The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 09, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pet. Centre, Blondny, Aug 0.
Ttoio of C'looliiR ra n i I .
I. O., Petrolkxim CrsTnt. P , I
JOLI 9T, 181VS. i
L'tl farther notice the malls will arrive at and
dopart from this ofUee as followa:
8tmth mid Erwt, via. Inrineton, 10.S8 A. M.
South and Waft, Meodvtlfc, 5. 18 P. M.
North and East, Oorry, .55 ' . '
South and Wort, 8.46 A. M.
Souta. Kast and West, S 80 P. 3d.
North, MM. ami West, 10.00 A. M.
IHvIno Nervires.
Prrncbtn? at 11 o'clock A. M., and V-Z
o'clock P. M. f
Et. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor.
methopist EnscoPAL cnuRcn.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
l)i P. M. Sabbath Pcbool at9 A. M.
Seats free. A cordial Invitation extend
ed to all.
Kkv. C. M. Beard, Pastor.
STS. PETER .ND PAUL'S (Catholie)
Mom at 10 a. m.
Yesjier and Benediction of the,' Blessed
Sacmmnot at 4 p. m.
Cateoblsm at 2 p. m.
A now bridge to crost the Allegheny Scrubgrags, la talked of.
Tbe most popular Ben about town In 'Ben
rlne,' he U a near relative ofOna Bendor.
A little girl in Cleveland while asleep
had both her little toes entirely bitten off
by rat".
It la a great waste of raw materials to
put ten dollars' worth of beaver on ten
cents' worth of brains.
The fall meeting of tbe Corry Driving
Park Association will take place Sept. 1st,
m, una rremiums $i,kuu. uompc
titions open to all.
Prof. S. S. Thurston, tbe serial navigator
proposes to make a trip rrom Me&dville
to New York, distance 325 miles, in thirty
six hours.
It Is rumored that a young man residing
In Corry lost $400 at Plcasantville, laBt
Wednesday evening, at draw-poker, and
Squealed for bia man w.u. "w mmm nl
The Oxford crew is expected at Putney
Wednesday. The new boat for the Oxfords
has srrlved, and is forty-two feet long. The
ITarvards were out for praotice last evening.
Their speed was greater that ever.
By this roomings papers we learn that
fion. Rosecrana declines tbe nomination
for governor of Ohio. He does not concede
himself a cltizoo ef that state. It will com
pel the assembling of another state con
vention. It is said that tbe Erie Railway Company
are about to adopt the electrle light In
tunnels and as bead-lights for all locomo
tives, to see if that will have tbe fflect of
keeping engineers awake, after 40 hour
As wo are often asked what has become
of tbo Invincible pedestrian, Weston, who
as a "lalliat". is unequal lud, we will luform
our renders that be is announced to walk
fifty miles, in len and a half hours, on the
driviag track at Dubuque, Iowa, to day
August 9tb, for a uurso of $200. Ho will
probably do It, if thoro art) no counter bids
for him to fail. One-balf mile be is to
walk backwards. -
Tbe Purker'g landing oil excitement con
' tiuues to iucrcaso. About 100 derricks are
tils and more going up soon. Two of tbe
best weSls are almost opposlto the mouth of
tbo CInrlon 4'iver tbe dovelopuments are
being extended up tbo Allegheny, the lund
of Mr. Fox being rapidly leased. The well
t Graham's landing, in Perry township,
ClurioQ county, has increased to 16 barrels
a day. Preparation are. making to put
down ntur Callenslmrg. The well on tbe
Ciarlon river, opposite. Blysnn's will be test
ed thin week. A number of citizens
lire investing in tbo oil business. Hope
they may all get rich.
CfcNTi'R v Plant Extract Aoavinb.
Tbe great century plant bus sent out its
perfume lor the benefit of tbo public. Aira
. vine being manufactured IVom the dropping
of (bis plant. Tbo perfume bus been Kuown
to the puMic but a snort time, and its fra
grance, puts a new impetus la this branch
of trude the ladies preferring it to all
other. It is manufactured by N. O. Vo
burgh & Co., of iiocheslur, who aro Hie sole
Si:tH. N. V. Vay, well and favorably
known in tins region, represents this hotiso,
ano U now in Petroleum Conlro. Secure a
supply ot the delicious perfume, ns the
century plaut, whether the Cenoral does or
ljot, n ill not bloom always.
