' t i 1 ; i i 1 6t, 6-1 3 a, etroleum CentreJy Jtecord. tot. W. i:.J'Ar, Jut i tor. 1. 0.. I'ETBUl.W CKJtTllt. T , JlLt S7r, ISOf- Cntll further notice llio mailt will arrive at mid dqmrt Item this ottlcc m follow! : ARRIVE. Sonth and East, via. Irvineton,10.?8 A. M. Hooth and West, " Jleadvllle, 5.18 I. M. North and East, " Corry, 8 55 . " DKPART. Sonth and Wait. 8 46 A. Tl. Soutt East and West, 130 P. M. North, East and Wot, 10.00 A. M. Illvliio SvrvicR. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching t 11 o'clock A. M., nod 7 o'clock P. M. Rsv. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH. Services ever; Sabbath at 11 A. M. nd 1 P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock M. Scats free, A curdial Invitation ex tended to all. Ekv. C. M. Hrahd, Pastor. STS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catbolie) Mara at a. m. Vesper and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. tu. Catechism at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNN. Pastor. fc Attention Citizens ! All well disposed citizens of Petroleum Centre, and vicinity, who feel nri interest in the future prosperity of the town, are earn estly requested to meet at the school house near the Churches, at 8 o'clock, P. M., on Friday, the 23rd inst. Many Citizens. Tlie Solar Eclipse. The eclipse ot the sun which will take place on Saturday, August 7th, will bo visible throughout the whole extent of the North American continent as a nnrlia' i eclipse. The places where it is to be tola are confined to n narrow belt less than lf0 wilts wide, extendiog In a south-euslorly direction across the continent. The paitiui shadow of the moon first touobes the earth in longitude west from Washington 138 degrees, and north latitude 37 degrees. The umbra, or the total shadow, touches the earlb In longitude 1G5 degrees west from nauau6nu, utm in north latiludo hi tie- grees. In other words,-at the first of these places, tho dark body of the moon is seen to touch the sun erller than at any other place just as the sun is rising. The umbra o' the moon travels at first in a north-easterly direction toward Bebring's Straits, where it bends gradually eastward, and from Bebr ing's Straits it begins to travel in a south easterly din-cttou, which general direction it holds across British America and the United State?. To speak definitely, the Central lino of the path of the umbra enters the territory of the United States about 200 miles north-west of Fort Union, which is situated at tho junction of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers. It sweeps south-east ac ross Dakota, enters the State of Iowa near Its noitb-western boundary and passes through portions of tho State of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Virglnia,Tennesseeand North Carolina. The eclipse will be total also in certain parts of Missouri and South Carolina. At Pittsburg the time of begin ning will bo 4:14 r. m , and of ending G:12 v. h. At Erie it will begin at 4:42 i-. m , unit eml nt 1141 i v. Tlin limn ,vt' tlm ' collpso in this vicinity will vary but little from that given for Pittsburg and Erio. It will bo only partial in Pennsylvania. Rueh.'s Tniii.. Tho Question Js often asked us when Gus Rheil will bo tried for the murder of David Tate. We will reply that Coutt sets la this county on the 4th . Monday in August, and should the trial be beard here, and both sides ready, it will Cjiuo off at that time. Ho