Petroleum Centre Daily Record. ' friU ajeutre, Tharadar, A-T a. " ' Time ! CIM- Mail". r. 0.. rmwiimm Ohtrm, Pa.,) JSI.I I7, 1MH. J Until rerUur aoOce Uw waU will arrtva at and depart front tjii oee a fallow: 1UITI. onth and M, vie. Irvtatenn, A. M. Honth na W.ett, " Meadvttte, 5 13 P. M. North and Biwt, Ounry,M " mmaivr. tont end Wo, M A. M. Snorl Ita and West, IW.P. a. !nrth. Rant and Wot, 10.00 A. M. DiTtiae aervlcea. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCn. Preaching at 11 o'oloek A. M., and 1 eclock P. M. Ktr. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. M. E. CHURSH. Services every 8abbntlft 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sabbath Sobool at twelve o'clock M. Seals free. A cordial Invitation ex- ten-led to all. Hit. C. M. Heard, Pastor. 8TS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catbolle) CHURCH. Maaa at 10W a. at. Vesper and Benediction of tboj Dirtied Sacrament at 4 p. m. Cateoblam at J p. m. ' JAMES DUNK, Paator, Tao county jail at Mercer Is without a stogie occupant. Fifteen hundred buildings are in course of erection In Chicago, at a cost of $100, 000,000, and it is propoeod to build a mag' nluoent stock exchange, to cost $680,000. Appreciated. The Board of Trade of Erie, bare appointed 0. F. Lynn, Esq. editor of the Dispatch to visit the principal Iron districts of the country to secure statis tics te enable tbem to form a judgment as to tbs advisability of making investments in - the iron business. The appointment It merited one. ' The Panama Oil Wells baa reached depth of nine hundred feet. On Saturday last they struck a vein of sand which smell ed strong et oil, ever since which a rood. deal of excitement was manifested. But Monday morning they were again disap pointed by finding a solid rock In whioh tbey are now boarlng, with a less Oder of petroleum. Sherman News. $ uow to OnscavB thk Eclipse. Take a large qard with a email round hole la the eon In-, ami bold It against tbe tun's rays, so that the shadow -u cu thm floor pavement, wall or other dark and smooth aurfaee. In the middle of the shadow (bare will be a true Image of tbe sun, and the eelipee ean be studied Tn ill progress without straining tbe eyes, and without smutting faoe or hands with smoked glass. This simple process was suggested by tbe familiar etreumstanoe that tbe light spots In the shadows during solar eotipae take tbe shape of luminous portions of tbe sun's diss; and tbe perforated card has been used with perfett aeceees. Tbe Erie Dlspatob baa the following com plin en tary notloe of a popular firm In Ti- tusvllle: Among tbe best man In the oil country, thelsbam Brothers, jewellers, Titusville, take first rank. Dull times throw no cor responding shadows over thoir faces, and for that matter, though business is not now at when Fitbole teemed with wealth, their taste tn selecting, justice In dealing and ouurteousnest to all hat seeured them a good and continuous trade. Long may tbey prosper. A long acquaintance with tbe firm justifies tbe statement, and it It one that any of their acquaintances will eir At "Our iota about town" was preambu. lating asuaad yesterday, be found on Wild- Cateaeof the 'kOUeat" dsiUlna rln thro'. Ont allows ( that is, so far as tbe comfort of the tooHreater la eooetroed. II Is t wblcb Mr. largeaat is having put down by contract. Tie engine it supplied with steam fr.m a boiler M pumping well eloso iy, so ttion drilling bave to give no at ten llun to eiuur fuel or water. Tbe steam is rxguiatml by Ibe driller in the derrick by menus of a band of copper wire muectee Willi tbe throttle in tbe online hoiiaa When suewiaar to boat the tools for nsrpenliig, ao. long pumping at the be. lows Is requirnd. This I s avoided jby neon, of an old rotary attached to tbe Oy-beel of tbe engine and connected to the torge by gas pipe, and the quantity of an1, used, it regulated to the' groaU-st nicety by meant of a agp, cook. What oomea next?.' A westum paper announces tbe Illness of W edltw, eddine: "All cood n. Ipj aiiherlbjra,are,ipqiiested to mention him hi tuair pravera.. ybu ulums oetd not. as .