The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 17, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pet. Ventre, Saturday July IT.
A. B. JAT, Editor.
Cloelug mails.
Jolt 37st, 1868.
PmoMvi Cwtm, Pa., I
Cotll further notice the mails will arrive it and
depart ban tMs office ss follows:
. South afAKMl, via. Inrlneton, 10.28 A. M.
Sob sad West, Ueadrllte, 8.18 P. M. '
Nsrth and Bait, " Corrjr.S.M . "
Soitbaad WK,A. M.
Moots. East and West, S.W P. M.'
North, Kast and Wett, 10.00 A. M.
Divine Service.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 1
o'clock P. M.
. . a Ext. J. T. Oitobt, Pastor.
H. e.. church:
Ber Ices every Sabbath at 11 A, M. and
7i P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
II. SeaUfree. A cordial invitation ex
' tended to all.
Rir. C. M. Heard, Pastor.
Mara at a. m.
Teeper and benediction of the Bleated
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catechism at 2 p. m.
Irom the accounts received from Harris.
burg the session of the Domocratlo Conven
tlon was an exciting one. On the second
ballot Asa Packer was nominated for Gov
ernor, amid great enthusiam, and subse
quently Cyrus L. Pershing, of Cambria
county, was nominated for Judge of the
Supreme Court The result appears to glvo
satisfaction to the Bemoracy here, but
many are disappointed that Gen. Cass, was
thrown overboard. Asa Packer, the Gub.
einatorial candidate, is said ts be a man of
irreproachable character, and of good poli
tical record. He Is very weultby, and has
large railroad and coal interests in the
eastern part of the State, where it is claim
ed be will pole a large vote. Mr. Pershing,
candidate for the Judgeship, is an able man,
and has served in severel public positions
in the State. He is a brother or Rev. 1. C.
Penning of Pittsburgh.
This month, which came in on Thursday,
ban thirty-one days, and will 'go out on
Saturday. There was a new moon on the
I'tb, first quarter 16th, full moon on the
23d, and third . quarter 31st July was
originally designated Quintals, in rofercace
to its fifth place In the calendar. It having
been the month In which Julius Cicsar was
born, alter the death of this emperor the
name was changed to July, in honor of the
great warrior. Our Saxon ancestors ' called
it Uty Monath, "because they therein us
ually mowed and made their hay harvest."
July is allowed all over the northern hemis
phere to be the warmest month of the year,
and its great heat led to a superstition
among the Romans, which still prevails.
They conceive that the great warmth, and
the diseases and other calamities flowing
from It, were somewhat connected with the
rising and sotting of the star Canicula
the Little Dog in coincidence with the
sun. They accordingly conferred the name
of Dog Days upon the period between the
3d ot July and 11th of August. This star
docs not rise now in coincidence with the
sun until the latter part of August
Samuel 11. Irwin, formerly of Cherry
Tree, Venango Co., Pa., died recently at
Galesburg, III., at the age of 65. Ho was
highly esteemed, and bis old friends and
neighbors will regret to learn of his decease.
Holmes and Farnswortb, have not receiv
ed at their news room several packages of
papors mat are supposed to have been burn
ed at the recent terrible disaster on the Erlo
. Certain young.ladies should bear in mind
that dropping hankerchiels, or making sig
nals of them on the street, for the purpose
of attracting gentlemen, was n07er intended
by the manufacturers, and is a preversion ol
purpose. Use them, dears, on your sweet
mouth and preiiy noses.
The qiiestiou of the removal of the nation:
al is agajn being agitated lo some
extent. Now York. Cincinnati. ri.i
St. Louis and Memphis are points mention
ed as being capital locations. A, removal
will be absolutely necessary within a low
years. It should not to lo York, but
to a polut as near tbe centra ol thu country
A nepru who enticed, a white girl from
-' r Franklin, l'euu., was foliowed
' ,:'wn, Ohio, Wed-
;l" . -V father,
Mttle Nellie's Benefit Nlfht-A Great
BUI this EvenlnR-Tke Hand
someat Woman and llome-J
llemt IVan to Receive n
By request of many of our citizens Little
Nellie has named this evening for her bene
fit night, as the correspondence below will
show. Little Nellie and Robort Johnson,
during their last and every engagement
played in Petroleum Centre, have been re
ceived with great favor, and tbe time has
now arrived when an opportunity in given
our citizens to show their appreciation of
the two great artists. Tbe great sensation
al drams, in five acts, of the 'Hidden Hand'
will be presented, witb Little Nellie as Cap.
(tola and Mr. Johnson as Old Hurricane.
