I V ! ' ; 1 !'. Prtrclrum Centre Dniiy Record. i. em re, Naliirdavt J""'y 31. 'i'iii-o nt Cloning WlalN, T. O., Fr-mriT"M Cvrrr.r. Vk., Jim iii-T. l-'-S. t l'nt'1 farthrr r.otir,. the nail nriive r.t find drji.irt frora this o'.lleo fellow j : AlirjTR. , !mitti and East, tin. Irrteatan, V 'J A. K. South nnd TVW, " J.le.'.dvlllc. S )S 1'. M. North aed ElHt, " Cnrry. ISO nr.sAi-T. ScnUi to2 Wo. A.M.'" Noiitl. Kiur anil Went, 3 1'. M Ninth, Iiiwt and Vol, 10.00 A. It. i Divine Krrvleop. PRF.ciBYtERIAN CHUHCn. Preachim aT"ll ofock A. M., unt 7.,' o'clock I. M. ' ' ' 1 Ret. J. T. Oxtoht, Pastor. . . . - a . : i u . r .' " m: e. ciiubcji Service every Sabbath ot 11 A. M. and T'i P. M. Sabbath School attwelve o'clock M. Scats free. A cordial invitation ex tended to all. i - ' Ebv. C. M. Hearo, Pastor. STS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catbolie) L rl L' ll'Jn. Vesper and Benediction of tbej Blessed Srecrument nt 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNN. Paster. Tlie CJattle lou slit and Itio Victory Won. AVe announced by special Hispatch to the KEConn yesterday, that Gen. Harry Allen, of Warren, had been nominated for Stato Eeuator (or this District, by the Republican Conferees at Franklin, who bad been in ses sion from Monday until yesterday afternoon, balloting for a candidate, tbe strife being between Bredcc of Venango, Miller of Jler cer, nnd Allen of Warren. Tho delegates from ertanpo bold steadfast to Brcden even unto the end, as did the Warren county del. egates to Allen, but at the last moment the Mercer delegates dropped their candidate! Miller and supported Alloa, which gave Warren County tho nomination. The ro Biilt Is not particularly satisl'actoiy to the Giltillan clique, and the vary few fiicnds of our Congressman in this county are cocsid erably chagrined over tboir defeat. LtvKt.Y Pr.u'E. It is said that people In Pelinleuu Centre sometimes load up with benzine and then fire revolvers at one anoth er jiift for fun. If that sort of gamo were practised continually, we ore not certain whether the world would be the worse or' tbe better for it. We fea:- iho place fs "iven ovr rpiniroiy to Ue world, tho flesh und - me uuvii. " icorry Kepublicun. Our neighbors of Ilia Iiepublican stretcn tlKr Imagination wonderfully in the above paragraph. They adviso the shooting of every citison of Petroleum Centre, which, were it done, would iocludo a large nurubrr who claim isolated Cony i a their borne We admit that were wo rid of u few recrc- B'-ntativcs liom that quarter, the moials Of our town would be greatly improved, and the mingliug of these few with their friends Rt home would hardly be noticed, as there uro enough In Corry to gobblo up what mor ality there exists there, hence, tho division of tho. troops, an their presence among us. P.evt. A. J. Merchant, brother of our fel low townsman, W. R. Merchant, will occu py iue puipit ot the Methodist church of tnis placo to-morrow. Ho wi!l also attend the fcuoday School in tbe inoruiug, at !H clock. Tub Vonango Republican at Oil City has ciiangeu its name to that of the Oil buy Weekly Times. It appears in muoli be'. ier iurn tuan hereldfore, and no doubt the proprietor themselves will admit there was room for improvement. Tho paper does nut vuu.igu uii.Ui, merely its name, r rictois are dierving pf success. Tho pro- Mf d'eal authority says bathers should not be in the water mriro than twenty minutes, umI not lEora than once a day. Frequent bulbing produces cramps, and if theso aro not produced, tho cfl'ectof tho indulgence will certainly be manifested later in lifu. rxoKOTAKixo.