t h r Petroleum Ccrrtr" Daily Fteccrr!. t-i. unite, Tliontni, July 147. -. JS. J'Al, Jut it or. Timu of ( lopliin M.tliB. I. O., pETwni.rm Cr-mrs. Vk, Jl.fcl S17I-T, ISW. ) Cntll further notion tho' i,ill will ntTlve at nnd depart fpom this olllcc aa. follows i ; . , , AtisYe. ,' . Konth and Ft, via. Inr1ntnn, 10 M A. M y Smith Mid Wet, " Meadville, 0 18 P. T. North an at, VorrvyHue . ..." , . ,.., depart. Sleuth and Wort, d.4.1 A.- SI. ' Monti Vmi and West, S 30 J. M. North, Fiut ami West, 10.0') A. M." Itlvlne Scivleen. PRKKBYTKRIAN CHURCH. Prenclilnj at 11 o'clock A. M., nnd 7,1 o'clock P.M. Rev. J. T. Oxtoiit, rastor. M. K. C1HJRCIT. . Services, every Sabbath nt 11 A. H. and V P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock K. Seats f'roo. A cordial invitation ex tended to all. - Kby. C. M. IIkaiio, Pastor. BTS. PETER AM) PAUL'S (Catholic) CHURCH. ' , Man at II . m. Vesper and Benediction of tbe Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. in. ..', ... t . Catechism at 2 p. m. - : i . JAMES DUNN, Pastor. , Sixty homos are stabled at the ' Buffalo Driving Park. In training for tho August Mn. Mary S. Manning has been appoint ed by tlio Selectman of Pltltftold. Mass. as town liquor agont, at salary ol $175 per The word d e-M is composed of tba initi als of "dun everybody twice,!' ,"Cr-o-d-l-t is formed of tbe initial letters of 'call reg ularly overy dayI'll trust" . , - ; The sales of wool in Philadelphia last week bave been .immense, reaching nearly two million dollars, or which amount oue bouse sold orer half a million dollars. Mr: Asa Saclte is tbe richest man in the StaU of Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia Telegraph says .that his fortune is bolwoen fifteen aud tweajnllhons of dollars. , A daily newspaper man who bus just got out of tho traces, says be is becoming quite well acquainted with ills family. ' He dis. covered to bis surprise that bis dmigbtor coulej wash the dlsbos, cook a meal ana piny the Dlano. Tl. nuer bad lime to loara these facts before. ; Messrs. llannan A Ramsey, proprietors of no i ottsvjiie Miners Journal, one of tho 1 tr"e!t and heiAw.u..-ii.w. t n. "... o ! iiiu oiaif. an nounco in their fast issue tho publishing of a daily journal in a few weeks. It is to be a two cont morning daily. A. H. Lee, who Wpod into fume by drawing Crosby's Opera Honso in 1SG7, contrary to ilio expectation of 200,000 I ck.it holders, died suddenly . at Cincinnati i-n tbe 23J. Mr. Li had just completed a line bouse. Into which be. was about . to move, at l'rariu dn Rocher, ' Randolph county, Illinois. ' 1 Tub Lath Du. Fowi.bk, The .Sharon, f Wis J Mirror, of tbu ?tb luslant, contains u series of resolutions adopted by Sbnron Udgo of V. A. M., respeotlng tbo deulb id tbu late Dr. Fowlur. who was killed by he explosion of a toruedo In tho oil i-i,, Dr.'. Fowler formerly lived in this cily where uau many irienUa Biiffalo Express. XT j. " b LOCNTEHKIilT. Tbe Plliladolphitt -uKer, oi Milurduy, savs: A Well-eveelitml ooimterloii twenty dolls, ooto, copied arter "sue, nas just been ,,nt in circulation in PbiU.ielphia, and a number b"m Ukl'n l,y oukeepers and Others. A large number of .counterfoils of ,luVBri. ons denominations of fractional currency are In circaUion, pa,,,. w , of from band to band, daily. Su far os known, the Treasury Department Las no deu-ct,ve force m ,lis olly