if 1 t ft I; f . f I Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet. Centre, Tuesday July 80. ji. M JfAT, Jiditor. Time of Cloning Matin. P. O., Petbolktu CKitmi, Pa., I ; JIU STst, Wta. j ' Until farther notice the main will arrive at and depart bom this offlco as follows: ,? " , . ahkitm. ' Bonth and East, via. Irviaolnn, 10 28 A. M. South and West, ' Meadvlllc, B IS P. M. North and East, CotTy,.55 " - I)CTXHt. p Booth and Wait, 8.46 A. M. Bonta. Bnit and West, 3.30 P. M. . .. Northj East and Wat, 10.00 A. M. Ulvlne Service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7) o'clock P. H. Rev. J. T. Oxtobt, raster. M. E. CHURCH. Service every Sabbatb at 11 A. M. and 7a P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock M. Scatf free. A cordial invitation ex tended to all. Rev. C. M. Hiard, Pastor. STS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catholie) CnURCH. Man at 1( a. m. Vesper and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. tn. JAMES DUNN, Pastor. Most unfortunately, the business prosper ity of the place is dependent iidou a contln uance of rioting, lust and drunkenness, and nothing but the strong arm of the lav, by ct-viai legislation, can reueem tins place, wuiuu laeven now a sccona souora. The above is an extract Com a lettor writ ten by the Petrcleum Centre correspondent of the Ttttisville Herald, which appeared in that paper this morning. Wo look upon the assertion as a gross imposition upon our business men, and the reflection that they are dependent upon "rioting lust and drunkenness," Is simply unjust. "Bernum'i welt knows that every prominent business man here would rejoice to see whatever dens and ranches there are here totally wiped out, and believe they would be bene fitted by It. It is surprising to us that the Herald will lend itself to malign our busi ness men, as that paper is more or less in debted to them for life In its early pilgrim age. Thoso dens .receive their principal support from non-residents who sme in from the bills and from towns along the creek, Titiisville coming in for a liberal contribution. Thk Mcrder Case. The excitement on Saturday evoning and Sabbath has subsid ed, and the murder of David Tale is a thing of the past. Our review of (he cir cumstances of the murdor yesterday, ere this has been read by thousands, and of course nearly every person has formed an opinion one way or another. The stnte 'nient made by us we believe to be nearly correct, at least we have beard nothing to tbo contrary, with one or two exceptions. We omitted to state, however, that before liheil was taken to Franklin on Sunday morning, Esquire Donaghey held an exam ination, being called up for that purpose about 3 o'clock. The Justice ot course committed the prisonor. Tbo place kept by Rbcil has been closed since Saturday evening, in Inct tbo building was deserted during Saturday night and Sunday, the inmates fearing an attack.- Our citizens are cow of tho opinion that quiet is fully restored, and that the people are willing to abide the course of the law. The council pn both sides will now com mence to work up the case. We aro not of the opinion that the pris oner will bo tried iu Venango Count y, (al though bo may be) lor the reason that it will bo difficult to select a jury composed of men who have not, or will not, express an opinion before they are called upon to serve. Tho prisoner is closely confined at Franklin, and wo understand the her 1 8" has forbidden bis reoeiving friends who visit tho jail for that purpose. . Pithoi.b. A new woll has been struck on the McKinncy Farm, aud also one on the James Hooker Farm. They ore both reported as doing in the neighborhood of 25 barrols. We return thanks to Holmes & Farns wortb, news dealers, for copies of the late magazines and illustrated papers left on our table today. They have all the late period icals for sale. An extra edition ef the Record, of up wards ot GUI) copies was issued from this offioe yesterday, containing an account of the murder of Saturday nigbt last, and all were disposed of before six o'clock in the evening. . i ' Erie has' built i cell of boiler iron for its jail. It was exhibited on wheels In dependence day, aa a warning. Its nhard set! for old otTomicrs. The State Convention of school superin