SOME PRINT OBSCURED MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, TS THK BEST LINIMENT rs tiii: woiilb For Man & Beast. 38 Years In Use. CT3 I (rood for Rheumatism, Chilblains, ('urn, Whit lows, Caked Ilreut, fore Nipple, Cramps, floil-, Bites of autniglx. Weakness of the Joint, Contrac tions of the M linden. Bum and Scalds. Print liito, Puinfnl iiervuus ufl'octloiiM, Chapped Hands, lame Back. Pain In the hide, Swellings, Turners. Tooth Ache, OJd fores, Hemorrhoids ur Files, Flesh Wound, Chill of all kinds, 8prlus, Bruliw( Crock ed Ueela, KIhk Uoiu), i'oio fcvll, Wind Gall. Col lonJ, ripnvln. Hwevnoy, Fistula, Bltfast. Kxternu Poisons, boratclie or Grease, Springhalt, Hand CraoKs, Lameness, Strains, Foundei injr Kcct, Mntitce, Horn Distemper, (target iu Cows, Cracked Tents, foot Hot in bheop, uid many other diseases inci dent tu Man and Boast, U. D-. Tatlou, of Coaootd, Kv., unys the Gargling Oil cdrtd a horse of hi, injur-u while ploughing by attempting to step over a stamp, almost severing his thigh from the body ; also that he tins used It iu nH family for fifteen year, and Is the be romedy lor Cuts, Bum. Bruise Frost Bites, Strains, Rheum atism, etc., he ever used 09 FromCncMr BRCB , Cochrane) liuidlne, flhtn, Nov. so, 18M1 Wo arc pleased with yonr medicine. It has been the meant of curing a jrrnat nuinbor o different diseases upon .persons, a aluo upon homes. We lb Ink it oures nil yen recommend it to dti. We want you to send us the larger proportion of the variety for "Family Use," In small bottles. ... From Dn. i. V. TsrtaELL, Warren. Ind., March 18Sf. 1 am engaged in the practice of medicine, and find your Gargling Oil an extremely cIVeiut t remedy !u all case where an external application ia Indicated. From Da. G. B Neai. Bnrris. Iowa, Doc. VI, I860. I have praotlced medicine in Una eouuty seven years aud, cheerfully recommend your Garbling Oil oe the beat llmuncut iu use. From Da. T. W. Kitis. Oft , Jan. , If 1 could receive both boxes of the Gurgling Oil it will not be too much, as I thick I could soon Unit sale fur It all, the inqniry being frequent Biuce it is sup posed that I h ave It fer Hale. From Dn. Wn. S. McUali,, Chamois, Hi) . Not. rj, JS88 Your Gurgling Uil l taking the siiinoolT from all the llnlmenta of tho day. If yon dosired them, 1 could procuro dozens of certificates front tuoe who have been eured by it. Messrs. MeLam 4 Bnne., Wholesale Drngglats, that they can safely recommend the Gurgling Oil for more diseases than it is recommended for. From J. K. KtHHun. TJnlontown, Pa., June 81, 1867. Your Gargling Oil is doing much belter here i nun lormeriy, since lis virtues nave oerome Known, and the bottles put up for Family Use, without siaiu. are uiuuu aougut lor. era Kztract Tram a Icttor from Hon Nathan I twmnr. i ouniy jnaro 01 oneioy vo iowa. aareti Jiannn, April 18, 1867 It decidedly preferred to any lin aoient Bold In tblfl section. Kit ran of a letter from Samuel 8. Hupp, dated FalHbunr Ohio, July 17, 1M6U. In June liwt, Henry fehtUTlohad aypurlh. colt that bud what vrfn up prsed to bo Dyptlteria Tor more than ten dnya so that It could not oat, and tho throat twokn atmont phut, and tho who of tbrou or four applications of tlui dollar Lotties did the derived ettect. F ora A. O. Mibl, Lewiftvlllo, Coiieliocton Co., O , March. Ifi5a I lmve ntitl vour Uarf;1ing Oil tor the licmtcru on tuy boiac, and U cured it wltli the tti-Ht