11 ! i - Vv t: r ;1 Petroleum Centre Daily Record. el. oiiiro, TncRdaj, Aug 3. c4. J., Mai tor. Time OK CloMiig IrEalla. V. O., I'K'.T10LFI' Cicimtr. P-, I JLH JT.ST, 1SK. i Pnrll further notice Mio malla will arrlvt t and depart from Uds office as follows : Al.aiVK. Kouth and Hast, via. Irvlneton, 10. 38 A. M. South and Wert, " Mcadvlllc, 5.18 P. 51. North ami East, " Corry, 2 55 " ' rmuitr. Honth and Wont, 8 45 A. M. Sontl Enstnnd West,S.30P. 31. "orth, East and Wot, 10.00 A. M. IMvlna Mrrv'rm. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'olock A. M., and ' o cloe P. M. Ret. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. M. E. CHCRCH. Services every Salibath at 11 A. M. ami V,i P. At. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock M. Seals free. A cordial Invitation ex tended to all. Rr. 0. M. IIeahd, Pastor. STS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Cstholle) CHURCH. Mast at 10LJ a. m. Vesper and Benediction ot the. Blessed Sxorametit at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. m. ' JAMES DUNN, Pastor. A good man will oat kill a "wallow, but "swallows" taken too often have killed many a good man. Jou.v Mokrtssey is said to have made a half million by recent speculation lu New York Central. The 9iea aro as much more ferocious this yar than last asthey are numerous. Tbey are responsible for a good deal of profani ty. Watbh Melom O. F. Schonblom baa just received a supply of water melons, nean anu nice. .Tbey are delicious to the taste. Try them. This "Lady Stewart" well, owned by OHara A McFaddeo, at Shamburg, is re ported es doing 180 barrels of green oil. Dana's salary as editor of tbe New York Suu is $10,000 a year. We know a great many editors who, if tbey received $9,000 per year moro than tbey now do, would be as well paid as Dana. Cool Api'hop.biatio!j. Tbe Titiisvillo Jlerald of Ibis morning contains a commit nication relatjve to tbe appearauco of Mr. Jutucs B. White, of Rouseville, on tbo stage with Llttlo Nellie's troupe, at that place. The letter is an item copied from tbe Hbc ori verbatim. Some check, that corres pondent. Mieti.no ok the Democratic Clcd. There will be a meeting of the Domocratic Jackson Association of Petroleum Centro at the American Hotel, on Thursday evening next, Aug. Sth. The password of last quar ter will be used. Fouxn. a memorandum book, contus ing papers valuable only to the owner, was picked up in Washington street on Sunday last. We should judge it was the property of C. C. Bennet, Sliamburg. Tbe owner can have the same by applying to this office, and paying fur this notice. Tub Part To-Niout. Those contem plating atteuding tho party this evening, at iho Petroleum House, Oil City, will bo on baud at the depot for the 7:20 train, to which will bo attached a special car lor the convenience of the party. Iu addition to those mentioned yesterday, Miller Farm uud Franklin send a liberal delegation ot ladies and gentlemen. Spencer's baud will tutuish uutslo for the occasion. J. A. Losbe, Merchant Taiuiii. This enterprising niercbaut, at Titusville, adver tises elsewlierg an extensive assortment; ol foruigu uud domestic cloths und casaimeres aud is prepared to manufacture to order the neatest of suits for men and boys wear. This I one of the finest establishment ol its kind iu the oil region, and enjoys a rep utation second to uoue in thi section of tuo Sialu. Cull ou him, comer of Spring and i'unkliu streets, Titusville. Exi'Laxatio.. The management of the Variety Theatre, in Akins' Hall, desire us io state that the penalty to Mr. Clark, cue m me ponormers, tor using improper language ou the btage ou Saturday owning last was dismioaed from their company Tliey desiru it distinctly understood thut they will not ullow improper conduct on the ttajje, as they iutoud to carry on au orderly .kud uuohjoctkuiaMo euluriuinaiuut. Tua Ut tlc.ii.lj, UJS CMtC- iaaly utrtuiuui, aw tiww ; d.rK lo witness soinelliui,; pleasing