tendents meot at Harrisburg to-day. The oil of pennyroyal will keep musqui- tocs out of a room, scattered about, even In small qtiantitie:-. A 100 Barrei.l Well. A new well was struck this morning on the Charles Hart tract of the Niagara Farm, and is now pro ducing at the rato of 100 barrels. A grand regatta at Pittsburgh in Sep. tembcr is contemplated. ' A number of pro minent citizens are interesting themselves in the matter, and it is proposed to offer $2000 in prizes, $1000 being for the winning crew in a fonr-oared race. Erie Dispatch. Brighatn Young declares that be will not obey the laws of the United States forbid: ding polygamy, and that he will expel from Utah such government officers as make them selves obnoxious to the Mormons. Is our next trouble to be with Brigham and his disciples. Tub Massachusetts Liquor Law. The people of Massachusetts are disappoint ed in the workings of the new liquor law. A general raid has of course been made on open bars, but drinking clubs have revived, and hotels, eating houses, grocers and drug gists have reaped a fine harvest. A Boston paper pertinootly puts the case thus: "The attempt to dragoon the State into nniformi ty on this question bas put good and bad mombers of the community on a level, and given those who pander to its passions and vices for the sake of profit, n advantage which does not belong to them. The law demands so much more than it is possible, or, in the present condition of the universe, desirable to secure, that every man whom it encroaches npon considers blmsolf justi fied in breaking it If he can." Fatal Accident. The Greenville Argus says that one day last week, Mr. J. D. Ball, a resident of Salem township, Mercer County, while working in bis mill, was in stantly killed. As far as we can ascertain, the circumstances attending bis death were as follows: He, together with a man who was working with him, had rolled a log up on the carriage, and to support it in the centre, bad placed a slick across the car riage, upon which the log rested. The saw was in motion, and as it approached the stick placed across to steady the log, Mr. Ball was standing in a stepping position. As be tbuB stooped down tojplck something up, the saw struck the stick, breaking it in two, and causing one end to fly up, which sttuck Mr. Bell across the stomach with such force as to kill him instantly. Eight members of the " United Sons of Liberty," a coal miners' organization, were convicted Inst week In the Clearfield County Court. The prosecution alledged that the society was for the ptuposo of controlling the hours of labor. &c, .to thoir injury. The defendants did not deny that they be longed to the society, but alleged that there was nothing illegal in it that it was a be nevolent association. The court held, how ever, that it came under the tecnlcal defini-1 tions of conspiracy, and the juiy found them guilty. The attompt to rob' the First National Bank at Sandy Hill, N. Y., on Wednesday nigbt, was only second In point of completr ness of preparation to the great Ocean Bank robbery io New York. The robbers were foiled ouiy because of the time required to get into the vault, and by tho too free use of gunpowder. Thty sticcoeded in blowing the safe opon, but were driven away, hav ing aroused the people by the noise of the explosion, with only a few hundred dollars Iu revenue stamps as thoir entiro booty. The explosion inside tho vault eat some of the papers on fire, but the books and vouch ers were saved, and tbo bank is In sound condition. The burglars left a large cseoit ment of fine tools. A Washington special says: A satisfac- tou arrrngemeut bas tien made with Sec retary Fish by officers of the French Cable Co., whereby our government permits tbe landing ot tbe cable upon American territo iv. Tbo manager of tbo Freuob Co.. after several interviews with tbe Secretary of State, agreed to baud over to tbe State De partment a written document pledging tbe company to give up their exolusive privi lege in France and aecept future legislation of Confess in regard to tbe Atlantic Tele- grann. Mr. Glumm confesses to bave got stuck for once In bis lite. The other nigbt in tho dark be mistook his mucilage bottle for hair oil. His hair has sinco presented tbe ap poarance of whalebone. A little child four years old, near Kokorao, Indiana, suddenly appeared on the railroad track as a train was passing at a rapid rate, was picked up by tbo cowcatcher, thrown fifteen feet (n the air, and landed in a ditch without injury. 