tu , cnnmerleiters, nnd teirculatorsofcountor loit money. At no tiuiu in the iU9t , h; or .ten years, has there bee,, ' neceSsi.y for a police for that special sorviu tuan now. In one of her. uddresses, Mis. Sus.m 15. Anthony s:iy ho does not wish to be called Suae Anthony, nor Susan Anthunv, but de sires the middle appellative used 'la rererencuto ber. This ! very proper, if, view o tho fact that ail the mules in i! ..,,., uuvo conenuieu to lot Susan Jj Ibuny. Pviaouse Journal. in- POHTT-NIXli loiisaiid one nomlroii sixty tlx men make up our standing ,,,.. The deaths ., Njw Yol.u ,,:Ht wwk ti2, and of these 2S wen. children. Tl e.Roctiei.ler D. inociat ,,yH i!.ut wheat io Ibat to inly is l ip. i.u,,. . ,wy. A I'reJ -ft on root lorn I'lnnk !l :-.d He twee ll Oil IIJ rtiKl I'rtrilt'iiin I'e litre. By n special uct if t'ie Legislature, pas.- ed last winter, Win. W. Williams, 1. M. Soweis, J. P. Barr, A. M. lleutty and F1J Bishop, were appointed Commissioners to take Meps toward building a plaukrond be tween this place and Oil City. Before Ibe act was passed the nutter had been pretty thoronglilr talked up by partfes living along the line of the proposed roid, and it is gen erally believed that should seen a corpora lion be funned, tbe proj xl would prove ben- elic:al in more ways tli.-m one. At Ibis end of the route we cannot boast of n j:onil road leading out.ol tlie Centre, and oil uperaiois. aUo coil di'ulerf. would liml It greatly to tlieir coiivenioiice, to say nothing of tbe pat ronage tberjid wouid recnivu from pleas ure seekers. Sucn a route would be patron ized by the people from ull section of this region, ns the drive would lie the most pleas ant in (Mb ecction ol tbo Slate. Tho Commissioners will peon open the books to receive slock, Hhd all leel colilidolit that the investment will he u puving one. It will cost about :!0.0(0 to build the loud, US several bridges will lmvo to be erected over the creek. Wo hope tbo movement Will bo successful. . Tub Tiibathk A line audience assem bled at Akiri's Hall last evening, on Ike oc casion of Ruiney's benefit. Owing to con siderable indisposition on tho part of Little Nellie, eho did not make ber usual favora ble appearance, but under tbe circumstan ces did; hersell great credit. "T. T." was in his element, and of course brought down the bouse. The entire troupe acquitted themselves creditably. . Tbe four ordinary secrets of health are early rising, exercise, personal cleanliness, and rising from the table with, the stomach unoppresstd. ' There might be sorrows in despite of these, but they will be less with Ibem, and nobody cm be trnly comfortable without I hem. Tub .bill for the punishment of seduction, recently before .the Canadian; Parliament, provides that tho seduction under promise of marriage of a chnsle, unmarried woman shall be punished y imprisonment for two years, but no conviction shall be had in any case, -'on the testimony of the womnr. se dnced, 'unsnpportediy othrr evidence, nor iiiiIpss the indictment is found within two years after the; off nee." J Tho object of re fusing to receive tho woman' testimony ns concliipiyi ' u psevent ihe innumerable cases of prosecution,, by deigning women, tor sinister ana mercenary purposes, The Sul tail refuses to see the Viscrov or r.gypi. n nemor Itio Viceroy of Egypt has asheu to ue soon uy tlio aforesaid Snllaii, is