7, i . 1 ! . Petroleum Centre Daily Record, I'm. Centre, Wednesday Alia; 4. Ji. 2i I'd r, JZditor. Time of C losing Malls. P. O., PCTaoMItT! Okstm. Va., C JUL! STt, 160S. J tTntll lYnfher notice the malli will arrive at SB di-v-urt from this oBloc u follows : A1JUYE. South mid Earn, via. Irviuekm, 10. ? A. M. Simlh and West, ' Sieadrtrle, 5.10 P. M. Nnrrli and KiuC, Oorry, 8.56 DEBAR?. fvwttll and Went, 9M A. M. Souil, Kan and Watt, 9 30 P. M. NoHht Boat aitd Woat, 10.00 A. M. IMTiuc Pci-Tlces. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaehlnjr at li o'clock A. M., and 7 o'clock P. 11. -Ret. J. T. Oxtoby, Pastor. M. E. CBTURCH. Perrlces every Sabhalb a 11 A. M. nnel 7 P. If. Sabbath Sobool at twelve o'clock M. Seal free. A cordial Invitation ex ten'led to all. Rr. C. M. BsAnn, Poitor. 6TS. PETER ANDPAUL'S (Catbolie) CHURCH. Mm at lOtf a. m. Vesper and Benediction of theBlessed purrs men t at 4 p. tn. Catcobism at,2 p. m. JAMES DlTNN.Pstor. The Party I,at sOTentna; at Potro. loam Mortae, oil City Oar Towne- "" minor. Receives "Severe" Uold-Hraded Caului. One of the moat pleasant dancing partita It baa been our good fortune to attend, was that of last evealoi at the Petroleum House Oil City. Every ono present were in thoir helgnlli or enjoyment, and none but pleasant faces were visible on every band. Petro leum Centre was well represented as a'.sor were uil City, Franklin, Miller Farm, and o"ter neighboring town-), the party number ing to tbe extent of accommodation of the Itti oleum House. At an early hour the guests assembled in tbe dancing ball, and Spencer's band sent tortb tbe joyous peuls of tbe "opening cboruY and tbe party joined In tbe terprU chore&u pleasure with a will until the hour of midnight, wbea tbe supper table was spread, and all gathered around tbo sump tuoi'S repast. Here a chance ".a tbe nr. . gramme was brought about, and our towof Plan, Dr. A. D. Miller, was suddenly called to bis U-t, and to bis astouiaumeat he was addressed as fellows: Mil. Miller: It has (VI Inn In m in ..... foiiu a duty pleasing to mysclt and to tbose iiivotiiiiiqu UVIO lu-lllglll. AllUOUgU II10SO Iwving ho matter in charge nilgLt Lave niodu a better selection, I enter upuu the du ty with pleasure. You have long been a resident among us, "il by your uniform courtly, enviable so cial qualities, tngetber wiiu your bueiuets energy, and withal, your promptness, you have unconsciously drawn arouuu you a Urge circle of ftieod.", who look upuu your do par. .im with regret. lu eveiy important - measure pertaining to the weifuie of our town, your heart, voice and baud uuvo led ijtlio- vun. and that siiecuss wLioh attends your i,iniV4duul enterprise, similarly acts and h-nt in pnblic good. We part with you, tiling that a geuerous, wbolo-aouicd gen tlcuian hut left its, and many aro tbe pleas ir ir.c dents which iboe around you to oiubt will recall in your absence, in which your baud and work will ligure foremost. It would be Injustice to ourselves, did nrn nut show in some substantial uianuer, something oj our respect for you, and for tnis pin pose I stand beloru you tu-uigbt, and now tako pleasure in presenting this gold headed cam, duly inscribed, as a gil t from your mauy friends who ate sad at partiug wito an estimable citizen. Although tbo lull Uftic value or the giit is far is the bttCk giound of their esteem for you, still, by it you may recall this incident, and the old l i'uds and associates of toimer duys. May 1i prove a faithful staff upon which to lean, as ymi pass down tbo ladder ot life. With these (emails, and an expression of tbe beat wish.