The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 07, 1869, Image 2

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Fetroleum Centre Daily Record.
fell, teulrr, Rntiir,l.?, AtiR 7.
!. A Editor.
Time ol lolll tflall.
I'. C, Peranum Crims, P.,t
J in. t r.T, lW. J
UbUI f.mher not ico the mails will arriva at and
depart from Ihii ietieaajlliiw:
Sontk oA Ivt, a. Irrinetee, 1S.M A. M.
seuihiiusWvA BajajsjS,t.lar.S.
North iiaQalS, U "
Hontbaa 9m, jV K
Norlk, afertSftdTari,ajOO A. M.
Mvia feervlrea.
PrT(chini at 11 o'clock A. ii., and 7J
o'clock r. M.
Rev. J. T. Oxtoiit, Pastor.
Pen-ices ovry Fnbbnth nt 1 1 A. M. nnd
7a JP. M. r?abbnlh School ut 0'. A.M.
Seals free. A cordial invitation extend
ed to nil.
t Rev. C. M. IIkaiio, Pastor.
Maps at 10?4 n. m.
Vesper nnl RencTidion of the. Blessed
Sacrament nt 4 p. m. '
Catechism pt 2 p. m.
JAMES PL'NN. Pastor.
Tlie Roberts ,t Jenkins well, West Hick
ory is yet doing fully ono hundred barrels
perdu. .
A new w till was struck on the Columbia
Oil Company's pronorty, Story Farm,
few days since. It ie doing twenty barrels
per day.
Full water snmort, hard, nnd "oft she'l
crabs, and spring chicken, at the Rocbi l
Jlouse Restaurant this evening.
We hear of a statistical friend who conn
ted tho number of persons passing a certain
point OB Wanhtngton street, a few evenings
since. The ratti was 9G0 persons per hour.
At tho lime of counting no unusual number
wero passing.
Tun well of Jas. McCray, on the bluff,
opposite the town, is about ready to test.
It has been cased with large oasing. A good
quantity Is standing In tbo well; favorable'
sand was obtained, and there is a good show
Tnr It. If somo persons would, stick
feathers iuto the loalcrs who congregate nt
the street corners, and shovo item intj the
creek to take the place of geese, they wo'd
be entitled to much gratitude.
Rrti'Iinko. Our townsman, James H.
Smith, Esq ,' wlie has been enjoying a rec
reation from bis labors for several weeks
past, on account of his health, has returned
homo, and can now be found at his ofiico,
as itsuil. IIo seems considerably improved
n health.
Axdtkr New Pai-eh. Tbo publication
of a dally penny paper, entitled The Daily
Times, bus been commenced in Allegheny
City, by K. Theonhilus. It bag three
columns of matter on each page, and is a
neat nnd spicy little sheet.
Tuat Four H.vfK. Wa yes
terday published an item of a foot race
which tookplacu at Tilusvillo oa Thursday,
and that partita were uriostod at this place
and tuUcn to Tilitsvillu yesterday, for ox
aminuMuu, on complaint of a unin niiim'd
Kelputriok, from Moadville, It seems the
affair vis amicably settled, and tho arrest
ed parlies wem allowed to depart in peace.
Two Small Fkacash.-i it was iplto
lively up town lust uight, tho "licu.ine"
flndini; site depositories in numerous stom
. achi-, v. liieh aroused the poisoned winds ol
two IndMdnals to Ivuliug pitch, and fight
tbeg diiiM. til Ouurse they were accomuio
4MMi,Mtr tteni bad the ruw bios.
Cjay It tfcs aa af bis none busted, wbah
alaftsd MM alffet at a fretful rate, lie was
Materially easaf by tka Wow, and his flgkt
IM refeostHgt taulsUdl .
