Benodic'llon of tbo BlcsMd Sacrament at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2'p. m. JAMES DUNN. Tastor. Bufl'iilo claims 150,000 population. Ono hotel at Saratoga holds twenty. three millionaires. The journals of tbo day contain gloomy accounts of the Increase of crime. Tho opening of the Pucillc Railroad saves $500,000 on post-offico contracts. The latest dispatch states Vie New York Cent t til express robbers obtained $140,000. The marriage of the daughter of Prof. Ileatt, of Harvard University, to a son of Fred. Douglass, Is announced; and if Miss II. is satisfied, wo don't see why evorybody else should get In a beat about it. Brigbuin Young's lust proposition Is a legislative "stunner." Ho proposes to con fine himself to ono woman If every member of Congiess will do the same. A disunion from Buffalo last evening in forms us that tho ten thousand dollar race yesterday was won by Goldsmith in three straight heats. Time 2:19 2:1 2:10. Amerioan Girl 2nd, Palmer 3d. Hon. Hoscoe Cunkllng has beon Invited to delivor the opening address at the BuflUlo international fulr, and will probably accept. The Oil City Park Association holds its fall meeting oh August l"lh, and I8th. Large premiums are offered, and many fast horses aro expected. 4 Tom Sayors, eon of the pugilist, bas come out as a eotuio singer in London and sports bis father's fighting costume in Ibo music balls. . Nbw Stiiikb at Pakkeu's Lanuino. A now woll at Parker's Landing commenc d pumping on Saturday last, ilurting off at tbo rata, of twenty-flvo barrels. It is thought by experts to bo a pormanont well at the rale mentioned. The owners are Tbipp8 & Clawson, formerly of Franklin. The new ono dollar greenbacks which will lio out tbo 1st of September, will have a vig-ieltoof Washington and a representation of the discovery of America by Columbus on the face, instead of tho vignelto of Chief Justice Chase, as on tboso now in use.' Tho new two dollar notes will have a vignette of Jefferson and a view of tbo Capitol, in stead of tbo vignette of Franklin on tbo presnut one. TitAi.Ns Runninu Again on tub Oil Citv anu Pitiiolb Branch Railkoab. -The .road mining from Pitholo to Oloopolis, which was nearly obliterated by tbo recent llood, in uow in running order, and trains ro again running regularly. George V. Foreman, ot Oil City, is the Superintendent cf tbo work, aod for bis untiring energy in expediting tbo work, receives tbo thanks of the people. The repairs cost upward of $30,000. Returvkd Our townsman, J. C. Bump, after a sojourn of a few weeks at Bingham ton, N. Y., his home, returned lat evening. He was in tho midst of tho Albany uud Sus quehanna Railroad War, but owing to "cou toientious scruples" which enables him al ways to escapo duugor, rollieg from the itrif'u withouthout a scar (!) with tbo con sent of tho commanding oflioer, Fisk, Jr. tie reports tbo excitement at Binghamton, oad all along tbo Kile road, as intenso. The Ciuwford Journal has expei ieneed a rew c!,an of administration, Messis Ho', lister & Moteair giving pltico to C. V. Tyler Bud W. F. Challuut, as editors ami puMM Bbnetit to and riiti.i.ira Im mense Bll.T, To-MWIT 18 .VOM NTEKRS. Tho very boat bill of the season will be pre. sented this evening, at the Variety Theatre. Tho occasion is a benefit to our townsmen, Mike Buckley nnd Geo. D. Phillips. Sov eral residents of Petroleum Centre will up" pear upon tho stage In different characters, among whera aro Tom Snowdcn, Charley liannan, Geo. Phillips and srvcral others. The grand trial clog danro for a prize of a pair of Golden Leather Clogs, will bo par ticipated in by 18 clog dancers, the trial be ing open to tho field. The two old sports, Howard & Cooban, will also appear, to gether with the entire Varioty Troupe. To