-s.lor you and youts in your future bonie, 1 make my bi.w. His reply was brief, neossarily, owing to the siuprise, but the ieeling be manifested, being ovei joyed; was a sufficient recompense to bis friends present, for tbe gift presented him, and the incident will be long remem bered, not only by himself, but by all pres ent. To Mr. Staats, one of the proptietorsol tbe Petroleum House, (Mr. While being absent) the guests of last evening feel themselves greatly indebted for tbe courtesy and kind attention extended, and one and all will accord with us in saying that tbo supper was cue of the very boat, such as none but those who "opprecialo good things" can well spread beiore a party. Tbe oruatnen'a lion ef the table was tri-nd, the tiiste displayed in Its arrangement being worthy tbo banquet of a punco. 11 who joined ua will lout; romumbS the evening of AngiiH 31, 1809. An liishinan, who had jumped into tbe water la fate a man from drowning, on ro coivinj a tlinio as a reward for his services. fci.ikeJ first at the dime and then at blra, and i.t last exclainiod, "I'm over-paid lor thfj.' I rni iiTr rv i i i di it, c Death of tho Remarkable Woman In KentAckjr. Miss Susan Caroline Godsey, tbe sleep ing wonder, diod at ber mother's borne somo eight miles from Hickman, on Wednesday, the 14th Inst' Tbe history of Miss Gndsey la well known to tbe public, a statement of ber wonderful condition having been published extensive ly by tbe press of tbe United States. At the time of ber death Miss Godsey was about 26 years of age, and bad been asleep s described, about fourteen years. Tbe existence of this wondeiful esse ef coma, or preternatural disposition to sleep, bas been doubted by many, but tbe fact ia In disputable. Indeed tome twelve months ago, Miss Godsey was taken to Nashville and other places lor exhibition, Int we un derstand many even of tbe physicians o Nashville, looked upon the case with suspl. cion. The history of tbe case Is brief: When about twelve Tears of aio aha was tAkan with aseverochill; and treated according ly by her physician. As tbe fover which followed ber chill subsided, she fell into a deed sleep, la which condition she bas re mained ever since, except at inteivuls. It was her custom at first to walse rogularly twice in every twenty-four hours, and sin gularly, within a few minutes of tbe same hours each day; but of ia'.e years she awoko ofiener, so much so that many considered It an Indication of her final recovery. She wculd remain awake five, ten, orperhap firteen minutes, and gradually drop off to slsop agin. When asleep it wns fmpo9sf. ble to arouse ber. Sb never comnliiae-' of any bodily pain, though when she was very nervous at time?, and appear ed to suffer con-iderably by the violent twitching and jerking of her muscles and limbs, and her hands clenched tightly as enduring severe pain, but when awake she did not appear to suX.'r except from a drow sy, gaping inclination, and pariistent effort O eli a ise her throat if pMetn. She g.-nera!' ly passed into sleep through violent par oxysm, which would last perhaps fiv minutes, and she would then sleep awhile ai calmly and quietly as an Infant. ' Miss Godsey was of medium size, and ber limbs and muscles were well proportioned and developed, aud grow considerably niter- her affliction. Miss Godney on the the day she died in. dulged in a little pvopbesyipg, which we give as related for what it is worth. Sh said tho sua would be a total eclipse on the 7th of August (this is rematkable, 'be. cause partus usseit (bat she could have had no knowledge that this was uccording to calculation), and that the sun would never shine as bright after that day. That this would indicate tbe end of tbe world, which was speedily apptoichiog. A young married lady, says the Fort Wayne Democrat, parting from her husband at tbe depot in Fort Wayne, one mornin, was overheard to utter tho fallowing, all in one breath, terminating tho sontcace with an affectionate kiss. '-Good by. Will. Write to me every day, won't you ? I'll ex- peot a letter from you throe times a week, any way. Take good care of my tidy work, for I'll want it when I come buck. If Kits S. calls, don't give ber more than fifty cents for we have to support our own church, you know.