0MTIeM Arxs.-A laUea keeper
near l A'noricen bolol, in ado tbreata to
about eoeaebmly I tst rvvniiig, and ollicei
Mall ugh, learning bo bad a pistol iu bi
poetneion, p.op,eU to rid blm of it. The
trflrer went loth.;, tin' saloon
ieei, r ciiimu uit aour against nnu, tayina
ha julj sbuot any peieou who would
open it. no opened tho d'jor ofhijewn
uccord tinally, when" ho was tuku iulo
Custody, but no pistul was found upon h'3
porsun und hu vas allu,ved to go.
It ia rsporicd tbe.t the lady out West vl,o
mcer.tly rec'vd a large vidict f I'reacb
of promisu of mnrrlagj has oincj Wehri:
clf.'rs cf uiarr'.cge l'iU'::i eleven of K:o tv.i'l' e
ji.ry, i 1 J1-3 t A'c'. .'ih i rr;-!';;; hard to
get a divorce frora Ula rural v.lfc in ordt'
to compete. JJo :"v xJ-.;uj jn'rj lo
flier". ,
Mate Convention of School Superin
tendent. A Stale Convention of County Superin
tendents was in session at Harrisburg for
several days last week. Representatives
from most of the counties wcio present. The
object wan to compare views in regard to
the administration of the school laws, and
endeavor to establish uniformity ic, the ays-,
tem of instruction through ttio State. For
Hal addresses were made by State Superin
tendent Vfickershaa and Got. Geary.
Man? aasjastloni at benefioial okanges ta
the school taws were made duriog the meet
lag. A resolution asking for the repeat of
the law exempting mortgages aud judgments
from scbeol taies wm adopted. At the close
f the tauveution Vr. Wickershnm made
another address, In which he promised nil
tbo aid in his power to the Comity Super
intendents. He had prepared a drnft of a
now law, which will bo submitted to the
next Legislature, a proper school system
for this Stato was .sine that would gather
into the school room children of all clashes,
colors and conditions. This wasr the only
just basis of public education. Academies,
high schools and colleges should be estab
lished and sustained by the Slate, with fa
cilities free to all. . We must look above
and beyond reading, arithmetic, grammar
and geography in our common school system
and next winter tho idea of progress In this
respect will be pressed to an isitr. This is
no new project In the mind of Mr. Wickcr
sbam, but has been the object ol his aspi
ration for years. His active and restless
disposition qualifies him highly as an
educational leader, nnd it will not be for
waLt of effort on his part if our public
schools do not rise higher and higher in the
standard of excellence.
ONK t'All irtOM SEA TO Sr.V
The Pennsylvanii Central Railroad Com
pany, says the Philadelphia Press, start
two trains a day fVotn New York, tho one
via the New Jersey Contral to lj.irrislwg,
and the other via the Camdon and Amboy
to Philadelphia, which carry passengers,
without change of cars, to Omaha, New
brask , a distance of about sixteen hundred
miles. This stupendous, enterprise id to bo
followed shortly by improved ftmily cars,
equipped with beds, kitchens, ic, for
tho accommodation of passengers, and
will Start at Philadelphia nod New York
direct for Sacramento, without chango, a
distano of over, tbir'y-threo hundred miles.
The undaunted Pullman is tho projector
and poiprietor of thi se moving bouses; and
ha is devoting all h.'s efforts to render them
sifo and commodious. They will bo built
ofvariou3 sizes and capacities. A party
or family of fifteen can biro ono for trc
rcund trip', and can control it os complete
ly during the time they use it as they would
a rented tenement. Of all tha men con
nected with tho great revolution effected
by railroad none de.'rvo ikoic credit for
independent individual courage and iuven.
tlon than the Pullmaa Brothers. They are
still young men, tho eldest not bein? forty.
Tbelr sleeping cars In the V.'es aro far
superior to those of tha rival companies in
the East. Theni is not t;o slightest reason
why those of tho latter should not Le tbeh
etpials in all raped.