- gl Vua vail nothing e&ndirs, to good iiutlority." A Blonder Upon ibe Catholic Charon) St. Ann's, Mackinaw, July 17, '69. Dea Sib: Arriving base after an ab sence of U days, I read, the same article in the Detroit Tribune that printed It first. Right off I sent to the same paper tbe fol lowing answer, which yeu will please have published, if possible: Editor! Detroit TVituns: OenUemsit: tn your, awroing Itseo of July I, '61, yon fevared.yeiar meter with the following ar ticle, under tbe caption .Mackioal, withoet mentioning tbe author's name: Tbe tame Item appeared In tbe Rsconir of July 16th, henee the publication of this correspondence by ns Ed. J Tbe Catbolle priest in Mackinaw, Micai- m. declares inai a marriage nj a Jmun of tbe Peace is no marriage at all; that par ties so married are guilty or adultery, ana that be will not allow them to come inside of his church. He has said to bis congre gation: "I will put tbem out wltn toe aogs where they belong." And again : " A mar riage outaida tie Church of Rome is spurt- out, and men panics are living in vpcu adultery." Mr. Mil!, who rejoices In tbe lucrative position of contract surgeon at this military post, had the goodness personally to ac knowledged himself personally to me at the author of tbisartiole,andls justly sntitled to all the credit due to tbe oitginator of a gross- wicked, and mallclout slander, knowingly and wilfully uttered I deny and most positively contradict all and every allegation set forth by tbe man Mills In the above article, and can, If re quired, produce tbe testimony of respected citizens, both Catholics and non-Calbolics, who were present on tho occasion referred to, that I did not allude in the remotest de- . to tho marriaee ceremony or creed of any dissenting brethren of any denomina tion whatever. It is to me matter of ex ceeding regret that I should be obliged to notice in tbe public press tbe vagaries of man whose unenviable reputation is to well known In this community, but when he avails bimtsll of the weight of an influential newspaper to point the arrow of his shame- leu venom, I feel that in justice to tbe ta orod calling of which I am an bumble mem' ber, it is my duty to oontradiot and expose to the publls this vile calumny and Itt eu ttaor. Before eoncludlof. I would oall tbe attention of a eaodld public to judge of tbe character of a man who wat not present in person to take dowa my exact words on the occasion referred to, and did not even offer to correct or modify a statement which, at best, he received from a third person. I ask if Intolerance and bigotry could do more, and does it not clearly show that tbe animal's rope, to feelingly spoken of by Mill' w y. .. 0 kbMgiHil ear. xoors, r aiiniuiiy, M. Obtb, Pastor of St Ann's, Mackinaw, Mloh. To Mr. James Dunn, Pet Centre, Pa. It It with pleasure that we give the above publication, and regret tbe appear ante of tbe Item In our paper. II appeared upon tbe outside of tbe Bbcobb in our ab p, and we are pleassd to refute tbe slan der with authority ao reliable. We respect all religious denominations, and do aot de sire, knowingly, to Injure nay, on the con trary, do all la onr power to elevate and strengthen the church. Ed. Rbcobd. Fbajemx. A correspondent of the Erie Dispatch thus speaks of tbe capital of Ve nango county : "I took a look at tbe 'nur sery of great men' this evening, from the top of a neighboring hill, and being above tbe pol ltlcal atmosphere, and out of poli tics, the elty sbows off to a muoh better ed vantage, bnt I'll venture to say that oo other city of