night Is the time to visit the Variety Thea tre, to witness the sport. Buckley and Phillips will ho on hand, and all who desiro to see the fun will go early. Give the boys a rousing benefit to-night. Put. Centiik, Aug. 12, '00. Mr. Entron: Having noticed an article in your paper of yesterday, concerning the complimentary benefit of Howard it Cooban, at tbo Variety Theatre, wo tbo undersigned return our siucero thanks to you, Mr. Editou and tho citizens of Petroleum Centro. Wo appear again on Friday evening, August 13, by request, togother with the full company, when we will be happy to sue all. Yours truly, Frank Howard. Frank Cooban. The following ollicors have recently been Installed in tho I. O. of G. T. of this place; W. C. T., Geo. P. France; W. V. T., Miss Northrup; W. S., Mrs. A. V. Ledgard; W. F. S., B. H. Northrup;. W. T., Miss Jennie Mupos; W. C, Rev. C. M. Hoard; W. M., S. M. Ross; W. I. G., Mian Jennie Braddock; W. O. G., Wm. Connors; W. A. S E. W. Codington; W. D. !., Miss Lib- bie Sage; AY. R. S., Miffl S. Peckttr; AV. L. S., Miss Flora Phillips. CoNROI.IO.vTto.N OF TI1K UlTKALO AND Erik, with the Michigan Suitiikkn and Lake Fiioiih Railroad. Tbo consolida tion of tho Buffalo and Krie Railroad Com pany with the already consolidated Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad was cousumated by a vote of tbo stock holders on Tuesday 43,339 shares against 81 in opposition. Buf. Express Pass Dim around. Tut) lirujkv.lle Republican says that a person named J. W. Stevens, hailing from Pittsburgh, has been playing Doctor In that place, and warns all persons against him y a consumate cheat, humliig and drunken traveling swindler. Ho is of low stature, dark complexion, and ill-favored. Ho don't pay the printer. bis bills. I itnl him on. Lust week a now well was tliuck on Hie Black farm, Big Bear creek, Butler county, two aud onu-half miles fiotn Parker's Land ing on the Allegheny river. It is proiluc Ing twenty-livo bairela a day. Extension of thk Jamkstown and F' It. R Tbo work on the lino o' the extension of this road is going vigorous, ly forward. Workmen are now busy get ting out nt,ona for tho bridgo at tbo mouth of French creek, which will bo a lino and substantial structure. It is intcudej to have tho extension in working order this year, and tho present vigorous efforts in dicato that it will bo dono. Venango Spec tator. .The Atlantics, of Brooklyn, boat tbo II iv. manors, of liansingburg, at" base ball at Saratoga on Monday by a scoro of 23 to 11. Gi:h club having now won a match, tbo rubber will be played soon. A very cool person was that English nob, who, in a ftighllul railway accident, missed his valet. One of the guards camn up and said : "My lord, we bavo found your ser vant, but ho Is cut in two." "Ah, is he?" said tho young man, wilh a Dundreary drawl, but with omo anxiety depicted on bicountenanco, "Will yon be to good as to epo in which halt he has tho key of my carpet bag." Particulars of thu Now York Central ex. pros lo'diory show that tbo robbers entored tho train at Fouda', and left it nt Bomo point unknown. Tho baggage man and messen gers were badly cut in tbo conflict, and cayenne pepper and chlorof'oim were thrown In their faces. The bnggago at Scbonecta- dy wad iiu.loubleilly delivered from tbo cats by the robbers. Tbo express safe was open eu, anu its contents tuken. Tho amount of tho loss in as yet unknown, though it is said to bo very heavy. Ladles: It is useless to roast yourselves over a bot Gro when all kinds of baking can be bought so cheap at A. M. SbnltB Variety Bakery. aupfldlw. A widow publiuistress was superseded l y u wounded soldier in thu village ot Sherman a short time sioco. when tbo Susan 1!. Anthony's of that plate in mighty iinliiiiiaiion, and denounced Congressman Sbuldou iu voiHiucul teiuis. TELEGRAPH KK1DHTBD FOlt THE DAILY ItECOUD, A Item mm l.