Vaiukty Theatre. Hob Kdwanls U
still delighting nightly crowds with hie
Etheopeau fun. His great opera of Negro
Assuranc'J is now tho rage. Everybody was
delighted last nii;ht, and Cob Edwards cel
ebrated character of Gumbo Oupp cannot
be exctlbd. The Saiaueljuhlis.ju o! Johf.rty
Pca: loy was immense, Lid.t White as Rose
luudu up and acted her part to perihelion.
The other characters were well Joue.-
Charley Horry, the oliglual son of Monties,
will be ou baud with his carpet bag of fur; .
Miss Kitty O'Nell is a bountiful, euchantinj!
dausiiusse, and thu ciiiu-uiu.'iio of Iio'o Ed
wards wilt make u borso laugh. The bill
fur this evening is by tar the most attractive
yet preseujad, and should till tl house.
Canr. We notice bytke Petioleuru Ccn-
Record, that A. 0. Miller, of that place,
wd ageently tho recipient ot a gold-hoaded
eana. lie bns host of friends in
region and not a lew in ihis vicinity. Ui.
Miller is a Whirfe rouled fellow, wLo lores u
I radical joke deaily. Oa uuu ccea.iion
duriug tu1 paiiuy tluNa of Pithole, tl.e D,,c
tor wilb a choice party o! friends was her
on a visit. A higli ollicial of Pithule ;;a here and tbu Doctor v.': s indiialrioajly
'fying to ovarooin," tho liln.! ubstmeuce
principles of tha oiiicial inl.l to tako from
hiii', without his knowledge, his Ladgu ol
office, which was to have been ei;;:e.-.-vd
lo Pi thole. Tho fir.t part of tLo pvog;-aiu-me
was itocmrplisted easily, but thu victim
got I. is wrath excited by soli a practicu'
oliu that otliora of the party played ou
hi:a, and the badjo wasu't ublrJueil. Krie
The j;ri uto
t ililul;
: 'y'iiiu
fire, which sivuM.iw
bard.' .' wt.ifkv !
J Ui f
Afternoon Dispatcher
Ci.RYEl.ANP, August 7.
Win, M. Lannhi nr, a stencil cutter, resid
ing at No. 06 Seneca street, suspecting un
due intimacy bctweon ono oi nis employes
named Georgo Stauiy and bis wife, who
boarded at the sarao bouse, wont to work
oarly tble morning, and returning found
Stttiiry In bed with his wife, no attacked
both with a kniie, indicting a wound In bis
wife's abdomon which will ntobubly prove
fatal, and severely wounding Stanry In the
Tiiottixo at Pa-KKALo, A circular from
tho Manageis of tho Hull'ilo Park Associa
tion, advises us of tho particulars of the
fourth annual meeting In that city, on the
10th, 11th, 12th, and 1 3 1 b inst. Tho suc
cess Qf tho previous meetings at this park,
has mado Ruii'alo a great trott'nj centre,
and the indications aro that this meeting
will surpass any of its predecessors. This
section will, doubtless, be well represented
at this tirno. The premium list amounts to
the grand total ui twenty -five thousand dol
lars, which Is larger than was ever before
offered by any association. Tho largest
puiso otl'ered is one of SlO.iiiO, and tho
smallest of $1,000. Tho prizes are arrang
ed to accommodate nil clarses of horses,
from thr o minuto nags to tho best flyers in
the coiiutrv. Among tho celel rated horses
that will probably be present, u-u may men
tion tho American Girl, cow tho nucon of
tho turf, Goldsmith Maid. Lady Tboru,
Mountain Coy, Bashaw, jr., Goorge Palmer,
Georgo Wilkes, Rhode Island, Danver'e
Roy, Tattler, Rolla Gold Dut, and many
other flyers. Among tho double teams are
expected Twang and Mack, Jessto Wales
and Darkness, Gen. McClellan and Gari
baldi, India Rubber Ren and Rosa, and old
Put and Honest Allen. Iu addition to hor
ses that have made their reputation, there
bids fair to be more than the usual number
of ''shady" animals, a very deceiving class,
which ate always developed in great trot
ting mitchos, like Dinver's Roy, ut Mystic
Park, for instance, who went in a racfl for
three minute horses and won a heat in 2 :2S.
