PRINT OBSCURED DUE TO CREASES MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, IS TUB BEST LiimiENT IX the woiti-n For Man c& Beasts :t(t Vfiira III I'mi. cn era Jr pmhI for lUt' iimntifin, ChHIlaini, Corn, Whit Iowa, Caked Urea-!. Sore Nipple, Cramps Hoi I, Urn f Animal. Wenkt emot the Joint", Contrac tion of the MiincIo. .ii.t, Hurt SnilfK Kiot JHli, Painful Vcrvmis ulli-TiiiHi". rimti.rl Hindu, Lame. ISack. Pain In the ShJo, Hwi'tliiniS Turner. Tooth Ache, Old rvry, Hemorrhoid or J iiw, JMemi ...... i . . i tt i.i. ..i- cI II.vIh. Kin-' ll-uie, Pole Kvll, Wind (.nil, CaJ- lou, Spmiit. Sweeney, I inliitrt, n l-itr-r, fcxterua 1'oifliuis, Senile he or OreafH!, Siriiii:liiilt, Sand CraeKn, Imene, Strain, frVuiideriiii: Feet, 31 mine, Horn IiiciiiMT, aura t in ('own, Crneked Teats, loot Ifot iii sheep, and ninny other diueasea inci dent to Man and lieaat. R. I. TArton, of Concord, Kv.. My IheOarclIni Oil cured ti horse of hi, injur, d while plotiuhinj; hv attciiptitiL- ! ?t-p over a stump. almost teverim;hfa thfich frntu (ho lnniy , ulo that ho has uted it in hi- family for flf.een year, and i tht hest remedy for i u is, jut in. nniiHy, rrosi uiu'i, Biraiu, ifiuum- awm, etc, he ever uscl. era era TfOtn Ciivsip Buna , Cochrane- I ji tuliiisz. Ohl Nov. 80, 1B5II We tirv pUu-i-d with your me llrln. It has been the mean vf curiiur a ureal numlair o ditVurent diseases upon pcrnon, at ulw upon hornca. Wc. think it curt nit you recommend il to do We want yon to ,end ii- tli Ut,(er proportion nf the variety lor ami ly i so, ' tu small oottic. From Dil J. I'. Tbiirkix, Warren. Ind., March 18MI. I nm ewiairid In the practice of medicine, uriil llrni vollr C.iuhIIiil' Oil nn extremely etHclm t remedy fn all canes where an external application jr- o-uiuitcj. From Oil. G. It. Neai.. Ilurrin, Iowa, I ai, 18SH I luivo pmctlnvl nu-tlfrini1 In ItiM county seven ywim and clit'erfully riH'ouiuiund your liarylirg Oil as lIlu bt( Jhmmcut in uc. From Ig. T. VT. Ellis. Oa., .Inn: f, lsr.n If 1 conld rrcrWo lioth Iioxok of llif CuikIIi Oil it wilj not Ik' loo niucli, in I ihii k I could kouii llml aulx lur it all, llu. impllry b-Hnir fViHvul Siuce it la aim JMmiHl lint I havu il frr wile. From Uk W s. SU-Caii., rharunU, Mn . Not. (I, I1-Vinr Gnr;llni;till in taking; ihvsiiiiKion from all tlio HnlniFiits of tlu dav. If vim Uinirwl ihoni. I coul.l prociirn doziun of cerliljcali'a from tlin; lio have been cored by it. Mea!ra. Kc.Tjjiin ItHoa., Whnloaalo Dropr!!, WhtvliliK Va.. y, undur dit of July a. that they cau salely rvcoinntend the t;argUn: Oil for moto diHeii?e limn It U rwoinmended for. Kntm J. K. rViiBii. rnioniown. I'a.. June SI. 1M'7. Your(lari;llnK Oil ia doin much better hero than forue'i-ly, 8iuce Ha virtuus have Iwcotne known. aiil tlio h.itile