$i.itclics Buffalo. N. Y.. Aug. 13. Miko McCoole, the noted pugilist, was attacked while unarmed yesterday, by Ed. Burns, a Chicago rough, and badly cut and beaten with brass knuckles. There Is great excitement among the sporting men In con sequence. McCoole has the sympathies of thu public. Biogbamjton, Aug' 13. General McQuade. Governor Hoffman' Superintendent of tho Albany & Susquehan na Railroad, arrived this morning from Albany, and took possession of the rond. On his way from llarnorevillc to the tunnel, 77 miles. General McQuado found it neces s:irv to travel in a cartiaeo, the rails hav ing been taken and their position altered during the recent controversy. The milita ry have been withdrawn and are now bore. Tho war is quite ended, but It is impossi ble to opon tbo road for travel tinder two or three days (ood Templar's Convention. At a meeting of Dolegates from tho Wa tcrford Union, Edinboro, Venango, Craw ford Crambridgo, Corry, and Mill Village on Thursday the 10th of tbis month, Dr. James F. Reed was cboson chairman aod W. E7. Rice, Secretaty. On motion, and after due deliberation, it was unanimously resolved to bold a Mass Convention of the order at Corry, on Sept. 10th, to begin at 10 o'clock a. m. of that day. On motion, a cordial and urgent invita tion was extended to all the lodges in Erie, Crawford, Vanango and Warren counties of Pa., and of Chautauqua Co., N. Y., to nutet at tbo coining convention in the great est strength possible. On motion it was carried that tho vari ous Lodges Bhould appear in the usua regalia. Necessary committets were selected to push tMs movement forward and it is con fidently expected that the most favorable terms of conveyance will be kindly granted by the proper authorities of the railroad companies. Good Templars' let us mako the coming Convention, a bright mark of honor In our favor, wo can if we will. By order f Com. The town of Lynchburg, Va. , was estab lished in 1T85 by an Irish emigrant of the namo ol Lynch. Tbo term "Lynch low" was derived from bis brother, a hot-tempered Irishman, who was a colonel in tho rev olutionary war, and who was In tho habit of dealing summarily with tho tories and desperadoes who infestod tbis part of the country. Mr. Wirt, in his ' Life of Ilenry," says: -In 1793, there wore many suits on the south side ot Jamoj river, for iollicittig Lyncb'a Law." A gentleman who has tried il, and is wil ling to swear that it is just us ho suys, in forms us that tho best Uy killer in the world is a tumbler of whhky, sugar and water. They will gather about it in swarxs, drink it very greo.lily, get drunk instantly, tum ble in hoad over heels immediately, and die in a jiffy. Our informant states that this will kill tho pests ten limes quicker than the lightning Hy-U tik-r, and ten times more of them than tbo old fashioned leap of mo lasses and water. It won't cost much to try it, and there's lots of flies to experiment on now. The Great Wiiiskt Fikb in Puiladcl-1-iilA. The Philadelphia Bulletin has a theory as to tho cause of this sad catastro phe, involving the loss cf millions of dollars which ' thus set fortb : Section II. of the block was filled with whisky. By tho application of a uniform heat, supplied by a boiler In tho cellar, the quality of tho liquor is Improved; Ihe bar rels have their bungs removed to facilitate tho process, and. tho exhalations from tbo open barrels fill the air with an inflamma ble compound. Then thn floors appear to bo overloaded, and finally to have given way under the excessive pressure precipi tating the open whisky barrels to Ifo lower floors and basement, and bringing tbo cam bustiblo liquid Into contact