K!he3. The principal ebargo against
Rsv. Mr. Linn, of Pittsburgh, tried tor
iniiaoral conduct; was that ho kissed one
or two young ladies. Is it bi,ij immwai
to kiss yoiQ ladies? Hero is a question
that might profitably engage tho learned la
bors of debating societies, if you ask tho
young ladies to decido tho question their
verdict will probably bo that if tho kisser
be a gentlemen, and the Uissec be willing,
there is no guile in tho ovent. But, as a
general thing, wo should be inclined to vole
in tho opposite direction. H depends
great deal, wo admit, upon the kind of kiss
administered. Wo have the kis3 paternal,
the itiss brotherly, tho kiss cunningly, the
kiss ministerial, probably Mr. I.iun used
this oue, tho k;ss conventional, the kiss
fo.-Mt oia't 1c, very much like an icicle, ihe
kin ol ilii lation, the kiss s oouey, ueil ever
so many other kisses which have been con
siden d alioM able, even if administered by
7uuug and iiutcl it-'d parlies. Tho suIpsI
way, however, is lu slick faithfully to tho
kiss matrimonial, and never to administer
or receive that unless tho church has set
her setl upon il. Such pyrotechnics
caluiuiioiis without sacred suleguards.
AuliOSil T1IK NlAUAltA OX A VKI.tU'li'EHi:.
Wo roceirod .1 cttd yotienJr.y fiotu Piof.
AuJrow Joiiklns, soiDOtinics called the Cun
udlau Blomtiii, a tight io;io perlonner of
ccl.lrity in the Dciniiiit'ti. About the iluihs
of August, Prof. JonLius iiitnnds to ossty a
most perilous feat, nutl.ilig less than cross
ing tho ft-ati'iil Chasm of Niagara river be
low thu l'alls, by means of a veiocipede
ridden over a tight-rupo. Tho place r
ciahsiiig will bo a l;ort distance below the
old Suspenaiuu EiiJgo, v. heic tbe length of
tbe spanning cable will be about one thous
and t'uot. Tho vehicle used by tbe daring
v.-locipcdu funambulist Ie of a peculiar con
struction. Tho wheels ate grooved, and it
is propelled by tha band-,, a balance polo
being sarried on thu feet, lly this means,
Prof. Jenkins says hu cau tiirinou.'it a con.
durable glad'.'. Nothing of tho 6ort has
ever been attempted in public, und the nov
elty and dangn of Ibo feat will doubtless
attract a great crowd to witness Ihe trial.
T'ua corner stone, of iho Catholio church
at Meattviilo was laid on Sunday lust. A
very largo concourso was pres"nt.' The
building will b one buulrod aud twenty
seven led long, sixty feet wid) and forty
foot tt) too eaves. It will have three towers,
thJ ci'iido ono one hundred and seventy
i'o. t liijjh. Tbo auditorium, will scat 2,000
i brjen decided by the Grand Lndgc
;ns ( f the fituio that iniiiatiou
btibutdiuule lodges ums-t bv I'urthcr
of M a i
ice ia
iu c
Mil I MTor Pl'ac ni.iwancellie nanieofTiiosi
As VHkamiiy, of I'dvoV ani Oniro, s a c:imlilaie
lor I'ruiliiin uaiy m Vi-iuuiru l'imuiy,.sul'ji'i i the
aii!ltii ol' tin; Pfi'ioi m1ic I'iUly.
Lot'iil .""ioth-e"!.
Aim Arlior, Hejit. 18, IMiS. (
1 hnva exnmined th Universal Until, so callol,
patcnttd by Jlr. E. J. Kuowlton, of Ann Arbor,
Mich. It is both simple and IiikhiIoiis, ami sxcceil
Ingly convenient. With almost no trouble, a person
with one of them can enjoy all tho benefits ana tux
nry ot a bath not confined to a bath room but
wherever a poison wishes to use It. But littlowator
Is required and It Is easily emptlod, mid when not
in use, It may be hang against tho wall, occupying
bat little space. With this infcnlons arrangement,
I do net f why every family mny not practice
clennllness, which is next to godliness, and onjoy
the Inviuoratlon nail pleasure of a daily bath.