Grand Army of the ltepnblic.
Oil Citt, Aug. 9'.h, 1SG9.
Editor Record: Many who have not
been, and others who were soldiers, at the
present time are enquiring what is the
Grand Army of the Republic! They are
answered by the uninitiated that it is a se
cret political organization. Now, as a mem
ber and A. D. C. to the Commander ot this
State, who, by the way, la a Democrat, I
write this to correct the erroneous impres
sion now formed In the minds of many, that
the G. A. R. is a secret political organiza
tion. This Is far from the truth, as I do not
know or have I ever known where It has
been used for political purposes, and in my
opinion any attempt to so control it, would
seal its death-warrant within 90 days. The
organization is a benevolent mutual aid as
sociation of soldiers and sailors ot tbe lato
war, engaged In works of love and pbilan
throphy for their suffering oomrades, or the
survivors of deceased comrades. The labors
of the organization have been productive of
much good, and with more mature growth
and prosperity will be of invaluable service
in the causo of humanity and patriotism,
and were it not for this organization, in a
great measure, tboso kind and fraternal
feolings which have in the past bound to
gether soldiers, would iood become dormant,
and their services be soon forgotten.
Shall it be that they are to be so soon for
getton, and those who endured tho hard
ship! of four years war and fought many a
hard fight side by side, pass the remainder
of tholr days without a sign of recognition,
and when in need of aid be passed by by
former comrades unrecognized? Surely,
not so long as tbe G. A. R. exists. If there
is one matter of philanthropic concern that
is tbe cause of painful reflection more than
another, it is the sad condition of somo of
our former comrades, searred, maimed and
disabled for life, and in many instances
compelled to solicit their daily bread from
door to door, or to turn the organ's crank in
tbe publio streets for the means of prolong
ing life; it is shocking to a sense of Justice
or humanity. It is no ordinary eondescen
slon for soldier to turn a common medi-
cant, and that in tbe country he has disa
bled himself to uphold, and wander thro'
districts where his early march for tbo
scorchiug field, was vociferously applauded,
lie is forced to enroll himself among ac
knowled paupers, and beg from door to door
for that wbioh is already acoorded to bin.
tu iv. -.v. , Myft people, a solQier,
although poor In purse, and unblessed with
scholarships, Is not as destitute cf honorable
qualities as some persons would have ns be
lieve. His spirit Is lowered and justly so.
He seeks the attention his arduous services
demand of bis country, and tbe generosity
his useless slumps and frightful scars should
enlist from a people whom he has helped to
save from the atrocious crimes ol Internal
conflict. He waves ao armless sleeve, or
dangles the envelope of a former limb of
hardy muscle and prompt aotlon, yet bis
supplications bring not to bim the particu
lar aid bU condition requires.
There are those that denovoco tho Grand
Army of tbe Republic; who say let the sol
dier seek some honorable employment; Borne
steady labor where bis services will control
bis future capital: and if be would vindicate
himself from disgrace, let him devote bim.
self to mercantile or mechanical labor.
These suggestions are good, but look at the
facts. On inquiry we find that many of
those soldiers now suffering from want of
steady labor have never learned a trade, or
If so, are by reason of wounds or disease
contracted while in tbe government servico,
unable to ply their vocations. Many bred
up on the broad fluids of a father's farm,
threw down tbe scythe and turned the hor
ses lots at tbo tidings of Sumpter's fall, and
declared themselves for their country.
Many wero yet prosecuting their education,
and surrendered the prospects of future pro
fessional lifu and an bonorablo competence,
for tbo dangers of tbo battle field. Circum
stances beyond tho control of human ener
gy steps boldly between tbe suggestions of
u business mind, and the stubborn facts of
the parties in question. And we hold that
the soldier should not bo allowed a further
sufferlug because of his inability to drive a
plane or rig a schooner. War, with all its
attending evils has developed the more sor
did and base qualities of man and in many
instances the kuen and cauaciouH perception
of our youth have been wantonly blunted by
pernicious practices, yet the soldier is still a
man, and as a portion of tho nation's
strength, should not bo shelved like a worn
out machine. Let thoeo who censure, meas
ure tlioir Invectives by tbe circumstances
ui.ou the fluid that hare made the soldier
what ho is in our allies.
wo, tuo nieinuers or cue u. A. i;., unu.v
to what extent our assistance is durutcd.
