MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, THE BEST LINIMENT IN THE WOKlrD Pop XfZan Bcust. 30 caret In l'c. J3 GO Is corslfnr RliMimatiiim, ChilMattis. C.irns, Whit lows. Caked Jtrea-r-., t-Mrro Nu'lc. Ci:tmp-, JloiU, Rites ef anim:rls, Woakt;eiof the .Tomw. Colitmc tiotis of tin? Muscles. lUinis and tcuid. 1 re-t Rites, Pniiiful tfervons titWtions. Chapped IIni:rJs, lmc Puck. Fain 111 the rMdo, Swe'litli'-, 'I'iiiiut-, Tuolh Ache, Old Seres, licmonlloliut in Flesh 3S 33 TTormds, GnlU nf nil kinds, jtprstns. Bruises, Cmek wt Heels. Mm; U-no, I'olc Kvll, Wind I.HK Cal lous, Kpavfn, Sweeney, Fistuia, Piil'iis', F..terim Poisons, Scratches or Crewe. Spriic'billt, Said C.-acKS, Lameness, Strain, Foi'tidoritifl Feet, .Marine. Horn Distemper, Garget in Cows, Cracked Tents, FoH Rot In i?h'rp, and many other dist.-oa luol ot to Man and lktut. SO 13 H. D. TiTion, of Concord, Ky., nays the Garbling Oil cured a horse of his, Injured while piunhin by attempting to step over a stump, almost severing life ttilKh from the body; also that be has used it in lite fkmlly for fll'teen years, (Kid ie the Imt rumedy for Cute, harm. Bruises, Frost Bins, Strains, Rheum atism, etc., ha ever mod. CT3 era From Cur, tit Bhos., Cochmnn Landing, Ohio, Not. 0. 18'rl. Wo are pleased with your medicine. It has boon the menus of curing a great number o different diseases upon person., as also upon horses. w think It cures all you recommend it to do. We want you to send 114 the Luxor proportion of t lie vKiieiy ior -ruuuiy use, w suian Dvttioj. Prom Do. J. P. TEimiiu., Warren, InJ., Maroh JSSri. 1 am enetiK'd In tho practice of medicine, and find yom- Garnlln? Oil an extremely otlicloi t remedy In all cusoa wuero an external anulicaUon Is Indicated. From I)k. G. B. Nkai, Burrls. Iowa, Doc. Jo, 18SH. have p-acllced medicine In this county seven jrters and cliccrfuiljr recommend your Uargling oil as U10 beet Unamcat In use. Prom Da. T. W. ElLts. Ha , Jmi. o, JR19 If I conld rocelre both boies of the Uarglintc Oil it will nut be too much, & I thli k I could soon And sale fur It all, tlie inquiry being frequent eluce It ia tin posed Ibnt I h ave ll frr sale. From Dn. Wat. 8. MoCau., Chamois, Mo.. Nor. 6, 1'W. Yonr GargllnEOil 1 taking thcshlneon from all tho llninn ate of tho day. If yoa desired them, I could procure dozens nf certificates from those who hure been cored by it. MnotB. McUih A Bnoo.. Wholraale Dmirirlsts. Wheeling, Va., ear, under d ile of July 24, 1B6U that they can aalely recommend tho Uargling Oil for more diseases than It Is recommended for. Krom J. K. Fisher. (Jnlontown. Fa.. June 31. JfHI7. Yonr Uargllni; OH is doing mnch better bore tnan formerly, since ila virtues hare be come known. ana me mmies put np ror Family Use, without tain, are much sought for. ITS C3 Fxtract from Rieltorf.-omnonNAtriANTwwir.T, County re of Shelby Co., Iowa, d itotl llarlm, April IS. jsryr It is doc idedly prelencd to auv lii Extract et a letter from Samuel H. ITrpp dated Pall-bnis. Olilo. July 17. 168. In .lone luPt, Ilunry bhalllfbad a yearling colt that had what was win ixee.l to bo Dyptheria for more than ten riiyMno that It could not on, and the throat awolen nlnioHt (but. and 1)10 ne of throe or four applications of the dollar bottlea did the desired effect. F.Om A. G. NlKT.. I.OV.'irivillp K'.lwhrwinn f l March. Ib.'3 t havo used vour fiargiing (ill for the bcratchiw on my borne, and It cured it witli the first nj.uucuuon. cr en From Knos JIatheh, Mia.ll. port, N. Y., Julv W. '.