Mr. Ward will take the part of "Wool," a
character exceedingly difficult, yet tho com
ical genius of Mr W. is fully up to the do.
msnd. Tbe Mir. and Miss Salesbury ara also
included la tbe caste, and Mr. W. M. Ward,
old dignity himself, will personate "Black
Tbe troupe will make an extra effort this
evening, on tbe occasion of the benefit, and
no doubt will be greeted with a crowded
At the conclusion of the performance
beautiful present will be given to tbe hand
somest lady in the room, and also the home
liest man is to bo kindly remembered. A
Committee from the audience will be op'
pointed to select the proper persons to re
ceive tbe presents. These incidents are
usually attended witb a great deal of mirth)
and all will bo in attendance to witness the
grand play and distribution. Give Little
Nellie a rousing benefit.
Petroleum Centre, July 16.
Little Nei.lik : Wishing to show, in a
substantial manner, our appreciation of your
talents as an artiste, desire that you will
name the most convenient time for a Com
plimentary Benefit.
Yours Respectfully,
R. R. Taylor
W. 11. Longwcll
L. II. Collom '
O. N. naslino
T. F. Jones
J. W. SuialL-y
Jerome Akin
John Theobold.
T. W. Sands
A. O. Farnbam
A. D. Miller
A. E. Fay
D. W. Longwcll
T. McDonald
A. V. M. Spragtio
Jas. M. Devinney
M. M. Flynn 4
Patrick Powers
J. W. Swift
King Bros.
Fred Schult
If. R. Griflis
A storm of indignation is apt lo be both
windy and wordy.
Is gracious goodness or goodness gracious
tho best way to put it?
Tbe mau who gave bis shining blade to
Grcce is a pork merchant
Never complain that the sidewalks are un
even. Something elso may oe wrong.
Saratoga is filling up with visitors. That
s what tbe visitors do witb water.
A sewing machine has just been perfected
that will take a Btitcb in tbe Bide.
The best woman's rights man is be who
would see woman in her rigbl place.
In personal encounters, womon, like cats,
use their nails. They come to tbe scratch
Mr. Joggins hopes the assessors will not
overrate him in his pocket. Other people
never have on his head.
Tbe mathematician who attempted to cal
culate a mm in interest by tbe figures of
speech, mode a muddle of it; almost a pud-
A gentleman In this olty goes to bed reg
ularly by the light of his countenance. It
is both more convenient and less expentivo
than gas.
It there a nan with soul so dead, who nev
er to himself hath said: "What luscious
weather this is!"
A Fredonia paper in puffing a new style of
coffin, says: "After using them once you
will not want to use any otbor." Very true.
Axothkr Oil Disaster. On Wednesday
evening last the wife of Mr. Joseph Felrst,
who lives tear Evaosburg, poured some oil
from a can into the stove to quicken tbe fire.
The oil in the can took fire and exploded,
burning Mrs. Feirst so terribly that it is not
probable she can live. While comtnlssera
ting the fatoof this poor woman, ono cannot
but attribute tbe accident to the most stu
pid ignorance, or perfect recklessness of con
sequences. The newspapers arc full of ac
counts of just such mishaps from just such
causes, and ytt there is no end to them. It
is one of tbe plainest instances of the const
quences of not taking a paper, and thus not
knowing what is happening around us that
could bo cited. Ucntld.
Cuban news from both Spanish and rcvo
liitlonarv sources, indicalcs decided pro
gress in tbe prospects of tho latter. Too
proclamation of tbe captain general, cios
ina certain norts In the eastern district Is
a flat contradiction of bis declaration that
tbe Insurrection is sustained merely by bands
of guerrillas, and his extraordinary asser
tions In other respects are received as proof
of greater strength on the part of the rebels
than be is willing publicly to admit.
A Cincinnati court has decided that
ti.lpirrnnh' companies cannot exclude indi
viduals from tbe use of the wire at pleas
ure, when they are willing to pay tbe usual A business man there recently ob
tained a verdict lor three thousand dollars
for uch tcfusal. when be was seekini to
dispatch for trading purpose! in con-potion
with the company itself.
A new .Express Company has been organ
ized in San Francisco to do business with all
parts of tho world, with a capital of $3,000,
000. Among the trustees areT). O'Niel.the
President or the Bank of Caliornla; Josiab
Stanford, of tbe'firm of Stanford Bros., Lloyd
Lewis, and other San Francisco capitalists.
It ifreported that tho Central Pacific Rail
road Company has decided to form an Ex
press Company and appointed this company
Its agents. .-..