may not bo tried in this county, and the trial may bo post poned until another term. Tlieso are si p positions, still they may occur Tub Musical Review ibr July, J. L. Pe ters, publisher, 198 Broadway, N. Y., is one of the best editions pu blisbed. It is ru plute with a varied selection of readiug tu liter for ladies, and some of tho latest ln;i.io..l ii..j'li.;i:ion:i cf tho d.iy me title luiir, I l:i i' ,:'" I'llo.i iwf Allium-, i'.it. ;.. u i r i-1 ;.i i-r. National Oiii'iians' IIomknteaD at (Jkttysih The agent ot tbi noble en' U-i'iU'isp, Rev. Mr. Atkinson, Is mooting with go"l sueevss In Titnsville. Jonathan Wntson has Riven over $100; souio others $311, $25 mid lesser amounts, down to $1. several shares lor Sunday schools of $23 each buvo been nlready obtained here. Amongst those the staff and children of the State Home Institution are about raising a share. It may not be generally known that Rev. Mr. Bignell, M. E. minister, is to act as local treasurer. All upon whom the agent may not call, can have the privilege of paying whatever they d el disposed to give into Rev. Mr. II.. who will duly for ward the sutne to the general treasurer. Tne amount collected by the children is to go, through the different snperintendents of schools, Into Mr. B.'s hands also. Many who have not yet subscribed mny feel It a privilege to assist in this clfort to rescue the children ol the fallen hnioes llcnnlU. AVood'a Household Magazine fur July, de voted to knowledge, vlrtuo and temperance, published at Newburgh, N. Y., by S. S. Wood, is filled with the olioiwst reading matter, benelicial to meu, women and chil dren. It enjoys a liberal circulation among all classes, and Is one of the best magazines of the day. The luueral of David Tate, recently killed In this town, took place at Erie, on Tuesday morning, and was largely attended by the Odd Fellows and friends of the deceased. The ball was taken from bis body the night before, and will be produced In evidence on the trial. A man named Wood attempted to commit suicide by cutting bis throat with n razor at the American Hotel In Erio on Saturday morning. Not being an experienced sugeon ho failed to make a job of it and only in dieted a flesh wound. A wealthy and public spirited citizen of Pittsburg, Mr. Thomas,!!. Raho, has erected a free batb-bouee on tno river bank in ihi.t city for the use of thoso who have no place to cleanse themselves. Commendable. Mr. James Bucban, of Rochester, has sold eight acres of land in that city to S. V. Pryor, Esq., for $16,000. A mad dog was shot in Rochester last Monday. The Pullmnn hotel cars which have been running to Rochester daily for somo time past on tbo N. Y. Central, have been dis continued. Mr. Edmund P. Willis has sold property on State street In Rochester to Ann Fryers lor T,UUl). The Rochester papers think that the now one-horse street cars are nice things. A man named John Will bung himself on Monday morning. He is supposed to have been laboring under an attack of delireurn tremens at tho timo when be committed the deed. Mr. J. W. Ashley, of Rochester, delivored a witly and moritotlous poem beforo tbo So ciety of tho Sigma Phi during the Com mencement exercises of Ilobart Collego last week. It was lately suggested that as a change of drinking water is a most freipient cause of sickness with persons who remove from one locality to another, similar danger might arise from tho use of ice imported from other cities, But