-W. W. 'Una, bus lately received at his fuiuituto store, 2'. Diamond sUvet, TilusviUe, one of the lurpest invoices U" euflinii ever brought to Tltusvills, UI1d ,6 prepared lo fu'ruislr burial cases of every tlefcriptioa anil aliud tu undertaking iu i.ll iis branches with promptness. Particu Ur attending u iunerals, uu'd having bad several years' cxpcrieacffin this liuo ol business, ho catiuot faito give euiire satis, laelioii. Herald. The remaining oiigiuul bieiuburs of th Crru of Harper Brothers arubiiling iu heallh Sir.ce tbe de..tb. of Jacios, noae cf tbo broth. rs but Fletcia-r nave lukeu uuy i.ciivu purl in the. Lu.-f:ess. an J the conduct ol' tha in", f .us !o.s already ulmost entirely pesncd i.itu ihe b:!iu!.. uf tj0 sou-, four wi wLuiB were reo. .liy w'i diti',',1 Iiit j t .e Ilrai. Two nil .veiis aro guig d..i. n.-ar 1 ' :i ; Y- lth S'iMi pr.;fr.i-c! of s-kli Henry J. Raymond left nn estate worth $150,(100. Of lilts the valua $250,01)0 is in real estate. Tho Couiieautville Record is in lavor Of tl;o "CrnvforJ county Lyi'-m'' of rrviking ominatinns. The Model Engine ii to evening in I'ront ol the bri.-l; it is now cn exhibition. ho ill a n this ii;".n'i wbe-o Tho Democratic Stale Ci-ul'al Co'tniHo is announced. M. I'. i'aviv.i' Mia 1'. i'.V, is member for the' ti'Jlh Dis.riot, Trie and Crawford; J. N. Neil, of Wurron, for the 2Sth District,' Mercer Venango and Wniren. Tuk PhihJelphi4 end. r!u Railroad Company have juai completed aud ojietied lino now depot building at Vvuen. It is built of brick, In ilio latest iiylil of arciniet- uro.j Tfotl. B-Packer,. Inot' M' ill' o:(jtfveiOl or Packer, end lute a-'-ociato judge oI'Ly- uiuiug county, died in W'illia'jisort cu Suicluy, aged sixty-five years. Tub Variety Tnoi'i-E To-Niiiut. The programme 1o be pres.'utcd at the Variety fhaatro this cveninf;. purpasi-es anytliiny yet iulroducod by th's compauy in thi9 pluco. It a worthy of perueal, oud when onco locked over,- nono will tail to attend thocntertainmeTct to night. KiLt.En By a Toni Euo. We learn that a man by tho name ol Geo. W. Fettcrmnn, engaged upon an oil well at Scrubgrassi was killed at that placo by tbe explosion of a torpedo yesterday. We are not in poses sion of particulars. Snakes! Snakes!. A horrible sight it was to witness a young woman with a snake exhibition, in our business thoroughfare last evening, carrying around her neck 42 different kinds of living snakes; It is hard ly necessary to add notwithstanding the reputation our town has abroad, that no one molested hor! Uetubned. Our towustnuo, Jamo M. Nolon, who so mysteriously and suddenly disappeared, and apparently without ' just caueo or provocation,'' during tho first part of tho month, has accounted for bis strange proceeding, by roturning homu a wisor nnd married man. Wo give him credit for this judicious step, and may he and bis live to enjoy a long and happy l'fe. Earth Closets. This 'now method of