President of MlchlROn University
Adhrsss, J. M. JOHNSON,
P O. Box 881,
anc6dlw. Tlnmllle, 5'B.
KEFl' t'OOI.
Py pnrchnslns one of those KEFK1GEKATOR3 at
tin- Fnruiluie Store. f
MorrUou'e ennliio Pino Tnr
and Porelaii Healing Sonpi.
These soaps aro impregnated with exotics of the
miidst and most Bilsnmlc nature, and aro warrant
ed pei f.-cily innocest and froo from mineral and oth
erp-rui. iors aJintxtnres, erd vm w!ctcd hy tlie
l.nlks and the public hi nonoral in prftrerco to all
ohcr joajw, as the pro:K prpdtlcors and !"eeTvet tt
a healthy purity of complexion, and coiwarvaMt
of female buauty. For the itlne and dolieasy
which they Induce tu Ihe bands and fare, theireafav
Wli'y of soothing irrltaiton and r-movli g unsljhtlf
truptiims, render theni Indisprasibls to every toil
et. We kindly nsk the atlic to try the virtues o
these snapa. J. t. II. ft Co., Proprieto rs.
A. D. .Miller & Co , General Agents. Juii.'-S.-n.
JIarcIwaro A ltfio assortmesit of wldeh Is
being dosed out at reduced rates at REYNOMW
DKODtlE.VD & CCyst, No. ll Ceutro St., opposite
the rt Oil City, Pa.
JVcw Flour, Feed and Grocery'
Store !
,T. S. ritATIIEll,
oppos'.to tho McCllntock Ilonse, has on band a
large nnd first class stock of Flour, Feed and
CrocoriOR, which he Is soiling at a low figure.
tit. Don't forgot the place whero A, D. Cotton
Ss Company broke up. Jan2 tf.
All Dailies, Weeklies al d Magazines at UOI.MBS
For STATIONERY, o , call at HOLMES &
FA HN3 WORTH'S News Hoom.
ajancco not aottlid lmmomi,wUi )16 left
wilh an officer Rir;collecUoo. ..
The Great Yonomlto Ulttcre.
Al' ball I great benefaetir.
Who to enre na of our itta,
Gives life to thodlscnnsol.ite,
Without noxious drugs or pllle
Dnves diseane frcm out the pstem,
Fills tbe heart with life and light,
Wilh tlie host of a'l the tonics,
lOAuer Great Yoatmitcl
With root fri-m ont the valleys
Wrero Ca lifornia's sun doth shine,
Giv'ooe wiflbb to us poor mortals,
H 'von l the riches of her mines.
Wealth of health and hnpplnefs,
If bbasings noue should slight,
Do von want it ? Would yon have It t
Cjo Downer's Great Yosomito.
Come yo b k. dlieasod, dlseeneolatc.
Why stioiilflyou pine and diet
Ye njMils, f lint mid lancuishlne,
I'nmi., ihee plorions Hitters try.
Hee bow these ipiai ks and nostrums,
FIoh from the la'id In fright,
Giving place to this pure tonic,
Duwni i's Great Y'osemltn t
Special Notice.
Wi;D8 OF WISDOM for young men, on the
Hii'lia,' Pas-don In Youth nnd F.irly Manhood, v lib
FELF HELP for the erring and unfortunate. Sen
lu enlod letter mivit'ojKH, 1'rue of charge. Address,
I a. May M, 3m
ttrockory For all kinds to to REYNOLDS
ItROIJHEn & CO'S, No. n Contra HUeet, oppo
site the Post OfHco, Oil City, Pa.
Try our Navy Totiacco. We know It Is tlie best
In tho market. W. II. NICHOLSON Si CO.