with tbo boiler fire. A fearful explosion was thn immcdi. sto result, and tho shattered building and its contouta woru at onco involved in a con flagration. Tile UufTa'o Commercial says : "The pen. plo of Uochoster don't do tench of anything now but wait fur tho blooming of tho 'con. tury plant,' which it is confidently expect ed, will tuko placo soma tlmo boforolSG!), Meantime, they keep paying their money aud going in to sou tbo wonderful 'yarb." A sharp newsboy ot Columbus arranged some scraps of tin, uicoly blacked, on Sat unluy, und gulled a f couple f sirungers by getting five cents a piece for them, i'iiey icl and tUl tl:i cl'i be was ttlul. CANDIDACY ANNO! 'KCEJIEST. I'ltOTIlONOTAHY. ' n FriTor rirnse nnnenrrellic nnmeof Tuost as Hi sAi-.iiY. of a oiiidx'-'i; Tor lTiitlinnalK'-v of Venanan Comity, subject to the unicih of lli Democratic party. OOi'NTY TnnAsrttEit. Mn FniToS! I'lnnse announce the name of A. .1. Keeiian as a candidate fur County Tri-nsurcr, .ab ject to the usaaw of ,hcI,',mo,Af "JIZKNS. liocnl .otW. white i.itii: A fresh mpply. Jut received at K. K. Pislicrs Ding Store. CmvKasiTt ov Miouioa. 1 Ann Arbor, Sept. 18, 186.1. 1 Uava examined the Universal Bath, so called, patented by Mr. K. J Knowllon, of Ami Arbor. Mich. It Is both slmplo nml Ingenious, and etcecd Inply eanvenient With almost no trouble, a pornon with one of them can enjoy all the benefit i ana lux nry ot a bath-not. confined to a Imth room hut wherever a nrson wIshtKi to me It. But litt le water reonircd anil It is easily emptied, ana wuen nm In iwc, It may be bang against the wall, occupying but little space, with this ingenious arrangement, I do not see why every family may not practice cleanliness, which la next to (codllncts, una enjoy the InTigorotlon and pleasure of a daily bath. . E. O. HAVEN, President of Michigan Cnlverslty. Aniiiuwa, 3. M. JOHNSON, P. O, Box Ml, niigikllw. Tlnnvllle, Pa. KEEP COO I, By purchasing one of thoso UKFltlGEKATORS at the Furniture Store. I so IIorrlon' Genuine Pino Tar und Persian Hoallnpt Soaps. Theso soaps are impregnated with exotica of tho mildest and most Balsamic natnre, and nro warrant ed tiorfecllv lnnoient and free from mil cral and oth or pornicions admixtures, and ar selected by tho ladies and tho public in general in preiiret ce to all other loans, as the great prodneers and preserve or a lualtliy.purity of complexion, and a conservator of femafe beauty. F. the softness and delicacy whieh they induco to the hands and face, their cipa hlU'.y of soothing Irritation and r-morlng unslithlly eruptions, rendar Ihcm Inillspenslblc to every toil et. We kindly ask the public to try the virtues of these smna. 3- I II. Al-o., Proprieters. A. D. Miller ft Co , General Aitcnts. jnl22 3in. Hardware A iarso assortment of which is lining closed out nt rodnced rates at liEYNOLB BKODMEAD CIVS, No. 11 Centre 81-, opposite the Post Office, f H City, Pa. .cv Flour, Feed and Grocery Store ! .T. S. PIC at lint, At the OLD BASK BUILDING, ON M.UV-ST. opposite the McCilntock Ilonse, has on band n lurgo ami n:?t class stork of Flour, feed and Croeerlos, whleli he Is selling at a low figure. Hunt forgot the placo wl ere A. T. Cotton Company broke up. Janl-tf. All Pnillcs, Wicklies at d Magazines at llULMl'.S FA.KNS WORTH'S News lioom. For STATION KKY, In, call at II OlMKrt A FAHNSWOHTU'S News ltoom. All n. . limits rot settled Immediately, will be left with an olrlccr for collection. Apr H (f . REYNOLDS A CO. Special Notice. W. UK? OF WISDOM for young men, on the Fn'.!'