.1 DAILY" ifca&&iit or TJw riTTTOT.n n.trr.r nxconn.) "i :r v. VOL III. ' NO 57, THE PETROLEUM CENTRE )AILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted, j W. H. LONG WELL, Proprietor. " Tlilt.TlS. I'cr yesr payable in advance, 18 00 1'ur month, . . . ; is FIllCJE-I.INT OF ADVEKTISINO. (Ten lines of nonpareil make one square.) No. Insertions. 1 t. il aq. a ag. X col. One dtiy, Two days, 1 hrec days, Four days, Five days, inc week, Two wwm, 1 breo weeks, One month, Two months. Three month, Wx months, Nino utonthft, Oae year, II a f 4 60 I B0 6 50 7 00 6 00 6 60 14 110 10 00 so oo so oo 40 oo 60 00 HO 00 1110 00 CO 8 Oil T Mil 10 001 12 tK 15 0u m nV so W 4B 00' I0 W Special notices 20 cents per lino, oach lnsertloD. Advertisement payable quarter,? In advance BUSINESS CARDS. Jt U. ELLIOTT, A T TO R N E Y - A T - L. A W , AND NOTARY PUBLIC, . PBThOLEUM CENTItB, PA. Business In the Court at Franklin iroinptly at tended to. OFFICE In B1sm.il Co'a Brick Bank Build In?, up stairs1, Wnslilnntou St. oct 2 tf. ALIIGHT 8, HAVGU, ATTORNEY COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE In the lioclictcr Rome Building, on wasaingion auu nun Bireets, PKTR8LRUM CKNTHE, PENN'A. y 19, 1868. tf. - UONIIArt 4t SK1ITH, I ATTORN EYS 4 COUNSELORS-AT LAW, OIUcc Tllcn Street, Franklin, and Potrolonm Cot in, ra. wnviv-ii V. Mc ALPINE, RESIDENT BURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE Perry's new Biillfnue, corner of Wash lugton and Hccond Ma., Petrolsuin Centra, rV niaylH tf. t. v. caiKisfriii, in. u., PHYSICIAN ANI1 SDUOWONs Oflro opposite tlieMcKinuey Ilom-e, Pleanautville, Pa. Persons from a distance will gnnemliy And him at his Ofllce on Saturday from 10 a. at., to a p.m. aei14t a. r. wilsoh. n. vam vuhob WILSON A VAN VEI.MHI, GAUGEUS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE . PETROLEUM, OFFICKH, Mcrcnmtle Buildinc, OH City Pa , and with Owston . Howers; Peuolenm Centre, Pa. July 6th, 18"8 tf. James Robinson, Tank Gauger, BOX 380, PETROLEUM CEXTHE. PA. junlOtf ' GGO.ll. ItlSSEljL. dc CO., 33, A. 1ST 133 S , I'liTIIOLKIWI GENTHE, PA. George II. Bisacll, Junica A. Williamson James Bishop, M. C. MaTtlii. We ofTw onr services for the transaction of a OKNKHAI. DAN KING, KXU1XANUB and COL LECTION BUSINESS. Any business entrusted to our caro will receive prompt attention. ju i u. H. C. Jarvis, Dealer In CABINET FURNITURE I A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. LOOKING GLASSES in great. variety. Loohinz .ih!,b 1-iu.oe lexnacca in oia I'r.tmos. Picture Pntinca made to order. Carpets, .Oil Ciotlis, Wall Pa,cr, Whidjtw Nliadcs, A FINE STOCK. VNDEUTAKINR, COFFINS f a'.I sizes on band nnd trimmed to order on short notice. SASH, "LASS AND DOORS sizes. varnish, n, c. - No. 10 WASllINVroNS1-. t T.'.i 1 1 mi l ix I so l rM i on 1 on 50 asl 8 uo 9 BP) 8 00 4 54 nil nq b oo 7 orJ 10 ( ID U) l'i B0 13 Oil 1.1 00 91 (K 27 00 27 00 SO 00 .It, mil 48 00 ri.!ita.(ilie, ti t , lMi -tf PETROLEUM CENTHE. HOTELS. 0 IL IJXCIIANUE MOTEL. M. V. MILIEH, . . I- Proprietor. Tins lanrost and most commodious lintel In th oil rci-iuii. Fair on llie UrHiro reduced to boarders. This house 1m plcssautly situated, rooms cool uud pleasant, maxing n a aontrnitnl tiutul to all reaped. 