mm mm tit jm w r (J 1 ! ( HEECIIXNT'S GARGLING- OIL, IS TIIK BEST LINIMENT IN TIIK WOULD For ZXEan & Beast. 30 Year In era era to food for Rhew-rt"", Chilblains, Corns, Whit lowi, Caked l--.. Sore Nippies, Cramp. Hoils. HitM of nni"!- WfHiiiinw of the luimn, I'm tine tlnt of t Muscles. lUim and Scald-i, Fron Uites. Pniiif"' Nervous affection, Chnppid Hand', Lare Dw. Pain In the Mue, dwelling, Tinner. Tuotta A.n, Old Bores, Hemorrhoid ur Piles, Kleah Wonmle, Onllfl of nil kinds, Spmirw, Bruise, Crack inl Heels, Hint? Itoue, Pole hvil, V ind (jail-. Cal Ion. Huavln. Hwoencv. Fistula, rtitfiwt. Kv-wim. Poison, ticratcnos or Grcoso, Hprluiihalt. Mund mens, uiuii-noss, Ptnuns, rouudeT'.UK rcet, Maiucc, Horn PWeniper, Uaxgct in Cow?, Cracked Teats, Vont i;ot In Stici-p, and many other discuses iuci tltirt to Man tuil liiiut. SO B. D. TiVLon, or Concord, Ky , snys thoGarRllno Oil cured a horse of his, Itiiur.U whllo plonehimr by alrenintlll'' tostei, over a statiin. nlmont severing M thigh from tho body; also that he has used it in his family for fifteen yuan), and Is thf best remedy fur Cut., B.trns, Bruises, Frost Bites, Straits, Uhcutn- uum, cic., ne ever used. CO era FronCmjxrA Bnoa , Cochrane Luiullne, Ohio, Wnw .30 1U,K IP,. ..... . I 1 ...i.i. n 1 i.wt. v. ju iw. v nil. iir;,eu wmi your uietlilluc. It has been the mean of curing a grout unmoor o dlll'ernt diseases upon persons, as also upon horses W think it cures all yon recommend it to da. We want yuu to aund in tho Inner proportion of the Vlirilitv for li'liilf lTfu, " In di.iol From Dn. J. Y. tmxax, Warren. Ind., Mnrrh 18611 I cuii enxngid In thi practice o: nu:lv ;:n;, and tlud your Unrglinv; Oil nil cxttoiiio'y cilkleit remedy lu all cimea where au iit i.Hcatioii is Indicate! I'lom Uii. 0- D KTeai, Enrrta, Iowa, Doc. S WHS. I havo praeiicid un'ilictro In thin countv seven yi-nra and clii'crfully rucomniehd your (Jaii'ling oil as tho boat Uuamcut lu use. I'rom Da. T. W. Kilis. Oa., f, 1R"!I If I could receive both boxes of the ObikIIiit Oil It will not be too much, m I think I could uim ilml sale lor It nil, tho Inquiry belli frcipiuut Bluee it la un Uomm! thut 1 h ave It I'rr llo. From Dr. Wm. 8. MoOAiTOhanioia, Mo.. Nov. 6, 1WS. Your Uargllni; Oil ia taking thesiiiueotr from all tlio llnlmeata of tho day. If vou denircd them, I ooulil procure of eettltlvatui l'loui tlmt-o iruo huve becu curou by II. Meant McIjiti I)no., Wholnmla nrucjWa, TVbeeling, V., Bay, under of July -u, ikmi, tl)at they can eafely recomnieud Hie liurgliinr Oil for moiedloeasM than it in reconimendcd for." From J. K. Fiiiit:n. rniontown, Ki., Juno 31. Jh7. Your Oaigllng Oil U dulne much liem-r horu than lorraerly, since its vlriMea huc betnine k:unvi and the buttles put. tip for Family Use, ni'Uoul stain, are much sought for. ere ere Eitrnct from it letter from Hon Natiiah I rsDET, lunty JikIl'o of rjhciliv Co.. Iowa, c'liled Ilnilou April 13. 