11 r lei mention. Newport bas a new driver. Boston talks of buying the Coliseum. Viscount Adair is coming to see us. Edwin Adams is going to California. The grape crop in Illinois is a frilure. Auecbach has a new novel nnder way. Chevalier Wykoffls writing up Paris. Ole Dull goes back to Norway this week. Gen. McClellan Is to make a Summer tour of Canada. A new patent law in Canada abuts out aliens and non-residents. Tbe West Point Cadets art going on a marching tour next week. Brignoli has cleared $15,000 out of his last campaign. T. Thumb and company are crossing tbe Continent Five translations of Mrs. Stowe's ''Old town Folk" aro announced in Germany. George T. Curtis bas written the life of Daniel Webster. Jenny Lind is to sing in England next month. Queen Victoria bas written autograph! cally to George Peabody. Tbe "White Stockings" are a club of lovely croquet-playing Clevelanderees. English ladies are taking to tight lacing again. A tew fragments of Gen. Hood are at St. Paul. J. Ross Brown Is making a book out of China, which will be novelty, of course. Three cases of cholera in New York since Thursday. Hiram Walbridge is going to import Chinamen for the South. Tbe last murder by rail bas revived tbe iron car question. As far as lager is concerned tbe Massa chusetts liquor law is not enforced. John Bright is unanimously eleceted to membership by the Atheneum Club. ROCHESTER ITEMS. A parly of Rocbestrians are now "encamr- ing out" at Point Lookout en Iroodrquoit Bay, where fishing is said to be very fine. The Alerts, 0f Rochester, will have a game with tbe Forest Citys, of Cleveland, somo time this month. Raspberries are plenty in Rochestat at ten cents per qnart. . . Tbe Rochester Chronicle says: '-The member! of the Canada Press Association to the number of one hundred and tbirly are expected to arrive in this city on Wed nesday afternoon next. Mrs. Lutber Sbcpard, of East Bloomfleld. dropped dead In tbe depot at Canadaigua very suddenly last Friday afternoon of apo plexy. Thero are now mere than two thousand buds on tbe century plant in Rochester. Mr. Charles B. Greonouglit, of Rio Janei ro, Brazil, is visiting bis telatfojs at his former homo in Brcokporr. Rochester was afflicted with hot weather during tho latter part or last week. The tuermomotor was ninety degrees in the shade. A Japan lil'y measuring ten inches in diameter is on exhibition at Rochester. A stoara fire engine baa teen purchased by tho city authorities of Rochester for $4600. A Rochester paper remarks "There is some talk of employing Prof. King, the icronaut, to mako an ascension from Falls Field on tho occasion of tbe soldiers' pie nlc, a week from next Thursday, but in order to accomplish that object it will be necessary for tho people generally to sub scribe." The New York Sun learns that the im" portant office of editor of tbe Now York Times has been offered to tbe Hon. John Bigelow, and that he holds tho offer under consideration. The attractions are said to consist of a salary or $10,000 a year, with a large Interest 0 the proprietorship of tho paper ;oh voiy favorable terms. As Mr. Biglow had just completed bis arrangements for ajproliactcd reiidence In Europe, be aaturaljy hesitated to change bis plans. Tbe Richmond Whirr aava! Eiohf.w Aus trian families l.-om tho neighLorhood or . icium mo coming to settle near Richmond. They bavo already disposed of their nfiAim in Austria and are awaiting the return of uoiraguut, wuonaa been here recently to make arangcmunls for them. II i. . en route for this couolry. Those hero al- uujr are uengmcq with their prospect Charles W. Arnold, a lad of 15, was siiiea on me m at Mercer. He at.n.i ing near where tbe men were driving stakes ior ionise nouiusoo'a canvass, and was ucciueuuy mi with a slodge and died in short time. TELEGRAPH REPORTED FOH TUB DAILY KKCORD, Afternoon Dispatches Rochester, July 20. The treat Strngerfest in this city partici pated in by societies from Buffalo, Erie, Syracuse and Hamilton, commenced yester day. Tbe principal buildings aro finoiy