o Bis is the Only WHITE CLOTHING STORE in Petroleum Centre. o O o Our Stock of Fu-st Class Clothing is Complete ! Punama and Straw Hats of Every Style, COLLARS, NECK-TIBS, UXDEIl CLOTHING, WHITE SHIRTS, and Everything for Men's Wcnr. All of which e will aell 40 Per Cent Cheapen tlian any Boston or Buffalo One-Horse concern dare soli. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES, Jane 24, 1888. DRUGS AND DRUGS 1 MEDICINES J. H. DEALER III DRUGS, MEDICINES' Oil Paints "Varnishes, Grass, Putty Soaps, Dye Stuffs, Fancy and Toilet Articles. ALL KINDS OP PATENT MED3GJNE3. PURE WINES L QUOF1S ! 8ELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. N. B. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours, r.t Washington-st., Petroleum Centre, fia. W Olva rati a cull Before pnrahwinc elvwtowa (Mylfttf) J. II. CHItls'J'IF. J. A. LOSEE MERCHANT TAIL COR. FRANKLIN & SPRING STS., TITUSVH.LE, PA. extensive Assortment of Foreign and Domestic CLOTHS and CASSIMERES, Which I am prepared to Make up to Order on Short Notice ! RAWRflMfWIAfl BKICB Sc BOND'S Variety Theatre. Fetroleam Centre, - Peun. R. E-DWAHDS, Manager. B11ICE BOND, Proprietors. FUM WITHOUT VULGARITY I MllU'H AND nueic GIV9 OF MINSTRELSY! NEW ANU FANCIFUL KO-MI KA LI TI BS flTUI'tlNDOllS AND UNEQITAI.Kl) l'BHFORMANCES TIIIflREAT FKMALE MINSTRKLS, IN NEW 80N08 AND DANCKS ib" ALL NATIONS CIlAMl'ION CI.OQ PAXClNd! ROAHINU COMIC SOKNEK IilQllFCNNl'TON JOI1NI mid IIL'ltr.KSQim OPERAS ANU SCiCAll!Nn if AKl Br. Admissiuu, 20 L'U. Resorvod Seats, 00 Cl. Doonopcn at 7, curtain rion at 8 o'clock pteelsel' julixtf. Look out for now novoltlcn Notici. All persons iudubled to us will pieaao call and settle, as all account mum be closed up within twenly days. A. D. MILLER .t CO. July 1G, '09. tf. lAJIHKUS & ALULA. MEDICINES. OHEISTIE, MtA&AttWlitffi! imc.'tl. C II. WILLIAMS, COAL I T II A V It opened a Coal Yard tit tho cud of th 1 lfoyd t:rw Bridiie, wliorc wUlb-jcouslaDtlv ken it Ktuua ui STEAM AND STOVE COAL Town coining to my yard for Coal, will ltfiTa Free Panwasfl Over tlte Creek OPERATORS Wonld do wrll to en.iulrn At Hiu ofllec, uutl mil ilnd it t" thair advantage deal wiAli nve J'vanlonm tvntre, i n. )liAK ltAI NOTICE t There will l,o a mnclin on Mendiiv. August l',tli, 18SM, in tlxi ottir. ol' WillluiiH. ,t Co., ,vr the punt otllce. Oil l ' i t y . ofllu (nmrnU-iunt'r n py,.,1 nt i'-t 1y ntt'oijl Act ,if !.ci;ihitiirf, l,, njicn lj,,i'iii mij ivt.civ? cl!.crialious to lln. (.-tlitilJil r-lu:i; ol' u,,; i)A Crack 1'laiiW iiouti Cunt puny. nt. . i:i::ii.., ,1. M. S,,,i, Kid lll't-t-. J. 1. r..,,-. A V. lii i v O.l c Hv. Ju'v '''' . : the on, miiiii is. Omci ok Tub Pbt'.m Ckxtiib Iaii.t Rkcohiv omi. S 2. 