-l purchased a Iwttls of yonr UorKllng Oil ol yKir at'ent, A. 8 Halter, at Mid.llenoia n,i as ver havo uwd Imt halt of it I think ft has given ine rvjt:i .11 u ciiMrot pevorc itiiclunatlsm, or lon Btaudlnj;, than any Q,ing I havo oruc used before. Qutncy, Ohimtamiua Co., N. V., Aut'iistia iht,i.i nVH lieiui n,T:ii,,r.l i.,rl, t . w) for the hint iou toon years. It baa n ovwl sure euro for Font Uot iu Hheep for vl.l 'l I sold hmj iwi uuine iuiu nnre cans almost dail v f k mora, rioaeo forward as eoou m couvuicut. Aln-Dys lnqnlre fc Merchant's Celebrated GABGLING OIL, And take aooth:. WctnU Price l.o, SO Ctn., and -is Cm. ' Shalm wel before using, and rub on Wore tho lire or some warm sulwrnn ''fcl'ly TlieOorpHTO Oil has hem In us,. ? a l',.am.-t 3" Tears. All we ali ia a fair Uiul Lat r. ,e . and follow direcuouj. ' ' D0 bulu jour ncaro.n Drut, or d-aler In Patei-! Jlsdlcln.'s lor oao of our Alinseao-and Yule -o .. c:iras, snd road what the attv nixmi. the Oil. The fiarlti" Oil Is for snla bv all rc-ne,-',b dealers torouUout tho United btates and chur conntiim-. v''"-f Our fill xmuih dure from 1S3B tol.SOSnmlate ta(,c,,,i. Can the Uargllna Oil uud tell your m lgulioM what good it b.;a douo. dicuon1"' f,'r "nJ lil,oml w1,h al: an(i dl;fy contra ManuiUctured at HercSunt's VarsHns iS Co. JOHN HUttE, Secretary so:ihy a. d, .nJLLta a to., ulr5 3m. Ktrolccm C.u r, , r. HARDWARE OIL CITY. ' ROBSON'D W!L Cbixk Pipe Works. CHAIILE9 ISO'.JSOX A: Co., Corner of Senoca A- t'entro SIh Kaxt vido OllOreck, Oil CUy, a., Dealers in Morris, Tusker ft Co' OIL WELL Tl'lSING AND CASING, ALSO, WORKIMH PUtifKI.S AND VALVKH, bTlFHNU IMl.VKH. CLAMI'S, TONOH, i fa l:.U Pniw Ar Machinery for Oil Wells & Henneries Itmtt Mi 't (sm,?, OIL I'L'iU S, C.IVINR PIPE, cold WATiiU l'U.upy Every dc?cript id SCITLIES FOU OTT, WELLS AND KE- FINKIUKS, Also, STOVKS, TIN'WAIiE, EiiitfS coons, TEAMS AXZ fiAX F?7TlVr7?. UAUDWAHB, HOVm TI(I.1JUNC,8, OMpcntore' Tools, nope, OnRum. Nails, Axon, Coffee Mills, Table & Focket Cutlery; A Full Assortment of Everything in tho HARDWARE LINK iioje Furrhing Ooods, Lamps, Chimneys, No 1 Winter Strained Lard OU, No. 1 HfCocd Oil, btair Hods, Table an dDoorMats; (JliampJan CIoiIjcs Wringers Xiinnfiwtnrera at Tin. Sheet Iron and Copper Wara. Repairing of nil kind done with nootnom and dlepuLch. Kpcciol atttution given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have ondofivorod tomprlttho pntronre of the public and 3hal) nc every exertion to insure b comlnuaiH'. Our fuoilitios for fnrnih.m? e'erythln In onr line, having been greatly increased, in the erection of our New Ilmldinc. an now SUPEKIOU TO ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT aug21-8m. IN TnK OIL KKGION. 't Ull ins forts ( HAS, ROIISON 4L- CO., Corner of Senoca and Centre Sta, east side of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. Having added a powerful Steam Engine and three large LATHES, to our already extensive llanufue taring Eatabllshment, nr. now prepared to do ail the neccssarr wyrk, Id uttintf up, aud repairing ENGINES, BOILERS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS It fact do'oll Machinorv .lob Work cntrv.?tci to n with ncatueas and tlisuutcn aug ilrau? mi HARDWAIIE STORE HEATING AND COOKING In largo variety. TABLE AND FOCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. EOUSE FUBNISHIiVS