anplicuUou. From Ekos MAtHlTR, Middlrpmt, N. July OS, 18;j0. I pm cliancd i bottlt of ynr Gaiuliug Oil of yon mreut, A. 8 Baker, at Wlddleiwit, and us vet finvtt Hrttd but half of it. 1 think It 1ms given in more relief in a ciieof flevero Kheuniatism, ol Ionic ftumuing, AUm auy thing 1 tiavu ever utiod tofuio. Extract from a litter from J 0. Tk-att, dn!ed Ou'mijr, OhuatJiuQua i)o., N. Y.. Auu-tVi. I hive bcon aoquaiu'.ed with your UK'du inc fiuuliut; (if)) for the l.ittl tonrleen ytiav-t, it hur p oved a lire euro for Foot lijt iu bheop fur v 1 i a I noid the m-t untie tin a irnvo culm a'mot vm i t iuoix l'U'je loi wurd a xm m couvuniunt. Ahvtiya Inquire fo Merchant's Celebratod GARGLING OIL, And Uiko no oJ!- lietail Price, $1.0, i t;ts., HOT XiS Kliako well liufuro nslr.g, nml rub on thoroughly uui .iiu uiu ui kuuiu wm m cuosiuuue. Tiio Oarslitii Cil Iiils hoen in me as a hnameiit 8 ileie. jtll we urn U a fair trial, but tie blue ailu luium uiiwuuiiai Auk yonr nearei-t Druei;i.t, c- dealer In Patonl mm'j-,ii'" inr ono m our Almanac! and Vado Me c.inm, and read what the jkojiU yiy ubuul Uiu Oil Tho Ctnrllntt Oil is f.r halo by nit reportable Ui):ei3 Luru,iy;;iouG iuo ntat.ia w.u t.iUer eori.'itl'to. our Mimouiito date frem lisi to l.jiw ml ai 1,ti.';'ji.. 'I. VM U:irilnii vil f,H-i t. n your Wo d -11 fait cJ'.d Ubetl with ail tin! d'.Ty cjii'.ia Uietiuu. 3MimiiUotu5'ti(l tit. LaS,'.irt, Hi. v., by " So'.uby A. I). .nsi-iii;: &c CO., Uly3-&u, reuoieuui Uiu'.i's, Pa. HARDWARE OIL CITY. ROBSON'S Oil Ciut.k Pipe Works. CITAItJLES KOBSOA' A- Co., Corner of Seneca cV Centre St., Eaul lido Ulltroek, Oil City, fa., Dealers In Morris, TasRer A Co' OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, il.SO, WORKING BAIWKLB AND VALVKS, BTUFFINO HOYE. CLAMPS, TONUS, BUOBETt KODS, c machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries BOHINtt TOOIJJ, OIL PIMPS, DRIVING PIPE, C'OliU WATliU PUMPS Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RK- HNEKIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, HHAHS GOODS, TEAMS AXD OAS FITTINGS. BELTING, tACKlSQ. ami ROSE; UARCWAHE, UOL'SB TIUMMISGS, Carpenters' Toole, Rope, Onkmn, Nails, Axes, CotTee Mills. Table A Pocket Cutlery ; s Full Aasorttncst at Everything in tho HARDWARE LINK ilshlns Lamps, Chimneys, No. 1 Winter Strained Lard Oil, No. 1 Kenned Oil, Stair Hods, Table and Door Mate ; Champion Clothes Wringers ManafiictarcrB of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Waro. Henalrtng of all kind done with noarncM dispatch, liupccial attention given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. Wc tinve endeavored to merit the patronage nl the pttblio, and ehall nic evry exertion to iu.-uie iu coiitltmaneo. Onr fiioilitiea for furnishing eerytliinij in our line, having been greatly Inereasod, In tho erection of our New BulldW. ore now SUPEKIOIt 'J'O ANY OTUKn ESTAOUSri.lIHNT angill-Sni. IN TUB OIL UKQION. Botan's Oil Crt Pips f nb CIIAS. KOR-SOM & CO., Comer of Senoca and Centre Sta, east aide of Oil Crock, Oil City, Pa. navinp added a powerful Steam Engine and Ihren large L, j linrsio our niruauy extensive Miuiiuac luring Establishment, are now prepared to do ali the necessary wyrk, in utt!n up, uud lepuiring ENGINES, BOILERS, IKON TANKS, REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS In fact do'all Machinery .lob Work entrusted to ne with neatness and disnntcn ku ojtn,, NEW HARDWARE STORE UiSATING AND C001UNU STO S I In largo variety. TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! Era ru?.siEE-?8 mm, W lii ioi oisa Cjb tiwui tiJj LAMPi.LANTERNS. AND FANCY AUTlCLtS. I WWrdliEi Vot tifila CHEAP 1 At the stoic formerly crcnpled ny Itiirclirted and CiidlflMie. OII. CITY. PA J.l;Llj IE. v(..B,-:. OiilClty, Jan. 4, ISO'.) if. Johii C. Welch, t'iie!Jia.