it is stated as a (act by a scienlilic journal that wjiler in freez ing turoB out of it all that Is not water- salt, air, coloring matter, and all Imnuri ties. frozen sea-water makes fresh water ice. If yon freeze a basin of indigo water It will make ico as clear and as white ub that mudo of puro raiu water. It would thereforu seem probabla that it is just a safe to use "duwn-Easi'' ice na ony other. A private letter from Cnpn May, received at Washington, describes tho rescuo from drowning of young Duvereoj, of Baltimore, by Miss Borie, daughter of the ex-Secretary uf the Navy. Tho young man, having got beyond his depth, und being unable toswim, wus sinking for the last time, when tit young lady, who is an export swimmer, wont to bis rescue, and, dragging him to share by tho hair, saved him (ruin a watery grave. An open letter, dated JiufTiIn, July 6th, was picked up in the street there on Tturs i'ay, addressed to '-My Dear Wife," und subscribed "Your Loving IlusbunJ," in which the loving buBband announced that be was forced to abandon her on account of pecuniary circninslnnci-a; thut he hoped tu s.'ad f.r her voi.n as lie nirlvi'dat !' foil, '.ml nt tin- 3.1 iti : lime he Ullliinl she PEKSOXAI.. A. T. Stewart is preparing to introduce IVinule clerks in bis establishment. Mr. nalstead, of the Cincinnati Commer cial, has sold bis velocipede and the man who bought It, The latest atiout Rochelorl, of La Lan terne. is, that wealthy himself, he permits his aged father to live in poverty. A lioston paper reports that the Hon. E. O. Russell has resolved to canvass the state in tho tall, in favor of e'eeting a liberal government for Massachusetts. Brief Mention. Longfellow is coming home. Sheridan and staff are at Newport. Biorstadt is voyaging homeward. Mrs. Sumner leads at Newport. Koopmanschoop, the importer of China, is a Dutchman i. e. a Hollander. John Harper, of the publishing Brothers, is very ill. Ruskln mourns railroad building in Switz erlaud. Is it worth while punning about tbo fact Ibat flay is under Sickles in Spain. Senator Mortou Is going to Europe again. Tbo Pope has two elder brothers living. Tbero are givingg out that Attorney General Hoar will shortly resign. Joe Jefferson has bought a $39,000 country seat In Now Jersey. Ida Lowis is enduring the penalties of grcatnrss. W. D. Howell?, editor of the Atlantic Monthly, accepts the chair of modern Italian literature in Harvard. Ko p nnnschocp has contracted to furnish a St. Louis foundry fifty skilled laborers August at $1 23 per day. in Harvard has graduated a colored man, Mr. Geo. L. Euflin, with the degroe of B. L. The policy of Louis Nap.'s adyissrs keeps Eugenio at home, for this year at least, from her proposed Eastern tour. ,A four mouth's duck shooting match for $ln.0n0 tn tipmltnir hplwiuin it Riiernmarw tonian and an Omahanian. Tbo fact that Gen. Sheridan is a bachelor is said to be evidently known to all the ladies at Long Branch. The chignon bas its uses. A man in Paris tried to shoot his wile, but ber bead was bullet proof, - Sherman and daughter aro in Boston, nd will " o..-.u college Commencement this week. Opportunity lor McCoolc To "belt" Andy, and go down to prosperity as be who 'struck u nation's lyro." Chicago Post. Greeley's turnips only cost him olno shill ings apieco last year, whereat ho straight way set up as an Economist. Anew thing in ear rins is made In Pari, in (be shape of a pair of enormous hairy spotted spidors, with a Dy caught in their feelers. Punch does up tho course of the French cable in a single hexameter, thus: "Straight frjm tho Brest of tho shore it plunged in tie Bosom of tho ocean." 