preventing offensive odors from arising from sinks ODd retiring apartments, is at present undergoing examination by a com ihI.jkIoo of the Engineer Bureau of the United States War Department. It is pro posed to substitute the earth clcscts at barracks, hosb!:a!s, and other militaty e; tablisbmenlsof tbo United States. Rattle Skkk j Killed. Yesterday. whilo M. B. Riddle, of Franklin, and Jack Satterfield, of 1 leasantville, were riding over lrom PIthole, and when about one nailo tbi3 side'nf Pithole, the horse was lri;;htor. ed at ttioralt'.o of a snake. They s.oppca and discovered o larjo rattlo snalio in the road, which they killed. Tho rnakn meas ured 4 feet and eomo inches, and wtw ro Be:sed" of ten rattles. Very Neab an AccmsNT at Oil City. Conslderahlo excitement and a narrow escape was occasioned last evening at Oil City, by tho falling in of the floor of Con cert Hail, whore a largo crowd bud ascem- bled to listen to a leciiro by Miss Ettio Kuowlton, of Philadelphia. Just os the speaker arose to address tho mealing, the coulro of tho hall commenced lo givo away, and sank down about one foot. Tho crowd rushed to the door end teat excitement prevailed, Luckily nooao was hen j if the Moor iiid wentlbroiiab no duabt liiero we'd havo beftl llfliiy injured, its tie hall was crowded to its utmost ca;iai;ii.y. Tho unnutil mcolinj; of Stmo VeacbtiV Association will be tei.l year in Uro?ru biii'g, Augut-t p.)tu,.atl), uiid 12th. ji em bers of the Association will be acdrjiinvlit ed with ball fair tickets on ttil'thu ptincipal railrortds, uicludinir tbo Oil' Crueii an.l Allegheny. For family M-:o alo, theu- is nothing as good as CuuaiitUigUa, which an boi.hnd only at t .Gai kvky s. ' A torso thief iu New been eoukaced tu'' State' Jersey had just P.'.oj for cue huadrpd and li'ty years- Tbo chcupest maiket on (Jil Croeit lo pui cliaso li'toor.-, wiuea or al. -, is at Jitly-!; :Iw. (; :-'XKV b. Elder ICn-ij y iueoi.:e of ulj: I0e 101 IVJ.I.-tt, ref.llT.3 at: J t..utii tao:oa;.d uoll.i.j. itlO lieIU:s ;u-,i uunit to gi.ud. revivia Tl.e bakiiiv;.a Lot ml e.ery T.!i.Ie.y A. M. ijliulu' Va j i.-ii.i iely li..! ( SPIILMMU NOT IMIONI VMATION. Onco uioro there is a project on foot In ''upland for bringing about a reform i" spelling, and the aid of tli jroveratnent li'if been invoked to f xuiro a gpi'iling iica r.li'is to rroniiDcialion. Afain we um.-t aver that :nch a change is neither powible nor tiesirablc. ypolling p. nd pr.'utiticialii'ti "ro or should lie ct'entially ditU-rent '.'.lin.s; tho fir.:t should bo governed us tar as pos sible by the etymologies, in older tim tho o ii friii of woi'.ia may be leuieir. bored and Ikr.'f tr;.n meiuiir- b.' presorved, while tiPOtm r, . : i .i Ta r. 1 1 , . .r ef I' i -tiidM ;ir.i'! is e,,i.nnall, oW-hv T',..rn neret w. to'nur knowledge, r Inngncfo. ptoaannced as it wad spelltd no J ptuuubly tbore never will be. Tho theory of the accordance of spelling with pronuncistioii Is the ollnpring of ignorance, and whoiy unworthy the ?eriops consideration of tuen of lettcu. If for no ether reason, the pronunciation o! masy , letters is entirely arbitrary as l'gr in3'.incc W pronounced doubio U. i'leaio !o show hosv that could he made to eund in a word, as it u sounded in an in diviuiiil loiter Y