put up for Family Use, ttlioul Htalu, avp utiieh M.ii-lil for. C73 Extract from n letter from Iltin Nathan I ivrwsv, t'niinty Jinl.'i' of Shrlhy Co.. Iowa diired llailiu, ApriC i:!. It d'iih d!y prtierved to uny liu an lent ttld tn thli ceetion. Kxtrnet ol a letter from Sami ht. S. Hrpr. d:itid FalWnirir. Ohio, July IT. lott. In .June la-t. Henry hhattle lind a yeurtin eoti lli.kt'imd w:in mip- 1HHil(tilm l)yulurin for imie Ih.iu leu dty-su ihnt it rniihl tint ent. and th; llimn fwuleii al'imisi hlnit. and Ihe use of ihree or four Bppiicaiiotis of Uie dolhir Ihii ties did the deIi-cd ctlei). Worn A. tl. NiKi 1'witvtlle. Com'hocton Co., )., Maieh. iKja. h have ui-ed vuur lUr(liiu Oil tor the Hei'Motie un my lionte, und it cured It with tic that npplie.uion. From Kmos Matiirr. MiddltiHrt. N. Y.. July i3. JmM. pun tu-iil a h n of your (Jarliiig Oil of voif auent, a. i mmi, at 3ltalieport. ami as yet Imve lined hut half ol it. I think it has uiven uie wore relief In n caeof wteru KhiMimniicin. of long Planum, thun auy thing lhuvet ver uwd before Rxtract from a letter from J. O. Pratt, dated Quiiiey. Chaultiiiitn i'o., N. Y., Auiriist l.. inM. 1 imve (wen anpiituiieu w tn your n.euietne ( taririn: oil) for the last tonr'een ve:ir-t. li ha-- 11 viJ mire rare Tor Foot I tot in hheep lor v 1 i i I ld ihe hijti hottle and Imve calh n'm wt t!ail) f r more. I lease forward a.s noon us eonveijont. Always Inquire for Merciiant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, Aud uike no other. Itelsul Price, ! , .) Cfs., :rl -i;. t t. l ;ik' well Wt'ore 11,1ns, and nib on lliurtmirlily ih'h iv l le ill -or ;Muie Wiinu tul?iaiicc. Tl'ailarsjllii" Oil bin town in uie as a linament 3i ). AM wc oil, is a .iir trinl, tun lie slue and to.lou uu-et .ItuiH. k your uearon Druc-Hl, or dealer tn I'airiit Mwln-iiiea tor oie! of ur Almanac nui Me c uns, aud read what the jn- ytf, rav aV.ul the Oil. Tlio f.iirirliiiLr Oil U f.r ale b- U re'peetaltl ilKilma tiiioii-Unii Uu, I nited 'iau- and ollitr n'Hiniiie. i iilr . sfi ,(,! ,1,'., date from ISiJi to lsivs and are yn'i.-i.-..f. i r.,. tlie ll iru'hu; IUI an I tell your ui ih'tiiioi.- wha: o. I 11 ins d, tie. We ,l,al litit and lil'.'fa! wit ;i i.!' and iV-fy contra diclloii. Aluiiuliicturt'd it liOt UiMiil , . V., by 3!rn 'hunt C.'EiilUvr Mil 4j. .1 .11 N lki:it',li, .v.vl:,;y S.'.ll.y . o, .Kit A !.., July'i -i.ii. ,elii t 'vn l-o, p.l HAKDWAKE OIL CITY. ro'bson's ttlL I'KFEai VlVK W'OttKS. CIIAKM:i HOBSO.V A; t'O., Corner of Sriinrn I'enli-n Sla., Una! Hide Oil t'reck, Oil 'H' ' Denlera In Morrta, Talker CVs OIL WELL TL'HIXG AND CASING, WOHKINO HAHKKI.S AN! VAI.VKS, STL'FFINU I'.OXK. CLAMl'S, TONUS, m ckku i:os, c Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries ItollINi; TOOLS, oil ri