hoi ri'poneu. TDv telegrams from Constan. tinople nra oil directed br supervised by the emissaries of Abdul Aziz. Rpro.im generally die poor what they make in cheating being spent on pottilo"- gcrs and law. "Cheat" is a good horse for a short race, but ho lacks botlon for a loug run. . , Uot Boston brown bread every Tuesday and Friday uioroiogs ut A. M. Slmlts' Va f'e'y Bakery. . ju!26tf Topekti, Kansas, is to have un iron bridge across the Kansas river, worth $100,000, to belaid in oily nonds. - . . i . i ' . Ifrluf Jtloution A woman's Convention is to bo held fti Berlin, Prussia, in November, under the pairouogo of tbo down Princess. A New Hampshire man, when bo writes letters, requests that the envelope be return, ed for uso a second time, should he have oc casion to send to tho same address. The refinements of civilization begin to 1 snow iijemselves in Jlittomi. They drown horse thieves uuw, instead of hanging them. The Caliloniiai.s ere l.e-inuliig to find that tbe Pacific Railway is not uu unmixed blessing. Chicago in now selling l.ntter to their Sail Fruuoisco boarding housi-s. Daresie is the name, and Professor the title, and Paris tlio place of u man, who claims lo be uble to iiicu hale ccea wn!iut tlio uid of chemistry. I WBicli caso calurio la to prevent the MUa Amhunya of thefealli- efed tribe liom snreudiuL' tliemnii;. uiuchly.- World, lion't lunl your luoiuy mv.i.v n lyin;,- a un (Mrs, out i, yt,,, xviii drink-, i a bollluof Sunday Comfoit at (Ukfxey', uy A C'lrrrsj;, licau furnla;. ndeut ol l.'it; Si. I.oi.is 1,'i-mili. let the following r.-eelpe: A mide Iron, toi-d Wood asW Weak yxs ''"out us.t.onj. avomiuj-noLpn-. in h,,u.. "iwr each Wea j-lasf, ol Hater, I ahnut half n viiiu eu.iri .ir. lei, u i'l l.n ,, cmpl.tH preventive against cholera, cholera wj-3iep.-ia This can I ii n t , 1 1' , . I ,. ; , t 1 given lo ""I HIIUHI , J .. i "r li.)ly ... i . .. i. . . there is notliinrr as !,a, which cm l.o hud j in.vt i-'s. 0 ily ul How to Krr.v Coot.. The follmving simple hints, friin tbe Pcieutilic merican are useful to retnemtier during warm weath er of the present season; Be sparing in your diet, which should consist principally of fruits, beiries fttid vegntnbies. Avoid every thing ol a greasy nature; also spifes. condiments and Drink nothing but water. Chew nothing but food, nnd Chew that well, but do not chew too much ot it. Exc'sa in eating is ono of tho prin cipal causes of that lazy, listless, relaxing 'ecling experienced by su ina:iy pcrsuns'in Lot weather. Divas . lightly nnd change olten. Wear nothing at night, which is worn during the day. IVathe the body every morning witn cool or cold water. Keep a clean coincienco as well an a clean body and clean clothing and don't get ex. cited. If uncomfortably warm at any time, immerse the h inds. or foot, or both, in cold water for a short timo. or lot a stream o' cold water run upon the wrists and ankles, This will cool the whole body In a short time. A iioDhsr Vouru A young lady, with mind intent on shopping, entered a stoio in New Hamburg, N. Y.,souic time since, uud addiessing u fresh-looking . rosy-cheeked youth, desired if he had any nice silk boso. '-Certuinly, miss," replied he, and immediately tbe counter was strewn with tho delicate articles. Afer selecting a pair, she looked up very innocently and inquired "How high do they come, sir?'' The