Cbas. J. Leonbauser S. Michael
C. Griswold
Tbos. McIIugh
T. Frotbingbam
Cbas. Foster
Mike Buckley
Thomas Donaghey
J. A. Vara
L. M' Sternberg
Henry H. Ellis
A. S. Haver
II. E. Elackmau
W. Miller
L. F. Egbert
A. L. Wyman
McClintock Hotel, July 1G.
Genti.kmkx: Your kind note is duly re
ceived, and I would respectfully name Sat
urday evening for tbe intended compliment.
Witb much respect, I am, Yours Truly,
Little Nei.lik.
In the State Convention at Harrisburg,
Mr. Hopkins of Washington, offered the fol
lowing, which was adopted unanimously.
and ordered to be printed in the report of
proceedings, and a copy sent to the family
of tbe lato Arnold Plumer:
Resolved, That this Convention has learn
ed with tbe deepest sorrow of the death of
Hon. Arnold Plumer, late of Venango coun
ty, who was elected a delegate to this body;
and that in al I of the relations of life, publia
and private, Mr. Plumer was a model of pu
rity, worthy of imitation by all who survive
Notice. All persons indebted to us will
please call and settle, as all accounts must
be closed up within twenty days.
July 16, '69. tf.
June was a ruiny month, to a dejreo un
equalled in many previous years. An in
telligent meteorologist, Dr. Lapham,
gives the figures at Milwaukee, for the rain
fall of June, at 7.67 inches, being more than
double tbe average of twonly-Bix years.
Next winter should, therefore, be clear and
oold, and rink Btocks should advance.
' Ho, All Aboard. Professor Bob Ham
ilton, the boss of lightning, has "arriv."
Now is the time; don't fail to secure your
lightning rods while you have an opportu
nity. Bob puts them up in style. All or
ders left at tbe Rochester House promptly
attended to.
Card. The gentleman that borrowed
forty (10) dollars from me will plonse pay it
and avoid further notice.
W. S. Miller.
&"J8 ibe Savaonaa (Ga.) Republican:
"We learn that a few days since a white
man, a rta'jermau, residing on tbe Ogree
elioo c.iu!, wlne t(n or jwev9 mijea from
iiiu ciij,, sa u; w;j0 t0 uC,tliei' fisherman
(while) lor six bunches of Bait, valued at
fifty cents per bunco. Tho wile was per
Tisfied with tbe saic-, and is cow
- ; "i chaser.
Tbe Alleniown Democrat says: At pre
sent them are about fifty sluto quarries in
full operation in LcbigU and Northampton
counties, which during tho last year, pro
duced about two hundrod thousand eqaresol
slate; out of these,', aocordlng to the prices
obtained, were realized one million fire
hundred thousand dollars, with a net profit
of about seven hundred and fifty thousand
dollars. Tbe working capital is estimated
at one million seven hundred thousand
dollars, which shows a result or titty per
cent, profit on tbe amount Invested. Be
sides the qarrics can only fill about half
their orders, and what tbey do fill they bring
to market under difficulties. All tbe quai
rica In Northampton, excepting a few, have
to drag tboir slate from two to fifteen miles
on wagons, wbicb is a great drawback an
immense wasto of time and money.
Time and thorough trial has revealed tbe
fact that tbo Great Yo&cmite Bitters as a
Tonic is one ot the great blessings given to
tbe world. During tbe presont heated term,
whenovor it is used, appetites are kept up
strong, and disoase cannot compromise witb
it. It is a fact that botel proprietors do not
desire their boarders to indtilgo in the bev
erage, or if tbey do, pay a larger price for
their board. Try it and see for yourselves.
Tbo famous Oraig-Sprage breach of prom
ise esse bos' been settled at Chicago by tbe
attorneys for tbe plaintiff, Mies Craig, sece
ding to tbo proposal of tho Judge to take
forty thousand dollars as damages instead
of tbe one hundred thousand awarded by
tbe Jury, and from which verdict the coun
sel for tbe defendant entered an appeal.
Sprague has consented to withdraw his ap
peal and pay tbe forty thousand as a plaster
for tho young schoolmarm'a lacerated feel
Igs. No doubt just the place to get good bread,
pies and cakes, Is at A. M. Sbults' variety
Bakery. Also Fruits, Confectionaries and
Groceries July 15tr.