will be r wit ibis evening. need apply Hon- a.. "-Xt.'ci'ican Lkt Thkm Divide Ur. An exchange says the South must have laborers. Why exclusively laborers! Why not nddilionai landowners, who aro willing to work as farmers do at the North ? Or must there be a race of hewers of wood and drawers of water forover, for the benefit of the large landowners of the Sotuh? Lot tbem divide tip their plantations into niediiitnsi.eil farms, and invito northern and European Industri al classes to come buy and settle on them. In this way, both capital and labor will socn Had their way into tho South, One of the orators at tbe Mompiis Convention, said that this Is not what tho southerners want. They want to monopolize the soil and foel themselves lords of all they survey. This is the aspiration of the old slave oligarch. But largo landed estates will never be tolerated in America, and the section that attempts to encourage them will fall behind in tho race of progress and prosperity. Let the old planters take tbe choice of selling their lands and filling their States with thrifty farmers, or of see ing their plantations becomo a jungle of weeds and bushes. The Detroit Free PreBs tolls tbe follow ing: Ellen Kennedy, the festive youth Windsorite, who ii now in jail awaiting trial on a charge of vagrancy, preferred by ner latner, yesterday demanded a jury, and her caso was adjournod to next Tues day. In reply to the, proposal that she inigui regain ner liberty, by returning home, she said. "Not any, Mastor: I like the States in prison better than Canada at liberty. I'll take my chances on this side. '' It may not be gcnorally known that when a person is drowning, ii be is taken by tho arms from behind, between tho elbows and shoulders, be cannot touch the person at tempting to save him, and whatever strug gles he may make will only assist the per son holding him in keeping bis bead above water for an bour. If seized anywhere else, tho probability is thut he will clutch tbe Bwimmor, and, as is often the case, both will be drowned. Tbe health of King William of Prussia is visibly declining. Hence tbe situation of the convalescent Court Bismarck Is peculiar. Disliked by Iho Prussian heir apparent and bis wife, distrusted by many Liberals, him self a wilful Conservative with Liberal ten dencies thwarted by an old King, bis future in relation to the prospect of a new King in Prussia is problematic. His present retire ment from affairs is perhaps strategical. Last week, on the Jacksonville railroad, in llllonois, ono of the route agents, in handling the mail, came across a bundle of letters which he pitched across the car to an assistant, in whoso bands the bundle exploded, some explosive material having bees inclosed io tho pack. Tho letters were entiroly destroyed. The agents were nut seriously injured. An Indianapolis lawyer has rccelvod the following: Sir -can I get a divors, & how soon on grounds that 1 canuot support my wilo have one child, a boy am willing to take care or the boy, an. Imeaditly & state wbat it will cost ifit'oosts $20 1 cant pay that much. Direct to box 140 Uurlington Vt." America is estimated to contain over ten millions of square miles, each mile being capable of sustaining three hundred and fifty persons, or four timos the present popu lation of the earth. In view of this bound less expanse of territory and resources, wbat folly to oxpoxo the emigration hither of any race or combination of men. An Englishman, giving bis nauiu as Wil liam Oliver Lewis, who arrived at Now Bedford from Honolulu Monday, on the ' ship Adeline, (was moonstruck on thu pas sage while lying on the deck at night, and became insane, at times being vory violent. His caso has been brought to the attention of the liritibh Consul in lioston. Oa a tomustono iu the West lu tbe com mon iubcrintlun, "l'renatu to follow lue,' under wbiclt a wa wrote: " To follow you I'll net consent Uutil f kuow wliich vay you went." Wuy iu a dock the moot tuouVst niece ot furuiture? Decutiae it covurs its fa3u with its bauds, uud runs down its own works. Wby uio twice eleven like twico ten? liecuuau twico oleveu are twouty-two, und twice teu ate twenty, too. WhioU is t'jo uio.it ill-udud niumuer iu tie lmuU; Tbo eyu, LoCaUbO it id'kl.vuya under tbo -lablt." It ii: oaid that wb.