-SC. 4Jil t'iij DuU'.T lU Iniiis' .'11 fr-.-t .y.ix- 15.; j vi.n r. i ai..M, JOIIl" l.i,:ri II. nil. h 111 :f I , a: .;t uui ail c a.-v.l at o:if. , Oil Citv DAILY RECORD NEWSPAPER, AND Office. MAIS STREET, H. LOMdWELI,, Proprietor. NEWS DEPARTMENT. ty. roeelvo telegraphic jftinate?:na nji to t. v. u., and pro.-eut tlicin to o.u re;ule:a ove: ovenint;. em bniciug news of ;ica: iuteiest from all scutluKa ml lite eouiui'y. Ue nave nu.;e Si.o.i.i'. ananetnenta, whuroby we veetivo regular l'enultuui, tiockund Prodacu -Market l!e;jo: !a cvi.'ry oveu't.g by leleKrai'li, from &ewYj:k, I'hilavlolpuln, and rilumu-ji, which, to'ethar ith JJiltcriuij and Local niat:ord, utiko it eno of the moat duiirnhlc uowipupora published iu the Oil Kti;lou Aa au Advertising iilf-tliun), The KECORD his no superior, aa it circulates wherever an Oii Operator ur Dealer cau be iuund .1 I J a HiiT We hare a large n well selected a'sortmcnt 6l new johblntf lUatcrlar, emnrutlna tho very latest Mylca. Wo tire therefore, enabled to execute Job Work of evoiy variety in a saU.dactory rummer '.Vhoa d.wlre.1, oli will he ueatlyp.'iuM-l lu Coi.oit S'iiiypiiii; Bills. Vatcv niu'.-jsiiis. ;. Fxograsnmc, IJllJs 6i I tti-e. . ajt:d &ajiut"i ami Malting Card LETTE H - U EADS, BILL - UlfADH, BILLS 0? LACING, Kta , Etc tiso PiUia or Fancy Styles, DJ.itty and promptly execu ted, euibtacini; fNVtTATIOM rincniiAKH VKOOSAMMSS Aiit'.S, TtCKETO, ttc. Ill ll'.Ct, CVe iv at e ot work In leUer, Kurcl.aiiu, !j wyora, Jsatices of tho Peace, iM u AiHoiits. Cil 'ikaiera tied Aismtta, InsurMtco A-jucis, Ks p'. e. nineii int. ctUcc uirtioa !u, are '.:,lu;-ir.eil taut e. e are riirel to e..ooolo too .'Jer aii luuu of IJ'-.KS, luiu ov '.irH". ree'itr- 'i in tt.i ci.m- MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HARDWARE STORE ! itnvnr KHVAN CO., Iteg leave to announce to the citlneua of 1 l1 Ceutrn and vicinity, tlint they have np-n ' ' f store in tho rear of the office of the Central I eti ol eum Conipaiiv at the railroad crossing, where tit : y will kivp cmstantlv on band a full assortment ot everything iu tho Hardware line, such ail TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. GAS FITTINUX aini BRASS GOODS. Mr. Hrystn having been enpflg In tho bnslnciw vtru..., lti'a in,- ii,nr vears oast, win attend patliculufly to tho business of DianiHuctttting SMOKE STACKS All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, &C. They have a New Machine for CUTTING GAS PIP, With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work1 iSi thia lino. Apr 9. Goal! Coal! Coal! rpHB unaewlgned, having established a nrancn -- . . at lard at icyna i arm, tire uow prepared to furnish All Grata of Coal At the Very Lowest Prices. Operators IVom rherrjtrce Hun. and vicinity, living at Petroleum Centre, run leave their orders at our office here, and nave ilieni promptly linen irom uie Kyua rorm 1 uru. AT LESS COST TIIAN USUAL. DON'T FOBfl'T THE PLACE HKAULE CORNWKtiU OfMoe on 0. C. A. K. H , Petroleum t'Aitre. Drnuch Ofllce at H lid Farm. N. 8 We hold