9 The San Francisco boys think It is smar to throw pepper in the eyes of Chinamen. The poor Chinamen have to usknowledge the smart, of course. "How many reputations have been los byiermise! How many benevolent deeds btro been chillud by the shrug of a shoulder! Iltw many individuals bavu been shunned bya gentle, mysterious hintl How many cbnslo bosoms buvo been wrung with grief it a single nod! How many graves lave jeen dug by false reports! Yot you pass tbo slander along! You will koep it oliovo water by a wag of your tonguo when you might sink it forovor. Destroy the passion lor tattling, we pray. Lhp no word that may injure another. Bo determined to lis ten to no story that is repeated to tbo in jury of another, and as far as you aro con- ci'rnetl the slander will dio. But tell It once, and it may go as on tho wings of the wind, increasing with each breath till it has circulated through the Slate, and brought to the grave one who might buvo been a blessing to the wholo world." In Now York tho cheapness of market ing is only explained by the' dullness of business geuotally. You can buy new po tatoes from tbo country wagons at to cents per bushel and cabbage at $4 per hundred. New corn is just coning in, und bring $1 25 per hundred ears. Melons from k"oiidi have lieen among the ilelicut'irs, Mid as Hie I ire liiti ls ir.ust !i,ic llj ii' TELEGRAPH l.Kl'OKTKD FOli TUB DAILY KKL'OHD, Uterinum Dispatches IxntANAi'OLis, July 22. Two men. James Williams and Sam Mon roe drunk and asleep on the track of the I.. & L. Railroad, wero run over 'oy mis morning's train from Lntaelte. Wi'liams cannot livo, but Monroo will probably re- tover minus his leu loot, wnicu lias uccn amputated. NnTii'K.'-AII neisons Indebted to us wil' plcaso call and settle, as all aocoutiu must be olosed up within twenty days. A. D. MILLER & CO. July 16, 'C9. W; CANDIDACY ANNOUNCEMENTS. TKOTHONOTAUY. Ma. EmTOK I'lcsse snnonnrollietiamcofTuoM n...nr nf I'elm IHIUI OlltlV. Ml CIlDUiauu- lor Prothnnatury ot Venango Comity, subject to ilic usages of the Democra.Ua pnrty. Loral 3fotlcc. le fllerrlaon'a Jcuoliie pine isr and Perttan Houlliif Son?. Theie soase are Impregnated with exotics of Hie mildest and moet Balsamic nature, and are warrant ed noifrctly Innocent and free from mineral and ot. or pernicious admixtures, and aro selected Dy Tin; ladies and the public In gnonl la areft ri' ce to all other soaps, tho great producers and preservers or a healthy purity of complexion, and a conservator f.r female beauty. Vm the oftne!i and delicacy which thoy Induco lo the hands and face, tlwir.cspa liillty of soothliiK Irrllallon and r-morli g mwlihlly eruptlonn, render them Indisprnaltilc to every loll et. U'e kludly aak the public to try the virtues nl theso soaps. J. L. U. Co., Proprleti t. A. O. Mil'sr A Co , General Afrnts. Jul81-3m. All Dalliei, Wi eklics and Magaxinet at HOLM US & FARSSWOnTH'3 Nyrs Koom. For STATION KKY, Ae, call at HOI MBS A FAUNSWOIlTirs News Room. wai.i. pa ram Jn,t received a lame etock of Spring patterns, nt U. C. JAKVIS, FUUNITURB STOl"' m3 nariltrmrd-A lnrzo assortmimt of which is lietnc closed ont nt reduced rates at REYNOLDS DKODMEAD A CO"S, No. 11 Centre 8L, op;Hitc the rostomcs. Oil City, Ta. All accounts not settlrd Imnicdlolcly.wlll lie left with n officer foijcollcction. Apr.Utf. REYNOLDS CO. Xcw Flour, Feed and Grocery Htoro ! J. 9. Pit vtiiei:, AtrheOLn BANK nnit.KINO, ON MAIN "T. opix.stto the Mcl'llnlock IIoue, has im hand lKme and fltst class stork of I'lour, feed mill i;roeerle, wh'ch he Is selling at a low flaum. . 