-u a Russian biisbaaa i.e!uits tt, beat bis wilo a tnontli or two, st: Utiii to leel alaruieU at bis Indif feioiiee. "Wliy abould we celobrnto Wasblnist.iu'n biitbduy more tlia.ii uiin.iV" M.ioi a leacber. LVCiti.so be novof toldal.e!" shouted a TELEGRAPH REPORTED FOR THE DAILY RECORD, Afternoon Dispatcher. St. Lons, Aug 3. Tho excilouect at Pekin, III., in regard to the killing sttho Deputy Sheriff of Taze well county, vhilo attempting to arrest two horse theives, culminated at two o'clock yesterday noruiug when a crowd of men from tbe country burst into tbe jail, took the loader of '.he gang out and hung him to a tree. lie someway obtained possession of a clasp knife and cut several of the lynching party, one of them so badly that no probably will not recover. It was thought that some moro of tho gang would be lynched. The Dispatch says that a prize light took place a few duys ago at Colt's station about fifteen miles from Erie. The bruisors' names are McGownn and Gillson. Stakes and rounds are not reported. An Irishman, recommending a cow, said Bhn would givo good milk year after year, without having calves, becauso it ran in tbe breed, as she camo from a cow that never bad a calf. y Lizzie-Price, tho actress, is about to bo married to a New York'millionare, William Wlntcll. Sho was without money and he was without Price and they have fixed it in this way. " Tbe fly has its uses. He serves to keep bald-headed sinners awako at church on a warm day, so that their unregenerato hearti may be reached by the preached word. It also encourages tbe spirit ol invention in ventive to tax their brains in contriving fly traps. The manager of a country theatro looked into the houso between tbo acts, and return ed with n face of dismay to the proprietor, with the question of '-Why, geod gracious where a the audience?" '-Sir" replied tbe proprietor,Jwitbout moving a muscle, '-be is just now gone to get some beer, A Paris paper anounces tbo arrival in that city of "Sir Elihu Washburn." When Senator Chandler, with bis gorgeous liveries, reaches the French capilol, wo shall pro bably hoar of "His Screno Highness, Zacho- ry, Grand Duke, of Michigan. &c." The last English mail reports that Miss Kinch, daughter f the Govennr of Morpeth jail. Wales, released an interesting convict while her father was away, carried him off in a cab, and married him instantly. "My dear s'r'" said a candidate, aecost ing a sturdy wag on tho day of election, ! an very glad to see you " You needn't be, replied the wag; "I'vo voted." Hot Boston brown bread every Tuesday and Friduy mornings at A. M. Shults' Va rioty Baliory. jul26tf OANJJIDACY AilKOIiNCE.IlO'Di. PHOrUONOTAKY. Mm FrlTolt Pl.if niinourrcthennmoof TiloM as Pi nai.ky, of Petroleum t'ontro, m a candidate tor rrotiionntiiry or V enan'jo Coiuily, subjuct to the usajrfs of thu brinocratic party. Local IVoticcti. Z.EEJ" cool By purchasing one of those UEFBIGEIt.VTOKS at the Furniture Store. Vo IIrrloii' Moiiuliio Pine Tar aud 1'erHlau Ileal iiiK Soajs. These soaps are lmpreguat,4 with esotica of tho mildest and ntoet Balsamic nature, and are warrant ed peifectly innocent and free from mlnoral and otb or pornicious admixtures, and are selected by the ladles and the public In omiral In pruferoreo to nil other soaps, as tho groat prodaoers and preservers of a healthy purity of complexion, and a conservator, of fumale bcuty- for the aoftnetsa and delicacy which they induce to the hands and face, their capa bility of soothing Irritation and rsmovlng unsightly erupt ions, rei.dcr them imlispenslblc to every toil et. We kmdly flak the puMio to