ezelnsive control of tho famous STONEBORO COAL. at both the almvo named pulute Jtitrtl-t . A. T. LEGGETT, Uanofacturer and Denlur In HARNESS, Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. Experienced workmoi. ato employed, and IIr nus of all kinds kept c r. Uutly ou baud aLd made to order. I. C. Ilein7's Pat. Seed Dag f'oivSale. Repairing Done at all Times Call and examine ear stock and pi Ices, IainStM below tie .McCllu lock IIonu. Petrolenia Centre, Pa Jan. Ttk, W -tt J. A. PLANTE, Frencli Boot Maker AVasbingtoii Street, TnUEB DOORS WEST OF A. D. MIL. LEU CO.'S DRUG STORE, IKTUOIiElM CENTRE, Pa., fa manufacturing to order FIHST CLAS8 FINE wuiu, eucn ua Patent Iicalhcr Boots, Pump Sole Boots, French Cork Sole Booti, 8 cote Welt Boots. HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK DONE I FRENCH STYLE. Call and Bee samples. J. A. PLANT K. Petroleum Centre, Pa., July S. 2m. ABeniapozelii' City Terrtory. H0TIC2 TO OIL OPERATORS. Tho nndorslfiod, agent for tho Mctropolltnn Oil Company, now offers to lease tho territory of said Company, in Iota of two acres each, for one-fourth royalty. Tbla (arm h) situate on Cherry Tree Run and lies on the jugu ni VEIN Which connect t-t Wood and Pierson Farm with CHAHLE 7 UN TERRITORY. For further particular apply to the original . D. W. KENNEY, Allemagoozelum City, Cherrytree Run. Or oddaeM, "BOX 117, , Ptftroleum Centre, April 16 -lm. Peon. k KIN'S IIALIi. This Hall Is now ready for theatrical exhiblilon. concert, leetuies, &o. The Hull has beon l ell I led nud s'.roiiKthiiiiml. No pains and expelue has been spared to make It a flret cliihrt SHOW BUILDING. - On the fire t Hour U 0110 of lliY heat llilllard Uoom la lliii ( en'-c. All under one muaiKoiueul. , Jul; tf. . YJ. ; Petroleum Centre, DKALKlt IN rUUE FRENCH, GERMAN, KNGL1SII and amkiucax; DRUGS, Mi;iH( im; a;- CHEMI5A1S, ,V' t il OH U FOKE10N AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles ! AND Fancy Goods, J f IMPORTED PERFUMES ! SOAPS, B RICHES. AND Sundrk's ! Dru;ists Physician' I'ri-rriptloii comionndcu froro..'pm IF YOU HAV'NT SEE1ST 1 GO'"AND SEE? IT The Magio MatcL1 Petioloum Centre, Juuck 1.-.UIL T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENT tt-B PA. fpHB beet Stock of DRIVING AND fAflDU A. nuiBW on the Crock, Ore to be found at M'Donnld's liivery. 1ARHIA6ES & GUTTERS TO li LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES FEB 4c BOAHVEI on Itcneouable Terms. Teaming of all kinds at tended to Promptly. troivemeacalU T M'DONAL i Petroleum Centre, NaT. II, lgutt. LIVERY & FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposil the Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. I have put In a good stock of Riding w'j Driving Horses, which 1 will let on roaaobable term. Also, Cutters, Wagons, Sprint noHSSS boarded and fed and best or care g anteed. Jiui-tf A. SMAWLEf. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON TIIE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESH J ALL THE OYSTERS I f!ppi LUXURIES j Received. OF TUb DAILY! C3 8 E A SOS tVnahlitfrtnii Street. Petroleum Centre, Pa., noxt door to Is haw 1 Jewelry Btoro- T. W. SAIVOS, Proprietor. W Day Ikmrdura nncouiiiitidatial, Meals sen e all hours. Oysters, and every description ot tr f uriilshud kiiiwim. h, ' No pitltia will hn iared to acconimouat " who tuvor us witii tiuar paironao. yKUl VwtoleMW Vetyrii, Jan. (li lnon. tf. 5 Pi H T 1 5 i! il v r