1W,T It Is ilecidcdly prelgrred to any Un ainont rld in this ra:tiuD. Extract of a letter from 8AutL S. Ilurr, d.itrd KalNhurL'. Ohio, July 17, lmw. In June last, ilenry bballlc had a yi a.-line; colt had what wut o;!p pesedtobe Dypthcria for more than ten df that it could not oat, and tho throat s wolcn i)l"mot bnt, and the tua orSuroc or four apo'.icutioiij o' the dollar bottlcn did the dei.od eileci! A. 0. Niel, LowUvllie, Coachocton Co., O , March, 1Ko3. 1 have used vjnr Giirfliii Oil for the bcnitchus on my hurtic, uud it cured it with tbe lirat apjiUcation. C3 CZ3 f rom tun Natiieh, allddh port. N. Y , July S3, lfiS'J. I ptnchiiMtd a Iw.llo of your (Viitrliii:; Oil or jour hl'oiu, a n i.Kcr, at .MiailleiKii t, uud aa yet have ttsod hut half of it. I think it haaoheum. more relief In a case of eeverc Khcnmatiniu ot Ioeh Btauuing, iluu any Iblu I havo ever used befo.o Kxtract from a letter froni J. 0. Pbatt, dnud Quincy, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., August U lfM. I have lieen acquainted with your medicine ( lari;l'n" Oil) for the hint fourteen year. It h;u n oved a aura cure for Foot Hot In bheep lor v 1 1 1 1 so'd the hut bottle uud havo calls almost ooilj f r uiun. rlvastt forward uu soou s coLVeuieut. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And take no other. Retail Price, l.o, go CU.. and 23 cts. ' Khatre Tfell before n.ltiR, and rub on tborou-My btftjre tho flic or aouio warm substance. ThaOargline Oil hat hocn In u.o a a linamcut Al we uk la a cr, but bo ,o and tollow direcuuua. u Ak your n.nrost nragt, or duller in Pitort Kodlclnea tor otio of our Almanac ami Vailo Mo eumj, and rood what the pcujiU say oli.nit ux. (j, Tho Garullii" Oil for wile by nil n-.iectillt. Oil throughout tho Unltcl b'utes null C0UDU169, Onr tilimoni'ad date from 1W3 tolsexandni-n mwiiciud. Use thy Oariillntf Oil and tell , ncighhori what good it hua done. llct'iond(:Ul M' lib"lil1 "h a" 'My c"n' Manulai tur.-d ut Ijockpnrt, X. v., by " JlJIl"? lloncn, S. cvo'aiy. o.d by A. U. tHI.I I !4 A to., HARDWARE-OIL CITY. ROBSON'S Corner of Srncrn & fnntrfl st., i::-."' ldo " roc it, un ti'ji !Ae:ilcr in .Morris, Tal:e tV. OIL If DLL TUBING A.P CAMMi, Jo, WlMKIN'l BAHKM AN!) VAI.VKS, STfFr'l.NU linxr.s. CLAtr, Tii.M-r-. srcKKU liOltH, c Machinei-v for Oil WelU & Eefinerioa BOIIINU T'XILS, PVIVINO l'H'E, OIu I'uai'S. Every dicti.::.-n cf SUPPLIES FOR OIL V.'ELLi AJ.U VS.