its size and age, in the United States, ean shew as few farms in Its imme diate viointy. From tbe bridge view, not a dozen ean be seen, showing plainly that if she depeaded on her agricultural resonro. ee for support, many hungry and lean poli ticises would be seen." . A serious accident occurred at tbe Ohio talk) bridge at LouitvlUeabout eleven o'oloek jeeiosday moralog, by the eapsising ef a yawl belonging to the steamer Mullie Ebert, wblcji resulted in tbe drewolng of a man named Murray and the narrow escape Of uspt. I'lnk vroie, ilo rails putt, and four otherr. : A Wsbingtoo special to tbe New York Mows says the negotiations between the agents of the Dominican Government sod tbe United States, bave been brouzbt to a! Issue, aad we shall soon own the harbor and peninsula of Samana. Empnii Busenie's moths ... Tr? Mtoydtalsr, on,'J0 led agalmt lbs will of hls .ow. (,mllT( tBefeb Qiit bl own patrimony. Hi two eWer kr,lbei, subsequently died, 1,, (o nU wJdow Md bor heirs tho family nt& A reportur dvsuribus a sulow7 at rullawt "Ua laid himself duwn, and ,ot blmBt.1'( witb bi big too." It ia aiigeeett ttut ,h weapon was lodfd. wlih nails. A most delightful sehtallon was nipped in tbe bud tbe other night at Saratoga. A lovely and charming blonde, whote lather was cruelly obdurate, bad nearly escaped through tbe window lo join ber anxious In amorata who bed arranged everything for an Immediate wedding. Atabe put her delicate foot though tbe window upon the first round of tbe ladder, alasl alasl ber crinoline caught upon the bell-handle by tbe fire place, and the poor girl, unable to advances or retreat, wat detained uotll a chamber maid accidentally entered the room and released her Irom her perilous position. A persistent young man of Hartford, who was opposed In his Inclinations tomarry the girl of her choice by her parents, at last suc ceeded la winning a reluctant consent, and the data ef tbe marriage ceremony was De ed. Alter the arrival of the company on the happy day appointed"," tbe youngster gravely proceeded to address the astonished astsablage thusiy: "Wo are much obliged for this gathering on our account, but let me suggest that there is no necestty for any further butlnosa, c t we were married three weekt ago!'' A little girl was rcoindlng ber younger brother that the next day was Fast Day. 'What is Fast Day?" be inquired, "Why,- said tbe little girl, "It is a day the Gover- aor makes something like Thanksgiving. We bave to keep still, go to church, and not play out ef doers. It is like the lower part ol Thanksgiving Daj. An English cockoey at the Falls of Ni agara, when asked bow bs liked the Falls, replied: "They're 'antome quite so; but they don't quite hinser my expectations; besides, I got vetted, and lost my 'at. I prefer to look at'ora in an hingraving, in 'ot weather, and in tie 'onto." The great oellpse t hicb bat been adver tised extensively will come off, weather permitting, next Saturday P. M., about t o'clock. It will not le total In this vicinity. there being just son enough visible to light tbe chickens to bed. "Boys, get your smoked gtaat A couple of felltws who were pretty thoroughly soakid Itb bad wbiaky, got into the gutter. After floundering about for a few minute one or them said : "Jim let's go to onothet bouse; this hotel leaks.'' The lateat undegraduate joke at Tale College wat tbe trarafer, by midnight, of a fleurltl's tlgn "Nee Haven Nurtery" to a contplciout posltlot on a flourishing young ladles seminary. v x a jootg man named Powell, while mock ing a deaf and duath person on the oars, between Belleville and Galloway's, Tenn.. law days ago, was suddenly struck totally deaf and dumb. He returned lo Bellville. and wrote: "God has sent this awful pur. labmeot upon, me to teaeh men never to mock at tbe Infirmities of tbelr fellow meo. John Barton of