DSGES. TIHWAEH, LAMPS.LANTERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. NAILS AND IRON Woadeu Ware, &c Ft Me CHEAP 1 At the eeorc fonnerly occupied by F.tirclifle'd and itmiui tine. ,;i!, I in, j'A. .i triads u. ;rG.j5:. OllH'ity, J mi. 4, lf(l-tC. John C. Welch. ?5i Clay, Pa., Deal or tu Innis' Sucker Rods, It ivins Pipe, Irs-i:k I in, llaluiio.c Wiiedn Si I'lillits, all nws, Mv ocun-cllun with Mesdvllle and l'l!lsbm"ii io-n,.lrie is such Unit lean gut out all kind, of ' . iii.b at tthuit order Oil" :'v. V, V 17, U'O.i tf. DAILY RECORD NEWSPAPER,. Office; MAIJi STBEET . U. IxilfCWELL, Proprtctor. NEWS DEPARTMENT. We receive telegraphlo desputchi' np to 1. r. u , aud pi osent them to our readers e cry evening, em bracing news of gieat Interest from all sections of the country. We have made Bj,ecial arrangements, whereby we receive regular Petroleum, .Stock and Produce .Market Kcpoi L every evening by telegraph, from Now. York, Fhiladelpbia, and I'iitburg, which, together with Kuitoriuli and Local matters, make it one of tho most desirable newspapers published lu the OU Region. As on Advertising Medium The RECORD has to superior, as It circulates w herever an Oil Opernter or Dealer can be fouud. JfflW BMETIST. We hnve a large and well selected assortment 0!, new Jobbing jriaterlal, embracing the very latest styles. We Aro thcreroro, onablod to execute Job Work of every variety ia a satisfactory manner When dcsirel, jobs will bo neatly piloted luj Colob Shipping BiJls. Posters Iland-Rilla, Piosramiaei, Bill of Fare. e ij-.lliCl, w A-PTD BRaiKcss nnd Visiting Card LHTTSK-HEADS, IllLL-nSADS, KILLS OF LADING, K: , Etc BALL k-iia.VJ-I.'JO, P.ara or Fsimt Btvlea, neatly and promptlj esecn ted, embracing IHYITATIU CI1OTI.AIM PHOCRAMMR? CAI US, TaCKETH, Ktc In fuot, every VK:lety srr. style of work In luttor, preiw prrnt'iu. Merchants, Ijwyors, .Justices of tho Peace, Land ApenH, Cll Uea.ers and Agciita, Inaitranea Apat;i, Kipre- tnicthor parties in want, are informed liat we are preraml Uj ew;iite toovdoi all kul. of nLsNKh, iMjeiness or, re-piiiod lntt isjt.ui- TU'tk'tV MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HARDWARE STORE! iinui iir sinvAsiA- f;.. Ileg leave to announce to the citizens of l'etrolenm Centre and vleinltv. that they have ooned a new . . ... : .ti ,.r ,k.,i',..tHi,l siore in me n'nr oi ine hiiht i.i ....... nun Company at the ralhoad crossing, where they will keep constantly on band n lull assort luent ol evvry thing in the Hardware line, such as TIN AND SHEET IRON WARF. GAS FITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS. Mr. Fryan having been emmged In the lmslnrss With .VIC!,!!. H IltllT lr,l MP, HPr inn. ,""-, att. ttd particularly tothe business of miuiufactiirlng SMOKE STACKS All kinds of Tin and Bhoet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. They have s New Machine for CUT TING (isAS rir, With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work In this Una Apr il. Coal! Coal! Coal! rplIK undersigned, having established a branch lard at I.vii'J Fann. are now prepared to funiili All Graftes of Coal At the Very Lowest Prices. Operators from Cherrytree linn, and virlnlly. living l IVtroleuni Centre, can le.ive their orders at our office here. u"d have litem promptly filled from the Kyud Farm Yard, AT LESS COST Til AN USUAL. WON'T FOKG'T THE PLACE SKARLFS & COHNWKLI. Ofllco on 0. C. & A. It K , Petroleum Centre. Branch Office at It vnd Farm. N