- HNtIUK., Also, STUVES, TINWARK, BUASH GO013, teams a.xd OAS rrrrryna. HAHDWAliH, IIOL'SE TKt.M.V.i-Si"',? Carpenters' Tool?, Hope, Uiiktim. Nails, As, Co!Teo Mills. Table & Pocket Utitlfry j Full Aasortmcnt of Evcrythics In the HARD WARE LINE. itiw: F'iriiBh!r.f Gooil?, Lain;m, CMinnicyo, No- 1 Winter HTitaM l.r l Vi, Ko. 1 HtMnci Oil, Tbif -mdUoorMiit:, l'f;tin:p!oa's Writers MoiiUf:tart.':-5 of Tin, Eheet Iron and Copper Ware. inatrma of it1. l:flj tinnc v.uh L-MTivVJ ai.l (Jtsputtli. Es"ii;ual attention t;ivoiiio STEAM AND GAS HTTIXO. We have cn-JctivortMl to nwr'.t th rntronnfo r( tho piiMic, ami tsl'xlj .c every yxortioa to iuuro its Contimmuco. Our f unlitte. for fi'mihim; eeryHilni In our line, limine le-n ;rvrtly irievortd, lu the c-roction of "ii r New I;"ild;n:. arc now SUVKKIOil TO AN V OTUKH ESTABLISHMENT aufJlm. IX THE Oil REGION. Mm'i Oil M PIpo Works CHAS. KSSiSON A M., Ctxtier of Sc-rca nnj Ct-Btro Sta, eaat side of Oil Uracil, Oil City, Vj.. laving :ldvd a powevf-il uam i;nlnc nnrt threi. nrje I, vrilK:1. to our nirca.iy Jliinntuo tnriin: E.'UibiUli'nr-in, ar. iio.v tu do al! tho LciXosnvy wyik, in tittiu;: uji.'aud lvyjiii.-i EKOINES. BOILERS, Ili0f TANKS, r.EVlIIING MACUIN2ET, COPi'ER VF011M3 AN'D STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS Ir. f.trt do'i'l Mieh'ro'v .'jb H'ori cr.Ti-:'-d tons wit U neatness flul (iixi.iiitc.i flu; 'iimca n nn'-if tkr c-Tmr ?kvv nAriii wiiiit b I Urtt HIliTlNO :!) OOOKINU' In lartro vfir'.u'.y TABLE AND POCKET C u t 1 e r y ! ZtmhV HARD WAR ETU32 reNISEINB E-SG33. UM U li J UUmA tAiUI J LAMPS.LA:TEIiN3. AND fancy ahticles. Wiwdim Ware, &c. Ftil silo CHEAP I At the store formerly ocupicd by Iturchfleld and Casterliuo. Oli, CITY.J n. uu, i ill .a a. jaixids !. i;i:t;;i it- J A !tl OllJCIty. ,ln 4, W.i tf. JoTin C. Welch, ?enc:i-St., Oil Cily, Pa., UeaUT '.n anil Fishinx Tools, Iimis' Sucker Rods, EJviviii;; S'itic, 5J;;st-!4 Iron, iinSiitlf O Wli(tiiii A nil sii. P',ti;ju!, vi'h IV .Hid Itt'sl-iiit'll ti 'HO' in such tii:-,c 1 c;i i i.u-ii'i, v i , ,ll.;l'l l,..Ie: r DAxLY RECORD NEWSPAPER, T; ."lvN " W" J?i I: IW ! t 3 1 if Tr,.c3'. S aiiiU rJ W O Office, M AIM S T il E E T , .v. li, lii.tfiv.riL, froprli-tor. NEWS DEPARTMENT. We foCtfife telcciaphi: iv,ypaich.-8 to 4. v. and p!o!-.,-t them to our ritLiij jv.-ry evcniaL eni bmcing news o! Kiait luioiest fror.i all sectors of tho country. Wo huve nmUe Si.cciul arr:'.n;;cnieuisf wo receive revtnhir Petroleum, Stock and Produtu AlarUei ltciioita every ovenio by teleia)h, frwu 2imv York, l'hiludelphia, and I'ituljui'i;, which, together with JCcitoriuis aud Local niutlura, maKC it un: of thu most dcsirublc uwipapurs puhii&hod lu the Oil Ueicm. As au Jvertisir.s iltiditJist, rh KE.'.MJI'.D has lo anpetior, as It c. wccrcver tu Oil t'j-. ri.oi ui !;.:. ler cm lit '. V-; bn.e a Ir.:''.. ' v -II a'Ortni T:! of r.t-vf J d?j!ii:.'r r-.lci'!?