iii's, BltlVINf; I'll'H. t'Ol.ll WA'I-KK l'l'MI'S Every derrlp!inn of SL'Pl'LIES E01! OIL WELLS AND RE- EINDIUES, Also, STOVES, TINWAKE, BKASS GOODS, TEAMS AXD flA FITTVCX, HKI.TIXO. hACKlXH, and HOSE; UAItOWAKK, I!0t"SK Tl!IMMIN(i8. Curpuniers Tool?, Kope, Oakum. Nnils. Axw, Coirec Mills, Talile i l'uckt't Cutlery; a Full AFSortmeot of Ervrjrtlnng In the HARD WA HE LIN hi I mat Vn liahinR Qood, Laup", ('titmiiO8, No. 1 Whiter Strnimd Urd Oil, No- 1 HetltK-d (Ml, t?talr Ko'is Table nn dDoor M:i ; Champion Clot hes Wringers .MannfHOturcnj of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Konalnnp of all kind- done with nratiita and dispatch. Especial attcuMoa yircn to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. Wchnve endoavorpd tomoritthn pitronfisr of the puhlic, and -liuli ue evury exertion to injure ita coiititiimncp. Chir the ili tf pa fnr fnmlhiti!? et (rvtliimT tn mir line, having been greatly inn eased, in tho eiLCtiou of otir New Uniidi ntr. are mw SUPKHiOU T ANY OTIIKit FSTAUUSIIMEXT auJl-am. IN THE OIL KUtUON. Retail's Uil M Pipe Worts 1'HAS. HllSNON A CO., Corner ol fti'iit-ni mm or Oil Crwl;, Oil City, Va. Flnvinr added a powerful Sieam F.n.ilne and three larKe LATilKS, to our already extensive Mannlae tui-tiic F.tablifhTiient, arf now jirepare,! to do all the uecuosary wyrx, la utuu; up, aim ripatnnK ENGINES. BOILERS, IKON TANKS. KEl'INI N G MACHINE R Y , COITER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND TITTINGS In fact do all M.iehinerv Job Work eutmstr-rl to up with r."!itncis and dinmure nun vllmos NEW HARDWAHE STORE HEATING AND 0O0KINO 2 T iw In large variety ' TABLE AND l'OCKET Cutlery! SMEL57 HARDWARE.' HOUSE FUFIEEISG BrCLS. TS RTW&SB, L AM I'i, LANTERNS. AND FANCY AUTICLFS. 9 aw J Wooilrii Ware, tfce. For Nile 'cheap 1 ! At the .lore for'nei-tv oc u;iied ov Iturehtlt-'d and Cii-lcrltDe. Oil, IT'. ' .i ns;s u. t.iMMiv.- OilJI'itv. .Ian 4. lSif tr Jolm C. Welch, Sfiit!c:-S.j Oil City, I'a., Denier in (aihhs, Baiisst'Il tS. Vtt RJ'uinr - an;l iisEausji; 'ir,th, Iimis' Sucker Rod3, Eliiviitt I'spt. Ocrrick Irons. ;;! If 55;tr, I ItalaiK c Wlx-fV A. riiOii v, I all si:-.-. J Ml ,'nMli. t i 'li Wll Mr.'l.!'.:' ! loll!., 111. i. i. s-u-M llelt I call L'i'l ! i i-ii-.v . i.r'l-v. .ii,d !""l.uri-i ' a'l ''f .Mill N r WI.I i ii it! I'I'v, K.-l II. DAILY RECORD NEWSPAPER, A Nil Its: Job Prismtiimc Office, M A I A S T St 1 1 K T ii:iKon;i n ( i vn.i, . II. I.ONUUtLL, 1'voprietor. NEWS DEPARTMENT. We rwetive teieiaphic denpniche un to 4 r. m , Slid i;elit thi;iu io ullr re.nkTB uvery evening, till htautiix iuV5 of v oil uiieieM lu-m ai; m-cmium of Vliu couuiiy. We madu .lvl.ii imaiieiiiuiils, wtieieOy w rtfuia- rctrokuiu, Mock and Producu Markot Kcporis cvi;iy eoii!iik' 'iy telci.iph, from iev VoiU, I'luhidvli'hij, uuU