Thi.? iJ oaly an eseni pliiieali )o. KOI 'UKTE71 IJ'tJIS. The proprietors of the (lemur Plant havo been oll'ered a good round s am to take thtif curiosity to Chicago, but li.ey prefer not. Mr. J M. Gumowell the Fire Alarm Telocraph man- was in Lochester the lirt part of this week. Powell's new business block in UocUcster is fast approaching completion. Prof. J. II. Kosewold, one of the live judges of tbo prize singing nt the great Saengerhund Festival in Baltimore, will conduct the orchestra at the Rochester theatre next week. Rochester is calculating the 'ersil ilily of exchanging one ot theit nn; lire eri.ies for a uer Silsby steamer. i ae Kccmster ueraociat o .. e m un . contains tto pleasing intelKvncs H:.' "money is going easier In Ki cliesier and parta adjacent." Don't fool your money away baying a bottle of bitters, but if you will drink, boy a bottlo of Sunday Comfort t Gafknl y's. The eclipse of tho sun which will take place ou Saturday, August 7th, will be visible throughout the whole extent of tho tiorth American continent as a parental eclipse. 200 ca:!es Congr3S3 Wate'. received this day and for .-.lo at G.u'fnuy'h. The storms of 1R89 havo been remarkable lor tho frequency with which damage has been dono by the electic fluid. Scarcely a thunderstorm comes, and they have been of alrrmst daily occurrence, without the light ning having struck and shattered bouses trees or ships. The cars have commenced muring to arid from fie nev depot at Warren. CTRtmrTawDnrwtw-"w.iw.i-.,vMiv,y.i VA S C I OA C y KltlKSa-S, l':;oT;ij;orA!.Y. 'rt ! riT'T' T'Vj ;e , ev.Til'pi.r.ir.f nrT'.n u 1M RAOIir, Of retTclll.iiln(.V- r.,,.i (uvci.lH: for i'i otli-.uaiitry ol Wi.'inr'e eoaiuy, suleoet to the Usllefcs hi' thu Piimuc.Mlic .:ir! y. KEEP COOI. Uy purchasing ono of them KEFKICEHATORS at the Kiirnlture Store t'tio Itluirison'M I'euni-io JPlne Tar auf I'err.ian lior.li ne; Soapy. Ihc-'ii sraju ai,i impriv-iaiiH with cxoti'-ii ef iho aul-le.-t niul r.ai..t P.ilsuniic ninre, and are w.trri!ii cd i'eficlly binorent ftnd free from ml:.e"ul aria uth or :;rale!i's s.huixtwui, and are ,:-', hi ;l l e!iei a:,-! Cuj lie iu ;:pr. rai Iri p'-ttr.nr lei i. o'!.v.r set;,'i, i:::t'n yrai ireUacers an'l proeerveTh o: a healthy j.taity of cua si.a a ri.if.v.ior of feiell.? heei'y. For t';o 'Hiftai'iH u'Jd in,;.-ary v!:1'!: tt.':- iu(f-.i.;Li to Ue linjel.' Ai:ii face, '.he va af- lelity 01 soe'l:ii- t;,.l ,l:oe :uiu Imieii j-, Ul i-.u' 1 y i.rrii'lie;-, !;;. ini l::,li.,p'.-''b! to evrrr 'o'l I CI. V-.V I,.!.'.,., tli- p- i.tic ro fry 'l.y v'rti' .a I th"X iMkipa. J !. ji. ,i;:0ll I'roicl'r-'. ' A P. Mil'.r' i ''e , II' aire! AmnilA .it;:..' :im j All tt.u.i,.i,v.i:. i.: (.nd MA:v.r!ai .' M la i 31 11-- ! S 'Alt...-ili,i ;:i .-,.w.4 Room. A. ii. M'U.ywt CO., tvo ll..:.i..ia.c of thi Aii.wi.im Wbln Co., ai.d W-.-SI. it, M it i' tV'A r i :.' .us, wh.-t.Mia prices. Startiwaro-A Inr- assormi.nt rf vrtup-i 1 li:rie nl i-f rf',ii .u ri Joet.l .it. an )tSVMlli!)rf l.n:u - c,,,,! ' u'""u '" s-'Uled ii:imed:-".t.-ly,v.'l!l lu. li 't. I er !,.i i.vU,;i I Ae: M l. VKY.Vf!.I,S ; n- v.:...., r.'. . . ... .. v y i i.iL , s tyi&'.ery ' i - is .' it", -i-it -1 "' - ' K I.. .. ..x;:, C.:M MAt.'-'.-.-!', ' ! I..., 1 1-;.... . t ,,r i i..,. ., '""""'"'l WV. Ul- I-, S-llillk. ,. U lil'X ll.