-I, iaoruc:i,s tho very '.itc t :-tv,e. V '.:ro thi::clj.., eiutbiud to eA:':Utc Job V'-? of every varir ty in a s.tis'ctoiy jiit' Wueu J-ei-e i. lo: vvillbo noitty priut'.-J ie C,ii.H Costers IJant?-KjIl. BSUs ot FttP. JLtl!)Cl8. Uuiliif" anil Vlsiltljis Cards E'i'fEh-HEADS, EiLL-aCAUS, UI'jLB OK LADING. Etc , tK 1180 Bil l, yRlMTI.IO. ot I'sray tt;-i", nv.tly ar.d promptly exotic tod, cmbrauug 1MVITATION CIRCniMtS FKOUKAMViZa tAlUJri, TICali'i'3, Etc. Iii tvr eviyy vwity nno style of work In wttov, pr-ss prmtiiisi. M'T.-hnt, layyors, JHtictsi of tho Pcac, I.p.r.d A.i-t s '-il ar.d A :'cnt. Iuhhoiikc A,G'ti, K(,i(..:.;i.o;i iiiirt other pintles in want, are lul'ormcd i .a u'l- jo ii,;jj-,iirthl to exocuu) to o'.iler ail kinds ol I'j.iN La, W.ii'-A. ox Ie ai, rciviirod lu iooi MIS'JU.LANKOUS. NSW HARDWARE STORE ! tCn:U'r KKYANAc CO., V'- : tiftve to nnnotinrp to tlie cH!zi'ii! of IVtroK'iim t't nlK! nml vk'initv, tlint they tmvo opuntd n ! v a;.ito i'i the iT:tr ni the nl!cp of the I'entnil IVti-td-euv Company nt ttie rail t (Mid crn!ini?, when, they v i'l ket'p ivnmunt'v rn hnml a full ti!orlmeiit of tvirjuuiig in 1 1 a luiitiwnn: iii;o, ;is TIN AND SHEET IHON WAUK, GAS KITTI.VfiS AND iniA:6 GOOIK Mr. Aryan hnviim Leen vtnuoil in tl.o liiiiuixo Willi iec-rs. Wimor Hro . tor iour year! int, will tutt nd piutiL'iilurly to the uumucm of 'niimiifaeturiug SJIOKK STACKS AU kinds of Tin an Sheet Iron Ware tn ordur. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. They have a New Machine for CUT TIM. (5 AS. I IP, With an entire SKT OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work In this line. Apr :!. Coal! Coal! Coal! rjMlB undersigned, hnvlni; oatahllfhed a brunch Yard at ICyml Farm, arc bow prepared to furnish All Grate of Coal At the Very Lowest Prices. Operators from Cherrytroe Knn, and vicinity, living at Petroleum t'entre, can leave their order at our oflice here, and have iheni promptly tilled from the Itj lid Fami Yard, AT LESS COST THAN USUAL. DOM'T FOUG'T THE PLACE SEAHI.E8 ft COKNWRI.L, OlUce on 0. C. A. H H., Petroleum Centre. Bnuich Otlltc at Ujnd Farm. N B We hold exclusive control of the uimons ST0NEB0R0 COAL. at Iwth the above named Points Jtin2 I . A. T. LEGGETT, Manufacturer and Dealer Id Seed Bags, "Valvo Cups, &c. Experler.eed workme.. nro employed, and liar rics of all kinds kept (.4. n'.tautly on baud and made to order. P. C. Ileln' Pat. Soed-Baa For Sale- It epairing Done at all Times ! Call and examine enr stock arid prices, ::tiii-St., below iLe McClln tock Hoiite. 