1, lion't forget tlic nlncn whero A, 1. Cotton Company broke up. nJ tf. Kpeelnl Notice. W RDS OF WISDOM for yotins men, on fie ruline Pnsslon In Youlh and Knr'y Manhood, wpb SELF TIRI.P for tho crr'n? and t'nfortiinato. Ben In senlod letter r.velopes. frno of t liariro. Adilres, HOWARD ASSOflATION, U x P, I'uiLnm.pia l'A. May 91. Sm niltDS JAVA. SPUIROWS, CANARY, MAN, at A. D MH.LKII C. GKtt Crockery for nil kind no to ItKYN'iLDS l!llOi)lIEn CO'S, No. 11 Cental Street, oppn site tho Post onice. Oil City, Pa. A new lot nf the cslohrAtod received at the X L. Knlvos Just COST OFFfCIT, Try our Nnvy Totocco. Wo knifw it la tho bt In the market. W. II. NICHOLSON A CO. Tta very bast pocket Cutlery Raxm and ;l. nut. nit warranted at W. II. NICHOLSON'S. The finest Plug Tobacco at W. II. NICHOLSON & CO 'S. A. D. MILLKR CO., bavo the ag.uitv of the American Whip Co., and Wiftern Whip Co-'s Cl .gird, at wholesale prions Carpel's, or every qnallty and description, nl UHYNOI.Ds, IIKODHKAD CO'S, No. 11 Centre Street, oppo'lto tho P. O., Oil City, P.l. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. L ovr i On Tiu-sdav. Jnlv 30. the rtibserlniliin list fnrihi Washiimtou Street plank road. Any onetiudint' the name, will plenso luaro it al this ouico. iuliltf. CHAMPION REAMER ! We desire to inform Oil Op erators, and the public generally that we aro prepared to receive orders for our Champion Six Cutter Reamer. This is without MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, IS THE BEST LIGAMENT IN Till'. WOULD For IYIan & Beast. '.10 Yearn In l'e. en In irraNl fur IthoStnntlnni, fWIMnin. I'orin, Whit ln. filkml lloinw. ore Nipple. ( rninn. Unit-, llttf ormitfiiiil-. W'enki mi nl Ihrt .limits, l 'olilrup. limn urihe .MlmrlfK. Hiiihk ml frnld, Vrml llilm, I'llinfiil Hiwvoum nll'retlons, t'lmpnit Hilinln, l.mur Itaek. 1'iiii" In Hi" !''!"i SwellhiKS, Turner, Tooth Ache, Old Surue, llemorrholdn or 1'lli'i, t'kh Wounds, Gall of all klnclH, SiriUin. Iliiiiv, Crack eil Uiii'Ih, ltiiiK llonu, I'ole Kvll, Wlud Hall, I'ul. lon. Kpnvln. Sweeney, FlmilU, Sltfiwt, Kxtorm l'i.on. t,rillcli or limine, !Siriiu;liiilt. SniiJ '"r.-ieK. I,iimi'ii-, Strain, Knmiilu Ink rVt, Mmik-., Horn bitt-ini!r, (inrn.-t In t.'uw. Crocked Teat, Font Hut In Milh', nnd niaiiy otiiur illtimiu-e lm-i-dft to Man a'jd Ik-oil. 73 U. D. Tatuhi. ofCimeoril, Kv , says tlieCnrglliu; Oil tun-da horse of his, iniiir-d while plonhhii; liv atieiupting tosti-p over a stump, nlmnst srviTlmrlii, Unieti from the body; also Hint he has used it in Ins family fur ATieen years, and la tin hint reuiisiy fur Cuts, Ihitn. Ilrulsc, Frost llitcs, Strains, lilitum. ntisin, eU:., lie ever used. en Vrom Cjtvup t Bnm . Cochmnn Tjinillnir. niii Nov. V4). K' fi,-Wi' arc tl d Willi votir iihI rim-. It Im- Urvn ihc m 'tiii f curing n n-n-nr inmituT of till emit dNi'iiWr. npon lUTfun', n al-n upon Kir-i. Wo think It einif nil jtm ri-niiniifnl It tu du We wnnty. u to nvtul n llio 1 .w&vr (iroiMxtiou of lw vaiii-ty for ' Family t in?," in r-mali UttUk Frcim Un. J J. Thhbum.. Wnrrm. Ind.. Mnrcli 8 I35fi I mil nL'iiird in tlm i,r.M tiro uf nmltriiic ami tind jour tinrlint; Oil mi i