-ll-. e?-i-.:.': :-i, lt..cf. .'.:.. rj A, .. ...uie t AOIUOIOlj !..:, up. jUUitf. TELEGRAPH jiinvnri-u roit tub pailv kewki, AftOHMMMl IMspattlu's Washington, July 31. Tbc recent statement that CommlBsioner Poino has aecretly piven orders to (.top tho distillation of spirits In New 1 oi k until further orders, is pronounced .untrue ut the Kevcnua Bureau. It is nelimd tbo recent activity of nflirero in New Votk. in l rret in? out fiar.ds. led tho !licer- Bfai'is' 'He law to niak" the I'-i-ovt Ilnwriu IMmv. -V none-, that mvt- tations have been fJni om uniu ui.nu.-ijr parly, u bo held at the Petroleum Uouio, Oil City, en ". i. lay evening next. This gathering, wo understand, will be competed, chiefly, ot 1'etu.lentB Centre people, and the occasion, tr.gether with tho circumstance whiuUKoriginatcd this social hop, will bo in terosiii).; to alt who attend. Thee invifd here, or tho most ol them, signifyed their in. tontion to bo present, and ft largo number of Oil Ciiy i.ifiulj will join tho rarty at the Petroleum House. A special car nas been charttiC'l to convey the company from here, which will leave tbo depot in this place at 7,20 Tuesday evening. Let. no iuvited guest stay away, end take your Invitations with you NoT!cb.A!1 persons indebted to us will please call I'.ml coiile, as all accounts must bo closed up within twenty days. A. I. MILL Ell A CO. J.ilji W, 'il'J. t(. Speelal Notice. v.lil)S OF WtsnoM f, r young men, en tbe Bnliiis Vnsrion In Y.utb ;ilsl Ear!y Manhoo.1, with bELK I1KI.V for t),i cir'ni and Urforteti'ite. Sco In scaled letter miVe!o;e. I'ron nf charge. Adilics4, IK'WAHl) ASSOCIATION. D V, I'liiunCLVAIA I'a. May S4, 8ro CroeKery Fir a!! kin-l ti to ItiSTSOtns nitOIHIEAlJ " '". Nr. '1 Cmtra ritrrat, oppo jltettie l'.nt omv, Oil C'.ty. I'. :, . ... , .. . r : , th(, nil!W. v. II. NICUOLSON CO, t ai'p.'l-i, ei cy ry oieility f.n'l description, at P.KYN(I.r:, I'. :H)ii :M A CO'S, No. It Centre 5ti't, i i.i.o'ite tbe p. ()., ml City, Ta. The l',nc.;t f .'lj. TolKSe-il lit W. H. N'tClIOLSOV A CO' VEItY CHEAP HIIKHT V.t' ill', rally nvo cents ciipy, r.t W. 11 MC'.tui.S N & C'O'd HtaUonery Store All stylo of Blank Bnok, Note Paper, aul En vrlopis ia JebMns f.ef, ; w. ii Ni.'not-soN co. BASX HAH, IlA'li :nl tC'OKi: UC0K3, at W il. Ne ric'snl! ( n'l 'I' iio Grcnt VuMeiulto Uittcra. All Ii ii I irreilt baac&eter. W'lia 'o eure of our 111., GlVe life ,i Il.l-i;..( Or :.il:lte, Wi?b..iit noxi'e.ir. ilriin or ills Ir'v-j .b.-pAfe liem r.nl tin.' svati-m. Kills the heart wi'li r.fe a:i4 light, Willi tho Ix-i-t ot n t 1'ie r.nec, Dow uer Grout Yoseiiiite! W'ltli'rnnr tr.im on t!:o vullevs, Vtniiei"n'liifi;'.i ' bp.-.i rteth hlno, Giving vve.iMi te in peer moi'I'i', lieTan'l I'eriif'ne- '.ritei rr.i'ift.s. Veilltll ef Ium!:!: :lJltl ;!, .jliluef., I's ItieK-inci none .llionl'i sliylit, le yo'i want il ? Won'it ou have it ? t".-M I 'e'.vne.''.i Ci :c i: "i aeiuile. C-'ieif! ye iii'1':, dfaeiH'.vl. dhroiisolnte, Whslionl'l yon r.ino ana diet Ye ferhl. . I'.Ont Hiil l.i:e'ii!-t.ine, Co'ii. tiic.e eloriieis Uiller t:y. ve innv ihe.ie quarV.ii and luistruins, Fioi! from the hi.el in I'riiil, liMnc place lo t l:i.