1'etruleuui Centre, April 16, latin. jOCHESTEIl HOUSE, Washington street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. BKADST11EET A SIIEKWOOD, PaoPMKtotts This Home la centrally located, uud the iioneral headquarters of oil unn. retroieum centre ra., may , l&oa tr. QLNTBAL PETHOLHUMCBNTltE, PA, Soar Oil Creek ft Allegheny lUvef Hallway Depot niayls If. Q. J. CflOSS, Proprietor. jyjcCLIHTOCK IIOI SE. PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. This popuiat Hotel, situated Comer of Main 4c Wnahlnstnn-st., Xear the Pe-iot, has been refitted nntl furnished tlu-onuuout, and the pibprietor will ap.iro uu paluti to make It a .FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. OCI8 tf C. OKI8WOLI), Proprietor. JTIEKICAN IIUTEI., PETHOLUUM CKNTKE, I'A. J. R. BAKMES, . . Proprietor. This House Id In a plensaut locnlitv, and lint short walk from tho reiot. Tlw rooms cru Inmo and comforlaHe. and the table f uppiied with Ll:e delicacifta of the season. ju20-tf- J )!. liAKNBS.. pitANKLIN Ililt'SE. MILLER FAKM STATION, OnOI. Creek Bnllrouc.l THB HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. H. SOrEKF, Proprietor Jnnol-lf. INTttKNATIONAI. HO'iXL, MILI.EIt FARM. PA. OUN B. KOWE.,r Proji'r. Cood accouimodiitlon? !'. r traini'Tt ru.-tomtre Bay Board and Boiml witli iimms on rensmnUitif terms, nbo prorinlor will spare no ;ki1hs to inako his Ilonsc arriciive to pn.ij. jtinu-'f. TlNION HOTEL, U PLEASANTVILLB, ! A This Motion harlmr vvr mlv ''-eon onl:u a:! nnd re- fnrnislH'd, I lira now proi.nri.d to rfconimotluto two UUTiureu truests controrr:.i)iv. BtJiltea liiive tins lc;il;e i''.rc.(". t' Mies a iliiv for T tusville. Thei'e Is al-o a line o.'SMcon u f'illiolo. JuMf. 'i'JOS. UoKISNKV. IVo):'!. pox iioush: s,.t3ile it::r, FRED. C. II YME' rriji-isjtn-, j rLEASAN,rV.!I.Ln,.PA., Opp site the I'reetjvterian Church. FehGtf. PETROLEUM EIOVSE, OILi CITY, SA. llatni( recontly taken possession ot Iho nhove House, we would most l aqn t tiu'.ly Inform the trav eling public thr.t wo pmposo o -'l.ii'p .1 Hotel," and to convincclliem of tho act, we nvite nil who wirh the comforts ot a home, to ctil. upon iu. It will L fonnd Tlie Hotel of (Sue Oi5 rieiotts. Our Sample lioora Is stipi lied with llie choicest tVinoa, Liquors and Cip'.rs, r ::d mir table will lie found laden with tho very best the market uffords. Thoro is connected with the Hoiie four first claps Billiard Tallies. A's", Barlirr imp ami llsth Boonis. Oivo us a cill, ami convince yourselves ot the ti'uthfulness of our uKerUoti. :IJAt3,S-'S v. J-rAATS, JAitJl.'.l .. W liri'U. octO If O. F. BCIfOftRJLOM, Proprietor of the I3ulTao Bakery. Dealer n choice Flour, Lu'.ter, ;;i;s and Cimese. Also, clioico Oroi-eriofl, l'lrolenm roiii'e, Vr. Onl.jM Icrt will he n-i-n;'-lv o (led to. nil Good.s dclivei'ul. 1um(oiIco l'o.t iiii'S- n.yi.i. c. ii. 