B We hold exclusive control of the famous ST0NEB0R0 COAL. at both the abovo Darned points Jun2 t . A. T. LEGGETT, Manufacturer and Dealer Id B&E&Sif&SS,- Seed Bags, "Valvo Cups, t&c. Experienced workmer nro emiiloycd, and Har ness of all kinds kept o rtontly on band and mode to order. P. C. Ilcin7i Pat. Seed "Bag ' Tor Sale- Repairing Done at all Times ! Call and examine ear stock and prices, Main-St., below i e McClin tock Homo. retrolena Centre, Pa,, Jan. Ttb, V -n J. A. PLATTE, French Boot Maker Washington Street, TIIREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. MIL LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, PETITOIjEUM CENTRE, Pa., Is manufacturing to order FIK8T-CLAS8 FINS WORK, such as Patent Leather Boots, Pump Sale Boots, French Cork Sole Boots, ftcotc Welt Boots. HEAVY OR LIGIIT WORK DONB IN . FRENCH STYLE. Call and see samples. , J. A. PLANTS. Petroleum Centre, Pa., July 2 8m. Altaapozelii City Terrtory. UO TIC J TO OIL OPERATORS. The nnderslgned, agent for the Metropolitan Oil Company, now offers to lease the territory of said Company, in lots, of two acres each, for one-foitrUi royally. This larm U situate on Cherry Tree Run and lies on the JUGU AR VEIN Which connecui ui Wood and I'lerson Fame with CITABLE I UJT TERRITORY. For ll1ller particular apply to the original D. W. KKNNEY, Allcmagoozelum City, Cherrytreo Eun. Or oddaeos, "BOX 117, Petroleum Centre, Peiin. April 1C lm. Y''S MALI 'tlii.j Hall Is now ready for theatrical exhibitions. cftKcrM. liM tuies, c. The Hull hss been rentted atid Htrw.ijt hened. so pains aud expense has been nptrcd to make It a lirst class SHOW BUILDING. On the first (lour is one of the lust Bill Lied Room in the t rntre. Ail nnuVr one niutwetnent. ,inlyOi. Petroleum Centre, DEALER IN IT BE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRUGS, MEDICIES IMl CEEMICAIS, CHOICE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles ! . AM) Fancy Goods. IMPORTED soArs, 'iuLn BRUSHES, AND Druffists Sundiifs! Pl jalclane' Prescriptions enmponnded from 'pure and chuico lunierials. IF YOU IIAV'NT SEEN I TJ GO AND SEE IT The Magio Match. Petrolenra Centre, Jnne, lHttl. JnnT. T. M'Donald. LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite' the Central House, PJTBOLBOM CENTRA FA. rrU best Stock of DRIVING AND FADDU X HORSES on the Creek, are to be found at M'Donald's Livery. HABRIA5ES & CUTTEES 70 U LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES FEB Ac BOARDED on Reasonable Terms. ' Teaming of all kinds At tended to Promptly. fyOlvo me calL T M'DONAL , Potrolram Centra, MoT. II, 1M8. LIVERY e FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite the Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENH A. I bave put In s good utock of Riding sod Driving Horses, wbicb I will lei on reasonable terms. Also, Cutters, Wagons, Spring Wagons, Ar, IIOK8ES boarded and fed aud best of care guar anteed. jon tf A. SMAW1EY. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESH OYSTERS I Received ALL; THE LUXURIES! OF THE SEASON! DAILY! Vasliington Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa., next door to Is hum & Co 's Jewelry r-toru- T. W. SAJVDS, Proprietor. luy Iloui-dcrs aeeomitiniiAted, Aleala sei ved all hours. Oysters, aud every deseriplion of game unlimited quests. No pains will be spared In nccoimnoc'at tbire vi hu fuvur us wttli their patrouage T V. ANI PretoWsim t'entro, .Tan. (1, 1800.- tf. 1 1