try the virtues of those soaps. J L II. A Co., Proprietors- A. D. Miller & Co , Ooneral Agonu. Jnl 3ai. All Daillos, Weeklies and Magazines at HOLMliS & VAHNSWOllTirS News I'.ootn. A. U. MII.LKH & CO., have tbo ajjoucy of the American Whip Co., and Western Whip Co.'s Ci gars, at wholesalo prices. (ardwaro-A largo assortment of which is being closed out at reduced rates at ltKYNOLDS UKOiiriEAD ij CO'S, No. 11 Centro St., opposite uio roslOillco, OU City, ra. All accounts not settled Immediately, will he left with au ofliccr for.collection. V Apr.lMf. ltKYNOLDS A ('O. .Vow 1'Iuur, Teod jiiu! Grocery ytore ! jr. i'li.inijRi:, A; the OLD HANK UL'lI.ui.N'ti, ON MAIN ST, opposito tlio Mcl'lintoel- liu., iKU uu i,und a ho'te and Ihst class Hock . if It 'lour, ", uu4 l-il-oi ei i,-h, which hv IsK'lliti nt a low ii.m-.iu. Vi. Uoi.1 tarn the place h.-r.! A, 1). Cuttou i Company Inoicn up. .tan'.! tl'. 1-Vi ST.vl'lONIila . Ac , i'Ai-.svc:.Ta-s- :;.,. u. l'. at u c: MiS i rtio Uront Yoveuiltc, Itinera. All rmii benefactor, h?.!0.''"rt "" 'f our '"'' to thy .iH.(lsiie. Without noxious t,ir r pi.t Pi-ire disuse from iu ptw Jvsoni Kiln llio lirart Willi llruiinu!it With the bent of nU the inu.-j, ' ' Dowuor Ureat YosunUc! With root from out the valleys. What OUiloniiu' aim dotli h!u(, (llvinic wealth to n poor mortal, llcvond the riches of her mim. Wealth of health and hftppuip?, Its blessings none ahouhl bIIrIiI. Do von want it f H on'd you htivc It f V? liowaei's Great Yoaimiite. Com yc slrli. diseased, disc onsolate, Vt hv nfcoiild jfim nine ami die? Ye fec'hli", faint ami luiijnilshini', I'mna, llimo glorious Hitters try. fee how lhe?e quarks and nostrums, Fioc from the Und in frlitht, (tlvlny place to this nnre. tunic, Dmuior's Oreat Yuauimte 1 Juli4lf. special Notice. WOHDS OP WISDOM for jomi)' men, on the Kulliu; l'asslou in Youth and Early Manhood, wltb hKLl'' HELP for Ui crrlnR and ttifortauatc. Ben In aealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, IIOWARD ASSOCIATION B I, 1'nit.AOauAtA Pa May S4, Sm UrooKerj for all kinds ro to RKYNOLD3 BKOM1UA1) A CO'S, No, 11 Centre Htreat, oppo site the Post Office, Oil City, Pa. Try our Navy Tobacco. V know it la tbe bait In he market. W. II. NICHOUSON A CO. Cnrpots, of every quality and description, at RBYNOLDs, BKODIIEAD A CO'S, Ko.ll Centre Street, opposite tho P. O., Oil City, l'a. VERY CHEAP BliEKT MUSIC, only Ira cents a copy, at W U. NICHOLSON A.CO.'S Btationery Store. All styles of Ek Books, Not Paper, aud En velopes In Jobbing Lots, at W II NICHOLSON A CO. 1IASK BALL HATS aud SCOKK BOOKS, at W. II Nicholson & Co's. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VICTJOtoiA it WTrami- Got the Best. WcWs Daalriteil Dictionary. 3,000 Eugravlusc; 1S10 Vagca lnarto 10,000 vxrdi itmeaningsnut in otAer Dictionary, Vitiwed as a wholo, we are contldnnt that no other living lantuace has u dictionary which so fully and ta tlil'ully set f.nth its present condition as this last Mlltiou of Webster dues that oldur wiitten and spo ken Kli'i'sh ton;;ue liarptr't Mjgasinc. These I'neo lieoka are the sunt ttat narrnt li hrarten 'J'hr. JJible, ShaUpean and Webster't Jtoyul yuartu. Chicago Ih'tnin'j Journal. Tub New Werstkh is t-durlous it Is perfect It di.-tauces and di'.'ies eonipoiltlon it leaves lioihlna to he dosliMl. . ii. Jiayinoml, L L. D Prttidtnt T.ie most usnfll 1 iul mmrbqltlMw..i.J.'.n. -1 human kwnoledje in rar lan -uajre. IK. 8. Ulark. J'rejiitent Musi. Agricultural Lolltrt. WEBSTER'S NATIONAL P1CT0RI AX DICTIONARY 1040 l'asea Octavo. 00!) Iiigravluga. 