!?: I' -inn in Youth and Ear'y Manno.!, with StLF 1IKLP forth cWn said unfortunate, gen In sealtd lettor enolo;H. free of chance. Ad.lrosa, UOWAKD ASSOCIATION B .x P, PutLADElfAiA Va. May 34, 3ni Craclfi'v-For all lilnlsuo to ItRYM ILDS BUOD1IK.VV) CO'S, No. 11 CentM :llreot, oppo tlte tha Po.'t ()., Oil City, Pa. Tvy our'Xavy Tobacco. We know it la the host in the marlu t. W. II. NICHOLSON & Co. i'ttrpeti, u wty quality and description, at REYNOLD!:, IIHOIMK D A (JO'S, No. 11 Contte. etroct. nfi polte tho P . O., Oil Wty, Pa. A new lut of the celeb atod received at the I. X. L. Knives Jnst POST OFFICE, B1HDS JAVA. SIM KHOWS, CANWUV, GElt MAN, at A. O. MILLS I & CO. The vi-ry basl pi'-Uo'.;Cittlery Rafirs anl Sol, sois all warranted at W. II. NICHOLSON'S. luzed Oil Cloth CrtnUiat AD MLLKU&CO UAI.I, PtPEKI Just received a lnrite stook of Sprinij patterns, a n. C. JAKYIS FUKNITURB STOIIrt. ,n?.k A. D. MILLER Jt CO., have tho ajrencn of Ihe American Whip Co., and Western Whip Co.' Ci irs, at vliolesala pricee. UA!,I, TKIKKIJ he KKClllill OVVU: ;ot tip in STYLE at The En -st P! I..IC0-) at . U. NICHOLSON ft CO 'S. BAUK II.ML BATS W. II. Nluiolsou ft ' nd COUB BOOKS, at NEW ADVEKTISEMENTS. 7iC 11 BALE ! 'Ihe Hock of hiiildinji formerly owned by Goodman, No. 23 and 21 Washington street, la ottiired for sale. sini'ly or t,iL-tt!ier. Inquire of O- F. tocUonblem; I. uoinre, Ally l.i, tti. tr. Vnr:u, on i tiijed ly, Angli c 4tli, n rt'd cw with white h)ut on IViriliPad, with one nr i-iit, ha; four fvei will rnurn unit! row, or uive inlurmntion where eLe u-.ty tVund, will bo Hlirratiy rtwnrUetl. 1 IIAHLK8 IHJltN, - lurr ruu i. w., or .mvc tu-.o:'Tv.H::fii -u iht. Record t'ilne, au(,'13Kt nTK.tVDD Oil STOI-bJi r7m Ilio ("tevenwn Farm Oman Oil Company's eihblo. on Hiimlay nfm won, Sill Inst., ono imm ! iv Ho ", blind In one eye ; one Dark Hay Marc, irir on nil hip rawed by a kick, while spot "J he , a Id l.o'l. of l'.em heavy drntnrht '.. y erw.a reliirnlni's-ild heros, fir uivlnn Inlonnatiii i Ke they may no lound, wlH.hj auulOdir, ftnit. Stuviinsoii Farm. Universal Bath ! OE RUBBER BATHING TUB. X amo or parlies "o nave pun.-nam.-u .. luiuv 1 sal Bath. . ETUOt.MTM CKNTKB: W II lnpveii, iiaviu iinev. It II NarL-nt. 1. 1' Walk!,', llbero"";. Ja. BMcCVay, Wm J NcCray, It iv H ..r... e..ry Lelire, O N llane. .T Wanihaiiirh- T,K FAUM . J P Barcron. A C '! TAliK FAUM : .! Beers, EW HaVker T W Donbleday. A B Brown. T 4 N.j -Imrliam. HKtiS FAUM: M t lies.- Alwut loi.y mtterem pariies. , V, , C. bVLi,.' t w H..n,lerson. Chi les Gardner, Col j S Warner, and a uiimber of other parties to nil niereus to mention. Til E Universal Bflfi is convertible into six nit fe,ent tv'.s. vlr : A fli" lenelh tioiiy oatn, a cnua bath, ml'aiifs bath. Unit batb, flat ootiom tut lor sponge or towel hath. 1 ...... ... . i . i. . . . Any partv des rind tnc i uiti-t ..h, .... ..u tnlti ene during Hi" next two weeks, by limMiia; an ornoT with Mr. .lolm W. Spencer, nt J. M. Mam hangh's ofllec, or by nddrcs.iiUK mo nt Tilusville. P. O. Box 881. JonAW' augfiiW. FIFE CUTTIN3. TINWARE. 0 I 3 o W To be Drawn by A VAT.UAIIfiE STORE: A IV I) OTHER ARTIt'IiES. prciitmc4 to dip pone of hUprom? X l?ei and pci'mma! property hi Ldtrwy, lniw lilt; l uvKit piyce nt lilH Mtnri nn tn 1 1 oh iarttl on what in known as the Wwrxoii Tract, on Wednesday, Sept. Ut, 1869 Th followini;aiiicI(are among the mott valuabla onps 10 pe (Espo&eu 01 : 1 Store, valued, 1 Cow, " 1 " 1 Watch, " $800 65 60 55 40 25 L5 Each 1 7 Watches, " 1 Show Case, " 15 Show Case, " 1 Migar s 1 Violin, 15 100 other valuable ai'ticlep, from $1 to $15. mnjoritv of tbo t'eket holders will decide tho manner of drawlnn. TICK KTS (111 E. II. Huntley. anrild. L OST I Ou Tueiday. July S3, Ibo mbscrlptlon IH for the Vt ai-hiuiuon Street plnuk road. Any one Undine lilt) f-auic will plwiM, leuvu it at this oiUco. UiUltl'. IJIANO. A ro- d necotid blind I'liino fomalechenp at the ( i-iiiiiil lluni-u. Apply eilrly. 'lOISIIAM ft C O S lor your Cartridge.