- Don't forget to bring my silk dress and olhor shoes. Coma as soon as you can. Good-bye. Come as soon as you can. Don't forget your cano, and let your mous tache grow. Now, there's a good follow." An Irishman on his way to Manchester, N. U., arrived at the forks of tbe road where stood a sign-board which read thus: "Manchester 4 miles;" "Man chased ber four mllee.! Be the bottiy poker, I co'j havo caught her in half the time mesiif." . A citizen of Blackhawk, Iowa, went sud denly insane a fow days ago, and remained so up to tho time of his death. ThoAioc'ors attribute bis insanity and death to tbe in temperate use of tobacco, tho man being an Inveterate smoker. . A Leavenworth editor is in quoit of speo lal attractions for bli paper. lis says: "What we want for this aoluaa is per sonalities,' as mera as possible. Expense of litjol suits to be defrayed by the writer funeral expenses by us. Tbe length of tbe Pacific, Railroad Is such that a courtship be.un in Ohio was oonsu mated iu a marriage, before tbe two travelers reached tbe end of their rout'. A woman stole $8,000 worth of diamond from a jewelry store in St Louis, yesterday' and escaped. 'An expensive gang of counterfeiters has befn brokoo up near Madieon, Wisconsin, resulting In tbe capture of two notorious couiitcvfuiters and the solzure of a large quantity or counterfeit hank notes, prater, dies, presses, etc. TELEGRAPH KKl'OltTED foil THR DAILY jtECOTil, Afternoon Dispatcher. Buffalo, Aug 4 Great interest is manifested in the anoal meeting of tbe Buflalo Park Association, oommeticinn on tbe Kith last. A Isrge number of fine horses will be in atletdsnce and for sale. Among tbe horses which arrived yrslerdoy weie American Girl, Lucy Bradly, Confidence, and two green ones in charge of Ran Mare; Goldsmith Maid, and Dot, in charge ef Ouble, and Honey, from tbe West. A number of other fast horses are alto on hand, in splendid condition. Lady Tho a Is expected to-dav. The trot for $10,000 will cone off on tbe 12 lb. At Poughkeepsie, New Tork, Sunday night, at 7:40 o'clock, meteor of unusual size and brilliancy wasobsewed to shoot from the northeast to the southwest emit ting sparks of Ore. Tbe Titusville Herald of this morning says that tbo Danfortb House, at Pitboie is to be removed to Tionesta borough. When tbe Chinese In California die, they are "laid away to dry," and when enough are thus dead and dried to make a cargo, a vessel Is chartered and tbey are returned Celestial grave yards. Tbey be!'ri ,0 attain happiness in the idfn'i tbey must be entombed In China. A Calior-" theatre, has adopted tbe plan rurniaMog a loom where babies can oeleft checked during the performam e 1 his isn't tbe check for Infants that tbe Physicians and clergy are declaring against. The late John A. Roebling't will give bis business manager $30,000; the Trenton Childrens' Home $13,000; his widow $100, 000, and each of bis children $100,000. A sunflower fo the button bole is tbe latest stylo for gentlemen. With a big one and a white pongree umbrella a man looks as stylish as though bis parents were weal thy. Every governor olthe Stale of Pennsyl vania baa been a native-born Peonsy Ira nian. Packer, the pre: ant Demoeratio can didate, is a native of Connettiour. Upon a tombstone appeared this inscrip tion r Here lies John Tug, snag as a bog in a rug 'A "ag, seeing this, and a stone near by with no inscription, wrote. Here lies John Tagger, snugger than the other bugger. Indiana is boasting of new discoveries in iron and coal. The Boosters say they "will soon rank next to Pennsvlvanla.'' Whereat a Pittshura- naner sava tha nroiaet ed ship canal from Pittsburgh to Erie is neeaeu. what has become of tbe boat" canal. "gun- A farmer being asked if his horses were matched, said: "Yes, they are Batched flist-ratej one of them is willing to do all tho work, snd the other Is willini he should." A London clergyman advertises that he will "lend" bis weekly sermons for half a crown a pfceo, or four lot $10s., warrantee 'original, earnest and