Every day biin;;s to our notice cases of suf
fering and calls fur aid from those in want.
Many are out of employment, ragged and
far Irom home, and without means to get
there, fcbun we, their former comrader.
hive clothed them in tattered raiment, pass
tbem by because men in their ignoiailco de
cile and misrepresent our organization!
We think not, but think that every honor
ally discharged soldior none others are
utmittcd should become a member of our
oiganlzation, of which thcro are posts at
ai City, Tarr Faim and Kousevllte. if.
A Mrs. Cooper, living near Big Creek,
Sibastian county, Arkansas, a tew uays
ajo gave birth to triplets, all boys, tho Dig
gest ol which weighed only two pounds. Th"
tther two were still smaller, especially tbe
lecondborn. They wero however, peitecf
y built and dovelopcd, round-faced, blue-
Jvcd. their limbs not larger than a man s
ittle linger, and presented, as they lay In a
row on their mothei's bed, a striking and
touching appearance.
Lost. A gold seal in shape of dorrick,
engine bouse and talk, with green stone.
and letter F eneraved la old English. Tho
fiader will be liberally rewarded.
Eliza Emery warns all tbe girls in the
south and west to look out lor her gay.
dsceiving, runaway husband, David. iSho
svs that ho has d ually left her, and told
thu folks when ho left that be was going
southwest to preach universal salvation and
marry a Hoosier. Eliza thinks be may bu
easily known, and to prove it says, '-David
has a scar on his nose, where I scratched
Facts are stubborn things, anil here is
one very aptly stated by tbe New York
Day Book:
Tbe Imperialist is trying to persuade the
people that tbey will be much better off
under a monarchy than it is possible for
them to be under a republic. Well Eng
land is tbo best specimen of a monaroby,
in tbo world bow is it with the peoplo
there! Of the 20,000,008 of people of Eng
land 4,000,000 are paupers, as appears by
a late debate in tbe ITouse of Commons.
A New York dispa'.cb says the soiztire of
tbe Spanish gunboats is looked upon as a
farce. Crowds of workmen are still engaged
upon tbem. When finished tbey will be
turned over to tbe Spanish Minister, who
will pledge himself to Secretary Fish that
they shall not be used in the war with Peru.
Tho gunboats will then bo allowed to do
part. '
Tne following notice wus found pasted on
a large box which was parsed ever ono of
our railroads a fw days since: -'Baggage
smashers are requested tp bandlo this box
with caro, as it contains nitro-glycerine,
Greek fire, gun cotton, and two live goril
las!" It is unnecessary to say that tbe box
was not broken.
Some malicious chap who has probably
been kicked out of a Saratoga hotel as a
"Jeremy Diddlcr," circulates the report
that a barrel of salt is put into Congress
Spring every night, and that tbe leaking oT
agasptpobds given the water additional
An old lady being asked by bor minister
what she thought of tbe doctiiae of total
depravity, repllod that she thought it a
very good doctrine if men would only livo
up to it.
Tho loss by the Philadelphia flro is gen
erally estimated at over flvo millions. It Is
believed no llvoa were lost. All accounts
agree that th Ore was caused by the full
ing of tho floors from tbe weight ot wbieky.
Tho long-talked of new post-olnce In tbe
city of New York will soon become a fact.
The authorities at Washington have order
ed the work to becommencod atonco upoa
the original sito fixed upon, at tho lower
end of City Hall Park.
A Loudon girl bought a chignon which con.
tuiued the tints of a leprous diseuse, which
entered her system bo that she shortly after
ward died in great agony.
The running horse c-tlled Kitty Rosa,
which won a late race over Spot horse, at
tho Cony driving Park, has since died from
A young lad named Michael Ludy, wrs
choked to death by a ploco of moat, while
hurriedly eating bis dinner. In Lock port
on Monday.