clerk blushed, and turned all sorts of colors, but spoke not a word. She gave him a look of surprise, aud repeated ber question. Again the youth siauitnered, and said Really, miss, I that it to say, I think I could not be positive, but my impression is thai they come just above tbq knee." Just, after midnight on Saturday a yonng man named Mathew Collins was stabbed to the heart on tbe street, in Cincinnati, and was killed. Ho was in company on a sproe, and bad just left a saloon. Two men were fighting; a third party interfered, whom Collins struck, and some one then stabbeU bim to tho heart. He died In twenty minutes. The Coroner hold an in. quest, at which two witnesses swore that Ttn-nns Kinney did the stabbing. He has lied. . He is about twenty-onc, small, slenib'r, and clad in dnik clothing. It is sanf the Trustees of old Trinity would compromise with tho heirs of Aneke Jans, if it were not fjr the melancholy fact tbat, there being so many of tbem, a postage stamp to each wouid swallow np the whole estate! A receiver will le appointed lo take charge of tho properly of Trinity dur ing tho pending of the suit of the heir. He will have to provide a very commodious recoplnclo forjho money of old Trinity, but we fear its religion would bo almost Inst in his vest pocket. The property in dispute is valued at about sixty million dollars. A fellow giving bis name us professor Warner visited Harrisburg and obtained niouey from a number of business men to ' pay him lor a baloon aBjension, in which bis wife and two children were to nccom pany bim. On Monday Market Square was crowded with anxious people to witness the mcension, but no Professor Warror appeal ed, and the matter was voted n sell. 'fl'lio ;reat VoncisHIo Suiter. All hail ! f;nnt buinfartur, vt ho lo euro un of our ills, CIvoh lih' In i,ni!i..conwil:ite. nlivut uoxiuus driiKM or pill.- Bnves dlwine IViiin out the sialim, ".",''? l"'-'rl wt,h li"" l'-l'l, With Ihu bet or n'l the tun'rs, " Dowuur Uruit Vusuuite: With rwt frem en! the vuilevs, h.Mi iviiinnii'i'.-. kirn iluth .-I. inc. 'Verillh t,,, iHHir .,), I.eVlllid tlHsrirlimol h;T mires. enltli ,, hc.iuli ;U:,i liii,m:.-.s It,. Ij!' s..!i....s ,, a,, ,, si,:ht, want it t Woutil vn,i have it i Leo Uowui-r's (5 rent Vciuitu. tonic y.: ick. aved. .lU on-ohtu, w hy -ttoi.lilyou pine, anil die? Ye hwlile, IWi ai"il!-hlll", luiiK., Hi,..,. t-!iiuiH ,i:t, Irv. i ) lio.y U.C-K ijiuid;. ami n..tniius, i l. jni thu lau i in frltHt. loviliir pliure to thi-.r. I, .!iic. J),.u.i.. r (.iuot Y,i..imil,' ! iit'L'l'.f Owing to tho incivase of otdi-rs for Sun day Comfort, I am now soiling for the small Mim ol Si per bottle. C.wiwkv. 200 cases Congress Water received this 'lay and lor Bale a t Gaitxkv'm. CosiMjiXDAiiLK We yesterday published an item stating t! a' Rev. Mr. Aik'nson was lu this place eliciting Hihsct'iptioii.s lor the Kation.il Orphan's Ilomesl.