'rmtW'-'OM,'!. i. KCI.FCT.IC l'ilYSK'IAM, NO. 1, UIAR! ." WKtlii'i', (I'p.Stnirs,) TITUSVILLE, 1?J PA.. TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 3, A VVuoi.b Family Poisoxkd Two ok the Cuii.dren Deai). A coricBpoiidont writ" ing, from Wlieutlaud, Mercer county, Pa., givoa the followlug particulars of a sad case or poisoning which occurred at that place on Saturday last : Henry Ilarkles, hia wife and tbroo small children, while out walking last Sunday evening saw in llio field what they supposed to bo mgshreons. They gathered them plentifully, took them homo ond a to them for suppor. They proved to be what is ppmelluica called "toad-stools;" a rank polbon. Tba two youngest children, both bright, intelligent little girls, one ubou' three ami liio other about six years of ago' died on Thursday tho oldest at 10:15, and the youngest at 11:45, only thirty minulo9 npai t. Tiju balance of tbo family tiro high ly reipected here, and members of the M E. Church of this place. Allis being don eby their many friends to suve tho father and mother and little boy. I will advieo you if they should be taken away. John Griflin was uangod in Hamilton Friday afternoon for tho raurdor ol'Uilah Prickott, protesting innocent to the last. He charged Joo Kelloy with the murder tor wbioli bo himself bung. CHAMPION REAMER ! We desire to inform Oil Op eratoiB and the public generally tli;;t wo are prepared to receive orders for our Champion Six x Cutter Reamer. This is without doubt the most perfect tool for reaming that has ever Leon in trodnced. (Jive us a call ! sisiT, ft'orcls & I'o. W. W. EUSS an Oiumond Nt., fliri.ivii.rr, pa. (t)iposltc Herald Of.'.ce) Would invito his old patrons uud the puUic genrr ally to call acJ eximlno liis SHESSIB SFRIKS SX03S tf rURNIXUSE BF-ALL J'avlor Suits, Clmnibor Sols, Boole C'rtT, Kidd buartlrt, Loiiuiis, Tit-pcU, Mli'rori. nnd every do jfrintion of furniture, pl.iiu nnd fuaUioiiuble, A. nla: j. at-' 'ir worth tT voitr niotiev iu ut ti c NKW KfAl)l AM) FKKH TK AN'll l,fI mh wh: or a., m. rg'i:uNasyi8ti to,, whero theru U always u MAN roadv to shnw 11. nil- elistomers their inrfl t of FLOl'K, H AY, nnd a;l Kinds of l litj aird the place also where may he FOUND V lrro nssortnient cl' ll't elnss l:0T'OII A?fil IKE-Si'lll l.l.'.MUKH, l.A I'II, HHIN'dl.KV. AtV, mile vei; lowest cash prices. Thus who are not DEAD .vj v f :t1 1 r.-1 . kt:(1 m t-h In rl :i wlfli men A'hi) lui.-'t't.1; H t't ; i: . i. ) s -; - J lo t,ir w .h .1 t-.'. ln'fnr,. juifcliUfthij ulaij- wliuri1, ttnU .-. -:o wliai 'jun Uj for you IN '. t"m AM ihfl.-rs n t.:m-its . le-i la. !),, noi f.ir :,i ili -i.l.i m l-.i'Ctii.6it'iiU nuLtji.', ASU iSUVU-N STuKlii', . t il '. 'Ill it ,ut i ro s-rj S!'K!!,riiii . WAUXtU 1369. OIL OPlHVIOiiS Can always fludthe genuine Plymouth Cables and New York Belting Go's Belting and Itublier Goods, botli of which are- acknowledged to be unsur passed in quality and manufac ture. Of Well Furnishing Goods, we have the largest as sortment in the Oil Region, and can refer to our customers for evidence that we keep nothing but the best of goods. F. W. AMES, HARDWARE DEALER, TITUSVILLE, PA. mayG 6m 1 ' ' F O U F i D AT the VARIETY STORE, ot J. W. Beiatty, A largo assortment of S35wai W ConslsUn of flags, Hockets. Roman Cntnlles, Mini e, aiso, Choice Cocfcctionerr. Fruits, Toys, Soda Water, uud the