Mayville, N. Y., a fiaher man aged 14, was drowned ta Chautauqua oo Thursday, by the positing of bis skiff. Be bad been ont flahlng all day, had sold his flsb, and invested the proceeds io liquor, whioh wat tbe cease of bit deM Hewat a line twlmmtr, but ibe w"" was too much for htm aad be went down. CANDIDACY ANWWCEMENTB. PROTHOKOTARY. MB. tntTen Pleaiw ainonneethe tumeof Thou aa I ahv, of Petroleam Centre, a a candl'e for Prouioaatary of Ventngo County, anbjert to Ibe eKe Ol law veinwnhuc party. liocal Notice UCP voot- BparebailDgoneer those RlPHIGBRATORSat tha Pursltuc Store. Ilea ITInrrtannV rotinlne Pine Tar and Persian Heallnir theaesoap are leprcgnated wllkaotloof the mildest and Boat BelMmlc nature, ud are raot d perfectly Innocent aad free from eineral aal olh at pemldoua admlziarea, and ai selected V the hti. t ,h in eeoeral prvferetce otber soap., a tbtoat prpdacm and preserve, of a healthy parity of comptexw. - - -". .or orremale beenty. ' mtUte" Hej which they Induw 'o lb hinda nd faco, their eejo Willy of noothlofi trrltotkm and r-movlrg timlgttly eruption, reneW tbe lndlnalble U Aery tffl. et W HadV u th" l",tHo t try tie vlrtiiemf Uieiie epan. J. U H. Co., Prllprlotor. A aVMIr 00 Qeoerol Ageat. JuHJ 3m BjiiiyMrare A large aatortment of which li W.U.. yrwed out at reduced mt at REYNOLDS njMifREAD A COS. Ne, II Centre St., oppoallt tnrr(tOffioe, Oil City, Pa. iVew Flour, Feed and Grocery Storo t J. S. l'JCATHER, At the OLD BANK BDILOINO, OS MAIN ST, entwelte tho McCllntock Houee, lint on hand Urge and Hut class ttock of I' lour, I'eed and (Sroeerlea. which be la telling at a low Uipire. 9. Don't toriiot the place wlieru A, D- Cottuu S Couiioiiy hrok op. an'!-tf. All D.itlW.,, Wiokllc mill Jlnpi2iuo at U0LM11S i ryr qi.iiiu.ilk1 v , i . - farnswokth s rew nnam. . All scconntt not acltlcd Immediately, will balcft with an officer for collection, few Apr U If. REYNOLDS CO. The Ureal Vaeeiulte Blttere. All hail I great benehrtnr. Who to cnt n of our GIvm life to thedlrcmimlntc. Without rjoxion dnign "r iilllft Dnvr dlMue from ml the vtin, Flllx the haart wtth life aad light, With the het of all the too'cj, Downer Ureal Yoncmitel With root from oat the valleva. fV Wharatia'ilfomia'aaunOatliahlne, . . Oivias wealth to m poor mortal!, Beyond the rloae of her mine. Wealth of health and happtii, Il blmina noim.ihoulit hIIkM, Do foil want itt Woulil you hate It I TJso Dowaefa Oreat YMemlte. Come )re atrk, dlaeaaed, dlarenaolare, Why nhoulil vnn plm and diet Ye fei'-blr, faint aiHt lanenkhtnir. Com. tbe. fioriou Blttere try. Me how thee quacks ahdnoatrtims, Flee from the land In fright, Clvlnt place to this pure tonic, Downar'a Great YoaeatKe I )uMl Rpeelal Rotlee. WOBDS OP WISDOM tot jronBf men, en the Baling Paealeolo Youth and Early Manhoed, with bELKnELP tat tba erring rfhd eof ortnoate. Ban In scaled letter envelope, free of charge. Addreee, HOWARD ASSOCIATION B x P, Pa. MayHlta Crockery-for all kind so te REYNOLDS BKODntAD CO-H, Nail Centra bVet, ojrpo elte lha Port Office, Oil City, Pa. Try our Navy Tobacco. We know It la the beat In the market. W. U. NICHOLSON OO. Carpet, of every qnaltty and deaeriptlaa, at RKTNOI DS, mtODIIKAD 0O8, No. U Centre Stmt, opposite the P. O., Oil City, Pa. VERY CHEAP 8IIKBT MUSIC, only live centa a copy, at W. U. NICHOLSON CU'd Stationery ttore. All etyle of Blank Booka, Nate Paper, aad en velope In Jobbing Lota, at W. H. NICHOLHON CD. BASH BALL BATS and SCO Kit BOOKS, at W II Nlcholaon CD's. A new lot or the cdebratod I. X. L. Kalve just post omen. received at tha MUDS JAVA. SPARROWS. CANARY. OBI t MAN, at A. D. MILLIH A CO. Tho very beat pocket Cutlery Rasors and Belt- acre-all warranted-at W. H. NICRaLSON'S. . ttlaaed Oil Cloth Cnrtalne at a u Mbuaiaai uu WALL fAPEHI Jnt recetved a larRa itock of Spring patterns, a H C. JAKVIS PCRNITDRR STOBR. mS. The flneat Plug Tobacco at W. H. NICHOLSON CO "8. A. D. MILLER A CO., have tba agener, of the .