Wonders of Cucmihtuy. Aqulfortis
and tbe air we breathe are made of tbe
same materials. Linen and sugar, and
spirits ofwiue, are so muoh alike in thtcr
chemical composition that an old sbirt can
be converted into its own weight in sugar,
and tbe sugar into Spirits of Wine. Wine
is made ol two substances, one of which is
the cause of almost all combustion and the
other will burn with more rapidity than
anything else in nature. Tbe famous
Peruvian bark, bo much used to strengthen
weak stomachs, and tbe poisonous principle
of opium, are found to be composed of the
same materials.
Tho Sun, in speakiug of chaoses in tbe
Astor House, b,is it tas b.ten furnished
v. iilj Si0 bibles and a choice stwk of liq-w.-
Wheie is tho btead?
Afternoon Dispatches
Washington, July 17.
From present Indications at tbe Treasury
Department H is believed tbe next public
statement will show another large reduction
of indobtedoesp, though not so large as ex
hibited on tbe first of tho present month.
Tho receipts fronjcsutoms and internal tev-
n ue are considered good for tho du'l season
and estimating receipts and expenditures of
the government, for tbo remainder of Julyi
on the basis of what tbeyabavo been to date,
tho debt statement on tbe first of August will
how a reduction of upwards of fivo millions.
1Mb. Fihtci rimce niinnincctherrftmcofTiinM
Af 1i saohy. of Petroleum Centre, n ft cmidil;te
lor l'rnthonatnry of Vriiniejn County, sukji-it la I lie
iwjn of I he Dimucmtic party.
Local Notice
MAN, at A. V. MILLElt A CO.
A. 1). MILLElt & CO., Iinvo the agency ot the
American Whip Co., anil Western Whip Co. 'a CI
pin, at wholosalo prices.
To do Rcnetnl house work. Innnlm or
Juu4lf. C. N. 1'AYNK, Boyd Farm.
copy, at W. U. NICHOLSON CO.'S stationery
Carpet, of every quality and description, at
REYNOLDS, nilODUBAD COS, No. 11 Centre
Street, opposite the P. O., Oil City, Pa.
Just received a large itoek of Spring patterns, at
Hardware A large assortment of which Is
being clored out at reduced rates at KEVNOLDrt
IlliODHEAD CO-S, No. 11 Coulro St., opposite
the Pont Office, Oil City, Pa.
All account not eeltled Immediately, will be left
with n officer for'colloctlon. '
All stylos or Blank Books, Note Paper, s En
vclopes In Jobbing Lou, at
W. U. Nlcholwin & Co's.
Crockery for all kinds Ro to REYNOLDS
BRODIIEAD CO'S, No. 11 Centre Utreet, eppo
itc the Post Office, Oil City, Pa.
A new lot of the cclebratod I. X. L. Knives Jnst
received at the POST OFFICE.
Try our Navy Tobacco. We know It is the best
In the market. W. 11. NICHOLSON CO.
The vory beat pockot Cutlery Baam and Hois
sore all warranted at W. II. NICHOLSON S.
The finest Plug Tohocco at
Now Flour, Feed and Grocery
J. S. Pit,
opposite tho McClintock House, bus on hand a
large and Rrt elans stock or Flour, Feed and
Groceries, which he Is selling nt a Iqw figure.
a. Don't forgot the place where A, D. Cotton
& Company broke up. JanJ tf.
h)H Hall is now ready for theatrical exhibitions.
concerts, locturea, The Hall has been reditu!
niHi strenirthuned. No pains and expense has been
.pared lo uiaae u nrai cioaa ?
On 11 o flrst Boor is one of the bent Billiard R oom
the Cmuc- All uudcr olu uuiuaecmeut.
For Man & Beast
30 Veara in i:BC.
!" n"?.fti' jPif'tmaUsni, Chilblains, ( orn, ....
lows, Cuked Hren-W, Hure Nllmlc. (V,,.,,, "' V, hlt-
Ht , r-i.. T7. . V.PPe . "and., M;
Ache, Old USrTiS
Wounds, Galls r sll kinds. Sprains, BruNes. w
H Heels, Rirnr Uolie, Pule Kvll, Wind Uu!2"
IVison.. Scratch,,, or' ln,w,? Sp,
dent to MuViii lt;.u UlU"r U",K"i tad-
Slfii. r ".J! bod ! that he has used it iu f !
V,r i.?".', I-sndlnp. 0U,
it VL. .i IM..W-U wiiii your nm tiM
,1 (T u.-C uf ri,rt"S n K"1 nnn.1,0 f
variety tVMTluiSiM
lala iD X TlnK,"u W arren. Iiid., Mnrrh
. . m nWKl the praclk-e of mttli.-itH-and
And your OarKlinK Oil an extremely t-nir ,i
fsli'idiJnt" J aUC ''rU exl'-n'al l'I'liatil
From Dii. O. R. Nkai- Hun In, Iowa, Dec. SI. m
I have practiced medicine lu thm coimiy ,.