SEST ICS CUEAM IN TOWN. Givo me a eill, ss'0c..qil door t'j Opera House, Wiisliin'jton Street, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN. J. W. Eeatty. Pianos ! GEO KG! Pianos ! El'SlOWX, Maiiuilictiircis, .lAMrsT.'WV, N. Y, elusive A'vi.ls for the Aleo, el- ESTEY OOTTASE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND DEALERS IN RETAIL Send for iltudtrntu.l Cataioirue find price lint. GAOIMI BHOWN, Wnrornoins 41 Tl in Street. Factory Hrool:ln liliK-.k, l'"Ot of Main-st. iiiu27-IX IN Ol'ER.-V HOUSE IU'ILDING, WASH LNGTOV STliEET, PE'I'KOI.HtUI :ESTK33, PA., Keep constantly on hand a lar;fe nsiiortrrn nt ot WATCH FH, JEWJUI.liY. I'U-TO'.S, 1!Koi,vfi:h. i-l-iinvn tcki.f Ciirtriili.'es.-e.. and will sell at uno'em prices. AM watch work wainulcu lo ive -:ilir.ictiuii. J". O, OQDEN; flM m FE!(B STORE, NO. &V CiSTClE fia V.1TV, PA. ST., T'u is the hest nstabllsliment of tho kind In the (ii it c,',iou. ilium nnd feed sold at wholoMile and retail aug lij tl'. TO IsUAJI & CO S f, r'your Cortridssw. 25 CM. WEEKLY JI'iSOLU'JlON. Tbo copartnership heretofore existing under the' firm niiuie of Wccliter Co., is dissolved, and all parties iutifbt.! t(. the tlrm, ro requested to settle at llie old steed, Hots Farm, or at Pat. Centre, oppo site the brick hank. Jm'illf H. C. W. GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Pinlors In oil kinds of WEJj ti TOOIiS A: FIXTURES Necessary for pnttini; down and operating Oil1 Welln. in connection Willi our tlACUlNU tiUOl' we lia've a large and convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Onr facilities fur W ANnFACTUTMNa aranot ex- ci lled by any Kliop in the Oil Kegions. Shop Jfciin-sfjOjijiostiB McClintock llmi t mvV tf PbilliJK & Noams. CAIilFOKKIA. WHEAT FIELDS AND STOCK RAN- CIIOS I have loinchoaor Fanns for sale, throntrh out CALIFOItNIA, in tracts of One Hundred Acres mi in 7 weiny Thousand. Terms to suit nur elifisers. Those lands will tjrow Thirty-live io Fifty Bushels or Wheat to the Aero, with ordinary lrm-. ing, ana a Voinnteer Crop of Tweuty-tivc ousneis pcr'Acie. . Vjg rorrssponoence oiiriiP'l. AUiiress iir.. o i, McKKNTY. Healer in Kcjil fctate, OUlco 34 Mou Kom erySiree St niiFraiuicisc oCal. ' COEFtELD & PERRY'S Boiler Sh.or I (In rear of Fisher & Norrls's Machine Shop) fETKOLEtini CENTBG, PENN'A.' Boilers and Stills Iicpaired on short notice, FLUE-SETTING AND REPAIRS GElf KRALLYl ALL W0?.K VARRANTEO. RAILROADS. BUFFALO J ND Fit IE KAI1.KOAO. ,On mirt aftor Monday, Nov. Klrd, ltttM, Pasceiyjer Truin. will mn on llilrt roed eefollowii: 1.KAVWH1C 4J.1INO S AST. . tt til A. M. MlWIT itSPKBSS, stopirrtiit n't' Ii"H lliiiley, WistKeld. Ui'.nlii k ahff hilvor crock, arriviliirnl. UnH'alo nt 4,.l.i'A- M. 10:5-5 A. M., Nli'.V Ylliilv rlXIMlhriS, e'ojj' h 'at Vi-ntiieii!, Lii-oeton. xlunKlrlc. iol- v- TO' -el;, and Au.oUl, uriivin' ill HillhVc t ,1 1 P.M. y,l P. - i., t lNt TiNATT KXPHEHSt, slof . ,' j,i;. at Kortlieasl, VV'eniiil.l, Urof'lon, IhitiLl. I-and silver'-rtek, and urrivrs at KllUalo 111 l",4.'i P. M. n.ty A. M., MAIL AND ACCO.mH.lHA U,sf "I'lON', atoioiiignt. i,.Iliitatlimi',aiTiiiig a I, l.tin:iln it: lo. lo A i. 55:43 P. 1M., OA Y L.VPHK-'S, stoiil.lng at '.'nrUi.