1'iticii: " Tho work la really a am of a Dictinnaru lust t'io ihiinr far thu mill.ou.' American HUucationul In many respects, this Dictionary 'is tho most enaveniu itevnr published." Jiocluslt'r ln-mocrat. "Asa nnni'ft' of reference. It Is eminently flMud for use iu fimill M anil schools." JV. . Tribune. " It is altoeetuer Iho lwst treasury of words of it, tit which the Knlisu language has ever possedsci.1' iart ford Pri-j,. PublUhed by G A C. MEURIAM, aug:l-lw Upriugfiold, Mass. CIIAMTtEKLAIN'Sj FOR THE PEOPLE, Containing full Instructions and Practical forms, adanled lo evory kiud Hi business, and to all the Stales of thu Uuioo. Bx I'RANKI.IN CHAMBER LIN, Of the United Htawsllitr. "There is no book of the kind which will take rank v.'itii t lor aiitlu nticity, intelligence, aud complete ness.' Sprinajltld (Man.) liepublican. This Is the uuly new book of the kind published for uiauy ymrs. It Is prepared by an aide pmctieul lawyer, of ih years' experience, and Is Just what ev tir.vhody neds lor daily use. It is highly reeonimendHl hytnnnyemlnentjudes, ineiudlr tho chief iustiec nnd olher judges of Mass ariiusutts, and tbo chief justice and eqliro bench of Conneciicut. Sold only by subs-ription. Agents wanted ev erywhere Send for circulars. O. 1) CASK A CO., publishers, narlfbrd, !onn.; No. 1 Sptaccst ,N. Y ; Cincinnati 0.,and Chicago, liis. ( A T TTTTi'V An 0,d ok. rb- jU .) X A" I V . lislied mauy years aj;o. has jt:.t bi.'on ha-iilT ra-i.-t!ed as "a new iMiok,'' wiiiiuul rn osuiLuiiio revision i us oosoiete Blste nieu'.s. Do not confound that work with Clenubur- hn's t..T.f liook lor the Psopol. au.'3d2w. POULTRY. FDIJLTnY. T i-t'euilon of the puldk. is called to tho large stock ot CIlit'IvfMTs, Ducks, Turkeys, (jf'CKl1, VLicb will l.o lnin d at my 'dace at tho mouth of EENKIHGHOTF RUN. 'l'ti'-.-c ua.iiu cir ..stiis Poultry will flucl it to tliri- :ia.inKit, i',i utrt:i!'ri uf me i-ir:j out. .i . it MSBiiJi.. f sooo I m r a l A. D. MHjLKK A CO.'S COLUMN. A, D, MILLER & 170 Wholesale n.,i itomll Dealers .u DRUGS, MEDICINES, &G. Wnshhitov Street, I'l'TKOI.Iii n CENTstr., IA. Their Stock consist of everything in tho lino of Drugs & Medicines ! PURE I-IQ,TJOPlS, FOR MEDICINAL PUILPOSE3, - WholOHOlo and Kctall Agents for YOSKMITE STOMACH BITTEUS, JOnN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION HITTERS, ALISMA FOR THE II AIR, SEWARD & BENTLKY'S COUGH SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OU.. DUI'ONCO'S GOLDEN 1'ILLS, WALKER A RAZES CIUAUS. JAYNES' MEDICINES, ANDERSON'S DERM ADOk. SPENCER'S MIXTURE, SPENCER'S OINTMENT, Ac. P1L.L.S. Aycr's, Marsdon's, Seller's, fli-atideth's. Mi-l-nna's. Wilson's. Cephalic, Mount's, Wialiarls's, I!err'cif, .noti's. WrlKh'us HootHr's, Itadway 1L K. .Tuyiie's, Ifnbsek's, Judsor s. Si-iienek's, Clark's Fcmaln, t.liecsenian's Dttpnnco's, do, Volpau's. do. A-e., Ae Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, brushes, &? CUIGIIS, COLDS, Sen. Ayor's Cherry Pectoral, Jayne's Expectorant, Marsden's Tlalm.' Sc'ienck's Syrup. i Universal Syrup, Kxrelsior Syrup, Hansoni'H llivo Syrup, 1 Sellers Syrup, Con's Syrup, Hull's nttlsnm. Denton's Ualsnm, Dryitn's Wuffts, ' Olive Tar. iliown's Troches, Wishart's Pino Trco Tar, Seward's Cough Ciirp, i Uatemnti's Syrup, . Cough Candy, Ac Cigars and Tobaccos ! Tlio Best V.vor Dronglat to tltc Oil Ilcelon. IIAIlt IlESTOUATIVUS. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S, CHEVALIER'S, HALL'S, MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRETT'S, ROSSETTER'S, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, &.O., ic BITTERS. ROOT, ' CONSTITUTION, WmACK'S. DKAKK-R. NIAGARA STAR, llt!IILKtS MISHLKK , IIUHTETTRK'tL HI'KKlfS. H0UKLASU', fAMH-ORNIA, ATTWOOD'S, l'HOtOXIDK IUO.V, AC Curttiins and lluitic Shade. PAINTS, . OILS, VAUiISIIES, ULASS, PUTTY, GLUE, Turpentine, fspongc, lyo StnffN, Urycrsi, Lard Oil, Kerosene Oil, &c LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Ac Kcteli Ale, Kemiett Ale, Congress Water PRESCRIPTIONS COM POUNDED AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT AND SUNDA YS. STATIONERY, EKVEL3P23 RUSCnCAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES. r'oinn n'linn. come nne, ootno all, It don't eost any- i-"-, i-i ioi.i.at '-''s, ana we vm try to tnut oa til well. A. I). Ml I.I.Kit A CU I'jUikium t'a-tie, fept IS'JC. 'JT