evangelical." A poor lo.for on bearing that they chare td five dollcrs a day for board in California saiuieitcuid go there and live, as- be wished, to get eome place where he could get bis board charged to him. Ho is not particular about tbo price. Joseph M. CanQeld, a resident of narrlfc burg, recently divorced irom bis wife, now named Annie Antes, bit ber nose off the other day, and is now in jail awaiting bis trial. Alice specimen of tbe gray eagle was captured on Monday last by Messrs, McCoy and Winsbeimcr, two young men of Greens burg. Tbe bird measures six feet eight inches aoross tbo wings, and at the time of its capture, was feeding upon tbe carcass of a cow in a Hold of Mr. Colberson. adjoin. ing town. Tbe question "why printers did not suc ceed as well as brewers?" was thus answer ed. Because printers work for tbo bead, and brewers for the stomach, and where twenty men have stomachs, but one bas brains. Tbe London Court Journal states tbat George Francis Train "has offered to take a contract to sack London in sixty days with Fenian soldiers and sailors, free of cost but tbat as transportation.'' The coknoys ought tc be trembling in their noes at tbe dread announcement. Hot Boston brown bread every Tuesday nnd Friday mornings at A. M. Shults' Va riety Bafcery.. jui26tr CANDIDACY ANNOUNCE WKNT9. rROTrtONOTAtlY. 4 M n. t. nnrff PImwo announce the nsmpof Tom as 1) kahbv, of Petroleum Centro, nil a candidate for Prntlxinatitry of Vonanao Comity, snujitt to tlic uupes of the Democratic 1'itrly. liocul Noticea. KEEP COOt. By pnrcBafllna one of thuta KEFKICKtiATOKS at tbe Furniture Store. tree Morrison's Oenwlne Plue TP" nd Persian Hoallna; Soaps. These soape are Impregnated with cxntWx o "'" mildest and moat B.iMamic nature, and are wr1""1' ed perfectly lnnocoat and flee from mineral rA oUl er pernicious adralxtnras, and are select ir ''' t,u' ladles and the public tn general In prefer ce In all other soapa, the great produeors and peMf-w or a healthy parity of complexion, and a Joniervator of female boanty. For tha softoeM nl delicacy which thej Induce te tna hands and tars, their enpn billty of soothing Irritation Sb.' remo-lni! nnalglitly eruptions, render them lndUjunnIbB to every toil et We kindly sak the rbllJ to W the rtrfttc. of these soape. J. L, P. Proprietor.. A. D. Miller is Co., General s?"' Jul3m. Hardware A large awortment of which Is being closed oat at rodoca rate at REYNOLDS BRODHBAD 019, H fl Centre Bt., oppoelte the rostOfflee, Ott Ctty.Ps. All Seconal art sealed hamedlalely, will be left with an officer BrJonlecUon. a Apr.UIC RBTKOLDS in. jvr Flonr, Feed aud Grocery Store I J. . PIIATIIEK, At the OLD BANK BUII.DINQ, ON MAIN ST. opposite the McOlIntock House, has on hand a large and first clone slock of Floor, Feed and Groceries, which ha Is selling at a low flrurc. 3. Boat forget the place where A. D. rot ton A Company broke np. Jan'i If. For DTATIONEKT, to., call at HOLilKS ft FAHNSWORTH'8 News Room. The Great Yooesmlte Hitter. All hall I Rrcnt betiemctor, Who te cure tie of oar Ills, (lives life to the disconsolate. Without noxious drnge or pills Drive dieeaw from out the s.vetem, Kills the heart with life and light, With the hot of all the toslos, Downer Groat Yoeemltel With root from ont the valley?. Where Calllfomia'a aun doth ehlne, Giving wealth to tie poor morula, Beyond tho riehea of her mines. Wealth of health and happlneee. Its blessings none should slight, Do yon want It t Weald you hate It t Cm Downer's Great Yasemlto. Come yo sick, dlsoaaed, diaeeasolate. Why should you pine and die? Ye Ssohle, 'lint and lancnlehlmr, Coma, tbee glorloas Bitters try Dee how these quacke and nostrums, Flee from the land In fright. Giving place to this pore tonic. Downer's Oreat Yoaemlto I JuWitf Special MoUee W0PD8 OF WISDOM for young men, en the Ruling Faaston ia Youth and Early Manhood, v. 1th BSLF HEI F rorthe eirlng and Ua oilui'tte. teu tn sealed letter envelopes, ree of