Ladies: It is useless to roast yourselves
over a hot fire when all kinds of baking
can be liotiglit so cheap tit A. M. Sliults'
Vuriaty Bakery. aii,9dlw.
A biidbund recently killed his errins wife
and 6hut nt her ecducer, la Paris uud wus
acquitted "with honors."
Itift stated that the wholo lino of the
Erie nil.vay U soon to bu illumluated ut
OJtut by a uo.viy discovered alec trio light.
Horse llieivt-3 a:o now drowned in Mis
souri, just fur variety, like cuts, with a utoie
tied to their nocks to prevent rui.-UK"3
VRItA This moraine., nl tho :""'.- - --;
parents in tin place, of I Imlera Infantum.
Kn-eulo. young-si daughter of J. A. and Harriet Jl.
M-a. A:iU 7 mourns. i-
Mil. EriTon rirnscMiTOtinrctliennnieorTiioM
i. 11, hauhv. of lVtrolcum tnlre, a rnmname
ror l'mthnnatary of Vennnuo County, sutriKt lo uic
naasea of Hie Dtinocratlr party.
Loral Notices.
Ann Arbor, Sept IS, 18CS J
1 hT eiatfilned Ihe Universal Bath, so called,
entonted ty 5lr. E. J. Knowlton, or Ann jtroor,
Mich. It If hotn simple ann ingenious .
Inply convenient. With almoM no tronhlo, a put"011
wtth one Of them can enjoy all the benefit! aua lux
ury ot a bath-not confined to a bath room but
wherever a ptnoa wishes to iwe It. But llttlo wator
Is required and It Is easily empliwt, ana wncu noi
in use, It may bo hang against tho wall, occupying
but little space. With this mKentons arrangement,
1 do not m why Tery family may not practlco
Iwinllness. which Is next to godliness, ana enjoy
ttie lnTigoratlon and pleasure of a dally bath.
President of Mlchlgao University.
Aoimtsa, J. M. JOHNSON,
p. O. Box SSI,
a-iEtWlw. Tltuivillc, Pa.
keep :ooi-
lly puichasinp one of those KBFKIOEKATOR8 at
the Fiirnitnrc store.
i a lriorrlaoii'i Genuine Pine Tar
and Pcmlan Healing Soaps.
Those soaps are Impregnated with exotics of tho
mildest and most Balsamic nature, and arc warrant
ed norfectlv Innocent and free from mineral and oth
or pernicious admixtures, and aro selected by the
ladies and tho public In general In prafcrcico to all
other soaps, as the great producers and preservers of
a healthy miritv of complexion, and a conservator
of female beautv. For the softness and delicacy
which they Induce lo the hands and face, their enpa
hilltv of soothing Irritation and imorlng unsightly
emotions, render them iudispenatble to every toil
et. We kindly nsk the public tt try the virtues of
these soaps. J. L. H. A Co., Proprietors,
A. D. Miller & Co., General Agents. JulSMra.
Hardware A largo assortment of which la
belnircliisedoutat reduced rates at REYNOLDS
BKODnEAD 008, No. 11 Centre 8U, opposite
the Post Olllcc, Oil City, Ps.
Xetv Flour, Feed and Grocery-
Store !
osncsitc tho McClintock House, has on hand
largo and first class stock of Flonr, Feed and
Groceries, which he la selling at a low ngurn.
r Don't forget the place wnero A, D. Cotton
ts Cnmnnnv broke no. JanMf.
All Dailies, Weeklies and Magazines it U0LMB9
FAHNSWOKTirs News Room.
All accounts not settled Immediately, will be left
with an officer tor;colloction.3f
The Great Yonemlte Ulttcra.
Alt hall 1 p eat benefactor,
Who lo care us of our Ills,
Givn life to the disconsolate,
Without noxious droits or pills.
Dnves disease from out the system,
Fi!ls the heart with life and light,
With the lx't of nil the tonics,
Downer Great Yosemitcl
With root from out tho valleys.
Where raililornia's sun doth shine,
Giving wealth to ns poor mortals,
Hnvond the riches of her mlnos.