-tir. Ilii.kv, 'emlleld, Dunkirk, Mveiv.ioi'tc it;:'l Aigola. arrivinirat Bol- In'.o e.t T.IM P. M. i.kavk l'.urr.M.o noivn w:aT. ri"1 1'- O-'-Y I'.Al'iiKss sl.ipplm: at An j.ola. MlvoiTivelr, uiinwlik, itroclon, Wi'-ini' d rnd .cri jr.it, ai living at anv m P. M. J, Art P. M., MAIL AND ACCOMMODA 4tfy 'J'lON, toi'i.i ig at all oLttioua, arriving' iu r.r:e a rv;o e. m. (KM til M., 'lui.l-.DO vy.prtr.ss. fo-'iiinpr ill o;i, .iri'J arn .n ' at E.-lo u lu.'Jo A. .-i. U'fVl '' -L. KTF.AMIiOAT KXPI'.H, stop. ' Ins- at Anaol.i, Hlve.i;iei'l., Dunkirk. ):.o. tun, V e-tliold and iNoitll'.'ilJl, atTlV- l ai ai l.'iiiA M. 1,.4 A .M., M'JIIT .PH1S, stopping at ' cllvunioel:, Dun). Irk and 'A'estlleld, ai rivie ai l;ri.-R1 '1, 1 A. V. ltailroad lime la lo iiil.iuti:s t':isi"r Ihiin File time" It N. lillOWN, lien'l Supt. JHirl'AJ.O, tOUUV He PlWSUUMi RAILROAD TIME TAIJLR, Takes cllect Monda", Nuvcniher Ktid. NoltTJItvAnil. Aceoniril.tion loa',w Cony 3.rll P. M. ; Clymer 1, 6; I'aieiniit -l.J : Slieiimin 4,-;; Summit 6,oo i. m. ; Ma,, villi 6,.rni ai tiviin; nt r'rocUiu 7,oo t. 'n Fxpres tinin le.iii Coi ry u.rJo . m. i t'lytner 9, J Piuian a lo.lo ; henuuu i!i.&: tiPuTii, lo,fiO;May viIIimi.Io. lint aniv.j. all".ictoii lif. u u- Hail lcavin Cony 1,1S v. st.u'p'.ng at a'.l tta tions, auiviiit at li'04'.t.iu Uoii n H'H'TMWAMl. ?,lnil I ruin leaves Hrnelon at B,..o A. w..stOi)iiaga" ,.1' suitiun. ani-s ill Curry in. I-J, .,' i. m. tixHt li' llro- ton at S .iti 1. .; Mayvllla ; iNinon'l 'iAl ' Si eri.-an -t.no; Paililu"! 4,o i Clj- "U'-r -1 anil .i rivii:.' ul Co: 'y nt. fj, iA y. M- Aet'oinoiiMlnil. -i h' ' es rrocloii "7,oo H. e., ltlny. vllleS.lO. Siiuitrilt S,4i, Sliernnln S.C". Panaiaa !I,UU,' Clymer 0,-15, arihini- nl Cony at io,lo i. CONKC'IHNS. V: ssii'-omv l"sve I'.uii'.i.o on tho Toledo Exiir.-urT or l av Fm.io, col: r-e,:e;i ut iiroeton wtl.li trains4 for .Al:ivil!c, Sh... -iii'io, "ayi.-lii. Clymer and Our1 yf eonnootinjr at Cor.v won ti i'.n.i en lit..- Oil Crock fc. K. for Titniviile, '. I" ', Piou'.:er and I'e't Centre, tHIt'liviii.fl l'ln-'.iii.. A'so, conn, eu-.c .! f,.rr w'Hi tram" on thephll. adelphia K.-in l.r,:ld, for I'h'l.'l lelpltia ami Harris, hnn i iiii.l no ill-: Allan i': kefj ' he. l WesU-ru M.,11., way lor t'n:o:i, .aovll - C .-i:vil , Pi . arid Warren, '.hro n' r!i;f: ... vn.- n't hViuM.-li.N Y. Tnii' h I.-.;' . i ii v toi i 'i'.v i'.1"' '' ii'. Coir .' at ft, So :i l.-l., r"n: t ' , .(:.- nl. 1'vorloii wil'. nuill oil IS. 46 E. K i . -ii-i'ii'ii:- in 'Hinlido nt J.io p. m 'l'ra':ii li.iw.ii; ill uy nt H..":i a in will connect' with Mail 'Iroln'lo.ivli.-' f.a-rv m 1.1ft p. m., eon- uectin,. ,i'i l Ia s ii'i 'l ur U. .t J'l l(. It , nrnv, ins Iu liiiif.i' i m ' p. n. I.. 'i' ii I! il'alo at 4,oa p. nl . n.ri'.in: in C . 'V '.: lo.IO ni A'. "e.t !.; vliU v, nil r'n amlji ats on' cha,!l:o.i ;":i J -1 : ,.!:;-:- :liaon oj l :i!r:iiion t Jaiiav-tuwn iir.d ii , ic IJ. A. K Ti:;. Sent. J-ir.l A' i.vvine, Y AM ' yr"" t .i... ur.fvwit iiFFicf 5 ni- in .sTYl, UY the K ll'iu'iufWims icari Wtcj, ef 1SUAM Oc IJ'J, loo IT jtSJe, r i S P 1 '9 i n I! 1