-..u whip Co., and Western Whip Col Ci gar, at wholesale prtb . . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. P&.ANK ROAD NOTICE t Thurawilt be a maetrai on Mondav. Aaanat luh, 1800, at the office et WUIIaaa, Say A Co., ever the poet office, Oil city, eiut cuntmiaaioaera appointed k tMM.l Act of Lfifflelatare. to anon bnake end reeelve eehMrlpUoa to the capital atoak af Ike Oil Cek run. r. w-pwy. w w J. M. Sawen, Pld ni,hop, J. It Brr, A. M. Beaiy. Oil City, Jnlr . ' aagtt. To be Drawn by A ALVABLB STORE AND UTHEB ABTICIiBS. The andaatlgnad nropoaea to dtspoae of ah ana Im and personal araoartv at Lottery, the rira. lau to Uke Blvoe at hi Mora on the Maaa rM. oa what ia known as tba Wiaraoa tract, tm Wednesday, Sept 1st, 1869. The followlnc artlcleaare amona the moat vatuehi. one u e aupoaea 01 Store, rained, $800 5 60 Cow, " u u. Watch, " 55 40 25 $15 Each 7 Watches. 1 Show Case, a 15 8 15 rticleu, from Segar " u Violin, 44 100 other valuable 8ltofl5. A malorltv of the ticket holrinn win ma ninuuur ui uruwuig. flivauia VV K M. Hcnxuiy. auglHd- P0U1THY. PODLTHY. T'e attention of til public 1 called to tbe large lock ol Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, ill he Innnd at my olace at tho month of T, BENNINGHOFF RUN, ""Me wanting or nslng 1'onltry will end it to their MW6e ttitjmrcliaFe of mc. A, D. MILLER & CO, Whotemle and Retail Dealers In DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C, Washington Street, FETUOL,EUiri CENTRE, PA. Their Stock consists of everything In lb, line of Drugs & Medicines! FTT-RE I.IQXJOI18, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, WfcoleetUe and Hetalt AgenU tor TOSEMlTB STOMACH BITTBRS, JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, AI.ISMA FOR THE HAIR, SEWARD 4 BENTLEY S COUGn STROP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS, WALKER RAZES CIGARS, JAYNE8' MEDICINES, ANDERSON'S DERMADOR, SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, 4c PILLS. Mendon', Mcljuw'a, Mollat'a, MoU'e, Kadway' & B, Jndoc'. Chacaoman Ayefs, Brandeth's. Seller. WPeon', Wtilmrls Wrlith'w, Jeyne'f, S".'nenck'i, Duponco', da. Cephalic, tlemoK-e, Hooper'a, Robaek', Clark' ft emale. Velpau'e, do, Jte Ac Perftimery, Toilet A tides. Soaps, Brushes, &c. COUGHS, COLDS, . Aver's Cherry Pectoral, Jtyae's Expectorant, , If araden's Balm,; Sebenck't Syrup, Universal Syrup, J , Kxcelsior Syrup, Kansom'e Hive Syrup, Seller's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, Hall's Balsam. Denton's Balsam, ' Olive Tar. Bryan's Wafer. HMUftt'a TaMMhat Wlsbart's Plrie t. Tr Seward's Cough tin.., Baternan'a Syrttp, Cotigh Candy, 4 Cigars and Tobaccos ! The Beet Ever Brought to tha vii itefioa. HAIR RESTORATIVES. ALTSMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RINGS, CHEVALIER'S, II ALL'S, MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRBTTS, ROSSETTER'S, LION'S, STERLING'S, BAKKX'S, etc., 4C. BITTERS. aTVWQITePTTl(f fW ROOTS. DKAKICR. uivl-ij,! I u t IVtv, MAUAKA STAR, ROBAl!K. DrilLICT'S MISnLKKS, SPKEH'S. UWrUMD'H, CALI"OHNlA ATIWOOD'S. UI tOVltlUt PHOTOXIDK IRON, 40 WALL PAPEBS, Cnrtalns and Rustic Snadea. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, GLUE, Spoaejes, Dryers, PUTTY, Turpontlste, Djre Staffs, REFINERS' SUPPLIES, Lard Oil, Kerosene Oil, &c. LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, 4c Scwtcli Ale, Hennett Ale, Congress Water, PRESCRIPTIONS COM POUNDED AT ALL IIOURS OF THE NIGnT AND SUNDAYS. STATIONERY, ENVELOPES 4C. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES. Come alons;, eoino one. come all, It donH ooet any Hung tn look at goau, aud we will try to treat yoa tu won. Ir i l K.NSWOKTH'S New Room. A. . MILLER CO Vutre'eooj Ca4itre, Sept B, 18b8 tl