charge. Addtinx, DOWABD SLOCIATION B XL P, I'l i.j oklpai a Pa. May si, am Crockery For all kinds go to REYNOLDS BRODUKAD CCH, No, 11 Centre UUeut, oipo site the Post Office, Oil City, Pa. Try our Navy Tobacco. Ws know It la the beet In the market. W. H. NICHOLSON A CO. Carpets, of every quality and description, at REYNOLDS, BKODHSAD COtS, No. 11 CtU -Street, opposite the P. O., Oil City, V. VERY CHEAP B11KBT MUSIC, only five cents e eopy, at W. II. NICHOLSON CO. '8 Stationery tore. All styles of Blank Books, Not Paper, aud En velopes in Jobbing Lota, at v. W. H. NICHOLSON ft CO. BASE BALL BATS and W n. Nlcholion A re's. BCOKB BOOKS, A new lot or the celebrated I.1L Knives jnst received at the POST OFFICE. BIRDS. JAVA, 8 FAKROWS, CANARY, OEI ! U.A11) a, A. m, WIUUBIH S0 W. The very beet pocket Cutlery Bazore and Scls m3 all warranted at W. II. NICHOLSON'S. tilasod Oil Cloth Co rial nam AD ULLKlt&CO WALL F1PEUI Joit received a large stock qf Spring patterns, at D. C. JARV1S FCRNITCBE STOUK. m3. The finest Plug Tobacco at W. H. NICHOLSON & CO 'S. All Dallies, Weeklies and Magazines at UOLMUS FARNSWORTU'S News Room, A. D. MILLER A CO., have the agency of the American Whip Co., and Western Whip Co.'s C. gala, at wholesale prices. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . POULTRY. POULTRY. The attention of the public Is called to the large stock ol Chickens, Ducks Turkeys, (ieeae, Which will he found at my olace at tbe month ef BENNINGHOFF RUN. Those wantlur or using i'oultry will And It lo their advantage to purchase or me. j129-3in. JAMES LINDEN l. D. MILLER 4 UU.'S COLUMN A D. MILLER & (ft Wholesale and Ketall Dealers In JRUGS, MEDICINES, &C, Washington Street, PKTHOI.KHITI CENTIIF, PA. Their Stock consists ef everything in the line of Drugs & Medicines ! pure X-ICiTJOHS, - FOB MEDICINAL PURPOSES, Wholesale and Retail Asxents for YOSPMtTE STOMACH HITTEItS, JOHN ROOT'S H1TTEI5S. CONSTITUTION' BITTEKS. A MAMA FOR THE nAIR.. SEWARD A RENTLET'S COUGH FYM7P MAGIC MACEDONIAN Oil., TH'I'ONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS. WALKER A HAZE'S CIGARS. J AYNRS' MEDICINES. ANDERSON'S ITEKV ADOR. SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'd OINTMENT, c. Mamdnn'a, Mrljine'K, SlolhttV, Moll'e. UnAmy' It It .lndor'a. Ilieeacninn's SelliT'e. WllnOll, WlHliarteV, Wrlirh'l, JayiieV, l-.'iieliek'e. Bmndeth's, Cophalle, llurrick'n, Hooper 'e, KnhnckV. Clark'e Female, Dilimnco'e, do. Velpan'a. do. A.. c Perfumery, Toilet Ar- tlclcs, Soaps, Brushes, &c. COTUHS, COLDS, . Ayer'n Cherry Pectoral, Jayne's Expectorant, Marsden's Balm,' Bchenck's Kyrup, ITniversal Syrup, Excelsior Syrup, Knnaom's'lllve Syrup, teller's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, Ilall's Balsam. Dunton's Balsam, Bryan's Wafers. Olive-Tar, Brown's Trochee, Wisbarfs Pine Tree Tar, " Soward's Cough Cure, Batemnn's Syrup, Cough CanrtyAc Cigars and Tobaccos ! The Beat Rvcr llrouf lit to the Oil Ucglon. HA I It 11 E3TOI1 ATIVEB. A I. ISM A, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S, CHEVALIER'S. HALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRETT, ' .ilOSSETTER'S, LYON'S, STERLINGS, BARRY'S, Ac, Ac. BITTEKS. KOOT-H, CONSTITCTHrN, RIJBACK' DKAKK'H, MAOKA STAB, llt'DLRtH MISflLKItH, HOSIKTTBH'S, SHREK'S. UOOFLANDS, OAI.IFOHN1A, ATXWOOD'S, PROTOXIDE IRON, AU WALL PAPERS, Cartalua an Itasllc Shade. PAIXTS, OILS, V AlwislOllCiQl PUTTY, Tarpentlne, Dyo 8tnffn, ir i u w .Tia mm ma GLASS, GLUE, Sponges, IJ'rrera, SUPPLIES Lard Oil, Kerosene Oil. &c. LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Ac. Scotch Ale, Kcnnett Ale, Congress Water, PRESCRIPTIONS COM POUNDED AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATIONERY, ENVELOPES AC. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES. Come along, come one. como all. It don't con nny. thing to look at goods, and wo will try to treot yoa all well. . ' A D. MILLEll k CO remw eam Csutre, Kept s, lot. u 1 i . ! . ' I' ll V ! t 4.f TAX.1