xiiunii'ly I'lllcii; t rvimtf.y tn nil cflsii wtivru an I'AUnml ni'tlic itiHt Id tnUlctitcJ. From l)H G. It. Nkal, linn in, umt, I)pe.3, lj'i. I liavo nraCictil nii-dicinu in lliin cunntv nvn yt-mrs ftud vUctTfully rucoiuiuund your U.irliug oil M tho Inat lhuwuunt lu use. From Pa- T. W. Ktrin. OA.rJ-ui. . li If I roii Id rrt ciTp lioth Inixes uf tiic tuirlini; 1MI it ui l luit he too tiiucli, I llni k I roii hi pooh Und nltt fur it nU, Ur inquiry biui frequent tfiucc it it utij i)irfd tint I have it frrvnlu. From Dit Wm. S. M;(.ALie(rhninoK Mo , Nov. , jsw. YfMir UnrRliimitll iiiiikinihrs'iitiniilT m-m all ihv liniments of the dnv. If you diwit ml tlintn. I eouM procuru dnxens i.f cvnitic iu-b from iuj who have Lcin cured Ly it. i Mufrt". VcI.ais to l.no- , Wh'iltd'o rnigirisfn, Wlii r iiik Vfi. nay, iimliT dt or July il-i, for mom die.ifi tl.an it rt!t;nint n-ii d f r. Krom J. K. Kt in:k. I ni'iiiinun, i'n., .lunu 31, lSi7 Yourtinrnlini; i I In tloitijt ni.uli Iwitfrliwe tliiin firmtily, uncc iia vinut't tiuc Ik-c.xii.' knnwn, hihI tlm lKtil4 i-ut up for l'fimily Uru, willunil etitia. uru much sought Ua: CO C73 Kxfrnrt from n Irttt-r Tomi Hon N.t:i n I ixii.r, County Jifl;'0 i.f Mii-llty tin.. lonu ijtiic. U;iil;n. Apr-l Vi. IHi7 It i il'ii-idt'dly prulurrud to an, lur amt'iil mild In thU section. Kxtmct nt a li-tti-r front Raml-bi.S, Irii ihMl Fal'hurif. Ul.ii. slnty 17, lMVti.In Ihih .i-t. lirnry Miattl" Ii.mI n y lli'y fll tlutt i.'J wh it w;ih ii:t jh Hi Im I ijpthi'na lor iihtu than i-'ii div.- k thnt it could not oit. nnl Ib'j thrmit mviI'Ii i1 T riliut. and ll.i um of ihrN! or Itnir npp iifttiou-t uf th' dollar hotilfn did ihe d-iiod ctiotM. K.oni A (1. Nl:.., J'wwvlll!. CiiHt'linctdii tV, -. MmcIi. IH52 i litivtt ii.-i-d vour Ciiiriitij Oil for tlm Hcru.clit'i uu my horse, and it cuicd II Willi tLe Jinl opjil icit iofc. From Eno M ATitRn, MlddI'Trt, N. Y-. .TulyA HH pun-hn'.-d n lltlo of vntir (iarplinn Oil f yunr airent, A. S H iker, ut Miri'ileport. iimi an Jit hiivonwd hut half ot it. 1 think it linn niHi me -morn relief in ft cn! of Ttre KliiMimritiin, of Iik f tiUiJiu;:, tlirtu any tbitig 1 Iiuvu wur used huiur l used huiur Fx tract from ft letter fttmi J. O. Pratt, ilit'"' (Mlnry. UwuUuiquil Co.. N. Y.t Autnint Vi ll -l I 1 1 nve liuen actjualiifod with ytmr imdiciuo Olarlli j Oil)' for tiitt last fourteen jnara. It Iijh proved uure enrc. for Knot (to(. lu Shi'cp fur wliich I tho la-t buttle and have caIN R'nint daily fur im't FletoC forward ub loou as couwiuetit. AlunyA Inqitlro H t Merchant's Celebrated GAKGLING OIL, And take no utbi f . Itcfall Piicif, 1.00, 60 t'l-t. i und 25 VI. f Hhako well lioforo ulnp, and rub nil tliiiroiit'l'! bnaii thu nrnpr sumo warm mibdluucc. The Oarnllnif Oil lias heou In use w a ll.in.n"" 3i years. All wn ihU is a fair trial, but lie u" Slid fuiiow dircctluus. Avlc your nesnwt Ilriiicdst, or dunlnr In Pat'i Modlcini-H lor oii'i of our Aliiiaune- itiul Vtidy cuniK, nud ruad wliat tuu mji((t miv slmiil tnu"" Thu Gurirllus oil f ,r shIr by nil rwt ' 't. desltns Uirotigliuiil the L'niloil btntes and V coiintrio!'. y . Our trHimimiuU daln from 1S33 to IMW and ' umuilicittd. Uk tho Giirliuu' till Olid tell J"", neighbor wlmt good It lias duiio. Wn dual fair and llboral with all and duly ' diCl ID!!. : JMuiiiifivt i umd nt , Ii04:kpoi l, .. V., by 5lj'rf!.irs;trKlliirU-,tt .ions' ii-i;u;i:, ;'" J- doubt the most perfect tool for :v. tint U: ewr liwn iu- o to I - I