.....iiiiivuu vour liar-. I .. lh I.. - o
as Uie bent iiuuiuenl lu nu.
, -...hi i. n. fctt,Ig. (jn , .Inn. fi, lnvi. If I
could reeoire both bojco- i.r Hik lir-liiiK Oil it rtl
not ho i.k. nin. li. n I ihii k I eiil.l il,l M.
I.w It nil. the . Impiiry d.-Iiil' fieiiucut siueo il I. u,
pol Hmt I hav ii frr nii. '
b" w- .s- M.I'Aii..('lwmoK Mo.. N,.T.r,,
?.''!" rS-'Uncltil lalilkitilbesliini,il frnm
nil lli HniniPiila ol the .lay. If vou ili-lri-,l ll
I cull J nrofiirn dn.i, ..f ..i-tio...., r. ...
who hive bcuu eared l-y it.
Jlessr. WeUiN Illina., Whnles.-i1o I),
Wheeling n. my, uiidir d .to of July n, is f;
thatlheycnn wifely rvcuniim-nd the liiivijn.. ol
for inniudin.eii Ihan it N rtmuumeiidi'd r..r."
From J. K. Fimikii. riiionlmvu, I'a., Juno 31,
181.7. our liiirullni.' Oil 1 doliiK niiirh beili r line
than formerly, ilniv in virniort h.ive bweme kiiimii.
nrd llio hotilt- put uii for Family L'to, uilh.iul
etniu, uro much euulit fur.
Exirnct from a letter from Hon Nathan I indsev,
County Jlldire of Phelhr Co.. Io daled llarliu,
April 13. INIT It ii ducidcdly prd'errcd lo uuv liu
iiment w.ld in Ibia section.
Kxmut ol a leltiTfrom Sami'si. 8. Ilrre, diteil
Fallhiinr. Ohio, July 17, INK). lu June lat, Henry
Mintlle had a yearling; colt that had what win
pnaed to be Ilyplheriti for more lhaii Ion iIivhio
that it could not eat, and I lie throat hwulcn nlino
shut, and Ihe uae of three or four aniilicaljumi of
the dollar bottles did tbe dirod elfei. A. O. Nist, LewiaTillu,CiieclHictim Co., O..
March. 1833 1 have used Tour Oanclliu; Oil fur die
Memtchi's on nt( horse, cured it with tLu Um
From Knos 11 atiiek, Mlddl'-jiort, N. Y., July 'A
1HS0. I purehaned a bottle of your Unrcllnu Oil el
your OKont, A..H linker, nt Mld.llejKirl, nml iw vet
havo iim.iI hut half of it. I think ft baa clvon am
more relief In a cjiwor severe Kheuinatisni, of liHie
atandlaK, than any thing. Lnavc, ever uted tiefore.
Kxtract from a letter from J. O. I'saw. dntwl
Qnlnry, ChautnHiia Co., N. ., Aliens! W, iX'A. 1
have hoen acqunlnlod with youn mudldne (OiiR.'linu
Oil) for the Inst fourteen years. It has proved a
urc cure for Fust Hot In Sheep for which I soldi
the lost bottle nnd have calls nlmnat daily for more
Please, forward as soon as convuniout.
Always luqnlro for
' Merchant's Celebrated
And. take n ulhor.
lletail Price, $1.00, rG cs.
and 5 Vul
Hbnke well before nsliiK, and rub on thoroughly
bcluro tho Uro or some warm sulwtauce.
TheOarslIng Oil has hoen in uae as n liiiumeut
3"l yoars. All we ak la a uit trial, but no sure
and follow directions.
Aak yoor nenreat l)rgiit, or denier In Patent
Medicines lor ono of our Aliniiiincs and Vndo Mi
cunis, and read what the people bu.v ulwut the Oil
Tlie Carolina fUl la for sale by sll riwpcclnlila
dealers throughout the Lulled 8tatea slid oilier
oouulriuy. t
Our ttttimoitiah date from l,S.'!a lo 180H nnd nro
unfit Mutt, true tho Uiirlluir Oil aud tell y'
neighliors what good it Inn dunu.
' Wo deal ftdr and liboral with all and iutv conin
dlctioii. .. .
JMuuuluclurod at
Iiockport, X. V.7 by
SlertJiant's Oarslins Oil o
, -,,"... JOHN HODGE, Secretary-
Sold bA.V imttLEIl CO.,
july'J Uui. Petroleum Ccntro, I'-