-ad nt O'ttysbuiv, an i.i..itiiutiou devote.l t i Him suppoit uud eJiienlion of soldiers orphan. The UKent yesterday cailed upon our towns man S. A. Woods uud ite promptly respond ed by giving l,if r y K Jtess also gavi. fj:,. Tjit, deeu.s wortuy ol iw,v. uini s ale charitable s,.ea! highly 1 u of tho doiiuih . the tcaetusily i.ivl p itrimi. The tl.eapeet o.Brkct on Orrtitak to pur M -''' L . ,:: v TELEGRAPH ltKI'OHTRD mit TKR DAILY ltECOHI), AltcinooH Uisputdics . London, July 27. U is rumored that a treaty is concluded between France, Austria nnd Italy. The latter, in case of war, in to support France with a contingent of 60.000 men and occupy V iter bo. It is rumored also that Prussia oilers the Pope 12.1100 troops if tbo French evacuate Home. St- Louis, July 27. William Floger shot and killed Ernes' Nieumeir on the street late yesterday even ing. They are both Germans and hud beon Intimato friends. Improper intimacy be. tween Nieumir nnd Ploger's wife is the nlleged ciuso of tho act. Tloger'a gave himself np. NoTK'K.--.UI persons indebted tons will please call nnd sett in, ns all accounts must be closed up within twenty days. A. D. MILLER & CO. July lfi, 'fill. tf. CANDIDACY ANNOUNCEMENTS. l'KOTIIONOTAKY. V n. I mtoi' I'lense nnnamirc the i nmeofTHoii 1 ifAnnv, of lVtrolenm Centre, s a cnnuiuale lor l'rotlitMiaiui-y of Veuani:n Cuunty, subjuct to lhc iiai-a oi ine jemncrntic pany. it!itl ioticn ItlorrtHoii'a (cnuluo Pino Tar mill I'crnlan Healinc 8oa?. Thee soap, are lmnrcitnaied with exnt!en of tbo mi'.ilesl ni -1 moat Hil-ninlc imluro, and are warrant ed peift-cily intiiKront and free from mineral and otb. ur pernicious admixtures, and nro selected by the Indies and the public In genoral In rmfercr cc to all other soapa, the great producers and preservers of a healthy purity of complexion, and a conservator of female beauty. Vr tho aoftness and delicacy which they Induce to tho hands and face, llielrcnpa billty of enotbluK Irritation and r-morlng nnilghtty eruptions, rendar them Inillsuriislblo to every !!! ct. We kindly ask the public to try tbe rlrtnee of theie soaps. J. L. u. e Co., Proprietors. A. D. Miller ft Co , General Agent. JalSl 3m. All llal:lM, Weeklies rd Msplztnes at HOLMtW ft FAKNSWORTIfS News Room. For HTATIONKHY, to, eall at 110LMHH FAHNiVOHTil'S Xewa ltoora. WALI fAPERI ,ln. t received a large stock of Spring patterns, at II. C. JAhYIS, FUHMTURB HTOBB. mH IlnrUrviirc A large assortment of which is Mr.K doscti out nt reduced rates at KBYNOLDS IlttoIUTKAI) ft CCVK, No, 11 Centre St., oppooitc tho r.wt t)Wec, till City, Pa. All m-cotint not settled immcdiatcly,will be left witn im omccr fia-ollecllon. Apr. U tf. ItEYNOI.rtS ft CO. ow I'loiir, Feed and Grocery !tore ! l'KATIIEK, .T. S. A! lhc OLD DANK IlLII,MNO, ON SIAIN HT, opjHisite the .VcClintork House, bus on hand Ini'seand II, st e'.ns stock of Clour, t'red and l.rueericH, wlilcli ho is soiling at a low llTiiro. m. Don't for?et the place where A, D. Cotton ft Company broke np. Jnnttf. Special Notice. W HiDSOF WISDOM for yonng men, on the Iti:i!i CiHlon in Yo'ith nnd Knr'y Manhoo.1, with f-FLf I1K1.P f.ir tho err'n' mid Vnroitunatc. fn In waled letter enve'opm, froe of chnriro. Address, mnvAiti) ASSOCIATION, B z P, riiiijkuau-Ai 'A Mnv 84. (trnettcrv for all kinds zo to ItUVNULD.S IIHODHEAI) ft CO'S, No. 11 Outre Utreet, oppo- ue i.in nmco, 1)11 Ctty, Pa. A new 1 , of the celebrated I. X. L. Knivoe Jnut received at the P08T DFPIC7B, 'fry our Navy Tobacco. We know It la tho best in the market. W. It, KICHOI,S'N ft CO. Carpel-, or fvery qiiallty and description, al RKVNOI.Df, ISItODnBAD ft CO'H, No. 11 Centre Strojt, oppo-IM the P.O., (1 Clty,ra. The. l!ucit riogTnliacco at W. II. NICHOLSON ft CO H. VKIty t II KAI' SIIKKT ?.irsi(", only nvo rents n py, "t W II. NI( 1IOLH1N & co M Htutionery All tyl. of u auk IViuks, Note l'apor, u I JSu V lopes iu Jnhliilig r.rilj, nt W. II. KIttHOLSON ft CO. BASK HALT. HATS and hOOKE, BOOKS, at W II N'ieliolKon ft Co'n. XKW ADVERTISEMENTS. )cui;t hook i.usri A poeVel boot; contalnintr I'M In monov, nnd and the K-lnrt Farm. Whoever w ill ro,, , Zd pi, ...ei yt,,, ,i(.0()1.d oiHcomiv hvt " moTioy I "I. ( eutre, .1,11x21. 