i'liMnir, wliich, together itU KuitufiuiH and Loivti uiuttuis, make it oiu of ihu numf dutiable new. papers pulilished in the Oil lleiou A uu i vri Uine Media in, The HKCOUD ha no superior, iw it circulate wherever an Oil iterator or leali:r can be loiind I Mi 'J I! Wo linv? a lar-e and welt - aelected twortmen. ol newJoliMim !tlnlorial, enuinidiej; tho evj hitet MyUa. Wo are tiioivu.rc, enalilej to execute Jo'o Werk eC eve i'y variety in a HiiiUractoiy mnniirr When d.-sirul. jo'i. .viHlu n.. uly jKiat.;! iu CnuiR !I)ip(iit Hi Ml HaiKl-Rilli. I'oiKrai!iiKi, il i!N of l-"re- - A NO Utii3i! iiikI .kiting ::ti N l.ETTr.K-HKAl, HIM. HEADS, 1III.1.S OF I.APtS'l. Et' use Ittl.C k-KlXTIXi, r,am or Fue.'-y :vl,-i. le.iMy rnrt ted. etliL'ia-'.'rej Tcn.i.T.v ei. -en. INVITATION MIUTtl.a.KH VltDliU AM.V.BJ cAKDs, TicKl-ns, t:t. In fact, cviTy variety an stylo of work In iwtter. pres. r.r-ptius Mer.-Ii.lltt 'j Ijuv ycis, .1 r.:ti i-H of it'e I' I ,nd Ar'en:-., lil lAea.eri flLd A.: I il:' e ijt. j Kxpre-iti-.t-n tut cttir prt!. In want, are !i.fiiriBt4 j t . it , e are tn n-. are ro eveeule t o i.-r all 1,-liidt of N'.s, J-.U . ..r If t MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HARDWARE STORE! noiti:it r ihivan ., lieu leave to announce to the cHlf.ena of Potiolciiin rentrc and vteinlly. that they have opened n iiev store In the niir ol the olllee or Ilia t eiitral 1 etnii nm Coniimny at the railroad rmmlui!, whern they will keel) ci.natant Iv oil hand a full wwortmcnl ol everything In the Hardware line, such as TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, GAS FITTINGS AND I1RASS GOODS. Mr. Ilryan hnvliiB been eniraciil In the hualni- with Miwra. Winter Itro'a lor lour yenrs past, will attend particularly lothe hnsineaa of inaniilaclurinn SMOKE STACKS All kinds or Tin and Hlicot Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. They have a New Machine for CUT TIM. CAS I IP, With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will wnrmnt all work In thU line. Apr Coal! Coal! Coal! rjMlE undersigned, having eatabll.-hed liroucu Yard at Hyml Farm, arc now prepared to furnish All Grades of .Coal At the Yrry Uest Prices. Operatom riom f hem trrp Kmi,aiid vicinity, living at I'etnileiiin Centre, can leave their order nt our ntllre here, and have iiiein promptly filled from the 1? lid Fat in Yard, AT LESS COST THAN U?CAL. i0.'T FOKG'TTHEFIiACE HKAKLES & (MHNWELU Olllee on O. V. & A. It. H , r'tnleuin Centre. llnuu li Office at Itynd Farm. N. 11 We hoM cxcInMve control ..f the fhnioii ST0NEB0R0 COAL. at both the tilMivo nnmcd points jnn'J t . A. T. LEGGE1T, Mauil'acturer and Denlor in ARNESS, Seed Bags,. Valve Cups, &c. ncVs-lfft,fiuHtPW..'