-' ouro leiiic, Duwu-ir's Great Yo-icmite 1 jnbMlf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. POULTRY. FQULTRY. Tm iitteniiou or tho pr.LiUc U called to Iho large Bt'ick ol llOkl'll-i, Diuks, Tni'keys, V.'liirh will ho loiinl at mv i-'acc at the mouth of DEitiNiKGIlOFF RUN, T ..-e wm tine or iiiine r,i ;l:ry will Sad It to the '.ii;i; to parehn:.-o of me. iu:2o-3m. .1 a u ;-1 Annus. variety Theatre. (.Lute'Akin's dail, I'etrolenni Cciiirc, . mnu. lnmPnsc' Success of the Great TAR TROUPE. .......il..,.,.,, i,i .'i.Jmie'sio'i, li Cts. Icesorved Seats, fiOGt. lioers ep.-i; j.: 7 o'clock, to comim ecu ul !i. j Matiueo every Sy-.inr.lay aftei'BOii ut 2 1-2 ! o'clock 'by r...r ..u.l mi i,, .,.:.;le t;Klil XV..-. !.. li I i:l,ll,o!l;r;l ai.d ll:,.k. Il.jn i l..ii Id 1 ...rn: I e d .' li.ai. -'tai:-- A. D. MILLKU .t CO.'S COLUMN. A, D. MILLER & CO. Wlioli'Siiln anil ltetnll Dealora in DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. 9 Wasl:i fii.(o!i Street, PETROMvi:?! rUM'UE. B'A. Tbelt Stock consists of everything in the lino of Drugs & Medicines ! FXJPIE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL TUrJ'OSi:?, Wtiolcsalo and Hctall Agent for YOSEMITE STOMACH I!ITTEIiS, JOHN KOOT'd BITTERS, CONSTITUTION HITTERS, AL1SMA FOR TIIK HAIR, SEWARD & EENTLEY S COUGn SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, PUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS, WALK EH ft HAZE'S CIGARS, JAYNES' MEDICINES, ANDERSON'S DERM A DOR, SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, ftc. FILLS. Aycr's,' "- Mnrsdmi', Spllr. Ilmndeth's, Meijine's, Wliwin's, Cophllc. rVotlufs, Wlnhnru's, IlorrioH'ii, Motl'M. Wrlch'ts, Hooper v ' . Itadwny' R. H. . Jjne-, ltolmek'.. .ludsou'B, Sehenrk'n. Clark's Fcmalo. (Jlit-iiiioiivin'-i Dapouco's, do, Velnim s, do, tic ffo Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, finishes, C Ol CillS, COLDel, A-c. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Jaynes Kxpectorant, Marsden's Ralm," Schenck's Syrup, Universal Syrup, ' I Excel ior .Syrup. Ransom's Hive Syrup, S.'?li,r's Syrup, Cue's Syrup, . , Hall's Ualsam. '- Denton's Palsam, l'rvcn's Wafer. I Olivo Tr, lirown's Troches, WIsbtvrtV-TIno Tree Tar. - Seward's Cough Cure, .Baternan's dyrup, Cou-rh Candy, fto Cigars, and Tobaccos ! The Scot Fvcr R rough t to tho Oil Kogioii. IIAIIt nESTOUATIVES. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S. CHEVALIER'S, HALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON, HARRETT'S, ROSSETTER'ri, LYON'S, STERLING'S, CARRY'S, &e., &c BITTERS). rtooTsi. rONSTITtTTTON, WtKACK'H, NIAIIAHA STAR. IH'ltbRY'd IllfAKIfS, MfKHI.FItS, IKlSTFTTlVl'S, . SI'HKK'S. UOOFLAND'S, CAblfOnNIA, ' -ATTWOOU'S, WALL iXSJRS, Curtains and Uitslic !!naIo. PAIXTisi, . - OILS, VAUMfjtJIKS, CLAPS, PUTTY, GLUE, Turpentine, Spouses, liy Htufl'-i, Dryers, Lard Oil, Kerosciis Oil, &c LAMP. LAMP FIXTURES, &'c. Si-otdi Ale," : ' , - , Eit'itnctt Ale, C:iirri,!is Water. P PRESCRIPTIONS (JOJ C-' 1'01'NDED AT ALL OM- II0UKS OF THE NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. I 4"tlWM 2 , -ij it.l4X . V.J. '.'I' e,' i" , I i,pir!;i'ili".er n, i r -l-. i o i i.'J'i-ell 1.1.1 I lie ... I.e 1.!, Illl.x'l. (' , 'le l'l iii-. rntlle tn.c. eoine 11P, i dr,,'! co.t llie ' I : t 'i J.e:, in eoti.-, And wo will 11 V U. trenl Mid A 1 MII.l.Klt 4 3U ; l . !'( ii