1'i troleom Centre, Pa., Jail. 7th, 11U -a J. A. PLAWTE, French Boot Maker V, slslnBton Street, TUKEE DOORS WTIRT OF A. D. MIL LEU CO.'S DRUG STOKE, i'ETUOLEUM CEXTHE, Pa., Is UMi ..ijcttuitie to order FIKST CLASB FINE WOKIi, such aa I i';iH nl lii allicr Boots, 1 E.i-irin finlo llinla. I'ri iic li Cork Sole Boott, yeole Welt Boots. heavy oa Licnr work donb in FRENCH STYLE. C iU and ?cc samples. J. A. PL1NTE. Petroleum Centre, Pa., July 2. 2m. AEsffiapzsli! Cily Terrtory. X0TIC3 TO OIL OPERATOES. 1hu nn.liTsI ,-nod, agent for the Metropolitan Oil Compiuiy, now oilers to lease tbs territory of said Company, in Iota of two aorca each, tor one-fourth royalty. This larra Is iltuata on Cherry Tree r.un and lha on the JUGU R VEIN Which counucta Wood and Plerson Farms with CHABLS I UN TERRITORY. For lurtLcr particular apply to tho original D. W. KENNEY, Allemagoozelum City, Cherrytree Run Or odducss, "BOX 117, Polroletim Centre, April lfi-lm. l'enl)- .MLIN'S KALI. 'T:'. . Mrfii m nnw readv for thestrical exhibitions, ..." hVturiu, c The Drill has lieon li-lllted in ,1 !: iiMn-n, d. No pnins aud expenio has huen out i;d lo iii ilui It a llisiciuss SHOW BUILDING. (t,. tK l'uvt ilunr i otio of tho IkhI liillimU lioom i. O-ntrc A.i uult-r out uiJi:i;'iHuuuf. Petroleum Contre, DKALHU IN rur.E FUKNCH, GEUMA.V, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN iLUD. iUlUltlllUl) CHEMICALS, ( HOICK FOKEION Ary) DOMESTIC Toilet Articles ! AND Fancy G-oods. IMPORTED SOAPS, BRUSHES, AND Drussists Sondrles ! rhisUkitm' rroseri,th,ns cnmnnnndiJ Irani 'pnra and choice muteriala. IF YOU IIAV'NT S EEN 1 GO AND SEE IT The Magio Match. Petroleum Centre, June, 1HWI un7. T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the ipot, opposite; the I!ou c, PETROLEUM CENTRB PA. THB best "toclt of PHiVINO AND HADDI.B UOUSKS on the Creek, nro to he found at M'Uonald'i liivery. HAERIASES & CUTTERS TO U LET AT ALL TIMES. . HORSES FEB 4c BOARDED on Rcasonablo Terms. Teaming of all kinds At tended to Promptly. t7"0lTe me a call T ' M'DONAL . Petroleum Centre, Mot. II, 1868. LIVERY $c FEED STABLES, ' Wuftblngton Street, opposite I lie Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. I have put Id a good Block of Riding and Driving Ilorsoa, which I will let on reasonable terms. Also, Cutters, AVapons, Spring Wueons, Ace,. IIOK&EB boarded and fed and beat of care caar- an teed. JuuO tr A. PMAWLBY, Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESn OYSTERS 1 Received DAILY I ALL THE LUXU RIES ! OF THE SEASONI Washington Street, Petroleum Ccntro, Panaxt door to Is ham Co. 'a Jswelry Btoro- T. W. SANDS, Proprlclor. Day Hoarders accommodated, Mouls served all himrs. Oysleia, mid eveiy desoription ol game urnislicd gnosis. No paiiis will bo spared lo nccomniodat In-" who fuvor us will) their putrouagu. T. W. fcANDS rriitMoiira.Cciitf u, Jan. H, lbO. tf.