'J y FfcTKULKUM CfiTUK, All". Tbe maikct opcnei fitmcr with eomo demand at $5,G0, but liter In 'the day bo catne more quiet and mil. 85.60 was tbe highest offered at the clue. No gales. Shipments 1,000 bhls. petkoeecm fJAiti(i;iM..iiy tii i:i;iiafii. Special Dispatches to tie Dully Kecord. PlTTStfltCH, Allg. !. Spot 14?.,' First water, l-l 'fo? . S. O. all the year MVfrt'.J. R. O. all the year 1C to Aiie. . S 0 July. Market Dull. PuiLAULlPllIA, Aug. 9. Spot 31;'. July, - ti August. ;2rtl. Sept. 32.f33. Linos. Oct ,fc Dec. - Crinln 17 to Market quiet. Ne" Yoiik, Aug. Refined. 32(&V4'. Crude. 1701. Market Dull. LlVKHprioi., Ang. 9, 4 p. m. Refined lflll. Spirits. 7(1 London, Aug 9. 2 p. m. Refine,!, 10. Crr.ile Spirits A.VTWKitP, Aug 9 Crnde oijd. London, 5 p.m., Aug 2. Ref'ned 18 v. 5; tit's 7. AKTWEBr, 5 . in. Aug 2. Crud SO!'' WcHCeru I ::lou c.iao Market Kc port. New York. Aug 9. Crude, 17. '('. Bbls. iifllncd. 3274!;r. Aug. (a1 Spt. Market Quint. Pillsbuiyh, Aug ?l Spot 1 . Itiirkei Jull. l'liiladelphia, Aug 9. Crude 17. I', L. S. to U, 81; S. W. SI'.'. Market -Quiet. I'lONing ftcw lorn, itlnrltet. New York, July 29, 5 p. m. Crude 17VC'?'J. Refined 32i((32!.C Market Quiet." r.oLu i. r:w yohk. Kkw Yokk, Aug 9. Gold 3P K. HENRY E. WHIG LEY, CIVIL ENIXEEH AN SURVEYO 11 , HKKALl) HLOCK TITI'SVIM.E, ... I'A. Surveys or Level Map3, Tracings, Building Plans, and Patent Drawings. ON H AND, A lotpo sleek of his poaionod and painted Lease Stakes, OF LARGE SIZE, AND WITH i ' PAINTED NUMBERS, Which are lioitiguiiivfr.-ally lined THE HEW MAI' ItF THE ENTIRE OIL liEGION IS IAK.HH, POCKKT FOKM, 18. ON ItOLLEHS f la jiml5:2w. f. .i. n & ah, MACHINE & BOILER SHOP WAsmxr.To.v sr.. fk- TliOLiEVM t'EXTKE, I'a. ROiLEIvd AND EXCISES R El' AIRED AT SliORT NOTICE. A'.! tivU of V;lc)iilif Ufrk tl.u ,rompty and v.K'.rfcnii't! l-j irivo ijniiMacpiuit. ;:;.V U" E. . HAN.VA CI OST ! On Teid:iv. !' V 50. tint Puli.MM.tion li-l fcr I'm .ihili Mnti lr,-i-l tjl.uilv in;ti Any otioiiii.ltt,:' Ihc f.U.V KV.l Jlll-aro lKlV.! il III lU'.tl .&. lulill l , V ti.,i K II. . W in ii, tli.i d I Mtule, of ISIIAM J l.e BEMOVAB OF JOHN J. CARTER. OPPOSITE COXIXSFTHIA3SF HALL, TITUSVILLE, : IPA.-,, Whore tlKf p.ilrons of the houft' will meet wi'tn all the courtesy charafitoristie of the establishment. A complete as9orttneut of l.lnoit V.iwln .last lS;M-tTeI, White Inok 8oit, Lntc( Style, Drown Uuok Sntts la threat V a rely, Lhinn Saolm fat Erry Style A Splendid Assortment of CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, Tlie larpsst in the Oil Kegien. The custom department is pre sided over by one of the best and Most Fashion able Cutters m the State. OFFERED AT G-reaUy Reduced Prices ! For the Next Ninety Days, to enable the Proprietor to open h 2.TII1W STORE, In course of Construction on the lot lately occupied by him, cor ner of Spring and Franklin Streets. llemember th:it the stock of HATS ANU CAPS. Is large : and that such another assortment of F IT P, S" I S I