'K) it. n . , f ' , :":,"n horetnfuru exU: In? under tho l:iu naiiie ad.tor (Jo., u dlolve.1, and a I ,B la. .l l ih" tlrm, are nv,nMll to netllo at the old .,!, 69B Furm or , j.ut ,.,, , Mte lhc ln.?li llr,k JuMMtf 11. C. . ' x y, , A t""d "..iid hand Piano for Kalo chein 1 in Hi . ( ,. it,,,,,, Aiily early. gt. !a. ihe iiberlpinn INt for the auk ronil. Any oi.o Ihl.lilii; Ihu t it nl this olllec. iu'.ilif V, a- 'in si r i pl,-i-, on nam:. I ci (dllcB. Ui,ne well rurnlNhcd ! I'-iiiiMiit Him Hoor. IdlllHt ,f m ..ulb.tleh.u.e IW,i,,'nf in,iiirc ut this ulliie. yJlf II! IT--!' xviil'. of ti, 'ei 1 .11 1 1 lr, I, II . nl;::' w.iici , , A. D. MILLER A CO.'S COLUMN. A, D, MILLER & Vhnpalf and 1,'emil Denier hi DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. Washington Street,: Pl.TllOl.liU.n CKN'I ItlY I A. X Their Stock consists of everything in the line of ' Drugs &' Medicines ! PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL , PURPOSE ' Whoieaalo ond Retail A cent lor YOSEMITB rJTOMACU BITTKU, JOHN ROOT'S I51TTER3, CONSTITUTION DITTERS. ALHM.VFOU THE HAIR, SEWARD & BENTLEY'S COL'Gn SYRUP MARIO MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO'S (iOI.DEN Pil.LS, WALKER & RAZK'S CIGARS, JAYNKS' MEDICINES, ANDERSON'S DERM ADOR, SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCKR'6 OINTMENT, Ac. PHVIiS". I Ayer'n, Brnndeth's, Oeplwlir, llerrtck's, llonper'o. Marsdon's, Mrliine's, Molat's, MTitt'e. ' "' Hellsrt. . ., Wlleoo'S, , Wihans. Wrhjh-U, 'i Javne'n. Hchenck'e. lladway' R R KohMk!. Jd4jhV Clark's Female, C'limwenMn's Velpan'e. do. fto. DaiMiueo's, do, fto Perfiimery, Toilet A tit les, Simps, Brushes, &e. COtJOIIS.'COLbS, A.C Ayer'n Cherry Pectoral, Javne's Exectirant, , Marsdon's Italin.'.. . . v Schenck's Synip, ,' ' ' Universal Syrup, "' ' Excelsior Syrup, Ransom's'llivo Syrup, Seller's Syrup, Con's Svrup, Hall's llnlsnm. , ; . Denton's Ilrtlsam, Urvan's Wafers. Olivo Tar. ' ilrown'g Troche. - Wishart's Tinn Treo Tar, , Seward's Cuuuh Cure, Bateniatt's Sj rup, Couch Candv. Ac Exgars and Tobaccos ! The Dent Fvor Ilrniiglit to llio IIAIIl KESTOUATIVES. AMSMA, RING'S. MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, niiKvit il-ij'j ' HALL'S. MARTHA IVASHIVctim BARRETT'S, ROSSETTERS, T LYON'8, STERLING'S, ' BARRY'S, Ac, Ac. ' BITTEIIS. nTS'.u WNJJTITtlTION; IlOItACKW, Mlsrfl.KKM, IIOSPETTK'1'8. - BPi ru'H HOOFINDU, CAI.IS-KltNIA, mwuou J'KOTOXIDB IHO.V, 0 1 "W-A.31.1j PAPEfiS. Curtains and IC us tic 8ualcR. PAINTS OlfiS,- VAKXISIIES OliASS, PUTTY, " ' OliUE, lryerst, Turpentine, Dy Stuff, Lanl Oil, Kerosene Oil, &c LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, .to. L Scotch Ale, -1 , lieiisiett Ale, Conart'ss Water. PItESCRiPTIONS COM POUNDED AT ALL HOURS OK- THE NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATIONERY, ENVELOPES C. SURGICAL INSTRUM ENTS, TRUSSE S. Come ahinir, come one, come all, It don't cost any. th nir to look at poods, and we will Uy to Irnil yi.u 111 well. ' . . ,. A- ' MIM.KH CO ruiio cum t or.tie, Siil b, tsiis u