!E.,:,.l,,,;,d., "n2 ""T to order "" P. t Ileitis Pat. Setd-Unji I or 9nli- Hfjiairiiig i)one at all Times ! Cull and examine our steel, and juices, Muin-St.. Itflow l c .Mct'liii tock Ilonon. IVtroleum Centre, l'a Jan 7Hi, -tl J. A. PLAWTE, French Boot Maker Mituli in clou Street, THREE POORS WEST OF A. I). MIL LER CO.'S DRt'G STORE, PETHOIil'.ir.M c;E.TII13, Pa.. N iniiniiriicttirlna to order KIHS T-CLASS FINE WOU ft, ueh a. PatVIlt Iit'llllltT IIooIn, I limp Sole Bool, Frcnc li Cork Sole Ilootn, ' cotc AVcIt lioot. HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE. Call and see samples. J. A. PLANTK. Tctrolenm Centre. JntyS 'iin. AUeiiiapoMii City Tcrrtory U0TIC2 TO OIL OPERATO The iinderslutie.l, acont for tha Melnllimn 1)11 Company, now otfers to Uiaae tha teriJ,rl' of Coniiuuiy, in lota of two acre, each r one-fourtb rnyulty. Tlila larm is altuftta jn '"Y Tree Hun nud lie. on the JUdlT li V7EIN ! Which connect. ... Woi' """1 l'tersou Farm CHARLE & TERRITORY. For further parlicul-f apply original 1). W. KENNEY, Allemagoozelum City, Cherrytreo Run. Or oJdacSN, "110X 117, Putroletim Centre, Perm. April 10 lm. t KIM'S HAI.lx uV, 11.11 in now ready for theatrical r-xhililtioii, r'm'rru". &e The Hall l, l..,, rel .ted an. I irein;ilieii.l No paina and expen.o siuied to iu It ' cli'"" SHOW BUILDING. On l! Hirt lloor i on ol the hem lolli .rd lUom iu the t.irc. All under O! a mauab'u.iicui j il.i3t: H. M. FISHEB Petroleum Centre PKALKIt IN PURE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH !. AND AM ERICAS (, CHEMICA1S, ClIOH'K KOKE10N "AN1 IIOMUMTIC Toilet Articles ! AM) Fancy Groods. iiroiiTKi) I PERFUMES ! SOAPS, BRUSHES, "i AND i Druirslsts Sumlrks j I'hys U lans' 1' rompoiituled fiuui pate -and ehoice uuitenals. IF YOU IIAV'NT S 3S E 1ST I T. I GO AND SEE' IT The Magic Match Petroleum Centre, June, istfl. IniiT LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROL K 17 M CENTRE TA. TIIn.,;rI,wCk.Vf """'WO AND SADDLE J. UOIiSIvis uu tin I re. k, arc to be fouuil at M'Uonr.ltl'N 1 very. CARRIAGES ; GUTTERS TO U LET AT ALL TIMES. IIOKSES KEIk A: llOAIttlEl) "tn Koisonotilo Terms. IVaniiiir of all kinds ;it ttnded to Promptly. fjrovc mo a call. IVtleuin CcnircNov. II, I8t!. M'1)ONAI' LIVERY FEED STABLES, WiiKhiiigtoii Street, oppoMic tlio Opera II oiiMt, PETROLEUM CENTRE. PENN'A. I buvn put In a eooil stock of Kfilinu I Driving llorses, wbieh I wili0t on reasonable iiTins, AUo, Cilllern, Wuffo.19 Syijf 7 tVitiroitN. Ac. l!OUSs hoarded .ud fed and lap r ec fiir. nnul. .sma:... luiia-ii - Petrolenn ilxcbe HCTEL. ON THE EUOPEAS i'L;N' FRESH . lES! OYSTERS ! JPm'Lr Received Z&gU -'BO K DAILY I IjW-i WllallillstO. Sl',m I'etrolcum Centre, ra.,twH""r jwdry'- .c(or T. W. S AIr? . V.-i. "-'' ll:iv Il.iaid.'l; '1V.,ripUon allhoiira. Ov.iera, aif ,,l-" ,,uttb'' unii'litid eiio-i-. . , ptsomuiou" AKiruX I