I Was never before qresented S. S. G-riswold, Dciiltir iu J" OrTS liy the Car or Ton prour, Uy Killed Alo, Aqit fr Die peJtl.mfc.il KEEIi RIBUFi COAL! OFFICE on Seeind flrect, near K K. Truck PETROLEl'M CENTRE, I'A. JauS4 tf. CItAiVE & TIIAC'KEH 134 maiden S ane, N. commission mam are now proimn d to rei'el.o on CommiKion and lnauP l.lbfrul Auvnurcs in m-imonj .tuu x..jvib both Cmtlo and Kenutd JH. OIL VITRIOL. (!JM.'B, TIIAtiKKU V Co., rU'lKOLIXM CKM'Kli, PA , Kpi'p on Imnri OIL VITRIOL. l!Ll, K A WHITE PAINT, CAUSTIC. SODA and Ll.K. Ar-,vr..mndtom:,l.oliVl durouat to lier-r,; lor CA.-II, and will uot be undersold in any ul 'tin1 at" .vi :trticli'3. juitelS tf. CHAM!, THAAKER A Oi. AUG, 55R3Qf&, MERCHANT J. llisscirs lM(n-k, iUi City, Has Just rccalvod a Ik a.i4tniLCt of NKW mm & apMiBXNDS Of lt IjUcet VarU, London, and New Tjrk Faah ious, cuniiliring ti. jut CLOTHS of ill eolois, KIOTCll GOODS ot all Khn&tm, IXJH-SKINri, TRICOTS, VEaTIXCS, CASSIMEREH, Ac it, 1 all ri'-rfcl liiM't in a t-'lJt.lC,';.i!K 'I'MiJoriag Etjnb I;sfn:iCi:l. 'I ri nil, Value. 3'lno VCnito fthirtK, I.Ii.en Kiid rier 'olliiir., tlo.e, t 'idi'irl.tMiliiz, Ni;liivs, and .'! ,1,rvlit,m if I'l'ilhini lil.l.lo ,."nn ,'i r.o kin iMi. i :i h !i4. '" i ;t ,;r-:. "li, ! Ill tlif K". i 1 t-ATU'FACXION Ci UAI' '. N I J',1'"- 1 1ST Gr GOODS to the jwblic inTitusville, ttK GREAT BAit5AlN3 IN Pianos and Organs. -"-r 5tf . TDK GREATEST BAR(r.MX3 IN T! "i.NC, FORTES AVD ORGANS THAT HAVR EVEiv BE EN OF FERED TOTHE PlTJI.n. Tarn flolhnu for cash for a ti w dff onlv. Pluttes ami Origan fldd ft i ihe li-pt to -k nf in uriimints In therititi'd Sin "s. u faper e.otit. Icon than imnufaei.ire; ' t 'e. s. Tli. jiti'tlic rtn1 n"iteil to mil at d lie iii in liif.l t 8m nlVi'rin Itfitir lftiei"fl than ran l lir d t .ruher Everjf iiisttiiment warrnnte'' to tfvf saijf'-ictioit. riANl) STOOLS, SIT AI. e. Centre at., Oil City. I'a. N. E. SK J hTC the exolusi vc vent-: ."or tii litl t'nr AMtH:''AN 'HirAV. f.,r 11 f r.,' i:! f - " " B r(!ri.,hl,.ur ucneii iiMii ilinenbt, art li,i oloia. ti. W. t NfiV STORM 'IMin nti'lfTiiinnoil ttavliip tlin d nn ". ew oa 1. wisiiuvron ni:i;i)jiu Petroleum Centre, I now prepared tn furnish hi nitiv,imn wit if- tu-ythiu iu tha honaa fnniihin i:ti. SlorPanl Tin wain, li a u tenia,. Fanrv Art i?r, , JMsnzJlxjuf I'rex aniS Ja.,'iii'f Wire,. Also a !iitr,i r-tKH-'u. ol Brjua .V Iron l'iiHi.i l.UM. risvi:i AM ir-iMI' I '' KI-i I.-.! LKATIIKH, .ir , l ilt I 'M.' rniN a.-.ij N 1 1 V : IT Y t '1 .( IT i : K3 W 11 1 NH F, H, WA'l'hK OK'LIiifSolu.l M.ES. ' All Job Work promptly atten- tied to Willi iif'aiLa an.i oirs patch. Pariicnlar atuutl.ion pria to (iji.s and wtorin F'ltii;, he;: ii!a(i:ts Fitting jMiuliiiie n;'i excelled iu tlie Oil liiwU : cutting (Jos Pipe. I JAMES RUTHERFOr.. i i. mi (' Mr., .h.'y ism -ti 3 ' " 1-llA'l A. 1 1