decorated and tbe intlux of strangers is large. Last evoning mere was a grand concert given at the rink. A New Hampshire editor, who has bees keeping a record of big beets, announces at last that "tbe beet that beat the beet that beat tbe other beet, is now beaten by a beet that beats all the beets, whether the origi nal beet, the beet that beat tbe beet, or the beet that beat the beet that beat tbe beet. That editor must bo a "Dead beatP JA number of convlots in the quarry tt Sing Sing prison refused to work Thursday and were locked up. Yesterday many more were locked up, and the prison au thorities entertain fears ot a general re bellion. The Democratic Jackson Association of Petroleum Centre will meet on Tbmsday evening at headquarters. Card. -Tbe gentleman that borrowed fotty (40) dollars from me will please pay it and avoid further notice. W. S. M4LLER. Notice. All persons Indebted to us will please call and settle, as all accounts must be closed up within twenty days. A. D. MILLER & CO. July 18, 'C9. tf. No doubt just tbe place to get good bread pies and cakes, is at A. M. Sbults' variety Bakery. Also Fruits, Confectionariee and Groceries. July 15tf. CANDIDACY ANNOUNCEMENTS. PltOTHONOTAP.Y. Mb. Vriror Please announce the nnmeof TnoM As I)i haihy, of Petroleum Centre, s candidate for Prothonatary or venonsro vottn-y, enuject to inc tisanes of Hie Democratic party. Local Notice. WALL PAPER! Jmt received a largo stock of Spring patterns, at n. C. Jill VIS, FCRNITCaE STOBP. mS. Hardware A large assortment of which Is Iwlng closed ont at rodneed rate at REYNOLDS BHODTTEAD & CO8, No. II Centra St, opposite the Post Offlco, Oil City, Pa. AH acconnts not settled Immediately, wilt be left with an officer for.col lection. Apr.Utf. REYNOLDS & CO. IVetv Flour, Feed and Grocery Store ! J. 9. PUATIIRTt, At the OLD HANK BDILDINO, ON MATN-8T, opposite the McCttntock l!oue, him on hand ft large iw4 first rlrvss Mock of I'lonr, Peed and Groceries, which he l selling at a low flnre. t. Don't forire.t the place where A, D. Cottcn & Company broke tip. Jan2-tf- Spcclal Notice. W )HD8 OF WISDOM for youn men, on the IJu' iij Pulsion In Youth and Early' Manhood, nlth hELF HELP for tho erring and Unfortunate. Sen In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, riOWAKD ASSOCIATION, B)x P, Puiladiuaia Pa. SIayS4, 3m HIHDH JAVA. WI'AHKOWB, CAN Alt Y, GEK MAN, at A. D. MILLKIt & CO. All style of B'ankDooka, Nolo Paper, and En velopos iu Jobbing Lots, at W. U. NICHOLSON & CO. BASE IS ALL BATS and SCO UK BOOKS, at W. II Nicholson Co's. Croclicry For all kinds ro to KEYNOLUS BKODUEAD & CO'S, No. 11 Centre Street, oppo site tho Post Ofllce, Oil City, Pa. A new lot of the celebrated I. X. L. Enlvos jnat received at the POST OFFICE. Try our Navy Tobacco. 'We know it la the boat In tho market. W. II. NICHOLSON ;CO. Tho very bust pocket Cutlery Razors and Sols son all warranted at W. n. NICHOLSON'S. Tho flnoat Plug Tobacco at , W. H. NICHOLSON fe CO 'S. A. D. MILLRK Jfc CO., have tho agency of the American Whip Co., and Western Whip Co-'t Ci gars, at wholesale prices. VERY CHEAP 8IIKRT MUSIC, only Ave cents a copy, at W. U. NICHOLSON ft CO.'S Stationery Store. Carpets, of every quality and descriitUn, at REYNOLD!:, BKODUBAD CO'S, No. 11 Centre Street, opposite the P . O., Oil City, Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KIN'S SMALL,. Tm Tins Hall Is now lowly for thoatiieal exhibitions, concerts, lwiaiis, c. The Hall bAS beuu leiitied nua su ou-iiKuii.i. No pains and expense Ixls been spared to make it a lint class SHOW BUILDING. On the fii-'t floor is one of the best Billiard Room tba tnire. All under ona management. ju'ysu. -IdERCflANT'S GARGLING- OIL, IS THE BEST LINAIYIEIMT IN THE WORLD For Man & Beast. S6 Year In lac. Is Rood for Rbenmatlsm, Chilblains, Corn, Whit lows, Caked Mreasta, Hon Ntpplus, Cramps, Bulls, Bites orantDiais, wcardmm or cne Joints, contrac tions of the Muscles. Burns and Scalds, Frost Bites, Painful Nervous affections. Charmed Hands. Limn Back. Pain In the Side, Swellings, Turners, Tooth Ache, Old Sores, Hemorrhoids or Files, Flesh Wounds, Galls of all kinds, Sprains, Braises. Crack ne, Hing nono, i-oie bvii, winu ualls, Cal lous, Spavin, Sweeney, Fistula, Slttast, Kxtcrtu I'oisoas, Scratches or