:nr)Cl ., of every qnallty and description, at
REYNOLD-, BltODUKAD & CO'S, No. 11 Centre
btrout, opposite tbe P. 0 Oil City, I'd.
. VEUY CHEAP 8IIF.ET MUSIC, only flvo ecnls
copy, at W. II. KICHOLSO.N CO. '3 stationery
All stylos of Blank Books, Not Paper, aud En
velopes lu Jobbing Lota, at
W II Nl hokon ' o's.
A Lew lut of tha celebrated
''?i;ived hi the
. X. L. Knives .lust
MAN, at A. D. MtLLElt A CiJ.
T'i very l.esl pocltot Cutlery llajitrs nnd Hc'.a
K.r. all warranted nt . W. II. NICHOLSON'S.
;!r.zeil Oil Cloth Cnrtuliisat
WALL t'APliitt
Ju.-t ri;C'.'lvi d a lareo stock of Spring patterns, at
;. C. J.tUVW KiMtSTl'URH H'iVKK. m:i.
The liuoat l'liu; Ti
.o at
A. I) Ml I. LlUt & CO., Lav; the noetic- i,r tke
Amurlcaii Wiiip Co, and Wusturu Whip to's Ci
ii wliu'.t-alp prices
Universal Bath !
V" nines of iinrtlea who U ive purcli:Hiil the I'aivor
i sil Italli.
rirntdLKl'M CBXTltS: W H Limcw.-ll, David
Yann.'y. It II f-.uei 1. 1' Walker, it li. rnn.,., ,,
SJlct'ray, Win J Met 'ray, "It W 'I'aylur, 1 l.-..ry
Wire, V N lliiiii', .1 Wimiibaneli. STtiliY IWum
3 V llnnri.rt. A V BmiiI. 'I'AKU KAItYl : , t: ,,-n,
K W Parker. 'I' W Uonlili dav. A K Umwii, T .1 Nm.
inzlinm. HliSSl'AHM: M k llin. li lt SVII
About lorty dtlV.'rent parties. I'l KAHANTYILLI.
M H , .!, n. 1) W Henderson. j lea CiirilniT. I'nl
J 8 Warner, and a number of other parlies to un.
menus to mention.
TUB Universal liath Is convertible into six dlf
feient styles, vtz : A lull lencth body bath, a rhild's
l.aili. lnl'aut's bath, foot bath, flnt bottom tnh for
sponge or towel hath.
Any pnrtv desiring tne Universal natli, can oh.
tain one during the next two weeks, by b'avlii" an
nrnerwltli Mr. John W. Snencer, at J. M. Mnia
linurrh's olllce, or by luMreiwiug mo ntTituxvMle.
1". O. Box 8S1. J -M JtHINSHN.
r 8p
To be Draw n ly
rphe undeasjgned proposes to dispose of bisprem
A Isos nnd personiil proporty at Isiltery, the Dr'iw.
i' Intake plyce nt nis store mi mo sseHB t urmi
u hat ia known as lbs Wierson Tracl, on
Wednesday, Sept. Ut, 18G9.
The f illowine nrli'-les aro anion;
; the most valuable
ones tu be disposed of :
1 Store, valued,
1 Cow, "
J M ll
1 Watch, "
1 M
1 It
7 Watches, "
1 Show Case, "
1 Segar " "
1 Violin, "
100 other valuable articles, fVm
1 tO$l.r).
niuloritv or tha tb-1t"t holders wl'l il"'1'
tbu manner of drawing. I It'll ll'I'S
1 Ttf lT.n.wTi.-r
Tt'e attention of the pulillc is i-a1 b d to Hie lare"
stocs ol -,.'.'
M'iii, li will Lo Irmnd at aii nUee st tke staetti (
Tl a S wanting or nstnj Peultry will Sad 10 "
ilruntage to pnrchs'o ef me.
,inl'JJ-3m. .1 A SI IIS lSXlH'''