Wealth of health and happiness,
Its blcsinfrs none should slight,
D" yon want it ? Would yon have It f
Csa Downer's Great Yoaemite.
Come ye sick, diseased, disconsolate,
Whv should you nine and die!
Ye fei'hle, "aint and lancnishlne,
Come, those Rlerions Hitters try.
Hoe how thee quac ks and nostrums,
Flee from the land in frlnht,
Clviuir place to this pure tonic.
Downer's Greet Yosemito I Jtil24UT.
Special Notices
WOEDS OF WlPDOll for yonmj men, en the
Rnlini; Passion in Youth and Early Manhool, with
SELF II ELP for the erring an d unf ortiinnte. Seu
in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge . Address,
Pa. May SI, 3m
I'rocfcery For all kinds ro to REYNOLDS
P.RODIIEAD CO'( No. 11 Centre Wteet, oppo
Ho Ihe Post omco. Oil City, Pa.
Try our Navy Tobacco. We know It Is the best
in tho market. W. H. NICUOfcJON CO.
Carpotx, of every quality and description, at
Street, opposite tho P. 0 OH City, Pa.
VUKY t'UKAP SHEET MUSIC, only five cents a
copy, at W. II. NICHOLSON ft GO 'S Btatlonery
All styles of B'ank Hooks. Not Paper, and En
vclopos in Jobbing Lots, at
W. H.Nlelio!son u'
id bC'OUB BOOKS, at
A new lot of the celeh ated
r jeeiverl .at tho
I. X- L. Knives Ji.i
MAN, at A. I). JlILLEtt & UJ.
The vory busl pocket Cutlery Razors and Soia
sorb-all wtruntod-at W. II. NICHOLSON S.
-!azod Oil C'lolll rurlnlliaat
Jurt neivi'd a lareo slock of Sprlne patterns,
TT-- lrrmc!r 1 T3o
. . ?
VTames of parties who have purchased toj (tit'
i sal Hath.
PETKOMtrM t'ENTKK: W II Lnmrwui, jj
taiiney, nil njir-m. j. . n urnm. i
HJHeCray, Win Jicvray, u n lavlurli, . :i
Wire, C N llane, J Slanil.autih. ,VTikY F.m
P lliircrnft, A t
W Parker. T w Ttoubleday, A b. Brown.TJv
' - - .VDmi
InL'Imm. 11KSS
isrisit: J biiesa. l lirsVIUf
About lorty different parties. Pt.KANASTYlLU
M K Bcelio, D W Henderson, t Unties (isrtlii,, r
J 8 Warner, and a number of other parties to' j
moraua to mention. f
TUB t'ntversnl ltnth Is convertible into dm
imii stvlos. viz. : A full lemrth body bsth. m,.
,.ih. lHiniit' bath, foot liuth, flai buttointmi
lKin;;o or towel balh.
iw nnrtv ilesitlnir the CnWerl Matli. e...
taiu e'uo during the next two weeks, by leitvinj.
ornrrwith Mr. John W. Kpencer, at J. 11. htt
baiiKU's ottlec, or by addrossiug me at Tituniu,.
P. O. Box 8Sil. jounsoj
angCdiw. ' t
To be Drawn by
rphe undeaaigned proimscs to dlsposo of his prra!
X Isas and personal pro)ierty at Lottery, the Drs
lug to take plyce at bis store on the Ilea Farm,
oa what la Known as the Wieraon Tract, on
Wednesday, Sept 1st, 1869.
The f lllnwlne articles ara ainone the most valuabl
ones to be diapuseil of :
1 Store, TRlued, $800
1 Cow, 65
I u CO
1 Watch, " 55
I H - M 40
I u u .25
7 Watches, " $15 Each
1 Show Case,
1 Segar M
1 Violin,
100 other valuable articles, from
ill to 151 5.
)A majority of the ticket holders will decide
tbo wanner of drawing. TltlKlCTN $2.
E. M. Huntley.
Tl e attention of the
ihblicis called to tha large
stock ol
Which will bo found at my place at tho tnontn 01
Those watilinir or usiiv; Poultry will Bud It to tin if
advantage to purchase of mo.
jul23,3ra. JAMES LIIK'