Onaue, Springhalt, Sand Cracks, Lameness, Strains, FomidcrlW Fevt, Manse. root Hot In Sheen, and manv other dltutum dent to Man and Beast. R. D TiTion, of Concord, Ky., aaya the Gargling Oil eared a horse of his, Injured whife plomhiui: by attempting to step over a stump, almost severln-his thigh from the body; also that he has used it in his family for fifteen years, and is the best remedy for Cuts, Bums. Bruises, Frost Bites, Strains, Ubeura atism, etc., he ever used. era FromCmtMPA Bros , Cochrane Undine. Olio, Nov. 90, lavi We arc pleased with your medicine. It has been the means of curing a great number of dllTerent diseases upon persons, as also upon borsi. We think it cures all yon recommend it to do We want you to send us the Urger proportion of tbe variety for "Family Use," in small bottles. From Db. J. K TinaieLt, Warren. Ind., March 3 186. I am engaged in the practice of medicine, and find yotir Gurgling Oil an extremely efficient remedy In all casts where an external application is indicated. From Dr. G. B. Neau Bnrrts. Iowa, Dec , 1860. I have practiced medicine in this county seven years and cheerfully recommend your Garbling Oil as the beat Unamcnt la use. From Da. T. W. Elms, G., Jan. , 1R80. If I coo Id receive both boxes of the Gargling Oil It will not be too much, as I think I conld soon find sals for it all, the Inquiry being frequent line It is sup posed that I h ave tt fcr sale. From Dr. Wa. S. McCall, Chamois, Mo.. Nov. S, 1H6H Yonr Gargling Oil Is taking the shine off from all the Uuimenta of the day. If yon desired them, I could procure dozens of certificates from thosu who bave been cured by It. Mossta. McUm Baoav, Wboleaale -Prpgirfsta, Wheeling Va., say, under date of July iU, IXM, that they can safely recommend the Uargllng Oil for more diseases than it is recommended for. From J. K. Fixhkh, Dnlontown, Pa., June 31, 1S07. Your Gargling Oil la doing rmtch belli her than formerly, alneeils virtue have become known, and the bottles put up for Family Duo, without stain, are much sought tor. Extract from a MtarrYont Hon Nathan I iirnsir. County Jud re or Shelby Co.. Iowa, dated Harlan, April 18. 1H57 It Is decidedly preferred to any lin ameat sold in this section. Extract ot a letter from SahcslS. ntrrr, dated FalMiurz. Obis, Jnly 17, 1H66. In Jnne last, Henry ShaIHe bad a yearliu-? colt that bad what was sup posed to 1 9 Dypiheria for more than ten days so that it could ui eat, and the throat swolcn almost shut, aud the nso of throe or roar applications of the dollar bt ties did the desired effect. F.om A. Q. Nisi. Lewisville, Coochocton Co., O., March. 1854. 1 have used vour Gargling Oil for the Scratchei on my horse, and it cured it with the first application. From Bros Mather, Mldoh-port, N. Y., Jnly 43, 1S31. I purchased a bottle of yonr Gargling Oil of your n'jreot, A. S Baker, at Mtddluport, and as yet bave used hut half or it. I think It has given me more relief in a case of severe KheumaUsm, of long standing, than any thing I have ever used before. Extract flom a lettor from J. O. Pratt, dated Qnincy, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., August 14, 1S54 I lm e been acquainted With your medicine (Gurgling Oil ) for the last fourteen years. It has proved a sure cure for Foet Hot In Sheep for which I sold tho last bottle and have calls almost dally for more. Please forward as soou as convenient. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL; stud take ao other. Befall Price. l.OOr 60 Cli.. Shake well totafwnslwr. and rab on thoronchl before the fireorsoate warm aubslance. The Gurgling OU has been In nae a a llnament SSyenra. All w ask Is a air trial, but be sure ana follow directions. Ask vour nearest Dnunriet. or dealer In Patant Medicines for ono of our Almanass and Vade Me cums, and read what the people any about tbe Oil. Tho Gargllne Oil la tor sale fev all rflencctahl dealers throughout the United States and other countries. Onr (Mimonialt date from I8SS to 1868 and are ino!,'ctli. Use the Gsrgling Oil and tell your' neighbors what good It bas done. We deal fab- and liberal with ail and defy contra diction. Manufactured at LockportX. V., by Merchant's Garjiiliijr Oil to ' JOHN HODGE, Secretary. Sold by . It. OTJLLUIl eV CO., ju'y4-3m. Petroleum Centre, Pa. i raar